Pyramidal, columnar and spherical varieties of western thuja. Thuja occidentalis - which winter-hardy varieties should you prefer? Golden thuja

This article will discuss the types of thuja - an evergreen shrub that can be easily shaped, and their names and descriptions will be given. For better clarity, we have prepared a photo gallery for you. popular varieties.

Thuja is a magnificent tree that does not require special care V winter time of the year. In past centuries, the plant was called the “tree of life” (its cones and needles were used to treat many diseases, and the bark was used to make tea), but even today the fragrant needles of the plant cannot leave anyone indifferent. A small garden or park of thujas is an excellent place to relax and recuperate.


Thuja is the closest relative of cypress trees. The height of the trunk of this tree or shrub can reach eighty meters, but varieties with an average length of 10-20 meters are more popular.

The needles of the crop are needle-shaped and green. Mature plants have a darker shade, similar to scales. The crown is dense.

In nature, thujas are found in the eastern regions North America. Decoratively derived forms can be found on personal plots middle lane.


Thuja occidentalis

There are five types of thuja:

  • Thuja occidentalis. Plant height up to 20 m. Needles in the form of scales.
  • Thuja chinensis. Trees with a dense pyramidal crown. Height up to 12 m.
  • Thuja Korean. This variety is rarely planted in middle lane due to the capriciousness of the plant temperature conditions. It has the appearance of a creeping shrub. IN natural environment The height of the crop can reach 8 m.
  • Thuja japonica, or Thuja standisha. An excellent option for landing on summer cottage– the plant is easy to care for and can withstand severe frosts.
  • Thuja foldata, or Thuja gigantea. IN natural conditions Thujas of this variety can reach 40 m in height. The height of the decorative forms is 4 m. The crown is pyramidal and dense.

Features of planting and care

When planting thuja on a site, it is worth considering that the plant is light-loving, but being in the sun all day, it can become dehydrated and get sick in winter.

The preferred soil is turf, with the addition of sand. The best time for planting is spring. Then it is recommended to feed the thuja. As fertilizers, it is better to give preference to complex fertilizers.

Watering the bushes is carried out immediately after planting, then once a week.

The depth of the planting hole is 60-80 cm. The distance between group plantings is up to 5 m.

Drying out the soil is not allowed! Young thuja seedlings are covered for the winter (this is usually done for the first 3 years). Adult thujas are winter-hardy.

Application in landscape design

The huge variety of forms has brought thuja fame among landscape design specialists.

And it was they who divided these plants according to their use: the first includes dwarf or shrub species used to create rockeries; to the second - medium-length thujas, their place of application is a “hedge”; the third type of single or solitary plantings are taller trees that highlight design elements. The following types of trees have been used as elements of hedges.


Variety Brabant or Western thuja. It is characterized by good tolerance to low temperatures and a branched crown, creating an irresistible hedge. Branches should be pruned in early spring and late summer, the best months It will be August and April.

Thuja occidentalis is a fast growing plant, reaching a height of four meters.

When planting, to create a hedge, Brabant is planted at a distance of fifty or one hundred centimeters between the trunks, depending on the desired density of the hedge.


Forms a narrow cone-like crown, growing up to six-seven meters in height. This plant is distinguished by its high resistance to frost and strong gusts of wind.

Thanks to its crown, “smaragd” is perfect for creating a “hedge”, as well as solitary planting.

A group of plants of this variety can create a memorable part of the landscape.


Another type of western thuja is the Holmstrap variety. Its peculiarity is its slow growth; it will reach a height of two meters only ten years after planting.

It is used as a small decorative hedge; seedlings are planted in such a way that there is a distance of at least 75 centimeters between the bushes.

Holmstrap does not perform seasonal pruning of branches.

Rock garden

Dannika variety

The following thujas are suitable for creating a rock garden or rock garden:

  1. Dannika variety. Its spherical crown grows very slowly, reaching a height of about one meter, while its width is 50 centimeters. This type of thuja will look great in small gardens and areas, as a decorative element of a rock garden that does not require special care.
  2. Little Dorrit. It also looks like a ball, the crown dimensions are 80*60 centimeters. It is distinguished by good frost resistance. Planting locations are similar to the thuja variety Holmstrap.
  3. Hosery. A spherical shrub reaching a height of fifty centimeters and a width of sixty centimeters. Designers prefer to use this variety as an element of low decorative hedges and rock gardens.


Thujas used for single planting or group planting consisting of separate trees:

  1. Reingold. It is growing slowly. Its maximum height is one and a half meters. But it is distinguished by a spherical crown, which has a golden-yellow and even brown color. Thujas of this species are indispensable for solitary planting and creating a group of plants.
  2. Sunkist. The crown of this tree has the shape of a cone and a rare golden-yellowish color. Within 10 years it grows up to three meters and reaches a crown width of one meter. No pruning is required to shape this type of thuja.
  3. Thuja Kornik. Very quickly reaches a height of 300 centimeters, the width of the tree is 150 centimeters. This tree is best planted in damp places on fertile soil. This plant attracts the eye with its bright green needles.

Using thuja as an element decorative design justified due to the beauty of this tree, especially in the winter months, as well as due to the unique aroma of the needles and the variety of species that can be used in all types of landscape design. The plant itself improves the microclimate of the site and plays the role of protection from wind and dust.

How are conifers used in landscape design, including thuja, see the following video:

Variety "Danica"

It is a shrub with a spherical shape, the diameter of which reaches no more than 100 cm.

Small fluffy balls look beautiful when combined with each other in plant picturesque compositions.

Variety “Little Champion”.

A low shrub with a branched crown stands out in an alpine hill with its elegant, unique shape among the strict forms of other plants.

The plant changes the color of its needles depending on the season.

In summer, the crown of the thuja becomes light brown, and in winter - bronze.

Variety "Tiny Tim".

Looks great among the stones.

The spherical crown reaches a diameter of 50 cm within 10 years.

However, growth here is very slow.

Variety "Globosa Nana" (Globosa Nana).
A low plant with a spherical crown and yellow-green needles in the form of scales.

This species fits very picturesquely into rock gardens and small flower beds when building a composition.

Thuja grows slowly.

Within 10 years it reaches 50-60 cm in height.

Expert advice: These varieties need to be grown in poor soils so that they do not grow upward and lose their shape.

The right approach to choosing a plant

Be careful when choosing dwarf thujas in order to beautifully arrange them in the landscape.

First, take into account all the specific qualities of the region in which you live and the parameters of the site for thuja: soil characteristics and access to the sun.

Select the types of thuja, taking into account such characteristics as:

  • shade tolerance;
  • frost resistance;
  • conditions of care.

Before purchasing a dwarf thuja, you need to pay attention to them appearance. This will avoid growing in further plants with diseases.

The main aspects when choosing a plant:
  1. Bareness of the root system. The presence of soil on the roots helps protect the shoot against the adverse effects of temperatures and various other factors. external environment. Pay attention to the development of the root system. If root system chopped off, the plant most likely will not be able to take root in another area after transplantation.
  2. Pay attention to the roots and trunk. Look at the condition of the seedling - its dryness. If the top layer of the trunk delaminates, then this plant You shouldn't buy it, as it will quickly die.
  3. Carefully examine the crown and trunk, see if the plant is healthy and if there are pests. It is clear that a diseased shoot should not be purchased, since no one guarantees that it will not die.


A low-growing plant can be planted at any time, but if planting is done in autumn or early spring, the shrub will be stronger and more resistant to environmental influences.

When planting, leave the root collar of the plant at ground level, do not place it deep and do not lift it above the ground so that the thuja does not get sick.

If there is stagnant water on the site (rain or melt), then you need to build a drainage of about 0.2 m. Alleys of thujas should be planted 6-8 m wide with intervals between low shrubs of 4 m. When placed in a group between dwarf thujas, keep 1-2 meter distance.

When planting small shrubs as a hedge in one row, maintain a distance of 1 meter, etc. Remember that thujas will grow not only tall, but also wide.

Guarantor of rapid growth and good development the plants will become:

  • the right approach to choosing a variety;
  • presence of a healthy seedling;
  • proper plant care.

Growing conditions

  1. Thujas grow in any conditions and on any soil: in sand, clay or turf, that is, thujas are unpretentious.
  2. Low shrubs prefer soils with a good layer of humus, sufficient moisture and slightly acidity.
  3. Excellent rapid growth of short plants occurs in sun and partial shade. It is better not to grow in the shade, as the plants thin out and begin to lose their shape and lush greenery.
  4. When deciding to place thujas, you should give preference to an area where the sun is not present all day. Shrubs do not like high temperatures and drought.
  5. Thujas love moisture and can and should grow in moist areas. Do not place thujas near groundwater! But it is worth remembering that thujas are quite drought-resistant, so in very dry times, water them 2-3 times a week in the form of sprinkling so that the needles remain decorative.
  6. Dwarf thujas are grown both in open ground, and in pots. Low shrubs can be planted individually or in groups, and can also be used as a hedge.


The main care for thujas is moderate and clearly organized watering.

For the first month after planting, water 10 liters once a week, in dry times - 20 liters 2 times a week.

Soil moisture is the main condition for having a luxurious and vibrant thuja crown. During the first three years after planting a shoot, loosen the soil around it, but do not exceed 0.1 m in depth, since the root system is actually located on the surface.

When mulching the soil, use peat or sawdust in a layer of 7 cm. To prevent damage to the crown in winter with heavy snow, tie a low bush in the fall.

And when spring comes, place the young thuja in the shade from sunburn using covering materials and remove dry shoots. Trim hedge bushes using only powerful and sharp pruning shears, cutting off no more than a third of the plant.

Diseases and pests

Common pests of thuja are:

  • bark beetle;
  • cypress aphid
  • mite;
  • scale insect.

Yellowing of the thuja indicates the presence of such troubles as:

  • after improper planting - exposure of the root system or its excessive penetration into the ground;
  • sunburn;
  • fungal infections.

But yellowing of thujas is not always a sign of disease. It is typical for thujas to change the color of their needles with the first cold weather; in the fall they become yellow, and in the spring - green.

Use in rock gardens

A rock garden is an artificial landscape composition that imitates nature growing in mountainous areas, where conifers occupy a special place.

To form miniature garden Small varieties of thuja are suitable, characterized by their compactness or slow growth, which makes it possible to correct their shape in time.

To form a landscape, you can use either one thuja or several, making colorful compositions from them. Ball-shaped ones fit well into the theme of rock gardens. low-growing varieties: “Danika”, “Little Champion”, “Teenie Tim”, “Globoza Nana”.

Watch the video in which a specialist explains in detail the features of growing dwarf thujas and other coniferous plants:

Coniferous plants are becoming more and more popular. And one of the main roles in landscaping is played by thuja, the types and varieties with photos of which amaze with the variety of shapes, sizes and amazingly elegant colors. The ancestors of modern thujas were wild North American shrubs, first systematized and described by Carl Linnaeus.

If in nature it is evergreen more often it looks like a large shrub or tree as tall as multi-storey building, then they are more often planted in squares and gardens dwarf varieties no higher than a meter. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, the dense crown of wild plants has become pyramidal and round, ovoid or columnar.

The species, called Thuja occidentalis, or, in the photo, has expanded significantly since the end of the 18th century due to ornamental plants, significantly different from the first specimens discovered from the north of the American continent.

At the disposal of summer residents and professional landscape designers not only thujas with green, silvery needles, but also variegated or golden plants. Therefore, before planning to plant conifers on your site, it is useful to:

  • study the proposed varieties, types and photos of thuja;
  • compare their strengths and weaknesses;
  • create all conditions for active growth and long life of plants.

Along with thuja occidentalis, other species of this conifer are used in landscaping. Most often this is thuja foldata, as well as a biota called thuja orientalis due to its Asian origin.

Thuja western Danica (T. occidentalis Danica)

Among the most popular varieties is the thuja Danica shown in the photo with a very compact dense crown in the shape of a ball. A small, almost dwarf plant is ideal for low borders, single and group plantings on spacious lawns or in secluded corners of the garden, against the backdrop of larger trees, and even flowers.

With a height of 60 cm, the diameter of the crown of the thuja Danika is 80–100 cm. The strongly branching shoots are covered with soft scaly needles, which in the warm season are painted in bright light green tones, and by autumn it becomes reddish-bronze. The Danish variety, bred in 1948, is characterized by very slow growth, so the thuja retains its shape well even without cutting.

The advantages of the conifer include frost resistance, the ability to grow in partial shade and not be exposed to spring burns, seriously spoiling the appearance.

Thuja occidentalis Mirjam

Thuja occidentalis turned out to be an excellent material for breeders to work with. Today's ancestors modern varieties already beloved varieties, such as Danica, are becoming available. You will notice that photos of this species and the thuja variety Miriam have many similar features.

The plant, obtained thanks to the noticed and fixed mutation of the needles, is a direct descendant of the Danish variety. It has the same compact spherical crown with a diameter of up to 80 cm, small annual growth and excellent endurance.

The main difference between Thuja Miriam is the yellow-green summer color of the scaly needles, which turns brownish in winter.

Thuja Miriam is recommended for soils with a slightly acidic reaction. Until the plant takes root, the soil is kept moist. In the future, the shrub becomes more resistant to drought, but grows better with regular watering. Ephedra fits perfectly into the landscape of a Japanese garden and would be appropriate at the foot of an alpine hill or against the backdrop of rich greenery of larger crops.

Thuja western Rheingold (T. occidentalis Rheingold)

Golden needles and an attractive wide-conical crown are the reasons why Thuja Reingold receives special attention from owners country houses. In the original color of the shrub, bronze tones appear with cold weather, which in no way spoil either the appearance of the thuja or the entire landscape. This variety is classified as dwarf. Only in very old plants can the crown grow up to 2.5 meters in height. This, due to the slow growth rate, occurs only 15–20 years after planting.

The shrub is equally good as a tapeworm and as part of a decorative hedge. The young plant takes root in a container and perfectly decorates terraces, loggias and balconies. Thin, flexible shoots of this thuja variety tolerate pruning well, which helps maintain a beautiful crown shape and healthy appearance of the needles.

Thuja western Spiralis (T. occidentalis Spiralis)

Pyramid thujas and varieties with a narrow conical crown are indispensable for hedges that maintain their beauty and functionality throughout the year. Today, gardeners have many similar plants at their disposal, and Thuja Spiralis is one of them.

This conifer is characterized by an original, spirally convoluted shape of shoots, which gave the variety its name. The crown of an adult specimen has the shape of a narrow cone and reaches a height of 3 meters. The branches are densely covered with scaly needles of a rich green hue.

Since this thuja grows faster than other closely related plants, the shrubs require regular pruning and proper selection of planting sites. In the shade, the thuja becomes loose and loses its correct shape.

Thuja western Golden Tuffet (T. occidentalis Golden Tuffet)

Another dwarf shrub with a spherical crown stands out with its bright yellow needles, which lags behind the thin shoots drooping at the ends and acquires a warm, reddish-brown or orange tone in the cold weather.

For Thuja Golden Taffet to show its best qualities, a well-lit area with moderately fertile loose soil is selected for her. If the crown of the bush remains in the shade for a long time, its color will fade and lose most attractiveness.

In the garden, a plant of this species and variety, as in the thuja photo, will perfectly decorate a rocky corner, a border, a small lawn next to heathers, tall flowering perennials that do not obscure small bright conifers.

Western thuja (T. occidentalis var. ericoides)

IN favorable conditions heather forms dense dense thickets. Thuja heather does not have this ability, but the shrubs have much in common in shape. The multi-stemmed branched crown of the conifer, growing, becomes an irregular ball with a diameter of about a meter.

The shoots are covered with soft needle-like needles, which in the upper part of the bush have a bright green or yellowish color. On perennial wood, the greenery is painted in calmer silvery or grayish shades.

A characteristic feature of the variety is its unusual winter color with a predominance of purple and brown colors.

Thuja western Yantar (T. occidentalis Jantar)

The yellow shade of summer and the bright, honey-amber color of winter needles - characteristic feature thuja Yantar with a cynic crown height from 1.8 to 3.5 meters. Although this variety relatively recently became available to conifer lovers, thanks to the density of the crown, its original color and unpretentiousness, the plant has already found many admirers.

Thuja is winter-hardy, easily adapts to conditions modern city. The shrub does not suffer from active spring sun and, with a growth of about 10–20 cm per year, maintains its correct natural shape.

Thuja Yantar is suitable for growing and open air, and in containers. In this case, the plant will decorate a spacious open terrace, balcony or paved area near the house.

Thuja western Mr. Bowling Ball (T. occidentalis Mr. Bowling Ball)

The dwarf thuja Bowling Ball with an openwork spherical crown attracts attention not only with its small size, but also with its silvery thin needles, leaving the impression of lightness and tenderness. In autumn, bronze strokes appear on the shoots, which persist until spring.

Like most miniature varieties, this thuja has a very slow growth rate. Therefore, only by 10–15 years does the plant reach a diameter of 70–90 cm. The shrub does not need frequent pruning; it is enough to remove damaged shoots in the spring and slightly adjust the spherical shape.

Thuja occidentalis Little Champion (T. occidentalis Little Champion)

The characteristic features of Thuja Little Champion are the rounded-ovoid shape of the crown and green scaly needles, which become brownish-brown in winter. The variety is classified as miniature, almost dwarf. By the age of 10, the shrub reaches a height of no more than one and a half meters. Over the course of a year, the plant does not add more than 6–10 cm and can be used both in group plantings and as a single plant at the base of large stones, next to coniferous or deciduous trees. Thuja of this variety will make a free-form border or an excellent potted plant.

Thuja Little Champion tolerates pruning well, but frequent pruning does not need. The plant is unpretentious, survives winters without serious losses, and tolerates urban air pollution and irregular droughts.

Thuja western Filiformis (T. occidentalis Filiformis)

Most varieties of western thuja have highly branched shoots, but there are exceptions. These include the decorative thuja Filiformis with original thread-like branches, thanks to which the shrub takes on the appearance of a small haystack. Light green scaly needles tightly fit the drooping shoots and emphasize the unusual nature of the plant.

The slow-growing coniferous crop is sun-loving, does not tolerate long and regular dry periods, but does not look oppressed when grown in a tub or in urban conditions. By the age of 10 years, the broad-pyramidal thuja reaches a height of 1.5–2 meters with almost the same crown diameter. Thuja Foliformis is versatile and, thanks to its unusual beauty, will definitely become a bright star in the garden.

Thuja western Wagneri (T. occidentalis Wagneri)

This variety of thuja with gray-green needles is suitable for growing in regions with cold winters. The high frost resistance of the plant is not its only advantage. Thuja Wagneri has a dense, ovoid crown thanks to many thin, abundantly branched shoots. It holds its natural shape perfectly and does not require labor-intensive care.

When planting a shrub, you need to take into account that an adult specimen reaches a height of 3.5 meters, and its crown grows up to one and a half meters wide.

To prevent such a voluminous plant from losing its attractiveness in the spring, it is tied up in the fall. This will protect the thuja shoots from breaking and drying out.

Thuja western Little Giant (T. occidentalis Little Giant)

Little giant. This name of this thuja variety is fully justified, because the spherical crown of the Little Giant thuja does not exceed half a meter in height, but so beautiful plant it is impossible not to notice even among the most luxurious flowers and trees.

The dwarf form of conifer is one of the smallest. It perfectly maintains the natural appearance of a dense sphere. In summer, the thuja is dressed in bright green needles, which change color to brown with cold weather.

Thuja western Fastigiata (T. occidentalis Fastigiata)

Resembling Thuja Fastigiata, thanks to its upward-pointing shoots, it has the shape of a dense column. A powerful plant with green, fragrant needles never changes color, tolerates frost without visible loss and can grow up to 6 meters in height.

According to the description of the variety, thuja is ideal for, which will successfully hide the area from prying eyes, but will not take up much space.

Thuja western Sunkist (T. occidentalis Sunkist)

Thuja with golden needles is one of the most original garden decorations. They do not lose their beauty in winter and look great next to their green counterparts. Thuja occidentalis Sunkist has very bright lemon-yellow summer needles. In winter, the dense crown of the bush becomes darker, almost bronze.

Due to its slow growth and good adaptability, the shrub does not need frequent deep pruning. At the age of 10, the coniferous crop grows up to 2 meters. The maximum height of this thuja is three meters, which allows Sunkist to be used for living walls and spectacular green sculptures.

Thuja Can-Can (T. plicata Can-Can)

The cone-shaped thuja Kankan, like other varieties of folded thuja, demonstrates high winter hardiness and extreme unpretentiousness. The shrub, about one and a half meters high, is covered with dense glossy needles, dark green on perennial wood and lighter, brighter at the ends of the shoots. The variety has a rare ability for thuja. It retains its color throughout the year, while the average annual growth of the shrub does not exceed 10 cm.

Thuja plicata Kornik (T. plicata Kornik)

Polish breeders received the original form of thuja, folded with a conical crown, consisting of wide green-yellow shoots. Thuja Kornik is quite large. With the right place for planting and a little care, three-meter shrubs turn into dense, beautiful hedges with fragrant needles.

Thuja Whipcord (T. plicata Whipcord)

Thuja Vipkord owes its name to the shape of its shoots, reminiscent of a hanging string. The branches of the plant have few branches, are covered with pointed, scale-like needles, and throughout their entire length they retain a small thickness and drooping shape. Thanks to this, an adult conifer has the appearance of a hemisphere with a height of 50 to 100 cm and a diameter of up to 150 cm. The bush perfectly withstands wind loads, survives frosty winters, and does not lose its decorative appearance in full sun. However, drought can cause irreparable harm to the bush and its beauty.

The originality of the variety attracts not only ordinary summer residents, but also masters of topiary art, who, with the help of painstaking pruning, give the plants the most bizarre shapes.

Video about thuja varieties for the garden

The birthplace of this culture is the northern part of America. Thuja grows well in shady areas, in clay-sandy soil, with sufficient quantity moisture for the root system. Thuja reaches a maximum height of 20 meters. On average, a tree can live up to 1000 years. The tree propagates by rooting cuttings.

Thuja is the most common and most modern wood in Russian gardens. This tree is a conifer; it was brought from America to Europe in the 16th century, from where this crop later appeared in our countries.

Many years ago, the Indians began to use this culture to build boats (canoes). They took this particular tree because its wood does not rot. Thuja bark was used to make medicinal tea.

The plant has become popular due to the high content of essential oils in its leaves. These oils are now used to make perfume. Oils are also used in medicine. It has been revealed that they are very useful for human cardiac activity and improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

The thuja tree is perfect for decorative pruning. It can be made into any shape, which will make the garden of a private house quite original and interesting. And the alley of clipped trees bizarre shape the trees in the park will not make a single person pass by.

Thuja is a fairly undemanding tree; it used to grow exclusively near rivers or swamps.

Characteristics of Western Thuja

The height of the thuja grows to a maximum of 20 meters. The diameter of the upper part of the plant reaches 5 meters. Young trees have a pyramid-shaped crown, while older trees have an ovoid, red, sometimes brownish color. More mature trees can be easily identified as they have distinct stripes along the entire length of the wood. The tree's needles are scale-shaped, dark green in color, take on a brown tint in winter, and fall off after about 3 years. The shoots of the thuja are dark at the top and light at the bottom.

Thuja fruits are cones. They grow small, maximum 12 mm, and resemble the shape of an egg. Inside the cone there are 2 seeds, flattened in shape, yellow color. Every year, thuja can grow up to 30 cm in height and up to 10 cm in width.

Thuja wood is red in color, it is quite strong, but at the same time soft. There are no resin channels and it has a pleasant aroma. The roots are compact and do not grow.

Thuja is a sun-loving crop. But the tree also tolerates shade quite easily. Very good for thuja clay soil, but even in loose soil, where the sand content is quite high, it grows well, it only needs regular fertilizing. It can also grow in soil with plenty of moisture. The tree is considered not at all picky. More mature specimens can easily tolerate both frost and drought. The tree also grows well in urban conditions.

Thuja can become beautiful decor in the courtyard of a private house. Can be planted in groups or individually.

Another advantage of this beautiful tree is phytoncidal. This is a phenomenon in which the thuja produces certain substances. Thanks to this process, the plant brings not only beauty to the garden, but also beneficial features for a person, the immune system is strengthened and overall well-being improves. In some European countries, thuja is planted in tuberculosis dispensaries, and this is done at the legislative level.

It is better to plant thuja in a place where there is no wind. First you need to dig a hole for planting. The soil is prepared from leaf soil(2 parts), from peat (1 part) and from sand (1 part). The neck of the roots does not need to be deepened; it is recommended to leave it flush with the ground. After planting, the tree needs to be watered well. If the summer is hot, then the tree is watered twice as often as usual. The most favorable time for watering is evening or early morning. In the absence of watering on hot days, the tree may begin to actively bear fruit, which may subsequently affect the deformation of the crown.

After the snow melts, you can start feeding the thuja. Even very young seedlings need to be wrapped special material or special paper that will help prevent sunburn.

There are many different types thuja. For those who like to decorate their garden with this tree, there are many varieties and types of this tree. The most interesting and popular view is a thuja in the form of a ball. The tree looks very original due to its rounded shape.

If the owners of a private house decided to build a fence in the form of a tall, slender thuja, then this tree will look the most interesting and harmonious. And if you need to decorate the road along the curbs, then the thuja is low-growing fits better any other type. This tree is also great for original decorated haircuts.

The most common types of western thuja

Degroot Spire- This is a variety of thuja with a thinner crown than other subspecies. This variety of this crop is quite popular in the West. As for Europe, this type of tree has not yet been appreciated.

Thanks to such an ornamental plant as the thuja of this particular species, you can safely set up a fence big house, 5 meters long. This “thuja” fence will be appreciated only by a true connoisseur of culture. The thickness of the fence can reach a maximum of 30 centimeters.

Smaragd- This next view such a tree. The most important advantage of this species is the constantly green needles. The whole year remains saturated, bright green color. This thuja can grow up to 5 meters in height, one of the tallest specimens. Over the course of a year, the growth will be approximately 10 centimeters.

Columna– this thuja resembles a column in its shape. It tolerates both hot sun and fairly severe frosts best. Thuja grows 8 meters, the crown can reach one and a half meters in diameter. Over the course of a year, the tree gains about 15 centimeters in growth. The color of the needles is green, differs from other species in its bright shine. Very unpretentious, grows both in drought and with high moisture. Can be planted in alleys or as single trees.

The most common type of this culture is called pyramidal thuja. Crown in the shape of a pyramid. The difference from other species is that the shoots of the tree are quite closely located to each other, quite strong and dense.

There are also several types of pyramidal thuja. Basically, all trees of this variety grow up to 15 meters in height; in all species, the branches of the needles themselves stick out very interestingly. The trees differ only in the color of the needles and their shade at certain times of the year.

Salland- this species was recently identified. The tree differs from all other species in its color - the needles are lemon-colored and have short stature.

Reingold- This is another rare type of thuja, a beautiful and decorative tree. The shade of the pine needles is orange, which looks quite rare and interesting. This species grows very slowly. The maximum tree can grow up to 1 meter, less often up to 1.2 meters.

Yellow Ribbon– the needles of this type of tree are yellow, close to golden color. On average, the height of such a thuja is 2 meters.

Danica– the crown of this tree is in the shape of a ball. The height of the tree does not even reach a meter. This thuja with short shoots, located close to one another. In summer, the needles of this type of thuja are bright green; in winter, the color becomes brownish. Due to its low growth, this tree is called dwarf. This variety tolerates frost very well.

Golden Globe- another type of spherical thuja. Yellow needles, variegated golden hue. The tree grows very slowly in height. At 10 years of age, the tree's growth reaches a maximum of 1 meter. Grows best in sunny locations with optimal soil moisture.

Globosa- another type of spherical tree. This is a kind of shrub, its shoots are quite dense, they grow vertical way. This is one of those trees that change color depending on the time of year. Green, with a golden tint, the color is replaced by brown. A mature tree grows to a maximum of 1 meter, in very rare cases 1.2 meters.

Mr. Bowling Ball– this species also belongs to the spherical tree. The originality of this plant lies in its very low growth. A mature tree reaches a maximum of 40 centimeters. In summer, the color of the needles of this tree is bright green, and in winter the color changes, becoming bronzed-gray, like a fringe. Such a tree will look very beautiful in private gardens and memorial places. Takes it well Sun rays, and at the same time winters quite well.

Woodwardii– this type of thuja slightly resembles the shape of an egg and is also considered a spherical variety. At 10 years of age, the tree can grow to only 40 centimeters. The shoots of this variety grow quite densely and are green and very bright. The soil under this tree must be sufficiently moist, then the plant will show itself in all its glory. It will live well in gardens where there are stones; it tolerates winter well.

Little Gem- another variety of thuja. Its difference from the others is that the diameter of the crown is much larger than the height of the tree itself. In winter, the color of the needles is dull, brownish, and in summer it becomes bright green. The tree can be planted in a group with other species, or separately, in a single way. You can use the plant as a fence, which looks quite original and beautiful. This thuja will tolerate frost well, but will tolerate heat much worse.

Stolwijk– this variety of thuja grows quite slowly. This bonsai slightly asymmetrical. With age, this thuja grows not in height, but in width. The growth of a 10-year-old tree reaches a maximum of 1 meter. The needles are bright green. The shoots are light, yellow in color. The soil for this species needs to be moist. It will look very harmonious in Japanese garden. Stolwijk tolerates frost well and tolerates heat well.

The evergreen thuja tree has many varieties, which vary in size, crown shape, and needle color. Depending on the type, thujas are used as an independent element garden design or addition to flower beds, alpine slides, rockeries. Thujas are unpretentious and unique in their own way - we will look at the types and varieties with photos of the most common coniferous representatives. In Russia, gardeners have received special recognition from Western varieties. They can have the appearance of a lush shrub or tree with a columnar, pyramidal, spherical or spherical crown; so-called weeping thujas are also found.

Types of thuja occidentalis, what varieties are there

One of the most favorite, widespread varieties of these conifers is thuja western Smaragd. This majestic tree looks like a cypress and grows up to 5 meters high. No matter what time of year it is, its needles have a constant emerald hue. Smaragd is hardy, frost-resistant, undemanding to the type of soil, but especially loves loam or calcareous soils. It prefers sunlit places or, in extreme cases, partial shade. This type characterized by slow growth (up to 10 cm per year), optimally suited for decorating a variety of hedges.

This variety has a remarkable variety, which is also loved by summer residents, owners adjacent areas– Golden Smaragd thuja. It got its name due to the golden hue of the branches, which does not change throughout the year. An adult tree reaches 2 meters in height, has a cone-shaped crown with dense, short shoots. This representative of conifers loves fertile soil, which should be well moistened and drained. Doesn’t like gas pollution, dirty air of the city, so a dacha or suburban area will become suitable growing conditions for it. Ideal place For planting such thuja, slightly acidic loams and sunlit areas are suitable. Smaragd is adapted to the Russian climate and is hardy.

Golden Smaragd, photo:

This variety requires careful loosening of the soil, as it has a superficial root system that can be easily damaged. The digging depth should not exceed 10 cm; for the same reason, with the onset of hot summer, it is advisable to mulch the ground near the trees to slow down the evaporation of moisture. The thickness of the mulch layer should be approximately 8-10 cm.

Description of the variety: thuja western Danica is a spherical shrub, which is called dwarf because of its small size. The height of this bush reaches about half a meter, width - 1 meter. It is characterized by the presence of dense soft needles and shoots growing upward. Growth is slow, no more than 5 cm per year. Thanks to its compact size, unpretentiousness, and external decorativeness, Danika fits perfectly into any garden design or composition. The crown of the bush lends itself well to shaping and trimming. Green hedges, borders - great option for this dwarf species. This conifer is also called spherical.

Globular thuja Danika, photo:

Another representative of the dwarf spherical Danica is the Aurea variety, which is distinguished by a more yellowish tint of needles. The requirements for conditions of detention and the characteristics of both types are similar. These shrubs love fertile soil, fresh water, regular moisturizing, crown irrigation when it’s hot. They do not require haircuts, are easy to shape, and are frost-resistant. It should be taken into account that in the first years of life, the bushes need to be insulated for the winter (mulching, covering with appropriate material), and also protected from sunburn in early spring. In 2-3 years the thuja will get used to the new place.

Aurea Danica - spherical thuja, photo:

Among the varieties of these coniferous crops there are also giants, which are characterized by rapid growth and can reach a height of up to 20 meters. In central Russia, this variety most often grows up to 2-3 meters, less often - up to 5. Thuja West Brabant every year it adds about 30-40 cm in height, the width of the columnar crown also does not stand still - it is approximately 10-15 cm of growth. This variety does not change the color of its needles with changing seasons; it has rich green branches, sometimes with golden tips.

This is an unpretentious frost-resistant variety that gets along well in any type of soil, but fertile soil is more preferable for it. It tolerates both light and excessive watering. It blooms in April-May, lends itself well to pruning and crown formation. Also popular is a relatively new variety of the Brabant-Golden variety, which demonstrates the golden color of the needles while maintaining all the basic qualities.

Brabant thuja, photo:

Eastern thujas - Aurea Nana, Biota - photo, description

There are approximately 60 varieties of eastern thuja species. Despite the fact that they are more demanding than their western counterparts, under the right conditions these trees can become a real decoration of the site. All varieties of oriental thuja have differences in the color of needles, bark, crown shape, shoots, and other characteristics.

They all love the sun, a lot of light. If you plant the oriental thuja in a shaded place, its crown will not develop properly, which will subsequently affect its decorative appearance. Such trees are excellent for creating living barriers from the wind and designing rocky gardens. Like Western varieties, they come in tall, upright, dwarf varieties (for example, Aurea Nana). Oriental thuja species are not winter-hardy.

Thuja orientalis, photo:

Dwarf Aurea Nana, photo:

Oriental thuja Biota, photo:

Most eastern representatives of conifers are heat-resistant, tolerate drought well, and thrive in areas with close groundwater and rocky soils.

Fluffy green thuja, species of which may be similar, is actually unique in each of its species. The color of the needles can be golden yellow, rich green or even blue. The size, height, shape, structure of branches, their direction can also be very diverse.

Choose for yourself which thuja you like best, the types and varieties with photos were presented above.

These are the most popular representatives of the cypress family, which are chosen by gardeners, owners of dachas, and country houses. With proper care it is decorative, useful tree will decorate your territory and delight the eye for many years.

Thuja occidentalis Spiralis
On the right is Thuja Smaragd, on the left is Thuja yellow-leaved Lutea Example of a design with thuja
Relaxation area with thuja