Rules for turning on the gas water heater. How to use a gas water heater - turn on, ignite and check the draft

A liter of water heated using a gas water heater will cost you less than the same liter hot water With centralized water supply or a liter of water from an electric heater.

Geyser compact and easy to use. Unlike a boiler, it will not take an hour to heat the required volume of water.

If you only have cold water, then with a gas water heater you will always be provided hot water without any problems. Current models of geysers are completely safe and easy to use, durable and also have a variety of designs.

The geyser does not have any serious disadvantages. But please note that to install it you will have to collect a certain package of documents and obtain special permission.

Selecting a geyser

When choosing a geyser for your home or apartment, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

    Gas water heater performance

    Ignition type

    System type

    Method for removing combustion products

    Safety of use

    Additional functions.

All these parameters are described in detail in our article. In addition, this article discusses different manufacturers of geysers and provides other useful recommendations.

Installation of a geyser

The geyser can be installed on or in another non-residential premises. The ceiling height in the room must be at least 2 m. In addition, the room must be well ventilated. Under no circumstances should a geyser be installed above. Detailed instructions You can find information on installing a gas water heater in the article.

After you have installed the gas water heater, let's try to turn it on. Open the tap that turns on the gas supply to the column. Then open the tap to supply water to the column. The next step is to turn on or ignite the column. There are 3 options for how to light a gas water heater.

    Manual ignition. This method of turning on a gas water heater is rare these days. To do this, you need to bring a match and light the wick and immediately turn on the gas supply valve. The system is simple, but not very safe, so manufacturers no longer produce speakers with such a connection system.

    The next, most common option is piezo ignition. You just need to press the button and the piezoelectric element will produce a spark that will automatically light the wick.

    Some manufacturers have begun to produce geysers with completely automatic system turning on the burner. A special turbine is installed in the column, which begins to work under the influence of water flow. Thus, manual activation is completely eliminated. But there is one significant drawback. In many houses, water is supplied at a fairly low pressure and this is not enough for the turbine to operate. Pay attention to this when choosing a geyser for your home.

Gas equipment is a convenient and economical attribute modern home. But it is also an object of increased danger, which requires increased attention and compliance with operating standards.

Those who have gas water heaters should first of all know how to turn on a gas water heater and what rules must be followed when using it.

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    Design and principle of operation of a water heater

    Being an object of increased danger, gas water heaters are installed by specially trained personnel. They also connect and check the functionality of the equipment. But to understand how to use a gas water heater, you must have at least general idea about the design and operating principle of such units. After all, here all responsibility falls directly on the user.

    Despite the many models and their differences design features, the principle of the device will be the same for almost everyone. So, any column contains:

    • Gas unit;
    • Water node;
    • Hood;
    • Heat exchanger-radiator;
    • Burner;
    • Automatic operation control.

    U different manufacturers And various brands each node may have its own characteristic differences and specifications, but the operating principle of the unit itself will be the same. And he looks like this:

    • When supplied, water fills the system;
    • The pressure it generates stretches the membrane, which opens the gas supply;
    • The burner lights up and open flame warms up the water circulating throughout the radiator system;
    • Residual gas combustion products are removed through the hood.

    Such a simple device and operating principle allow you to effectively heat water and maintain its constant, set temperature.

    Modern models also have a number of automatic systems in their design that help make the use of the unit as safe as possible. These are different levels of protection that allow you to control and, if necessary, interrupt the operation of the device. Gas pressure, water pressure, exhaust quality, presence of flame - all these parameters are recorded by the automatic water heater and, if necessary, are able to respond to any deviation from the operating norm.

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    Terms of use

    In operation gas equipment unpretentious and capable long time perform its functions without Maintenance. But in order for everything to work smoothly and safely, you need to know how to use a gas water heater correctly and what precautions should be taken.

    The rules of use are very simple, but extremely necessary to comply with safety standards:

    • Near the installation site gas unit It is necessary to have ventilation where combustion residues escape. Free access of air must also be ensured.
    • Before lighting a gas water heater, it is imperative to make sure that there is draft.
    • The equipment is strictly prohibited from being used in the absence of traction.
    • It is forbidden to leave a lit gas burner unattended.
    • It is not allowed to leave the gas supply open when the dispenser is not working.
    • If the gas supply suddenly stops, you must immediately close the supply valve.
    • And it is strictly prohibited to carry out repair work or installation of gas equipment without permission.

    Installing a gas water heater

    Checking traction

    Due to the fact that gas water heaters have an open combustion chamber, Special attention traction is given to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning or create a dangerous emergency situation. To do this, it is important to correctly install the chimney and regularly check the presence and quality of draft.

    Modern models of gas water heaters are equipped with sensors that, in the absence or low draft, simply will not allow the equipment to start. But in order to use a water heater, you will definitely have to make sure that there is draft, since such sensors have not yet been provided for.

    To correctly measure the presence of air flow, it is necessary to use special instruments. But This can be done without any special tools.:

    1. 1. At the point where the hood enters the ventilation shaft, it is necessary to remove a section of the exhaust pipe. The paper cut into strips is fixed in place of the hole. And based on their movement, the quality of traction is checked.
    2. 2. Place a lit match in the viewing window of the column. If the flame deviates, this indicates the presence of air flow.

    If gas equipment is already working, but there is no draft, it is recommended to open the window for air flow.

    Setting up the geyser.

    Methods for starting geysers

    Depending on the design features, you can start a gas water heater in different ways. But it is mandatory for any type and brand of equipment to first turn on the water and gas supply. Further actions can be divided into manual, piezo and automatic ignition. For units different designs apply and different kinds launch.

    Manual start. Old models gas water heaters they are launched only in manual mode, since such designs do not contain any automation, and if they do, it is for minimal protection. The very principle of ignition is to ignite the wick with any source of open fire: matches or kitchen lighters.

    Manual ignition technology involves the discovery of water and gas, after which the control handle is set to the ignition position and, after ignition of the wick, opens to operating modes. Depending on the water pressure, its temperature may also change. However, if the water is completely turned off, then the old units do not extinguish the flame, so they must also be turned off manually.

    Although the whole procedure does not seem complicated, it is not completely safe. If draft deteriorates, especially in damp weather, flames may burst into the room, which already looks threatening. Therefore, if there are children or elderly people in the family, then using such systems is not recommended.

    Piezo ignition system

    Gas equipment with piezo ignition looks a little better. Such units are easier to operate and maintain. Here, in order to light the column, you need to set the gas supply regulator to the ignition position and use a special button to light the wick. When a spark appears, it ignites.

    Gas water heaters with piezo ignition do not need to be turned off completely, and when the water is turned off, only the wick will burn. But this also leads to increased gas consumption. Therefore, it is worth turning off the equipment completely.

    Automatic switching on

    Among the huge selection of water heating equipment, fully automatic models of columns (Beretta, Ariston, Bosch and others) are in particular demand, which are capable of not only maintaining and regulating the operation process, but also igniting the wick and fuse completely independently.

    But the inclusion of water heating equipment, depending on the manufacturer and model, may differ to varying degrees:

    • Aggregates from Bosch. Equipment from the German company Bosch is distinguished by intuitive controls. Models equipped with electric ignition are designated by the letter “B”. In order to turn on the Bosch geyser, you need to open the gas valve and supply water. You should also check the 1.5 volt and type “R” batteries. There is a button on the front panel of the unit, thanks to which you can light the Bosch gas water heater.
    • Neva. Devices from the domestic company Neva are produced fully configured for a certain gas pressure and type of fuel. And if in order to light up a Bosch column you just need to press a button, then the situation is different here. First, you will have to install LR20 type batteries in a special compartment. Next, all available toggle switches are turned to minimum. The water and gas valves also open. The control knob on the front panel is moved to the ignition position, after which it is turned in to the maximum. And after that the start button turns on.
    • Models from Astra. The equipment from this company is not very convenient, since before using the column, you have to move a special handle to the left, press and hold the start button for 5 seconds, and light the igniter. But the main inconvenience is that here the burner is located under the central fitting.
    • Systems from Junkers. The launch of systems from this company may differ depending on the marking. So, if the column is equipped with piezo ignition, it will be designated by the letter “P”. Automatic models are battery-powered and marked “B”. If “G” is found in the model, then such heaters have a fully automatic Hydro Power system, that is, a built-in hydrodynamic generator.

    Gas water heaters are an excellent alternative if the house does not have a central hot water supply. Modern models are quite safe and reliable in operation.

    The instructions supplied with such equipment may not always answer your questions. Therefore, when purchasing a speaker, it is preferable to ask the seller about everything, and also consult which equipment and in which cases will be most effective and useful.

Geyser – irreplaceable thing for residents of both their own houses and apartments. Hot water enters the water supply system only when winter period. In the summer, ice flows from the pipes. Therefore, a device that heats water is the only way out of this situation. But just before operation you need to find out how to turn on the gas water heater.

There are many types of water heating devices. But most houses still have Soviet units, the ignition of which requires certain knowledge. It's difficult to turn them on. This is done using manual ignition, which requires maximum effort and care.

Speakers produced in a few recent years, have an automatic system and do not require special skills from the person operating them.

How to check traction

Traction testing is carried out in the columns open type since all modern units have an automatic safety system. This, in turn, does not allow the column to start in the absence of traction. It can also turn it off if the traction disappears. But any device can fail, so you shouldn’t count on the flawless operation of an automatic dispenser. It is very important to learn how to conduct the check yourself. Professionals use a special device when checking. But if it is not available, then it is worth using the old common methods.

  • Remove the front panel, take a small strip of paper and place it as close to the chimney as possible. If he tightens it, then there is traction.
  • Bring the lit match closer to the viewing window. If it draws in the flame, this indicates the presence of draft.

How to light a column

Geysers with closed camera, easy to launch. Things are more complicated with devices that have open camera. Before lighting the column, you must turn on the igniter.

The sequence of operation on speakers with piezo ignition is as follows:

  • Turn the gas valve and press the manual piezo ignition button.
  • Set the desired temperature of the received water.
  • Make sure there is water in the heat exchanger.

Sequence of work with electronic ignition of the column:

  • Insert batteries into the hole.
  • Open the tap responsible for supplying hot water.

It is also necessary to eliminate air lock(if there is one). To do this, you need to light the gas water heater several times in a row. The main thing is to follow all recommendations and not allow the device to overheat.

Manual ignition method

This ignition method is only available on old-style gas water heaters. It is not used in modern models. Manual ignition of the column is done using matches. But first, the following manipulations are done:

  • Turn the water tap connected to the column to the working position.
  • Unscrew the valve responsible for the flow of fuel into the igniter.
  • Ignite the wick using a lighted match.
  • Turn on the main gas supply valve.

The disadvantage of such a speaker is that it is very difficult to use. There will be hot water only if it is lit by a person who knows how to do it correctly.

Using piezo ignition

Speakers that operate using piezo ignition can be called semi-automatic. To ignite the wick located in the combustion chamber, simply press a button. As a result, a spark occurs, which helps the filter ignite. But this method of ignition requires compliance with certain conditions:

  • First turn on the main fuel regulator, and only then light the main burner.
  • Even if the regulator is returned to its original position and the water is turned off, the filter will continue to burn.

The disadvantage of such a system is the significant use of fuel. The most popular models of geysers operating using piezo ignition are Bosch WR 10–2 P miniMAXX-2, Nevalux 5111, Junkers WR 10–2 P.

Automatic method

This ignition system is suitable for beginners who are afraid to light a gas water heater on their own. After all, automatic mode allows you to do everything safely and easily. Modern manufacturers use the Hydropower system, which simplifies starting the device.

The Bosh Therm 2000 O model activates the turbine when water pressure arrives. It is responsible for automatically starting the igniter system - the wick and the main burner.

The Bosh Therm 2000 O and Bosh Therm 4000 O models operate using batteries. But they periodically require replacement.

The Bosh AM1E model is produced with a built-in digital panel showing all suspected incorrect actions.

But in such convenient system there is a significant disadvantage. Low water pressure negatively affects the normal functioning of the turbine. This leads to frequent breakdowns.

Precautions for using the speaker

Before starting any equipment, you should carefully read the operating instructions. This also applies to the gas water heater. Basically they work on the same principle, but the following safety measures should be applied to all of them:

  • Carry out regular maintenance and cleaning. This will lead to safe operation.
  • To do cleaning correctly, you need to find a specific section in the instructions for the unit dedicated to this topic.
  • Monitor the heating of the heat exchanger.
  • Check smoke outlets periodically. Make sure they don't get clogged.
  • If you notice any irregularities in operation, immediately call the gas service.

Under no circumstances should you repair the damage yourself.

Video: How to light a gas water heater

Which column is considered old? Taking into account the improving models that appear on store shelves almost every day, last year’s modification is already ancient. That is why in this article we will look at the features of igniting a column with an ignition wick - these burned in the middle of the last century, and in some modern houses(the function is provided in newer “old” modifications of the speakers). Let us remind you that the wick is ignited by the flame of a match or the sparks of a piezo lighter.

Security level of old speakers

Until recently, gas water heaters were used to equip the kitchens of high-rise buildings and entire neighborhoods. Today, in the context of increased requirements for the safety and reliability of units, users are concerned about the safety of their “out of fashion” speakers

On the one hand, they, of course, do not have super fancy functions, such as, for example, a gas catcher, auto shut-off, automatic ignition, or protection from everything. At the same time, rumors about the unsafety of the devices appear every now and then in the media and online platforms. We decided to figure out how much they have a right to exist.

Our verdict is this: if possible, live in peace, but in the absence of what you want, the gas water heater will normally “work out” your requirements.

Operation - ignition: everything is simple, but not at all as we thought

Users accustomed to the wonders of technology may find the procedure of igniting the column on fire, which your grandmother apparently resorted to, strange. Don't give in to difficulties! Since the older generation has mastered it, we will not lose face, we will cope with old technology! We tell you how to turn on a geyser belonging to the old-style modifications:

1. If it hasn’t been turned on for a long time, check the level of air exchange in the kitchen. Traditionally, this was solved very simply: a gap of several centimeters was left under the doors to the kitchen. Even though the sound and smell insulation left much to be desired, safety was guaranteed!

2. Test the draft of the chimney that provides the outlet carbon monoxide. Stagnation in the chimney can be caused by alterations during repair work, accumulation of debris and even a traffic jam created from cold air. In the first two cases, you will need the help of a specialist. In the latter, it is enough to direct the flow into the chimney warm air. For example, you can restore traction by simply turning on the hairdryer and directing the flow of hot air emanating from it into the pipe. Chimney columns are still widely used by users today.

3. Check operation gas tap. After opening the valve, there should be no characteristic odor. Connections can be checked by processing soap solution. Starting to bubble? There's a leak somewhere. Call a specialist.

Advice: Do you have any doubts about the serviceability of the unit? Do not use technology under any circumstances! It would be much better to call a gas technician who will check the serviceability of the gas water heater, fix any breakdowns and demonstrate how to properly use it for its intended purpose.

No faults found? Let's light it up:

Consider the wick to decide where to place the open fire and what, in fact, to set on fire

First open the water tap on the gas supply pipe.

If the design has a valve button, press it as hard as you can.

If this element is missing, simply count to 20.

Bring a lit match to the wick. The first time it will be more convenient to use matches with a long handle, which are called fireplace matches.

Open the water tap.

Move the second lever, responsible for the operation of the main burner, sharply to the left.

Advice: note! The degree of water heating is controlled directly in the gas water heater. Using a mixer causes clogging and failure of the heat exchanger.

We hope that the information provided has helped to understand the how to light a geyser belonging to old-style models.

Today, many residential premises continue to use gas water heaters. Columns – great way use hot water if the apartment or house has gas and water supply. Very often in apartments hot water is turned off for the entire summer period. Everyone tries to make their life more comfortable through their efforts. For many, installing a gas water heater is the only solution. You can read about how to properly turn on a gas water heater in this article.

Many consumers are confident that using geysers at home is life-threatening, as a gas leak may occur or the water heater may explode. Previously, old-style speakers were installed in homes, which could fail if the owners ignored safety precautions when using them. Modern geysers are the new kind devices with automatic protection.

If the column fails for one reason or another, then automatic protection ensures that the gas stops flowing.

You should not use outdated models of geysers - they require an extremely careful and careful approach, which will make its use extremely inconvenient. In order to ignite an old-style column, you must use manual ignition. Modern devices in most cases they turn on and work automatically.

Methods for turning on units:

  1. Manual ignition. It is mainly suitable for igniting older models. Earlier to light the column. It was necessary to use matches to light the wick. First, it was necessary to open the water supply, which was connected to the column. Then open the main valve, and then make sure that gas is supplied to the ignition wick. The pilot wick continued to burn even in the absence of water pressure. The speaker had to be turned off manually. At home, using speakers of this type is not advisable.
  2. Piezo ignition. In many types of speakers this element is installed. When you press the button, the wick in the combustion chamber ignites. The ignition fuse is ignited by mechanical force causes a spark. To turn on the main burner, it is necessary to activate the main regulator, which supplies gas.
  3. Automation. Modern modifications involve automatic ignition of the wick and main burner. The turbine is responsible for this; it turns on due to the water pressure. The only problem with the operation of such a column may be insufficient water pressure.

When installing modern speakers, you can be sure that they are safe to use. In order to use them you do not need special knowledge and skills. But if the column breaks down, you need to contact directly gas service. Repairing speakers yourself is strictly prohibited.

A simple ignition method: how to turn on a Bosch gas water heater

Using modern geysers usually does not cause difficulties. When purchasing speakers, you should pay attention to the presence of a passport and warranty for the product. It is also very important that the seller provides instructions for its use along with the speaker.

The instructions for using a modern Bosch gas water heater say that it must be put into operation by the craftsmen who installed the water heater.

How to light up a Bosch speaker:

  • Move the control to the right if it is in the “Off” position.
  • The regulator should move to the “Piezo ignition” position. This means the spark icon and vertical buttons will connect.
  • The start button should be pressed down with your finger while pressing the piezo power button. The fact that the piezoelectric element has triggered will be indicated by characteristic clicks.
  • It is important to ensure that the flame does not go out for the first ten seconds. Then you can transfer the power to the desired level.

After the power is switched to the desired value, the flame constantly burns in the mode that was set. But when you turn on the hot water, the column starts automatically heating the water. It’s easy to turn off the column – you just need to move the slider all the way.

Open type: how to start a gas water heater

Flow-through geysers installed in residential premises cause a lot of controversy. It should be noted that modern geysers do not pose a danger if you follow all the rules for their use. Everyone who lives in an apartment or house and uses such a column to heat water should know the rules for handling a water heater.

If the smell of gas appears in the room while the speaker is operating, the device must be turned off immediately.

If there is a large accumulation of gas in the room, it is necessary to open the windows to reduce the gas concentration. It is important to know that if there is gas in the room, turning on electrical appliances and fire is strictly prohibited. If the water heater is not working properly, you should call the gas service.

How to light an open type column:

  • It is strictly forbidden to light a fire if there is no reverse draft in the chimney.
  • Do not turn on the device without understanding the instructions.
  • It is important that the room is equipped constant influx air.
  • You cannot repair or make changes to the operation of the gas water heater yourself.

When lighting, do not touch the front of the panel. When turning on the speaker, it is better to set it to low power. It should be noted that modern models The dispensers are equipped with safety devices that stop the dispenser from operating if there is no traction.

Ignition features: how to turn on the Ariston column

A geyser is a typical analogue of a water heater. The water is instantly heated using instantaneous water heater. The column allows you to use hot water constantly.

The type of ignition of modern geysers, although considered simple, raises many questions for many users after direct installation.

It is very simple to ignite the Ariston column, since it can have piezo and electronic ignition, which requires the user to simply open the tap. The device needs to be turned on only after it is installed. After this, the column will work smoothly.

Features of Ariston speakers:

  • Compactness;
  • Stylish and compact design;
  • Available in different colors;
  • Automated.

Interestingly, many modern geysers can be powered by batteries. When choosing a column, you need to pay attention to its ignition methods and installation options. In any case, for safety reasons, the old gas water heater should be replaced with a new and modern one.

Instructions: how to turn on the gas water heater (video)

Today many people use gas water heaters. They ensure the availability of hot water even when it is turned off. But many consumers have a preconception that geysers pose a great danger. Modern geysers debunk this myth. If you ignite the column correctly, it will work properly and completely safely. Good reviews Vaillant, Junkers, Bosch, Ariston gas water heaters are used.