Educational and research project “Soil is a living earth. Interesting facts about soil M\F for children "Who lives underground"

Every day we eat various foods, wear clothes and use the objects and means we need, without at all thinking about where and how all this came from and became possible. But our life largely depends on land cover underfoot, which was created by nature not even over centuries, but over millennia.

Soil is a wealth given to us by nature, it is thanks to it that man and animal world provided with food, and increasingly developing in various areas industry, raw materials. Therefore, it is very important to know the properties of the soil and use this resource correctly so that future generations of all life on Earth do not die.

Do you know how it appeared?

One of the interesting facts about this unique substance called soil is its very origin. Initially, the surface of the Earth was only bare stone desert. But over time, the winds destroyed the solid rocks, turning them into tiny particles, which became the basis for the appearance of soil. Due to temperature changes in rocks cracks formed and their destruction occurred, and water and wind carried away the remains. Then the first plants appeared right on the rocks, which grew and died from generation to generation. The remains of these plants mixed with mineral particles, forming a new living matter, which is ultimately called soil.

Its properties and functions are far from trivial!

It is unlikely that any of us, walking on the earth, thinks about the processes occurring inside this colossal organism. Soil is essentially a natural laboratory for processing animal remains and plant worlds. At the same time, its fertility only increases, and the resulting minerals feed other plants. This is precisely the main purpose of the soil, to process and transmit all the necessary and useful elements for the development of flora and fauna.

The basis of the soil is clay, sand and silt. Therefore, its properties directly depend on what it contains, in greater or lesser quantities. For example, if there is a lot of silt in the soil, then it is more fertile if it sandy soil, then stagnation of water is not a problem, which cannot be said about clay soil, but sandy soil quickly freezes in minus temperature. Perhaps, knowing these facts about the soil, you will be able to use it more carefully and rationally.

What do you think determines the quality of soil directly? So the trees are playing important role in structure and formation useful soil, and specifically hardwood. Deciduous trees enrich the soil with nitrogen, ash, and humus, creating the necessary environment for microflora. And here conifers on the contrary, they have a negative impact, because promote the formation of podzolic soils.

The soil is sometimes like a natural trap

Most likely, many have heard about such a phenomenon as quicksand, which are quite dangerous for humans. They are obtained as a result of the fact that upper layer sand is completely dried by the sun, the hard crust formed on the surface is extremely thin, and the grass makes it completely invisible.

A person who steps onto such a piece of ground immediately falls through and is sucked into a kind of sand trap. The truth is that it won’t be completely sucked in, but you still won’t be able to get out on your own. The interesting fact is that it is quite dangerous a natural phenomenon formed due to the properties of dry and wet sand. Wet sand sticks together well, since water covers the grains of sand with a thin layer, but the main thing is the presence of oxygen. If you replace oxygen with water, the adhesion will disappear. Under a thick layer of sand there is always a powerful water source, this explains the appearance of quicksand.

The soil is the guarantee of our existence

Another incredible one important point is that the soil also serves carbon storage, about 75% and is in second place after the oceans. This unquestionably essential ability of the soil to store carbon prevents it from escaping into the atmosphere, mitigating climate change, and increasing resistance to drought and flooding.

A healthy earth guarantees us food security on the planet. Due to the fact that it is the soil that gives plants everything they need, our task is to treat it with care so as not to interrupt the food chain and not die of hunger. Healthy soil, foundation healthy foods nutrition.

You might be surprised, but the largest filter for water is also the soil. Every year thousands of cubic kilometers of water are filtered through it. The soil retains toxins and the water returns to the ocean less polluted. While waters falling on asphalt roads carry with them all the garbage and dirt environment, only exacerbating the problem of environmental safety of the oceans and seas. The soil cover absorbs magnesium, potassium, calcium and others from the water entering it. nutrients, and gives them to plants.

Did you know that microorganisms living in the soil are used in medicine, for example, to make antibiotics? Thanks to her, we have drugs such as streptomycin, the first active antibiotic to fight tuberculosis and plague. Eg, medicine cyclosporine is prescribed to the patient to prevent rejection during tissue or organ transplantation.

This video tutorial is intended for self-study topic “Soil and its composition.” During this lesson you will be able to get acquainted with the main property of soil - fertility. The teacher will talk about the composition of the soil, thanks to which plants can obtain from it the elements necessary for their growth.

If you put a piece of dry soil into a glass of water, how can you explain the appearance of air bubbles in the water? This experiment shows that the soil contains air.

After putting the soil in a glass of water, you need to stir it and let it settle. Using a pipette, take a few drops of this water and place it on a glass slide. Now you need to heat the glass over the candle fire. After the water evaporated, a thin layer remained on the glass. white coating, these are mineral salts. This experiment showed that the soil contains mineral salts that can dissolve in water.

You can put the soil in the lid, then heat it over a candle flame. The glass is held above the soil. The glass first becomes wet, and then droplets of water appear on it. This is water that is contained in the soil; when heated, it evaporates. Water vapor rises up, meets cold glass on its way, cools and turns into tiny droplets of water (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Experiments on soil ()

This experiment shows that there is water in the soil. If you continue to heat the soil, smoke will soon appear and bad smell. This burns part of the soil, which consists of decaying remains of plants and small animals. This component soil - humus. If you heat the soil on fire for a very long time, the humus will completely burn and the soil will turn gray. This proves that humus gives the soil a dark color.

If you put a little soil in a glass of water, stir it and let it settle, you will see a layer of sand settle to the bottom, a layer of clay on top of it, and a dark-colored layer on top - this is humus. This proves that the soil contains sand and clay (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Experiments on soil ()

What are the results of the experiments and observations carried out? We learned that soil consists of air, water, mineral salts, humus, sand and clay.

The soil always contains Live nature: plant roots, bacteria, earthworms, ants, dung beetles and many others. They gnaw plant roots, crush something, drag it, collect it.

What do plants get from the soil? Firstly, air, the roots of plants breathe the air that is in the soil. Secondly, water. Plants absorb nutrients along with water. The remains of dead plants and animals are processed by bacteria and insects that are in the soil. Thus, the soil is constantly replenished with humus and mineral salts. This is a real storehouse of nutrients for plants. In addition, animals living in the soil loosen it, and air and water penetrate better into the soil.

When they say that the earth is a nurse, they mean the soil. Plants take water and nutrients dissolved in it from the soil. Many animals eat plants. Insects eat plant roots, stems, leaves (Fig. 4), granivorous birds feast on fruits. Plant food is eaten by cows, horses, and moose.

Herbivorous animals become prey for predators. Consequently, predatory animals depend on soil fertility.

Man grows grains, vegetables, legumes, fruits and berries on the earth. ornamental plants. Fertile soil provides people with clothing made from cotton and flax, domestic animals with food, and they provide people with milk, meat, eggs, honey, wool and many other products. Soil is the most important wealth of the country, so farmers take care of increasing its fertility and protecting it.

How do people take care of the soil? In order for the soil to better allow air to pass through and retain water, it is dug up and loosened annually. When digging in autumn after harvesting, the clods of earth do not break up; in winter, snow is retained between them, so in spring the soil is better saturated with water. The soil is loosened in the spring, just before sowing (Fig. 5). In loose soil, seeds germinate better, sprouts emerge faster, and the root system develops well.

Rice. 5. Loosening the soil ()

There are very few dissolved salts in the soil, so it is necessary to replenish salt reserves annually. Factories produce fertilizers that contain all the mineral salts necessary for plant growth. But there are also very good natural fertilizers, these are peat and manure. They are applied to the soil in the fall. The richer the soil is in humus, the more fertile it is. Due to the dark color, the soil warms up better under the sun's rays.

What harms the soil? Damage to the soil is caused by ravines (Fig. 6), strong winds, heavy rains, wheels of passing cars, household waste. But people have learned to deal with ravines, for example, their slopes are plowed not along, but across.

Sprouts retain water, and it does not flow down the slope and does not erode the soil. Also, to stop the growth of ravines, shrubs and trees are planted on the tops and slopes of the ravine. In places where strong winds are frequent, people plant shelterbelts and sow grass.

Today in the lesson you gained knowledge about the composition of soil. You also learned the importance of soil for human life.


  1. Vakhrushev A.A., Danilov D.D. The world 3. - M.: Ballas.
  2. Dmitrieva N.Ya., Kazakov A.N. The world around us 3. - M.: Publishing House "Fedorov".
  3. Pleshakov A.A. The world around us 3. - M.: Enlightenment.
  1. ().
  3. Scheme.RF ().


  1. What is the main property of soil?
  2. Soil composition?
  3. How do people take care of the soil?

Teach children about soil. Experiments and experiments Soil. A story for children: Mother Earth will give birth. Who hasn't heard this statement? But the earth justifies its importance mainly by its upper layer, in which the underground parts (roots) of plants develop and which is called soil, or the plant layer. How is soil formed? Let us clarify once again what soil is. Soil is the surface layer of the earth that has the quality of fertility, that is, the ability to produce crops. Once upon a time there was no soil. The land was a collection of rocky rocks. For millions of years, precipitation, sun, wind and water columns destroyed the rocks. In such conditions, it would seem that nothing living could survive. But the microorganisms survived. Soil formation has begun. Scientists claim that the root cause of soil formation was the activity of microbes, the existence of which occurred in conditions of collapsing rocks. What was the soil formed from? The rocky rocks were destroyed, and a loose layer appeared, consisting of fragments of stones, sand, and clay. Lichens, undemanding to soil composition, filled the spaces (settled on these soils). Subsequently, under the influence of bacteria (microorganisms), humus began to form. And plants could already settle on such soil. What is black soil? Grasses, trees, and shrubs grow everywhere on the ground. By autumn, the leaves fall from the trees, the grass dries and falls to the ground. All this is rotting. From this, as we say, the soil becomes richer, and everything grows on it better. The new, formed layer of earth is the most fertile. It consists of rotted leaves, destroyed rotten trees, old grass, that is, black soil mixed with clay, sand, and other soils. On clean sand or clean clay, plants quickly wither. And on the fertile black soil the vegetation feels good. What is the composition of the soil? The composition of the soil includes: plant remains, clay, sand, air, humus, living organisms (microbes), silt, water. Does soil composition change over time? The soil has general properties with wildlife. Processes are constantly happening in it. Since it was inhabited by living beings, there has been a constant process of soil formation and renewal. Due to constant changes occurring, measurements are taken once every few years to determine the composition of the soil. What is soil fertility? Soil fertility is the ability to provide water and nutrition to plants. What types of soils are there? Chernozem, sandy, clayey, peat-bog, floodplain, gray forest and others. Distance course "Environmental education as a means of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Education"

Alevtina Permyakova
Ecology lesson on the topic “Soil”.

Ecology lesson

"Journey to the Underground Kingdom"

Target: Create conditions for the formation of practical skills in handling soil.


Educational: Summarize and consolidate children’s knowledge about soil as a component of nature, about the cycle of substances, about the relationship soil and plants, tell distinctive features humus, sand, clay.

Developmental: develop creativity, speech, thinking and the ability to conduct experiments. Activate lexicon children.

Educational: foster a kind attitude towards the planet. To promote a caring attitude towards the world around us and the development of curiosity. Reinforce the idea that everything on earth is interconnected. To cultivate a caring attitude towards all living and non-living things on the planet.

Preliminary work: Viewing demonstration pictures with images (earthworms, moles, shrews). Reading literature, watching DVDs, viewing encyclopedias, didactic games.

Move classes.

Know-It-All comes to visit. Hello, my name is Know-It-All, I visited the underground kingdom, and brought back a lot of interesting things from there. Do you want to be my assistant? He gets to know the children and distributes badges with the children’s names. Come with me to the laboratory. I want to introduce you to the underworld.

Pay attention to the container soil. What's happened the soil?

Know-it-all: The soil– this is the top layer of the earth, i.e. earth's surface. Main property soil - its fertility. The more humus it contains, formed from the remains of dead plants and animals (insects) the more fertile it is. List who lives in the underworld? (showing illustrations of earthworms, moles, shrews)

Children's answers:

Do you think earthworms, moles, shrews bring soil benefit?

Children's answers: Yes, they are loosening soil.

Know-it-all: Right. Thanks to this in soil air and water enter. Let's let's check: throw a lump into a jar of water soil. What did you see? (Air bubbles.)

Know-it-all: What does it consist of? the soil?

Children's answers:

Part soils included: humus, sand, clay, water, air. It is the humus that betrays soil black color.

(Showing a layout with composition layers soil.)

Know-it-all: Guys, let's touch the clay, sand, humus

Answer: children: clay - hard, dense sand - loose humus - loose

Practical activities children: Play Layer Layout soil

Know-it-all: In which soil do plants grow better?

Children's answers: (loose soft)

Know-it-all: In dense the soil lacks air, water so that plants can grow in it.

Know-it-all: Is there water in soil? Let's do one more experiment, let's heat up the loose ground on fire, steam is formed and turns into water droplets on a piece of glass. What does it mean? Water evaporates from soil when the sun is warm.

Know-it-all: Guys, we were tired of conducting experiments, I invite you to take a walk in the clearing.


Know-it-all: Oh, guys, how much garbage needs to be cleared from the clearing.

Remember! Young he's an ecologist who loves nature, helps it, treats it very carefully, protects it from pollution and destruction, knows and follows the rules of communication with it. Strive to be like that!

(Collect trash)

Hood word: How wonderful everything is around,

When the sun is shining

When the fragrant meadow blooms

And a fresh wind blows

The soil– the enormous wealth of the Earth, field, vegetable, horticultural crops. Therefore we can say that the soil feeds and clothes people, serves as a home (habitat) for many plants and animals.

Is life possible on Earth without soil?

Children's answers: No

Know-it-all: How the soil feeds us?

Children's answers:

Didactic game “Recognize an object of inanimate nature”

The teacher lists the main qualities, the children determine which object of inanimate nature they fit:

Gives light, heat, is a hot gas (Sun)

It is a colorless, odorless gaseous mixture; transparent; consists of oxygen carbon dioxide (air)

Tasteless and odorless, colorless, transparent, fluid, can be in three states - gaseous, solid, liquid (water)

Fertile; consists of humus, sand, clay, water (the soil)

Know-it-all: Guys, we know all the qualities soil(transfers). Let's set up a vegetable garden on the windowsill.

Let's plant the beans in the prepared jars and watch them grow.

The world around us - 3rd grade
Topic: "Soil"

  1. Let's get acquainted with the concept of "soil", find out what it is.
  2. Let's find out the main property of soil.
  3. With the help of experiments we find out the composition of the soil.
  4. Let's get acquainted with representatives of the animal world that live in the soil. Let's talk about what they do that is beneficial for the soil.
  5. Let's consider different types soils, let's talk about fertility.
  6. Let's find out the name of the Russian scientist who created the science of soil science.
  7. Let's talk about soil conservation.

And again let's remember the four elements in nature. We already know a little interesting about air and water. Today we will talk about the earth and its top layer, which is called the soil.

Guys, what can you tell us about soil from your life experience?

Let's figure out what soil is and what it is like.

If you look into history of the word "soil", then you can understand why it is called that. The word is Russian, previously written " sole", which can literally be translated as: "what the sole steps on". It seems that everything is so simple. We are stepping on the top layer of land, earth. Apparently this is the soil? Is this true or are there still special properties of what we call soil?

If you listen to the word, it will immediately become clear that many fruits will be born on the fertile land. In other words, fertile soil produces crops. We conclude: if plants grow on fertile soil, then it contains everything that plants need for life.

Let's try to guess, based on existing knowledge, what is in the soil that plants need? Put forward your hypotheses (assumptions) .

And now We will reason based on arguments. Watch the film and answer the question: the presence of which substances in the soil has been experimentally proven.

So what do we have?

The conclusions are:

Look at the diagram above and tell me what else is in the soil?

And here are some more representatives of wildlife that can be found in the soil.

What animals do you know that you can tell about them? If you don't know, it doesn't matter. You can find interesting facts about them and make mini-projects for the lesson. I found out myself and shared it with others.

And animals living in the soil increase the fertility of the soil. How?

By making moves, they loosen the soil, and this helps air and water penetrate into it more freely.

From this diagram it can be seen that plants are taken from the soil for development and growth. Humus is formed thanks to bacteria, which we figuratively call “destroyers.” The role of destroyers is transformation organic matter dead living organisms into mineral salts that feed plants need.

Are all soils equally fertile?
Why does this depend? How do you think?

It's obvious that, how there is more humus in the soil, so she more fertile. Soils are different. Look at the diagram and make your guesses which of these soils are more fertile and which are less. Try to justify your answers.

Soil forms very slowly. It takes nature 100-300 years to create a 1 cm layer of soil. And it also happens that this time is not enough for her. Man needs soil. Thanks to her, we have the opportunity to grow in fields and gardens. cultivated plants, which we need for life. Any person who deals with crop production thinks about the question: how to make the soil richer.

Vasily Vasilievich Dokuchaev, Russian soil scientist, spoke about the soil: “Soil is more valuable than gold. People could live without gold, but they cannot live without soil.” How do you understand this phrase?

The soil, like water and air, also needs to be protected.

The soil.

The soil. Training video.

How soil is formed

The role of worms in soil formation
Children's video project

Educational cartoon

"Journey of the Earthworm"

M\F for children "Who lives underground"