Products and intermediate products of metallurgical production. Metallurgy - what is it? Metallurgical industry centers

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Metallurgical production is one of the oldest; it arose in the early stages of development human society.  

Metallurgical production is a field of science, technology and industry that covers various processes for obtaining metals from ores or other materials, as well as processes that improve the properties of metals and alloys. The introduction of alloying elements into the melt in certain quantities makes it possible to change the composition and structure of the alloys and improve them mechanical properties, receive given physicochemical characteristics. It includes mines and quarries for the extraction of ores and hard coals; mining and processing plants, where ores are enriched, preparing them for smelting; coke plants, where they prepare coal, coke it and extract useful chemical products from it; energy workshops for obtaining compressed air(for blast furnaces), oxygen, purification of metallurgical gases; blast furnace shops for smelting cast iron and ferroalloys or shops for the production of iron ore metallized pellets; factories for the production of ferroalloys; steelmaking shops (converter, open-hearth, electric furnace) for steel production; rolling shops in which steel ingots are processed into long products: beams, rails, rods, wire, sheets.

Metallurgical production arose in ancient times. Even at the dawn of the development of human society (BC), iron, copper, silver, gold, mercury, tin, and lead were known and used.

Metallurgical production requires a significant amount of water, so factories have long been located in intermountain basins through which rivers flow.

Metallurgical production of hafnium has received significant development in the last 25 - 30 years in connection with the creation nuclear energy. In particular, methods have been developed for purifying zirconium raw materials from hafnium, since the latter is the strongest absorber of thermal ions. It was discovered that hafnium is an excellent material for control rods nuclear reactors on thermal neutrons, and in addition, has high corrosion resistance in hot water and good mechanical properties.

Metallurgical production is a very large consumer of electricity, so reducing losses and saving electricity in it are of great national economic importance.

Metallurgical production arose in ancient times.

Metallurgical production is distinguished by the mass nature of its products and their relative completeness at individual stages of production, which determines the use of the incremental method of cost accounting and calculating the cost of production. The production cycle in ferrous metallurgy consists of three successive stages: processing of ore into cast iron, cast iron into steel and steel ingots into rolled products of various profiles. In conditions of combined production, cast iron and steel are semi-finished products, and rolled products are finished products.

Metallurgical production is distinguished by the mass nature of the products produced and their relative completeness at individual stages of production, which determines the use of the forward method of cost accounting and calculating the cost of production. The production cycle in ferrous metallurgy consists of three successive stages: processing of ore into cast iron, cast iron into steel and steel ingots into rolled products of various profiles. In conditions of combined production, cast iron and steel are semi-finished products, and rolled products are finished products.

Metallurgical production arose in ancient times. Before other metals, tin and lead were obtained as relatively easily reduced from oxides. But they were not suitable for making tools and weapons.

Metallurgical production is characterized by the production of products that are homogeneous in terms of raw materials and the nature of processing in a number of successive technological stages or processing stages. The peculiarity of such production is that the same semi-finished products, during their subsequent processing, can be used for the manufacture various types other semi-finished products or final products. Thus, different rolled profiles can be made from the same grade of steel. In addition, some of the semi-finished products (iron and steel castings) can be sold to other enterprises. Therefore, there is a need to calculate the cost of not only the final product (rolled products), but also semi-finished products: cast iron in blast furnace and steel in steelmaking. This is achieved on the basis of the incremental cost accounting method and the semi-finished version of the consolidated accounting of production costs. At the same time, production costs are taken into account for individual stages (blast furnace, steelmaking and rolling), and within them - for the types of semi-finished products and finished products in the context of costing items.

Metallurgical production by its nature is continuous-discrete. A continuous technological process is characterized by an unbroken flow of processed materials in a unit or chain of units. For discrete technological processes characterized by cyclic (sequentially repeating) processing of individual portions of processed materials in the unit.

Metallurgical production requires, for example, express and precise definition oxygen content in steel during its smelting process. The requirement for rapidity is determined by the high productivity and high speeds of modern metallurgical processes, for example, oxygen converter. The requirement for sensitivity and accuracy is associated with the need to produce metal of a given composition and High Quality.  

Metallurgical production of aluminum grew along with the development of aviation. Now, capitalist countries alone produce more than 4 million tons of aluminum annually.

The history of mankind goes back more than one thousand years. Throughout the entire period of the existence of our race, there has been stable technological progress, in which man’s ability to handle, create and mine metal played an important role. Therefore, it is quite logical that metallurgy is something without which it is impossible to imagine our life, the normal performance of work duties and much more.


First of all, it is worth understanding what the modern sphere of production is called scientifically, from a technical point of view.

So, metallurgy is a section of science and technology that covers the process of obtaining various metals from ore or other materials, as well as all processes related to the transformation chemical composition, properties and structure of alloys.


Today metallurgy is the most powerful branch of industry. In addition, it is a broad concept that includes:

  • Direct production of metals.
  • Processing metal products both hot and cold.
  • Welding.
  • Application of various metal coatings.
  • Branch of science - materials science. This direction in the theoretical study of physical and chemical processes is focused on understanding the behavior of metals, alloys and intermetallic compounds.


There are two main branches of metallurgy around the world - ferrous and non-ferrous. This gradation has developed historically.

Ferrous metallurgy consists of the processing of iron and all alloys in which it is present. This industry also involves the extraction from the depths of the earth and subsequent beneficiation of ores, steel and iron foundries, rolling of billets, and production of ferroalloys.

Non-ferrous metallurgy includes working with ore of any metal except iron. By the way, they are conditionally divided into two large groups:

Heavy (nickel, tin, lead, copper).

Lightweight (titanium, magnesium, aluminum).

Scientific solutions

There is no doubt that metallurgy is an activity that requires implementation innovative technologies. In this regard, many countries on our planet are actively pursuing research papers, the purpose of which is to study and put into practice a wide variety of microorganisms that would help solve, for example, such a pressing issue as cleaning Wastewater, which are an essential component of metallurgical production. In addition, processes such as biological oxidation, precipitation, sorption and others have already become a reality.

Separation by process

Metallurgy plants can be roughly classified into two main groups:

Pyrometallurgy, where processes occur at very high temperatures(melting, roasting);

Hydrometallurgy, which consists of extracting metals from ores using water and other aqueous solutions using chemical reagents.

The principle of choosing a site for building a metallurgical plant

In order to understand on the basis of what conclusions a decision is made to build an enterprise in a particular location, it is worth considering the main factors for the location of metallurgy.

In particular, if the question concerns the location of a non-ferrous metallurgy plant, then the following criteria come to the fore:

  • Availability of energy resources. Production related to the processing of light non-ferrous metals requires a colossal amount of electrical energy. Therefore, such enterprises are built as close as possible to hydroelectric power plants.
  • Required amount of raw materials. Of course, the closer the ore deposits are, the better.
  • Environmental factor. Unfortunately, the countries of the post-Soviet space cannot be classified in the category where metallurgical enterprises are environmentally friendly.

Thus, the placement of metallurgy is the most difficult question, the solution of which should be given the closest attention, taking into account all possible requirements and nuances.

To form the most detailed picture in the description of metal processing, it is important to indicate the key areas of this production.

Ferrous metallurgy enterprises include several so-called processing stages. Among them: sinter blast furnace, steelmaking, rolling. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Blast furnace production

It is at this stage that iron is released directly from the ore. This happens in a blast furnace and at temperatures above 1000 degrees Celsius. This is how iron is smelted. Its properties will directly depend on the course of the smelting process. By regulating the melting of ore, you can ultimately obtain one of the two: processing (used later for steel production) and foundry (iron billets are cast from it).

Steel production

By combining iron with carbon and, if necessary, with various alloying elements, the result is steel. There are a lot of methods for smelting it. We especially note the oxygen-converter and electric melting plants, which are the most modern and highly productive.

Converter smelting is characterized by its rapidity and the resulting production of steel with the required chemical composition. The basis of the process is the blowing of oxygen through a tuyere, as a result of which the cast iron is oxidized and transformed into steel.

Electric steel melting method is the most effective. It is thanks to the use of arc furnaces that the highest quality alloy steels can be smelted. In such units, heating of the metal loaded into them occurs very quickly, and it is possible to add required amount alloying elements. In addition, the steel obtained by this method has a low content of non-metallic inclusions, sulfur and phosphorus.


This process consists of changing the composition of steel by introducing calculated concentrations of auxiliary elements into it to subsequently impart certain properties to it. Among the most commonly used alloying components are: manganese, titanium, cobalt, tungsten, aluminum.


Many metallurgical plants include a group of rolling shops. They produce both semi-finished products and fully finished products. The essence of the process is to pass metal in the gap between the mill rotating in opposite directions. Moreover, the key point is that the distance between the rolls should be less than the thickness of the workpiece being passed. Due to this, the metal is drawn into the lumen, moves and ultimately deforms to the specified parameters.

After each pass, the gap between the rolls is made smaller. Important point- often the metal is not sufficiently ductile when cold. And therefore, for processing, it is preheated to the required temperature.

Consumption of recycled materials

IN modern conditions The market for the consumption of recyclable materials, both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, is steadily developing. This is largely due to the fact that ore resources, unfortunately, are not renewable. Each year of their extraction significantly reduces reserves. Considering the fact that the demand for metal products in mechanical engineering, construction, aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding and other sectors of the national economy is steadily growing, the decision to develop the processing of parts and products that have already exhausted their service life seems quite reasonable.

It is safe to say that the development of metallurgy is to some extent explained by the positive dynamics of the industry segment - the use of secondary raw materials. At the same time, both large and small companies are engaged in recycling scrap metal.

World trends in the development of metallurgy

IN last years There is a clear increase in the output of rolled metal, steel and cast iron. This is largely due to the real expansion of China, which has become one of the leading global players in the metallurgical production market.

At the same time, various metallurgy factors allowed the Celestial Empire to win almost 60% of the entire world market. The rest of the top ten major producers were: Japan (8%), India and the United States of America (6%), Russia and South Korea(5%), Germany (3%), Turkey, Taiwan, Brazil (2%).

If we consider 2015 separately, then there is a downward trend in the activity of metal product manufacturers. Moreover, the largest decline was noted in Ukraine, where a result was recorded that was 29.8% lower than last year.

New technologies in metallurgy

Like any other industry, metallurgy is simply unthinkable without the development and implementation of innovative developments in practice.

Thus, employees of Nizhny Novgorod state university developed and began to put into practice new nanostructured wear-resistant hard alloys based on tungsten carbide. The main direction of application of the innovation is the production of modern metalworking tools.

In addition, in Russia the grate drum with a special ball nozzle was modernized in order to create new technology processing of liquid slag. This event was carried out on the basis of a state order from the Ministry of Education and Science. This step fully justified itself, since its results ultimately exceeded all expectations.

The largest metallurgical enterprises in the world

  • ArcelorMittal- a company with its head office in Luxembourg. Its share is 10% of total global steel production. In Russia, the company owns the Berezovskaya, Pervomaiskaya, Anzherskaya mines, as well as the Severstal Group.
  • Hebei Iron & Steel- a giant from China. It is completely owned by the state. In addition to production, the company is engaged in the extraction of raw materials, their transportation and research and development. The company's factories use exclusively new developments and the most modern technological lines, which allowed the Chinese to learn how to produce ultra-thin steel plates and ultra-thin cold-rolled sheets.
  • Nippon Steel- Representative of Japan. The management of the company, which began operations back in 1957, is seeking to merge with another company called Sumitomo Metal Industries. According to experts, such a merger will allow the Japanese to quickly take first place in the world, ahead of all their competitors.

What is metallurgy, what role does it play in the life of mankind? This industry is the foundation and basis of the entire industry. Most of All spheres of production benefit from the results of metallurgical production. What is the importance of metallurgy?

Metallurgy concept

Metallurgy plays an important role in all industries.

This term is commonly understood as a branch of science and technology that deals with the production and extraction of metals and ores. It is impossible to imagine technical progress without metallurgy. This is the most powerful industrial sector, which improves mining methods every year, studies the composition and properties of metals, and develops the boundaries of their application.

What does metallurgy include:

  • metal production;
  • processing of metal products in hot and cold form;
  • welding;
  • application of metal coatings.

In addition, metallurgy includes some aspects:

  • science, theoretical study;
  • knowledge of chemical processes;
  • research of metal properties.

The metallurgical complex unites all enterprises involved in the extraction and processing of metals. These are enterprises that are engaged in ore beneficiation, rolling production, and processing of secondary raw materials.

What types of metallurgy are there? The industry is divided into two main types. Types of metallurgy:

  • colored.

From how the country is developing metallurgical complex, the level of the economy and the well-being of the population depend.

Metals and alloys have a number of useful properties. These include:

  • elasticity;
  • ability to deform;
  • high strength;
  • thermal conductivity.

Due to their properties, metals and alloys are among the most important materials that are used in the creation of modern machines and equipment. Iron occupies a central place; its share in metallurgical products is more than 90%.

But iron in its pure form is used in small quantities. The bulk is used in the form of alloys.

The most commonly used are steel and cast iron, which are classified as ferrous metals. Steel is the main type of metal in ferrous metallurgy, it has high strength and wear resistance. And steel lends itself well to welding.

Ferrous metallurgy includes a branch of heavy industry, which includes in its technology the very extraction of material, processing, and filling of production auxiliary materials and fuel.

In addition, ferrous metallurgy includes the final production of products and their processing. This type of industry includes:

  • obtaining basic raw materials;
  • enrichment of primary material (manganese and iron ore);
  • smelting cast iron and high-quality steel;
  • production of fire-resistant materials;
  • filling production with auxiliary materials (limestone);
  • production of metal products for own use.

Ferrous metallurgy is the basis of the entire mechanical engineering industry. Ferrous metals are widely used in construction and for human needs.

In terms of ferrous metal concentration, Russia occupies a leading position in the world compared to other industrialized countries.

In the structure of ferrous metallurgy important place occupies the stage of production of iron and steel until the moment of rolling. In addition, production is based on preparing the ore itself for smelting, as well as beneficiation.

To produce cast iron, in addition to ore, it is necessary to prepare fuel and refractory materials, which help to achieve high-strength qualities in the metal. Coke is most often classified as a technological fuel; high-quality coking coal is used for its production.

Subtleties of production

The location of enterprises associated with the extraction and processing of ferrous metals directly depends on the raw material factor. It accounts for 90% of the cost of remelting cast iron.

The metallurgical complex of Russia includes three main bases:

  • central;
  • Siberian;
  • Ural

In recent years, the Central base has been increasing production rates and surpassing the Ural base. It fully supplies the entire Central part Russia. The main part of the metal is produced in Cherepovets and Lipetsk.

The center of the Siberian base is the city of Novokuznetsk. This base is promising because it is completely based on its resources.

The Ural base is located in close proximity to fuel-rich Siberia and Kazakhstan. This location ensures low production costs. Besides, big advantage is the location close to the Ural Mountains. They are very old and many of them are currently being destroyed. Therefore, mining is carried out almost on the surface.

Most metals and ores can be mined.

But there is a downside to this location. There is no coking coal here; it has to be imported from neighboring regions.

Metallurgical plants with low capacity are of great importance in the country. They can ensure rapid smelting of metal in small quantities. Small factories are faster large enterprises react to market changes and are able to quickly adapt to consumer needs.

A new direction in the industry today is blast-furnace or coke-free metallurgy. Such an enterprise was built in Russia, or more precisely, in the city of Stary Oskol - Oskol Electrometallurgical Plant.

The traditional process, in which ore is smelted at a temperature of 1.6 thousand degrees along with coke, which serves as a chemical reducing agent, differs from this technology.

The new method significantly saves coke, resulting in environmentally friendly metal of high quality. Processes associated with coking coal are becoming more and more unprofitable every year.

Coal is becoming more expensive, the coking process is very complex, it requires additional costs, and the construction of additional treatment facilities.

New installations are practically harmless to environment. In addition, steel produced using the new technology lasts five times longer.

Russia ranks fifth in the world in mining of this metal. In terms of explored reserves, the state is in second position.

The emphasis when searching for a location is on the development of primary deposits. The main places of gold concentration are in Siberia, in Far East and in the Urals.

The main mines are:

  • Solovyovsky is an old but significant mine in the Amur region;
  • Nevyanovsky - was opened back in 1813;
  • Gradskoy – the first diamond in Russia was found here;
  • the youngest mine, Condor, was discovered in the 60s; both gold and platinum are mined here;
  • Altaic.

The leading position in production is occupied by the Polyus Gold company. She has open mines in the Irkutsk region, Amur and Magadan regions.

State total

Currently, Russia occupies a leading position in iron ore and nickel reserves. The country produces more than 70 different metals and elements. Metallurgical production is of great economic importance.

The metallurgy industry is one of the most dynamically developing industries. Despite high competition On the part of large developing countries, Russia manages to maintain leadership due to low production costs.

The metallurgical complex has its own problems. Production growth at most enterprises occurs only with the creation of new production capacities. Most of them were created more than 50 years ago, but they have already exhausted their reserves.

Video: Metallurgy

From ores or other materials, as well as processes associated with changes in the chemical composition, structure, and therefore the properties of metal alloys.

Metallurgy is the foundation of mechanical engineering and the basis of industry. This is a basic branch of the national economy, with very large investments of capital and materials. In fact, the metallurgical industry determines the level of scientific and technological progress in everything national economy. The importance of metallurgy at this stage of technical development is difficult to overestimate. Its products are used, if not in all areas production activities people, then, perhaps, most of them.

Metals are ferrous and non-ferrous. Ferrous metals are used in mechanical engineering and construction. Non-ferrous metals are actively used in all industries. Satisfying human needs for metals is the task of such an industry as metallurgy. Accordingly, the metallurgical complex is divided into two large areas: ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, and covers all stages of technological processes: mining metallurgical raw materials, metallurgical processing, alloy production, waste disposal and manufacturing of products from them.

The term "metallurgy" comes from the Greek. metallurgéo - mine ore, process metals, from métallon - mine, metal and érgon - work). In its original, narrow meaning, metallurgy is the art of extracting metals from ores. IN encyclopedic dictionary Brockhausa F.A. and Efron I.A. The following definition of metallurgy is given: “ Metallurgy - a technology department engaged in the extraction of metals in industrial quantities from their natural compounds (ores). Metallurgical operations are of two types: firstly, mechanical processing of ore and bringing it into a form convenient for work and, secondly, chemical or electrochemical processing».

Historically, metallurgy has been divided into ferrous and non-ferrous.

Another interdisciplinary science, metallurgy, studies the composition, structure and properties of metals and alloys, as well as the patterns of their changes under thermal, mechanical, physicochemical and other types of influence.

According to the technologies used, there are pyrometallurgy And hydrometallurgy. Modern metallurgy as a set of basic technological operations for the production of metals and alloys includes:

  1. Preparation of ores for metal extraction (including beneficiation);
  2. Metal extraction and refining processes: pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical, electrolytic;
  3. Processes for producing products from metal powders by sintering;
  4. Crystal physical methods for refining metals and alloys;
  5. Processes of casting metals and alloys (to produce ingots or castings);
  6. Thermal, thermomechanical, chemical-thermal and other types of metal processing to impart appropriate properties to them;
  7. Processes for applying protective coatings.

As of the beginning of 2008, there are 58 scientific, technical and design organizations operating in the Russian metallurgical industry with total number more than 10 thousand people (including more than 120 doctors and over 600 candidates of science). The scientific and technical potential of the industry is represented by 46 scientific organizations (institutes), including 11 organizations with state form property, the rest are joint stock companies open type. Three leading scientific organizations have the status of state scientific centers (SSC):

  1. FSUE "TsNIIchermet im. I.P. Bardina",
  2. FSUE "Gintsvetmet" And
  3. FSUE "Giredmet".

The industry's design potential is represented by 12 design organizations, 18 design departments of integrated research and design institutes, and 3 design bureaus. All design organizations are joint stock companies, while most of them are part of large industrial holdings and companies. State Scientific Center in metallurgical industry and other industries related to the development of structural materials and metallurgical equipment perform the functions of leading organizations in the following most important areas of development of science, technology and engineering.

The academic degree of candidate or doctor of sciences in the group of specialties metallurgy and materials science in Russia is awarded in accordance with the nomenclature of specialties scientific workers Higher Attestation Commission, in the following specialties:


Branch of science, group of specialties, speciality

Branches of science, according to

which is awarded

academic degree


Metallurgy and materials science

Metallurgy and heat treatment of metals and alloys


Metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals




Metal forming


Powder metallurgy and composite materials


Metallurgy of technogenic and secondary resources


Nanotechnology and nanomaterials

(by industry)


Physics and mathematics


In accordance with the competition classifier Russian Fund basic research(RFBR, RFBR provides grants for research in the field of metal technology in the following main areas:

  1. Fundamentals of creating new metal, ceramic and composite materials
  2. Development of new structural materials and coatings

Education in the field of metallurgy can be obtained in accordance with the All-Russian Classification of Specialties by Education (OKSO), which defines state standard for higher and secondary professional education in Russia. Metallurgical education is included in the enlarged group of specialties METALLURGY, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS PROCESSING. The group of metallurgical specialties includes:

OKSO code




Bachelor of Engineering and Technology
Master of Engineering and Technology

Metallurgy of ferrous metals

Senior technician

Metallurgy of non-ferrous metals

Senior technician

Thermophysics, automation and ecology of industrial ovens

Foundry production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals

Senior technician

Metallurgyand heat treatment of metals

Senior technician

Metal forming

Senior technician

Metallurgy of welding production

Powder metallurgy, composite materials, coatings

Senior technician

Metallurgy of technogenic and secondary resources

Quality control of metals and welded connections

Senior technician

Complete and current list educational institutions Russia, providing education in the listed specialties is given on federal portal " Russian education» . You can search for the desired educational institution in Russia in the section “ Advanced university search» using filters by the name of the university, city, name or code of specialty according to OKSO, form of study, etc.

Recommended reading

1. Strategy for the development of the metallurgical industry of Russia for the period until 2020. Approved by Order of the Ministry of Food and Trade of the Russian Federation dated March 18, 2009 No. 150.

2. B.N. Arzamasov, I.I. Sidorin, G.F. Kosolapov and others. Materials Science: Textbook for Higher Technical Educational Institutions. under general ed. B.N. Arzamasova. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1986, 384 p. Part 1. Part 2.

3. B.N. Arzamasov, V.A. Brostrem, N.A. Bushe and others. Construction materials: Directory. under general ed. B.N. Arzamasova. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1990, 688 p. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.

4. Linchevsky B.V., Sobolevsky A.L., Kalmenev A.A. Metallurgy of ferrous metals. Textbook for technical schools. - M.: Maninostroenie, 1986, 360 p.

5. Nikiforov V.M. Metal technology. M., Mashgiz, 1953.

6. Slavyanov N.G. Works and inventions. (Perm: Book publishing house, 1988)

7. Ed. A.S. Zubchenko. Brand of steels and alloys. M., Mechanical Engineering, 2001

8. Metal science and heat treatment of steel. Directory, 2nd ed., M., 1961-62;

9. Rolling production. Directory, vol. 1-2, M., 1962;

10. Blast furnace production. Directory, vol. 1-2, M., 1963;

11. Steel production. Directory, vol. 1-2, M., 1964;

12. Aitchison L., A history of metals, v. 1-2, L., 1960.

13. Belyaev A.I., Metallurgy of light metals, 6th ed., M., 1970

14. Savitsky E. M., Klyachko V. S., Metals space age, M.. 1972

15. Zelikman A. N., Meerson G. A., Metallurgy of rare metals, M., 1973.

16. Esin O. A., Geld P. V., Physical chemistry of pyrometallurgical processes, 2nd ed., parts 1-2, Sverdlovsk, 1962-1966;

17. Volsky A. N., Sergievskaya E. M., Theory of metallurgical processes, M., 1968;

18. Zelikman A.N., Meyerson G.A., Metallurgy of rare metals, M., 1973;

19. Vanyukov A.V., Zaitsev V.Ya., Theory of pyrometallurgical processes, M., 1973.

20. M. S. Aronovich, R. M. Golubchik. Technology of metals, M., 1974.

21. Bochvar A. A., Metallurgy, 5th ed., M., 1956.

22. Kurdyumov G.V., Phenomena of hardening and tempering of steel, M., 1960.

23. Livshits B. G., Metallography, M., 1963.