Spelling is not and neither with different parts of speech. Russian language lesson summary: “Conjoint and separate writing of not and not with different parts of speech”

The lesson discusses the rules for determining spelling - letters, continuous and separate writing NOT with parts of speech, an algorithm is given for selecting a spelling - letters and a method for conveniently memorizing the rules of continuous/separate spelling NOT with parts of speech.

2. Reference and information Internet portal “Russian Language” ().

Internet resources used

1. Dictionary of linguistic terms ().

2. Subordinating conjunctions and allied words ().


Russian language: Textbook for 9th grade. educational institutions/ S.G. Barkhudarov, S.E. Kryuchkov, L.Yu. Maksimov, L.A. Czech. - M.: Education, 2011.

Russian language. 9th grade: textbook. for educational institutions /M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvova, V.I. Kapinos, V.V. Lviv; edited by MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta, - M.: Bustard, 2011.

Litnevskaya E.I. Russian language. A short theoretical course for schoolchildren. - Moscow State University, 2006.

Rosenthal D.E. Handbook of spelling and literary editing. - M.: 2012.

Unified state exam in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. Demo version control measurement materials of the 2013 unified state exam in the Russian language, prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENTS”.

Demonstration version of control measuring materials for state (final) certification in 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013 (in new form) in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE of students who have mastered the basic general education programs main general education, prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENTS”.

Lesson objectives:

Educational :



Know: the condition for choosing particles is NOT - NOR.

Incidental repetition: punctuation marks in SP.



"Differentiation between particles not and neither"(1 slide)

Lesson type: combined

Lesson objectives:


Create conditions for students to develop the ability to distinguish between particles not and neither; practice spelling skills; improve skills in constructing oral statements.


Promote the development of thinking, attention, memory, oral and writing students, skills independent work with text.


Cultivate interest in the subject, by the way, in the traditions of Russian culture.

Know: the condition for choosing particles is NOT - NOR.

Incidental repetition:punctuation marks in SP.

Equipment: a fragment of a table, individual cards, a computer with a presentation of educational material.


1 . Determining the topic of the lesson.

Hello. Listen to a humorous poem and try to determine the topic of the lesson.

NOT and NOR we have particles,
We need to respect them.
And don’t be lazy
And don't waste an hour.

So what is the topic of the lesson? (Distinguish between negative particles NOT and NI)

2. Repetition

1). You should already know the rules of use not and neither. Tell us:

  1. In what cases is it written Not ?
  2. When to use neither?

2). Let's check how you have mastered these rules. To do this, run the test.


  1. Find sentences whose particle Not gives a positive meaning.

A. The wind did not subside.

B. I could not help but answer this letter.

V. Where has he been?

G. Where he has not been is the Caucasus.

2. In what sentences is the particle neither serves to express a statement?

A. Everywhere you look, rye is sprouting.

B. No matter how you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.

B. The rain did not stop for an hour.

G. There are no sounds or movement in the air.

3. In what sentences not a particle?

A. The grass is (not) mowed.

B. It was a letter that I (un)read.

Q. I have (no) place to call on the phone.

D. The diary was (not) filled out.

4. Find sentences in which the particle Not serves for denial.

A. My friend couldn’t help but help me.

B. When I don’t come to see him, he gets worried and calls.

Q. I could not determine where the noise was coming from.

G. What kind of Russian doesn’t like driving fast!

Let's check how you did on the test. (2 slide).

3). Listen to the comic poem again, find stable combinations with NOT and NI and write them down.

The sun was shining high above
Neither pale nor bright.
And as a result it was for me
Neither cold nor hot.

I went to the board to answer,
I stood in front of the class.
Neither give nor take, nor sit nor stand,
Neither fish nor meat.

What stable phrases have you found? What particle did you write with?

Check (3 slide)

Name other stable combinations with not and neither that you know (neither get up nor sit down, neither go to a village nor go to a city, neither more nor less, neither light nor dawn...)

Let's think about what situation, in what style, are these combinations used?

Certainly. In a conversational style. People come up with traditions, rituals and words that can be used to designate them. One of these traditions is the celebration of Maslenitsa.

What do you know about this holiday?

4). Look at the colored insert of textbook No. 15. (4 slide) Come up with a sentence that describes this illustration and try to use the particle in it not or neither .

Analysis of proposals at the board:

Not frost, not Maslenitsa is famous for blizzards, and for delicious pancakes, games and amusements that came to us from distant centuries, and unexpected miracles.

Miracles are scattered everywhere in the world, yes Not Everyone noticed them everywhere.

3. Physical education session: rest, but don’t relax – count the particles:

Are you tired today?

Sit down and stand up, sit down and stand up!

Are you feeling itchy in class?

So put your hands on your hips!

Turn back and forth!

Do your sides hurt?

Don't twitch, don't!

We need to relax our hands!

Never be afraid of yourself

You jump up and down with the claps!

Not a word, not a gesture, not a look!

We inhale and exhale!

How many particles were encountered? 8: 5 no, 3 no.

4. Working with text.

Take the card. Read the text.

Vocabulary work: mask (5 slide)

Determine the topic, the main idea, come up with a title.

What stable combination have you come across?

What does it mean?

5. Completing a practical task. Everyone has a hint table on their desk.

Goal: developing the ability to distinguish and correctly write NOT-NOR (using differentiated learning). Repeat punctuation marks in a complex sentence.

Distinguishing between NOT and NOR

In stable terms

(out of sorts, out of sorts, etc.)

In stable expressions (neither light nor dawn, nor fluff nor feather, etc.)

To complete the work, select a card in accordance with the level of mastery of the topic.

(differentiated learning)

Card No. 5 for thosewho believes that he has understood the topic well enough and remembers the punctuation in a complex sentence.

Card No. 4 contains a hint: place punctuation marks, focusing on the underlined predicates.

For those who find the topic difficult, you can usehint card.

Card No. 5

Fill in the missing letters, place the missing punctuation marks in complex sentences.

Sometimes people want to be (n...) recognized by (n...) neighbors, (n...) strangers. Previously, in the Czech Republic there was a custom according to which on the day of Maslenitsa, the townspeople, having risen (n...) dawn, went to the woodworker for carnival masks.

Who (n...) wanted to try on a beautiful wooden hood! Whoever (n...) came to the master’s house that day received a wonderful vestment. But how (n...) this humble worker (n...) tried, one of his works (n...) survived until the next holiday because, according to custom, everything burned in a huge fire. (N...) once the master was offended by this tradition but (n...) never complained to anyone (n...) because he gave people joy.

MASK – French masgue goes back to the Arabic mashara - “joke, mockery”.

Card No. 4

Insert the missing letters using the block table, place the missing punctuation marks in complex sentences, focusing on the underlined predicates.

Sometimes people want not to be recognized (n...) neighbors, (n. .) strangers. Previously in the Czech Republic existed a custom according to which on the day of Maslenitsa the townspeople, having risen (n...) light (n...) dawn, were leaving to the woodworker for carnival masks.

Who (n...) wanted to try on a beautiful wooden hood! Who (n...) came on this day everyone goes to the master's house was getting wonderful vestment. But how (n...) tried this humble worker (n...) one of his works (n...) survived until the next holiday because, according to custom, everything burned in a huge fire. (N...) times was offended master of this tradition but (n. .) never to anyone (n...) complained because he gave people joy.

Card No. 3

Fill in the missing letters using the block table and hints.

Sometimes people want to be (n...) recognized(if we omit the particle, the meaning will change to the opposite) (n...)neighbors, (n. .)strangers (the particle can be omitted).Previously, in the Czech Republic there was a custom, according to which on the day of Maslenitsa, the townspeople rose (n...)light (n...)dawn( phraseological unit) , went to the woodworker for carnival masks.

Who (n...) wanted to try on a beautiful wooden hood! (simple exclamatory sentence) Whoever (n...) came to the master’s house that day received a wonderful vestment. (the sentence is complex, the particle can be omitted).But how (n...) tried (the sentence is complex, the particle can be omitted)this humble worker, (n...) alone (- nothing) from his works (n...) lived (If we omit the particle, the meaning will change to the opposite) until the next holiday, because, according to custom, everything was burned in a huge bonfire. (N...) times (= many times) the master was offended by this tradition, but (n. .) once (= never) complained to no one (n...)(if we omit the particle, the meaning will change to the opposite)because he gave people joy.

Checking independent work in groups.

7. Summing up the lesson

So, let's summarize the lesson. Today we not only practiced distinguishing between particles NOT and NI, but also visited the celebration of Maslenitsa, looked into the workshop of a Czech master, and learned about the origin of the word “mask”.


Homework: make a test of two questions to distinguish between particles “not” and “nor”. (6 slide)

Reflection: analyze your knowledge: if there are any questions left, something is unclear, leave a signal in the form of “?” at the board for me, but if everything is clear to you now, leave “!”. (7 slide)

Russian language lesson in 7th grade


Spelling particles NOT and NI

Lesson topic: Spelling particles NOT and NI

Lesson Objectives : expand students' knowledge of spelling particlesNot Andneither; practice particle distinction skillsNot Andneither ; byefind cases when a sentence with two particles does not receivepositive meaning; develop writing skillsNot with differentdifferent parts of speech;

Teaching methods: practical, verbal, visual methods

Ι. Organizing time.

- Good afternoon guys. Let's get ready for good work.

ΙΙ.checking homework

Who did the dictation on separate and hyphenated spelling of particles.

ΙΙΙ. Working on the topic of the lesson.

1. game “Fourth wheel” (slide 2)

(The degree of mastery of the spelling of continuous and separate spelling not with nouns, adjectives, verbs and pronouns is checked)

2.Teacher’s word: (slide 3)

Explain the meanings set expressions :

Don't put your finger in your mouth (a savvy, cunning person from whom you can expect everything),a mosquito won't hurt your nose (something done well, carefully, nothing to complain about),leave no stone unturned (completely destroy, destroy)

no more, no less (that's exactly how much), neither alive nor dead (very scared)neither light nor dawn (too early), break a leg (joking wish for success, good luck).

What particle is written in these expressions?

Is there a comma in expressions?

What is a particle

What categories are particles divided into?

What particle discharges did we study in previous lessons?

- We just remembered the spelling of the particleNot and neither. For what purpose do you think?

State the topic of today's lesson. (slide 4-5)

Based on the topic, what are the objectives of today's lesson?

Let's take a closer look at the functions of these particles.

1. observation “Particle not” (recording reference information) (slide 6-7)

1. The wind did not subside. (negation)

2.Where has he been?(generally affirmative meaning)

3. The comrade could not help but understand me. (statement)

Let's compare our observations with the textbook paragraph.

Is there something in our observations that is not in educational material

2. explanatory dictation (slide 8)


He wasn't waiting for anyone.

I c...couldn't...know about this.

Who n... knows Russian ballet!

3. reading the paragraph “Particle ni” (writing supporting information) (slide 9-12)

4.control 432(1-5)

IV .Reinforcement

1. Explain the choice of a particular particle (slide 13)

You will never see either this village or these people.

Wherever the wanderer went, he was greeted warmly.

*He returned before dawn.

*The unbearable heat made it impossible to think or act.

*I didn’t believe a single line.

* No matter who looks at the sea, it is always beautiful.

*After the hunt I can't help but fall asleep.

2.Remember : more than once - not once; not one - not one


no one elseHow…

nothing more than...

No one else...

Nothing else...

Make up sentences using these words orally.

4. Test yourself (slide 14-15)

Determine in what cases the particle is writtenNI

Yegor (1) did not know how to draw and (2) had never seen (4) a single painting in his life.

Determine in what cases the particle NOT is written (slide 16-17)

(1) Neither muses, (2) nor labors, (3) nor the joys of leisure (4) can replace my friend.

5. .Digital dictation

Write down the numbers of the sentences, dividing them into two groups: NOT and NOR.

1. Whoever took part in the reading conference was satisfied.

2. Those who did not take part in the competition regretted it very much.

3. No matter how much you read Pushkin’s poems, you always discover something new for yourself.

4. How many works of Russian classics have I not read yet?

5. No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.

6. There is not a soul in the field.

7. I couldn’t help but smile while reading the letter.

Let's check! (slide 18)

NOT: 2,4,7

NI: 1,3,5,6

V .Reflection stage . ( slide 19)

Tell us what we talked about in class today?

Tell us, in what cases are NOT and NI written together with words?

And when are NOT and NI written with words separately?

Did you like the lesson? In what mood will you go to recess?

V I . Homework . (slide 20)

P.71, exercises 430, 434 or Compose a dictionary dictation “SpellingNot And neither »

lesson on "Spelling particles"

NOT and NOR"

Target: practice spelling words with NOT; remember words that are written with NOT separately and are predicates in a sentence; remember spelling NOT with various parts speeches

During the classes

I Organizational moment


Is the topic written on the board new to you? (students' answers)

Which particle did we pay attention to? Special attention in the last lesson? (students' answers)

Now we are quite able to formulate the purpose of our lesson. How do you see her?

Target- improve your knowledge of the Russian language, consolidate material on the spelling of particles NOT and NI, paying special attention to the particle NI.

I I Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Survey

What is a particle?

What particle discharges do you know?

What do you know about the spelling of particles NOT and NI?

In what cases is the particle NI synonymous with the conjunction I?

2. Selective dictation

Exercise: write down only semantic particles, determine their category.

Look, there's my Tuzik! No, not the one on the left, but that fluffy one! Even from afar you can see how handsome he is. What paws, what a tail! And only my dog’s eyes are so cunning. If there were beauty contests for mongrels, my Tuzik would win. And let others jump out of their skins.

Let's check! There (indicative), not (negative), even (intensified), what for (exclamation), only (intensified)

Exercise: write down sentences that contain particles

a) The spool is small, but expensive.

b) Speak quickly!

c) So he went into the forest and got lost.

Let's check! b (same), c (here)

3. Distributive dictation

Exercise: Write sentences in two columns explaining the choice of particle

4. Syntactic and morphological analysis s.

Exercise: Do parsing offers

The truth neither burns in fire nor sinks in water.

Non-morphological analysis

1. not - particle, used for negation

2. semantic, negative.

Tell us how to distinguish the spelling: not once - not once, not once - not once, quite a lot - not at all (student answers)

5. Explanatory dictation

Assignment: explain the spelling of particles NOT and NI.

Not There was one path in the field. With me he is with us neither I've never been. You me neither little surprise.

What stable phrases with the particle NI do you know?

6. Digital dictation

Assignment: write down the numbers of the sentences, dividing them into two groups: NOT and NOR.

1. Whoever took part in the reading conference was satisfied.

2. Those who did not take part in the competition regretted it very much.

3. No matter how much you read Pushkin’s poems, you always discover something new for yourself.

4. How many works of Russian classics have I not read yet?

5. No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.

6. There is not a soul in the field.

7. I couldn’t help but smile while reading the letter.

Let's check!

Tell us in what cases it is NOT written together?

And when is it NOT written separately?

7. Explain spelling

Don't sit idly by, that way you won't get bored.

When you feel indignant at your hands, think about your head.

Unclosed window.

Not new at all.

Work not completed on time.

The road is not long, but close.

10. Indicate the particle discharges from the previous task

Let, come on, yes - formative, imperative mood of the verb.

Not, nor are semantic negative particles.

12. Working with a dictionary

Exercise: write down vocabulary words and remember their spelling.

Sloppy, Sloppy, Hating, Indignant, Impossible.

13. Place punctuation marks

Exercise: fill in the missing punctuation marks.

We walk through the forest, silently stepping along a damp, slippery path.

When summer came, classes ended.

We take out a notebook and pen and the lesson begins.

Let's check!

We walk through the forest, silently stepping along a damp, slippery path.

When summer came, classes ended.

We take out a notebook, a pen, and the lesson begins.

I I I Lesson summary