Proportions of ammonia for the garden. Effective use of ammonia in gardening

Many lovers indoor plants rarely pay attention to them. Basically, it is enough only for a rare replanting - once a year, periodic watering and wiping dust from the leaves. But experienced flower growers They know that in order for flowers to feel good and please the eye, you need to properly care for them: organize adequate lighting and a sufficient level of humidity, select the most suitable soil mixture and organize proper wintering. In addition, plants need fertilizing - applying nutrients. And here the most unexpected substances can come to the rescue. So, the topic of our conversation today will be the well-known ammonia and its use for indoor flowers.

Ammonia is essentially a clear white liquid, has a pungent odor and is widely used in medicine and everyday life. Chemists call it ammonium solution or tincture of ammonia. Flower growers have figured out how to use ammonia to care for plants, including its use for indoor flowers. This substance can be a good source of nitrogen for home crops. And this element, as we know, is extremely important for the full growth and development of plants; without it, the processes of photosynthesis and the production of chlorophyll are impossible. With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves become pale and discolored, over time they begin to die, and flowers and buds also fall off.

How to saturate a plant with nitrogen using ammonia?

It is very easy to prepare nitrogen fertilizer for indoor plants. You need to take five liters of ordinary settled water and pour three tablespoons of ammonia into it. House flowers need to be watered at the root. It is especially important to feed geraniums and clematis, as well as decorative leafy crops, with nitrogen.

Some experts claim that ammonia is also excellent for foliar feeding. To prepare such a fertilizer, dilute fifty milliliters of the product in four liters of water. The use of ammonia in dilution is for spraying foliage.

When using ammonia for watering or spraying indoor plants, its toxicity must be taken into account. So, if you water home crops with ammonia solution, apply it exclusively to moist, loose soil.

Be careful not to inhale the vapors of this product, do not allow it to get into your eyes, and also remove children and animals from the room. Be sure to organize excellent ventilation in your home. And carry out foliage treatment ammonia and it’s even better on the balcony.

» Medicines

Nitrogen for plants is the most basic element in the diet. In order for any plants - indoors, gardening, even cereals in the fields - to actively grow, flutter, increase their green mass, actively bloom and bear fruit - they need nitrogen. The most accessible form for nitrogen absorption is ammonia or ammonium nitrate NH4CL. We will talk further about its use in the garden and vegetable garden.

Ammonia is an ammonia solution in which nitrogen is in the form of ammonium nitrate compound - NH4CL. IN surrounding nature Nitrogen is most often found in the form of such chemical forms as amide NH2+, ammonia NH3, ammonium NH4+, nitrite NO2-, nitrate NO3-, which, as a result of the natural cycle in nature, pass from one form to another under the influence of bacteria and microorganisms.

As you know, plants very quickly absorb nitrates in any quantity, but they do not really like nitrogen in the form of ammonia. Or rather, nitrogen in this form is not able to accumulate in plant tissues, that is, when feeding fruits, vegetables, and flowers with ammonia, you can not be afraid of oversaturation with ammonia.

In order for organic fertilizers to finally saturate the plants with the nitrogen they need, the process of decomposition of organic matter (manure, droppings) with the help of microorganisms must go through. Ammonia is converted into forms available for absorption by plants directly, without the participation of any external microorganisms.

Ammonia is the same ammonia solution

Benefits for the garden

So, nitrogen is the main source of nutrition for plant organisms. Bright green lush crown, an abundance of flowers, and then fruits, active vegetative development - all this depends on the nitrogen content in the soil, since plants are able to take it only from the soil (in the air up to 78% of nitrogen is in a form inaccessible to plants). The condition of your pets will indicate a lack of nitrogen:

  • yellowing, pallor of the lower leaves on seedlings and adult plants;
  • thin, weak stem and small leaves;
  • growth retardation, lack of flowers;
  • weak immunity – reduced resistance to frost.

A lack of nitrogen during development will lead to significant yield loss.

In this case, immediate feeding of plants with nitrogen is required. In order not to oversaturate them with saltpeter, which they accumulate in their fruits and tissues, it is best to add ammonia to the soil (feeding recipes will be given below).

Besides, the pungent smell of the product repels many pests and insects, and treatment with ammonia is an excellent means of combating them.

Ammonia solution as fertilizer

IN great content nitrogen in the soil for active development and nightshade crops need fruiting - potatoes, eggplants, as well as peppers, cabbage, pumpkin and zucchini. From fruit and berry crops– raspberries, blackberries, cherries and plums respond very well to fertilizing with ammonia. They need to be processed several times during the beginning of the growing season, the formation of buds and flowering.

Dahlias, roses, peonies, clematis, violets, zinnias and nasturtiums will delight you with luxurious blooms - these flowers simply love fertilizing with nitrogen in the form of an ammonia solution.

Cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, beets, corn, garlic, currant and gooseberry bushes, apple trees and annual flowers are content with the average nitrogen content in the soils.

Pears, radishes, onions and bulbous flowers consume nitrogen in moderation.. But legumes don’t need any additional feeding– they are able to absorb nitrogen from the air and accumulate it on root nodules, enriching the soil for other plants.

A universal solution of nitrogenous fertilizing for any vegetable and fruit crops– Dilute 50 ml of ammonia in 4 liters of water. If a weak solution is needed, dilute 1 tablespoon of the product in 10 liters of water, a strong solution (maximum permissible) - 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.

How to fertilize

Fruit trees, bushes, and perennial flowers are watered with a universal solution 2-3 times per season. Tomatoes are fed once a week, starting with minimal doses and gradually increasing the concentration. At the beginning of the formation of the ovaries, add a solution of 2 tbsp under the cucumbers. spoons/10 liters of water.

For getting lush green The onion shoots are watered with a concentrated solution (1 tsp/1 liter of water). But to get good harvest large onions and garlic, water them with a weak solution of the product once a week.

As a preventive measure, all vegetables, berry bushes, fruit trees and the flowers are watered at the root once every 7-10 days with a weak solution of ammonia - 1 tablespoon per 1 bucket of water. Gradually the dose can be increased if the plants need it.

Fertilizing with ammonia has a very beneficial effect on seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and cabbage, which are produced 2 weeks after picking. When planting in open ground Half a liter of the mixture (10 ml/10 l of water) is poured into each hole - this also serves as feeding and works well against mole crickets.

Pest Control

The pungent smell of ammonia affects many pests, even in concentrations that are imperceptible to humans. It is successfully used against insects such as:

  • ants;
  • mole cricket;
  • wireworm;
  • aphids, midges on indoor plants;
  • onion and carrot flies.

To do this, prepare a soap solution: 100-200 g laundry soap grate on a fine grater, dissolve in 1 liter hot water, and then gradually, stirring thoroughly, add to 10 liters ordinary water, 50 ml of 25% ammonia. The resulting solution is immediately sprayed on tree fruits, leaves, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers - in a word, all crops that need treatment. This will not only repel pests, wasps and beetles, but will also be a good foliar fertilizer for plants.

Soap is added to the solution so that the solution sticks to the leaves better, and before eating, you just need to wash the fruit thoroughly with running water.

To get rid of flies and ants, you can water the beds with a weak solution (preventative fertilizing will have a complex effect).

Security measures

The pungent odor of ammonia and its vapor, if basic protective measures are not followed, can be dangerous:

  • sudden inhalation can cause respiratory arrest, so it is better to mix solutions in well-ventilated areas;
  • in people suffering from hypertension, it can cause a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • ammonia - medicinal product and under no circumstances should it be mixed with chlorine-containing substances;
  • To avoid burns, be careful not to get the product on the skin and mucous membranes.

At correct use, following the proportions and rules, ammonia will be yours an indispensable assistant and a friend for plants. They will certainly thank you healthy appearance and a rich harvest.

The most important element for maintaining the active growth of vegetative mass, the production of chlorophyll, and the flowering activity of plants is nitrogen. Entering the soil from organic fertilizer(manure, litter) nitrogen is suitable for crops after it is processed by bacteria and fungi. But to immediately compensate for the deficiency, urea and saltpeter are used. An alternative mineral fertilizers ammonia, purchased at the pharmacy chain, is used.

Why is ammonia used to feed plants?

Ammonia is a concentrated ammonia tincture. This is a nitrogenous compound that is easily absorbed by the plant without additional processing by bacteria. This feeding is carried out to prevent microelement deficiency and to replenish it at the first signs of deficiency.

The need to use this alcohol is indicated by the following symptoms of the plant:

  • pallor and yellowness on the leaves of the lower row of seedlings and mature crops;
  • small leaf size;
  • fragile and thin stem;
  • growth arrest;
  • lack of flowering;
  • Trees become more susceptible to frost.

The appearance of such symptoms is an alarming signal; often a lack of nitrogen during plant development leads to a decrease in yield by a third. And it needs to be fertilized immediately.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Doses of the drug

It is important to dose the drug correctly, since plants differ in their nitrogen consumption rates. Excess and lack of nitrogen in the soil leads to negative consequences:

  • lush growth of foliage with lack of flowering;
  • accumulation of nitrates in tubers;
  • tendency to fungal diseases.

Universal nitrogenous fertilizer applicable for all types of garden and flower crops obtained by dissolving 50 ml of ammonia in 4 liters of water. To obtain a weak solution, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of alcohol is dissolved per 10 liters. The maximum dosage is 1 teaspoon per liter.

Which crops need nitrogen fertilization?

High nitrogen consumption is necessary for full development vegetable crops: potatoes, cabbage, pumpkin and zucchini, peppers and eggplants, rhubarb. Dahlias, clematis, peonies and roses, violets, nasturtiums and zinnias react with riotous color to feeding. Raspberries and blackberries, plums and cherries produce high yields of berries. These plants should be enriched both during the growth process and at the stages of budding and flowering.

Crops with average nitrogen consumption include: cucumbers and tomatoes, beets and carrots, garlic and corn, annual flowers, currant and gooseberry bushes, and apple trees. Such crops need to be fertilized less frequently or with a weak solution.

Pears, leafy vegetables, onions, radishes, junipers and bulbous flowers have moderate requirements for this element. And here leguminous plants not demanding on nitrogen.

Ammonia solution - best protection from garden pests garden crops

Feeding onions, tomatoes and cucumbers

To feed the onion bed and destroy onion flies, aphids, weevils and mole crickets, use ammonia in a volume of 3 tbsp. spoons per 10 liter bucket of water. For feather growth, use feeding: 1 teaspoon per liter of water. And for the development of the head, a weak solution of ammonia is used weekly.

Cucumbers and tomatoes are also fertilized weekly using a solution of 3 tbsp. spoons into a bucket of water. Start with weak solutions, observing the process of plant development; if good results are obtained, continue feeding; otherwise, reduce the dosage or frequency of application.

Ammonia is also used for seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and cabbage. It is at the growth stage that nitrogen is the main element of the plant; it helps strengthen the stem, increase the leaf mass, and produces chlorophyll. Seedlings are fed with a dosage 2 times less than mature plant. For the first time, fertilizing is done 2 weeks after picking or when there are 4 true leaves. In addition, when transplanting seedlings into a garden bed, 500 ml of ammonia solution (10 ml per 10 liters) is poured into the hole to combat mole crickets.

The best assistant in the country is ammonia

Do plants need to be fertilized?

Getting a rich harvest is the desire of any gardener. Full development of plants in the garden is impossible without the use of fertilizers. Garden crops need to replenish the balance of nutrients with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, copper, magnesium, iron and calcium. They are necessary for growth, flowering and fruiting. On a personal plot, everyone is free to choose their own way to feed the plant and saturate the soil with microelements.

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For full growth, development and fruiting, most garden and garden crops need a comprehensive diet. Nitrogen is the main nutrient for plants.

Ammonia is a diluted 10% ammonia solution, its use is the simplest and most affordable way provide plantings with this valuable element. The results of such treatments are noticeable almost immediately; nitrogen instantly penetrates into plant tissue.

Ammonia has unique properties and combines the ability to provide plants necessary elements, repel insects and their larvae from vegetables, berry fields, shrubs and flowers.

A lack of nitrogen in the soil is characterized by certain signs:

  • yellowing of leaves;
  • weak thin stem;
  • discoloration of leaves and flowers;
  • growth retardation;
  • lack of flowering;
  • weakened immunity.

Treatment of the garden and vegetable garden with ammonia is carried out in cases where the plants are weakened and need feeding. For preventive purposes, ammonia is used when planting, but not more than 2-3 times during the growing season. Predominant useful property ammonia - the fact that its use in areas does not contribute to the accumulation of nitrates in the root system, foliage and fruits. Vegetables, berries and fruits do not cause any harm to the human body.

The use of ammonia in the garden

Owners personal plots They practice many traditional methods for treating plants and controlling pests. Using ammonia when planting seedlings repels the mole cricket. Add half a liter of solution to the wells: per 10 liters. add 10 ml of water. ammonia.

Reference! When using ammonia, fertilizers containing nitrogen are not used for fertilizing.

In the garden, trees and shrubs are sprayed and the soil is watered. After treatment, the foliage acquires intense color, flowering and fruit formation improves. The pungent odor repels pests and is also a fertilizer.

In the garden, ammonia is used to spray vegetable crops:

  • For cabbage. In the fight against pests: cabbage flea beetles, slugs, snails, caterpillars, cruciferous flea beetles. Per bucket 10 l. add 50-100 ml. ammonia. Spray in the evening. In rainy weather, to prevent slugs, the bushes are watered generously from a watering can.
  • For cucumbers and tomatoes. Water the bushes with a solution of low concentration (3 tablespoons of ammonia per 10 liters of water) once every 10 days. If necessary, the concentration is increased.
  • For onions and garlic. To improve yield and quality preventive measures from pests, water the beds with a solution of 10 liters. water with 1 tbsp. spoon of ammonia.
  • For potatoes and peppers. When watering the beds, add 2-3 tbsp to the water once every two weeks. spoons of ammonia.

Ammonia is used for feeding and treating pests of many vegetable and horticultural crops:

  • turnips, turnips, radishes;
  • beets;
  • eggplant;
  • carrots;
  • rhubarb;
  • zucchini and pumpkin;
  • currant; gooseberry;
  • apple and pear trees;
  • cherries.

It is enough to water 2-3 times with the addition of ammonia to speed up plant growth, strengthen the immune system, and provide protection from pests.

Ammonia for strawberries in spring

Additional processing of strawberries spring period carried out to improve the quality of the crop and protect against pests.

For getting maximum effect treatment is carried out three times per season:

  1. After the snow melts, the soil is watered to destroy infections and pest larvae that have overwintered on the site. Also for strengthening plants, as an additional source of nutrition. The procedure helps to enrich strawberries with the necessary nitrogen. Plants weakened after winter are actively growing.
  2. During flowering. Water the soil near the bushes with a weak solution. Plants are sprayed with a more concentrated composition.
  3. After harvesting. To strengthen the plants and restore them after the fruiting period, the beds with strawberries are sprayed and watered abundantly.

Fertilizing strawberries in the spring with ammonia not only strengthens weakened bushes and provides them with the necessary elements, but also provides protection from pests for the entire future growing season.

Watering with ammonia is practiced on small garden plots How alternative method combine feeding and insect repellent treatment.

Ammonia against garden pests

A popular and inexpensive means of pest control is ammonia. There are several control methods to protect plants in the garden. If a formed anthill is found on the site, it is spilled generously with a concentrated solution: add 5 tbsp to 5 liters of water. spoons of ammonia.

Another effective method: the ant heap is covered with rags soaked in ammonia and placed on top plastic film. A strong, pungent odor will repel pests, and the protective top layer will not allow the vapor to evaporate for a long time.

For prevention, plants are sprayed with a weak solution: 10 l. water for 2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia. To improve adhesion to foliage, add liquid soap or a solution of laundry soap to the solution.

Advice! For preventive purposes, ammonia is added to the water at least once a week.

The main source of food for ants is aphids. They also fight it with the use of ammonia. For prevention, this method is practiced on personal plots, gardens and vegetable gardens throughout the season, starting in early spring.

Treatment of the garden against aphids with ammonia begins early, before the buds swell, with the first signs of plant awakening. This method helps to increase the green leaf mass, inflorescences and fruits, guaranteeing a good harvest. Such folk method has a number of advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of use;
  • high efficiency;
  • safety;
  • natural composition.

Reference! Vapors from ammonia dissipate very quickly. Therefore, during breaks, it is recommended to use other means, preparations and fertilizers for feeding and pest control.

To avoid negative consequences and protect your health, you must follow the safety rules for preparation and use:

  1. People with hypertension are not recommended to use ammonia themselves for watering and spraying. Vapors of the drug can cause an increase in blood pressure.
  2. It is contraindicated to mix ammonia with chlorine-containing preparations.
  3. It is recommended to dissolve ammonia in outdoors. When preparing solutions indoors, ensure ventilation and access to fresh air.
  4. Use funds personal protection: rubber gloves, masks, goggles. In case of contact with eyes or mucous membranes, immediately rinse the affected areas with cold water.
  5. Store ammonia out of the reach of pets and children.

Advice! To enhance the effect when treating plants with ammonia, wood ash should be added.

Weak solutions of water and ammonia are actively used in preventive treatments of flower beds. Spraying rose gardens once every 2 weeks prevents the appearance of aphids, the main pest of shrubs.

To repel larvae, the soil under the bushes is watered with a concentrated mixture: 5 liters. add 10 ml of water. ammonia. The procedure is carried out in calm, cloudy weather, preferably in the evening, trying to avoid getting the composition on the foliage.

Ammonia is used to combat a variety of pests:

  • cabbage and onion fly;
  • mole cricket;
  • wireworm;
  • lurker;
  • weevil;
  • butterfly caterpillars;
  • slugs and snails.

Gardeners use ammonia solutions to scare away birds from berry bushes. After rain, plants are sprayed with the following composition: 4-5 liters. water, 1 tbsp. spoon liquid soap, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia. A variety of soaps are used; baby soap, tar soap, and laundry soap are perfect. They make a liquid soap solution from it and add it to the mixture.

Ammonia is used in late autumn to avoid frost damage. Prepare a solution from 250 ml. apple cider vinegar, 100 ml. soap solution, 1 bottle of ammonia, 8-9 buckets of water. This composition should be used immediately after preparation to maintain effectiveness; ammonia vapors quickly evaporate.

The use of ammonia throughout the growing season provides plot owners with strong, healthy plants and high yields.

During the period of growth, flowering and formation of ovaries, plants especially need support and protection. Such a popular and proven remedy as ammonia is used in the garden to solve several problems at the same time. It helps saturate the soil with nitrogen, promotes the growth of green mass by plants, and repels pests. An aqueous solution prepared from this universal preparation is used throughout the warm season. To use fertilizer effectively, you need to know how to properly use ammonia in gardening.

Description and chemical composition

Ammonia, or aqueous ammonia solution at a concentration of 10%, is available as a liquid in bottles. Active substance, ammonia (NH3), is a colorless gas. Its peculiarity is sharp, caustic, bad smell, resembling urine. The aqueous form of the solution is used both in gardening (as part of fertilizers and protective products) and for medical purposes.

In everyday life, people call this drug ammonia, ammonia, ammonia water. In fact, the name “ammonia” belongs to ammonium nitrate (NH4Cl). This chemical has limited use in large agricultural technology, for processing large areas. It is not used at all in small private farms. Thus, ammonia and ammonia are one and the same, and ammonia itself, or ammonium nitrate, is separate chemical compound.

The use of ammonia in gardening

The use of ammonia solution for plants has two main directions. It is used as a powerful nitrogen fertilizer and an aid in the fight against common pests. In practice, this means that both functions are performed simultaneously, making it easier to grow fruits and vegetables. Fertilizing with ammonia can be done either in the form of watering plants at the roots, or by wetting their green parts.

The preparation contains nitrogen in a form accessible to plants, so it is easily and quickly absorbed without going through lengthy stages of transformation in the soil. Why is ammonia used in the garden: it is used to water almost all vegetables and many trees. Flowers and decorative foliage crops are especially responsive to this drug. It is also used as a universal foliar feeding, which easily penetrates plant cells through the surface of leaf blades. This is especially true for those flowers, trees and shrubs that require a long period of time to transport fertilizer through root system to ground units.

It is convenient to use ammonia to destroy and repel common insect pests such as different types aphids, secretive proboscis, caterpillars, slugs and snails. In the garden it is used to get rid of ground pests in the form of spraying, and with the help of root watering you can destroy underground species of insects, for example, mole crickets, wireworms, larvae and soil flies.

As a fertilizer

The main reason for fertilizing vegetable and garden plants ammonia is a lack of nitrogen in the soil. This can have an extremely negative impact on the condition of the plantings. Nitrogen is involved in photosynthesis and affects the production of chlorophyll in plant cells. If there is a shortage of it, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and fruit ovaries do not form. Crops that do not have enough nitrogen during the period of active growth stop in their development and may die.

Watering the beds will give noticeable results in just 4-5 days. Spraying allows you to speed up this process and support plants that are experiencing acute nitrogen starvation. Ammonia solution is a suitable fertilizer for such urgent cases. The specimens processed by him come to life and transform before our eyes.

Ammonia solution in the country will be useful in the following situations:

  • Cucumbers and tomatoes require nitrogen throughout the entire period of growth and development. They need to be fed with the drug in small and medium dosages.
  • You can water root vegetables with an ammonia solution: potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes. For these vegetables it makes sense to use root dressings during the growing season and flowering, and later, during the growth of underground parts, they will no longer be so effective.
  • For cabbage, peppers, pumpkins, and zucchini, nitrogen fertilizer is always a welcome supplement, to which these plants respond very positively. The drug can be applied both to the root and by air method, as well as alternate these types of processing.
  • Top dressing ornamental plants ammonia is carried out during the growing season and flowering. They can be treated by root method and spraying. It is better to water beautifully flowering and especially decorative deciduous species with ammonia water regularly; they are very responsive to all types of procedures with nitrogen preparations. But at first the dosage should be small, otherwise the flowers will burn, that is, they will devote all their energy to the growing season and slow down the formation of buds.
  • To grow seedlings, ammonia is used in the form of watering at the root and spraying with a weak solution. The dosage should be increased gradually, observing the reaction of the seedlings. They show it very quickly and clearly.
  • To rehabilitate mineral-poor or tired soil, preventive treatments are carried out throughout the summer season, as well as in the fall, after harvesting.

Pest control agent

To protect plants and preserve the harvest, ammonia is used both in the form of spraying and watering. Measures that are suitable for pest control also help to support the plantings with nitrogen fertilization. In case of extensive damage to beds by insects, a combination of treatments is needed different methods: adding the solution to the soil and spraying alternately.

Watering is done at the root of the plant, as well as at a distance of half a meter around it. It is better to cultivate slightly moist soil rather than completely dry soil. It is necessary to water abundantly until the soil near the plants is completely wetted. For aerial treatment, the plantings are sprayed from a spray bottle.

Summer residents often water the green mass from above using a watering can with a small divider. This way you can reduce the amount of ammonia that gets on the skin and respiratory tract of the gardener.

Some large specimens, for example, cabbage, do not need to be sprayed, but rather washed with a solution to ensure that the entire surface of the green mass is covered with the preparation. High pressure garden sprayer - not the best option, it forms a cloud of fine water dust, from which the drug quickly evaporates. You may also accidentally inhale toxic ammonia.

You need to know what pests ammonia water helps against:

  1. Flying and crawling insects: ants, wasps, larvae Colorado potato beetle They are afraid of the smell of ammonia. They can be easily repelled by spraying green matter, but the effect will be temporary. Once the smell dissipates, annoying pests may return. The problem is solved by regular procedures.
  2. Colonies of voracious aphids, which love to settle on the youngest and most tender shoots of vegetable and garden crops, are completely destroyed as a result of treatment. It is reliable and safe way get rid of insects.
  3. Snails, slugs and caterpillars, which pose a danger to tender young plants during the active growing season, cannot tolerate the smell of ammonia, even in small concentrations. But after a single treatment they return quite quickly, so it is important to repeat the procedure.
  4. Underground pests: mole crickets, wireworms, soil flies, including onion and carrot flies, are also sensitive to the drug. Ammonia is capable of destroying both adult flying flies and larvae in top layer soil.

It is necessary to begin work on fertilizing garden and vegetable plantings with nitrogen in the form of ammonia water already at the stage of sowing seeds or planting seedlings. The dosage for the first treatments is taken as low as possible so that the plants do not experience shock. Gradually the concentration needs to be increased, but taking into account the frequency of treatments and the reaction of the plants. Exceeding the maximum dosage of the drug once may cause burns to the root system.

Too much high level Nitrogen content in the soil leads to the so-called fat loss: vigorous growth of leaves, late and weak formation of ovaries. The maximum permissible concentration of ammonia in the working solution: 120-150 ml per 10 liters of water.

For small garden and gardening, it is convenient to dilute ammonia in a bucket of water. The drug does not tolerate combinations with chlorine, so the water should be soft, preferably natural. If you have to use tap water, it should be boiled and then left for several days. The prepared product must be used immediately; the working solution cannot be stored, as the ammonia will begin to evaporate.

  • In case of obvious nitrogen starvation of plants, you need to prepare a strong solution at the rate of 80-85 ml per 10 liters of water. At the same time, foliar treatment gives the fastest results.
  • For preventive regular treatment, a low concentration is suitable, 45-50 ml of ammonia solution per 10 liters of water. With this composition you can water and spray any garden and vegetable crops once every 2 weeks. There is no need to worry about excess nitrogen, and insects will not have time to damage the plantings with such a frequency of application.
  • Even a weak ammonia solution helps get rid of soil pests. For 10 liters of water take 20 ml of ammonia. You can water the ground not only under the plantings, but also around the beds, at a distance of 50-70 cm from them.
  • To protect against flying and crawling pests using the foliar method, prepare a solution of 50 ml of ammonia, 50 ml of any liquid soap and 10 liters of water. The active substance is needed so that the drug lingers on the surface of the stems and leaves. This also helps to distribute the product evenly.

It is not required to feed seedlings and young plants. large quantity working solution. For the first treatment, you need to use half the dosage of the drug, and then carefully monitor the reaction of young shoots. If they look healthy and strong, nitrogen fertilization can be continued.

General instructions by application:

  1. Add 6 ml (1.5-2 teaspoons) of ammonia solution per liter of water and stir.
  2. You need to water the seedlings not on dry soil, but after slightly moistening the substrate in the pots with plain water.
  3. This procedure can be repeated once every 10-14 days, depending on the condition of the plants.
  4. When planting seedlings in open ground, pour 0.5 liters of solution under each plant into the prepared hole. This will help protect the plantings from pests and create favorable conditions for growth and nutrition.

Precautionary measures

It is no coincidence that ammonia has such a repulsive odor. This product is toxic to humans; it can cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin and especially in the bronchi. When adding ammonia to the soil, you need to use rubber gloves and closed clothing. A respirator will reliably protect the respiratory tract while working with the drug. If the substance is accidentally ingested, drink plenty of clean water and induce vomiting. After finishing work, change clothes, take a shower and wash your hair.

It is advisable to treat plants in warm, dry and windless weather. Evening time is ideal for such procedures; in this case, the risk of occurrence on the leaves is eliminated. sunburn from drops of liquid.

Please note that ammonia damages some objects and surfaces, especially paint and varnish coatings.

Affordable and universal remedy, which combines a number of useful functions, can be found in pharmacies, garden stores. Subject to the precautionary rules and permissible concentrations, ammonia is safe for humans and plants; it does not contribute to accumulation in fruits harmful substances. This drug is considered a panacea for the health of most garden and vegetable crops.