Program for creating tests. Tests during software development

Victor Batyrev

  • Igor Gaponov

  • Now, to conduct certification of 206 people, it is enough to collect an electronic test in iSpring Suite, upload it to the LMS and assign it to employees.

    The system automatically generates a summary table of academic performance and shows the names of all poor students. The verification takes two months.

    Natalya Soboleva

    head of the training center AG Experts

  • We create interactive tests and lectures for financial professionals

    The first project we implemented with iSpring was automation of intermediate testing. Previously, knowledge testing was carried out in the form of paper tests. Manually, the teacher spent about 30 minutes checking one test.

    Now there is online testing, the teacher simply logs into the system and compiles a report on the results, which takes much less time.

    This is how we simplified results analytics and online monitoring of students’ performance homework, and also reduced the labor costs of teachers.

    Svetlana Zasukhina

    Manager, PwC Academy

    Regular testing helps keep employees “on their toes” and influences sales growth

    Tests serve as a compass and checklist - they give representatives direction and help refresh their knowledge of the product line. If employees do not pass the test, they will not be allowed to work with certain product lines or clients.

    To “scan” all regions, two days are enough with online testing.

    We see the level of training in each region and can quickly eliminate pain points. Thanks to regular certification, all sales representatives work according to the same corporate standards.

    Victor Batyrev

    Operations Manager Johnson & Johnson

    We have reduced the onboarding period for a sales manager from 8 weeks to 3

    Two years ago, certification was a hard chore. Prepare paper tests for 20-30 people, gather everyone in one place, then check all the answers manually. With the advent of eLearning, we replaced paper questionnaires with electronic tests. Now I just need to collect an electronic test in iSpring Suite, upload it to the LMS and assign it to all employees in Russia at once.

    So in a week I can “scan” all the representative offices around the country and through the reports I will immediately understand who passed the exam and who failed.

    Training now has an accelerated mode: the entry into position of a newcomer has been reduced from eight weeks to three, and the certification period has been reduced from a month to seven days.

    Igor Gaponov

    Head of Honeywell Training Center

    Electronic tests speed up certification by 6 times

    Previously, planned certification took 12 months: different regions, time zones, workload. First, I interviewed each employee via Skype. Afterwards, they connected to my computer via remote access and solved the test in Excel. Some people copied, others argued. As a result, the check still did not provide an objective assessment.

  • Test (from English test - “test”, “check”) - standardized, brief, time-limited tests designed to establish quantitative and qualitative individual differences.

    One of the considerations underlying the creation of tests is to have a tool for quick and relatively accurate assessment of large populations of subjects. The requirement to save time becomes natural in mass processes, which is what education has become.

    Testing in pedagogy performs three main interrelated functions: diagnostic, teaching and educational:

    • The diagnostic function is to identify the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of the student. This is the main and most obvious testing function. In terms of objectivity, breadth and speed of diagnosis, testing surpasses all other forms of pedagogical control.
    • The educational function of testing is to motivate the student to intensify the work on mastering the educational material. To enhance the educational function of testing, additional measures to stimulate students can be used, such as distribution by the teacher indicative list questions for self-study, the presence of leading questions and tips in the test itself, joint analysis of the test results.
    • The educational function is manifested in the frequency and inevitability of test control. It disciplines, organizes and directs student activities, helps to identify and eliminate gaps in knowledge, creates a desire to develop one’s abilities.

    Testing is a fairer method; it puts all students on equal terms, both in the control process and in the assessment process, practically eliminating the subjectivity of the teacher.

    A current direction in the modern organization of test control is the individualization of control, leading to significant savings in testing time. The main costs during testing are related to the development of high-quality tools, that is, they are one-time in nature. The costs of conducting the test are significantly lower than with written or oral control.

    MyTest is a software system - a student testing program, a test editor and a results log - for creating and conducting computer testing, collecting and analyzing results, and assigning a grade according to the scale specified in the test.

    The program is easy and convenient to use. All students learn it quickly and easily.

    To create tests there is a very convenient test editor with a user-friendly interface. Any subject teacher, even those with basic computer skills, can easily create their own tests for the MyTest program and use them in lessons.

    In the presence of computer network You can organize centralized collection and processing of test results using the log module. The results of completing tasks are displayed to the student and sent to the teacher. The teacher can evaluate or analyze them at any time convenient for him.

    The program works with seven types of tasks: single choice, multiple choice, establishing a sequence, establishing a correspondence, manually entering a number, manually entering a text, selecting a location on an image.

    Each test has optimal time testing, the reduction or excess of which reduces the quality indicators of the test. Therefore, in the test settings, there is a time limit for completing both the entire test and any answer to the task (for different tasks you can set different times).

    Testing parameters, tasks, images for tasks - everything is stored in one test file. No databases, no extra files - one test - one file. The test file is encrypted and compressed.

    And finally, with the correct selection of test material, the content of the test can be used not only for control, but also for training. The use of test tasks in automated testing and training programs allows the test subject to independently detect gaps in the structure of his knowledge and take measures to eliminate them. In such cases, we can talk about the significant learning potential of test tasks, the use of which will become one of the effective directions for the practical implementation of the principle of unity and interrelation of training and control. When the training mode is turned on, the student receives information about his mistakes and correct answers.

    Using the programs, you can organize both local and network testing. Do what is most convenient for you.

    More detailed information about the program, as well as latest version You can find the program at - a section of the information and educational portal [email protected] dedicated to this program. Send questions, suggestions, error messages, and your tests by e-mail: [email protected] or ask on the forum in the "computer testing" section.

    All rights to the MyTest program belong to its author. Author of the program: Bashlakov Alexander Sergeevich, Unecha, Bryansk region.

    MyTest program is distributed for free (Freeware). Any educational institution, teacher and student can use the program for free based on a license agreement without any financial contributions. To get more detailed information For the rights to use and distribute the program, see the license agreement.

    Program website -

    For the full text of the material MyTest - the best free Russian program for creating tests, see the downloadable file.
    The page contains a fragment.

    SunRav TestOfficePro – software for monitoring and testing knowledge. Allows you to create tests of different levels of complexity and focus; conduct testing efficiently and comfortably for users and organizers.

    TestOfficePro works on a local network and on computers not connected to the network (testing from flash drives and CDs is possible without installing the program).

    SunRav TestOfficePro

    The SunRav TestOfficePro program is included in the Unified Register of Russian Electronic Software computers and databases.

    Computer testing of knowledge

    Pedagogical testing is a widely used method for monitoring knowledge and assessing learning outcomes. It is used to determine the level of knowledge, for training, and to motivate learning. For mass testing and self-preparation, the computer form of testing is most effective. It is with computer testing that it is easy to correct knowledge simultaneously with testing. After each incorrect answer, the program sends the student to the block of information he needs. Useful for pedagogical control Additional Information, for example, a detailed report on each test taker - what questions the student received, how much time he spent on a particular answer, how he answered...
    Both high-quality test tasks and educational material, as well as professional software products, are very important in the testing process.

    SunRav TestOfficePro makes it possible to easily create and apply tests in any academic disciplines and subjects school curriculum, tests to determine professional competence, personnel certifications, psychological tests.

    The program includes

    • tMaker– a program for creating tests. It is possible to accompany questions and answers with images, animations, audio and video clips. A computer user with any level of training can create and edit tests in this program. Import of tests created in text editor(for example, in MS Word) or a spreadsheet editor (for example, in MS Excel).
    • tTester– program for testing. It has the simplest possible interface. Extensive settings and options command line allow you to adapt its work to any requirements.
    • tAdmin– a program for managing users and processing the results of computer testing. Provides the ability to view/print results, as well as create, edit, export, and print reports on testing groups and/or individual users. It is possible to create a response matrix.

    Key features of SunRav TestOfficePro

    Creating tests. Working with test tasks

    The following program functions will help you create tests for any purpose, of various types and types:

    • Variety of question types. The program allows you to use 5 types of questions in tests:
      1. Single selection. One answer option out of several suggested.
      2. Multiple Choice . One or more answer options from several proposed ones.
      3. Open question. The user must enter the answer using the keyboard. The test creator can use powerful language templates that allow you to correctly evaluate the user's response.
      4. Correspondence. The user needs to order the statements in two lists so that they correspond to each other.
      5. Ordered list. Arrange the answers in a list in a specific order.

    • Adaptive tests. The order of questions can not only be linear, but also depend on the user’s answers.
    • Using Themes. The program can split the test into several topics. You can evaluate your knowledge both for each topic separately and for the test as a whole.
    • Comments on the question. Each question can be provided with a commentary with testing instructions, a hint, information about the correct answer, etc.
    • Options for reacting to a user response:
      1. No response – the user is asked to answer the next question.
      2. A message indicating whether the user answered correctly or incorrectly.
      3. Show any document related to the question. In it, in particular, you can explain in detail the reason for the incorrect answer and provide additional material, which will allow us to study the issue in more depth.

    • Weight of question and answer options. Each question and answer option can have its own “weight”. This allows the user to be awarded more points for correct answers to questions. difficult questions and fewer points for answers to easy questions.
    • Visualization. The program allows you to insert images, formulas, diagrams, tables, audio and video files, HTML documents and any OLE documents. The text editor built into tMaker for writing tests is similar in function to the MS Word familiar to many.

    Ensuring Test Objectivity

    • Setting up the testing process. The administrator can:
      1. Prohibit leaving the program until testing is completed.
      2. Disable access to the desktop and taskbar.
      3. Close the program after passing one test.

    • Random questions. Questions in the test can be mixed. In addition, the test creator can determine how many questions from each topic the user will receive. Let's say a topic consists of 300 questions. If you randomly select only 30 questions, test takers will receive completely different sets of questions from the same test. The answer options for each question can also be mixed. Thus, with a sufficiently large number of questions, the test taker cannot thoughtlessly use prior knowledge of the test, with a previously known sequence of questions and answers. Note: the described function is set by selecting "Exam mode" in the settings, see the documentation for the program.
    • Introduction of time frames. Testing can be limited in time - both for the test and for each question. The amount of time allocated for each question may vary.
    • Setting up the information visible during testing. The program can determine whether to show the user:
      1. Number of correct answers.
      2. Time until the end of testing.

    • Limit on the number of testing attempts. In the program, you can set a limit on the number of times you can pass one test.
    • Tracking testing attempts in a program

    The computer as a testing tool has its advantages and disadvantages. However, it is difficult to deny him an objective assessment. Apparently, it is this factor that contributes to the expansion of the scope of computer testing - it is successfully used in schools, universities, when applying for a job, when passing exams in the traffic police, etc.

    At the same time, the range of methods for testing complexes is quite limited:

    Typically, tests can use five following types questions:

    1. Selecting the only correct answer.
    2. Selecting several possible correct answers.
    3. Setting the sequence of correct answers.
    4. Setting response matches.
    5. Entering the answer manually from the keyboard.

    Considering not a large number of testing methods, it is advisable to develop a universal program that would allow teachers various disciplines create your own databases and quickly receive control tasks for your subject. There are several similar programs offered on the market, and in this article we will review them. On the CD-ROM you will find trial versions of some of the programs reviewed.

    Distribution method: shareware


    The SunRav TestOfficePro package includes programs for creating tests, conducting tests and processing test results. With its help, you can organize and conduct tests and exams in educational institutions(universities, colleges, schools), and enterprises and organizations can carry out certification and certification of their employees.

    The package allows you to create tests on school subjects, university disciplines, tests for professional testing, psychological tests, etc.

    All tests and test results are encrypted using strong cryptography methods, which eliminates the possibility of falsifying results. In addition, you can set passwords for the test: for editing protects the test from viewing its structure, correct answers, etc.; to review prevents practice testing to find out the correct answers.

    Questions and answer options can be formatted using the built-in text editor, which is similar in functionality to MS WORD. In the editor you can insert images, formulas, diagrams, tables, audio and video files, HTML documents and any OLE documents.

    The tests can use the five types of questions listed above.

    The test can be divided into several topics. In this case, it is possible to assess the test taker’s knowledge both for each topic separately and for the test as a whole.

    Questions in the test can be mixed. Moreover, the test creator can determine how many questions from each topic the user will receive for testing. Let's say each topic consists of 100 questions. If you randomly select only 10 questions, test takers will receive completely different sets of questions from the same test. The answer options can also be mixed.

    The order of questions can not only be linear, but also depend on the user’s answers.

    Each question and answer option can have its own “weight”. This allows the user to be awarded more points for correct answers to difficult questions and fewer points for answers to easy questions.

    Each question can be provided with a comment containing information about the correct answer, etc.

    The following reaction to a user response is possible:

    • prompting the user to answer the following question;
    • a message that the user answered correctly/incorrectly;
    • display any document related to the question. In it, in particular, you can explain in detail why this answer is incorrect and provide additional material that will allow you to study the question in more depth.

    Testing can be time limited both for the test and for each question. However, the amount of time allocated for each question may vary.

    The SunRav TestOfficePro package includes the following programs:

    • tMaker a program that allows you to create and edit tests. It is possible to import tests created in a text editor or spreadsheet editor;
    • tTester testing program;
    • tAdmin program for remote user administration and processing of test results. Allows you to view/print test results, as well as create, print, edit, and export reports on testing user groups. It is possible to create a response matrix.

    Technical data SunRav TestOfficePro:

    • number of questions unlimited;
    • number of answers unlimited;
    • number of users unlimited;
    • number of tests unlimited;
    • number of topics in the test up to 256;
    • tests and results are stored in files.

    Currently, a large number of tests have been prepared for this package. In particular, there are educational tests in computer science, economics, English language, history, social studies.

    Distribution method: shareware

    Price: 5900 rub. (a 20% discount is provided for all educational institutions, that is, the price for them is 4,720 rubles).

    SunRav TestOfficePro.WEB is an application for testing over the Internet and intranet. All information (tests, test sections, results, etc.) is stored in a database and is protected from unauthorized access. If the user does not have the appropriate rights, he will not be able to view, edit or delete his or others' test results.

    The package is suitable for testing remote employees, students, schoolchildren, etc. To test, the user does not need to install anything on his computer; a browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla, etc.) is sufficient.

    The test capabilities are similar to the test capabilities from the SunRav TestOfficePro program, which can also be used in the SunRav TestOfficePro.WEB program.

    To organize testing you need:

    • Web server You can use Apache or MS IIS as such. According to the authors of the program, development was carried out using the free Apache server versions 1.3 and 2.0. It can be freely downloaded from;
    • MySQL database according to the authors of the program, development was carried out using version 3.23. It can be freely downloaded from the site;
    • PHP interpreter according to the authors, development was carried out using version 4.3. It can be freely downloaded from

    If the user does not have his own Web server, you can use regular hosting, which provides services for using MySQL and PHP databases.

    Using SunRav TestOfficePro.WEB you can:

    • organize tests into sections;
    • register, import, edit users;
    • conduct testing of both registered and unregistered users;
    • view test results for an individual user and a group of users (reports);
    • view the rating results for this test;
    • save test results in a database.

    Developer: Keepsoft

    Distribution method: shareware

    Price: Standard license 300 rub.; student license 200 rub.; corporate license for 10 computers 1000 rubles; corporate license for 20 computers 1,500 rubles; corporate license for an unlimited number of computers RUB 3,000.

    "Test Designer" is a universal program for testing knowledge. The application can be used for testing at home and in educational institutions. The program allows you to use an unlimited number of topics, questions and answers.

    Program features:

    • questions may contain music (WAV, MID. RMI files), images (JPG, BMP, ICO, EMF, WMF files), videos (AVI files);
    • Questions of all five types listed above are supported;
    • printing on a printer and saving topics, questions and answers to a file;
    • printing on a printer and saving test results to a file;
    • export topics, questions and answers to files of various formats (MS Excel, MS Word, MS Access, Paradox, DBase, text file, HTML, XML, RTF (RichText format), PDF (Adobe Acrobat), MS Windows clipboard, Lotus 1 -2-3, etc.);
    • testing several users on one computer. For each user, a personal user card is created, the fields in which are customizable;
    • setting different access rights to edit the database in the “Editor” for different users;
    • asking questions in random order;
    • setting a price for each question in points;
    • time limit for response;
    • the ability to interrupt testing and continue it at another time;
    • issuing a grade at the end of the test. The rating system is configured in the “Editor”. The rating scale can be adjusted from 2 to 100 points;
    • database synchronization; Using this function, you can easily exchange data with other users and transfer data from computer to computer;
    • spell checking in the "Editor";
    • search the database in the “Editor”;
    • database compression;
    • customizable interface;
    • Internet update check function.

    “Test Builder” can be downloaded from the developer’s website and you can try the program for free for 30 days. To continue working with the program, registration with payment is required. Registered users are provided with a personal registration key and free technical support via e-mail.

    In the registered version, you can use ready-made tests, which can be downloaded from the developer’s website at: At the time of writing, the following ready-made tests were available: traffic rules, unified state exam for high school graduates, English and French, computer science, mathematics, etc.

    Developer: Technoservice Plus LLC

    Distribution method: order by email

    Price: 5200 rub.

    The program is designed for creating tests, exams, and electronic textbooks. To develop a test or textbook, the user does not need to have programming skills; the program is adapted and intended primarily to facilitate the process of testing knowledge in educational institutions. The main difference between the product and its analogues is additional opportunity creation of a module for consolidating material, when already in the learning process the user answers questions on a given topic.

    The software package contains three modules:

    • a constructor that allows you to create tests, textbooks, and modules for reinforcing material. The designer provides the ability to use text format, formulas, sound recordings, videos and images;
    • textbook it is created in the designer and can have an unlimited number of sections, paragraphs and pages;
    • a test that can also be equated to an exam, since it excludes the possibility of using a textbook when testing knowledge, as when consolidating material.

    In this module, new sections and questions are created, and answers to questions are indicated. In this case, in the properties of the question you must indicate the number of points awarded for the correct answer to it.

    The program allows you to:

    • independently create tests to monitor students’ knowledge. Test development is automated and fast; it is possible to use not only text and drawings, but also sound recordings, videos, formulas, graphs, complex graphic objects, etc.;
    • easily import into the designer the materials on which current electronic textbooks are based;
    • carry out testing of students in order to identify their level of knowledge upon admission to the institution (upon moving to the next class (course);
    • carry out internal scheduled/unscheduled knowledge tests after completing new material to assess the mastery of the material;
    • create electronic textbooks, instructions, teaching materials;
    • in the learning mode, survey the student on selected questions; If the answer is incorrect, the program will indicate the error and recommend that you read the corresponding section of the textbook again.

    The Test Designer software package includes:

    • module for creating tests and textbooks;
    • testing module;
    • training module;
    • module for viewing textbooks.

    There are no restrictions on the number of computers on which the program can be installed.

    You can order the program at: [email protected].

    Developer: Pavel Kozlovsky

    Publisher: Publishing House "Balance"

    Distribution method: CD-ROM

    Price: 123 rub.

    This program can be used both at home and in any educational institutions for testing various areas knowledge.

    The constructor allows you to cover an unlimited number of topics, questions and answers in one test, so with its help parents can not only test their child’s knowledge on a specific subject, but also determine the general level of his erudition.

    The program supports all five types of questions listed at the beginning of the article and allows you to include music, sounds, images and videos in your questions. In addition to using the ready-made sample questions and pictures available on the disk, the user can independently add his own options to the test.

    The CD with the program contains ready-made test tests on the most relevant topics: the unified state exam, school curriculum subjects, rules traffic and etc.

    Any data can be printed on a printer and exported to files of various formats (Word, Excel, HTML, XML, etc.).

    Developer: Georgy Gulyaev

    Distribution method: shareware

    AnyTest program is a tool for organizing testing of people. It allows you to maintain a database of topics and tasks for tests, create any tests based on it, and test both one person on a separate computer and a group of people (class, course, department of a company or institution, etc.) on a local network. Using this program, it is easy to organize automated taking of tests and exams in educational institutions, testing of employees when they are hired for intelligence or knowledge of a specific specialty, certification testing of enterprise employees, psychological testing of the team, etc. The program allows you to store the results of all tests, grouping them by specific people, by groups of people, by date, by specific test and at any time print reports, as well as see all the testing details (which tasks were given, what answers were given, correct answers, points, received for each answer). Wide range of possibilities Administration built into the program allows you to configure it so that the testing process will take place even without the participation of a teacher or testing organizer. All attempts to pass a particular test will be evaluated and saved with all the details and can be analyzed later at any convenient time.

    You can download the program from our CD-ROM or on the Internet, for example, at:

    Surely every adult has been tested at least several times in his life. Sometimes testing was fun, sometimes you had to answer questions to pass an exam or get a job. Tests are so popular and in demand that there are quite a lot of specialized applications and online services for creating them.

    The main, but far from the only category of people who may benefit from a program for creating tests are teachers of educational institutions. A variety of questionnaires are also constantly used by practicing psychologists, personnel department employees involved in the selection of candidates for vacant positions in the company, and so on. Testing is often necessary in cases where an organization checks the level of professional training of employees in a particular area. And, of course, tests are actively used by webmasters, because no the best way to keep a visitor on your site than to invite him to find out what psychotype he belongs to, or allow him to test his knowledge in the area where he considers himself an expert.

    In our review, we will look at four different programs for creating tests and surveys.

    ⇡ Quiz Press 2.5.8 - simple tests for publication on the Internet

    • Developer: Sol Robots
    • Distribution size: 2.7 MB
    • Distribution: shareware
    • Russian interface: no

    With Quiz Press, teachers can create quizzes to test students' knowledge. The program makes it possible to generate tests with questions of different types: those in which you need to choose the correct answers from the proposed options, where you need to enter the answer yourself, where you need to indicate whether the statement is false or true, and others. Moreover, one test can contain questions of different types. When composing questions, the teacher has the opportunity to use multimedia files (graphics, flash, sound). By default, when assessing, a student is awarded one point for each correct answer, but in the test settings you can set different quantities points, depending on the type of question. In addition, it is possible to limit the time that a student can spend on solving tasks, add a reminder that the allotted time will soon end, and indicate whether punctuation and whether words are written with a capital letter should be taken into account when evaluating answers.

    When creating tests, you can quickly print out a sheet with the correct answers. The test itself, created using Quiz Press, is presented as a set of files ready for posting on the website. In addition, you can export the results to other popular test formats.

    The results are communicated to the student at the end of the test, and are also sent to the teacher in encrypted form at Email specified in the program settings, or printed.

    ⇡ Wondershare QuizCreator 4.01 - flash tests and questionnaires

    • Developer: Wondershare
    • Distribution size: 11.5 MB
    • Distribution: shareware
    • Russian interface: no

    If you want to create not only tests, but also regular surveys in which you do not need to take into account the correctness of answers, you can turn to the capabilities of the Wondershare QuizCreator program. With its help, you can generate a questionnaire with a variety of types of questions.

    Those taking part in the study can answer “yes” or “no”, choose one or more answer options from those proposed, arrange the answer options in a certain order, enter a short answer in required field, correlate images with text inscriptions, selecting a pair for them, and so on. The same question options are available when compiling tests. In addition, tests may include questions, the answers to which are hidden in the image. This option is convenient to use, for example, when testing knowledge in geography. The teacher can add a map to the test, and the student's task is to point out certain areas on it. You can also create questions for which the student is not offered answer options. In this case, the respondent must enter the answer manually, and it will be compared with the options that the teacher indicated when compiling the test. Wondershare QuizCreator has detailed description all types of questions, so the program will not let you get confused in them. Note also that the program has the ability to import a list of questions from Microsoft Excel.

    Each question can contain not only text information, but also various multimedia data. Moreover, they can act as part of the question or simply illustrate it. For example, when adding a question about the theory of relativity in a physics test, you can place a photo of Einstein on the page. The correct answer to each question is awarded ten points by default. If you wish, you can set a certain number of points for each question. In addition, it is possible to subtract a certain number of points from the overall result if the question is answered incorrectly, as well as set the number of attempts that are given to the student to find the correct answer.

    Once questions have been added, the program prompts you to define numerous test parameters. You can specify the author and contact information, add an introductory page with information about the test (this can be not only text, but also graphics, sound, video), determine how the test will react to user actions in case of correct and incorrect answers, set the percentage of correct answers, upon reaching which the test will be considered passed, indicate what messages the user should receive in case of successful completion or failure of the test. In addition, it is possible to configure a transition to a specified web page after the test is completed.

    The means of protection have not been forgotten either. So, to run a test you may need to provide a password or even data account. In addition, it is possible to allow the test to be launched only from a specific domain, which will protect it from copying when posted on the Internet. By default, statistics are not collected about those who took the test, but the author can make it mandatory to enter a name, email address, and other data. You can also set a time limit for answering certain questions or for the test as a whole, allow or disable viewing your answers, taking the test again, and moving on to the next question when the answer to the previous one is not given.

    Wondershare QuizCreator pays a lot of attention to appearance test. The user has the opportunity to select one of the many proposed design themes, edit it (change colors and labels, remove elements, determine the position of graphic data, etc.), add an audio file that will be played in the background.

    The test generated in the program can be saved in different formats, depending on how you plan to distribute it. For example, you can save it in Word/Excel format for printing, or burn a disc with the autorun menu. However, the most modern and interesting option, without a doubt, is the creation of a flash version of the test for posting on the site. When you select this option, you will be able to specify the email address to which the results will be sent, as well as allow the results to be sent to students.

    As for surveys, when creating them you can use most of the described settings and export options. The exception is those that are relevant only when assessing the level of knowledge (different alerts for correct and incorrect answers, etc.), which is not significant in the case of surveys.

    Both tests and surveys can be saved online using the Quiz Management System service, which is also developed by Wondershare. The convenience of this system is that it can be used to distribute tests only among registered users, view the results of completed tasks using a variety of filters, and generate reports. Quiz Management System also supports importing questions created in Wondershare QuizCreator and building new tests based on them directly in the web interface.

    ⇡ Schoolhouse Test 3.1.6 - assistant for teachers

    • Developer: Schoolhouse Technologies
    • Distribution size: 16.5 MB
    • Distribution: shareware
    • Russian interface: no

    Unlike previous programs, Schoolhouse Test is aimed primarily at teachers of educational institutions. The purpose of the program is to simplify working with the question database, as well as automate the process of creating tests and checking results as much as possible. However, there are no options for creating online assignments - the program only allows you to print the results of the work, as well as export tests to PDF.

    Working with Schoolhouse Test begins with creating a database of questions. By adding questions, the teacher can indicate the area of ​​knowledge, as well as the student’s level of preparation and the number of points that the student will receive for the correct answer.

    Questions can be accompanied by graphic files, and in addition, a picture can be attached to any of the answer options. Schoolhouse Test supports the most different types answers, including such an unusual one as the student drawing a diagram. It is also possible to create tests in which the student needs to insert the missing word. To create questions of this type, you need to enter the entire phrase, and then click on the word in the place of which there should be a gap in the task. Schoolhouse Test features flexible tools for managing all questions. For example, when creating multiple-choice questions, each answer can be temporarily disabled or randomly excluded from the shuffle.

    Once the database of questions is created, the teacher can quickly specify which questions should be included in the test, as well as create several different options tests with a given number of questions in each.

    Schoolhouse Test has three data presentation modes. In the first - Design View - work is carried out with the database of questions. Here the teacher can select questions for the test, set their order, add accompanying graphic files, and make other changes to the content of the task. In Document View mode, you can see what the print test will look like, change its design, headers and footers, and page print settings. For the convenience of the teacher, in this mode the ability to display the correct answers is available. This way, you can quickly look through the pages with tasks and check if an error has crept in.

    When switching to the third data presentation mode - Answer View - the program generates an answer sheet. It is convenient to use for quickly checking tests, as well as saving paper. When using it, it is assumed that students will receive the questions separately and will fill out not the question paper, but their answer sheet.

    ⇡ Adit Testdesk 2.4 - a complete set of testing solutions

    • Developer: Adit Software
    • Distribution size: 41 MB
    • Distribution: shareware (there are several editions)
    • Russian interface: yes

    Adit Testdesk program is universal remedy to create tests of various types. The peculiarity of this solution is that using the utility you can not only generate tests, but also organize testing. Adit Testdesk includes several utilities: the Editor test editor, a tool for creating complex scripted tests using the ScriptMaker programming language, a Reporter program for evaluating results and exporting them to XML format, and a test client Tester. When using the network edition of the program, the Testserver utility is also available, with which you can organize testing on a local network or via the Internet. It is also possible to prepare a printed version of any test using the built-in text editor.

    Adit Testdesk offers several main project types, which differ in the way they are assessed. The “with correct answers” ​​type is suitable for creating tests in which you need to assess the knowledge of students or employees. The "psychological" type provides the possibility of installing a certain number points for each answer option. To create a more complex assessment algorithm, you can use the “script” type, and the “survey” option is suitable in cases where the correctness of the answers does not matter and it is important to find out the opinion of the respondents.

    The program supports an incredible number of question types, many of which are not available in other applications. For example, you can create questions where, as an answer, the person taking the test must put a dot, build a graph, enter the time or date, match a number to each statement, select “hot” zones in the image, draw a circle, rectangle, segment or line and so on.

    When composing questions, you can not only indicate the correct answer or several answer options, but also set special conditions for assessing its correctness. You can attach a graphic, audio or video file to each question, and you can also create a training example presented in the form of a tree of small texts.

    Each project created in the program contains not only a list of questions, but also topics and profiles. Topics are used to organize questions more conveniently: each question can be assigned to a specific topic, after which it becomes much easier to search for them. In addition, if you use a time limit for taking a test, you can separately set limits for questions related to different topics.

    Profiles are a very convenient means of managing a large database of questions. Thanks to profiles, you can create similar tests with different designs and with different settings, as well as with different questions. This can be useful, for example, if a teacher creates several versions of the same test for a group of students. The design of tests can be flexibly managed using the Text Designer module. With it, you can change the background color, fonts, arrangement of various elements, and add your own inscriptions or logos.

    It is worth mentioning separately the possibility of using variables in tests. They allow you to change questions or other test parameters on the fly, during the testing process, depending on what answers the user gives. For example, if the respondent indicates that he is a man, he is shown one group of questions, and if he reports that he is a woman, completely different questions arise. In addition, variables are convenient when assessing psychological tests, where when choosing one answer or another, points can be subtracted from the amount already scored or a bonus can be added. Variables can also be used to provide auxiliary text information that is displayed during the test. For example, if unsatisfactory results are obtained during a knowledge assessment, using variables you can display text with links to educational materials, which should help the student in further learning.

    A lot of attention is paid to security at Adit Testdesk. All tests are saved in encrypted form, and the test author can set permissions to view and change the data. For example, some users can be allowed to add new test profiles, others can make changes to questions, and another group can only view finished tests. Access to tests can be limited by the user's IP address, group ID and login. You can also set testing quotas, for example limiting the number of tests completed by users to two per day. For those who plan to actively use Adit Testdesk for testing over the Internet, there is a special secure network edition. It implements secure data transfer using the SSL protocol, as well as secure remote administration with support for the SSH protocol.


    Despite the fact that all four utilities discussed in this review are used for the same purpose - creating tests, each of them has its own purpose, which is determined, first of all, by what options for using ready-made tests the developers have provided. Thus, the results of work in Quiz Press can only be saved as a set of files for uploading to an FTP server, so it is obvious that the program can be used to create tests that are planned to be posted on the Internet.

    Wondershare QuizCreator can save tests and surveys in Flash format, which will be convenient for webmasters who want to diversify the information on their site. Using this program you can also record tests to disk. Schoolhouse Test is intended solely for creating paper-based tests and is convenient tool to organize questions in a form convenient for the teacher. Finally, Adit Testdesk offers its own client for conducting tests, which means it is aimed primarily at use in organizations and educational institutions where it is necessary to implement a full testing cycle.