Common primrose: care and cultivation. Primula - a spring flower on your windowsill


Primula or Primrose (lat. Prímula) is a genus of plants from the Primrose family. The name comes from Latin word Prímus (first) for very early flowering.

Description of the genus

One of the most numerous genera of plants in the world flora. According to various authors, there are from 400 to 550 species of these plants in nature. Moreover, scientists are still discovering new types of primroses. Most of them (about 300 species) grow in Asia and western China. Only 33 species grow in Europe, and 20 species in North America. Only a few species are found in Africa, South America, in Arabia and one species (imperial primrose - Primula imperialis) - on the island of Java.

A lot of primroses in nature grow in wet places- along the banks of mountain streams and streams, in wet meadows. For example, the Florinda primrose can be found in, near watercourses at an altitude of about 4000 m, and the finely toothed primrose can be found in alpine meadows at an altitude of 2300-4300 m. central Europe, where it lives in cracks in rocks, between stones, rising to a height of over 2000 m. Wet meadows, banks of streams and streams are favorite places for the beautiful Bulley's primrose, which grows in China at an altitude of about 3000 m. Japanese primrose lives in the mountain valleys of the Kuril Islands and Japan . As you can see, baby primroses live and thrive in such harsh conditions where other, larger plants cannot grow.

Mountains are a kind of pedestal that raises primroses high above other plants. Some of them grow near snowfields, in very specific ecological conditions.

Representatives of the genus Primrose are perennial and annual herbs. Flowers five-membered, correct form, come in different colors: white, yellow, pink, lilac. The leaves form a basal rosette. The fruit is a box.


Primula vulgaris or stemless (Рrimula vulgaris or Рrimula acaulis). It grows in, on and in Transcaucasia, in the European part of Russia, in Western Europe(from Portugal, Spain and Italy in the south to Norway in the north), in northern Africa (Algeria), in the Middle East, in Asia Minor and Central Asia. The plant can be found on the edges of the deciduous forests of the south, as well as in alpine meadows and near melting snowfields.

The rhizome of the common primrose is short, with a large number of brown, thickened cord-like roots. The leaves are lanceolate, 5-25 cm long, 2-6 cm wide. Part of the leaves is preserved in winter. Flowers 2-4 cm in diameter, light yellow, rarely white with a purple throat, solitary, on peduncles 6-20 cm high. Petals are wide, divided into two lobes. Seed pod ovoid, shorter than sepals.

Despite such a simple name, common primrose is very beautiful during abundant flowering when the foliage is completely covered with flowers, and the bush seems like a small bunch, consisting of hundreds of flowers. Usually flowering begins in the first half of April and lasts about three weeks. Sometimes, depending on the weather, it blooms in March. Often re-blooms sparsely in September.

Primula cold(Primula algida). Grows on , in Central Asia ( , ), in Western Siberia and Northern Mongolia. An integral component of alpine meadows.

The leaves are oblong or oblong-scapular, gradually turning into a short, wide-winged petiole, collected in a basal rosette up to 15 cm in diameter. Peduncles thin up to 30 cm tall. The flowers are small, pink-violet up to 1.5 cm in diameter, collected 6-12 in an umbellate inflorescence.

Primrose large-calyx(Primula macrocalyx). It grows in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in the south of the Urals, in the south of Western Siberia. Grows in dry meadows, forest edges and clearings.

The rhizome is oblique with abundant cord-like lobes. All leaves are basal, ovate-oblong, gradually narrowed into a winged serrated petiole, greyish fluffy below, almost entire. The flowers are yellow, medium-sized (corolla limb 10 mm long), collected in an umbrella, on legs of unequal length and drooping in one direction. The calyx is usually slightly swollen, even during flowering.

snow primrose(Primula nivalis). It grows in Altai, in the south and southwest of Eastern Siberia, in the northeast of China, in Korea and Japan.

Perennial plant up to 20 cm tall. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, narrowed into a winged petiole, serrated along the edge. The flowers are pink-purple up to 1 cm in diameter, collected 8-10 in umbellate inflorescences.

Primula lovely(Primula amoena Bieb). It grows in the Caucasus and Turkey in the mountains (at an altitude of 1000-4000 m), often near snowfields, on nutritious soils among rhododendrons.

Looks like a high primrose. It differs from it in narrower leaves with gray-felt pubescence on the underside of the leaf blade and purple flowers. The leaves are oval, elliptical, 2.5-7 cm long, with a rounded top. Their edges are finely unevenly serrated. The petiole of the leaf reaches 7 cm. The flower arrow is 15-18 cm high. The flowers of 6-10 pieces are collected in a one-sided umbellate inflorescence. They are violet-blue or lavender-blue, sometimes with a pink tint, rarely white with a yellow eye. The diameter of the flowers is 2-2.5 cm.

Primula finely toothed(Primula denticulata Smith). It grows in Western China, the Himalayas. Attracts attention with unusual dense spherical inflorescences, towering over a rosette of large elongated light green leaves. The flowers are white, lilac, purple with shades. Often blooms in a leafless state. At the beginning of flowering, the peduncles are short - no more than 2-3 cm. They seem to be pressed to the ground, afraid of the return of cold weather. By the middle of flowering, the inflorescence-balls are at a height of 20-25 cm, and by the time the seeds ripen, they stretch up to 30-50 cm! The same thing happens with leaves. They begin to unfold at the beginning of flowering, and at this time their length is 5-7 cm, by the middle of flowering - already 20 cm, and after flowering in favorable conditions- 30-40 cm. The whole plant, especially flower stalks, is covered with powdery yellowish bloom.

Legends and traditions

Pretty primrose (Рrimula amoena Bieb) in the Dukka valley (Arkhyz, Western Caucasus). Photo by A. Zharov

Primula was known in ancient times and was considered the medicinal flower of Olympus: it was called the dodecatheon (flower of 12 gods) and they believed that it was a cure for all ailments. One of the first spring flowers, the primrose looks like a bunch of golden keys; according to the Old Norse sagas, these are the keys of the fertility goddess Freya, with which she opens the spring. According to another legend, these are sprouted keys to paradise, which St. Peter dropped to the ground. In some areas of Germany, these are the keys of marriage; even in the days of the Celts and Gauls, primrose was part of the love drink.

According to Danish legends, the elves turned their princess into a primrose when she fell in love with a mere mortal. According to ancient Greek legend, the primrose arose from the body of the young man Paralysos, who died of love, whom the gods, out of compassion, turned into fragrant flower; therefore it was believed to cure paralysis, and in medicine it was until recently called the paralytic herb.

The miraculous power of the primrose covered many areas: in Piedmont it was believed that it protects from devilish obsessions, drives away demons, makes innocent bones crawl out of the ground dead people; in Germany, he was credited with the magical property of gap-grass - to open treasures; in Little Russia it was a talisman protecting life; in England it was a magical flower in which tiny fairies and gnomes live. It is the primrose in Switzerland that is considered a symbol of happiness, an emblem of love for the motherland.


1. Encyclopedia of ornamental plants. Primrose

Tourist Encyclopedia. 2014 .


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    primrose- primrose, avrikula Dictionary of Russian synonyms. primrose primrose Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 ... Synonym dictionary

The name "common primrose" (Primula vulgaris) comes from the Greek word "primus" - early, first. Primula belongs to the primrose family. According to researchers, there are up to 500 species, while only 33 are found in Europe. In nature, it grows in rather harsh conditions.

It can be found high in mountain crevices, along the banks of mountain streams, in wet alpine meadows and even near snowfields. Apparently, therefore, the flower is particularly modest, it is a small herbaceous perennial with small leaves and single branches of white or yellow flowers.

Inflorescences look like a bunch of keys, which gave rise to beautiful legends and legends. Since ancient times, primrose was considered a miraculous, healing flower, endowed with magical powers.

Thanks to the work of breeders, more than 200 species have been cultivated. this plant, which can be easily grown in gardens and at home.

The first of the primroses to bloom is the common primrose. This is a stemless primrose, the flowers of which sit one at a time on short stems-peduncles. Many large flowers (2-3 cm in diameter) form a fluffy hat up to 12-15 cm high. Shaggy wavy leaves of a dense basal rosette are almost impossible to see during flowering.

The fruit is a toothed box in which small dark seeds ripen. notice, that in early spring, in April, the development of leaves and flowering of primroses occurs simultaneously. Common primrose attracts gardeners with resistance to environment, a variety of leaf shapes and flower colors, as well as unpretentiousness, because caring for it is very simple.

A lot of her hybrid species grown indoors in pots next to other indoor plants. If desired and proper care you can create a spring blooming home corner for the New Year or March 8th.

Common primrose cultivation and home care

Growing and caring for this flower at home will not cause you much trouble, but you will be satisfied with the results of your little efforts.

Plant propagation

Common primrose is propagated in several ways:

  • sowing seeds,
  • root division,
  • propagation by cuttings,
  • vegetative reproduction,
  • self-seeding

Sowing seeds. Remember that ordinary primrose seeds quickly lose their germination. Before planting, they must be stratified, that is, artificially create natural winter conditions. Seeds are sown in small containers with soil, preferably deciduous, mixed with sand, they do not need any care: we store them in the refrigerator or bury them in a snowdrift for 2-4 weeks.

Seedlings dive after the germination of two full leaves. Carefully transplant young seedlings into containers or boxes filled with new soil. The seedlings are brought to light. Before landing in the ground, they are regularly watered with a thin stream of water or placed in a pan, and also fed. The temperature for the development of seedlings should be 16-18 degrees.

When the threat of frost has passed, the sprouts are dug into the ground. It is better to breed primroses in spring and autumn period. Grown from seeds, primroses bloom only in the second year.

The next method is the division of the rhizome. The primrose is dug up with roots, divided into separate outlets or groups of outlets and transplanted to a new place. This procedure can be carried out even during flowering. In winter, you can purchase rhizomes, put them in pots and plant them in early spring.

The cutting method is as follows: you need to cut leaves from a two-three-year-old bush and plant them in the ground.

Vegetative propagation is the reproduction of clones from roots, stems and leaves.

Common primrose can also reproduce by self-sowing.

Landing location

The plant is photophilous, feels great in partial shade from bushes and trees, as well as in front gardens and greenhouses, accessible to the rays of the sun only in the morning. On hills, it is better to plant it on the northern, eastern and western sides of the slope.

At home, place flowerpots or boxes with flowers in the light, in the shade and partial shade, avoid direct sunlight. You can put pots with common primrose between window frames, take out to the glazed loggia.

The soil

Primroses need light, well-drained soil, preferably light, loamy soil. If necessary, a mixture of sand, sphagnum moss and vermiculite is introduced into the top layer of soil with the addition of organic fertilizers. The composition of the light clay soil improve and enrich by introducing organic compounds(humus, compost, peat). We loosen the soil. Enriched nutrients The soil must retain moisture well.


It is important that the soil is always moist. This is one of the main conditions for the existence of common primrose in wildlife. She is a primrose, gaining strength during the period of active snowmelt in early spring, so care should be appropriate. In late spring, especially carefully monitor the condition of the soil. Drying it out can lead to weakening of the plants.

Water stagnation should also be avoided. Ensure proper soil drainage. On hot summer days, do not allow the soil to dry out, but in October-November you should not be zealous with watering. During this period, the plant slows down its growth, preparing for wintering. excess moisture and improper care can damage the root system.

At home, it is better to water with settled water. During the period of ejection of buds and their flowering, watering should be more abundant. Then liquid fertilizer is added for top dressing.

Temperature regime

The plant is frost-resistant. Seeds are stored at a temperature of 6-7 degrees. A favorable temperature for growing sprouted young animals is 16-18 degrees.

At the end of winter and spring, primrose blooms rapidly at a temperature of 8-12 degrees. Humidity must be sufficient. With low humidity, place the flowerpots in a pan with water on a layer of expanded clay or other drainage material.

Gardeners are crazy about the variety of species of common primrose, each of which is unique in its own way. It is impossible not to talk about the Empress spring gardens- terry primrose of the Rosana Mix series. In terms of decorativeness of leaves, juiciness and attractiveness of the palette of flowers, it has no equal. The main thing is that this species is able to bloom up to 4 months per season!

In the photo, her flower looks like a rose, although it consists of five petals characteristic of a primrose. Wavy, intricately curved, they look like a rose that has not fully blossomed. The bush looks like an elegant beautiful bouquet. Rosanna is often grown for winter forcing. She blooms in room conditions during the period from March to April.

Primula - gentle flowering plant from the primrose family. Its name can also be translated as "primrose". In its natural environment, the flower is found on the slopes of the Alps, as well as in temperate climate Eurasia and North America. A cap of delicate flowers on low growth appears already in the middle of spring and lasts a very long time. Today, primrose is grown not only in the garden, but also at home as houseplant. There are many varieties with various terms flowering and appearance. Florists know how to make this beauty bloom at the right time, so for the holidays, pots with colorful primroses appear in abundance.

plant description

Primrose is a perennial, and occasionally an annual herbaceous plant. It has a compact size. The height during the flowering period does not exceed 20-50 cm. The plant is nourished by a fibrous branched rhizome, which is located in the upper layers of the soil. Immediately above the surface of the earth, a dense leaf rosette is formed. It contains sessile or petiolate leaves of oval, lanceolate or ovoid shape. They are painted in a gray-green hue without a pattern. The surface of the leaf is smooth or embossed, swollen between the veins. Leaf margins are either entire or finely serrated. Due to the short pile, the foliage seems fluffy and soft.

A long bare peduncle grows from the center of the rosette. Its top is decorated with a dense brush or umbrella, although there are varieties with single flowers on short legs. Correct corollas consist of five petals oval shape with a rounded or, conversely, pointed edge. At the base, the petals fuse into a narrow, long tube, and sharply bend along the edge. The color of the flower is very diverse (solid or variegated) - white, purple, lilac, pink and red. The center is almost always yellow. Flowers replace each other within 3-8 weeks.

After pollination by insects, oblong seed pods ripen with soft edges. Inside contains small elongated seeds with a smooth dark brown or black surface.

Variety of primroses

A very diverse genus of primrose includes about 400 plant species. Conventionally, they are divided into 38 sections.

Common primrose (vulgaris) or stemless (acaulis). This species is especially popular with gardeners. Plant height is 5-20 cm. Oval leaves with a corrugated surface grow on short petioles. They have a bright green color without spraying and grow up to 25 cm long, up to 4 cm wide. Funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of 2-4 cm are distinguished by a variety of colors. They are grouped in a dense umbrella inflorescence and bloom in April-July.

The inhabitant of the alpine slopes grows denser, oval leaves with a smooth, shiny surface and a grayish coating. In the center of the leaf rosette there is a cylindrical stem up to 20 cm long with a dense spike-shaped inflorescence of 6-7 yellow fragrant flowers.

A rather large species up to 30 cm high grows wide oval leaves with a wrinkled surface and serrated sides. The length of the leaf reaches 20-40 cm. A dense spherical inflorescence about 10 cm in diameter blooms on a long stem. It consists of purple, lilac, red or white tubular flowers up to 15 mm in diameter. Flowering occurs in April-May and lasts up to 40 days.

Primula obconica (obconica). herbaceous perennial with many round or oval leaves grows up to 60 cm in height. Wavy petiolate leaves in diameter reach 10 cm. A large umbrella of white, pink or purple flowers rises above them.

The plant forms a dense rosette of openwork lobed leaves. Above them grow pubescent red-brown peduncles 30-35 cm long. Each bears only a few large (4 cm in diameter) flowers.

Perennial garden variety with elongated lanceolate leaves that form a symmetrical rosette. Peduncles 40-50 cm long contain several tiers of umbrella inflorescences, which are arranged in whorls. This species belongs to the group of candelabra primroses. The diameter of tubular flowers of various shades of red is 3 cm.

An inhabitant of the south of Europe grows wrinkled oval leaves with small teeth along the edges. The length of the leaves is 5-20 cm, and the width is 2-7 cm. Beautiful delicate flowers with a diameter of 2 cm have a light yellow color with a brighter center. They are grouped in an umbrella inflorescence of 5-15 units. The height of the peduncle is 10-35 cm. Flowering begins in April and lasts up to two months. Varieties:

  • Primula colossea - larger flowers with crimson petals and a yellow star in the center;
  • Duplex - dark yellow throat surrounded by bright cherry petals.

On the basis of species primroses, breeders have bred many varieties primrose terry. They differ in a large number of petals compared to ordinary ones. From a distance, the buds look like small roses with softer petals. The Rosanna variety is especially popular. Bushes about 15 cm high are covered with a dense cap of narrow flowers of white, apricot, yellow, pink and red.

Reproduction methods

Primula is grown from seeds, and also propagated by dividing the bush and leaf cuttings. It should be noted that when sowing self-collected seeds, the varietal properties of especially terry primroses are not preserved. The seeds themselves quickly lose their germination capacity, so they are sown as early as possible.

Seedlings should be grown first. To do this, in mid-February, shallow boxes are prepared with a mixture of turf, sand and leaf ground. Small seeds try to distribute evenly on the surface. They are only slightly pressed into the ground. To maintain moisture, the container is covered with a film and placed in freezer for 25-30 days. You can take the box outside. The air temperature during this period should be at -10°C.

After stratification, frozen seeds are transferred to a lighted window sill, to a room with a temperature of + 16 ... + 18 ° C. Shoots appear slowly and heterogeneously. When the seedlings reach the age of 2 weeks, the shelter is removed. Plants with 2-3 true leaves dive into another box with a greater distance. As it grows, a few more picks are carried out. For open ground, primrose seedlings will be ready only after 2 years.

A bush aged 4-5 years is recommended to be divided into several parts. This allows not only to get more plants but also to rejuvenate the existing ones. Do it in August-September. Pre-plants are well watered, dug up and carefully freed from the ground. The roots are washed in warm water, and then cut the plants into divisions with 1-2 growth points with a knife. Slices are treated with charcoal and flowers are immediately planted in a new place.

For cuttings, a leaf with a petiole and a bud at the base is used. It is rooted in a sandy-peat substrate. In this case, half of the sheet plate is immediately removed. It is necessary to keep the stalk in a warm (+16 ... + 18 ° C) room with bright but diffused light. The appearance of new kidneys indicates successful rooting. After that, the cuttings are transplanted into separate pots with soil for adult plants. In the spring they can be sent to the garden.

Landing Rules

AT open ground primrose is planted in spring or early autumn. Most plants have good frost resistance. In temperate climates and more southerly regions, they overwinter normally under leaf cover. The landing site should be sheltered from the wind and slightly shaded. Plants are placed near shrubs or under the light crown of garden trees.

The soil should be loose and nutritious, without stagnant water. Primrose develops best on loam. Before planting, the site is dug up and, if necessary, sand, manure, and crushed sphagnum moss are added. Depending on the height of a particular variety, the distance between plants is 10-30 cm.

Homemade primrose should be repotted annually after flowering. Overgrown bushes are divided into parts. As a result, the leaves will be brighter, and flowering more abundant. The soil for indoor primroses is made up of peat, leaf and sod soil with the addition river sand. Be sure to lay out at the bottom of the pot thick layer drainage material.

Primrose care

At right choice places care for primrose will not cause much trouble.

Lighting. Direct Sun rays the plant is contraindicated, burns quickly appear on it. It is better to keep it in shady places where the sun hits only in the early morning or at sunset.

Temperature. Optimum temperature air for primrose is + 16 ... + 22 ° C. Most time flowers keep on the street or regularly ventilate the room. To bloom longer, you need to place the plants where the temperature is maintained + 12 ... + 15 ° C.

Humidity. Usually all types of primrose adapt well to natural humidity. However, they gratefully respond to periodic spraying. In too dry air, the edges of the leaves curl up and dry out.

Watering. The soil at the roots of primrose should always be slightly moist, but not waterlogged. It is better to water it often, but little by little. Water should be soft, well purified. At the end of flowering, irrigation is reduced.

Fertilizer. Several times a season, plants are fed with a mineral complex with a low nitrogen content. Start fertilizing in early spring. During the period of budding and flowering, top dressing is stopped and resumed only at the end of summer.

In landscape design

Thanks to the wide variety of colors, garden primrose allows you to create an amazing ornament on the site. Since flowering varies greatly in terms, you can pick up varieties that, replacing each other, will delight from April to August. Flowers are used to decorate rabatka, Alpine slide, flower beds in the shade of trees, edging of the curb, shrubs, high bank of the reservoir. They look good in the neighborhood of muscari, tulips, daffodils, irises, phlox, soapwort. Some species with inflorescences on long stems are cut to make bouquets.

Primrose, Primula (Primula)

Russian name: Primrose, Primula

Latin name: Primula

Family: Primroses

Motherland: Alpine belts of the Pyrenees, Himalayas, Balkans, Carpathians

general information: Many nations have their own legends about primrose. The ancient Scandinavians considered primroses to be the keys of Freya, the goddess of spring. The flowers of spring, the flowers-keys, they are called by many peoples. The ancient Greeks called the primrose the flower of the twelve gods and associated it with the legend of how these gods turned a paralysed youth into a flower. This flower - primrose - began to be considered a remedy for all sorts of diseases. The echo of this legend is also among the Slavs. One of the popular names of primrose is paralytic grass.

According to a romantic English legend, little fairies and gnomes hide from the rain and bad weather in the golden corollas of the primrose. On moonlit nights, fairies hang a dewdrop from each flower, and they shine on them like small chandeliers.

how ornamental plant primrose has been cultivated for a long time. In Russia, she appeared in greenhouses under Catherine II. In Europe, avricula primroses were valued on a par with cloves and they were very expensive.

In Germany, a soothing tea is brewed from dried flowers, the British eat a salad of young primrose leaves, and the anise-scented roots are used as a spice. In Switzerland, Poland and some other European countries, an effervescent drink is prepared from the infusion of fresh flowers and honey.

Primula is a perennial rhizomatous plant with a rosette of basal leaves. Primrose flower stalks are leafless, from 10 to 80 cm high. Primroses have a wide range of colors of flowers and leaves, different forms and sizes. In some species, the flowers are collected from the inflorescence, in others, the flowers are solitary.

Species, varieties: Primula genus - contains about 500 plant species, many of which grow in the Himalayas, Asia, China and Europe. 33 species grow in Europe, 20 species in America. Wild species are distributed throughout the world, mainly in temperate zones and in the alpine belt of mountains.

Only a few types of ground primroses are grown in gardens, the most common of which are:

  • Stemless, or ordinary - 10-15 cm high. Flowers sit one at a time on short peduncles. There are many varieties and hybrids with a wide variety of flower colors. This is one of the most popular species among flower lovers.
  • Spring - from 10 to 30 cm high. It has many varieties with double and non-double flowers. Coloring yellow of any shades.
  • Fine-toothed - 10-15 cm high at the beginning of flowering. By the end of flowering, the peduncles stretch up to 40-50 cm. The flowers are collected in dense capitate inflorescences with a diameter of about 5 cm. It has forms with white, pink, blue, blue, purple, lilac and ruby- red flowers.
  • Ear - with dense gray-green leaves and spherical-umbellate inflorescences. Plant height up to 20 cm. Flowers of the most diverse colors, often bicolor.
  • Spring and finely toothed bloom in April - May, auricular - in May - June, ordinary - in June. There are several species that bloom in July.

There are many types of primroses that are grown indoors as a pot crop. For this, common primrose hybrids are more often used. If you plant them in a certain period in small containers, then they can bloom by the New Year or by March 8th.

Lighting: In the sun they fade and bloom not so abundantly.

Priming: Different types primroses prefer various soils in terms of fertility. Julia, shaggy and Gallera love poor soils, as they grow among rocks in nature. But other types of primroses love more fertile soil, for example, Bisa, Florinda, Siebold, those that grow in nature in meadows, forests, valleys. In the garden, they must be grown on loose, fertile soil.

If the earth in the garden is clay, it is necessary to add sand to the garden, per square meter - a bucket of sand. Also, 20 kg of organic fertilizers are applied to the soil, or it is worth replacing the top layer 20 cm deep with fertile soil. In the 2nd and 3rd year, phosphate fertilizers can be put into the soil in spring and potash fertilizers in autumn.

For sandy soil, you can put 15 kg of organic fertilizer per square meter, it can be compost, humus. They not only nourish the soil, but improve its structure.

Watering: Primrose prefers moderately moist soil, but does not tolerate stagnant water, so it's better to take care of good drainage under the flower bed. The issue of moisture is especially relevant in the period of early spring, when the plant is actively growing. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the flower bed moist. Primrose should not be planted on high ridges because the soil there often dries up.

Care: All primroses grow well and bloom in partial shade on loose, sufficiently moist soils, rich in organic fertilizers. The soil should always be clean of weeds, moist and loose. In loose soil, roots form faster in young rosettes. After overwintering, primrose plants usually stick out of the garden somewhat. Therefore, annually it is necessary to sprinkle around them with a layer of 2-3 cm of loose nutrient soil. During the summer, you need to feed the plants with full mineral fertilizer. The first time they are fed early in the spring, then after two to three weeks and in last time- at the beginning of August. It is very important to keep the leaves on the plants until late autumn. A well-developed rosette of leaves covers the buds in winter. Leaves remain green under snow until spring.

In hot and dry weather, it is necessary to ensure that the roots do not dry out, i.e. moisten occasionally. But in October, November, it is not necessary to moisten the soil, because. in winter period the plant is not active and needs dry soil. In the spring, you need to make sure that the root does not rot, since the primrose does not tolerate stagnant water.

In snowy winters, the primrose is afraid of warming up, as it often finds itself under a crust of ice if the temperature is unstable and the snow melted and froze. To prevent this from happening, early in the spring it is necessary to break the ice crust and partially remove the layer of snow cover over the plant.

Primula is winter hardy. Over time, due to the bulging of the roots, the plant may die, so in the fall, after 1-2 years, fertile soil is poured to the roots.

In one place, you can grow 5-7 years, after which they need to be divided and transplanted. Easily tolerate a transplant in flowering form.

top dressing: The awakening of primrose bulbs in the spring comes quite early, which means it is recommended to fertilize the soil with phosphorus and mineral fertilizers during spring thaws.

As the heat comes, it is worth loosening the soil and 14 days after top dressing, add superphosphate to the soil at the rate of 15 g / sq.m.

In the middle of summer, the primrose lays buds to next year and it should be fed with a solution of mullein (1:10) or green fertilizer in concentration (a liter per ten liters of water and potassium sulfate 10 g / 10 l). One application of half a liter under 1 bush of primrose will be enough. In August, fertilize 1 time to increase winter hardiness (20 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium / 10 l of water).

reproduction: Primrose is propagated by seeds, division of rhizomes and cuttings.

In flowers at the end of August, cylindrical or spherical seed pods are formed. The seeds are black in color, very small, lose their germination capacity rather quickly, so sowing should be carried out almost immediately. Purchased seeds must be stratified.

Deciduous soil and sand are taken as soil for seedlings in a ratio of 2 to 1. temperature 18-20 ° C. It is recommended to sow primrose seeds in autumn under snow or early spring. In each individual pot, 2-3 seeds are chilled in the refrigerator for 12 hours in advance. They are sown superficially, it is necessary to spray on top of the crops to create a microclimate with high humidity and cover with transparent cellophane.

If all 3 seeds sprout, the weaker ones are removed, but not pulled out, but cut off in place of the cotyledon leaves so as not to damage the earthen ball. Primroses emerge on the 14th day. Transplanting and diving primrose should be carried out very carefully without damaging the clod of earth at the roots. Dive is carried out only after the appearance of two cotyledon leaves and 2 real ones.

After seed germination, the temperature is reduced to 16°C and below. Watering primrose seedlings is necessary only in the pan.

Primroses grown from seeds bloom for 2 years.

Many species can be propagated by cuttings. To do this, in May - June, leaf rosettes with pieces of rhizome (with a heel) are cut and planted on a shaded garden bed. Plants take root quickly and overwinter. In the spring they are planted in a flower garden.

Transfer: Primroses grow rapidly and should be divided and replanted every 3-4 years. The rhizomes are divided into small parts with well-developed rosettes of leaves or buds. The most favorable time for a transplant - early spring or the beginning of autumn, August - September, but it can be divided immediately after flowering, and even during flowering.

Pests: Aphids, weevils, biting cutworms, flea beetles, spider mite, slugs and snails.

Diseases: Stem and leaf rot, leaf spot (ramulariasis), rust, powdery mildew, seedling wilt, viral diseases.

Tips & Tricks: AT landscape design primroses are widely used to create a warm, eye-catching spring corner. Primroses are widely used for spring flower decoration shady places: they look very impressive in single and group plantings on the lawn under trees or shrubs. Primroses are also used for borders, flower beds, in mixborders, rock gardens, for forcing.