Expired tile adhesive. Composition of tile adhesive: GOST for tiles, shelf life, technical characteristics, what the moment consists of

In work Eunice tile adhesive plus expiration date, based on the inscription on the package, came out on March 18, can it be used in work?

  • Almost all bags of dry mixtures are made with a plastic liner to prevent it from getting wet.
  • Check if the mixture in the bag is homogeneous; it should be free of lumps and stones.

    As for the deadlines, they are not strictly until the expiration date, that is, on the 17th there was still normal glue, but on the 18th the stake stood up)

    The terms are conditional, minus a month, but not six months or a year)

  • Of course, if it was stored properly.
  • Easy if he looks normal
  • If it was stored under normal conditions, then there is no doubt. Go for it))Source: Personal experience
  • depending on the volumes, this may not happen, and it is undesirable to follow the expiration date

Topic: Tile adhesive has expired

Five bags of tile adhesive have been lying around for about a year; we already bought it for repairs, but it took too long and we can’t get there. It says on the bag that the expiration date is six months from the date of manufacture. If you still use this “expired” bathroom adhesive, what do you think?
Well what can we say? It's expired!!! Although I did such experiments at home with “Yunis” it hasn’t fallen off yet. But I still won’t advise anything, you know, anything can happen :-) And yet I believe that if everything was stored in a dry room, then nothing should happen
2kvartirant For about 3 years, the “forgotten” 5 kg of Vetonit KL FIX lay in the pantry - it was caked into a gray mass that was difficult to crush with your fingers.
Typical cement slab. glue - cement, sand, additives. There will be nothing for sand, cement “cakes” over time, loses activity by 5% per month, it’s hard to say what happens with polymers.
In such a case, I simply bought more of the same fresh glue and mixed the old with the new.
There is PLUS glue, production date is 04/30/2009. Guaranteed shelf life 6 months, stored in room conditions, the bags were not opened, the mixture compacted slightly, but after shaking the bag it loosened.

Now it’s a shame to throw it away, but I’m afraid.

It is necessary to check the adhesion (the “penetration - setting” force of the glue). Dilute a little the required proportion and connect two pieces\pebbles of expanded clay, wait until it dries and check for tearing. ******
In principle, when proper storage The glue can be stored for 1 year. However, if moisture gets in, it won’t last even a week.

In general, I will repeat the classics - nothing lasts forever.

Somewhere I thought so, a test batch, put tiles on it, wait a week, and then see the results.
I had experience working with Yunis+, which was stored in a dry, heated room for a year and a half. It even seemed to me that it became easier to knead. You may also need a sieve so that the caked pieces do not spoil the batch.
Your words are like a balm for the soul. Will the tiles not fall off over time?
You understand that I can’t promise anything - I hope not. I’ve had it for almost a year now - everything is fine. The main thing is to prepare and lay the base according to technology.
2bardak Eunice's glue is already below average, and even expired. You don’t have a whole pallet, probably 3 bags.
No, not a pallet, but the toad is pressing, especially since the tiles are already on new glue It’s laid out, the bags will last for another six months and then you can throw them away.
The situation is not hopeless.
1. Buy latex additive IDROKOL X20 (LITOKOL), at the rate of 2.5 kg of IDROKOL X20 per 25 kg of dry adhesive mixture.
2. Mix 2.5 kg of IDROKOL X20 with 4.5-5 liters of water.
3. Use the resulting liquid to mix 25 kg of dry adhesive mixture (expired).
4. Lay the tiles.
5. The result is SUPER!
According to GOST, they are stored for 6 months (such requirements), if they are released (and are released) according to the specifications, then they set it to 12 months. There are changes, but not fatal, Eunice + is not exactly junk (from Eunice), additives are normal there.

Knauf - forum - dry mixes - flesenklib tile adhesive has a real shelf life...

What is the actual shelf life of Flesenkliber tile adhesive?
I bought this bath glue and rented a car because... you need a lot of bags.
And only at home I noticed that the release date was 04.05, i.e. This glue is already over a year old, and the shelf life is 6 months :(
If the glue is crumbly, i.e. It feels like it hasn’t petrified there, can I use it? or should I return it and take it to the seller??

Shelf life of tile adhesive

1. Jorik, with such thickness you have one square meter It will take 1.5-2 bags of glue. Isn't it too expensive? It might be cheaper to make a cement screed sand mixture, and then put it under the comb? Calculate the costs for the entire garage area!
2. Do not experiment with imported adhesives! If it says 2-6mm, then there is no need to make it thicker, otherwise, residual deformations that occur in tile adhesives for 2-3 weeks will simply cause the tiles to peel off (thick ones take longer to dry, and accordingly, additives, mineral and basic, will work component of the adhesive - cement, does not occur at a certain, calculated time, but with a delay. For example: the response time of the additives is 3 hours, and the cement will begin to harden due to its large thickness not after 3 hours, but after 4-5 hours. So it turns out that that both the cement and the additives were supposed to work at the same time and increase strength, but they worked at different times and interfered with each other.) Well, I said the operating hours offhand so that it would be clear. Exactly what response times are and how they are calculated is, excuse me, a secret of the manufacturer. I had one like this personal experience in the 90s. At that time I worked mainly with Atlas and Bolex adhesives (at that time we were just starting to import all these adhesives and few people knew how to work with them because instructions were not printed in Russian). Due to inexperience, I tried to increase the thickness of the layer, tried to add cement to save money (when thick layer, a lot is wasted and the client asks to save money) In general, all the experiments backfired... Now I’m acting strictly according to the instructions. I didn’t invent this glue, and it’s not for me to break it! Although with Russian adhesives UnisХХI and Starateli, this option works

Before purchasing tile adhesive, you should study its composition. Among the wide variety of market offers, it has become very difficult to understand which adhesive for slabs fits better Total. What should you pay attention to when purchasing glue? Not so long ago, tiles were laid only on a solution of cement and sand, which was obtained following certain proportions. Experienced craftsmen PVA glue was added to the mixture to obtain increased tenacity. If we talk about modern compositions, then not all also include these components and various modifying additives. It is these additives that allow the tiles to stay in place for many years.

GOST tile adhesive: main indicators

All presented adhesive products may differ in their composition, however, according to GOST standards, they must meet certain requirements. When purchasing glue, it is very important to pay attention to its technical properties.

The characteristics of tile adhesive are often indicated on back side packaging

According to GOST, the main technical characteristics include 8 indicators:

  • Strength indicator - it indicates the maximum load that the surface will absorb;
  • Density indicators are a value that is measured in g per m2 and shows the maximum weight of the adhesive mixture;
  • Shrinkage process - indicates the deformation of the surface in the event of the influence of certain factors.
  • Viscosity indicator - shows the number of adhesive-type components in the material, as well as the likelihood of attaching the cladding without displacement of the base;
  • Drying time - shows the shelf life, since the frozen mixture is unsuitable for use;
  • Material consumption always depends on density; for calculation, take the mixture and divide it by 1 m2 of area,
  • Plasticity indicator - thanks to this data, you can determine how well the mixture is applied and whether it crumbles;
  • Water resistance parameters - indicate how the mixture will behave if moisture gets on it;
  • Adhesion indicators - indicate the quality of adhesion to a certain type of surface.

All of the above indicators according to GOST must be taken into account when purchasing any adhesive composition for working with tiles.

Choosing tile adhesive: technical characteristics

When you choose adhesive composition for ceramic tiles, you definitely need to know it specifications. If the composition does not meet the data in accordance with GOST, which are listed above, it should not be purchased under any circumstances. In this case, no one will give you a guarantee that the tile will hold securely and will not fall off.

Before purchasing tile adhesive from a particular manufacturer, you should read reviews about it on the Internet.

  1. Plasticity index. It should be moderate. If the glue spreads too much, it will be impossible to make the desired layer. The plasticity of the composition should not change, regardless of whether it is thick or sparse.
  2. Spreadability. When choosing glue, you need to remember that when applied it must fill all the voids. Otherwise the tile will fall off.
  3. Adhesion indicators. The glue must withstand any weight of material. It would be great if the adhesive composition is equipped with fast adhesion, this is especially true for slabs with large weight and size.
  4. Slow release of moisture. During installation it should always be possible to correct the work, so the glue should dry as slowly as possible. In this case, it will gain greater strength.

All these indicators are very important. Without them, work will either be too difficult or impossible. That is why, before purchasing, be sure to read all the manufacturer’s instructions on the packaging.

Composition of tile adhesive: main varieties

An important indicator is the composition of the tile adhesive. The quality of the work ahead directly depends on its components. If we talk about what types of glue exist, they can be divided into certain classes due to certain compositions.


  1. Cement based adhesives. They are the most budget-friendly and are in great demand. It consists of sand and cement, in addition it contains polymer components that increase density, water resistance, compression and adhesion. All components in this composition are hypoallergenic. This brand of glue is optimal for long-term storage.
  2. Dispersion type adhesives. Is different increased price compared to the previous type. Used for attaching tiles to non-standard surfaces without priming or sanding. Sold ready-made. Most often, glue of this brand can be purchased from the manufacturer Tokan.
  3. Epoxy adhesive. The consistency is multi-component. Before you start using it, you need to introduce a catalyst, which makes the substance very strong compared to the rest. It is not affected by alkaline components, solvents, moisture or temperature changes due to the fact that it contains specific kPa.
  4. A relatively new adhesive composition is liquid nails. The composition includes polymers and synthetic rubber. This material is highly durable, but is not suitable for use in rooms with high humidity.

Tile adhesive should not contain harmful substances

Most often it is used for the restoration of ceramic coatings.

Shelf life of tile adhesive: what is it and how to calculate it

Recently, consumers are increasingly angry about purchasing expired mixtures for laying slabs, especially if it is a bulky material.

When purchasing material, pay attention to the production date. It is this indicator that is the starting point for the expiration date, and not the date of purchase.

This applies not only to tile adhesive mixtures, but also to any other material.

It is very important to take into account that before you purchased the mixture, it was still in the warehouse of the manufacturers for some time, and only then it hit the counter of a hardware store. Therefore, you must definitely count on the fact that the purchased adhesive mixture must be used before the deadline will pass expiration date specified by the manufacturer.

The shelf life of tile adhesive depends on its composition and type of packaging.

Of course, we can’t talk about the importance of the shelf life of a building material, as we can about a food product, but still, it is important point upon purchase.

For example, dry mixtures of cement, sand and polymers can be stored from six months to a year. This period is calculated based on the time when all the components can retain their qualities. If after given period the mixture was not applied, but it was stored in the right conditions, then it will lose its quality by 5%, and this will happen every month. As for polymers, they completely lose their basic properties.

It must be remembered that each type construction mixture has its own shelf life. For example, dry and ready-made glue have different suitability indicators, it depends on which manufacturer is chosen and what base the glue has.

Optimal composition of tile adhesive (video)

Regardless of the difficulties that may accompany your renovation process, you need to choose the best adhesive for ceramic tiles. After all, this will determine how well the material will be glued, as well as how durable your finish will be. Don’t rush to go to extremes and buy glue universal type, after all, it also has its limits, no one can guarantee ideal quality. Think through everything down to the smallest detail, because the final result depends on everything, even on the room in which the work will be carried out.

Similar materials

In the section on the question: Can Ceresit CM-11 tile adhesive be used for its intended purpose, 2 years after the expiration date? given by the author VIX POINT the best answer is If the mixture is crumbly and was stored according to the standards, then it will not lose its properties, if there are lumps, then it is not worth it.
Cement and sand won’t do anything in such a time, but fillers, plasticizers and other chemicals will be finished with humidity - they will bind
Look if it is crumbly (especially check the bottom or the side on which it was lying); if there are no lumps, then you can safely use it...
If you have time, do a test gluing of a couple of tiles.... but keep in mind that the tile must dry for 4 days (3, no less), and then check for tearing with a 100mm spatula; if you cannot tear it off without obvious effort or the tile itself bursts, you can BARELY use it , but check each bag for lumps and whether it has absorbed moisture

Answer from Andrey Volkov[guru]
Shelf life: 12 months
If for myself - I would take a risk - for others for money at work - I would not even think about it. Only under the responsibility of the customer.
I wonder how he will behave.
In principle, if the dry mixture is without lumps, then everything is fine. Lumps can also be present in fresh mixture, depending on how it is stored.

Answer from Lenux[guru]
Use it for other purposes, I wouldn't risk it

Answer from E.K.[guru]
there is a high probability that it no longer has the properties that you expect from it. You can ruin all the work, including the tiles.

In the process of construction and repair work glue must be used. With its help, certain materials are laid and finishing is carried out. For example, tile adhesive specially designed for this purpose is used to lay tiles. Tile adhesives on the market building materials quite a lot - from different companies, different brands, different characteristics and qualities. Therefore, the choice of one option or another is sometimes very difficult.

Among so much variety tile adhesives You should highlight the glue “Unis Plus”. This is an adhesive that appeared on the building materials market back in 1994 and quickly began to enjoy the trust of professionals in this field. Today, Unis Plus tile adhesive is sold throughout Russia and the CIS countries, and is also supplied to the country's leading construction companies. Speaking about the production and sales volumes of adhesives of this brand, it should be noted that they occupy about 27% of the market, which in itself is an indicator of their popularity.

Such a high demand for Unis Plus tile adhesives can be explained quite simply - they have many positive qualities and characteristics that bring them to the forefront among their analogues.

Main characteristics of tile adhesive "Unis Plus"

When choosing a particular material, experts pay attention to its characteristics and basic properties. Tile adhesive “Unis Plus” has numerous qualities that you can’t help but like professional builder who does his job conscientiously. This:

  • increased traction;

  • moisture resistance;

  • frost resistance;

  • weather resistance;

  • ease of use;

  • elasticity

  • excellent strength characteristics

  • environmental friendliness and safety

  • The optimal weight of a package of “Unis Plus” glue is 25 kg.
All these characteristics indicate high quality glue "Unis Plus", which is a guarantee of reliable and durable construction.

Ease of use

One of the most important properties The advantage of the Unis Plus tile adhesive (25kg) is that it can be used on complex and old surfaces. It could be old tiles, a layer of previous glue and other surfaces - in all cases, reliable and durable adhesion of the glue will be guaranteed. This provides additional amenities working with this material, as it saves time on cleaning surfaces and preparing them for application new tiles. Besides, excellent characteristics clutches allow you to lay tiles from top to bottom, without the risk of uneven and poor-quality installation. Unis Plus tile adhesive can be used on any surface - brick, plaster, cement, concrete and others, which is also a huge advantage. Adhesives of this brand can also be used when installing heated floors - when heated, it does not lose its adhesive properties.

Surface preparation

In order for the tiles to last long and reliably, the surface should be prepared before applying Unis Plus adhesive. Debris and any dirt, dust, moisture, oil stains should be removed - all this prevents reliable adhesion of the glue to the base.

To achieve even greater reliability of adhesion and durability of the laid tiles, before applying glue to the surface, it should be leveled using products specially designed for this from the same manufacturer. In this case, not only excellent adhesion of the glue is guaranteed, but also perfectly even laying of the tiles on the surface.

Tile adhesive "Unis Plus" - price

When choosing a particular material, the question arises not only about its characteristics and properties, but also about price. After all, it is very important that the cost of the material is fully justified by its qualities. Speaking about such a material as Unis Plus glue, the price in this case not only corresponds to its qualities and advantages, but also, one might say, is low in comparison with the advantages that it has this material. Therefore, by choosing “Unis Plus” tile adhesive, the price of which is very reasonable, every builder will benefit from both material point both from the point of view and from the side of choice as much as possible quality material.

Thus, when choosing adhesive for laying tiles, you should carefully consider a brand such as Unis Plus. Throughout its existence, this company has been producing exclusively high-quality products, and tile adhesive is no exception. No wonder the presenters construction companies For the most part, adhesives of this brand are used in the process of construction and repair work related to laying tiles. We advise you to give preference to the exceptional quality that is inherent in the entire line of building materials from this manufacturer.

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Tile adhesive is the second most important material, the quality and properties of which determine the final result when tiling surfaces. The range of adhesive compositions offered by modern manufacturers is wide, so without knowing the specific characteristics various types adhesives and comparing them with GOST requirements, it is difficult to make a choice in favor of a specific material.

In order for the tile adhesive to reliably hold the cladding, it is important to maintain the technical characteristics of the mixture in accordance with GOST

To choose correctly the right mixture, consider the following questions:

  • general requirements for adhesive mixtures;
  • groups of tile adhesives;
  • properties and areas of application.

General requirements for tile adhesive

All types of adhesive mixtures for laying tiles must have a certain set of necessary technical characteristics, which, depending on the type of adhesive, may differ in value. Let us list these properties.

During operation (before the solution hardens):

  • ease of preparation;
  • elasticity (should fit well on the surfaces to be glued);
  • sufficient lifespan (the ability to work out the prepared amount of mixture, correct displaced tiles before the glue hardens);
  • high adhesion (adhesion of the solution to the surfaces of the material and base);
  • low fluidity and resistance to slipping (holding the tiles in place on a vertical surface).

First of all, the glue must have increased water and frost resistance.

After the tile adhesive has cured:

  • compressive and shear strength;
  • water resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to chemical agents;
  • elasticity (the ability to absorb the stresses of the cladding material that arise when temperatures change).

Groups of tile adhesives

Based on the material of their components, all adhesive mixtures for ceramics are divided into 3 groups:

  • cement-based compositions;
  • water-dispersed solutions;
  • polyurethane adhesives;
  • adhesives based on epoxy reactive resins.

Let's look at these groups and their subgroups.

Cement-based compositions

Cement-based adhesives are a dry mixture of cement, sand and certain chemical components, the set of which may vary. The requirements for the technical characteristics of cement adhesive mixtures are set out in GOST 31357-2007 “Dry building mixtures with a cement binder. General technical conditions", GOST 31358-2007 "Dry construction floor mixtures with cement binder. Specifications" and GOST 4.233-86 "Construction mortars. Nomenclature of indicators".

Tile cement adhesive is a dry mortar


These adhesives, depending on the variety, are intended for finishing external and internal surfaces with tiles made from natural and artificial materials. Standard packaging of the mixture is 25 kg bags.

The specific gravity of the dry material is on average 1.3 g/cm3, the density of the ready-to-use solution is 1.8 g/cm3.

The compressive strength of fully cured adhesive, according to GOST, must be more than 10 MPa for universal compositions and at least 15 MPa for materials marked “Elastic”, “With increased fixation” and “For floors”.

The composition of the tile adhesive is mixed with water according to the instructions clearly stated on the packaging and used in two ways - by applying it to ceramics and laying it on the surface of the base. The cement in the solution is used in gray or white (for glass tiles and smalt mosaics) colors.

Cement-based adhesive solutions retain water during the hardening process, allowing the joints to be grouted within 24 hours, while the adhesive gains full strength within up to 2-3 weeks.

Shelf life

When purchasing such mixtures, you should pay attention to the release date of the material, since after the expiration date, lumps form in the composition due to hygroscopicity. The shelf life of such mixtures in the manufacturer's packaging ranges from 6 to 9 months, so when purchasing, you must take into account that this period must expire before the repair is completed - each overdue month deprives the cement of 5% of its activity, and the polymer components may generally lose their properties.

Cement adhesive mixtures, in turn, are divided into 2 subgroups:

  • thick-layer (leveling);
  • thin-layer.

Thick-layer cement adhesive mixtures

These mixtures are used to level the base under the tiles if the differences in surface levels are 1-3 cm. The use of such compositions allows you to avoid plastering the base and reduce repair time.

To ensure a long service life, it is important to choose the right adhesive composition

The composition of the leveling adhesive, which includes cement, sand of various fractions and a set of polymers, ensures the strength of laying tiles made of any material. “Reinforced” grade material is used even for installation of cladding made of natural stone and porcelain tiles, specific gravity which, due to their high density, are one and a half to two times the weight of conventional ceramics. Varieties of thick-layer adhesives for external and interior works, for rooms with high humidity and high temperature air.

The compressive strength of thick-layer adhesives after complete drying must be at least 10 MPa.

The disadvantage of leveling mixtures is their strong shrinkage, which makes it difficult to calculate the need for material and does not make this method of leveling surfaces economical.

Thin-layer cement-based adhesives

Thin-layer cement-based adhesives are used for laying tiles on surfaces whose level differences do not exceed 1 cm.

A layer of glue applied to back side ceramics, must be at least 5 mm. As in leveling mixtures, thin-layer compositions use special additives that increase individual characteristics material necessary for its use in specific conditions, but the specific gravity of the adhesive changes slightly from this. Varieties of such adhesives with enhanced adhesion and strength for laying heavy tiles also exist.

The compressive strength of thin-layer compositions after drying should not be lower than 10 MPa.

The advantages of thin-layer mixtures are low consumption (1-1.5 kg per 1 square meter) and shorter drying times than thick-layer mixtures.

The disadvantage is low moisture resistance and there is no “moisture resistant” marking, which forces the use of only moisture-resistant mixtures.

Water-dispersion (polymer) adhesives are one-component aqueous solutions of polymer particles based on acrylic, latex or polyvinyl acetate (PVA). Used for cladding ceramic tiles leveled concrete, plaster and plasterboard bases, forming a waterproof shell. Sold in sealed plastic containers of various sizes. The specific gravity of the ready-to-use solution is approximately equal to the weight of the cement-based adhesive and is 1.3 g/cm3; the same value is taken as the density.

The technical characteristics of such adhesive compositions are regulated by the requirements of GOST 28780-2004 “Polymer adhesives. Technical conditions" and GOST 12172-74 "Phenol-polyvinyl acetal adhesives. Technical conditions".

Dispersion adhesive is a composition of tile adhesive based on water based, which includes acrylic or cellulose-glycolic acid and special additives - chalk, latex

These materials are produced in the form of thick white, colored solutions and pastes. Glue particles suspended in water when the water evaporates or goes into the base are connected to each other and form an adhesive film.

Instructions for use are usually presented on the container in an accessible form.


  • ease of preparation for use;
  • ease of application;
  • connection strength;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • low consumption;
  • absence of flammable components in the material;
  • long shelf life when stored in airtight containers;
  • environmental friendliness.


  • impossibility of use for leveling surfaces;
  • high price compared to cement adhesives.

Water-based adhesive is the most common on the market

Polyurethane adhesives

Polyurethane based adhesives are one or two-component compositions. The technical characteristics of these adhesives must meet the requirements of GOST 30535-97 “Polymer adhesives. Nomenclature of indicators".

Curing of one-component compositions occurs due to moisture environment, reacting with the components of the solution. Two-component substances harden when the components are mixed in a certain ratio.

Please note that some varieties polyurethane glue expand during curing and are therefore unsuitable for laying tiles.

The material has high strength, sufficient elasticity and resistance to chemicals. Effectively bonds together surfaces of even dissimilar materials (metal - glass, stone - wood), has almost zero moisture absorption, and is insensitive to large differences temperatures (from -50 to +120 degrees Celsius) and pressure. Composition, in addition strong connection materials in short term, provides waterproofing of the base.

Industrially produced one-component and two-component polyurethane adhesive

The adhesive solution is applied with a brush or roller not to the tile, but to the base. A necessary condition The strength gain of polymer glue when used is thorough mixing of the solution and precise adherence to the proportions of the components in a two-component design.

Advantages of the material:

  • strength and durability of the connection;
  • high adhesion to any surfaces;
  • moisture and heat resistance (suitable for underfloor heating);
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • rapid strength gain (possibility of repairs in a short time);
  • the ability to choose a variety of glue for specific conditions without overpaying for versatility;
  • low consumption and no shrinkage;
  • environmental friendliness after hardening.


  • The need to have skills in using this glue;
  • The presence of a pungent odor in some varieties;
  • Relatively high price.

Working with polyurethane glue should be carried out wearing protective gloves, and if the solution gets on your skin, wash it off immediately warm water with soap.

Epoxy adhesives are divided into two- and multi-component. Solvent-free epoxy adhesive consists of a resin (the main binder) and a hardener (a liquid or powder activator). The binder is mixed in a certain proportion with the hardener, after which the mixture is applied to the grease-free surfaces of the tile or base, and the product is glued in place.

A mixture of synthetic resin, mineral fillers and organic additives, hardening due to a chemical reaction

The setting time of the adhesive is approximately 20 minutes, and complete curing occurs after a few hours. The surfaces to be bonded must not be porous. IN difficult cases To increase strength, epoxy adhesive is reinforced with dry powdered fiberglass.

These adhesives have high technical characteristics, and therefore are used in critical places and in industries with aggressive finishing operating conditions.

The compressive strength of compositions based on reactive resins must be at least 15 MPa.


  • high strength with low demands on the thickness of the adhesive layer;
  • elasticity and high adhesion;
  • waterproof;
  • frost resistance;
  • long shelf life;
  • low specific gravity (1300-1500 kg/m3);
  • no shrinkage.


  • flammability;
  • high price.


Having decided which type of glue to use for repairs, it is advisable to write down from GOST the characteristics that this material should have, and when purchasing, compare them with the data, albeit incomplete, indicated on the packaging. The shelf life is calculated from the date of production of the material, and not from the date of purchase.