Explanatory note on the project sample. Explanatory note to the project

The key document of an interior design project is an explanatory note drawn up based on the wishes of the customer. It shows the nuances technical characteristics and incarnations design solutions, the general concept is detailed. The explanatory note greatly facilitates the execution of work from the very beginning (redevelopment) of the project until the moment of delivery (signing of the acceptance certificate).

Here is the mandatory information that must be indicated in the explanatory note to the interior design project:

  • The heading “Explanatory Note” is indicated in the header of the document. The document contains characteristics about the type, type and functions of the design object, the size of the area. It is determined by a brief (a short written form of the conciliation order between the Contractor and the Customer) signed by the client, mentioning all the subtleties of the design project: the style and size of the premises, layout, location of interior items and decorative elements.
  • A separate column considers the layout of the project, in the form of a summary of areas and zoning of premises.
  • The following lists the parameters of all rooms in the strict sequence of their placement. The explanatory note is drawn up in detail, where all information about the premises is specifically indicated, starting from their location and ending with the arrangement of household items, furniture, equipment, and lighting equipment in them. The dimensions and functionality of the items used are described in detail. All purchased materials and coatings used in these premises are clearly stated. Their purpose, texture and color scheme are also indicated.

Let's list a few more important points, which should not be overlooked.

If living rooms suggest redevelopment, you need to inquire about the placement load-bearing walls and structures, clarify what changes will be made in terms of their functionality, specify the nuances of zoning the premises, and assign a specific location to them. Describe in detail color scheme, place the desired accents in the interior so that they create a harmonious composition, along with other rooms of the facility.

What does an explanatory note for a design project look like?

Let's look at an example explanatory note to the design project:

Explanatory note

An object: apartment in a new multi-storey building with total area 116 m2

Location: Moscow region, Reutov, Festivalnaya street, building 15, building 2, floor 7, apartment 137.

Interviewer's wishes: interior style solution – eco style, comfortable and functional placement the following rooms: kitchen, bathroom, dining room-living room, bathroom, work area, fireplace, bedroom, laundry room, closet

1. Decision on planning the design project:

  • Hall – 6.60 m2
  • Bathroom – 2.36 m2
  • Kitchen – 20.00 m2
  • Dining room-living room – 21.25 m2
  • Working area – 9.50 m2
  • Corridor A – 3.60 m2
  • Bathroom – 11.90 m2
  • Laundry – 2.86 m2
  • Corridor B – 3.00 m2
  • Fireplace – 9.77 m2
  • Bedroom – 17.50 m2
  • Wardrobe-pantry – 7.70 m2

2. Hall

Sets the first impression of the object with which the client gets acquainted. The space between the hall and two corridors opens into a large dining-living area. The hall is equipped with sliding structures of the “wardrobe-compartment” system, two illuminated mirrors, the lighting is turned on and off “with a clap.” Type of flooring – artistic parquet made of natural wood“Acacia”, size 500x400, available in three colors with graphic design, smoothly transitions from the dark wenge color in the hall to the dining-living room in the light beige color.

The single-level suspended ceiling is made of plasterboard, with lighting at the line of junction with the walls; a Calamus chandelier is mounted in the center from natural materials(a lampshade made of natural rattan fabrics, mounted on a metal base).

All lighting equipment is equipped with a clap on/off system. Entrance door The inside is finished with a mirror cloth, which visually expands the space of the hall.

Hall lighting solution:

  • Main lighting - Calamus Chandelier
  • Lighting in the mirror area
  • Lighting at the junction of the ceiling and walls

3. Bathroom

Equipped with a sink and wall hung toilet from ceramic material, a cabinet with mirrored doors and lighting around its perimeter. The walls and floor are made of glass mosaic tiles 15x15mm. To simulate magnification small space The lamp is placed on the entire wall.

The parameters of the arched doorway are 200x60cm. We increase visual perception by “raising the ceilings”, thanks to the decorated gap of the door leaf, with the same material as the door itself for the arched opening.

Stretch ceiling, film with a glossy surface, with built-in spotlights.

Lighting solution for the bathroom:

  • Main lighting – spot lighting
  • Full wall lamp
  • Lighting around the perimeter of the cabinet

4. Dining room-living room

Based on the client's chosen style and load-bearing placement wall structures, we divide the room into two zones. The main emphasis of the interior design project is the living room, as it acts in conjunction with the kitchen, dining room and hall, in color scheme echoes all the passage areas of the facility. Thanks to the zoning of the room, a panoramic view of the corridors and hall with a perspective graphic pattern is created from the living room, which gives the effect of infinity.

The walls in the dining-living room are decorated with bamboo panels, except for the wall on which the TV will be located. This wall has a textured finish made of decorative stone in the color " Ivory”, which supports the color scheme of the furniture in the dining area and kitchen.

In the opposite wall, niches are draped with plain natural textiles “rough linen” and wooden elements decor.

Decorative elements- pillows, photo frames, curtains, have a natural color scheme and natural shades, green and brown tones and are supplemented with dry branches and potted plants.

Single-level stretch ceiling with mirror smooth surface, reflects light well and visually expands the space, along the perimeter, not reaching the junction with the walls, and is decorated with special wooden beams, which are illuminated with an LED cable. An Emden chandelier made of natural materials is mounted in the center (the lampshade is made of wood plates). In the area with upholstered furniture there is a floor lamp with a wooden base made of branches.

Lighting solution for the dining room and living room:

How to properly prepare a large and complex document? Where can I get an example of an explanatory note for a course or final qualifying thesis project? This question interests every student. Many other people have similar problems - accountants, taxpayers, and so on.

What it is

An explanatory note is a document providing general information on this topic research project or any documentation (tax, accounting, etc.). Its content must correspond to the document to which it is attached.

Is there a sample explanatory note for a student’s thesis project? Eat general rules writing this kind of texts. They are compiled in printed form on A4 paper sheets. If there are more than one pages, they are bound in a transparent cover and must be numbered, starting from the title page. Moreover, the number is not placed on the first page.

The numbers are located in the bottom margin of all other pages, centered. There are only general regulatory requirements regarding the content of the explanatory note.

What information does the explanatory note to the project contain?

Some of the information included in it is mandatory, others are only advisory. Its text content, as a rule, is clearly structured and consists of sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs and lists.

The style of presentation of this document must certainly be official and businesslike, the information must be clear, clear, allowing only an unambiguous interpretation. All abbreviations and terms used must not deviate from established standards.

Often the explanatory note to the project has applications in the form of various diagrams, tables, graphs or drawings. In addition, the application may contain detailed descriptions calculation methods and lists of additional sources of information.

We follow the rules

Anyone who draws up an explanatory note to graduation project(if we are talking about a technical university), you should take an interest in GOST standards. In addition, each educational institution most often has its own developments and guidelines for the preparation of diploma and coursework and explanatory notes to them. Students and students have the opportunity to obtain such reference literature in the libraries of their educational institutions.

In the very general view a standard explanatory note for a project consists of a title page with basic information about the performer and the work performed, received from the scientific supervisor of the assignment, an annotation containing a summary of all sections, a page table of contents, an introduction with a brief overview the topic under consideration, the main part, conclusion (certainly with conclusions), a list of sources used in the work, as well as the above-mentioned appendix with drawings, graphs and tables.

There are similar documents of a different kind, for example, explanatory notes in tax service or to the balance sheet. They have their own characteristics and are compiled according to a pre-developed form. In this article we will not consider this type of explanatory notes, as well as similar documentation compiled for construction project. Let's return to our student work.

Document structure

Let's look at what requirements the explanatory note to course project(diploma) of a student or student. Let's start with the title page. In its upper part the name of the educational institution must be given (in the center), the formulated topic of work indicating educational subjects. And below is the last name and other data of the student, student, as well as information about the supervisor. At the bottom center of the page, the year the work was written and the name of the locality where it was completed are indicated.

The next section is the table of contents. It contains at least four main parts. This is an introduction, main part, conclusion, as well as a list of literature that was used to work on the project. If the presence of appendices is implied, indications of them should be contained in the table of contents.

What to write in the introduction? The typical content of this section is to justify the relevance of the designated topic, the reason for which, as a rule, turns out to be an insufficient amount scientific developments in the area under study, the complexity of the study, the theoretical and practical value of the material.

The importance of the project topic should be emphasized either from a scientific or practical point of view. The purpose of the work indicated in the introduction is usually the same - to solve the general problem of the project with a list of local problems leading to this. The introduction rarely exceeds one page.

Document body

The main part contains the material that was chosen by the student or student to solve the main problem of the project. The information is usually divided into paragraphs and can be 5 or more pages long.

It is important that the content of the main part consists not only of an analysis of the collected information, but also includes comments from students expressing their opinions on the topic. An approximate content of the main part could be coverage of the history of the issue being raised, a direct description of the problem or hypothesis, sufficient detailed information about solutions or research methods with presentation of the results of the work.

In the final part, the student or student must formulate his own conclusions based on the facts identified and discussed in the main part and emphasize the achievement of his goals. The conclusion, as a rule, does not take more than one page of text. The explanatory note for the project ends with the literature, which is drawn up according to a formal template.

Encyclopedias, books, textbooks, newspapers, magazines, as well as addresses of Internet pages are listed in alphabetical order, indicating the author or group of such, the name, year and place of publication of the source, and the number of pages. There must be at least six resources mentioned in the list.

What the project might look like

The protected project can be presented in in electronic format as a presentation Power Point, text in Word format, video, local version of the site or links to it, etc. In addition, the project can be uploaded to the portal or recorded on an optical disc with the output attached (for example, in the form of a title slide).

Explanatory note-sample for the project in its classic version performed on paper and filed in a binder (it is first printed, checked and signed by the manager). Printing is carried out on A4 sheets; the design requirements contained in GOST are met.

In particular, the font is Times New Roman with size 14, justified, indented 1.25 cm. Main headings should be designed in the “Heading 1” style. Within the main part, level 2 and 3 headings are used. Each section is located on a new page.

If there are slides with illustrative material, the text should contain links to them. The application contains graphs, tables and diagrams. It is possible to design (if it is a publishing product, etc.) in paper form - as a plan, drawing or poster report. At the request of the manager, any supporting graphic material can be presented in a similar format.

The theme of the project itself is formulated correctly stylistically. The title of the topic should not contain unscientific terms, overly simplified formulations or, on the contrary, unnecessary scientificity.

Explanatory note to the technology project

Let's say you and I have to defend creative work. Let's give an example of an explanatory note for a technology project. In such work, the student demonstrates the skill of using theoretical information, for which he selects material with justification for the choice of topic, the content of historical information, established standards for the costs of the required materials and other necessary information.

The work itself consists of a finished product and an accompanying document with calculated data. The explanatory note for the creative project must be neatly drawn up on A4 paper (only one side of the sheet is filled out). Margins are left on the left: 3 cm above and below - 2 cm, on the right - 1.5 cm. Title page is issued in accordance with the above rules.

The main content is divided into sections and subsections, each of them starting on a new sheet. All subsections contain justification for the choice of design options and mandatory safety measures. It is recommended to fill out the page completely. Words are not hyphenated in headings. In the case of a long title, they are separated.

Formatting the text part

The text is placed 3 or 4 spaces below the heading. It is not allowed to place a title or subtitle at the bottom of the page and text on the next one. Small typos can be corrected using white paint or erasing. All sheets that make up the explanatory note for the technology project must be numbered, indicating in the content the numbers of the sheets on which the subsections begin. The final sheet with a list of references used is printed separately, numbered along with the rest and included in the table of contents.

A creative project, as a rule, contains illustrations in the form of diagrams, photographs, drawings, etc. They can be placed in the text or each on a separate sheet. In the first case, the image should be placed as close as possible to the passage it illustrates.

It is most convenient to place graphic files at the end of the corresponding text or as an attachment (separately after the entire text part). Numbering must take place in all cases.

There are no trifles!

The general style of the explanatory note should be maintained in strict color using black and white graphics. It is allowed to highlight individual components in a different color when comparing them. Applications to which references are given are numbered in the text. For example, "Appendix 1".

The goal of the project, outlined in the introduction, should be formulated clearly, concisely, in accessible language, ideally in one phrase. Below, an explanation is possible in the form of a decomposition into a number of sequential tasks. The conditions under which the goal can be achieved are listed, indicating all possible participants in the process.

When drawing up the introduction, you should not forget to characterize all the main official and literary sources of information. And, as already mentioned, it is important not to forget to emphasize the relevance of this project. All solution options contained in the main part must be evaluated, and the choice of one of them must be logically justified. It is necessary to include in the work a complete list of the equipment used, indicating the safety standards for its operation.

The technological part of the project must contain a sequence and, if necessary, a graphic representation of each stage of product processing. A4 size drawings are made in accordance with state standards. Below, the project must contain the necessary assessment from an economic and environmental point of view. As well as calculating the cost of the manufactured product.

This calculation contains the estimated price of the product and the planned profit, taking into account the consumption of materials, labor costs, and energy resources. The environmental justification must contain options for the use of waste generated during the work, the absence negative impact on the environment.

A creative project usually comes with a flyer. It may consist of the manufacturer's trademark and a brief presentation of the product, consisting of several advertising phrases. An emblem consisting of a combination of drawings, words or individual letters, for example, initials, is accepted as a trademark. The name of the product can be its purpose or an arbitrary concept. The description should be made as brief as possible (within 20-30 words), the advertising slogan should be bright, attractive and emphasizing the main purpose of the item.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Practice-oriented seminar Project activities of students. Drawing up an explanatory note for the project

2 slide

Slide description:

Priority directions project activities of students Since 2016, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has recommended highlighting several areas in the project activities of students. Design and production of garments, modern technologies, fashion. Arts and crafts (handicrafts, crafts, ceramics and others), accessories. Interior items, modern design(phytodesign, plant growing, agricultural technologies). Socially oriented projects (ecological; agrotechnical: landscape and park design, floristry, mosaic and others with the application of art objects). National costume and theatrical costume. Design of objects using modern technologies(3-D technologies, use of CNC equipment (numerical control), laser processing of materials and others), design of new materials with specified properties.

3 slide

Slide description:

The main goals of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Technology are: - identification and development of students' creative abilities and interest in scientific (research) activities; -propaganda scientific knowledge; -increasing the level and prestige of technological education for schoolchildren; -substantive and methodological convergence of material and information technologies in education; -increasing the role of the project method in teaching as the main means of revealing creative potential children; - identifying and encouraging the most capable and talented students.

4 slide

Slide description:

1. Independence in choosing a topic and its correspondence to the content of the problem presented. 2.Relevance of the project from the point of view of consumer demand. 3.Technological solution and design features products, mastery of techniques for performing individual elements. 4. Competent combination of colors in the designed products and originality of the design solution. 5.Multifunctionality and variability of the demonstrated product. 6.The ability of the Olympiad participant to evaluate the results of his project activities. IMPORTANT characteristics when evaluating creative projects

5 slide

Slide description:

EVALUATION OF THE EXPLANATORY NOTE Approved at the meeting of the Central Subject Methodological Commission of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren (Minutes No. 1 of June 14, 2016) General design of the project Quality of the research: relevance; justification of the problem; formulation of the theme, goals and objectives of the project; collecting information on the problem; prototype analysis; choosing the optimal idea; description of the designed material object; review logic. Originality of the proposed ideas, novelty Selection of manufacturing technology (equipment and devices). Development of technological process (quality of sketches, diagrams, drawings, technical maps, validity of drawings). Economic and environmental assessment of the developed and finished product. Compliance of the content of the conclusions with the content of the goal and objectives, the specificity of the conclusions, the ability to analyze the results of the study, the level of generalization.

6 slide

Slide description:

Design guidelines project documentation The main purpose of the data methodological recommendations is to determine the nature of the requirements, order, methods of registration and implementation creative project to participate in All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in the subject Technology. When writing an explanatory note, it is important to ensure compliance with the official business style of the narrative. It is necessary that the information in the document is presented unambiguously, briefly, clearly and concisely. The volume of the explanatory note should be no more than 25 pages. The text is aligned to the width of the sheet, Times New Rom font, 14, on one side of the sheet. Page parameters - margins: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left 2 cm, right - 2 cm. Numbering in the bottom center. Each section should begin on a new sheet; within a section, it is recommended that the page be completely filled with text. It is not allowed to leave a title (subtitle) at the bottom of the page, placing the text on the next one. It is allowed to submit attachments to the explanatory note. They indicate information about the tables, diagrams, drawings and graphs contained in the explanatory note.

7 slide

Slide description:

1. Title page, which contains basic information about the name of the project. 2. Abstract with a brief summary of creative (research) work, no more than 10 lines. 3. Contents with pagination. 4.Introduction, which justifies the choice of the topic of the creative project, the relevance of the chosen topic, the goals and objectives facing the student. 5. Preparatory part with analysis key concepts, selection of optimal, modern manufacturing techniques. 6.Technological part of work with operational technological maps. 7. The final part with conclusions on the work done. 8.List of information sources used. 9. Applications containing tables, drawings, graphs or diagrams. STRUCTURE OF AN EXPLANATORY NOTE

8 slide

Slide description:

Title page In the center of the A4 sheet is the title of the project without the word “topic”. It should be short and precise. In the lower field in the center of the sheet, the name of the city and the year the work was performed without the words “year” and “y” are indicated.

Slide 9

Slide description:

CONTENTS Introduction 3 pages. Preparatory part 1. Thinking star 4 pages 2. Selecting an object 5 pages 3. Final version 7 pages 4. Historical background. Bell tower of Ivan the Great and belfry 8 pages 5. Development of a sketch 9 pages 6. Selection of execution technique 10 pages 7. Design specification 11 page 8. Historical information 12 page 9. Stained glass manufacturing techniques 13 page 10. Color harmony 14 page Technological part 11. Tools and materials 15 page 12. Organization of the workplace 16 page 13 Safety precautions 17 pages 14. Sequence of work 18 pages 15. Economic and environmental justification 21 pages Final part Self-analysis 23 pages Sources of information 24 pages

10 slide

Slide description:

Introduction The choice of topic for a creative project, the relevance of the chosen topic, the purpose and tasks facing the student are justified. The planned result and the main problems considered in the project are formulated, interdisciplinary connections are indicated, it is reported for whom the project is intended and what is its novelty. You can characterize the main sources of information (official, scientific, literary). Goal - (WHAT TO DO?) develop sketches and make New Year's accessories (PURPOSE?) for decoration home interior for the holiday, as well as sweet gifts (FOR WHOM?) to family and friends. From formulating a goal, it is necessary to move on to specifying specific tasks to be solved in accordance with it. Tasks: 1. Select design ideas. 2.Plan the activity (thinking star). 3. Perform a design analysis of the project. 5.Select materials for the manufacture of designed products. 6. Manufacture the designed products. 7. Decorate the interior with festive accessories, give gifts to family and friends on New Year's holiday.

11 slide

Slide description:

12 slide

It is the project that allows you to get general idea about the future facility, carry out calculations of the necessary costs, carry out a number of coordination activities with the relevant authorities, and also obtain necessary documentation, according to which it will be possible to monitor the work performed. One of the fundamental documents at the stages of preliminary and detailed design is an explanatory note to the house project. What is the significance of such a document?
Every project needs a plan, but you also need to fill out all the required paperwork correctly. To begin with, you need to understand what you need, you need to set a clear plan that describes an example and a list of documentation.

And the water supply will be equipped with:

  • domestic drinking water supply;
  • hot water supply;
  • fire-fighting water supply.

The supply of water for all drinking and household needs will be carried out from external networks, and for precise water supply through some tanks with a preliminary supply of water. If, for example, a two-zone water supply system was adopted. Everything and sewerage needs to be approved by professionals in this field, who can advise on the most suitable option.

In addition, issues regarding the connection of engineering systems and communications were considered and resolved. In general, an explanatory note for a house project is a document that includes all the necessary information for further work.

Explanatory note to the cottage project as part of the working design

This documentation is developed on the basis of a preliminary design for the direct implementation of a complex of construction works. In fact, we can say that the explanatory note for the cottage project is a text form of the project including the main technical indicators.

This document forms the basis of the detailed design, and in turn, the detailed design represents all the necessary data for construction. This includes a description and explanation of the type of construction, determines the order of work, contains a description of architectural and compositional solutions, and also takes into account issues of transport services and the performance of calculation, analytical and design work within the framework of engineering consulting services.

It is within the framework of the working project that issues regarding the organization of the relief, preparatory activities, as well as the direct organization of work and the cost of their implementation are resolved.

Mandatory sections of the explanatory note

An example of an explanatory note for a project must be completed correctly for each country. But all documents will contain the following sections:

  1. General provisions.
  2. The activity process and its description.
  3. Activities for the facility and its preparation for putting the automation system into operation.
  4. Basic technological and technical solutions.

The main goal of the explanatory note to the technical project is to provide general necessary information for the system and to justify all the necessary technical solutions. That is, such decisions that must be made for development.

To the section about general provisions In the explanatory note to the project you need to include:

  1. Name of the NPP project and documents (their names), dates and numbers for approval for the design and commissioning of an automated system.
  2. A list of required organizations that participate in system development, as well as deadlines for completing the required stages.
  3. Purpose, purposes and areas during use of the automatic system.
  4. All confirmation of personal design decisions that apply to the rules and regulations of fire safety, equipment and explosion safety, etc.
  5. Information for use during design of technical and regulatory documents.
  6. Information about the stages of research, inventions, advanced experiences that were used during the development of projects.
  7. The queue for creating in the system, the volume of the received queue.