Projects of attic houses size 6 8. Plan of a summer house with an attic

Do you need an inexpensive but representative home in a compact size? Pay close attention to house project 6 by 8 with an excellent layout. Despite its undoubtedly modest size, such a cottage has several rooms in which it will be comfortable to spend free time Outdoors.

The SK Domostroy company has the Sergius project, which is suitable for most standard suburban areas. It will not take up much space and will not require big money on content, which is one of the decisive factors for such a purchase.

"Sergius" - a successful project of a 6 by 8 house with an attic from SK Domostroy

A good cottage does not have to be big and bulky. Project of a 6 by 8 house with an attic"Sergius" is small, but this does not prevent it from being of very high quality and comfortable for living.

If you put in just a little effort, you can modify it and adapt it for living even in harsh and prolonged winter conditions. There are several bedrooms in the house, which means that up to 5 people can live in it.

SK Domostroy - construction of one-story and two-story frame houses for country and permanent residence.

IN Lately Many city residents are planning to buy a house or build a dacha outside the city. After all, this means fresh air, communication with nature, and fresh, organic vegetables and fruits grown with your own hands. Therefore, having bought small area, you need to use it rationally. For example, build a small house, measuring 6 by 8 meters, with a beautiful attic.

Features of the room

Layout of such a house will take a little time, and will bring pleasure to the owners who are creating a family nest with their own hands. A 6 by 8 house is easy to place on a small plot.

It is compact, does not take up much space, but at the same time can accommodate everything you need for comfortable life any family.

In size, such a house can be compared to a small city apartment. Both living quarters, which can be placed in the attic, and utility rooms located in the basement, will fit perfectly inside. Small on the outside, it will fit everything in itself so that every family member is satisfied.

Advantages and disadvantages

When planning a house with an attic, you need to take into account all the pros and cons of the structure. This will help to more clearly define the functionality and purpose of each room.

The construction of such a house has more benefits than disadvantages. Firstly, a 6 by 8 house occupies a small area, which is increased due to attic floor. When paying real estate taxes, only one floor will be taken into account: the attic is an ordinary attic and is not considered a living space. Secondly, due to its small size, such a building makes it possible to save on laying the foundation and erecting walls, and the use modern materials allows you to build a house with an attic in the shortest possible time.

No matter how much you want to build the perfect house, it will still have shortcomings. A building with an attic is no exception to this rule. When planning to build such a house, it is necessary to take into account the slope of the walls and ceiling of the attic floor. When buying furniture, you need to buy low models that will fit the size of the room. The level of heat transfer in such houses is too high, so there is a need for thermal insulation attic room and installation of the heating system.

Selection of materials for construction

The range of building materials is very wide. For walls - these are bricks, foam blocks, frame panels. For floors - wooden beams. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of before making your final choice.


It appeared on the construction market a long time ago and is not inferior to other materials in quality. It is quite durable, not afraid of bad weather conditions, fire, and has good sound insulation. In addition to all, facing brick looks beautiful in the interior of the site.

Foam blocks

Materials such as foam blocks are more practical and cheaper than bricks. With its help, walls grow very quickly. A house made of foam blocks has high thermal insulation, which is important.

Such walls will never become moldy.


The construction of walls from frame panels has attracted many fans. The popularity of the material is due to the fact that their assembly takes a small amount of time. Factories produce ready-made parts, with the help of which, according to the principle of a designer, a house is put together in a week. Frame walls will have good thermal insulation. Any materials are suitable for finishing the house.


Another environmentally pure material is a wooden beam. It is in great demand in the construction of 6 by 8 houses. Such a house does not require additional thermal materials. It looks great on any site. Its construction will take a little time, approximately two to three weeks.

What might the situation be like?

By deciding to build a one-story house with an attic, you can not only save money, but also create beauty and comfort. Such a house cannot be called large, but it can easily accommodate a full-fledged family. In order to make everyone comfortable, it is necessary to make a plan, taking into account the budget and requirements of the owner.

If the house has one floor and the family consists of three people, then the attic can be used to equip a sleeping area. On the ground floor you should equip a kitchen, through which you can get to the bathroom, second bedroom and living room, which, thanks to the numerous windows, will have a lot of light.

The next option is with a terrace, on which you feel unity with nature. Entering such a house, you immediately find yourself in small hallway, where you can put a two-door wardrobe for outerwear and a small cabinet for shoes. Next comes a large and very bright hall where you can put couch and not big table. Directly behind it is a kitchen combined with a dining room and having a large table in the middle of the room, followed by a bathroom. Bedrooms can be placed to the right of the hall. And upstairs there is a guest room for visiting friends.


For a family with children, a 6 by 8 garden house with an attic will suit best way. On the ground floor you can place a bedroom for parents. And in the attic - for children, where they can not only sleep, but also play, without disturbing anyone.

If it is closed, then it is worth making a living room out of it, and equipping an additional bedroom instead.

It is profitable and prestigious to build - your own house requires a garden, which means you can be alone with nature all the time.

Why choose a 6x8 house (projects with an attic can be seen in the article below) It’s just that there’s enough space for more than just two people, sufficient quantity rooms for permanent residents, you can comfortably accommodate guests who come to visit you.

The attic is good for summer holidays - it does not need to be equipped heating system, if one family lives in the house all year round, then the first floor is quite enough for comfortable living. In the summer, the attic will be used - it offers a lovely view of the garden.

Choosing a house project

There are quite a lot of ready-made 6x8 house projects. Single-story buildings are more economical than multi-story buildings, which means they are more profitable.

Worth watching everything finished projects with a photo, roughly think through the placement of all family members in it, and if some option seems close to you in essence, you can re-plan it a little - the designers will be happy to make small adjustments that will satisfy you.

Choose construction material also simple. Where to stop:

  • beam, natural wood or laminated timber;
  • brick;
  • aerated concrete blocks.

Each of the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages; it all depends on the desires of the owner of the future home. IN wooden building life is pleasant - you breathe clean air, the house will last for many years without requiring repairs or alterations. Houses made from aerated concrete blocks are installed quickly - if you are in a hurry to build your house, you can choose this option. Brick buildings are the most popular, but building a house will take quite a long time.

We adapt the house design to the region

It is imperative to take into account the specific climatic conditions of the region in construction. It is important to put the right foundation, pick up necessary insulation materials for the home, for houses with an attic are required accurate calculations floors. Now we choose the roofing material:

  • ondulin;
  • metal tiles;
  • corrugated sheeting;
  • classic slate;
  • ceramic tiles, flexible.

If the 6x8 house project you have chosen involves using a different roofing material than you like better, this does not mean that it is impossible to replace it with a more acceptable one. Such simple changes will be made quickly to a project you like.

Different layouts of 6x8 houses

What is good about a house with an area of ​​6x8 - there are many rooms, there is a cozy hall, in which there is a staircase to the attic floor.

Please note that if the upper floor is not used in winter, then a reliable insulated door is installed to prevent cold air from entering the living spaces. From the hall you can also access all the individual rooms of the house - this is practical and very convenient.

There are options for 6x8 house designs, in which the hall is combined with the living room - the room becomes spacious and comfortable. By the way, with this layout it’s very good to take it out of the kitchen dining area into a large room - your guests immediately get to the table. This is reasonable and economical; the whole family gathers together in a large living room, and then goes to their rooms.

In any house you need to provide bedrooms for each family member and a kitchen - the easiest way to get into these rooms in a 6x8 house is from the living room, so look at such projects as well.

There are options with two entrances in small wooden houses when a special side staircase leads to the kitchen. This is both convenient and reasonable - all the dirt from the street remains in only one room. Such projects have existed in assisted living and they work very well.

It is especially important to have a separate entrance to the kitchen if the housewife is engaged in growing agricultural products - there is no need to bring vegetables and fruits through the living room for processing, all products get to the desktop directly from the garden.

How to plan a house for a family with children

When the younger generation is growing up in a family planning to build a 6x8 house, rooms for children are a must. These are not only bedrooms, but also play and sports visits.

If children come to the house only to visit, then you can allocate part of the living room for play area, some square meters usable area. In the summer, people will still spend more time in the fresh air - that’s where it’s worth setting up children’s rooms. playgrounds, put up a gazebo.

6x8 houses can have balconies - that too additional area, the arrangement of which should be considered. If there are large French windows, the balcony automatically becomes part of the room. Whether it is worth insulating it is up to the owner of the house to decide; depending on the region, such premises can be used all year round.

Wardrobe space

The house's area of ​​6x8 allows you to separate a small corner for a dressing room - this frees up space from cabinet furniture, which takes up too much space and does not always look festive.

The convenience of a dressing room is that you can very rationally and compactly place all your clothes and necessary textiles in it, and install shelves for shoes. It is unlikely that it will be possible to practically install cabinets in a room under the ceiling, and in dressing room Every square centimeter of usable area is used.

Of all the 6x8 house designs, the most interesting are the options with panoramic viewing windows. The one-story house seems to absorb surrounding nature, “grows” into it. Living in such a scrap area is very comfortable - the owner of the mansion will be able to see the forest inhabitants coming to “visit”.

It's perfect coexistence different worlds, children will especially enjoy watching the forest guests. French windows will allow you to see each visitor in full height and examine him from all sides.

Versatile compact project

What a family of three needs is three comfortable rooms, a living room, a hall and a kitchen. All this can be conveniently placed in one-story house 6x8 with attic.

One might call such a project too laconic. But it is reasonable, economical and universal option, in which there is nothing superfluous. Inside, you can divide the rooms into smaller zones. But from the outside, such a house looks gorgeous - a real spacious mansion for a large happy family.

You can always attach a veranda to such a house; in combination with an attic, you will get an amazing building with numerous large windows, which will always be light and cozy. We are always considering the option of a cold attic.

But this room can also be heated; it is only important to insulate the attic well enough. Then the home owners receive additional spaces for relaxation, games and work.

The advantages of an attic rather than a two-story mansion are that such a structure costs much less. This is an economical and practical option, which still has two floors. A well-insulated attic can also serve as a living space in not very cold winters.

You can see one of the options for a house with an attic in the following video:

Vacation home with an area of ​​6x8 m2 is great alternative three- or four-room city apartment. Living conditions outside the city limits require maximum comfort and convenience, while the living space is evenly distributed on both floors of the building.

If you decide to significantly increase your living space and really start breathing... fresh air, a house project with an attic measuring 6 by 8 m2 is perfect for you.



Houses of this type are most often chosen by representatives of the so-called middle class; those who can afford a small and cozy house within driving distance for vacation or permanent residence. The attic gives the house additional comfort and original appearance, and will also allow for much more efficient use of the space under the roof.

Like any building, such a house has a number of features, among which we can highlight advantages specific to the type described country house. On the one hand, each house is unique in its own way and the question of choice seems to be a purely individual one. In the same time you should choose based on verified data and clear criteria. First things first:

  • Rationality. The small foundation area (48 square meters) should be regarded rather as an advantage. Expenses for public utilities for a house with such an area will be significantly lower than for a large cottage, which is especially important in conditions of permanent residence. A house measuring 6x8 m2 will allow you to feel the economic benefits already in the first year of residence. In addition, a small-sized cottage is much faster and easier to clean and remodel.
  • Compactness. Not everyone can afford a big one land plot, provided that the terrain features may preclude the possibility of construction big house even on a plot of impressive size. The house we are considering in this article can easily be placed on a standard six hundred square meters, while leaving room for a recreation area and a multifunctional garden.

  • Functional accessibility of residential and commercial areas. If a few seconds are enough for you to get from the bedroom to the kitchen or to walk from the garage to the attic in a couple of minutes, then the size of your country house is truly optimal and allows you not to get lost within four walls.
  • Actually, an attic. After all, we don’t just have an attic designed for storing unnecessary and fundamentally not thrown away rubbish, but a full-fledged living space under the roof.
  • Acceptable price. This point is specially highlighted at the end as decisive when choosing from several options for house sizes. 6x8 m2 – great combination comfort and relatively low price.

After a preliminary decision has been made, you need to more carefully and in detail familiarize yourself with the future project of your own country house and determine what, in fact, to build the house from.

Construction materials

Main types of materials for construction country house small sizes not so much: wooden beams, logs, bricks. Houses made of foam blocks and aerated concrete are very popular these days. Let us consider all of these options in more detail, taking into account, first of all, the operating features and cost of owning a house of each type.

Wooden beam

A very popular type of material used in the construction of small country houses. When enough high level environmentally friendly timber allows you to do without additional ways heat preservation, and will also last a long time and maintain an attractive appearance.

Log house

You shouldn’t unequivocally classify a house made of logs as a fairy-tale tower, which belongs somewhere in a lubok village or an ancient Russian settlement. The main indicators of this type of house are as follows:

  • high strength and wear resistance, allowing the structure to be used for more than one generation and the house to be passed on by inheritance;
  • high environmental friendliness and safety of the materials used in construction: a log is the same as wood, only sawn and hewn.

The thickness of the log depends on the purpose of the house. If you are planning country option for the summer, logs that are not very thick can be used, but if we are talking about a permanent “winter” house, then the thickness of the log should be at least 25 cm.

Frame construction

This type of panel construction is characterized by quick and easy assembly, relatively inexpensive cost and the presence of a wide variety of design options presented on modern market. Such a house is not built, but is assembled from ready-made parts produced at the factory. The main work and, accordingly, costs are associated with interior decoration frame house.

Important note: at home frame type They do not shrink, so it is possible to do interior decoration immediately after the construction of the house.

Aerated concrete blocks

Once the choice has been made in favor of one of the options due to the wide variety of building materials on the modern market, it’s time to start creating a project for your future country house.


The project of a country house or dacha is a very difficult one. engineering solution, fraught with a number of difficulties. You can draw up a work plan and calculate all the costs yourself, especially if you have a lot of time and you are doing such a thing for the first time, or you can act prudently and entrust such work to professionals with good recommendations and great experience. This will not only save significant time, but also preserve precious nerve cells. In any case, a professional will do better than you. As a last resort, you can provide him with drawings of your own design.

At the same time, do not forget that it is you and your family who will live in the future home, so key decisions should be made independently. However, do not forget that home is a collective concept, so the opinions of all family members, including pets, must be taken into account.

Such serious questions as “do we need a house with a terrace or will we make do,” “what shape and size should the staircase to the second floor be,” as well as many others that necessarily arise at the planning stage, are resolved and approved before the estimate is drawn up.

Separately about the attic. This European invention, which has a number of advantages, has been very popular in the world for several years now. Russian market. The attic allows you to rationally use the space under the roof, opening up additional features to create residential and utility areas on the ground floor of the house. In addition, the placement of walls and windows at an angle relative to the floor allows more daylight to penetrate into the attic space, and this, you see, is important.

A house with an attic may well also be equipped with a summer or insulated veranda, which will serve as a living room suburban type. From an aesthetic point of view, the presence of a veranda will give your home additional attractiveness, and the presence of an insulated veranda will solve the problem of the lack of living rooms.

All of the above and much more can be seen in the examples of projects presented.

Houses with an attic have a full second floor. Houses with an attic have some important advantages, such buildings can be adapted for both year-round and seasonal living.

Advantages of a house with an attic

How country house Is it better with an attic than a regular two-story one?

  • An attic instead of a second floor significantly reduces heating costs in winter.
  • It is more expensive to build a second floor than to build an attic.
  • An attic will need to be built above the second floor, which, as a rule, is little used, but this additional room also needs to be maintained.
  • An attic with sloping ceilings formed by roof slopes allows you to create an interesting, unique interior.
  • You can make windows in the attic unusual shape(semicircular, triangular), additionally equip a balcony.

What to build from

For the construction of small private houses you can now choose various materials. Most often used

  • ready-made frame-panel blocks,
  • foam blocks,
  • wood: log or beam,
  • brick.

Each of these materials has its pros and cons.

Frame panels

Such houses are assembled like a designer set. All parts are made to order individual project, there are also ready-made standard projects country houses with attic different sizes: 6x6, 6x8, 9x9 and so on. Frame-panel blocks weigh little, so heavy equipment is not needed to assemble the house, and the foundation can be made lightweight. Another important plus - smooth walls and no shrinkage. Almost any materials can be used for finishing.


Wooden houses They are built from sanded or rounded logs. The latter is more even, but does not have natural protection from moisture. Minus of this material- severe shrinkage. To reduce work time, use logs chamber drying. Wooden houses are environmentally friendly and provide a healthy microclimate. The wood looks beautiful, so the inside can be done with minimal finishing. Important! The thicker the log, the better its thermal insulation properties. For the home where they live all year round, the diameter of the logs must be at least 25 cm.

Profiled timber is also used for construction. Compared to logs, it is easier to build with it; it has already been processed and dried, so it does not shrink. The timber retains its appearance and environmental friendliness natural wood. Can be built beautiful house according to the project with an attic and veranda.

Foam blocks

This material is relatively inexpensive, so it is often used for the construction of small country houses with an attic. Foam blocks weigh little, and thanks to them large size construction is progressing quickly. Thanks to the presence of air inside, they retain heat well. You can use different materials to decorate walls made of foam blocks.

Attic roof structure

Regardless of the size of the dacha, the attic is designed approximately the same. This room is located directly under the roof, through which heat exchange constantly occurs, more intensely than through the walls. Therefore, it is important to properly insulate and waterproof the roof. In winter, this is where all the wet air when heating the lower floor. You can make better use of the area of ​​the second floor if you provide in the project not a gable, but a so-called broken roof. For more interesting appearance you can make a roof of complex shape, for example, like this.

Usually used as insulation mineral wool, it is laid between the rafters, and a sheathing of boards is made from below. In order for the insulation to perform its function, it must remain dry. Therefore, a vapor barrier film or foil insulation is attached to the sheathing. Under the upper ceiling, on the contrary, there is a vapor-permeable film, which will help remove moisture from the insulation. A counter-lattice and a transverse batten are made on top, and they are mounted on them. roofing material. Typically, the rafters are made of 150 mm timber, and the bottom lathing is made of 22 mm boards. It is also important to insulate gables and valleys (internal corners-gutters between slopes), if any. All layers of thermal and waterproofing are shown in the figure.

What is important to know when planning

The first thing you should pay attention to when creating a 6x6 or 6x8 house project with an attic is whether it is intended for year-round or only seasonal use. The number of residents and the possibility of guests arriving are also important. In the latter case, the plan will need to include a guest bedroom and possibly a separate bathroom. It is better to make bathrooms combined rather than as separate bathrooms and toilets. IN small houses It’s better not to make a corridor, a small hallway is enough, and the rooms can communicate directly. The space under the roof slopes can be used to build cabinets and storage rooms.

You can draw a design for a dacha with an attic both on paper and in modern computer programs. With their help, you can create a three-dimensional model of a house, as in the video.

House 6x6 meters

As a rule, country houses or garden houses are made of this size. A 6x6 house is not a very large structure, so it is important that the inside does not look cramped or cluttered.

First floor layout

Let's give an example of a project for a 6x6 country house with an attic. On the ground floor there are three main rooms: an entrance hall, a kitchen-dining room and a bathroom. The hallway is often made large enough and a staircase is placed in it. The average size of the rooms is 3x3 meters. You can place a living room on the ground floor, then the kitchen will become separate room, you can also equip an office.

It is important to use the space under the stairs - it can be up to 2 m3, so you can equip space there for storing things. The staircase is made at least 1 m wide - this will allow two people to pass safely on it. You can even make a library under the large staircase, as in the photo.

Second floor layout

In the attic, you need to plan the rooms in such a way that the staircase does not go into just one of them, but into a small common hall. This will help create the privacy you need, especially if you plan guest rooms. Below is a project for the second floor of a country house with an attic containing three bedrooms. In this option, there is no bathroom in the attic.

House 6x8

The area of ​​this house is larger, which allows you to accommodate everything necessary premises. Its layout is not much different from the layout of a 6x6 house.

First floor layout

On the ground floor you can place a dining room, hallway, and bathroom. This basic version, taking into account individual preferences, you can make an office, living room and other rooms here. In the project shown in the photo, part of the area is allocated for a terrace.

Second floor layout

In the project of a country house with a 6x8 attic shown in the photo below, the attic is not located above the entire first floor, part of which is occupied by an entrance hall and a veranda.