Pilates - what is it? Pilates for beginners: exercises. Video: Pilates for beginners at home

On this moment in fitness, there are many systems and programs that allow you to quickly get your body in order or maintain it in good condition. One of the most famous and effective areas in sports is Pilates. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Features of Pilates

The complex, invented by Joseph Pilates more than 80 years ago and named after him, of all types physical exercise stands out because it perfectly trains the body, but does not overload it. Pilates gymnastics is performed very smoothly and measuredly, which minimizes the likelihood of injury. This system teaches you to feel your body, every muscle and even a bone. It requires a lot of concentration and concentration.

Almost all pliates exercises are based on tensing the abdominal muscles, and not only the abs are involved, but all the muscles - obliques, rectus and even deep ones, the presence of which you may not have even suspected. Joseph Pilates calls them a “frame of strength” that fixes them in an ideal position. internal organs and musculoskeletal system. However, the exercises are designed to work as much muscle mass as possible at the same time. Therefore, the system trains the whole body, making it flexible, strong and beautiful.

Another advantage of the system is that absolutely everyone can practice it, regardless of age and gender. It is considered so safe that it can be practiced even by pregnant women and people who have suffered injuries, including spinal injuries. Pilates is perfect for those who have to spend a lot of time sitting at a desk or computer. It will relieve pain in the spine, strengthen the back muscles, improve posture and solve many other problems that lead to a sedentary lifestyle. In addition, the complex produces correct breathing, teaches you to relax, develops coordination of movements, flexibility, and helps you gain control over your own body. Pilates is also useful for weight loss; by practicing it regularly, you can “sculpt” an elegant, sculpted body.

Pilates for beginners - rules and principles of the system

In order for the exercises to bring the greatest benefit, they must be performed correctly. Ideally, this should be taught by an experienced instructor. But if you really want to and don’t have the opportunity to visit fitness centers, you can learn Pilates at home. To do this, it is first recommended to familiarize yourself with its basic principles.


Each Pilates exercise should begin, continue and end with the abdominal muscles, which should be constantly kept in tension. To understand exactly what state they should be in, do one simple exercise:

  • Lie face up. Bend your knees, place your feet on the floor, keep your back straight. Focus all your attention on the pelvic and abdominal area below the navel. Pull the muscles located in this zone inward, as if you were being squeezed by a corset. This movement should move your belly button up and in toward your spine and also lengthen your torso, making the space between your hips and ribs larger. Notice how your pelvis has lifted slightly and your back has become flatter. Also pay attention to the condition of your abs. Remember all these sensations. And then try to squeeze the muscles even tighter - this is exactly what you should do during every Pilates exercise.

IN modern world, where everyone harbors the desire to be beautiful, it has become not just relevant, but also fashionable to take care of your health and visit Gym or fitness center. Therefore, many beginners, when choosing the optimal direction of sports activity, are faced with the concept of Pilates. This system, which arose not so long ago thanks to Joseph Pilates, combines elements of gymnastics, yoga, and fitness and is therefore extremely popular all over the world. Pilates is especially in demand for beginners, which is explained by the effectiveness of the exercises, the ease of performing them in almost any conditions and the lowest risk of injury. And today we will tell you what is special about this direction, and what Pilates exercises you can master at home.

Pilates is one of the few systems that has a complex beneficial effect on the body, increasing its physical characteristics(flexibility, mobility, plasticity) and allowing you to create an ideal figure.

exercises are practiced in almost every fitness center. Therefore, many may have seen a scary-looking Pilates reformer. Undoubtedly, training on such a simulator brings many benefits to the human body. However, beginners can begin to practice the technique even without the need to resort to special equipment.

But before you start practicing, you need to know the features of this technique and its basic principles. It is worth noting that the Pilates exercise system was developed by D. Pilates, who personally encountered health problems, as a special therapeutic exercise. Therefore, any set of such exercises is designed to reach the deepest and smallest muscles, carefully working each of them.

By regularly practicing according to the D. Pilates method, you can notice the general strengthening effect of the exercises. During such training, a person becomes more resilient, flexible, flexible, physically fit and slender.

This system is considered unique for a number of reasons:

  • allow you to strengthen muscle fibers by stretching and pumping them.
  • The training is focused on high-quality and thorough execution of exercises with a small number of repetitions.
  • Movements should be soft and smooth, with even breathing.
  • The technique is designed in such a way that when performing the exercises, all muscle groups are worked out.
  • Regular implementation of the complex helps not only improve your health, but also get rid of extra pounds, resulting in a beautiful, fit and slender body.

Those who decide to master this unique practice should first learn how to perform Pilates lessons for beginners using video instructions. They are specifically designed for people with no or minimal sports experience, as well as limited physical capabilities due to injury or illness.

Where should a newbie start?

Before starting classes using the D. Pilates method, it is important to study and take into account the necessary requirements for beginners, which are as follows:

  • To perform Pilates exercises for beginners, it is enough to acquire. At first, you can use a regular but thick towel.
  • Make a training schedule in advance, taking into account that it is not recommended to eat food 1 hour before and after training.
  • Preferences in clothing should be given to things that do not restrict movement. As for shoes, Pilates exercises are performed barefoot.
  • Preview the video tutorial with the complex for beginners to learn the technique and features of each exercise.
  • When performing the complex, follow the sequence.
  • Pay attention to your sensations, because actions during Pilates should not cause unpleasant feelings or pain.
  • If the disease develops during exercise, stop training and consult your doctor.
  • Each workout should begin with a workout that lasts from 5 to 10 minutes and includes simple exercises to “warm up” all the muscles of the body.
  • At the first sign of fatigue, end your workout. It is better to continue the exercise later, when the body gains strength to perform the remaining exercises.

Execution Features

Features of performing exercises include breathing tactics and smooth movements. During Pilates training, it is important to breathe through the chest, while inhaling, drawing in enough air to expand the ribs. When exhaling, you should try to contract the working muscles as much as possible.

Abdominal muscle control too necessary requirement. When carrying out movements, it is important to constantly keep the abs tense, using it as an energy source for the whole body.

And to increase the flexibility of the body, you need to try to smoothly stretch the spine while doing exercises. By gradually increasing the distance between the spinal discs, you can achieve excellent results in the plasticity of the body, as well as strengthening the muscle corset that supports the musculoskeletal system.

First training

There are about three dozen Pilates exercises for people just starting to get acquainted with the system. But in order to master the technique of execution and understand the principle of D. Pilates’ method, it is enough to learn how to perform about ten simple exercises, which are ideal for your first workout.

You need to start your workout with a warm-up, as indicated above. To warm up your muscles, you can perform the following exercises:

  • Starting position – lying on your back on the floor. Inhaling deeply, tighten your abs and begin to lift your legs, bending them and pulling your knees towards your chest. In this case, you need to press your legs tightly to your body with your hands, linger in this position for a few seconds, and then exhale. While remaining in this position, you still need to perform 3 cycles of inhalation and exhalation. It is recommended to do 2 repetitions of the exercise.
  • I.p. – the same as in the previous case. With your arms outstretched to the sides, you need to raise your legs bent at the knees so that the thigh and shin form a right angle. From this point, lower the legs simultaneously to the right, then to the left. Tightening your abs, you need to take deep breaths and exhales, lingering at the top point.

Let's move on to the basic movements

We will not describe the entire set of Pilates exercises for beginners, but the simplest and most effective of them with step-by-step implementation you will find below.

Hundred (100)

During this exercise, the muscles of the abdominals, neck, upper shoulder girdle, hips and buttocks are worked. The very name of the exercise comes from the number of breathing cycles that should be performed over 10 sets.

Starting position – lying on the floor on your back. Straight arms should be extended along the body, straight legs pressed tightly against each other, abs tense, shallow breathing.

You should start the exercise by raising your head and arms as shown in the photo. In this position, you should make springy movements with your arms up and down with a small amplitude, inhaling and exhaling superficially 5 times in a row. The total is 10 approaches and 100 inhalations and exhalations.

During this exercise, the muscles of the abdominals, legs, and back are used. Additionally, coordination of movements develops and posture improves.

To perform it, you need to sit on the floor on a mat and raise your arms along your body. Having rounded your back, transfer the center of gravity to your tailbone and raise your legs straight or bent. You need to hold out in this position, balancing only on your tailbone for 10 to 15 seconds. Sets can be performed 9-10.

Stretching legs alternately

Stretching the legs alternately allows you to work the rectus and lateral abdominal muscles, buttocks, and large dorsal muscles. I.p. - lying on your back. Having connected your legs, you need to lift them off the floor by about 40-50 cm, while simultaneously lifting them top part housings. Tightening your abdominal muscles, pull your bent or straight leg towards your chest with your hands, holding it in this position for 10-12 seconds. Returning it to the suspended position, repeat the exercise with the other leg. In total, you can perform from 5 to 10 approaches of the exercise.

I.p. – the same as in the previous case. Bend your knees and pull them toward your chest to wrap your arms around them. Tightening your abdominal muscles, extend your legs until they form an angle of 45⁰. At the same time, stretch your arms in the direction opposite to your legs, trying to stretch your spine. Return to the starting position. The recommended number of repetitions is 10-15.

I.p. – bar on the elbows. Take a position so that your body forms a straight line from the base of your neck to your heels. Take a deep breath and at the same time lift your buttocks up, while lowering your head down and exhaling. Hold for 5-8 seconds in this position and perform another breathing cycle.

I.p. - Sit sideways on the floor, resting on your left thigh and straightening left hand. Lift your body up, keeping it tense at the top point for 5-10 seconds. At the same time, pull your toes towards you, and direct your gaze in the direction right hand lying along the body, as shown in the photo. Repeat this exercise 8-10 times on each side.

I.p. – Stand straight against the wall so that your back is against its surface. Perform squats, trying not to lift your spine and lower back from the wall. Breathing should be deep, not shallow. You should perform 10 repetitions for each side.

I.p. - the same as in the mermaid exercise, but the emphasis is not on the palm, but on the elbow and one knee. From this position, keeping your abs tense, do 10-15 leg raises. Switch sides and repeat the exercises on the other leg.

Very effective, improving posture and preventing scoliosis. At the same time, it helps to work the back muscles, abdominals, buttocks, thighs and muscles of the upper shoulder girdle.

To perform this Pilates exercise, you need to lie on your back and pull up, bending your knees, with your heels towards your buttocks. With your hands near your feet, lift your pelvis so that your chest touches your chin. Don't forget to tense your abs and breathe evenly. After holding at the top point for a few seconds, exhale and return to the i.p. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

As you can see, Pilates exercises are quite simple to perform. The only difficult part is concentration and the need to constantly keep your abs tense. But believe me, you will cope with this after 2 weeks of hard training. Having mastered First level Pilates, you can begin to practice more complex exercises.

Gym classes and strength training have become very popular, but some people don’t like them, others are not suitable for their level of physical fitness. Along with alternative options like yoga, martial arts and dance, you can note such a direction as Pilates. Let's look at Pilates exercises and recommendations for doing them at home for beginners.

What is Pilates?

Although this type fitness appeared almost 100 years ago; it became extremely popular in our country at the beginning of the 2000s, when the crises passed and people began to look for ways to improve their health and figure.

Pilates was developed in the USA by a trainer with the same name. Initially, it was a recovery method for athletes who were injured or forced to undergo rehabilitation for other reasons. But in the near future, many trainers paid attention to this type of training, since it is effective for losing weight, strengthening muscles, maintaining shape, and developing coordination.

Pilates uses a lot of static exercises and focuses on breathing practice, but this type of fitness should not be confused with yoga. Yoga is an independent discipline with its own philosophy, which initially uses asanas, that is, poses to achieve internal balance and is based on statics (dynamic yoga appeared as a modern trend).

Principles of Pilates

Unlike some other sports, Pilates has a number of postulates that are important for the right approach to training.

  1. It is important to have a strong center. As we have already noted, Pilates focuses on the abdominal and back muscles. This is supposed to be the most important.
  2. During training you need to be concentrated and aware. It is not allowed to do exercises “automatically”, which very often happens when you get used to the movement.
  3. You need to control your entire body. This postulate implies that it is necessary to feel and control the muscles, recognizing the connection between the brain and the working muscle.
  4. Symmetry and precision should be maintained throughout the exercise program.
  5. You should never neglect your breathing. Breathing is an additional training tool that helps achieve the desired results.
  6. You need to exercise regularly, not from time to time.

Benefits of the Pilates program

It is impossible not to highlight the many benefits that Pilates classes offer.

  1. Pilates has minimal amount restrictions, this practice can be practiced even during rehabilitation after childbirth, injuries and certain diseases, but after consultation with a doctor.
  2. You will definitely improve your coordination and endurance.
  3. Since Pilates focuses on your back and stomach, you will end up with good posture and a toned stomach.
  4. Thanks to the Pilates technique, you can eliminate muscle imbalances if they were acquired during other activities or in everyday life.
  5. Pilates develops flexibility of the body and joints.
  6. Pilates can relieve back pain caused by exercise or a sedentary lifestyle.
  7. This training technique, like yoga, allows you to restore emotional balance and better cope with stress.
  8. Both beginners and experienced athletes can practice.
  9. You can easily train at home or in any other convenient place.

Please note that despite all the advantages, Pilates is not the most effective method lose weight. If there is progress, it will be slow, and most likely in those who have not been involved in fitness for a long time or have never been involved in fitness and are overweight.

Pilates at home for beginners - lessons on how to do it

Most Pilates exercises can be easily done at home. Below are lessons on how to perform Pilates exercises in pictures.

Ab exercises

Let's look at a few abdominal exercises that you can do at home, but please note that this is not the entire list.

For a beginner, the option with outstretched arms is suitable. It will be a little more difficult to maintain the position on your elbows.

The goal is to stand as long as possible, but you can start with a few seconds.


  1. Get on your knees, then place your palms on the floor.
  2. Stretch your legs and place them on your toes. The farther your feet are from each other, the easier it will be to stand.
  3. If you do a plank with your arms straight, then this is the initial position. If on your elbows, then you need to lower your forearms to the floor. But in any case, the palm or elbow should be located under the shoulder.
  4. It is important to monitor the position of the body - it should be as level as possible. The whole body is like a stretched string.


This is a fairly simple and common exercise for the oblique and serratus abdominal muscles.

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees and lift into the air. Press your lower back firmly into the floor.
  2. Place your hands behind your head.
  3. As you exhale, stretch your opposite elbows and knees towards each other.
  4. As you inhale, return to the center position.
  5. On the next exhalation, switch arms and legs.

"The Hundred" - fitness for weight loss

This is one of the most popular abdominal exercises in Pilates. It's extremely important role the way you breathe plays a role.

  1. You need to lie on your back and raise your legs to an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the floor. The higher they are, the easier it is to perform the exercise.
  2. Raise your arms slightly and extend them along your body so that your palms are facing the floor.
  3. Raise your upper body, trying to lift your shoulder blades off the floor.
  4. As you exhale, make 5 oscillatory movements with your arms up and down.
  5. The next 5 movements must be done while inhaling.
  6. Such “inhale-exhale” cycles need to be repeated 10 times. Thus, it turns out 100 times.

Leg raises with twisting

A slightly more difficult exercise, but you can do it for fewer repetitions if it is difficult.

  1. Lie on your back with your lower back pressed to the floor.
  2. We stretch our arms along the body, palms can be placed under the buttocks for convenience. You can also grab something behind your head - this will allow less strain on your lower back during the exercise.
  3. Exhale and raise your legs up. You can keep them slightly bent.
  4. Rise until you are perpendicular to the floor, then lift your pelvis and twist your lower body toward you.
  5. Smoothly and under control return your legs down, but do not lower them all the way to the floor.

A set of back exercises

All exercises, when performed regularly, help relieve painful and unpleasant sensations in the back, but if you have any contraindications - inflammation of the joints, hernia, vertebral displacement or something similar, you should consult a specialist.

Rolling is a relaxing exercise. You can complete each cycle with it, especially if you do a lot of back exercises.


  1. Sit on a mat or rug and bend your legs.
  2. Grasp your shins with your hands.
  3. Round your back and tilt your head towards your knees.
  4. Once you've tucked yourself in, inhale and roll back.
  5. As you exhale, roll forward and sit down again.
  6. Do not roll on your head: only your back should touch the floor.

Raising arms and legs while lying on the floor

This movement works the entire back of the body.

  1. Starting position - lying on your stomach.
  2. Straighten your legs, stretch your arms forward.
  3. As you exhale, lift your arms, upper torso, and legs at the same time.
  4. Your gaze should be directed to the floor - do not bend your neck.
  5. Hold for a couple of seconds and inhale as you lower down, relaxing.


The “bow” exercise allows you to well stretch the front surface of the body.


  1. Lie on your stomach on the mat.
  2. You need to bend your knees and pull your feet towards your buttocks, clasping your ankles with your hands.
  3. As you inhale, pull your arms and legs up, trying to bend as much as possible.
  4. Watch the sensations in your lower back: you should not experience pain.
  5. Hold the pose for a few seconds.
  6. As you exhale, gently lower yourself onto the mat and relax.


This exercise helps relieve fatigue and tension in the lower back and neck.


  1. You need to lie on your back.
  2. Extend your right leg and place your left foot on your right knee.
  3. As you exhale, lower your left knee to the right.
  4. Extend your arms freely to the sides or lower them right palm on the left knee.
  5. Hold the pose for half a minute, and then inhale and return to the starting position.
  6. Repeat on the other side.

Raising arms and legs on all fours

The exercise not only works several muscle groups at once, but also develops coordination.

  1. Get on all fours so that your arms and thighs are perpendicular to the floor.
  2. As you exhale, simultaneously lift and extend your opposite arm and leg.
  3. Hold the position for a couple of seconds.
  4. As you inhale, return to the starting position.
  5. After this, you need to repeat the same on the other arm and leg.

Basic exercises for legs and buttocks

Please note that it is unlikely that it will be possible to significantly increase muscles with the help of Pilates, but it will be possible to give them relief and the desired shape.

Gluteal Bridge

There are several options for the bridge. When the exercise becomes easy, you can use additional weights.

  1. You need to lie on your back with your legs bent.
  2. The feet should be placed at a distance of 15–20 cm from the buttocks.
  3. Inhale and exhale, lift your pelvis up so that your hips and abs form a straight line.
  4. Stay at the top for a couple of seconds and lower down.
  5. As soon as you touch the floor, immediately lift your pelvis up again.

In addition, you can perform a bridge on one leg. To do this, extend one leg up, remaining supported by the other. Try not to tilt your pelvis on its side, leaving both pelvic bones at the same level.


The exercise can be performed with a large or small amplitude.

  1. You need to get on all fours. Palms - under the shoulders, knees - under the pelvic bones.
  2. Raise your bent leg until your thigh is parallel to the floor and squeeze your butt.
  3. Then lower your leg down.
  4. Do 20 repetitions on each leg.

If you want to work in a small amplitude, then you should raise your leg and top position make pushes in a range of approximately 10 cm. Do not return your foot to the floor.

Side lying leg raise

To work the minimus and medius muscles of the buttocks, you can try leg swings while lying on your side.


  1. Lie on your side.
  2. You can bend your lower arm at the elbow and support your head with your palm. You can simply extend your arm and lie down completely. Focus on your inner feelings of comfort.
  3. The legs lie on top of each other, with the bottom slightly bent for balance.
  4. Raise your top leg as high as the stretch allows.
  5. Perform 20 reps and switch sides.

Exercises for arms and chest

Additional equipment is often used to work the upper body and arms, but you can use improvised tools at your discretion.

If you replace the fitball with any other height, the exercise will become a little easier, but the option with a ball allows you to improve your balance.


  1. To begin, place the ball against a wall or other support so that it does not roll away from you. In the future, you will be able to control his movements better.
  2. Shift your weight to your arms and place your feet one after the other on the exercise ball.
  3. Place your hands with a medium grip, elbows slightly turned to the sides.
  4. Inhale and lower yourself down, spreading your elbows slightly.
  5. As you exhale, push yourself up.

For this exercise, you can also choose a more stable support in the form of a bench or chair.


  1. Take dumbbells in your hands.
  2. Lie with your shoulder blades on the fitball, your lower back and legs are located outside the support.
  3. Bend your knees and place your feet firmly on the floor to help you maintain your balance.
  4. Extend your arms with dumbbells up, palms facing each other.
  5. Bend your elbows slightly and lock your hands in this position.
  6. Inhale and spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides.
  7. As you exhale, bring them together, but do not hit the dumbbells against each other.

Pullover on fitball

This exercise equally stretches the muscles of the chest, arms and affects the muscles of the back.

You can use one dumbbell or two.


  1. Take dumbbells and lie with your upper back on the ball. The lower back and pelvis hang in the air.
  2. Stretch your arms with the apparatus up in front of you and, as you inhale, move them behind your head, feeling the stretch in your chest.
  3. As you exhale, bring your hands back.

Standing arm extension

This exercise will tighten the problem area - the back of the shoulder.


  1. Take dumbbells in your hands.
  2. Stand up straight. Feet approximately shoulder width apart.
  3. Bend over with your back straight so that your body makes an angle of approximately 45 degrees with the floor (as in the photo).
  4. If stretching does not allow this, you can bend your knees slightly. This will also make the pose more stable.
  5. Pull your arms to your waist and, as you exhale, straighten them so that your arm is above your back line.
  6. The shoulder should not move, only the forearm works.

Don't forget that breathing plays an important role in training. Exhalation should always be done while contracting the muscles. At the same time, strive to contract them as much as possible and exhale as much as possible. Inhalation is done during the negative phase, that is, when the muscles are stretched.

Exercises that require static movements should be held for 10–15 seconds to 30–40 seconds. When we do dynamic exercises, the number of repetitions can range from 12–15 to 20.

Perform 3-4 rounds of exercise at least 2-3 times a week. And within a month you will notice the result. Namely, your shoulders will drop, your back will straighten, your abdominal muscles and buttocks will tighten.

The video also shows a set of basic exercises

Video: Pilates-style workout for beginners at home

If you follow these tips, your workouts will become even more effective:

  1. Never start a class without warming up.
  2. Remember that the main thing is not the quantity of exercises and repetitions, but the quality. Try to master the technique and improve it.
  3. It is best to practice on a mat, as some exercises may cause discomfort when performed on the floor.
  4. It is more convenient to exercise without shoes and socks.
  5. To work out the whole body, it is enough to choose 4-5 exercises for a beginner and up to 8 for an experienced athlete.
  6. If you want to lose weight or, on the contrary, gain muscle mass, then Pilates should be alternated with cardio or strength training.

When choosing Pilates, keep in mind that you should not expect quick results, however, you will significantly increase joint mobility, flexibility and correct your posture, so it would be a good idea to pay attention to this type of fitness at least as a additional option training.

Joseph Pilates gave us unique method, allowing you to keep your body in shape without mind-blowing loads. If you decide to go in for sports, but you have little time and little physical fitness, this material is for you. Start getting to know your body with Pilates: give up extra pounds, correct your posture and strengthen your muscle frame.

In this article we will talk about technical features method and show the main complexes for beginners. Once you get acquainted with Pilates, you will definitely want to try the technique for yourself. Don't hesitate, start practicing today, because these exercises do not require any special equipment.

Home Pilates- why is it worth taking a closer look at?

  • Pilates is aesthetically pleasing and feminine, which is reflected in both the process and the result.
  • A useful point is the complexity of training. In an hour you can work all the muscles from superficial to deep, and at the same time.
  • Despite the apparent ease of performing the exercises, Pilates is power training, strengthens muscles. It works both external and internal muscles of a person, which “hold” organs, joints and help to move.
  • Pilates is a mindful workout. All his techniques are based on understanding when which muscle works and by what percentage. Constant concentration dispels thoughts about everyday problems and difficulties at work.
  • Special stretch! By default, we stretch our muscles during exercise, because all strength work goes through traction.
  • Pilates develops flexibility and improves control of movements in life.
  • A huge advantage: in Pilates, the level of training is not important.

If you still haven’t had enough reasons to get up and start exercising, which would be extremely surprising, here are seven more advantages of Pilates:

Pilates at home- Preparation

Let's start with the basics. Before each training session using the Pilates method, we devote 5-7 minutes to breathing and the main stance:

Main stand

Stand straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly, bring your pelvis forward and pull your stomach in slightly. Squeeze your shoulder blades and stretch the top of your head up, but do not extend your chin or raise your shoulders. Keep your arms relaxed along your body. In the main stance, the body should be fully straightened, the lower back should be flat. From this position, everything should be donePilates exercises for beginners. When exercising on the floor, press your lower back completely into the floor.


We always breathe not with our stomach, but with our chest. The lungs should fill and empty as much as possible, breathe slowly and calmly. If you breathe correctly, then when you inhale, you will feel that your back is swelling. Thanks to this breathing technique, the flow of oxygen increases and metabolism accelerates.

Pilates for beginners at home: the best complexfor all muscle groups

Additional equipment is a “square” chair with a back and stable legs, standing on a non-slip surface. The complex was compiled according to the lessons of Valentina Gernat, an instructor at Yogalife.

Chair Squats

Reverse chair push-ups

Knee turns

Shoulder bridge


It was an express Pilates complex. For a more thorough workout of all muscle groups, lookvideo about Pilates for beginners at homeand try the workout in action.

Pilates accents on different areas of the body

One of the most great benefits Pilates - the fight against crooked posture. As you already understand, the peculiarity of the technique is to “stretch” the spine. By strengthening your back muscles, you can easily work out your abs. Therefore, I suggest you familiarize yourself in more detail with exercises for the upper shoulder girdle withReemala Pilates & Garuda studio.

Having strengthened your back, move on to working your abs. How to achieve a thin waist and get rid of excess weight read the materialPilates exercises for a flat stomach and abs .

Home Pilates workoutsThey also work on the buttocks. Here is an effective ten-minute complex. By performing the exercises technically correctly, you will achieve results in the near future:

Shoulder bridge with pelvic lifts and pulses

Leg raise with hip flexion and pulses


Despite the fact that Pilates is considered one of the most safe species physical activity, beginners should exercise some caution, especially if they have chronic illnesses or injuries. You should not start classes if you have seasonal illnesses. viral diseases, let your body recover.

Within 2-3 months after an injury or surgery, even a small load is contraindicated, so exercise will have to be postponed until complete recovery.

Pilates for beginners- This great way not only work out all muscle groups, but also restore internal balance. Do not rush to complicate your exercises; it is important to thoroughly work out the technique of each exercise. ExplorePilates for beginners at home, train regularly, and within 2-3 months you will be able to move to the next level of difficulty, which will be another step towards physical and spiritual improvement!

One of the most popular methods of losing weight and strengthening your health is the Pilates exercise system. A not too quick, but long-term weight loss effect can be obtained with regular exercise using this method. Simple, but maximum useful exercises will help you restore beauty and harmony to your figure.

A brief history of Pilates

Joseph Pilates - founder of the exercise complex of the same name

About a century ago, Joseph Pilates invented and implemented a training system of the same name. What prompted him to create innovative exercises for that time was the first World War. The whole system rehabilitation measures was developed by Joseph for wounded people with damage to the musculoskeletal system.

The year 1926 was marked in the life of Pilates by the opening of the first official school of his method in the USA. Joseph's Pilates health system is a synthesis of the physical, spiritual and mental qualities of a person aimed at his recovery.

Joseph Pilates himself, despite the numerous diseases that plagued him from early childhood, lived 90 full years thanks to this technique. Pilates is a health system that has found a second wind in our time. Many fitness centers, dance and ballet schools, and medical clinics have adopted the techniques created by Joseph.

It must be said that the author of this complex himself came up with only 34 exercises, and currently there are already more than a hundred of them. A large number of muscle groups involved, precise execution of exercises, concentration on the correctness of actions - these are the advantages that attract many people in mastering these techniques. Great amount famous personalities fell in love and accepted Pilates, among them Julia Roberts, Sigourney Weaver, Jodie Foster, Claudia Schiffer and many others.

What is the essence of the Pilates system?

This technique can be briefly described by the following points:

Physical sphere:

  • increased muscle tone and stretching;
  • improving balance;
  • change in physique;
  • development of the respiratory system;
  • creation of a muscular corset of the abs and back (which leads to the elimination of pain in the lumbar region);
  • improving flexibility and joint mobility;
  • change in coordination of movements for the better.

Spiritual Sphere:

  • stress resistance;
  • self-control over your body and thoughts;
  • return of mental energy to brain cells;
  • psychological attitude towards achieving a goal.

According to the author of the technique, exercise should bring pleasure and comfort, not pain and irritation. Pilates is a weight loss exercise designed for people with different levels of physical fitness, health, weight, and age. Even minor spinal injuries, joint diseases, and heart diseases cannot interfere with exercise.

Heavy weight in many types physical activity is a “threatening” factor for health; in the case of Pilates training, there are simply no such contraindications. Pregnant women can also safely start exercising without fear of harming either themselves or their unborn child.

Why is Pilates so effective for those who want to lose weight?

The absence of negative reactions of the body, strengthening of muscle tone of the whole body, acceleration of metabolic processes makes the Pilates training system popular among people who want to gain harmony and get rid of extra pounds.

Practicing this type of exercise can help in one lesson.

It would seem not as much as some other methods using muscle loads offer. The effectiveness of Pilates is manifested in longer lasting results. And this is a huge plus for those who constantly perform Pilates exercises for weight loss.

The deep muscles affected during training are strengthened, which helps to “tighten” the entire figure. Metabolic processes are accelerated, which also in a positive way affects appearance engaged.

What will you get by choosing this method:

  1. Concentration;
  2. Muscle control, no tension;
  3. Intuition necessary to change the degree of load when experiencing unpleasant sensations;
  4. Revaluation of the concept of the body and, as a consequence, centralization;
  5. Development of imagination;
  6. Non-stop smooth execution of movements;
  7. Accuracy;
  8. Correct breathing “accompaniment” of exercises;
  9. Developing discipline;
  10. Endurance.

Performing Pilates exercises is in harmony with the human consciousness. Only the practitioner himself can understand his body and, starting from a psychological attitude, believe in the real result, in the positive return from the complex performed. Imagining the result is a powerful tool in achieving your goal.

Very often, the emphasis in Pilates is on the central part of the body - the stomach, back, hips. Exactly these important areas bodies need correction when gaining excess weight.

11 Best Pilates Exercises for Weight Loss

The entire set of Pilates workouts can be divided into the following groups:

  1. for the chest;
  2. for leg muscles;
  3. for the waist and abdominals.

Let's look at some Pilates exercises for weight loss. If you are new to this technique, we recommend that you first look short video, which will give you an idea of ​​what Pilates is and how feasible the exercises will be for you:

Exercise No. 1. A hundred

  1. To begin, lie down on your back with your knees bent, keeping your shins parallel to the floor (more difficult option- with straightened legs).
  2. After taking a good breath, press the umbilical part to the spine, lift the upper torso along with the head. The shoulder blades, with the exception of their lower edge, should not touch the floor.
  3. Straight arms imitate hitting the water, at a height of 10-15 cm from the floor. 1,2,3,4,5 – inhale, for five counts – exhale.

Increase the number of strokes performed gradually (from 20 to one hundred). Stomach pulled in, back flat. Concentration is on bringing the stomach closer to the back.

Exercise No. 2. Leg circles

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, straighten your arms and place them along your body.
  2. Press your entire body, from your shoulders to your feet, tightly to the surface on which you are lying.
  3. Make small circles with your leg facing outward from your hip while keeping your upper body still. Under no circumstances should you swing while following the movements of your leg.

Try to pull in your stomach and press it against your spine, leaving your buttocks on the floor. The diameter of the circles drawn by the foot should gradually increase.

Exercise No. 3. Rolls on the back

The abdominal press is strengthened, the entire surface of the back is massaged, and the ability to balance is trained.

  1. Sit on the mat, grab your hips from the outside, only holding them with your hands with your elbows pointing to the sides.
  2. Raise your feet off the floor and try to maintain your balance on your tailbone. Don't press your knees.
  3. The back needs to be rounded as much as possible (due to the retracting movement of the abdomen towards the vertebral part, point the chin towards the chest).
  4. Roll backwards, trying not to change the position of the body.
  5. The head and neck remain elevated even when the rest of the body touches the floor. This is necessary to maintain the momentum of the body's reverse movement.
  6. Try to move using your internal abdominal muscles.
  7. The elbows should be kept strictly to the sides, when lifting the body, the legs should not touch the floor. To avoid losing your balance, try not to close your eyes.

You can do a short test to see if you are doing the exercise correctly by placing a small ball between your thighs and your stomach. Rolls should not be “suffered” by the ball. 5-6 rolls are enough for one series of this exercise.

Exercise No. 4. Back Forward Stretch

This exercise helps to form correct posture, strengthen the internal abdominal muscles, and change spinal mobility.

  1. Starting position - you need to sit down, keeping your back straight, spread your legs slightly wider than your hips. The knees can be slightly bent to relieve posterior femoral tension. Point your feet towards yourself.
  2. Extend your arms parallel to the floor at shoulder level.
  3. Direct the lower part of the face towards the chest, slowly twist the body forward, pulling the umbilical part towards the spinal region.
  4. Stretch your arms forward while simultaneously drawing in your stomach. The hips should not follow the rest of the body when bending over.
  5. As you repeat the exercise, try straightening your right leg, then your left leg, and then both legs while bending.
  6. Returning to the starting position, lower your shoulders, straighten your back, and stretch the top of your head towards the ceiling. Exhale.

Just 3 executions are enough to feel the maximum stretch in your back.

Exercise No. 5. Stretching both legs at once

Makes the “center of power” stronger, the muscles of the arms and legs become more elastic.

  1. Lie down on a mat, bend your legs and bring your knees as close to your chest as possible.
  2. The head and neck are raised above the floor, the chin should be tilted so that the lower abdomen is visible.
  3. After a deep breath, stretch and “glue” your unbent arms to your ears.
  4. Raise your straight legs high, trying to maintain a right angle. Tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible, remembering to press your back firmly into the mat.
  5. Try not to change the position of your head.

During exhalation, the knees move towards the chest, and the hands move from top to bottom along the outside torso. 5 repetitions are enough to feel the load.

Exercise No. 6. Stretching straight legs one at a time

Brings the abs into excellent shape, strengthens the back surfaces of the buttocks and thighs.

While doing the exercises, look at your stomach, keeping your body still.

Do 5-10 repetitions of this exercise.

Exercise No. 7. Crossbreeding

The lateral abdominal muscles are trained, helping to reduce the waist.

  1. Lower yourself onto your back, lift your head above the floor, hands behind your head (avoid interlocking your fingers), and bend your legs.
  2. Make cross movements with your elbow and knee (right with left), one leg straightened, the other bent.
  3. The emphasis in this exercise should be on the waist area, not the shoulders. The elbows need to be supported, as well as the back.
  4. Change the position of your legs several times (up to 5 with each leg)
  5. As you inhale, you need to change the position of your legs (direct your left elbow towards your right knee).

Try not to bring your elbows together or swing your body from side to side.

Exercise No. 8. Rocking chair

By doing this exercise, you massage your back yourself, stretch the muscles of the back of the thigh and back.

6 rolls is the minimum number that needs to be included in your complex.

Exercise No. 9. Hip rotation

The result is improved mobility hip joint, strengthening the back of the legs.

An important point - try not to unclench your hips and legs so that there is no gap between your legs. Make 5 rotations in one direction and the same in the other.

Exercise No. 10. Saw

When you include this exercise in your workout routine, you can confidently hope for a decrease in your waist size. The gluteal and hamstring muscles will stretch. Besides physical effect, there is also a healing one - the air that has stagnated in the lungs will come out.

You need to do 4 repetitions in each direction.

Exercise No. 11. One leg grab.

The muscles of the back of the thigh, upper back and arms are strengthened, and the muscles of the front of the thighs are stretched.

Do 5 reps in total with each leg.

By accurately repeating all the exercises presented above, performing them regularly and without haste, you can not only gain beautiful forms, but also learn how to control your body as much as possible, concentrate, breathe correctly and live in harmony with your body.

Detailed video training "Pilates"

The synthesis of exercises and consciousness can help in achieving your goals both in the structure of the figure and in self-improvement, knowledge of your inner world.