Natural farming on a garden plot in spring. Peter Calder

Methods natural farming. Intensive beds – “Active mulch”. System – “Compost paths”. Green manure-no-till agricultural technologies. Agriculture or Agrochemistry.

Natural farming for beginners.

It is interesting to consider in one article three options for “natural farming” agricultural technologies, or simply, three agricultural technologies related to Agriculture.

"A". Intensive beds –" - (A.I. Kuznetsov, N. Smorchkova - in small areas.)

The difference between the beds and the work of Kuznetsov and Smorchkova - very briefly - can be explained as follows:

KUZNETSOV – “difficult” organic matter, sawdust, and cold climate. We have to pay serious attention to bacterial preparations and fungi (saprophytes and symbionts). Mulch can be laid once for the entire season.

MORECHKOVA – “light” organic matter, grass cuttings, warm climate. Saprophytes grow well on their own, without special attention person. But quickly consumed mulch needs to be replenished frequently during the growing season.

Video. Results of natural farming.

"B" Constant mulching root zone and composting organic matter in passages between permanent beds.(Year-round composting in specially created “microagrolandscapes”)

Constant mulching and composting in the paths between the tomato beds.

Oleg Telepov, from Omsk, once began to alternate in the garden cultivable and non-cultivable, but densely mulched strips, observed and described the life of plants at their border.

In this case, the stability of the soil formation process, the growth of fertility and plant nutrition are provided mainly by the compost path. And we get considerable freedom of action with mulch and work in the garden.
Novosibirsk scientists have built and studied such a system of alternating cultivated beds and permanent compost paths over large areas, using equipment, peat, manure, and introducing earthworms into the paths. "

"IN"— In “green manure-no-till” agricultural technology, new organic matter is not brought from outside, but is constantly grown in the garden bed when the green manure vegetation does not interfere with the vegetation of cultivated plants.

Refusal to dig up the root and green mass of green manure ensures the most complete circulation organic matter"By natural type» , or, Biodynamics according to Tarkhanov.

Beginning of August. A bed for winter onions, followed by a path, and a bed for spring onions. Everything is sown with DIFFERENT green manures, and in different ways.

We are trying to get maximum benefit, and maximum comfortable beds, I told about this

Natural farming in practice.

Options “A”, “B”, “C” differ from each other in timing and in the method of introducing new organic matter into the beds, and in the type of this substance.

"A"— The mulch becomes “active” right in the garden bed; fresh organic matter is deposited throughout the growing season of the cultivated plants. New organic matter is placed on top of the old one and kept moist.

"B"— Absolutely any organic matter can be placed in the “Compost Paths,” new on top of old and at any time. Organics can be used small, large, both fresh and partially humified.

Time and new organic matter appear - it is laid on top of the old one, between the permanent beds.

"IN" A variant of green manure-no-till agricultural technology. A bed of winter garlic in late autumn -

Mid October. Winter garlic sown simultaneously with green manure (in August).
Garlic in a green manure bed - when sown together, at the same time, green manure does not interfere with the growing season of winter garlic.

Purely externally, and in terms of accessibility for a particular gardener, options "A B C", are very different from each other. But, in fact, they all relate to Agriculture, and not to “mineral-machine” or “organic” Agriculture.

In these options, both productivity and complete, natural nutrition of plants are ensured by maintaining and increasing natural soil fertility. In many other agricultural techniques, the required yield is ensured by reducing natural soil fertility, but is maintained at high level by means of Agrochemistry. The process of feeding our plants (the quality of our harvest) is very different in Agricultural and Agrochemical agricultural technologies.

It is useful to remember that Our Plants are captive creatures. We are the ones who are free to choose how and what they will eat, and what quality of harvest we need. We choose whether to engage in Agriculture or Agrochemistry.

Agriculture or Agrochemistry.

It is useful to know that “Farmer” is not some kind of “praise” or “kind” word. And “Agrochemist” is not an “abusive” or “frightening” term. And “Agrochemistry” is not at all powders from bags that can be used to “sweeten” or “poison” plants and your own food...

“Agriculture” and “Agrochemistry” are two very different Technical (Agronomic) Sciences, based and built on various Natural Sciences.

In the fields and gardens these Technical science manifest themselves in specific agricultural techniques.

Any field grower, vegetable grower, grain grower, gardener-dacha owner inevitably chooses one or another agricultural technology, one or another nutrition option for his plants, and an option for working with the soil. And even the definitions of “SOIL” and “FERTILITY” are different in different sciences and have different meanings in different agricultural techniques.

And bags of fertilizers are not Agrochemistry yet, but just bags of fertilizers.

But “Black Steam”, when the earth is allowed to “rest”. They do not plow it, but only finely cultivate it, clear it of harmful, voracious weeds, and naturally “enrich it with mineral elements” without “any chemicals from bags” - this is pure agrochemistry.

And many people’s favorite digging of beds before winter, or in spring, is the same, Agrochemistry.

And wonderful manure and wonderful straw, buried to a wonderful land - the same, Agrochemistry.
And the green manure raging in the garden remains a tool of Agriculture only as long as until they are buried in the ground. And after digging, they turn into an Agrochemical tool...

And all this, in its own way, affects the nature of plant nutrition and the quality of the harvest.

Green manure, manure, a shovel (not being “mineral fertilizers”) can become tools of AGROCHEMISTRY - they can destroy soil fertility and disrupt good nutrition plants.

The modern practice of mineral “feeding” was generally born later than AGROCHEMISTRY itself, and modern science AGROCHEMISTRY originated before scientific farming. Until about 1875, AGROCHEMISTRY existed under the “brands” of AGRICULTURAL STATICS or SOIL SCIENCE (obsolete, abolished in 1876).

At the end of the 19th century Russian science gave the world a new (more complete, modern) understanding of what SOIL is. Modern SOIL SCIENCE, the concept of the biosphere and biosphere processes, appeared. Then the concepts of dynamic (thermodynamic, biodynamic) processes and systems in living nature began to emerge.

Everyone makes their choice between Agriculture and land use - Agrochemistry. And each Farmer chooses agricultural technology that is convenient for himself, or uses different agricultural technology for different cultures, or elements of different agricultural techniques.

I will answer your questions in the comments.

Today we will discuss the so-called “secrets” of natural farming, because many gardeners and gardeners have long been accustomed to growing crops on their plots with the help of shovels, hoees and all kinds of fertilizers - both natural and chemical. This method of farming has been established for quite some time and has become familiar to us. Eco-farmers have a completely different approach to gardening, so let's look at natural farming methods on garden plot more details

All the secrets of natural farming in one bottle

Usually we “help” plants go through the entire growth cycle from germination to ripening, pulling out weeds, hilling the beds and watering them with preparations advertised on TV. And few people think about the fact that natural processes themselves are ideal, and there is no need to invent anything, but you only need to “strengthen” natural development in order to get more bountiful harvest, which, moreover, will also be completely environmentally friendly, without containing chemicals and pesticides in its fibers.

Therefore, let’s look at nature. No one helps her either by digging or watering with fertilizers. Everything goes naturally. In the fall, plants “die”, their foliage falls to the ground, where it is processed by all “earthly” microorganisms - bacteria, microbes, fungi, and after them - worms. All this results in a fertile layer of soil - vermicompost, and this happens from year to year. Everything that grows returns back to the ground. And the plants themselves decide which nutrients, obtained during natural processing, they need for full growth and development.

It is this cycle that organic matter performs that creates the fertility of the earth, and it is indestructible. All natural processes are balanced. This means that by interfering with them with our blades and preparations, we definitely lose in the quantity and quality of our harvest. Therefore, let’s listen to the natural development of plants and strengthen the natural processes occurring in nature. Using natural farming, you can not only grow an environmentally friendly and harmless product, but also increase the amount of harvest significantly! Let us consider the principles and technology of the natural farming method in order.

Beds in natural farming

Where does any vegetable garden begin? Of course, from the garden. A lovingly created, loosened and fertilized garden bed is the ideal of any gardener. But not in natural farming. In natural farming, nothing is done to the beds - they are not dug up, loosened or fertilized. These plots of land are left in their natural position, as they are! If the garden has just been purchased, or, for example, the location of the beds is not satisfactory, then the only thing they do is mark out the area (for the first time or again). Using pegs, future beds are marked, a passage is made between them using a shovel, and the soil from the passage is dumped onto the beds. After that, the bed cloth is leveled with a rake and that’s it. We will no longer need these tools - a shovel and a rake. If the beds are created, then nothing is done to them at all - they do not dig, do not loosen, do not fertilize, and never - neither in spring nor in autumn.

The only processing point that natural farming allows is slight loosening using a flat cutter. Loosening depth – maximum 8 cm! It is carried out only when necessary.

This is one of the options for organizing stationary beds, but there are other, so to speak, “natural” methods - these are high beds, Rozum beds, trenches, etc. The main thing is that they are constantly replenished with organic matter. And in some cases, for example on peatlands, to start fertility (at the very beginning) without small doses mineral fertilizers not enough.

The role of mulch and mulching in natural farming

With the help of such a simple action as mulching the soil, we will reproduce natural processes. We will “give” to the earth as much as we want to take from it, and even more.

Fertilizing the soil with organic matter throughout the growing season is perhaps one of the main points of natural farming. After all, this is what increases the fertility of the soil and accumulates necessary nutrients in it.

So, let's look at what mulch is for plants and soil:

  1. Soil protection. There is no weathering, leaching, or overheating of the earth.
  2. Weed growth is virtually eliminated. Firstly, it creates a shadow in which they do not grow much, and secondly, the high layer of mulch (which we create) simply does not allow any weeds to sprout.
  3. Maintaining moisture levels. Mulch prevents the soil from drying out, which means the plants also have a supply of moisture.
  4. Loosens the soil. Therefore, there is no need to forcibly loosen it; in such soil, plants develop much more willingly and quickly, since the root system does not need to “break through” to find nutrients.

Fresh grass (both lawn and meadow), weeds, green manure, leaves, hay, etc. are used as mulch.

Mulching begins as soon as the seedlings are planted. The grass is laid on the beds as a sheet between the crops, in fairly large quantities. But there is one caveat - the grass can tightly touch the stems garden plants, but you can’t put it near tree trunks - it will cause the bark to rot.

Organic matter should be supplied to crops only from the soil, in already processed form. You need to apply mulch without sparing. Throughout the growing season, as the “mountains” of grass decrease, it will be necessary to report it - approximately once a week, but this must be determined by the rate of its decrease. At first, as soon as you start this process, it will be difficult and long for the mulch to rot and rot, and then, after some time, faster and faster.

Please note that even roses can be mulched. Who will say that this is ugly?

If the crop was planted using seeds, then, naturally, there is no mulching at first - the seeds need to germinate. As soon as the shoots begin to appear, we immediately begin spreading mulch around.

shoots from seeds before mulching
grown shoots with mulch

As for the condition of the grass, it is best if it is fresh and chopped - this will make it easier for microbes, fungi, worms, etc. to eat it. Perfect option– lawn mower with chopper. But if this is not the case, then it’s okay - any grass, of any size, is suitable as mulch - from a meadow, from a field, and even ordinary weeds that grow everywhere. But soil organisms are very reluctant to eat dry grass, so the most important rule is to constantly water the mulch. Yes, the grass laid between the rows must be kept moist at all times. It is advisable to check this condition regularly, and if it dries out, repeat watering. It is important that the layer between the soil and the grass is always moist. Please note that in natural farming the plants themselves are not watered - neither at the roots nor on the leaves. Water exclusively the mulch that is spread around.

On average, water deeply once a week under normal weather conditions. If it rains, then we reduce the amount of watering, or stop altogether, but if it’s scorching hot, then on the contrary, we increase irrigation.

After harvesting from the “natural beds,” as mentioned above, we do nothing with them - we neither dig them up nor remove them. Lightly level it with a rake and apply a thick layer of new mulch - grass and fallen leaves. And in this state the bed overwinters. Another option for preparing a garden bed for winter is to sow green manure, so let’s move on directly to the next method of organic farming – green manure.

Green manure in natural farming

Here is another almost obligatory point in natural farming. What are green manures? These are oats, mustard, lupine, radish, sweet clover, buckwheat, peas, etc. These crops structure the soil layers very well, since they have a very wide and developed root system. Using this system, they create a “breathing” layer for the soil, and it is also saturated with oxygen. Since the roots of green manure penetrate deep into the soil, they extract from there all the necessary nutrients that “cultivated” plants simply cannot reach. In addition, these crops reduce soil acidity and suppress the growth of weeds. And, perhaps most importantly, they nourish the soil with organic matter, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which is simply necessary for our future plants.

We recommend sowing green manure in beds in early spring- it will be preparatory stage before planting the main plants. Green manure will prepare the soil for planting, and will subsequently serve as mulch. We sow them thickly, scattering them over the area, and sprinkle them with a little earthen soil or compost, otherwise the birds may eat everything. Before planting the crop in the garden bed, about 2 weeks in advance, the grown green manure is simply trimmed (not cut, not pulled out) and left in this trimmed state on the garden bed. Then seedlings or seeds are planted between them.

A very important point! We must not allow green manure plants to overgrow, that is, the moment when they begin to scatter their seeds. You need to have time to cut them off before that.

It is good to sow them before winter, as already mentioned, on already harvested beds. After the crop is harvested, instead of mulching with new grass, green manure can be sown in the beds. This is also great for overwintering an organic bed. The main thing is to never leave the ground bare in winter. Green manure crops are sown thickly before winter. Firstly, most often not all of them germinate, since, after all, it is already September, and secondly, by forming their roots, they will not allow the ground to freeze early. After the green manure “dies” it will turn into compost, again improving the structure and nutrient layer of the earth both upward and deep. Many green manures also perfectly sanitize the soil, so this is the most safe method disinfection of soil in the garden.

Perhaps, only rye should be used with caution as a green manure, although it also belongs to this group. The fact is that she completely occupies the territory and does not allow all other crops nearby to grow - she is a very allelopathic young lady. It’s good when this applies, for example, to weeds, but valuable plants can also be affected.

Fertilizers and preparations in natural agriculture

With the natural method of growing food, fertilizers are used only the same “natural” ones. No store-bought drugs, no mineral supplements, in no case. The plant must take all its nutrients from nature! Only organic matter can be used as fertilizers. And this is humus, compost and the creation of warm beds.

In natural farming, diseases and pests, as a rule, have little impact on crops, because here everything is aimed at prevention. But if this does happen, then you can only fight folk remedies, suitable for a particular case. So look into the plant protection section at the address and select safe remedy.

The role of crop rotation in natural farming

Another point in natural farming that improves soil fertility is crop rotation.

We should not forget that plants not only consume nutrients from the soil, but also give it some organic elements. All crops have different amounts and types of nutrients consumed and released into the soil, which is why there are recommendations about which crops should be planted after others. This alternation allows you to maintain soil fertility and provide adequate nutrition to plants without additional fertilizers.

We have reviewed the main pillars of natural farming. From all this we can conclude that this method of growing food does not require a lot of time and labor; there is no need to dig, weed or loosen, either in the fall or in the spring! You just need to take care of crop rotation, mulching, sowing green manure, plant protection and watering. In fact, these are all the secrets of natural farming, and most importantly, in the end we get not only an abundant, but also an environmentally friendly harvest from our organic beds.

Probably, someone has already come across the concept of “natural farming”. It represents a whole system associated with combining the concepts of soil and plants into one whole. These two components are considered as one Living being. This system knowledge is aimed at ensuring this organism not only a decent existence, but also its further development.

Constancy of beds - main principle growing tomatoes in natural farming.

The ultimate goal of this process is to obtain the most quality harvest a lot.

It is necessary to understand that the two components: soil and plants may have their own goals that are completely unrelated to a large harvest. Therefore, every gardener or agronomist who follows a system of natural agriculture must ensure that man's goals are in harmony with nature.

In order to help the symbiosis of soil and plants (in particular, tomatoes) develop optimally, it is necessary to have a good knowledge of the laws of functioning of both components.

Also, do not chase high yields. The key word in natural farming is “optimal”. In no case should you overload the soil, trying to squeeze as much as possible out of it. It is necessary to achieve a clear balance between the quantity and quality of fruits.

To loosen the soil, you can use a Fokin flat cutter. It does not damage the roots of the plant, but loosens the soil only on the surface.

The main principle of growing tomatoes in natural farming is the consistency of the beds. They must not be changed under any circumstances and must remain stationary. Under no circumstances should paths be placed on them in the future. It is prohibited to drive or move any vehicles on them.

To loosen the soil, you can use a Fokin flat cutter, since it does not penetrate into the deep layers, but only affects the surface.

Naturally, watering should be logically organized.

Another one of the most important rules- This is mulching the soil. It is necessary to achieve such a condition that the soil is not bare.

We need to try to establish crop rotation.

Green manure - growing plants using green fertilizers - also has a positive effect on the condition of tomatoes and soil. Here it is necessary to correctly combine plants with each other to achieve nutritional balance.

One of important points is the introduction organic fertilizers to the soil surface. It is preferable to add them to autumn period.

It is also possible to use various kinds microbiological fertilizers.

Growing tomatoes is best done in place of some other crop. This should be done after the soil is saturated with organic fertilizers. It is necessary to approach the choice of a place for a bed with tomatoes with all responsibility. It is necessary to choose a flat and well-lit area. Most good soil there will be loam or sandstone. The soil should be well-warmed and drainable. It is better if the acidity is close to neutral.

How to choose a place to plant tomatoes?

Tomatoes can be planted in a bed where onions, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, beans or peas previously grew. The place where tomatoes previously grew should take a break from them for three to four years.

It will be better if tomatoes are the second crop on the site. They can be planted in a bed where onions, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, beans or peas previously grew. The place where tomatoes previously grew should take a break from them for three to four years. But, if you use microbiological fertilizers, you can return to this place after a year. It is not recommended to plant tomatoes in the place where nightshade representatives previously grew.

After the remains of the previous inhabitants of the bed have been removed, you can prepare the soil for planting tomatoes. The soil must be disced or loosened twice. Don't forget about fertilizers. In the fall, you can sow this bed with green manure plants, which will perfectly prepare the soil. Oats, mustard, beans or peas will cope with this role. Thanks to their properties, these plants will make the soil significantly structured by spring and help retain the remaining moisture in it.

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Fertilizer and irrigation production

Fertilizers can only be used after they have been pre-fermented using special preparations. Very important role When growing tomatoes, microelements play a role, which must be added to the soil by foliar feeding.

Loosening the soil after each watering of tomatoes will prevent crust from appearing on the ground.

It is extremely important to organize an irrigation system. Tomato crops require large quantity water. After each watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil in order to destroy the crust on the ground. When growing tomatoes, you need to constantly take care to ensure the most optimal level of moisture in the soil.

Before you start growing, you need to decide what the final result is needed. So, if there is a need for early tomatoes, it is best to start with seedlings. The least hassle is with various hybrids. But the cost of hybrid seeds may become an obstacle in this matter. Seedlings must be planted at the moment when the tomato plants throw out the first inflorescences. By this point, each stem should be about 70 days old. If you need a harvest of ordinary tomatoes, the fruits of which will await further processing, canning as a whole, or making juice, it is best and easiest to sow them in open soil. This method of agricultural technology is most optimally used in the southern regions. If you use any of early varieties tomatoes, then it is possible to use this method in any area.

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Methods of growing tomatoes

Treatment with fungicides will help prevent the occurrence of diseases and infections of tomatoes.

To grow tomatoes of early and mid-early varieties, it is better to use greenhouses with film covering and heating combined type. Cultivation can be done using potted and potless methods. If you need to achieve seedling stems, it is better to plant them on the tenth of February, in pots measuring 10x10 cm for seedlings that have reached the age of 70 days. In order to prevent the possible development of diseases, it is better to treat the seedlings twice with fungicides. Cultivate in open ground It is better only when the likelihood of frost on the ground disappears.

Among other things, you can grow tomatoes using seeds alone. So, tomato seeds should be planted only when the soil temperature reaches at least 12 degrees. In order to increase the similarity and maximize the synchronicity of stem germination, rolling can be done. The type of sowing pattern may depend on the type of soil, the type of irrigation, and the variety of planted variety. When growing tomatoes without watering, you need to sow the seeds, keeping a distance between rows of approximately 1.5 m.

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Pest and disease control

One of the most important features in agricultural technology is active struggle with various diseases and pests. Late blight has become widespread in recent seasons. In order to reduce the possibility of developing this disease, it is better to choose control methods both in agricultural technology and in microbiology. It is best for tomatoes to treat the stem every 10 days. It is better to complete the treatment course 20 days before the start of fruit harvest.

A large number of types of biological products effectively combat various pests, such as Colorado beetle. Most best option achieved by combining them.

The principles of natural farming technology make it possible to grow environmentally friendly tomatoes, full of vitamins, minerals and microelements, using the least amount of effort and financial costs.

In order to get an optimally fruitful tomato harvest, you can use several rather cunning techniques. So, in order to successfully fight late blight, you can pierce the stem through the bottom with a piece of copper wire.

It is necessary to take into account that tomatoes need ample space and cramped space is unbearable for them. It is necessary to provide each bush with free access to oxygen and sunlight. It should be recalled that the area should be well lit and the soil should warm up quite successfully. So, between each stem it is necessary to maintain a distance of approximately 0.5 m. It is necessary to free the stem from yellowed leaves - they need to be disposed of so that the soil is well ventilated.

When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, dampness must be avoided. Sufficient watering can provide quite simple design: you need to cut off the bottom of ordinary plastic bottles and bury them in the ground not far from the bush with the neck in the ground.

In order for the tomato harvest to ripen as soon as possible, you can use one simple method - lightly cut the stem at the bottom using a sharp knife so that a hole two times long comes out. matchbox. A clean stick with a diameter of about 0.5 cm must be inserted into this hole.

Human health directly depends on nutrition. Eating foods with GMOs or grown with pesticides and fertilizers leads to irreversible consequences for the body. Modern agronomists propose to turn to the experience of our ancestors, to make the basis Agriculture natural farming.

Organic farming - what is it?

Ecological farming differs from traditional soil cultivation by its gentle approach to natural ecosystems existing in nature. The use of pesticides and deep cultivation has become detrimental to the land, reduced fertility, disrupted the natural cycle of substances, and negated the benefits of worms and microorganisms. Eco-farming is based on the awareness of the free interaction between soil, plants, animals, and organic residues, while humans should play the role of a helper, not a pest.

Organic Farming Basics

The principles and basics of organic farming are easy to understand and are as follows:

  1. The earth is a living organism, the structure of which should not be disturbed. Intensive cultivation of the topsoil, excessive digging, loosening, mineralization, and other agricultural work are very labor-intensive and lead to high material costs with low efficiency. Natural farming on a farm or garden leads to minimum expenses, while allowing you to annually collect good harvest.
  2. Mulching is the main method to improve soil quality, create favorable conditions for the natural system. Mulch is straw, sawdust, hay, fallen leaves, roots and trimmed weeds - everything that covers the beds on top protects the black soil from excessive evaporation of moisture, erosion and hypothermia.
  3. Reasonable feeding, which is designed not to destroy beneficial microbes and fungi that utilize organic matter, but to give them the opportunity to multiply, suppress pathogenic bacteria, fix mineral elements, and process everything that can serve as natural humus.

Agriculture according to Ovsinsky

The initiator of the breakup with in the classic way Russian scientist I.E. began digging up the garden. Ovsinsky, author of many scientific works, agronomist by training. Agriculture according to Ovsinsky - perfect way let the earth recover on its own without interfering with the natural course of nature. As evidence, the innovative breeder in 1899 wrote the work “New Farming System”, in which he argued for minimal plow intervention in the soil structure, which ensures environmental friendliness environment and obtaining high-quality, safe products.

Organic farming - Kizima method

Galina Kizima can be considered a modern authority on the benefits of organic farming. Having received a PhD degree, the woman seriously took up issues of increasing productivity through the right approach to the practice of soil cultivation. Organic farming using the Kizima method has become widespread and is described in books and articles. The basic principle of her garden is the three “don’ts”: don’t weed, don’t dig, don’t water. The author introduced the concept of a “smart” garden bed into use, personal experience proved the effectiveness of her method.

Organic farming - beds

Create conditions for plants in the beds similar to those existing in wildlife, the agricultural technology of natural farming is called upon. The goals of the method: improving the quality and volume of the harvest, preserving natural fertility while saving time and effort. To bring this idea to life, the following are used:

  • gentle loosening of the top 5-7 cm of soil in spring and autumn;
  • the use of exclusively organic fertilizers in the garden plot, including compost, manure, humus, green manure, as well as microbiological developments;
  • biological products, agricultural products that protect plants from pests and diseases.

Organic farming - where to start

The question of when and where to start organic farming is increasingly asked by rural residents and owners of garden plots. The answer is encouraging: translate your homestead farming completely new system, known as “organic beds,” can be grown at any time of the year, but the most suitable period is considered to be autumn. In practice, the main task of agriculture will be fast recovery upper fertile layer, correct selection means of protection, maintaining the natural ecosystem, preserving it in this state through basic actions.

Natural farming in the garden plot - practice

Periodic, deep digging is not acceptable if your goal is organic farming in the country. The desire for ideal soil cultivation spoils the land and produces reverse effect, making it heavy, dry, lifeless, hard as stone. As practice shows, this can be avoided using certain techniques:

  • divide the area into small beds, depending on the species composition of the plants that will be planted;
  • try to cover the soil with natural, organic materials, since bare soil is unprotected and less fertile;
  • Regularly mulch the soil to a depth of at least 10 cm, which will reduce the growth of weeds, protect plants from pests and exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and ensure long-term retention of moisture in the soil.


To begin with, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Alexander Ivanovich Kuznetsov. I represent a private fruit nursery. But the nursery is unusual.

Why is it unusual? First of all, the fact that in the production of fruit seedlings and berry crops we use elements of NATURAL FARMING.

So what's unusual about this? - many will ask.

And what’s unusual is that we use MUSHROOMS to grow plants. Yes, the most common mushrooms. And this fungal mycotechnology makes it possible to reduce the area used in the production of seedlings by 15 times. That is, on one square meter you can grow 50 seedlings fruit crops, versus 3-5 (according to the norm with conventional agricultural technology). And on three acres (300 m2) you can grow 15,000 fruit seedlings.




Alexander Ivanovich Kuznetsov is a resident of the village of Altai, the head of the MIKOBIOTECH fruit nursery, an innovator, a tester of varieties and natural agricultural technology, a thoughtful microbiologist and agroecologist. For many years he has been growing fruit trees, berries and seedlings using his unique agricultural technology. He carries out his selection, including rootstock forms, for winter hardiness and stability. Invented my own modular option closed ground - the film easily and quickly covers large area. Perhaps only Kuznetsov is seriously trying to use mycorrhiza-forming fungi in amateur gardening...

Updated (12/27/2011 19:20)

Natural farming can be INTENSIVE!

Agricultural techniques called “natural farming” often DO NOT have anything to do with farming in general, but only with land use. Therefore, there is an opinion that natural farming can only be EXTENSIVE, that is, low-productivity, like the very process of farming in Nature. But is it? Do supporters and opponents of natural farming know everything about the nature of plant nutrition, stating this explicitly and indirectly in their theories and public statements?

I argue the opposite, that agricultural techniques of the natural type (erroneously called extensive), determined by the natural type of plant nutrition (only 4 main natural types), can be INTENSIVE and SUPERINTENSIVE. Tens and hundreds of times superior to all known agricultural techniques of the chemical type (erroneously called intensive). I can easily demonstrate this to you using an application example. different types natural plant nutrition, agricultural techniques based on this understanding, and the RESULT obtained in practice. And this real experience is a fact, NOT SPECULATION!

Updated (10.02.2012 11:18)

NATURAL FARMING as a factor in plant immunity

It would seem, what could there be in common? What difference does it make where and how a plant grows, what does agriculture, and even natural farming, have to do with it? Immunity is, well, immunity. But let's remember what immunity is and what causes it?

Updated (08.12.2011 22:50)

How to improve and revive the soil

We continue the conversation on the topic of NATURAL AGRICULTURE. Today I will tell you what to do if the soil in your garden is dying or is hopelessly diseased.

The signs of dying or overworking of the soil, as you prefer, are: its dusty, structureless state, the appearance of a crust after each rain or watering, and crop failures. Signs of the disease, as we already know, are unpleasant odors rot and mold. In such cases, soil resuscitation and treatment should be urgently carried out. In this article I will tell you how best to do this. Exactly as best, not as possible. But this is again my point of view, my vision.

Updated (08.12.2011 22:44)


An ancient wisdom says: “A fool grows plants, a smart man grows soil.” This article is about “growing” soil, not just plants. And here we should immediately clarify the very significant difference between the terms “agricultural technology” and “biotechnology of natural agriculture”. AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY is the science of growing plants, BIOTECHNOLOGY OF NATURAL AGRICULTURE is the process of creating soil or “growing” soil, as follows from the literal translation of these terms and their semantic content. Agricultural technology, otherwise known as “field farming” ( agros- field) or crop production, that is, the technology of growing plants. Let's clarify, growing PLANTS.

Updated (02/18/2012 10:30)


This article is about how to restore health to the soil and plants, and through this, restore health to yourself. Probably many have already heard that new Age- this is the age of PROBIOTICS, not ANTIBIOTICS, that is, substances and organisms that support life and not kill it (“antibiotic” in translation means “against life”). This is what I propose to talk about.

Updated (02/05/2012 01:50)


IN Lately There is a lot of controversy surrounding this issue. There are supporters and opponents of organic farming. But even among supporters, some rely in their reasoning on concepts that are essentially false, and therefore their conclusions are far from reality. I offer readers my point of view, which differs from the generally accepted one, and even more so from the “classical” one.

Updated (11.03.2012 14:49)

PNATIVE FARMING– unifying concept

In my first article about NATURAL FARMING, I left the very definition of this concept to the readers, which gave rise to a lot of interpretations that are essentially correct, but still “narrow-profile”. By writing this article I want to correct a mistake. I want to try to show readers that the concept of “NATURAL FARMING” is much broader than is commonly believed, reducing it only to the concept of “organic”.

Updated (02/18/2012 10:36)

“Secrets” of obtaining high yields

I hope you will be interested in the topic: “Secrets” of obtaining high yields or the practice of using elements of BIOTECHNOLOGY OF NATURAL AGRICULTURE and natural plant physiology in obtaining high yields.

The topic is large, including several questions. All possible questions and it will not be possible to consider the details in one article. Therefore, we will touch only on the most important ones that reveal the topic and have a huge practical significance. And one more thing, this article is an attempt to combine all the previously expressed knowledge about natural farming with one goal that is interesting to every gardener: obtaining high yields.

Updated (02/12/2012 10:17)

« Secrets of fertility

This article is a continuation of the conversation about NATURAL AGRICULTURE BIOTECHNOLOGY (more precisely, NATURAL AGRICULTURE BIOTECHNOLOGY, using fungi, microbes and earthworms). Why natural type? Because all natural processes in the technology used are significantly enhanced, and not simply copied from phenomena in nature. This achieves a significant increase in the productivity of cultivated plants.

Updated (11.03.2012 14:20)


Andwhethera revived fairy tale about Koshchei the Immortal

This is just my point of view with far-reaching conclusions. Here I will not describe all the intricacies of this mysterious process - PHOTOSYNTHESIS, which determines life on our planet. I will only briefly touch on this for several reasons. And the main thing is that this is a mystery of Nature - photosynthesis has not yet been fully studied. The amazing ability of plants - under the influence sun rays To create organic substances from inorganic substances - the basis of our biological life - remains sealed with secrecy. And I think - to our happiness, but more on that at the end.

Updated (12/25/2011 11:04)

Photosynthesis or leaf nutrition of plants

In the previous article about photosynthesis, “Photosynthesis or the animated tale of Koshchei the Immortal,” I expressed the idea that the main nutrition of plants is CARBON. But he did not explain this in connection with the process of PHOTOSYNTHESIS, although this is the same thing. The issue of carbon nutrition (photosynthesis) or, in other words, “leaf nutrition” and “leaf respiration” - in other words, gas exchange, is not the same thing. With this article I will try to explain my point of view on this issue, which is extremely alternative to the official one.

Updated (12/25/2011 11:06)

How to help your loved one, or how to make it work

in the gardenturned from hard physical labor into pleasure

This is not a joke - this is a reality accessible to everyone. But everything is in order. Three years ago, a very good friend of mine, when meeting me, noticed how I was writhing from pain in my back, which I could not hide. I had to tell you, although I really don’t like to complain about anything, especially about my health. This is a closed topic. And here I brought this episode from my life so that you better understand the drama of the situation. After all, we are all living people and we all have some illnesses. But we will not talk about this, but about how to overcome our ailments. About amazing things, capable of creating miracles, about which we know little until life shows us the way in the form of a chance encounter, such as the one I am describing.

Updated (02/05/2012 17:17)


This happened several years ago. I was sitting on a park bench reading the evening newspaper. An elderly gentleman came and sat down next to him. He looked to be about seventy years old. Sparse gray hair, sagging shoulders, a cane and a heavy shuffling gait. Who could have known that my whole life would change once and for all from that moment?

Updated (01/21/2012 13:58)


In this article I will talk about the creators of soil fertility, about those who create a supply of nutrients in the soil, called humus - about microbes, fungi and earthworms. There are no other sources of humus in nature except the vital activity of the listed organisms - soil inhabitants.

Updated (01/08/2012 23:34)


In previous articles in the series on NATURAL FARMING, I told you about how to improve soil fertility and increase the content of nutrient reserves in the form of humus. This article is about something else, how best to “feed” our garden and vegetable plants.

Updated (01/10/2012 15:17)


In plant life, water is a source of nutrition and performs vital functions that support metabolic processes. Here are some of them:

Performs a transport function for the “delivery” of nutrients to tissues and organs during root and leaf nutrition, metabolic processes and synthesis;

Updated (02/05/2012 03:17)

Practical use of water in plant shelter

This article is about how to use water not for watering plants, but as a technique for sheltering from adverse natural factors when cultivating plants.

Water is the most powerful thermal storage material. She has the most high heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Compared to other substances, it is able to perceive much more heat without heating up significantly. Water acts as a temperature regulator, smoothing out sharp temperature fluctuations due to its high heat capacity. But in a frozen state (snow and ice) it has very high thermal insulation. It is these properties of water that are proposed for consideration and practical use in various designs and devices.

Updated (01/19/2012 18:38)

From the experience of grafting with cuttings

Updated (01/08/2012 14:11)

Carbon dioxide, glucose and carbon life

At first glance, these concepts are completely unrelated. But this is only at first glance. It is extremely necessary to understand them in order to better understand all the processes occurring in organic life, as well as to understand metabolic processes when studying NATURAL AGRICULTURE.

Updated (01/08/2012 14:42)


Summer is the time for green cuttings. Our experience in rooting in a fruit nursery may come in handy. We use in our practice the well-known but undeservedly forgotten method of rooting green cuttings “under a jar.” We consider it the simplest, most effective, not requiring special equipment, special care and time. In short, the very best... Only instead of the usual glass jars we use the upper halves of one and a half liter polypropylene bottles cut across. Two-liter ones are also possible, even better if the cuttings are large.

Updated (12/24/2011 11:41 pm)

ABOUTattempts to grow ringworm varieties in the South Western Siberia

In the article we bring to your attention, we will talk about the most highly productive groups of apple trees (ring varieties): columnar apple trees, compacts, natural stale trees (“natural dwarfs”) and others, grown using BIOTECHNOLOGY OF NATURAL AGRICULTURE in the conditions of the South of Western Siberia ( Altai region, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions). This experience may be interesting for gardeners in the “northern zone” of gardening, with cold soils and short summers, not only from an educational point of view, but as an alternative opinion, as opposed to the established official one.

Updated (12/25/2011 11:30)

On the winter hardiness of the “paradise apple tree” and clonal rootstocks

This article will focus on clonal rootstocks. All available sources: periodicals, specialized literature, articles on the Runet Network talk about the weak winter hardiness of clonal rootstocks. And that these rootstocks are unsuitable for gardening areas with harsh winters, although they are of great importance in “dwarf gardening,” especially industrial type. But is it? Do scientists know everything about this apple tree and its winter hardiness? And does everything depend on scientists and their “authoritative” opinions in practical gardening? I suggest we talk about this.

Updated (12/25/2011 11:43)

Fertilizers in alternative and biodynamic farming

The purpose of this article is an attempt to understand the concept of “fertilizer” using the example of analysis of application (purpose of use) in all existing alternative agricultural technologies (crop production). And also an attempt to show misconceptions regarding the use of fertilizers as a source of nutrition for plants, in essence, and not in form.

First, let's look at the concepts of fertilizer, and then the essence of using fertilizers (organic) in alternative and biodynamic farming.

Updated (05/29/2013 11:36)

Practice of using the energies of Space and Earth.

(abstract material)

What are these energies mentioned by the founders and proponents of biodynamic farming and agriculture? There are actually a lot of omissions and misunderstandings in this matter. I do not pretend to be a know-it-all, I will simply try to tell you, dear reader, about what I myself know, and I know little. But even that little can shed light and dispel the veil of misunderstanding. But the point is that the principles of information and energy significance geometric shapes and to this day are not widely covered in the press, being an area of ​​esoteric knowledge, existing only in hints of attentive reader. But having mastered the method of dowsing using a pendulum or frame (as proof of the existence of energies), an inquisitive and sincere researcher will be able to uncover, understand and apply a lot for good. I sincerely wish this for you.

Updated (12/25/2011 12:36)

It couldn’t be simpler about the biotechnology of natural farming

In this article I will try in simple words and in a simple diagram, talk about the biotechnology of farming according to the natural dynamic type and try to answer numerous questions, such as: “How to put into practice everything that you, Alexander, talk about in your articles?”

Everything is very simple. This technology is based on the use of organic mulch - just like in nature. This is not necessary, and is not manure at all. Any organic matter that is not rotten or rotten is suitable for mulch. That is, not previously fermented. Fresh. This includes grass, leaves, chopped branches, pine needles, grain production residues, etc., even sawdust and paper. This first moment.

Updated (12/26/2011 12:56)

Veselka vulgaris and other mushrooms in the garden

This article is a continuation of the conversation about saprophytic fungi and symbionts on the topic BIOTECHNOLOGY OF NATURAL AGRICULTURE with season news, facts, arguments, understanding and prospects.
In previous articles, I talked about their role in the humification of organic mulch and plant nutrition. New ones have been accumulated this season additional material on the topic, which I bring to your attention.

Updated (01/05/2012 20:57)

What are the benefits of Veselkovye for? garden plants and gardener

This article is a continuation of the conversation about saprophyto-symbiont fungi, specifically, the Veselkov mushrooms. About what these mushrooms can do for the garden in Mycobiotechnology of agriculture and plant growing, what nutrition they can provide to plants and through what means. And how they can be useful for the gardener himself. Yes, new species of mushrooms of the order Veselkovye have appeared in our garden. Surprising but true. Or maybe it’s just a pattern, because Mycobiotechnology is a copy of the natural harmony of plant communities and soil inhabitants. These are the questions offered for consideration.

Updated (01/14/2012 19:54)

Microbiological preparations in

In this article, I bring to your attention a consideration of the issue of the use of microbiological preparations in the specific BIOTECHNOLOGY of NATURAL AGRICULTURE proposed by us. A technology for which scientists have not yet come up with a name, but biological products for this technology already exist. This means that the technology is real in practice, and not just in theory.
But here’s the paradox: instead of scientists and practitioners joining forces and developing a unified technology for environmentally oriented farming, we, ordinary gardeners and farmers, have to be left alone with this problem of developing farming technology for small subsidiary plots and farms. In other words, the development of environmentally oriented farming technology for small farms is “the work of the small farms themselves,” as in the famous common expression: “saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.”

Closed ground large volume modular type

I bring to your attention a modular type option for covering large volumes of soil. What it is? At the core protective structure a single specific size is used - a module repeated many times in all subsequent main structural elements. In this regard, it should be noted that there are different structural solutions for closed ground structures: arched, domed, tunnel, etc. But the peculiarity of such structures is the complexity of manufacturing and their big size, and accordingly, large material costs and complex technical execution. I bring to your attention the simplest, most cost-effective, most easily made at home, easy-to-maintain design; and most importantly, it allows you to cover a large volume of soil with possible expansion in any direction, depending on the increasing needs in the subsequent period of operation. In essence, it is a “dimensionless greenhouse” that has neither beginning nor end. At any time you can increase its size without disturbing the previous design, only by adding new modular elements. That’s why I called it: “Large-volume, modular-type indoor soil.”

Updated (01/15/2012 22:05)

Plant a tree for your children

Before I tell you how to do this, I’ll tell you a story from my life.

When my daughters were born, I had an overwhelming desire to plant trees in honor of their birth. Why such a desire arose, I did not know then and did not imagine that for each person, according to the date of his birth, first among the Druids, and later in other religions, there is a certain tree. I began to think about which tree to choose so that it would represent my dreams of what I would like my daughters to be like when they grow up. What parent doesn’t want his children to be beautiful, slim, strong, blessed - capable of prolonging the family line.

Updated (01/21/2012 13:59)

Vladimir Shemshuk


Magi and politics

The Magi are the least accessible topic for research and study. For thousands of years, this was the most mysterious and most destroyed part of the population. Now not a single sorcerer will ever admit to his knowledge and will not live in a society that expelled his ancestors. It is no coincidence that in ancient times a sadly ironic remark was born: “he who knows is silent, he who speaks does not know.” It is difficult to study something that is more developed than man, since mistakes are inevitable. This is what the famous decipherer of Egyptian writing, Champollion, wrote about the Egyptian magicians: “They could rise into the air, walk on it, live under water, endure injury painlessly, read in the past, predict the future, become invisible, die and be resurrected, cure diseases, etc. d."

Updated (01/21/2012 14:00)

The importance of human energy in communication with plants

It would seem that the mood is what’s important?
Modern quantum physics determines that man is much more complex than previously thought. Scientists have found that our thoughts are material; they build our worldview and determine our lives. Bad mood, irritability, negative thoughts can even cause illness in the human body. Changing your mindset is not an easy task, but it is essential for your health and the health of the plants around you. Try to look at the world with kindness and attention, do not skimp on a smile and kind word, addressed to people, plants or wildlife.