Project of a one-story house with a flat roof. Projects of modern private houses with flat roofs

House projects with flat roof allow to build country houses By modern technologies. Their development led to the use of a variety of different materials for roof installation. Before arranging it, you should familiarize yourself with all the stages of designing such exclusive buildings.

Projects of houses with a flat roof allow the construction of country houses using modern technologies

When designing a house with a flat roof, it is important to identify all its main advantages. Among the positive aspects during the construction modern structure stands out:

  • unique creative design, for example, a high-tech house with a flat roof or others;
  • savings on heating the building inside;
  • availability of additional square meters.

Arranging Vacation home or a cottage with a flat roof, you should pay attention to design trends Western countries. Minimalism or hi-tech style: here you can always feel the material benefit. A house with a usable roof will be very comfortable. At the same time, this roof design allows you to improve a house with a flat roof by arranging a special area for sports games.

The expenses incurred in the process of designing houses or cottages with a flat roof are not a very expensive option. If on the roof in winter flat type If a layer of snow remains, it will be a good insulator. Heating such a house will cost less.

Although it is acceptable for many to implement flat roof house designs, these options do have their drawbacks. A flat roof should be installed taking into account the requirements for laying waterproofing. Among the main reasons why home owners can criticize such a structure with any design is its leakage. This is usually due to minor deviations in technology or negligence of builders. Water may accumulate on the roof surface.

To completely eliminate the leak, reconstruction must be carried out, which can be very expensive. Roof cleaning is usually done independently without the use of equipment. Indeed, as the snow begins to melt, the waterproofing layer of the structure will begin to be subjected to heavy loads. As a result, the surface will be destroyed.

Gallery: houses with a flat roof (25 photos)

Modern house with a flat roof (video)

How to install a flat roof

Developing projects one-story houses with a flat roof, it is important to consider the following key points:

  • the roof should not be completely flat, so you should take into account its angle of inclination equal to 5-15°, otherwise this type of structure will be built only to collect rainfall;
  • an ideally flat roof should be sloped, since the presence required slope required for drainage.

A terrace or gazebo with a flat roof is equipped using bulk building materials. You will also need concrete bracing or polymers having a fixed angle. This sheet material is called polystyrene plates.

A roof square, requiring an even roof angle, requires the presence of a load-bearing plane. The de-sloping stage must be included in the implementation plan for the house project. There are 2 types of projects country houses With flat roof, which depends on the features of the roof structure:

  • lightweight;
  • exploited.

Each of these types has its own characteristics that should be taken into account during the roof construction process.

When arranging a country house or cottage with a flat roof, you should pay attention to the design trends in Western countries

Lightweight flat roofing

The lightweight version is a flat roof that does not involve maintenance. It can be made in any style, for example, high-tech. This structure should be erected in stages:

  • laying the main beams ( lumber material) is carried out on load-bearing walls or on a mauerlat mounted on them;
  • fixation of beams laid in increments of 0.5-1.0 m is carried out to the base using anchor pins;
  • solid material is laid on the beams wooden sheathing, consisting of edged boards inch thickness;
  • A membrane is laid on the sheathing for waterproofing.

The main beams can be wooden beams with a cross-section of 100x100 or 150x200 mm, which is determined by the calculated weight of the roof. The lathing is installed without any holes. The installation of the waterproofing layer must be multi-layered. All joints are glued using glue or tape.

Creating a flat roof “pie”

Experts do not recommend saving cash when purchasing and arranging waterproofing membrane. This material cannot be replaced with roofing felt, which will not provide the required effect, and the house cannot be left without a roof. When arranging roof insulation, extruded or extruded polystyrene foam boards are often used. mineral wool. The heat insulator must be mounted on the waterproofing layer carefully so that cracks do not form. Even with the slightest inaccuracy, the insulating material may begin to let cold air through over time.

When laying insulation on a timber sheathing, vents for ventilation are immediately installed, which will prevent the accumulation of condensation. This will keep the insulation dry. Good insulation is expanded clay, which is popular when creating projects of one-story houses with a flat roof. This layer should be about 100 mm. At the final stage of roof installation, it is necessary to provide waterproofing protection to the structure. Modern market building materials offers membrane. A lightweight flat roof is not able to withstand heavy loads, so it cannot be used in such conditions.

Flat solid roof

A private house with a flat, solid roof should not sag, so you can take advantage of all the free space. In this case, no cracks should appear on the roof of the house. To create a flat roof, you will need to master special technologies. This requires some effort. There are several ways to install a solid roof:

  1. Using concrete slabs as overlaps, taking into account the fact that bearing structures are strong enough to withstand loads.
  2. Using metal support beams to make a roof covering, you will need T-beams or I-beams, as well as channels No. 14-16.
  3. Using ceramic blocks placed on support beams to create hard surface.

The first method requires the use of heavy equipment. This type of roof must be insulated, which is done from inside the room. A plank flooring consisting of boards with a minimum thickness of 22 mm is laid on metal support beams. Then a layer of expanded clay with a thickness of at least 150 mm is poured. On last stage After arranging the hard surface, you can proceed to laying the concrete screed.

Most in demand in modern construction 3 way. Ceramic roofing materials are used for the installation of solid roofing. They can be immediately laid on support beams, which should ensure the strength of the roof. This material is able to retain heat well. It has excellent soundproofing characteristics.

Ceramic roofing blocks have the main advantage, that is, moisture resistance. The screed is poured without first filling in the expanded clay. Significant disadvantage the material is due to its high cost. Additionally, a roofing membrane is installed on a flat-type solid roof, which improves operational properties material and strengthen the waterproofing layer.

When choosing a project, it is important to remember that a flat roof is quite sensitive to the waterproofing layer. The pitched roof hides various operational defects. Having decided on a project for building a house with a flat roof, you should develop a further action plan and purchase high-quality materials. It is necessary to discuss in detail all conditions and requirements with the builders. As a result, a non-standard building will be erected, for example, in high-tech style, meeting European standards.

Flat roof (video)

Projects of houses with a flat roof

If the search for a cottage project is unsuccessful, then you can design it with the help of a team of specialists. This fascinating process allows you to see each stage of the design, starting from the overall concept. This process ends with the creation of a complete image, thought out to the smallest detail. Here it is necessary to take into account not only your own wishes, but also the landscape features of the suburban area.

Any project catalog provides the use of various architectural techniques. This entails the use of certain methods or technologies. The development of projects that allow the construction of two-story or one-story houses with a flat roof requires taking into account several points:

  1. Conditions of the climatic zone where the object is located, which should affect the size of the thickness of the heat insulator used or its absence.
  2. The roof being installed may or may not have a drain, which determines the method of water drainage used.
  3. The functional purpose of the terrace with a roof is determined, which can be a resting place for people, a parking lot for a car, or a small garden for planting crops.

The nature of the use of the building influences the choice of type roofing structure, which could be:

  • traditional: the waterproofing layer is located above the thermal insulation;
  • inverse: the layers are arranged in reverse order.

If the process of roof operation involves the use of hydro- and thermal insulators, then they must bear the load. It can come from people or vehicles.

The roof of a house with a flat-type roof that is in use can be made of a PVC membrane. She has long term service and does not require special care. Heating elements are used to remove snow from its surface.

Direct way to select projects two-story houses or one-story buildings - a specialized site. They are lightweight and convenient to build, especially if the material used is gas silicate (aerated concrete) or a large-format sample, which is classified as warm ceramics. When choosing a house project, you should take into account the needs, the number of rooms for a specific purpose, the presence of a garage, etc.

Attention, TODAY only!

In Ukraine, house designs with a flat roof are quite in demand. Our brother is more accustomed to ordinary classic roofs, and there is a simple explanation for this. “A roof, that’s what a roof is for, to protect it from snow and rain, which means everything should drain from it and nothing should linger. If we make it flat, then where will the natural precipitation go?” - Many people think so. In Ukraine, such houses are also rare. They are exclusive here. So, let's try to figure out what is true and what we should really be afraid of.

Flat roof house project - pros and cons

  1. Cleaning. A flat roof can actually trap snow and water. If it is done incorrectly and of poor quality, then all this will gradually seep into the house, and may even significantly wet the ceiling of the upper floor. Therefore, the design stage at which the slope is calculated is very important. Yes, yes, no need to be surprised, it’s the tilt. Even the most flat roof should have at least a slight slope, which will not be visible visually, but which will be sufficient for water drainage. It is more difficult in winter when there is snow on the roof. After all, it can linger even on the steepest roof, not to mention a flat one. It will melt during a thaw, then freeze again, resulting in a continuous ice crust forming on the roof. And this is a high probability of leaks, especially in the spring. Therefore, the roof must be regularly cleaned of snow. But for those who don’t want to swing a shovel, you can install an “Anti-Ice” system, which will melt snow and ice right on the roof.
  2. Thermal insulation. Classic roofs, thanks to the attic space, create air gap, which significantly insulates the house. A flat roof, since it does not form an attic, does not have such a layer and therefore it must be properly insulated. She also needs good thermal insulation. House designs with a flat roof should initially contain full information O roofing materials and their quantity.
  3. Easy to install. On the one hand, a flat roof is easier to make than a hip, semi-hip, hip or gable roof. There is no need for rafters, purlins, or skates here. Everything is extremely simple. But, on the other hand, the roof requires high-quality installation roofs, so that it does not leak or ooze anywhere. In this regard, such a roof is much more complex.
  4. Application. The good thing about a house design with a flat roof is that you can come up with a use for such a roof. But, again, this must be done at the design stage. A flat roof can make a wonderful terrace. It is enough to make sides for safety. You can make a small canopy and put sun loungers. They won't hurt either. You can even make a tennis court on such a roof, if the dimensions, of course, allow it. Modern materials and developments make it possible to make a grass lawn and plant plants. This application is especially good in urban environments, where every bush is worth its weight in gold.

It turns out that house designs with a flat roof have a lot of advantages, and all their lack of demand in the vastness of Ukraine is due to the fact that we have new developments in construction industry and new materials. And it takes time to train people to work with such innovations. But, it's time to change stereotypes and keep up with the times.

Projects of houses with a flat roof from the company DOM4M

A house project with a flat roof can be purchased on the Dom4M company website. The price for such projects will not be more expensive than for projects of other houses, for example. It depends more on the size of the house and its complexity rather than on the type of roof. Of course, the more “bells and whistles” a home has, and the more difficult it is to translate them into reality, the more expensive the cost will be. Therefore, flat roof houses can fit into different budgets. As they say, to each according to his needs and according to his ability.

Flat roof houses represent one of the most original and impressive expressions of modern architecture today. Due to such a roof, the building acquires not only an unusual appearance, but also additional area, ideal as a place to relax or receive guests. Projects of houses and cottages with a flat roof have high level practicality, which is determined not only by saving space. Thanks to its bold lines and right angles, the roof structure blends perfectly with the surrounding landscape, making it even more beautiful.

Flat roof house

When constructing such houses, you can use various technologies(monolithic, frame-monolithic or frame). By using such methods, you can get truly strong, high-quality housing. Many developers, in most cases, give preference to materials such as wood, concrete, as well as wooden or metal profiles, due to what ready-made designs houses have high levels of stability and lightness. The technology for constructing houses with this type of roof makes it possible to equip open balconies impressive size or large panoramic windows, which is why they are becoming increasingly popular.

In our country country houses with a flat roof have not yet earned such popularity as in the West, and are, at most, a kind of indicator of a certain status. Initially, talk about arranging a flat roof came only in cases where high-rise apartment buildings were erected. But in Lately the situation is changing a little - the roofs are allocated for a recreation area, and sun loungers, swimming pools and barbecue ovens on the roof are no longer surprising.

A flat roof can be an excellent relaxation area

Flat roof projects are conventionally divided into several types: conventional, inversion, exploitable and non-operational. The operating option is characterized by the greatest difficulties during installation, since such a roof must have high levels of tightness obtained due to high rigidity.

Flat roofs of private houses, due to the special configuration of their base, have a solid slope-forming surface made over the ceiling. A profile sheet can serve as a rigid base, and for insulation you can use materials with high strength compression. If desired, you can also use soft insulation, but in such a situation you will definitely need a covering screed. Remember that the strength and reliability of the roof structure itself depends on the rigidity of the base and insulation.

Scheme of a flat roof of a house

When settling in unused roofs there are no requirements for the rigidity of the insulation special requirements. To be able to move on the roof, it is necessary to install special ladders that will carefully distribute the existing load.

Features of building a house with a flat roof

Simple flat roofs are structures consisting of several structural and technological layers:

  • The base of the roof with a layer of membrane (acting as a vapor barrier). Thanks to this, the insulation is reliably protected from the effects of moisture that forms in the interior of the house. Includes a reinforced (via fiberglass) bitumen-polymer film or vapor barrier, which is located on top of the screed.
  • Insulation and waterproofing carpet. This roofing roll carpet consists of a material based on bitumen. Expanded polystyrene often acts as insulation. They spend on it cement screed with further laying of a two-layer waterproofing carpet.

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Projects of houses with a boiler room

Simple design flat roof house

Often, house designs with a flat roof involve the construction of an inversion roof. Its main difference is the location of the heat insulator, which is located under the waterproofing carpet (this allows you to protect it from mechanical damage, exposure to sudden temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation).

In addition, in such cases, heat insulators with low level moisture absorption, protection against negative influence cycles of thawing and freezing, high compressive strength. Best options Guided roofing, PVC membranes and mastics are considered.

Diagram of the inversion operated roof structure with lawn grass on the roof of the house

A lived-in flat roof has a number of advantages that make it popular. These include:

  • Lightweight design. This design allows you to get rid of the mandatory arrangement of a complex rafter system; you can develop a roof project in the most short time, the consumption of building materials is reduced to a minimum.
  • Space saving. A significant advantage of house designs with a flat roof is the possibility efficient operation extra space on the roof. The flat top platform can be used as a place to build small garden or kindergarten, arrangement of a swimming pool or playground, etc. This type of roof can be a real salvation if land plot does not have required quantity free space.
  • A quick and reliable solution to drainage problems. In such cases, when erecting the roof, they make a slight slope or install internal systems drainage of water and sediment.

Perhaps the only inconvenience of a flat roof can be considered the more troublesome installation of thermal insulation. During its installation, it is necessary to carefully ensure that there is no severe overheating of the rooms located directly under the roof itself. IN simple houses This problem is usually solved by the presence of an attic space. In turn, the installation of a flat roof requires another way out of this situation - you will need to create a special temperature buffer.

Small project one-story house with a flat roof up to 100 sq. m

In addition, do not forget about ensuring high-quality ventilation of the space between the ceiling last floor and roofing. To resolve the issue, you can use several in various ways. First of all, you can create attic space small sizes With low ceiling. In addition, they are ideal for the same purposes. ventilation ducts, acting as a regulator.

From this video you can learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of houses with a flat roof.

What to consider when choosing a flat roof house design

When choosing a house project with a flat roof, do not forget that such a roof needs timely and high-quality care. Some developers are wary of constructing such roofs, as they believe that precipitation may accumulate on its surface, which will subsequently fall into the roof. interior spaces building. At the same time, there is an opinion among people about the high cost of maintaining this type of roof and the high costs of building materials.

Flat roofs are used in both high-rise and low-rise urban developments. They allow you to save on lumber, since their arrangement does not require bulky rafter system, and installation of insulation and roofing carried out on the floor slab of the upper floor. To drain water on a flat roof, a slope is created along which excess moisture flows into the pipes of the internal drainage system. IN suburban construction Flat roofs are also used and on some of them a serviceable structure is mounted. We will tell you about the features of the layout of such houses, and consider some options for their arrangement and operation.

Features of the layout of houses with a flat roof

For climate middle zone houses with a flat roof are not the most popular choice, but at the same time unusual design finds fans, and the opportunity to equip a recreation area on the roof makes projects of this kind attractive. Buildings with flat exploitable roofs have their advantages and disadvantages and are used in areas with moderate snow formation and a relatively mild climate. The advantages include:

  • original appearance;
  • the absence of a complex and bulky rafter system subject to wind influences;
  • the possibility of using a flat roof as an usable space;
  • the absence of an external drainage system on the facades of the building, since an internal drainage system is used instead.

Flat roofs also have some disadvantages, namely:

  • increased requirements for the strength of the floor, which must withstand the weight of snow;
  • the need to create a slope towards drainage pipes, which means there will be an increase in mass roofing pie;
  • high requirements for the quality of multi-layer waterproofing;
  • Frequent preventative and major repairs.

The design and installation of flat roofs is carried out on the basis of standard SO 002–02495342–2005 “Roofs of buildings and structures. Design and construction". This document outlines the principles of roofing pie design and methods for constructing flat roofs. When creating a project, it is necessary to take into account not only the presence of ventilation ducts, but also drainpipes through which moisture is removed from the flat roof.

A flat roof allows you to create a cozy living space with the same or different heights ceilings for comfortable living

Standard SO 002–02495342–2005 pays attention to exploitable and inverted roofs with earthen and grass coverings, as well as methods of waterproofing and additional testing for the strength of flat roofs according to SNiP 2.01.07. An additional soil layer with waterproofing, paths made of paving slabs and the presence of a fence require reinforcement of the floor structure, as well as construction flight of stairs to exit to the roof. On flat roofs, it is necessary to make a slope of 2 to 5 degrees towards the drainpipe to ensure the drainage of excess moisture.

An exploitable roof involves a multi-layer structure of the roofing carpet and a specific design of the drainage system funnel

The flat roof covering is made in one of the following ways:

  1. Using standard reinforced concrete slabs.

    Flat roof covering with standard reinforced concrete slabs produced with sealing of seams and installation of a reinforced belt

  2. Continuous concreting of armored belts and reinforced floors supported on internal partitions And external walls building.

    Continuous concreting of a flat roof is carried out with support from the load-bearing external walls of the building

  3. Reinforced concrete floor using corrugated sheets and supported by load-bearing steel beams.

    Beams to create a flat roof ceiling are attached to load-bearing walls, and corrugated sheets and reinforcement are laid on them, then concrete is poured

A durable ceiling makes it possible to place telecommunications equipment, ventilation and air conditioning systems on a flat roof, as well as to arrange the usable space. The layout of a house with a flat roof is influenced by the internal placement of the drainage system and chimneys heating system, flights of stairs, as well as the location of the garage. Ladders for climbing to the roof can also be mounted on the outside of the building, which significantly increases the living space.

Photo gallery: examples of the layout of houses with a flat roof

The first floor of the house can be equipped with flights of stairs and has extensive living space
The second floor of the house can be equipped with access to the terrace and the usable roof
The plan indicates the placement of ventilation, drainage and chimney pipes in a house with a flat roof
The house can be equipped with a large garage, living room and kitchen

Video: features of the layout of a house with a flat roof

Examples of flat roof house designs

Houses with flat roofs have been used in panel urban construction for many years. With the advent of new waterproofing materials high strength, it is not difficult to equip such a structure on a building of any number of floors, built from different materials. In suburban construction it is quite difficult to break the stereotype of fear snow load on a flat roof. It should be noted that reinforced concrete floor strength exceeds any of pitched roofs, the rafter system of which is made of lumber.

Flat roofs are successfully used in both high-rise and low-rise buildings

Buildings of this type have a complete appearance and laconic design. Let's look at examples of flat roofs on houses of different heights, built in different styles and from various materials.

One-story houses

One-story buildings are designed to accommodate a small family and their apparent small size does not interfere with placing the space necessary for comfortable living under a flat roof.

One-story house with a flat roof suitable for a small family

There is a shaft on the roof ventilation system and chimney, and excess moisture is removed through drainpipe on the facade, which does not spoil general form Houses. The owner of such housing should keep in mind that over time living space may have to be expanded, so certain areas must be reserved for this.

The design of the house with a flat roof allows you to expand the habitable space by adding a garage and terrace

Two-story houses

For two-story house A characteristic layout is that on the ground floor there is a garage, a hall, a living room and a kitchen space with a dining room. On the second floor there is an office, a relaxation area with a large open loggia or a terrace. The presence of cars in the family means the installation of driveways.

A two-story house with a flat roof allows you to accommodate all the necessary spaces

In houses of this type, ventilation ducts, chimneys and drainage system are combined into one block and located inside the building, and the garage room is equipped with a separate ventilation duct. Housing is intended for year-round residence and has all the advantages of its own suburban building.

With the help of light coloring, a two-story concrete structure can be made weightless in appearance.

Houses with an exploitable roof

A serviceable roof requires the use of a more durable upper floor, multi-layer waterproofing and strong fencing. On such roofs there are recreation areas with a solarium, lawn and other vegetation. In addition, in the exploited part of the roof they place technical blocks with air conditioning, ventilation and telecommunications equipment.

A roof in use requires reinforced roofing and multi-layer waterproofing to effectively remove excess moisture

On some part of the area it is laid paving slabs, furniture and light canopies are being installed, so total weight the roof being used must be taken into account when constructing the floor. Subject to installation technology and use quality materials such a roof can last for many years in the middle zone climate.

Photo gallery: houses with an exploitable roof

The roof being used places certain demands on the structure of the roofing pie.
The minimalist architectural solution creates an unusual cozy space on a flat roof
The multi-storey exploitable area gives ample opportunities to create a solarium and a separate relaxation area
On the flat roof of the house you can place couch where you can receive guests
You can place a dining table on the flat roof and enjoy the scenery while eating
On a flat roof multi-storey building you can create a place to relax and play

Frame houses with a flat roof

Prefabricated frame houses must have a solid upper floor that is carefully sealed, since frame parts may be subject to rot if moisture penetrates.

A frame house is characterized by high construction speed and low material costs, but requires careful attention to the strength and waterproofing of the floor

When installing a flat roof in houses of this type, you should carefully consider matching the snow load with the strength of the building and the reliability of the second floor.

The project of a frame building with a large habitable space and a solid appearance fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape

High-tech houses

Stylish, light, flying buildings, sparkling with glass and nickel-plated metal, strict concrete structures and wide staircases leave unforgettable impression from high-tech houses. The building seems to be hanging without any support, has big windows, high ceilings and ample interior space.

Houses built in high-tech style are distinguished by an abundance of light, glass, metal and concrete

A house built in this style is expensive and very labor-intensive to manufacture, since it is a monolithic concrete structure.

Photo gallery: high-tech houses

The maximum open space of the house with an abundance of glass and concrete gives comfort
The concrete frame of the sunset looks very impressive
The transparent structure of tinted glass and painted concrete creates a futuristic look
Big square flat roof allows you to create a recreation area there if desired
A high-tech house can consist of two parts connected to each other
Flat roofs in high-tech houses look stylish

Houses made of sip panels

Thermal insulating sip panels can be easily and quickly installed in any weather using vertical racks and have significant strength. A house built from panels needs a durable floor with good waterproofing.

Houses with flat roofs made from modern sip panels are quickly built and have good thermal insulation

From sip panels you can quickly build reliable buildings of various configurations.

A two-story house made of sip panels can be quickly assembled according to any architectural project on a lightweight foundation

Wooden houses

A house built from logs or beams is durable, warm and environmentally friendly. Wooden houses it is possible to install it under a flat roof with the condition that fire retardant and antiseptic impregnation structures of the last crown and the ceiling of the upper floor.

IN wooden house breathes easily, and the flat roof completes the rectangular structure

Drainage with a flat roof is carried out by pipes located both inside and outside the building.

A wooden house with a flat roof blends very organically into the surrounding space

Foam block houses

A budget option for a house made of foam blocks with a monolithic reinforced concrete frame. A reinforced concrete belt is installed along the upper part of the walls of the second floor, and a flat roof ceiling is laid on it and on the internal load-bearing walls.

Warm and economical houses made of foam blocks are often completed with a flat roof, which is a logical continuation of the architectural style

Drainage systems, ventilation ducts and chimneys are installed inside the building and are not exposed to the façade. The strength of such a house allows it to be equipped with a usable flat roof.

The concrete foundation and floors with the walls of the house can be built from warm foam concrete with natural stone finishing

Modular houses

These houses are made from standard set ready-made modules arranged in the required order. Such buildings are equipped with flat roofs and have good heat-insulating properties.

A modular house is a building that is assembled from standard module blocks and connected into a single whole depending on its functional purpose.

Modules are created based on ready-made functional elements and are designed into a single building with a suitable stylized finish.

The module is a self-contained block with a specific purpose and the living space is assembled from such modules

Photo gallery: modular houses with a flat roof

The flat roof of a modular house does not require special care
If necessary, the modular house can be transported to another location
The large area of ​​the flat roof of a modular house allows you to create a usable area on it
A modular house can be built from environmentally friendly materials
You can create a terrace on the roof of a modular house

Houses made of reinforced concrete panels with flat roofs

This type of house includes all urban buildings and some types of low-rise suburban buildings. High degree standardization allows you to build houses using a set of panels and floor slabs, as well as build flat roofs using specialized blocks.

Panel houses are highly durable and belong to prefabricated buildings of a standard type

Reinforced concrete products have not only strength, but also high thermal insulation characteristics.

Standard reinforced concrete products allow you to install a building of any complexity with a flat roof

Here you will find houses of various sizes, number of storeys, main construction materials and materials. exterior finishing, which will undoubtedly decorate your site. We can proudly say that we offer best projects flat roof houses!

Individual projects of cottages with a flat roof

If you haven’t found a flat-roof cottage project that satisfies your needs in the catalog, we will be very happy to design it for you from scratch. This is very interesting, exciting and painstaking process, in which you will plunge headlong. With your own eyes you will see all stages of design, from the general concept to the finished finished image, thought out to the details. Here we will take into account all your dreams, wishes and landscape features.

Features of projects of houses and cottages with a flat roof

Various architectural techniques entail the use of certain technical solutions. When creating projects for houses and cottages with a flat roof, the following important points must be taken into account:

1. In what climatic zone the object being designed is located. This will affect the determination of the thickness of the insulation, or its complete absence. The rain intensity values ​​will determine the height of the parapet and the number of funnels.

2. The roof can be with or without a roof. Depending on this, the method of drainage is determined. It can be external or internal, adjustable or unregulated.

3. It is necessary to determine functional purpose terraces: will they be designed for the movement of people or cars, or will an additional soil layer be needed for planting? The nature of the use of the terrace will directly affect the choice of roof type. There are traditional roofs, where the waterproofing is located above the thermal insulation, and inversion roofs with the reverse arrangement of layers. If the roof is in use, then hydro- and thermal insulation materials additional requirements are imposed on the perception of loads from people, cars or other vehicles.

Flat roof cottages are a way to stand out!

Unfortunately, the average resident of Russia does not yet associate his a private house with a new one modern architecture. Moreover, many believe that a flat roof is not suitable for our climate, or that it is very difficult and expensive to maintain in the future. All these, of course, are myths! A cottage with a flat roof in our country is real. For some reason everyone forgets that most apartment buildings are built with a flat roof. If you follow all the technology for its construction, then no problems will ever arise during operation.

Everyone has a natural desire to stand out, to be different from the gray mass. This applies to the choice of clothes, car and, of course, your own home. A well-designed cottage with a flat roof will certainly show your impeccable taste, especially since this is still a rarity in domestic private development. The architectural bureau of Ilya Eliseev is happy to help you implement perhaps the most important project of your life!