Treadmill Covering 6. Treadmill Covering: Safety and Durability

Arrangement of a sports facility open type even today is one of the most difficult construction tasks. Despite the fact that many modern materials excellent resistance to impacts environment, their properties may not be sufficient to satisfy all the needs of the regulatory sports committee. In particular, we are talking about creating treadmills, operational characteristics which are always applied special requirements. Concrete or asphalt mixtures in this case they cannot be used, since their structure is too rigid. At the same time, more pliable materials cannot provide the necessary wear resistance. Fortunately, the solution to the problem turned out to be a relatively affordable multilayer coating for treadmills based on Regupol technology.

Coating for treadmills: features and advantages of a multilayer structure

At its core, such a solution can be perceived as a single integral composite structure, each part of which performs its own special function. The Regupol material itself serves as a reliable base that absorbs the influences exerted on the upper layers. Next, a polyurethane layer is applied to it, which guarantees the durability of the track. Top part The final design is covered with coarse EPDM chips in order to give the track the necessary completeness, as well as to ensure the best grip of the running track with the athletes’ soles.

A distinctive feature of this comprehensive solution is that its implementation will not require so many resources. And it is quite accessible to anyone construction company. It is also impossible not to note the environmental friendliness of each of the materials used. Neither individually nor collectively they pose a threat to human life and health. In addition, it does not harm the environment.

Treadmill coating: safety and durability

The use of this approach when organizing stadiums and individual running tracks is justified by the fact that, on the one hand, the finishing surface is quite hard. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to perform various athletic exercises. However, the presence of elastic components makes it possible to obtain good shock-absorbing qualities that absorb the force of impact when falling. Thus, the risk of injury to the entire facility as a whole is significantly reduced, which is the main requirement of regulatory organizations.

Our company’s specialists are ready to provide you with any information support regarding the purchase and use of materials used for organizing treadmills of this type.

Treadmill at the stadium– this is a mandatory attribute, without which it is difficult to imagine a modern sports facility. It is the paths that experience quite heavy loads during operation, so it is important not just to cover them with gravel, but to make the most comfortable and safe surface. We should not forget that Treadmills can also be laid in pedestrian areas, forested areas, and in the courtyards of residential complexes.

What standards must treadmills meet?

Seamless rubber covering for treadmill
COVER SPORT Economy - (analogous to ELASTUR) waterproof, bottom layer - 10 mm (black SBR tire crumb of 2-4 mm fraction is used), and upper layer 2-3 mm (black SBR tire crumb of 1-2 mm fraction is used), applied using a crumb rubber sprayer
COVER SPORT Basic - the first layer is 10 mm (black SBR tire and EPDM colored chips of fraction 2-4 mm are used), and the second is 2-3 mm (applied using a sprayer polyurethane glue and pigment dye)
COVER SPORT Standard - 10 mm + 2-3 mm EPDM done using a spray gun
COVER SPORT Mix - 10 mm black with EPDM + 2-3 mm EPDM, installed using a sprayer
COVER SPORT Plus (ELASTUR treadmill covering) – 10 mm EPDM + 2-3 mm EPDM applied by spray
REPAIR OF RUNNING TRAILS— our company also repairs seamless rubber coatings; if necessary, the damaged part is replaced with a new one. We will do it efficiently and on time.

Coating options for treadmills: price and characteristics

Name units change Price per unit rub. Characteristic
Seamless rubber coating m2 600 rub.
  • Seamless coating made of granulated rubber crumbs “Standard” The composition includes rubber crumbs, pigment dye and polyurethane binder
  • Crumb fraction 2-4 mm
  • Thickness: 10mm
  • Possible colors: green, blue (cyan), terracotta, pale yellow
  • Base: asphalt, concrete
  • Water permeable
Seamless rubber coating m2 900 rub.
  • Seamless coating made of rubber crumb “Standard”. The composition includes crumb rubber, pigment dye and polyurethane binder
  • Crumb fraction 2-4 mm
  • Thickness: 15 mm
  • Water permeable
Seamless rubber coating m2 1150 rub.
  • Seamless coating of crumb rubber “Standard” The composition includes crumb rubber, pigment dye and polyurethane binder
  • Crumb fraction 2-4 mm
  • Thickness: 20 mm
  • Possible colors: green, blue (cyan), terracotta, pale yellow
  • Base: can be done on a loose (sand-crushed stone) base, but we recommend doing it on a solid base
  • Water permeable


EPDM crumb coating

m2 1300 rub.
  • Seamless crumb rubber coating
  • Thickness: 10mm
  • Advantages: does not react to temperature changes, is resistant to exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet rays, since during the production of rubber crumbs we add softening and enhancing materials. The composition includes skept rubber, which is much higher quality than the rubber contained in black tire tires, rich in color
  • Base: asphalt, concrete
SANDWICH two-layer coating m2 1700 rub.
  • Thickness: bottom black layer 10mm, top rubber layer 5mm
  • Disadvantage: 5 mm rubber layer is too thin and due to wear the rubber granules will come off the lower black layer
  • Warranty: 1 year for rubber top layer
  • Crumb fraction 2-4 mm
  • Water permeable
SANDWICH coating m2 2000 rub.
  • Seamless coating of crumb rubber “Sandwich” - black crumb rubber, colored EPDM crumb (ethylene-propylene skept rubber, rubber content 23-25%)
  • Thickness: bottom black layer 10mm, top rubber layer 7mm
  • The advantage is high level depreciation
  • Crumb fraction 2-4 mm
  • Water permeable

When creating a training facility, special attention is paid to the sports surface of the running tracks. The safety of athletes directly depends on its quality and physical properties. Most often in open and closed type install rubber coverings for treadmills. They have a number of positive properties:

  • good shock absorption;
  • injury safety;
  • optimal ratio rigidity and elasticity;
  • wear resistance;
  • possibility of quick repair.

Additional requirements apply to sports surfaces that are installed in outdoor stadiums. The material must be able to withstand temperature changes and precipitation well.

Popular types of coverings for running tracks and stadiums

All modern sports surfaces for stadiums are classified according to a number of criteria:

  • by purpose - for open or indoor sports grounds;
  • according to the installation method - self-leveling or modular coverings;
  • in appearance - natural or artificial.

Often, owners of sports complexes prefer synthetic surfaces for running tracks. They are durable and wear-resistant. You can exercise on a rubber treadmill in studded shoes - even frequent training will not have a negative impact on your health. appearance coverings. It is easy to take care of the track surface, and scheduled or unscheduled repairs do not cost a fortune.

Rubber crumb treadmill design

CRUMB SP is one of popular types coverings for athletics tracks.

It has a wide range of applications - from small school stadiums to professional running complexes. Endurely tolerates different kinds mechanical influences, including frequent training in studded shoes.

The coating consists of two layers. The first layer is a mixture of two-component polyurethane and black crumb rubber. The surface is very elastic and elastic, self-leveling after mechanical stress. The second layer is a sprayed mixture of two-component polyurethane and colored rubber chips. Apply with a special airless spray device.

Rubber running surfaces have a number of advantages, among which it is worth noting:

  • When creating a coating, only quality materials who undergo certification;
  • the surface of the treadmill is uniform and has the same thickness;
  • even after several years of operation, the material retains its original elasticity;
  • the coatings contain only materials that are safe for human health;
  • material for treadmills is abrasion resistant;
  • coating with the addition of rubber is suitable for open stadiums located in regions with harsh climates - heavy precipitation, sudden temperature changes, etc.;
  • rubber running tracks are quickly laid, and the installation process requires a minimum set of tools and consumables;
  • Repair of the coating is carried out quickly - a patch is placed on the worn surface, and the base is not affected.

Another important advantage of rubber running surfaces is the low cost of the material. This factor is fundamental for owners of large stadiums and sports complexes.

Disadvantages of rubber treadmills

Like any other material, rubber coatings have weak spots. A noticeable disadvantage is the loss of color. After just 2–3 years, running tracks in outdoor stadiums become dull, and the markings are erased in places.

The problem can be solved simply by applying a new layer of special paint to the surface. After cosmetic repairs treadmills will be like new. One type of coating, loose professional coating for treadmills, is a little more difficult to repair; it is necessary to apply a new layer of mastic and cover the coating with rubber crumbs, and then apply markings.

Don't forget about compliance fire safety. In addition, rubber coatings have no flaws.

When creating a sports complex for training athletes, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements and recommendations. They can be obtained from the list of standards of the International Association. In accordance with this document, the length of the treadmill should be 400 meters. Width working area along which an athlete runs is 1.22 m. The number of tracks varies depending on the type of object - there can be either 4–5 or all 8. The last figure is relevant for stadiums where international competitions are held.

The inside of the path must be fenced with an edge, the dimensions of which are strictly regulated - 5x5 cm. Between the paths there is a small marking - a white line 5 cm wide. Mandatory requirement is also the presence of a slope directed towards inner side paths.

Before laying the rubber surface for running tracks, it is necessary to construct a drainage system. It consists of polymer concrete channels and plastic covers. The drainage system prevents moisture from accumulating on the training ground, which prevents the possibility of injury among athletes.

The International Association also imposes a number of requirements on the coatings themselves. Surfaces must comply with IAAF standards - be durable, low-elastic, non-slip and injury-proof. These requirements are met modern coatings made of rubber and polyurethane.

Coverings for treadmills come in roll and seamless types. In the first case, specialists cut the material into pieces of a certain length and width and fix it on a concrete or asphalt base. Bulk method installation, which CP-SS specializes in, is more technologically advanced. After installation, a monolithic, flat surface is formed, on which there are no seams or differences in height. Lifetime seamless coating- at least 10 years.

Regardless of the type of coating chosen, you need to know about the requirements for the base. Synthetic materials laid on a flat asphalt concrete surface. The thickness of the base is calculated depending on the type and structure of the top coating.

Treadmill sizes

There are a number of requirements for the size of treadmills. In a standard outdoor athletics stadium, an oval track is made, the length of which does not exceed 400 meters. The track is divided into 8–10 sections for running, supplemented by sectors for competitions in jumping and projectile throwing. Sectors for jumping and throwing are usually located in the corners of the stadium. The projectiles must hit the dirt field area (to reduce bounce). Often an athletics stadium is combined with a football field.

A circular treadmill is distinguished by smooth, identical turns and is a closed circuit. Straight tracks are sections of a field with a limited length (about 130 meters).

At stadiums where international competitions are held, there must be 8 circular and 10 straight running tracks. For other sports facilities, this number is reduced to 6. The width of each track must be at least 125 cm. A white boundary line must be drawn between the tracks - 5 cm wide.

The surface of the treadmill must be perfectly flat, without slopes. As a covering, you can use materials such as tartan, regupol, recortan. Markings are applied to the tracks: finish and start lines for all distances, boundaries of transfer zones in relay running, pre-start line, etc.

If a steeplechase competition is held at an athletics stadium, portable barriers are installed at certain points on the site. Their frame is made of light metal alloy, and the crossbar is made of wood. The barrier must be equipped with a crossbar height adjustment system.

Our company is engaged in laying professional coatings at sports facilities different types- football fields, tennis courts, running tracks, basketball courts. At the request of the customer we carry out complete set stadium - we apply markings, install special equipment, fences and lighting. The facility is handed over within the period specified in the contract, after which athletes can begin to prepare for competitions.

Sequence of installation work

Modern rubber coatings for sports facilities are characterized by high installation speed and impressive physical properties. There are no seams between the sheets of material, and the surface itself does not allow water to pass through and is resistant to abrasion. During running, there is no sliding effect, which significantly reduces the risk of injury among athletes.

Sports surfaces for treadmills are made in several colors. The coating can be plain or multi-colored. The shade is selected taking into account the comfortable visual perception of athletes.

The process of laying rubber coatings at a sports facility can be divided into the following stages:

  • Preparing the base. Rubber coatings are mounted on a concrete or asphalt base. The service life of running surfaces depends on its quality. The thickness of the concrete should be at least 8–10 cm; asphalt - 5 cm. In open areas, be sure to make a slight slope - 1% - so that water does not accumulate on the surface of the paths after rain or snow. It is advisable to install curbs along the perimeter of the object.
  • Surface primer. A special composition applied to the base of the sports ground will ensure better fixation of the rubber coating.
  • Mixing and laying of raw materials. In a large container installed on site, crumb rubber is mixed with a polyurethane binder and permanent dye. Use a mixer to bring the mixture to a homogeneous state. Then the workpiece is applied to the base - the coating is laid manually with graters or using special equipment. To give strength, the surface is compacted with a roller. All equipment and tools are treated with turpentine to prevent crumb rubber from peeling off during installation.
  • Marking. When the surface of the treadmills is ready, sports markings are applied to it.

You can conduct training on the new sports ground within a few days after installing the rubber covering. During this time, the surface will have time to acquire sufficient hardness. The polymerization time of treadmill coatings is affected by air temperature and humidity.

Rubber coverings at outdoor and indoor sports facilities are easy to maintain. Any dirt is easily removed from the surface, after which the treadmills become like new. However, it is necessary to remember a number of requirements for caring for rubber coating.

  • Rubber running surfaces must be protected from paint, solvents, acids, and machine oil.
  • The surface of treadmills cannot withstand prolonged high heat and contact with open fire.
  • Ice or debris should not be removed from treadmills with sharp or hard objects. Otherwise you will have to carry out partial renovation running surfaces.

Dust and dirt accumulated on the surface of the rubber coating can be quickly removed with water from a hose. There is no need to use additional cleaning products.

Assessing the condition of the sports facility's surface and determining the feasibility of repairs

At this stage, specialists determine the type and scale of damage - they measure cracks, find areas of delamination and crumbling of the coating, and determine the areas of swollen surfaces. All damage is applied to paper diagram stadium. Experts must evaluate adhesion - the degree of adhesion between two different surfaces- before restoration of the coating. To do this, a series of tests are performed, the results of which make it possible to calculate the exact amount of material needed to repair the coating. The condition of the foundation is also assessed, because in some cases it also requires repair. The final decision on repair or complete replacement of the coating is made by the customer.

Damage repair

When repairing the coating, damaged areas are cut out and replaced with similar materials corresponding to the existing surface.

Restoring the color and repairing the entire surface of the treadmill

The stadium surface that needs to be repaired is cleaned of contaminants and degreased with special compounds applied under high pressure. Sometimes it is necessary to sand the treadmill surface.

Damaged areas are removed, and sheets of material with the same physical properties are installed in their place. In addition, specialists can apply a new layer of material to old surface. Before carrying out work, the type of material, method of application, and cost are agreed upon with the customer.


Experts apply sports markings to the repaired surface. The procedure is carried out using special equipment.

Figure 6. Design of an athletics running track: 1-waterproof soil base; 2-sand drainage layer; 3 base made of limestone crushed stone with a particle size of up to 40 mm; 4-intermediate layer of boiler slag (fractions 20-60 mm); 5-elastic-moisture-absorbing layer of fibrous peat; 6 - coating made from a special mixture; 7-filter sprinkling; 8-tube drainage

The natural basis for the structure of the path is bulk waterproof soil, so during its construction special attention required the organization of drainage from the surface and from the thickness of the structure. A drainage layer of coarse sand 20 cm thick was laid at the base of the path, and a tubular drainage with a continuous filter bedding was installed under the inner edge.

Base material - crushed crystalline limestone grain size up to 100 mm, intermediate layers - boiler slag and fibrous brown peat. The coating is made of a special mixture based on ground ceramics. Both treadmill edges made of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements measuring 25X6X 100 cm, installed on the preparation of lean concrete.

If a drainage layer of sand, shell, slag, etc., is arranged in a layer more than 10 cm thick, the thickness of the base can be reduced to 5-8 cm by filling it with crushed soft stones. Avoid over-compacting the base when rolling.

The elasticity of the structure can be increased by replacing part of the slag layer with a sawdust-pyrite mixture with a layer 10-12 cm thick.

The fastening design of the prefabricated edge elements must ensure unhindered access surface water into the drain - a drain, what is the width for? concrete base under the edge should not exceed 10-12 cm. It is also possible to fasten a reinforced concrete edge similar to the structures of wooden edges on “jogs”, using concrete support columns and increasing the length of the prefabricated edge elements to 2-2.5 m.

Figure 7: Treadmill design: 1 - crushed brick, fractions 40-70 mm: 2-medium-grained slag, fractions 20-30 mm (80%) + lump fireclay clay (20%); 3-fine-grained slag, fractions up to 12 mm (70% - loam (30%), 4-crushed bauxite, fractions 1-10 mm (75%) + coarsely crushed fireclay 1-10 mm (25%); 5-crushed bauxite, fractions 0-3 mm (60%) + fireclay clay (20%) + tile flour (20%); 6 - sprinkling with finely ground fireclay clay with rolling.

Treadmill (Fig. 7). The base of the path is made of crushed brick (fraction 40-70 mm), laid on a planned and compacted soil base. The thickness of the base is from 12 cm at the outer edge to 20 cm at the inner edge, due to the slope of the bottom of the trough of about 0.01. Two intermediate layers with a total thickness of 13.5 cm are laid on the base. The first intermediate layer is made with a thickness of 8 cm from a mixture of 20-30 mm slag with clay, in a ratio of 4: 1. The second intermediate layer with a thickness of 5.5 cm is made of a mixture of fine-grained slag grain size up to 12 mm and loam in a ratio of 7: 3 The coating is made up of three layers of a special mixture total thickness 5 cm (including surface treatment).