Craft from a plastic bottle with stages of work. Crafts from plastic bottles: basic ideas and options for using household plastic (90 photos)

From plastic bottles can be done great amount all kinds of crafts. They can be beautiful, useful, unusual, or all three.

A flight of fancy and a little ingenuity is all you need to make a good craft.

Such material as a plastic bottle is probably found in every home, which means everyone can make good craft, so let's get started.

Craft from a plastic bottle. Butterfly.

You will need:

Transparent plastic bottle (preferably light)

Butterfly stencil

Felt pen or outline for stained glass


Glue (preferably "Moment")

Glass paints

Acrylic paints


1. Cut off part of a plastic bottle, place a butterfly stencil and outline it with a felt-tip pen.

2. Cut along the outline.

3. Color and decorate the butterfly.

4. Bend the wings of your plastic butterfly. This must be done so that the outline is on top.

6. Using glass paints or acrylic paints, begin decorating the butterfly.

7. Using beads different sizes, you can make the body of a butterfly, and antennae can be made from wire. The glue will help hold it all together.

8. You can decorate the butterfly with sparkles, rhinestones, beads, etc. on top.

This gift can be decorated with gift wrapping or placed on the refrigerator door.

Plastic bottles. DIY crafts. Turtle with candies.

You will need:

Plastic bottle

Velvet paper


Clusters from tablets

White paper


Thick paper or cardboard

1. Cut off the bottom of the bottle - this part will be used as a shell.

2. Preparing a turtle stencil. Draw a silhouette on cardboard and cut it out.

3. Use a stencil to draw a silhouette of a turtle onto green velvet paper. Cut it out and glue it to the cardboard part.

4. Making eyes for a plastic turtle. Prepare a pill cluster and peel off the foil backing. Next, you need to cut out 2 fragments for the eyes from the cluster.

5. Prepare white paper and use it as a backing, and use black velvet paper to cut out the moving eyes. Next, simply glue the structure together.

6. We collect and glue all the details of the craft. Use glue to attach the turtle's eyes and mouth. Fill the bottom of the bottle with sweets and tape it to the turtle.

Crafts from a plastic bottle (master class). Toy "Catch the ball".

You will need:


Ping pong ball


1. Prepare your flexics orange color and cut out the petals for the flower.

2. Using glue or double-sided tape, attach the petals and string to the bottle.

3. Attach a table tennis ball to the other end of the thread.

That's it - play by trying to catch the ball in the flower.

How to make a craft from plastic bottles. Vane.

For those who want to know which way the wind blows.

You will need:

Plastic bottle (preferably a pot-bellied one)


1. Prepare a clean bottle and use scissors to cut windows in it. It is desirable that they be approximately similar to the blades of a weather vane.

2. Attach the weather vane to suitable place- on the balcony. This can be done using an iron pole. Make a hole in the bottom of the bottle and put a pole on it.

Now you will always know which direction the wind is blowing.

Crafts from plastic bottles for children. 3D glasses.

You will need:

Transparent plastic bottle

Unnecessary sunglasses

Colored markers


1. Cut two parts from a plastic bottle as shown in the image.

2. Take the glasses out of the glasses and outline them on the cut part of the plastic bottle.

3. Use a red marker to color both sides of the left glass.

4. Color the right glass with a marker Blue colour on one side and green on the other.

5. Insert the glass back and enjoy 3D pictures.

Children's crafts from plastic bottles. Frog.

You will need:

2 plastic green bottles (volume 2 liters)

Scissors, knife

Centimeter tape

Felt pen

Needle and thread

Acrylic paint


Wine bottle stopper

1. First you need to wrap plastic bottles with tape at a height of about 7 cm from the bottom. The higher you want to make the frog, the more you need to move away from the bottom, thereby making the box more spacious, but not very proportional. Next, use scissors to cut off the bottoms along the top edge of the tape.

2. Using a measuring tape and a felt-tip pen, make marks for the future seam. You need to mark on both parts at a distance of 5-7 cm from the edge, leaving 1 cm between the marks.

3. Make holes at the marks with an awl. Try piercing the plastic through a napkin after folding it in half, so the bottle will not slide, which will prevent you from getting hurt. When the holes are made, remove the tape.

4. Prepare a zipper and wrap it around one of the parts of the future craft. Temporarily attach it with tape to the body.

Sew the fastener with stitches along the holes made with an awl.

When you have sewn the zipper in a circle, remove the tape. Next, tie and secure the ends of the thread and trim off any excess.

Unzip the zipper and sew the other half in the same way.

5. The frog's eyes can be made from a wine bottle cork. You can paint the cork in green color. Once you have glued the eyes to your box frog, leave the glue to dry.

Crafts from a plastic bottle (photo). Bracelets.

Crafts from plastic bottles (photo). Cherry blossom.

Crafts from plastic bottles (instructions). Casket.

Palm tree made from plastic bottles. Option 1.

You will need:

Plastic bottles Brown(1.5-2 liters)

Green plastic bottles (the larger the bottle, the more luxuriant the leaves)

Thick rod (for the base of the trunk)

Awl or drill


1. To make tree bark, you need to prepare brown plastic bottles and cut them into pieces 10-15 cm high.

3. To make palm leaves, you need to cut off the bottoms of green bottles. On one workpiece you need to leave a rigid neck with a lid, since it will play the role of fastening.

4. Start cutting out the leaves - you need to do this so that there is about 5-7 cm left to the edge.

5. Start collecting green blanks, putting them on the same blank with a neck. Screwing the lid will hold everything together and you will have a palm tree crown.

6. Now you need to make connecting holes. Their diameter must match the diameter of the base rod. Such holes can be made using a drill or a hot awl. Make a hole so that the crown of the palm tree does not fall through.

7. We begin to collect the palm tree. When you have strengthened the rod, begin to place blanks of brown plastic bottles on it. The design ends with a green crown.

Hello everyone, friends!🙌💖

Today I thought for a long time about what topic to write a review on. And after reviewing a lot of material, I came to the conclusion that the article would be about homemade products for plots and houses. It would seem like a plastic bottle, throw it away and whatever else can be done with it. And it turns out there are a lot of interesting and original things.

For example, from them you can make flowers, a feeder, a flowerpot, decorate a flowerbed with extraordinary works and much more. And in this article we will try to show you the most amazing ideas for creativity. So, we don’t throw away the eggplants, as people call them, they will come in handy for crafts in the garden or can be used as decoration country house, garden or vegetable garden. In a word, they will be one hundred percent useful in everyday life.

Tell us how you decorate your soda patches? Maybe you have original ideas for landscaping a cottage or home. We are very interested, be sure to write to us in the comments.😉😊 Show your imagination and success in any business is guaranteed to you.

Make yourself comfortable in your chair because the review will be long and exciting. 😉

Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden, garden (photo with description)

The warmth is getting closer and gardeners are already thinking about how to improve their favorite land. Let's look at the most popular ideas that are easy to make with your own hands. And as an option, we suggest first making a flowerbed with a train.

To work we will need:

  • plastic bottles of different sizes;
  • dye.
  • scissors.

We paint the driver's cabin blue, and draw the locomotive's eyes, nose and smile. Then take the eggplants and cut one side into a rectangle. We paint it with waterproof paint and make the wheels of the locomotive from logs. We place the cars close to each other. We fix the pipes with hot glue.

We found a colorful flowerbed caterpillar. It is made on the same principle as a steam locomotive, only the legs are cut out of linoleum, the muzzle is drawn on wooden circle, from plastic eggs and wire, antennae are made.

We liked two garden figurines. Nice, right?

We found pigs to be an interesting option. And, they are convenient because they are mobile, portable piglets - the flower beds look amazing. Making them is not difficult.

For work we need:

  • 6 liter plastic bottle;
  • 4 bottle of 1.5 or 2 liters;
  • spray paint;
  • hot glue.

Let's take 4 1.5 liter bottles and cut off the tops of all of them as in the picture below. They will serve as pig's legs for us.

Apply hot glue to the drawn circle and glue the legs. Then, using a ruler and a felt-tip pen, we draw lines to cut out the back. This is necessary so that flowers can be planted inside.

Don't forget to make small holes when watering your flowers to allow any unnecessary moisture to drain out. We cut out the pig's ears and tail from plastic, fixing them all with hot glue. We take paint and apply it to the craft.

We draw eyes and heels. The mobile flower bed is ready. We draw eyes and heels. The mobile flower bed is ready. You can put it anywhere and anywhere.

If you want the paint to last much longer, then choose waterproof, or better yet, cover it with a good varnish.

All people have different fantasies, but creative works are amazing and never cease to amaze. For the next creativity we will need a large plastic container. We cut off the top part of it, and then treat the outside with a degreaser. We paint with acrylic paint to imitate brick laying. The flower pot (flower bed) is ready. Sadim Beautiful colors. Then you can do everything as in the photo, or you can leave it like that. It will also look very beautiful.

How do you feel about the number of swans on your property? It looks very interesting and beautiful.

In fact, all the works are wonderful; what distinguishes them is that some are easy to make, while others are more difficult.

If you have a large plot and you don’t plan to plant it completely, but it’s a shame to throw it away, then the following ideas are for you.

I liked the idea with the swans on the pond. Amazing work, do you like it?

We found a photo for you with a description of how to make a lily with your own hands for a pond. All this is of course a lot of work.

From plastic containers you can make a means for watering flowers, local area where beautiful green grass grows. In addition, you will save water, which is very good. Drip watering from above and below the root.

From of this material, there may be not only beautiful work for decorating the garden, but also useful. It’s not possible to buy a watering system for the lawn, so it’s not a problem. We will make everything you want ourselves.😊😉

Cheap and the lawn is green. Class! Since we are talking about useful things, I bring to your attention some charming feeders that will also decorate your garden. I really like them, they're just a sight for sore eyes. And by the way, they are suitable for decorating a kindergarten.

Let's take a closer look at how to make it interesting feeder for the birds. And so we cut off the top of the bottle, as in the photo.

Let's connect two parts and get a feeder with a roof.

We make four holes on the cork, insert a wire or rope through them and attach the feeder to the tree. We fix the roof with hot glue.

We paint the craft, dry it, add millet. We take care of the birds.

You can decorate the feeder however you like. Some people like everything to be kept to a minimum, while others like it to look catchy and make excellent DIY crafts catch the eye.

Original works from plastic containers for beginners

We often think about what to do with ourselves as a new person. We want to develop ourselves, and this is best done through creativity and no matter which one you choose. And so let's move on to the works from plastic material, and in our case these are plastic eggplants.

We were looking for easy jobs so that a beginner could create beauty the first time. It's possible, don't be surprised. Be patient and willing. Perhaps a light one would be a bird feeder.

Take a 6-liter bottle and cut a window from the wall of the bottle. We make small holes on the side, insert two sticks and put cardboard inside. Sprinkle grain on it. You can crumble some bread or seeds into the bottom.

Let's move on to another creative work, namely, we will make flower pots.

We will need:

  • Plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5-2 liters;
  • dye;
  • scissors

Cut the eggplant into three parts. Take the top part, circle the penny around the edge and make a wavy edge. Next, we’ll paint it in any color that suits your decor. We decorate the second part with different flowers or simply paint it.

There is one more interesting option pot from a bottle. They can not only improve your dacha, but also place them at home or on the balcony. Take an eggplant and cut it in half or choose any other height. Using hot glue, glue the cork and then the eyes. The pot is ready for use. I think it's very cute.

And you can make something like this. The main thing here is time, desires and imagination.

If you want to make a vertical garden, then plastic bottles will help you with this.

It’s cool to grow fox lettuce, for example. Very comfortably!

What else can a novice master easily make? For the flowers, draw a leaf template. Draw around the bottom of the bottle. Cut out and turn away the leaves. We spray paint it in any color and fix the cork center in the center with hot glue. Oh, you can make a flower differently, paint the center. Two flowers look very cute.

To paint crafts, choose waterproof paint, or better yet, coat the top with varnish.

We decorate the fence with flowers, see the photo below for how it will look. What’s also good is that we make flowers from two parts of the bottle (top and bottom).

We landscape the path along the edges with eggplants. First we paint them, and then decorate the bottom in the shape of a flower.

The bells look amazing and are easy to make.

Master classes on making crafts from plastic bottles

It's time to move on to the master class. And we will create a donkey out of eggplants. You are ready? Then let's not delay, but get straight to the point.

For creativity we will need the following materials:

  • drinking yoghurt bottles 4 pieces;
  • one and a half shirt for the neck;
  • Two-liter bottle for donkey's face;
  • Three-liter bottle (you can use 5 liters) per body;
  • One 1.5 l. on the ears;
  • paints (gray and white).

We fix the eggplants together with hot glue or screws. The photo below shows how you should make a donkey.

We'll show you step-by-step photos of how to make a donkey. We take the container for the body and cut off the top. We fix the yogurt lids to one side. Screw the containers to the lids.

We attach the neck and head to the donkey.

Here's another photo for you to see how it should turn out.

It remains to add a few details and the craft will look like a donkey. And, we make and attach the ears.

It is most convenient to paint with spray paint. When the paint dries, draw the eyes. The result is such a wonderful donkey.

How do you like this donkey?

The work process is the same, but the animal is different, including the giraffe. Everyone’s imagination is different, which is why animals turn out to be individual. And this is actually very cool!

This is what a giraffe looks like at the dacha.😊

Elephant, also a frequent guest of many summer cottages. Don't believe me? Watch how to make it, and then we'll show you the real thing. The ears, legs, torso, tail are all made from plastic containers, but the trunk is made from a rubber hose or plastic pipe.

An elephant visiting a gardener's dacha.👨‍🌾

The elephants are so cute, just super. Be sure to make yourself such an unusual guest.

Most often, animals are made from plastic containers. It’s interesting for decorating the garden, and it’s much cheaper than buying garden figurines. Cute penguins look great.😉

How do you like having a big family? I love.

Palm trees, flamingos, and storks look original, but just imagine how they will show off in your dacha. Beauty!

Any activity is painstaking work, but it is worth it. Decorate your soybean plots and be the best!

Interesting ideas from a plastic bottle for children

Let's start making toys for children from plastic bottles with the simplest ones. Now our children cannot be surprised, but we will try, because it’s healthy to play with new homemade toys in the fresh air. I liked the plane, so let’s create it together.

For the toy we need:

  • plastic container with a volume of 0.5 liters;
  • double sided tape;
  • colored paper;

Take a plastic container and remove the label completely. Double-sided tape wrap at the top and bottom. We tear off upper layer tape, then wrap it in a white sheet of paper. Pre-draw the tail of the airplane.

Glue the tail with glue and glue the paper to the bottle. You should get something like the photo below.

We draw two identical wings and glue them to the tail of the plane.

Don’t scold me too much, even though I have two sons, I still don’t remember what the parts of the plane are called.🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️So we glue two cylinders of colored paper on the sides.

We glue two wings on the sides, our plane is almost ready.

We unscrew the lid, trace it, cut it out and decorate the plane. Let's not forget about the turntable at the nose of the plane. We made a children's toy easily and simply. It’s a pleasure to play with such a toy in the countryside.

You can choose any color. For example, we found such a plane. And everyone is good-looking.

Let's make a plane a little more complicated. You don’t need a lot of materials to create it, everything is the same, just add spray paint. We will also need:

  • plastic containers;
  • White paper;
  • cardboard;
  • two-way cattle;
  • dye.

We measure the size of paper for the bottle, then apply double-sided tape to the edge. We wrap the container.

And we immediately form the tail of the plane.

Let's start making wings, we will make them from cardboard. To do this, we first draw according to size and then cut it out.

We still need other details. I won’t write the dimensions, they are clearly visible in the photo.

We glue it to the base of the plane with double-sided tape or hot glue. We create four turbines from paper and corks.

Then we glue the turbines to the plane.

We cover everything with paint and let it dry well. This is how it should work out for you. Choose the color to your taste.

We decorate the plane, cut out and add vents, and attach their buttons.

I liked the helicopter made from plastic containers; it also turns out to be a stunning, interesting option.

You can make a lot of interesting and fun things for children from plastic containers. You can have a tea party at fresh air. Then you simply need a service.

A house for dolls in the country is also necessary. Idea for inspiration.

For smaller kids, we’ll make these cool turtles.

It wouldn't hurt to have a piggy bank in the house. Cut a hole on the back. And you can decorate the pig beautifully. Children will put money there and learn to collect for their goals!

There are a lot of different ideas and they are all good in their own way. For those who don’t want to spend money on expensive sculptures, we suggest you decorate your favorite area with crafts made from plastic bottles. As you already understand, you can make anything from them: vases, animals, mobile flower beds, toys for children and much more. It’s simply impossible to count everything.

Now this type creativity is gaining more and more momentum, and there is nothing wrong with that. It’s nice when the garden is landscaped with your own hands and it’s really great.

Thank you for your attention!😍 Come visit us and share your impressions and works in the comments. Creative success! And remember everything you do with your hands is exclusive!👨‍🌾👍💖

Plastic bottles are a proven way to save money. You won’t have to spend money on materials, but the benefits are significant. And even if you don’t manage to do everything “right” the first time, there will be enough samples for “trial and error”. Dozens and hundreds of such “containers” are taken to the trash heap. But in vain. What can you make from plastic bottles with your own hands? You can find a variety of photos of crafts on the Internet. A person with any level of training will be able to build their own design object if desired.
Bottles are an excellent material for crafts with children.

Reincarnation of a plastic bottle

Why is it better to give a second life rather than recycle? It is no secret that such enterprises are not found everywhere in our country, and purposefully looking for appropriate containers is unusual for a Russian person. So tens and hundreds of thousands of unsorted bottles accumulate in landfills, and given that plastic does not decompose for about 500 years, it is quite possible that one day the entire planet will be covered with plastic waste. The question is - is it garbage?

What can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle

Products made from plastic bottles, which received a “second chance,” long ago “won” the hearts of environmentalists and ordinary residents of the Earth. Very often people try in any way to attract the public to environmental problem disposal of plastic waste, volunteers every now and then carry out clean-up campaigns natural areas and parks - explain to people that the correct attitude towards dishes made from this material will help keep our world cleaner. Many talented designers have made a name for themselves by creating art objects from plastic.

How you can use plastic bottles to make the whole world talk about you

Nebraska resident Garth Britsman succeeded. IN hometown Lincoln, he created a carport for his car from one and a half thousand used plastic bottles, into the bottom of which he poured specially colored water blue, yellow and green flowers, in such a way that the canvas resembles a flower carpet. The process of creating the “kinetic ceiling” took more than 200 hours of work. The structure reminds itself every time it rains or the wind blows - a peculiar noise and hum can be heard throughout the area. However, the find has already entered the top 50 most unusual structures in the world and has brought its author great fame.

Bottle Shed by Garth Britsman

How many useful things can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle? Just type this query into the Internet search bar. Exact number no one will call. Tens and hundreds of Russians have long been using plastic containers to decorate the garden, store small items, and create unusual lamps and furniture. Craftswomen willingly share instructions on how to turn transparent plastic into toys, spectacular jewelry, and tell how to create flowers from plastic bottles with your own hands.

For many housewives, not only beauty and decor, but also functionality come to the fore. DIY crafts made from plastic bottles can replace dozens of household gizmos.

Here are just some original ideas for useful household items made from plastic bottles.

Vase or storage form

Piggy bank for coins

Original bag for charging your phone

Dishes and flower pots

Decorative glasses for toothbrushes

Advantages and disadvantages of crafts made from plastic bottles

Plastic has not changed its shape for hundreds of years, it is easy to clean and does not allow moisture to pass through. Such a flowerbed or shelf will last for many years. The plastic is incredibly light. A structure made of this material (for example, a greenhouse or temporary shower) can be easily moved. And even if some element “fails,” it is easy to replace it with a similar one. As drivers say, “there are always replacement parts,” and in this case, it’s also free.

Of the minuses, only one can be highlighted. Such crafts do not always have attractive appearance. However, this minus can also be turned into a plus; mastery will come with practice.

Crafts from plastic bottle caps

Plastic bottle caps are a universal material for decoration. Some people use the lids to create panels and paintings. It all depends on the person’s imagination and his creative abilities.

Birds from caps
Panel of lids

There are many options for crafts made from plastic bottle caps. This material is often used for decorating rooms and garden paths. However, it will take a long time to collect them. Think in advance what color the product is planned for, and ask your friends to help you.

Such painstaking work requires considerable endurance. If a person does not have such a quality as perseverance, or he does not like monotonous work, this decor option is not for him.

Laying paths in the country and designing flower beds. Typically, plastic caps are collected to decorate paths or rugs in the country. At home, most often the caps are laid out in a special mosaic on a cement base that has not yet hardened, and if it is necessary to decorate a flowerbed or approaches to it, the caps are placed directly on the ground. This is done in order not to disrupt the access of oxygen to the soil.

Chest of drawers made of plastic bottles

They will not take time to manufacture, however, they will serve conscientiously for many years.

Sometimes plastic bottles are used to store shoes or small items.

Shoe shelf
Plastic bottle shelf

Such shelves will not take up much space, however, they will save a lot of time searching for the right pair of shoes.

Jewelry made from plastic bottles

Fashionistas should say a big thank you to plastic. Not every lady will understand that such masterpieces are made from recycled materials.

Plastic bottle necklace

The earrings and necklaces do not outwardly reveal themselves as slightly “used” goods. On the contrary, such products are in unprecedented demand among fashionistas.

The technology for making such necklaces and earrings is similar to that which we have already discussed above - plastic, cut into the desired shape, is simply melted over an open fire. Here the shape of the “blank” and time are of utmost importance. thermal heating. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it. You can decorate an art object with beads and rhinestones, or fasten it with fishing line or thin wire. In any case, the author is guaranteed an exclusive model.

Bracelets can be made using the same principle, however, some ladies prefer to “frame” plastic the old-fashioned way.

Bracelets made from plastic bottles

Most often, such products are within the capabilities of novice craftswomen. Leather, fabrics, felt, ribbons and beads are used. The advantage of such a product is that it will never lose its shape.

Crafts from plastic bottles in the country

Huge space in direct and figuratively for the use of plastic bottles is opened at the dacha. Mountains of unnecessary containers have been “stored” here for years, and this is where it is easier to use.

Plastic bottles are a special element of country decor

The first thing that catches the eye of the guests of the summer cottage, whose owner is a fan of the “plastic business,” is an incredible number of figures made of this material, flower beds made of plastic bottles and flower beds, greenhouses and gazebos.

Flowerbed piglets

However, sometimes such designer “things” merge successfully with environment that it is not even clear what is real here and what is made of plastic; it is difficult to call these architectural finds inanimate nature.

Artificial pond
Another pond

Crafts made from plastic bottles for the garden are amazing. One gets the impression that you are not in a garden, but in a living corner.

Animals made of plastic


Bugs in the garden

Plastic bottles as a building material

Very often, a guest on his way to pick up berries and a basket is puzzled by unusual and even frightening art objects.

Scarecrow Papuan

And when he is looking for an inconspicuous “house for reflection,” he suddenly “stumbles upon” a very interesting gazebo made of plastic bottles. And it doesn’t matter why a person was going, it’s impossible to get around such a masterpiece without taking a selfie.


Greenhouse outside

Greenhouse from the inside

There is nothing surprising in the fact that plastic bottles are widely used in construction. In South African countries they are used as the main construction material. After all, humanitarian aid, including water, is brought here exclusively in plastic bottles, so such houses are affordable even for the poorest.

Technology of construction of residential buildings in Africa

The main condition is to create strong walls from bottles using wet sand. The water inside the closed bottles does not evaporate, and the walls receive optimal strength and temperature.

Plastic watering bottles

According to this principle, Russian summer residents create beds and decorative wells for seedlings in your garden. Sometimes a plastic bottle is dug in vertically to provide the plant with moisture when watering is not possible. The bottle is first pierced in several places so that the roots of the plant can reach the water.

Plastic bottles in watering

Water containers are used as budget “sprinklers”. The hose is directly connected to the bottle, and a pressurized jet begins watering over a fairly large distance.

Spray bottle

Homemade crafts from plastic bottles for children

Very often, plastic containers become indispensable materials for making crafts that were needed yesterday. It’s no secret that grandiose craft fairs in kindergartens and schools are an opportunity not so much to show off a child’s work as to amuse one’s self-esteem.

Animals made of plastic
Decorative fruit boxes

Crafts from plastic bottles for school most often fall on the shoulders of parents, not children. While they are sleeping peacefully and having a third dream, the parents are frantically trying to create a craft from a plastic bottle.

A plastic bottle in this sense is an invaluable thing. Firstly, they are always in stock. Secondly, an interesting flowerpot can be a good “bribe” for a teacher, even if the craft turned out to be off-topic. After all, the teacher is always interested in having more living plants in the group.

Pig-flower bed
Penguins made from plastic bottles

By the way, such flowerpots or containers for flowers will occupy the crumbs for a long time not only in kindergarten, but also at home. It is enough to entrust your child with watering the home flower garden. With such a “zoo”, the child will be happy to carry out the assignment.

In a special publication on our portal we will talk in detail about crafts from natural material. You will learn what materials you can use, what crafts you can do with your children, and the features of working with materials.

Plastic products for outdoor games

If you don’t have a new toy, make it yourself. With this approach, plastic containers will become a real “lifesaver”. It can be used to create many interesting and useful things for a child.

What are the advantages of toys made from plastic bottles - the child is always “busy”. First creating your own toy, and then playing. The attitude towards such a masterpiece is more thrifty, because he made it himself and spent time and effort.

A plastic bottle can be used as a basket for playing ball.

You can make a toy like this on a string.

Bottles can be used for bowling games.

You can hide the bottle and put something tasty in it.

Houses for dolls made from plastic bottles

The main thing for a child is the development of imagination. And what develops it - of course, role-playing game. The child will be more willing to begin to take on social roles when he feels that he too can be the “master” of the house. Let it be quite small.

Doll house

Creating such a house from plastic bottles with your own hands will not take much time, but will save you money - in any case, parents are provided with a certain amount of personal time. Especially if, in addition to the house, the child will also have doll furniture. Here the plastic bottle comes to the rescue again.

Bed for dolls

Cars and airplanes

It doesn't matter if your baby doesn't really like to play with cars. Most likely, the child is accustomed to the same type of models. Not always “purchased cars” will include the required soldier, but such models will include more than one.

Cars made from plastic bottles

Artillery also arrived to provide air support. Ambulance on the wings just in time! The game gets a new plot.


It’s not scary to leave such a toy in the sandbox. All you need to do is remember to wash the bottle of chemicals before giving it to your child. You can decorate such a car with adhesive tape or permanent markers.

Shoes and skis made from plastic bottles

Plastic shoes are not something to mock. Some environmentally conscious designers now and then use bottles to create fashionable items. Clothes and hats have long been an object of desire for ultra-fashionable designers.

Now it's time for shoes.

The only thing holding back the couturier is the risks associated with insuring models. After all, plastic is a rather slippery thing. Literally. However, Russian craftsmen try such peaks. Here, for example, are slates for a bath. Nothing at all.

Slates for baths

And these are shoes for going out... In the forest. These plastic uggs can easily overcome any quagmire due to their volume. Foresters often use such shoes in winter.


Do-it-yourself skis made from plastic bottles can be a good alternative for going after a predator, because the tracks left in this way will not give the animal away the presence of a person by smell.

Bottle skis

Crafts made from plastic pipes

Plastic pipes - especially durable material. What makes them unique is that special fasteners help achieve the desired shape and volume, while the product remains stable and durable. Like these ones unusual crafts can be made from this material.

Velomobile made of plastic pipes
Pipe sled

The disadvantage of the material is that, unlike plastic bottles, it will cost a pretty penny. However, if you know pipe makers, then this material can become indispensable for creating comfortable everyday things.

Sports corners made of plastic pipes. Both for home and outdoors. Compared with finished products, much cheaper and easier to assemble.

Outdoor sports corner
Sports corner at home

Furniture. Plastic pipes are unique in that they can bend at right angles and create niches. You can make both chairs and beds. They can be easily moved or enlarged if, for example, the child grows up.

Other uses for plastic pipes


Plastic bottles and fittings today are no longer just containers for storing or transmitting liquid through pipes. Today it is a resource that needs to be used wisely. Ideas about what can be made from plastic bottles can appear out of nowhere, just look around. If a person mindlessly “accumulates” containers, it will ultimately “absorb” all living things. Therefore, if you suddenly see an ownerless bottle, do not rush to take it to trash can. Perhaps it will still serve you faithfully.

We hope that today's article was useful to the reader. Questions, if any, can be asked in the discussions below.

Plastic bottles can breathe a second life into your garden plot

Plastic bottles are an easily accessible and inexpensive material. In addition to their direct purpose, there are many incredible options for their use. Plastic as a method of decoration has appealed to those who like to build something with their own hands. And this is not surprising - products made from it are quite durable, the body of the bottle bends without effort, and the strength of the material is also pleasing. You can do it with your own hands and without any problems incredible crafts for a summer house, vegetable garden, front garden and ordinary living space. So, the main task is to collect as many plastic bottles of different colors and sizes as possible, and the rest is imagination.

Sun from bottles and tires

Wasps from plastic bottles

Peacock made from plastic bottles

Wasp and flowers from bottles

Palm tree made from plastic bottles instructions

It is important to know that most tree-related crafts made from plastic bottles follow a similar pattern. You will need a plastic bottle, scissors, plastic paint and wire. The palm tree is made using the middle and lower sections of dark-colored bottles; it is advisable to make the foliage from green bottles. The next similar bottle is inserted into a plastic bottle with a cut bottom until the required height is formed. All elements are strung on a wire passing through the neck, and the neck of a green bottle without a bottom is attached to the top. Further in equal parts strips of green plastic are cut and tilted towards the bottom, imitating palm foliage.

Palm tree with sharp plastic leaves

Bottle palms in the country

Bottle palm tree with smooth leaves

Simple palm tree made from plastic bottles

Thus, three or more palm trees, made from such improvised material as plastic bottles, can decorate any country cottage area and garden. This decorative element will please the eye all year round, rain, snow and wind are not afraid of him. If there is a baby in the house, do not forget to melt the cut points on the bottles. In addition, don’t be afraid to involve your little one in joint work. Most likely, he will gladly respond to help.

Original and bright flower beds in the garden made from plastic bottles with your own hands

It’s very easy to use plastic bottles to create useful little things for your dacha and landscape pieces, including flower beds, gazebos, supports for greenhouses and canopies, frames for climbing plants, etc.

Flowerbeds made from plastic bottles are found quite often not only among amateur gardeners, but also simply near high-rise buildings. To make a flower bed, you need to select plastic bottles of the same shape and color. If you have time and desire, you can decorate them either with one color or using a whole palette. To decorate the borders of a flower bed, it is enough to simply dig containers around the perimeter to a sufficient depth. The result is an original fence.

Flowerbed sun with sides

Fencing a flower bed or garden bed

Making a flower bed out of bottles

Flowerbed decor made from plastic bottles

Flowerpots and pots for outdoor flowers made from plastic bottles

Also, plastic bottles can be used as tabletop and hanging pots. If you cut off the bottom of the bottle, you will get a cylindrical pot; if you use the top part, you will get a cone-shaped one. If such pots are decorated with colored corrugated paper, fabric, yarn, simply decorate - an unforgettable element of the interior will appear. Slightly heated plastic will be easy to give to absolutely any shape, this makes it possible to create the most unusual flowers.

Pots made from plastic bottles

Hedgehog made from grass and bottle

Swan flowerbed made from bottles

Reindeer team made of bottles and tires

And here are video ideas on how you can use bottles to decorate your garden and make it more functional:

Gazebo made from plastic bottles in the country - elegant and convenient

If there is a need to build a gazebo, a support for climbing plants, greenhouses, you should stock up on a large number of identical plastic bottles, as well as patience, imaginative thinking and intelligence. The gazebo is fastened using small screws. If whole containers will be used, it is advisable to fill them with sand or earth in order to add reliability. If a frame is being made, do not overload it unnecessarily. Fabric or other light protective sheets attached to the bottles to decorate the sides will look good.

House made of bottles and wood

Canopy made of plastic bottles

Gazebo made from plastic bottles

House made of cement and bottles

Decorative country curtains made from plastic bottles

Curtains made of plastic bottles on windows or doorways are an interesting design solution. To create them you will have to take a large number of these same plastic bottles - directly proportional to the size of the window (or doorways). The cut bottoms from containers (of small height) must be connected to each other. Fishing line or thin wire are suitable as fasteners. An unusual composition of bottles can be created if you take bottles of different sizes and colors. If you have the desire and time, an unforgettable feeling will be created by a curtain made of transparent identical bottles, painted acrylic paints.

Decorative bottle curtains

Bottle bottoms

Bathroom curtains made from plastic bottles

Curtains made from bottle bottoms

DIY animals, birds and insects from plastic bottles

Not everyone is happy with real animals, birds and insects in the garden. Indeed, who would like it when a mole digs in the garden, a live wolf or bear wanders in, owls fly, or mosquitoes and wasps attack. But bright crafts made from bottles can easily decorate your dacha. More ideas for animals and birds from plastic bottles in this article.

Animals from plastic bottles with photos

Making crafts from bottles is not at all difficult; anyone can find the material in any quantity, and multi-colored paints will give life to crafts. Therefore, the main problem that may arise in front of you is what exactly to do? Why not animals? Here, for example, are cats, mice and penguins made to decorate the site:

Piglet made from plastic bottles - step-by-step instructions

The easiest way is to make various animals from plastic bottles. For example, you can make these bright pink piglets and place them in your garden for decoration:

All you need is either a large five-liter plastic bottle for the piglet’s body and several regular bottles for the legs and ears. Here are instructions on how to do it:

After the pig is ready, all that remains is to paint it in pink color. You can make several different crafts. Here are a couple more photos for you:

DIY bottle birds

Or maybe we’ll put some kind of bird in the garden? Why not make funny crows and place them on an apple tree branch? Or make a penguin with a gorgeous tail, which you can put in a clearing or under a tree. You can also make an owl and attach it to a fence or near a hollow tree in the garden, or yellow ducks with which you can decorate a pond, also made by yourself.

Swan made from plastic bottles - simple instructions for making

And of course, the most popular bird, which is often made from bottles, is the gorgeous snow-white swan. There are several options. The simplest one is to paint the bottles white and stick the neck into the ground, forming the outline of the swan’s body - at the same time it will be a fence for a miniature flowerbed, inside which you can plant any colors. What else to make a fence for flower beds and beds from - read the link. Then all that remains is to make the neck and head of a swan - from the same bottles, from papier-mâché, corrugated tube, plaster or other materials, and this is what we get:

But there is more complex ways. For example, you can make the frame of a swan’s body, and on top the feathers from plastic spoons - they are already white, so you don’t even have to paint them. Or cutting openwork feathers from bottles is long, tedious, difficult, but the result is really worth it, it’s not a shame to send such a craft even to some competition. And don’t forget to create a pair for the bird: you can make a white and a black swan.

And here is a video master class on how to make a stork from bottles with your own hands:

Master class: wasp, ladybug and other animals from bottles

You can also make various insects from bottles, so don’t rush to throw them away. During the winter you can collect enough material for summer crafts. The leader here, of course, ladybug. It's very easy to make from the bottom of a plastic bottle, step by step wizard a class is not even required - just cut off the bottom, make a head with wire horns out of caps or some kind of ball, paint it red or any other color, draw dots and eyes - the craft is ready:

What else can you make a ladybug from for garden decoration? Read in this article. By the way, it is also easily made from plastic spoons - then you can decorate trees or a fence with them. Other insects that can be made from bottles are predatory wasps and bees, bright dragonflies or butterflies, which we will now tell you how to make.

Butterflies from plastic bottles: master class for decorating a gazebo

Bright butterflies will decorate any room; they will look especially original on a gazebo. To make these insects, you should cut out the middle of the container of a plastic bottle (the color does not matter), make a blank from cardboard in the form of butterfly wings, attach it to the plastic and trim around the edges. Next, attach the wire to the bend line. Beads will help decorate the body of such a “gazebo resident” various sizes. Butterfly wings are painted with acrylic paints according to the desired image. It is desirable that the color of the butterflies matches color scheme design of a vacation spot.

Butterflies from plastic bottles

Draw and cut out a butterfly

creative butterflies

Go for the butterfly flowers

Figures of people made from plastic bottles

If you are already comfortable with animals, let's go further and try to make something more complex, for example, human figures from bottles. For example, look at how cute the little black man was made from brown bottles, and how easy it is to make:

By the way, little blacks are a popular theme for plastic crafts. This is probably due to the fact that after winter a lot of brown bottles accumulate, which can be used for crafts without even painting them. Well, another option is garden gnomes, a man and a woman, which are also not at all difficult to make:

Flowers from plastic bottles with step-by-step instructions

Why not decorate your cottage with flowers? And not necessarily alive, although that would be excellent option. But in addition you can add various flowers from plastic bottles. For example, it’s very easy to make poppies from them - here’s a short step-by-step instruction:

Actually, there are no special steps here - we cut off either the bottom or the neck, depending on what kind of flower you want to make, and use scissors to form the petals. Next we paint it with varnish or paint. We make a stem and leaves from green bottles, assemble them into a single structure using glue or wire, and “plant” the flowers in the flowerbed. In this way you can make poppies and bells, daisies and gladioli, irises and roses, forget-me-nots, carnations, tulips and many other flowers that will not be difficult to recognize.

Unusual garden crafts made from plastic bottles

Flowers and insects, animals and birds, palm trees and gazebos - all these are popular ideas, but also hackneyed. And if you want to stand out, you'll have to come up with something of your own. But almost anything can be made from this material. We have selected several for you non-standard options. Of course you can use them, but the ideal would be to come up with your own. By the way, we personally really liked the bright yellow minions made from a whole bottle - despite the absolute simplicity of execution, it looks really unusual.

It’s also a good idea for those who love winter more than summer - why not make durable snowmen like these that will not only attract attention in the summer, but will also decorate your garden in the winter?

And the most interesting thing we managed to find: at the very beginning of the article, we told you that you can easily make a gazebo out of bottles for summer holiday in the garden. But this craftsman went further and made not only the gazebo itself, but also the entire furnishings in it exclusively from bottles. These include walls, armchairs with a coffee table, a curtain, and decorative elements. What do you think of the idea?

Thus, there are a huge number of ideas for decor. The main thing for their implementation is desire and imagination, as well as the availability of plastic bottles. And they almost always leave behind plugs, which are most often not used in conventional crafts. But don’t rush to throw it away; finally, we’ll tell you how you can decorate your dacha using these same corks. In the meantime, watch the video about the 5 simplest and easiest to implement ideas on how you can use plastic bottles to decorate your dacha and garden:

We decorate the cottage with crafts from bottle caps

And it’s very easy to do - we’ll make a mosaic out of multi-colored corks. These can be animals - below there is a ready-made diagram for a cat and a dog, flowers or any other design that comes to your mind. Or you can lay out a whole panel, as in the photo above. Of course, this will require a considerable amount of traffic jams. But the plus is that you can use ready-made embroidery patterns to calculate exactly how many corks you will need and in what colors. You can decorate the walls of a house, the area around windows, a fence, a barn and any other horizontal and vertical surface with panels and mosaics made from bottle caps in your dacha. For example, why not make a doormat out of corks?

Since Soviet times, bottles have been collected and invented application on the farm.

Today they are used to make jewelry, toys and even furniture.

Summer residents use containers to decorate their plots.

Let's look at examples of how you can make crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands for the street, cottage, garden, vegetable garden, what other components are needed for this, and look at photos of the products.

We are offering to you step by step instructions making crafts in the shape of a palm tree with a photo.

To make a palm tree from plastic containers, brown bottles are cut to the hangers, the edges are cut into triangles and folded back. In the middle of the bottom drill a hole and string it on or a metal rod installed on the ground.

Green bottles are cut in half lengthwise. The edges of the workpieces are cut, imitating small leaves.

Plastic leaves bolted together.

For lush crown their palms assembled from several levels and glued to the trunk.

Looks beautiful near the gazebos and in front of the entrance to the site.


For flowers, prepare a trunk - a painted thick wire.

To make chamomile, you will need white containers. Most often, milk drinks are sold in this type of store. Petals are cut out of it, fastened together by drilling a hole and tightening it with a bolt. The middle is made from the bottom of a brown bottle.

The bell is also cut out of white bottles. They cut off their heads, cutting the edges with corners. A hole is pierced in the lid, where a wire is inserted and attached to the barrel.

These flowers will decorate paths in the garden or between the beds.

Thus, the variety of flowers made depends on how to cut the blanks and how to fasten them together.


Now let's look at how to make a small vase for decorating a porch or window sill on the veranda. You will need:

  • 2 bottles;
  • scissors;
  • spray paint;
  • PVA glue;

The bottom and neck are cut off from one bottle. The thread is cut off from the latter, turned over and the wide side is attached to the bottom glue gun. Cut off from the second top part, the thread is removed, the edges are decorated with a wavy line. The narrow part is glued to the first workpiece.

Surface of the vase smear with glue and sprinkle her rice. After drying, the bottles are painted with spray paint in two colors.


A circle is cut out on the side, it will become the entrance. To the top glue parts from disks, imitating tiles. The house is painted, decorated beautifully and straw or tow is placed inside.

To make it more convenient for birds to climb inside the birdhouse, glue a round stick or a piece of pencil in front of entrance. A wire is threaded through the lid to form a loop.

Flowerbed or flower garden

Fencing flower beds with bottles has become common. They are cut, filled with soil and arranged in flower beds, as shown in the photo.

In the ground next to the plants put upside down bottoms and paint them. The resulting shapes are, for example, a ladybug or a flower.

Figurines for the garden in the form of animals

Bottle animals are made as toys for children's playgrounds in the country or to decorate the garden. You can create favorite cartoon character, a copy of pets or make any fantasy come true.

Examples of such work are in the photo below.


These figures will be a great decoration on the porch or in front of the gazebo. What you will need for this composition:

  • bottles 1.5 l and 0.5 l;
  • stationery knife;
  • paints;
  • glue gun;
  • color package.

For stability the container is filled with earth, it will become the body of a cat. The remaining details are cut out from the second container: muzzle, ears, tail.

The cut off necks are used to make cat paws. Fasten everything with glue and paint. A bow from a bag or other decorations is glued to the neck.


Such pigs are suitable decoration for a playground or garden beds. The container is filled with sand, the ears and tail are glued on.

Capacity painted pink and draw nostrils with eyes.

The photo below shows two examples of how you can make a pig.


To create such a “frog princess”, you will need:

  • about 12 green containers and one yellow;
  • stationery knife and scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • a regular lighter and gas cylinder with a lighter attachment.

First, the body is made. Two bottles cut from one side along. Remove the neck, unfold it and cut off the excess. Glue them together so that you get a body and an open mouth.

“Warts” are burned on the back.

The necks of the other two containers, along with the lids, will serve as bulging eyes.

On a yellow container stationery knife a pattern is cut out on the base for future crown. Then the container is turned inside out, connecting the neck and bottom inside with glue. The crown is ready, it is attached to the top of the head.

For the paws, blanks are cut out from seven bottles and carefully warmed up with fire from a gas cylinder so that the plastic deforms and becomes pliable. The blanks are glued together and attached to the body. All that remains is to melt the sharp edges with a lighter.


To make a peacock, except for bottles, additional materials will be needed:

  • two metal rods;
  • Styrofoam;
  • metal grid;
  • wire;
  • paint in cans;
  • knife and scissors;
  • lighter.

The rods will become the legs of a bird, the body is attached to them from a 5 liter canister. The neck consists of two bottles. The head is cut out of foam plastic.

For the wings and tail, use a mesh, to which feathers tied with wire, cut with scissors.

Feathers for the body can be cut similarly to the tail or make them smaller and thinner, glue to the body with glue.

Next, the beak and crest on the head are made. Before making the peacock's plumage, feathers melt with a lighter and stick into foam. At the end, the craft is painted from a balloon and patterns are drawn on the tail.


Homemade swans decorate flower beds, flower beds and ponds.

For the most simple option to make a swan you will need:

  • net;
  • Styrofoam;
  • wire;
  • thick metal rod;
  • corrugated hose (suitable for a washing machine);
  • paints.

A body frame is made from mesh, and plastic feather blanks are tied to it. The metal rod is bent, it will act as a neck. Cover it with a hose.

The head is cut out of foam plastic and placed on the end of the rod. The figure is painted and placed in the right place.


The hedgehog's body is made from a barrel-shaped container. The middle of another bottle is cut out and roll into a cone, this will be the muzzle.

The parts are fastened with a heat gun, and the ears are made in the same way.

From other bottles make strips and cut out needles, glue them to the body with plates, overlapping.

The eyes are cut out of plastic and painted. The nose is formed from the scraps. The toes are made from cocktail straws.

At the end the craft is painted and it is ready to decorate the garden.


One of the simplest designs.

A 3-5 liter bottle is filled with sand. From another cut out the ears and glue them to the base. All that remains is to draw a funny face of a hare.


To make a donkey you need:

  • two large containers;
  • three bottles of 1.5 l;
  • rods or plastic pipes for legs, four pieces;
  • wire for tail;
  • glue and paints.

From a five-liter container make a torso and glue the neck to it from 1.5 l.

For the muzzle, cut off the bottom, carefully shape the edges into a mouth, and attach half the bottle in the form of a head. Ears are cut out from a five-liter container and glue it.

The entire structure is placed on “legs” and painted.


To create a wolf, the hero of the cartoon “Once Upon a Time There Was a Dog,” additional materials needed:

  • metal grid;
  • wire;
  • polyurethane foam.

The base of the body is a large container and a net. Wire arms and legs are attached to them.

The muzzle is made from a 5-liter bottle, and the nose from a 2-liter bottle. The main structure is tied wire to the picket fence, it is dug into the ground.

The figure is given the desired shape using polyurethane foam; after hardening, the excess is cut off and the surface is treated with sandpaper.

Final stage– coloring.


Summer residents use bottles for seedlings and creating such neat beds.

Manufacturing is very simple: you need to cut a hole in the side, fill with soil and plant shift.

Round bottles cut across, we get “glasses”.

We suggest looking at the pictures below and using them as an example of making a flower bed.

Drip irrigation

For drip watering of plants in greenhouses no need to buy special equipment.

The bottoms of the bottles are cut off and holes are made in the caps. To distribute water to several plants, you can add tubes from IVs. The inverted container is placed in the desired location and filled with water.

Fence for the front garden

Plastic containers can be good material for making fences in vegetable gardens and front gardens.

Pillars are dug in, through holes are made in the container, bottom and top in each. passes through them thick stretched wire, fixed to poles.


A simple pinwheel, cut from one bottle. A hole is made in the middle of the workpiece, a nail with a large head is driven through it or a bolt is threaded through it.

They are attached to a vertical surface not tightly, but loosely, so that the wind turns the pinwheel.


Spectacular decorations for flower beds and beds. Select barrel bottles, cut off the neck, bottom mounted on metal rods, playing the role of a stem.

Leaves are cut out of green plastic, the structure is assembled, painted and stuck into the ground.


Cute bugs from painted bottoms and ping pong balls, will become a decoration for the nursery play area in the country.


On transparent plastic paint with stained glass paints bright butterflies, and then simply cut them out. Such crafts made from PET bottles can be used outdoors and in the apartment.

They are placed on the leaves of indoor plants using double-sided tape or glued to wallpaper.

Approximate number of bottles for crafts

The table shows what can be made from plastic containers and approximately how many bottles are needed for a particular craft.

Useful video

This video presents ideas of what you can make from plastic bottles with your own hands: