Tomato seedlings fall and die. Why do tomato seedlings wither and fall?

Why do tomatoes fall off in a greenhouse? This question worries many gardening enthusiasts and even professional vegetable growers. Tomatoes are finicky vegetables. Their harvest depends not only on human labor, but also on his experience, skill and knowledge.

Reasons for the problems with tomatoes

In order for tomatoes to have time to grow, bloom and form a sufficient number of fruits during the short summer, it is necessary to create for them:

  • temperature regime in the range of +20…27 ºС;
  • constant high level of humidity, but without the effect of waterlogging;
  • loose soil with plenty of organic matter;
  • soil acidity within neutral;
  • optimal balance of macro- and microelements.

In their homeland, tomatoes are accustomed to the consistently high temperatures of the tropics with high levels of humidity. Because this plant lives in the wooded area, but not under the forest canopy, it needs full sun, but will tolerate moderate shade. All these conditions are easy to create in a greenhouse.

The plant, finding itself in extreme conditions, begins to shed:

  • leaves;
  • flowers;
  • unripe fruits;
  • shoots.

The loss of each of these organs is indicative and may indicate a whole range of problems.

Falling leaves

Most often this is due to humidity or lighting conditions. The leaf is the most important organ of any photosynthetic plant. It is in it that the first organic molecules are synthesized, from which all the cells and tissues of the plant organism are then produced. Since there is not enough light for photosynthesis, the leaf loses its relevance and falls off as an already unnecessary organ, which continues to waste organic matter and evaporate water.

Falling flowers

Most often, the reason for the loss of flowers that have already appeared is a lack of some chemical element. If the flowers fall off, but the leaves are richly green and have good turgor, then the verdict is clear - a lack of micro- or macroelements. Falling flowers after leaf loss begins may indicate insufficient moisture or pest damage to the roots.

Fruit drop

Both green tomatoes and those already ripening can crumble. With all the signs of the general well-being of the plant, this phenomenon means only one thing - an imbalance of macro- and microelements in the composition of the soil.

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse (video)

What is missing in the soil when tomatoes fall

Before looking for the answer to the question of why tomatoes fall off by analyzing the chemical composition of the soil, you need to make sure that the vegetables are grown in proper conditions.

Greenhouse tomatoes need to be provided with a temperature in a narrow range of 26 ... 28 ° C, moderate humidity and periodic ventilation. However, there is a difference between the conditions of growth and fruiting. In order for the ovary to form on tomatoes and the fruits to ripen, it is necessary to ensure stable night temperatures in the range of 17... 25°C. Outside this range, the fruits do not set or, once set, fall off.

At consistently low night temperatures (15°C and below), flower pollination becomes difficult because pollen cannot ripen. At prolonged high temperatures (33°C and above), the pollen becomes sterile and the flowers fall off. At temperatures around 40°C, leaves begin to fall off, plants wither and die. This is the effect of heat stroke, which is not unique to humans.

The productivity of tomatoes depends on the presence and quantity of the following elements:

  1. Phosphorus. This element is necessary to ensure plant energy, cell division, all types of reproduction, transmission of hereditary information, etc. It is part of complex proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes, vitamins and other vital substances. Phosphorus accelerates the development of the plant, stimulates the processes of fertilization, formation and ripening of fruits. With an insufficient amount of this element in the soil, flowering, fertilization and even the formation of ovaries are possible. However, problems arise at the ripening stage: tomatoes may fall off when green.
  2. Potassium. It plays an important role in the carbohydrate and protein metabolism of plants, stimulates the use of nitrogen, increases the water-holding capacity of protoplasm, and reduces the threshold for a physiologically significant level of dehydration. With a lack of potassium in plants, the movement of carbohydrates is suppressed and the intensity of photosynthesis decreases. The seeds become small and their germination rate decreases. The fruits grow poorly and may fall off before they ripen.
  3. Magnesium. This element plays an important role in the process of photosynthesis, as it is part of chlorophyll. For tomatoes, magnesium is especially important because it contributes to the formation of pigments such as xanthophyll and carotene. If it is deficient, abscission may occur even at the ovary stage.
  4. Manganese. It plays an important role in redox processes, is part of many enzymes, participates in the processes of photosynthesis and respiration, as well as in carbohydrate and protein metabolism. With a deficiency of manganese, the development of the roots and above-ground parts of the plant slows down, but most importantly, the yield decreases. It is because of a lack of manganese that the fruits become small and quickly fall off.

Thus, if your tomatoes have fallen flowers, green or unripe fruits, look for the cause of the problem in a violation of the temperature or humidity conditions, as well as in the chemical composition of the soil.

It is best, of course, to regularly conduct chemical analysis for the presence of basic elements in the soil, but this is a troublesome and expensive task. It is more effective to monitor the condition of your plants and, at the first sign of problems, carry out root feeding with complex fertilizers with the addition of manure.

Why do tomato flowers and ovaries fall off (video)

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Sometimes seedlings, seemingly healthy and strong, begin to wither and die. This can be avoided if you know why tomato seedlings are dying and provide timely assistance.

Often the main reason why seedlings disappear is heavy soil and its high acidity. Such seedlings must be transplanted into another soil, otherwise they will fall and die. The new soil into which replanting will be carried out should be disinfected. For this purpose, the soil is calcined in the oven, frozen or watered with a solution of potassium permanganate, which kills pests that are in the soil and can damage young plants. Such prevention does not affect seed germination.

An important reason why tomato seedlings wither and fall is the unjustified density of the planted plants. Due to a lack of nutrients in the soil, sunlight and air, the tomatoes die. The optimal distance when planting tomato seeds in containers is considered to be row spacing of 5 cm, and the gap between such plants in rows is 2 cm.

Why do tomato seedlings die after picking?

If the seedlings fall due to the density of the seedlings, then in this case a dive should be carried out. The vacated soil space is sprinkled with ash powder or calcined sand. After diving, tomatoes can remain wilted for another 2–3 days.

Tomatoes can wilt if the picking was done incorrectly. Some rules for this procedure should be followed:

  • elongated tomato seedlings are transplanted only after 2–3 true leaves appear on it;
  • to form a strong root system, pinch out the main root by about 1/3;
  • picked plants should be removed from the soil very carefully, after watering the soil with warm water;
  • The seedlings removed from the soil are placed back into the ground, making a sufficient depression so that the roots in the ground do not bend.

Also, when replanting tomatoes, you must ensure that the soil has the appropriate composition.

Note! Excess moisture can have a negative effect on tomato seedlings, as well as its lack.

After the dive, watering should be limited for the next 2 days. In addition, the plants are transplanted into containers in which holes must be made. This will help the roots receive oxygen and also allow excess moisture to drain out of the pot. Stagnant water can cause the leaves to curl and turn yellow. In this case, you can smell the smell of mold. As a result of improper watering, after a few days you can see that the seedlings have disappeared.

Pay attention to the negative effects of excess moisture in pots. It is better to take the necessary steps early in the process. To make sure the container has drainage holes, you can tilt it to the side. If they are not there, they are made with a nail heated over a fire.

If they become clogged, the holes are cleaned to free the container from excess moisture to prevent the seedlings from falling.

Insufficient watering

Tomato seedlings also die due to insufficient irrigation regime. The lack of moisture in the soil is characterized by its friability and increased dryness. But you shouldn’t immediately pour too much moisture into the tomatoes. In this case, it is better to start with watering 30 - 40 grams per plant. Otherwise, the tomatoes will turn yellow. In addition, the soil in the container should be loosened. This process is also called “dry irrigation”.

The next reason why plants may fall is considered to be insufficient light. The lack of light at the initial stage can be judged by this external sign - the tomato seedlings have stretched out. They require natural or artificial light 12 hours a day. On cloudy days, it is necessary to illuminate with phytolamps so that the seedlings do not stretch.

An excess of light flux also negatively affects tomatoes. Leaves may turn yellow, dry out and wither. Then the entire plant dies. Additional illumination with phytolamps at night is not required. Since in the dark the plant can absorb necessary substances and oxygen.

Temperature violation

Stretched tomatoes can die due to non-compliance with the temperature regime. If the room temperature rises above +36 degrees, the plants overheat and dry out. Therefore, containers should not be left near heating appliances. Also, at low temperatures (less than +15 degrees), tomatoes stop growing. +18 – +20 degrees is considered optimal for the growth and development of tomatoes.

In order for the tomatoes to harden, they are placed overnight in a cooler room, in which the temperature is 3–4 degrees lower. In addition, the seedlings do not tolerate drafts. For this heat-loving plant, cold air causes wilting. Therefore, when ventilating the room, the container with planted tomatoes is removed away from the cool air flow.

Growing on a windowsill

Before you decide to grow tomato seedlings on your windowsill, you need to seal the cracks to avoid drafts. It is also not recommended to open the window to ventilate the room. This can lead to plant death.

Why do tomato seedlings fall in containers placed on the north side of the house? There is not enough light for her, and also a lot of cold air. In this case, the plant becomes very elongated and acquires an unhealthy color. But the south side is also not a suitable place for young tomatoes. There they suffer from excess solar heat and overheating.

Lack of fertilizers

A lack of nutrients in the soil also causes the leaves to turn yellow. Excessive dosing of fertilizers applied to the soil for tomatoes can lead to root burns and plant death. Fertilizers can also deteriorate the top layer of soil. If a dense crust with a whitish tint appears on the soil, it should be removed and the soil in the container should be watered with an unsaturated humate solution for several days.

Cause of death due to disease

When tomato seedlings are infected with any disease, saving them is not easy. Even if the soil was disinfected before planting tomato seeds, but the foliage has turned yellow and falls off, and the roots have acquired a dark color, it is possible that these are manifestations of fusarium. What can be done to prevent tomato seedlings from dying from this fungal disease? You can try to save it by transplanting it into another container with soil that has been disinfected. But still, when purchasing seeds, you should make sure that the variety is resistant to this pathogen.

If sown tomatoes are infected with the blackleg virus, it will not be possible to save the seedlings. It is necessary to remove them in time to prevent infection of healthy plants. The disease begins with darkening of the main stem near the soil, and then the entire plant wilts. As a preventive measure to combat this problem, the soil is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate before sowing seeds.

Any gardener, and especially a beginner, will confirm that one of the most capricious vegetable crops is tomatoes. And if practically no problems arise at the stage of choosing a tomato variety for sowing, then you will have to work hard on sowing seeds and caring for seedlings.

One of the fairly common problems that arise when growing tomatoes is its death. Young seedlings are especially susceptible to various kinds of diseases. It is not always easy to determine why tomato seedlings fall. It seems that all necessary growing conditions have been taken into account as much as possible:

  • the seedlings are given enough light, and if there is not enough light, additional lighting is provided;
  • future tomatoes are quite often sprayed with water, thereby providing the necessary moisture;
  • The seedlings are provided with the necessary thermal conditions - the temperature should not be lower than 15°C.

What to do if tomato seedlings fall

However, if you are faced with tomato seedlings falling and don’t know what to do, check whether you have violated the planting conditions. The fact is that seedlings love warmth, but cannot tolerate dry air, so check the temperature, it should be at least 15°C. Or, perhaps, the soil is dry due to the fact that the seedlings are placed next to a hot radiator.

Despite the fact that tomatoes are afraid of drafts, the room where tomatoes are grown must be ventilated, making sure that the tomatoes do not stand next to an open vent or window.

Warning! If the plant does not have enough light, it stretches. The thin stem is unable to support the weight of the top of the tomato and falls.

To avoid excessive stretching of the tomato, you need to choose sunny places for arranging boxes with seedlings. If the seedlings are very elongated and the stem is weak, you can cut off the top of the plant and try to grow it, thanks to the appearance of aerial roots on the tomato.

How to avoid seedling death

There are many reasons for the fall of tomato seedlings, however, in order to avoid this problem, it is better to follow the following rules when planting seeds:

  • purchase new containers for planting every year to avoid contamination by dangerous bacteria remaining in the pots along with the remnants of the old soil. If seeds are planted in old pots, it is better to treat them with a disinfecting solution or wash them with dishwashing detergent;
  • use special, treated soil for planting, which can be purchased at any flower shop;
  • Do not sow too many seeds in one container. If the seedlings are crowded, then some of the tomato seedlings will fall;
  • Make sure that watering the plant matches the temperature of the room in which the tomatoes are grown. If the apartment is cool, it is better to reduce watering slightly to avoid soil damage and plant rotting.

Main diseases of seedlings

One of the reasons why tomato seedlings fall is disease. If the disease is correctly identified, you can try to save dying seedlings. Among the main diseases are:

Advice! Failure to comply with the conditions for growing tomatoes can lead to the planted seedlings falling into the greenhouse or open ground. So, if you plant seedlings without taking into account that there will be frosts ahead, you can completely lose the future harvest.


Of course, growing tomatoes requires enormous strength and knowledge, but you should also remember that no amount of knowledge will help you grow high-quality seedlings if you garden without much desire. Tomatoes, like any other crops, require daily attention and care. If you are happy to immerse yourself in household chores, the harvest will not make you upset and regret wasted time.

April 28th, 2014

What this is, I had to learn from my own bitter experience. For a long time I could not understand why the plants, previously standing cheerfully in boxes, suddenly fell and died. Most often this happened after a pick. It is always a pity to lose seedlings into which considerable work has already been invested. Therefore, we had to look for the cause of plant death and methods to combat this phenomenon.

Black leg of tomatoes: what are the reasons?

Taking a closer look at the “falling” plants, I saw that the tender stems of the tomatoes were thinning right at the ground, as if they were being pulled together, and at first I thought that earwigs were gnawing on them. Earwigs (we mistakenly call them two-tailed earwigs) appear in the house every spring, when the snow begins to melt outside the window. And one of their favorite havens is boxes with seedlings. But the holes and damage that earwigs make were not noticeable on the tomato leaves. After reading information on the Internet, I learned that the thinned stem indicates that my seedlings were infected with Blackleg.

The causes of this disease are bacteria and fungi, and the factors that provoke the disease are high humidity, low temperatures, dense plantings and poor lighting. Yes, that’s all true: the windows in our house are small, there is not enough space on the window sills: to save space, we had to pack the seedlings quite densely into the boxes. It is not surprising that plants, weakened after transplantation, in such not very favorable conditions were affected by the “Black Leg”.

Black leg: how to fight?

Having found out the reason for the death of the seedlings, I began to take emergency measures to combat black stem tomatoes, which I also read about on the Internet. First of all, I poured sand into the seedling boxes around the stems of the plants. I changed the watering regime: I began to water less often and more abundantly, trying to do it in the morning, so that by the evening the surface of the soil in the boxes would dry out. The measures turned out to be effective and helped prevent further losses of tomato seedlings from the Black Leg.

For myself, I have learned simple rules, the observance of which allows you to grow good tomato seedlings and minimize the risk of developing blackleg:

— Do not thicken the planting of tomatoes in boxes after picking.

Here it is advisable to act according to the rule: “Less is better.” Choose the strongest specimens of seedlings, throw away the rest (unless, of course, this is a rare variety, and you want to save all the plants). Weakened plants usually do not produce good yields.

— Freeze and calcinate the soil mixture for seedlings.

We usually prepare soil for seedlings in the fall, taking it from beds where tomatoes, peppers or potatoes did not grow. It stays outside all winter, and in the spring we bake it on the stove in a wide container. It is better not to carry out this procedure in a living room, since a sharp and rather unpleasant odor emanates from the warming ground. We do this in a temporary hut. After warming up, the earth becomes dry, we spill it with a solution of potassium permanganate. Steaming the soil before sowing is quite labor-intensive, but once we already had to regret that we did not do this, since aphids appeared in the boxes with seedlings, which was then very difficult to fight.

— Treat seeds before sowing in a solution of potassium permanganate.

I usually place the seeds in a dark pink manganese solution for 20-30 minutes. For this purpose I use . Then the seeds are in bags I rinse in clean water and dry.

— Provide the seedlings with enough light.

If possible, boxes or cups with seedlings should be placed on the brightest windows. To improve the lighting of seedlings, you can install a reflective foil screen behind the boxes. And at the end of April, I try to plant some of the seedlings of early ripening tomatoes in a place where there is plenty of lighting and feeding area; the seedlings quickly grow stronger and are not affected by the black leg.

— Water the seedlings less often, but more abundantly, in the morning.

With this watering regime, the top layer of soil in the boxes will dry out in the evening, and the plant stems at the point of contact with the ground will be dry in the dark, cool time of the day, which is very important for preventing blackleg. By watering the seedlings less frequently, but more abundantly, we do not create excess moisture on the soil surface.

— Sprinkle the surface of the soil in the box with sand (can be mixed with ash).

When watering, water will quickly pass through the sand deep into the box, and the surface of the soil will remain dry.

— Ventilate greenhouses and greenhouses.

When growing seedlings in a greenhouse or greenhouse, you need to open the windows or doors more often in warm weather so that there is no excess dampness here. Open vents on the windows will also help ventilate the seedlings on the windowsills. In May, we take the boxes with tomato seedlings outside during the day (if, of course, the weather permits).

Here I would like to note that the listed measures not only help prevent seedling disease black stem tomatoes, but are also quite effective in the fight against earwigs, since damp and dark corners are their favorite habitats.

Disease hblack leg on tomato seedlings- a very unpleasant phenomenon, but by following the rules outlined above, the risk of its occurrence can be minimized.