Leap with a change of straight legs. Jumping - jump with a change of legs forward


The tests of girls and boys are carried out in the form of an acrobatic exercise, which is strictly mandatory. In the event of a change in the established sequence of performing the elements or completing less than half of the evaluated elements, the exercise is not scored, and the participant receives 0.0 points.

Exercises should have a clearly defined beginning and end, be performed in a straight line with a change in direction, together, dynamically, without unjustified pauses. Fixation of static elements for at least 2 seconds.

If the participant fails to complete any element included in the exercise, or replaces it with another, the mark is reduced by the element's value indicated in the program.

The total cost of all completed elements is a base score of 10.0 points, from which deductions for mistakes made when completing individual elements are deducted.

The judges evaluate the quality of the combination in comparison with the ideal execution option.

Participants are given only one attempt to complete the exercise.


I. p. - main rack

Step forward, arms to the sides - a 360˚ turn of the same name into a stand, legs apart, arms to the sides (free leg bent, toe pressed to the knee of the supporting leg)


In one step, balance the arms to the sides ("swallow"), hold


One step, a jump with a change of bent legs forward (the hip when changing legs is not lower than 90 º) - one step, a jump with a change of straight legs forward (a change of legs is not lower than 90) - a step and, putting a leg, crouching


Forward somersault, squatting and, rolling backward, standing on the shoulder blades (hold)


Roll forward into an emphasis squatting - stand up, one step and another swing, turn around in a rack with your hands up


Swing one, pushing the other, two flips to the side ("wheels") into the stand of the legs apart, arms to the sides - putting the leg, turn in the direction of movement, arms up


Forward somersault and leap upward bending over


Forward somersault and jump upward with a turn of 360˚



I. p. - main rack

Setting aside the right (left) to the side, wide leg stand apart, arms to the sides - bending forward, bending over, designate, and by bending the head and arm stand by force, hold


Force lowering to the lying position - pushing the legs, sitting down - standing up, arms up


Swing one, pushing the other, two flips to the side ("wheels") into the stand of the legs apart, arms to the sides and, putting the leg, turn 90º with the back to the direction of movement - the support is crouched


Somersault back and somersault back at close range standing, bent, together - - straighten into a rack, arms up


Step forward - hand balance to the sides ("swallow"), hold - straighten, put your foot


Two steps forward - a jump forward somersault and a tuck jump (hips not lower than the horizontal)


forward somersault and jump upward with a turn of 360º



1. Participants

1.1. Girls can be dressed in swimsuits, overalls or T-shirts with "leggings". Separate swimwear is prohibited.
1.2. Boys may wear gymnastics jerseys, leotards, or sports shorts that do not cover their knees.
1.3. T-shirts and T-shirts should not be worn over shorts, leotards or leggings.
1.4. The exercise can be performed in socks, gym shoes, or barefoot.
1.5. Jewelry and watches are not permitted.
1.6. Violation of the requirements for sportswear is punished with a deduction of 0.5 points from the final mark of the participant.

2. Order of performances

2.1. For the tests, participants are assigned to shifts in accordance with their personal start number.
2.2. All participants in one shift must be in a place specially designated for them. Their behavior should not interfere with other participants.
2.3. Evaluation of the participant's actions begins from the moment of taking the starting position on the tumbling track and ends with fixing the main stand after the end of the exercise. A hand raised up is a signal of the participant's readiness to start the performance.
2.4. If a participant makes an unjustified pause for more than 5 seconds during the exercise, the exercise is stopped and only the part performed is evaluated.
2.5. If the acrobatic exercise is performed for more than 60 seconds, it is stopped and only the part performed is evaluated.
2.6. The participant is given only one attempt to complete the exercise.

3. Repeat performance

3.1. The performance can be started a second time if it was interrupted due to a defect in the equipment. Competitor's mistake is not a reason for repeating the exercise.
3.2. Only the Chief Gymnastics Judge can decide if the competitor can restart the performance. In this case, the exercise must be performed from the beginning.

4. Warm up

4.1. Before the start of the performances, the participants must be provided with a warm-up at the rate of no more than 20 seconds per person.

5. Judges

5.1. The chief judge in gymnastics determines the composition of the judges' teams evaluating the performances of girls and boys.
5.2. It is recommended to include two groups of judges in the judging panel, each of which is headed by a senior judge. Group "A" assesses the difficulty of the exercise performed by the participant and deduces a baseline mark. Group B evaluates the quality of the exercise and determines the appropriate penalty, which is then deducted from the base score.

6. Test program

6.1. The participant must perform a compulsory acrobatic combination.
6.2. It is forbidden to change the order of elements in a combination.
6.3. The total duration of the exercise should not exceed 50 seconds. If the duration of the exercise is more than the specified time, the exercise is terminated and only its completed part is evaluated if the participant has completed more than half of the evaluated elements.

7. Performance assessment

7.1. An exercise is scored if the total value of the completed elements exceeds 5.0 points.
7.2. The main mistakes that are punished with a deduction of equal element value include:

  • violation of the technique of performing an acrobatic element, leading to a strong, beyond recognition, its distortion;
  • replacing one element with another, even technically more complicated;
  • fixation of a static element for less than 2 seconds;
  • loss of balance leading to a fall;
  • landing on the seat or on the back when performing jumps.

7.3. In the event of an unjustified pause of more than 5 seconds during the exercise, it is terminated and scored only if the participant has completed part of the combination with a total value of more than 5.0 points.

8. Final assessment

8.1. The final score of the participant can be maximum 10.0 points.

9. Equipment

9.1. The acrobatic exercise is performed on a track or gymnastic mat at least 12 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. Around the tumbling track, there must be a safety zone at least 1.0 meter wide, completely free of foreign objects.

In contact with

We know that the effectiveness of the impact of classical dance depends on the correct execution technique. If the exercise is performed technically illiterate, then the "efficiency" decreases, so the trainer-choreographer should be well versed in the technique of execution, the method of teaching the elements of choreography. Preparatory exercises are the main means of choreographic training at the stage of selection and initial training, then, as you master complex exercises, they have an auxiliary function. In the lesson, simple exercises are most often performed in various combinations with each other, as well as with the elements of IVS: balances, turns, jumps, elements of acrobatics, free plastic movements, etc. motor skills, the development of special physical qualities. These include balances, turns, jumps.

Performing choreographic jumps requires special preparation, that is, the presence of flexibility, amplitude swing performance, the ability to maintain correct posture and be able to coordinate the movements of the arms and legs.

When training, you can perform lead exercises at the support and in the middle, including with the use of gymnastic equipment: a bridge, a bench, a wall, a trampoline, rings, a crossbar, and parallel bars.


All choreographic jumps can be divided into certain groups depending on the amplitude, performing on the spot, in advance, in a turn, jumping from two feet to two, from two feet to one, from one foot to one.

Some jumps belonging to a certain group can be performed with both low and high amplitude. For example, echape, revoltad, convertible, pas de cha, etc.

Classical dance jumps are divided into five groups.

The diagram shows the main types of jumps. The simplest of them are jumps, which are characterized by a low height of execution and a small range of motion. They contain general structural and technical elements that make it possible to distinguish several characteristic stages: preparatory, main, implementation stage, and final stage.

Preparatory stage, which consists of three phases: 1st - takeoff, 2nd - swoop with a swing of the leg or from a place - swing, 3rd - depreciation, in standing jumps - half-squat, in which the previously obtained movement is partially extinguished due to intense lowering from a toe to the entire foot and flexion of the legs at the knee and hip joints.

Main stage:

4th phase - repulsion

5th phase - separation from the support Implementation stage:

6th phase - shaping action

7th phase - fixing the posture Final stage:

8th phase - preparation for landing

9th phase - depreciation

10th phase - bonding and corrective actions


The peculiarity of jumps is that athletes must not only jump as high as possible, but also perform a movement with the utmost amplitude, ease and grace, reflecting the emotional nature of the musical accompaniment. Only with such a performance, the jump will become not just a technically difficult exercise, but also an expressive means in floor exercises.

The text provides a description of the profiling jumps, which are combined with each other by pushing and landing techniques.

Jumping from two feet to two

Jumping on the 1st, 11th, 3rd positions. Jumping should be performed easily, springy, while maintaining the original position of the legs, in an inverted position. In flight, the legs are straightened, the toes are slightly pulled, the posture is straight (not bending or bending at the hip joints). The back muscles are toned.

Jumping with a change of position of the legs. When performing these jumps, the position of the legs is fixed in the starting position, and only upon landing, the legs return to another position (for example, jumps from the 1st position to the 1st. I position).

Jumping, bending the legs forward. It is possible to perform these jumps without an incline, with an incline forward, bending the legs together, one higher than the other. They are performed on the spot, with an additional swoop (a small swoop of one and a push of the other, a jump by two).

Jumping, bending your legs back. It is possible to perform with different angle of bending of the legs, with a straight posture, bending over, with two "rings".

With a push of two, touching jump. In flight, one leg is laid back, the other is bent. Posture straight, shoulder blades connected, arms to the sides. Varieties of jump by touching: touching with the “ring”, touching with a turn of 90, 180, 360 °.

Leap of legs apart. In flight, the legs are spread exactly apart, the muscles of the back are tightened, the arms are to the sides, up, to the sides up. It is possible to perform a jump, bending the legs, keeping the "eversion" in the hip joints, legs apart; legs apart, lower leg inside; bending your legs, knees inward, lower leg out; bending one leg; with a turn.

Jump with two jumps into a split, right or left forward. performed by raising the legs, right (left) forward into a split. Attention is drawn to the eversion of the leg back, the straight posture. It is possible to perform a jump with a turn of 90 and 180 °, bending both legs, bending the forward or backward.

Jumping from two legs to one

Jump with two jumps, landing on one, the other bent. In

during the flight, the legs are fixed together, the landing is performed on one, the other is bent to the required position (at the ankle, at the knee, etc.).

Jumping with two jumps in vertical balance leg forward, to the side, back. The jump is performed with forward movement with simultaneous retraction of the legs back into vertical balance; in a jump to the side - leg to the side up; in a jump backward - leg forward upward. In flight, the position of one or another vertical balance is fixed.

Jumping, bending the legs forward, backward, legs apart, touching and their varieties can be performed, landing on one leg. With a different interpretation of the jump, the execution technique does not change.

Jumping from one leg to two

Push with one and swoop with the other (straight or bent) forward, sideways, backward landing on two feet (performed locally and with promotion). These jumps are rarely included in floor exercises as independent ones. They are much more common in combinations on a log. However, as a good tool for developing jumping ability, they are often used in choreography lessons.

Jumping from one leg to the other

In terms of the number of possible variants and structural diversity, this group of jumps is the most extensive. The section provides an auxiliary classification of jumps from one leg to another and discusses the technique and methodology for teaching the basic elements.

Small jumps: from one to the other with a change of legs (straight or bent) in front; with a change of legs (straight or bent) at the back; from one to the other, bending the free one at the ankle, at the knee. Jumps of this group can be performed on the spot and with advancement.

Jumping up - high: with a change of legs in front; with a change of legs from behind; throw-over jumps.

Jumping far-high: step, touching; bending and unbending the leg into a split.

Leap with a step. This jump is most often found in floor exercises, as well as on a balance beam and is profiling for the development of a number of its varieties. It is performed with a swoop of one and a push with the other, moving forward. In flight, the position of the twine is fixed. Landing - on the swing leg. During the push, a half-tilt forward is performed; in flight, the posture is kept straight. Hands are in different positions, unlike. Head forward upward.

Leap in attetude. The movement is identical to the step jump, but from the back the leg is bent into the atthetiud position.

Leap with a "ring" step. Behind, the leg is bent backward (with a strong deflection in the thoracic and lumbar spine).

Leap to the side. It is performed with a swing of one to the side, in flight, the position of the legs apart is fixed. Unlike the main form of the jump, this exercise is performed with less forward movement, with a more stopping position of the foot at the moment of push. At the last step of the takeoff run, the foot is placed in an inverted position and the body turns towards the pushing leg.

Leap backward. It is performed by pushing one and swinging the other backward with advancement backward. In flight, the position of the twine is fixed.

Leap with a step to the right (left). With a push of one leg and a swing of the other leg, the main jump is performed in a step, then in the flight phase, a turn to the right or left is made.

Leap with a step with a turn in a circle. The movement is similar to the previous jump, but with a 180 ° rotation.

Jump touching. It is performed by pushing one and swinging the other, bent at the knee. The execution technique and teaching methodology are the same as when jumping with a step. The most common form of touching jump is jump touching the "ring".

Leap by bending and unbending the leg. The structure consists of two jumps: touching and step. In flight, the bent leg is extended to the split position. Extension of the leg should be from the knee, the hip does not drop. The types of jump include: step jump, bending and unbending the leg with a ring, to the side, with a turn of 90, 180 °.

Leap with change of legs in front. It is performed by pushing one and swinging the other forward, in the flight phase there is a change of legs, landing is carried out on the swinging leg. It is possible to perform a jump with bent, straight legs, bending and unbending the leg (alternately both legs); with a straight posture, with an inclination forward; from a place, with a run, with movement forward, backward; with a turn of 90, 180, 360 ° and more.

Leap with change of legs from behind. By pushing one and swinging the other backward, a change of legs is performed (in the flight phase), and landing is carried out on the swinging leg. It is possible to perform a jump with straight, bent legs, one ring, two alternately, in place, moving forward, backward, from a place, with a run, with a turn of 90, 180, 360 °.

Crossover jump. A prerequisite for this jump is a 180 ° turn in the flight phase.

Opposite throw-over jump. It is performed by pushing the left and swinging the right forward, followed by turning the body in a circle and taking the left leg back. When performing a crossover jump, attention is paid to the vertical reach (up), and not forward to the top. To do this, in the last steps of the takeoff run with a half-tilt back, the foot is placed from the toe in front of the body. Stopping movement is performed. Hands are open to the sides. The jerk leg semi-squat is performed without relaxing the leg muscles. In the take-off phase, an active forward swing of the leg is performed through the 1st position. At the same time, hands, ahead of the swing of the leg, perform a swing, dropping down to the sides, and with an active (fast) movement rise up. During the flight phase, a precise movement of the torso is performed by exactly 180 °. Changing the position of the legs next to each other, without touching each other, the pushing leg is retracted, the swinging leg is lowered forward. Landing on the swinging leg by soft lowering from the toe to the entire foot in a semi-squat.

Crossover split jump. The turn of the shoulders should be earlier than when performing the main form of the jump, the swing of the free leg is performed not 90, but 45-50 ° in a short, fast movement. An earlier twine of the torso and a short swing of the free leg helps to achieve splits or a position close to splits in the second half of the flight phase.

Ring jump. The basic steps are the same. It is important to pay attention to the vertical reach, which is achieved by “stopping” work in the push phase, as well as by a clear turn of the body, which makes it easier to swing the leg into the “ring”.

On the basis of an opposite crossover jump, it is possible to perform a crossover jump, bending and unbending the jogging, bending and unbending the swinging leg, with a turn of 180, 360 °.

The throw-over jump of the same name. The turn in the flight phase is carried out towards the swing leg, that is, when swinging the right forward to the right. The technique of execution is similar to similar opposite crossover jumps. On the basis of the main form, the following varieties are performed: the same-name crossover jump "in a ring", in a split, etc.

Jumping from one leg to the same leg

In terms of the number of possible options, jumping from one leg to the same leg is not inferior to jumping from one leg to the other. The former can be divided into the following subgroups: jumps by pushing one and swinging the other in any direction; jumping with a leg slip; hitting jumps.

Open jump performed by pushing one and swinging the other back, landing - on the jogging leg. The jump should be performed at a high altitude, with legs spread at 150–160 °. It is often used on its own in floor exercises and balance beam combinations. Depending on the location of the body links in space, the jump can take on a different shape and emotional color (for example, an open jump "in a ring", in attitudes, with a turn).

Jump by pushing one and swinging the other forward (landing - on jogging). The push should be carried out vertically upward, at the same time swinging the free leg forward. In the basic form, rarely on the jogging leg), just like the previous movement, it is more often preparatory for mastering more complex jumps and is performed with wide leg spread, with a half incline towards the jogging leg.

Jump "ring" by pushing one and swinging the other forward (with landing on jogging). Performing a jump requires a certain technical and physical fitness. In form, the movement in the flight phase resembles a jump with a “ring” step, however, the execution technique is significantly different. If in a jump with a "ring" step, the flight is performed forward upward, then in this jump - upward, which is achieved by "stopping" work at the moment of push. The position of the "ring" is achieved by the maximum backward bend, deflection in the thoracic and lumbar spine, and not by swinging the leg backward, as in a "ring" step jump.

Jump by pushing one and swinging the other forward (backward) with a turn in a circle. The basis for mastering these jumps is a turn in a circle with a swing of the leg forward (backward). The torso turn is performed at the end of the swing motion, at the highest point of departure. Various modifications are possible: with fixing the balance at the moment of landing, touching (bending the jogging) in the second part of the flight, touching the “ring”, etc.

Shooting jumps. A kick jump is performed by swinging the leg forward, to the side, back. The technical basis is vertical reach, knocking is carried out by pulling the jogging leg to the swing leg. Small jumps are performed at a low altitude, with a tap at an angle of 45 °, and large jumps with a tap at an angle of more than 45 °, with straight legs; with bent; one straight, the other bent; with wide leg spread after hitting; with a double blow in the flight phase.

Jump with a push of one, a swing of the other forward and backward. On takeoff with a slight forward movement, the leg is swung forward, at the highest point of takeoff, the leg is retracted with a slight turn of the lower body towards the swing leg, the shoulders do not unfold. The work of the hands is opposite: when swinging the right hand forward, the left hand is forward, when the right hand is pulled backward, the right hand is forward. In this form of execution, a jump is rarely used, however, it is preparatory for mastering more complex, effective jumps: performing the previous split exercise; "Ring", which ends the swing of the leg back; with bent legs; bending-unbending jerk or flywheel; with a turn in a circle, bending the jerk, jumping over the swing leg. Mastering these jumps is possible only with good physical fitness.

Small group of jumps

Middle group of jumps.

Large group of jumps


The teaching methodology consists in telling, showing, studying leading exercises (performing at the support), if necessary with the help of a friend or teacher and, according to the degree of assimilation, independently.

The dosage is 8-16 times, depending on the pace and objectives of the lesson.

Stages of training:

1. Lead-in exercises;

2. Work on repulsion technique, flight phase and landing;

3. Work on amplitude and expressiveness;

4. Improving the execution technique.


Jumping is learned facing the support when performing a jump to the side, sideways to the support when performing a jump forward and backward. As they are assimilated, they are performed in the middle in three directions - forward, to the side, back; then in a turn by 90 °, 180 °, 360 ° and in combination with various elements of exercise and elements of the IVS. When learning, they are performed at a slow pace, then the pace accelerates, and as they are mastered, the jump is performed in the middle. Monitor the posture, the landing phase and the fixation of the foot on the floor. During the jumps from the preparatory position, the hands are raised to the 1st position, then to the IIIrd and lower through the IInd position to the preparatory one.



Training is carried out facing the support, with plain legs and pushing hands from the rail, performing a long jump upward with the tightened muscles of the trunk and legs, then, as it is assimilated, it is performed in the middle.

Leading exercises: PI - I, II, V leg positions


The leading exercises for the execution of this jump should be applied in the same way as saute (saute).



Lead exercises: PI - V-th position of the legs





Training is carried out sideways to the support, as it is assimilated, it is performed in the middle in combination with other jumps and elements of exercise.





It is unlearned by facing the support, first performing the jump scheme without jumping, then the jump itself. After mastering, it is performed in the middle separately and in combination with other jumps.



It is similarly performed in any of the three directions. It is learned sideways at the support, in combination with the grand battement in the middle with elements of exercise and elements of the IVS.


It is learned sideways at the support with elements of exercise and elements of the IVS, as it is mastered, it is performed in the middle. In the process of improving the jump, it is performed in a turn of 180 and 360 °.


Learning sideways and facing the support, applying the previously mastered passe (pass), developpe (developer) and soute and assamble (assembly) jump in combination with exercise elements and IVS elements, as it is mastered, is performed in the middle.



It is learned sideways at the support in combination with the Batman Jet, Grand Batman Jet and in conjunction with the elements of the IVS. As it is mastered, it is performed with the support of a partner, then independently, in the middle with the left or right foot, alternately or in conjunction with pas chasse (pas chasse or gallop step).



It is learned by the "throw-over" sideways at the support, denoting at first only with swings the jump scheme, moving along the support, then in the jump and later in combination with the grand batman, as it is assimilated - with the support of a partner or independently in the middle from various positions with a run, with a step gallop, with one step.

Leading exercise: IP - standing with the left side at the support.



The jump is learned sideways at the support, performing the jump scheme with steps and swinging, then in the jump at the support, if necessary with the help of a partner or independently in the middle, it is performed with a running start, from a canter step, from one step.


Teaching method: jump step.

1) Standing facing the support, swing back; standing with your back to the support, swing forward.

2) Standing on a gymnastic rail (5-6 from below), amplitude sweeps to the back to the split position.

3) Swing back and forth in movement from one border of the hall to another, diagonally, in a circle.

4) Leap over the "landmark".

5) Performing a step jump with the help of a friend or along a gymnastic wall or barn supported on a bar or bar.

6) Self-fulfillment of a jump with 2-3 steps of a run-up from step 1) canter (paschase), from one step.

A jump is unlearned in the presence of a twine, - first, sideways at the support, swings forward and backward are performed, as you master it, stepping over the landmark, then jumping over. On the gymnastic wall, standing in support on the bent right on the 4 or 6 rails from below, swing the left back, straightening the support to the split position in the air, performing a jump in the middle with the help of a partner and independently from a run, from a canter step or from one step.


Learned when performing a high-quality split jump. The turn is learned separately, then in conjunction with the jump. It is possible to perform a jump with additional steps after the turn.


JETE RENVERSE (JETE RENVERSE) Jump from the 5th position of the legs from two legs to one

First, one learns how to move along an arc in steps, then in a jump with a small amplitude at a slow pace. As it is assimilated, it is performed with a flight phase at a fast pace. The same jump can be performed in the attending position or in the ring.



Leading exercises:



Leading exercises:

Perform from a hill, from the bridge, on a trampoline, then on the floor. Legs should be parallel to the floor. The fold is maximum.

To learn to jump with legs bent, use the same teaching technique.


Leading exercises:



Leading exercises:


Leading exercises:

As you master the "Pistol" jump, perform a jump in a 360 ° turn, from one step or gallop step.


Leading exercises:


Leading exercises:



Leading exercises:


Leading exercises:


Leading exercises:


Leading exercises:

physical elements, their sequence and principles of combination remain unchanged. The successes of Russian athletes and ballet dancers have repeatedly confirmed this in practice.

Jump - overcoming an obstacle or space in free flight without additional support with your hands after pushing off with your feet.

All choreographic jumps can be subdivided into certain groups depending on the amplitude of the performance in place, in advancement, in a turn, jumping from two feet to two, from two feet to one, from one foot to one.

Classical dance jumps are divided into five groups.

The diagram shows the main types of jumps. The simplest of them are jumps, which are characterized by a low height of execution and a small range of motion. They contain general structural and technical elements that make it possible to distinguish several characteristic stages: preparatory, main, implementation stage, and final stage.

Preparatory stage consists of three phases: 1st - takeoff, 2nd - swoop with a swing of the leg or from a place - swing, 3rd - depreciation, in standing jumps - a half-squat, in which the previously obtained movement is partially extinguished due to intense lowering from toe on the entire foot and flexion of the legs at the knee and hip joints.

Main stage:

4th phase - repulsion;

5th phase - separation from the support.

Implementation stage:

6th phase - formative action;

7th phase - fixing the posture.

Final stage:

8th phase - preparation for landing;

9th phase - depreciation;

10th phase - bonding and corrective actions.

The peculiarity of jumping is that athletes must not only jump as high as possible, but also perform a movement with the utmost amplitude, ease and grace, reflecting the emotional nature of the musical accompaniment. Only with such a performance, the jump will become not just a technically difficult exercise, but also an expressive means in floor exercises.

The text provides a description of the profiling jumps, which are combined with each other by pushing and landing techniques.

Jumping with a change of position of the legs. When performing these jumps, the position of the legs is fixed in the initial position, and only upon landing, the legs return to another position (for example, jumps from the 1st position to the 1st. 1 position).

Jumping bending the legs forward. It is possible to perform these jumps without an incline, with an incline forward, bending the legs together, one higher than the other. They are performed on the spot, with an additional swoop (a small swing of one leg and a push of the other two leaps).

Jumping by bending the legs back. It is possible to perform with different angle of bending of the legs, with a straight posture, bending over, with two "rings".

A push with two feet, a jump touching. In flight, one leg is laid back, the other is bent. Posture is straight, shoulder blades are connected, arms to the sides. Varieties of jump by touching: touching with the “ring”, touching with a turn of 90, 180, 360 °.

Leap of legs apart. In flight, the legs are spread exactly apart, the muscles of the back are tightened, the arms are to the sides, up, to the sides up. It is possible to perform a jump by bending the legs, keeping the "eversion" in the hip joints, legs apart; legs apart, lower leg inside; bending your legs, knees inward, lower leg out; bending one leg; with a turn.

Leap with two legs in a split, right or left forward. It is carried out by raising the legs, right (left) forward into a split. Attention is drawn to the eversion of the leg back, the straight posture. It is possible to perform a jump with a turn of 90 and 180 °, bending both legs, bending the forward or backward.


Jump with two legs with landing on one, the other is bent. During the flight, the legs are fixed together, landing is performed on one, the other is bent to the required position (at the ankle, at the knee, etc.).

Jumping with two legs in vertical balance, leg forward, to the side, back. The jump is performed with forward movement with simultaneous retraction of the legs back into vertical balance; in a jump to the side - leg to the side up; in a jump backward - leg forward-upward. In flight, the position of one or another vertical balance is fixed.

Jumping bending legs forward, backward, legs apart, touching and their varieties can be performed landing on one leg. With a different interpretation of the jump, the execution technique does not change.


Push with one leg and swing with the other (straight or bent) forward, sideways, backward landing on two feet (performed locally and with promotion). These jumps are rarely included in floor exercises as independent ones. They are much more common in combinations on a log. However, as a good tool for developing jumping ability, they are often used in choreography lessons.


Jumping up - high: with a change of legs in front; with a change of legs from behind; throw-over jumps.

Jumping far - high: step, touching; bending and unbending the leg into a split.

Leap with a step. This jump occurs more often than others in floor exercises, as well as on a balance beam and is profiling for the development of a number of its varieties. It is performed by swinging one leg and pushing the other leg forward. In flight, the position of the twine is fixed. Landing - on the swing leg. During the push, a half-tilt forward is performed; in flight, the posture is kept straight. Hands are in different positions, unlike. Head - forward-upward.

Leap in attetude. The movement is identical to the step jump, but from the back the leg is bent into the atthetiud position.

Leap with a "ring" step. Behind, the leg is bent backward (with a strong deflection in the thoracic and lumbar spine).

Leap to the side. It is performed with a swing of one leg to the side, in flight, the position of the legs apart is fixed. Unlike the main form of the jump, this exercise is performed with less forward movement, with a more stopping position of the foot at the moment of push. At the last step of the takeoff run, the foot is placed in an inverted position and the body turns towards the pushing leg.

Leap backward. It is performed by pushing one leg and swinging the other backward with advancement backward. In flight, the position of the twine is fixed.

Leap with a step to the right (left). With a push of one leg and a swing of the other leg, the main jump is performed in a step, then in the flight phase, a turn to the right or left is made.

Leap with a step with a turn in a circle. The movement is similar to the previous jump, but with a 180 ° rotation.

Jump touching. It is performed by pushing one and swinging the other leg, bent at the knee. The execution technique and teaching methodology are the same as when jumping with a step. The most common form of touching jump is jump touching the "ring".

Leap with a step bending and unbending the leg. The structure consists of two jumps: touching and step. In flight, the bent leg is extended to the split position. Extension of the leg should be from the knee, the hip does not drop. The types of jump include: a jump with a step bending and unbending the leg with a ring, to the side, with a turn of 90 °, 180 °.

Leap with change of legs in front. It is performed by pushing one leg and swinging the other forward, in the flight phase, the legs change, landing is carried out on the swinging leg. It is possible to perform a jump with bent, straight legs, bending and unbending the leg (alternately both legs); with a straight posture, with an inclination forward; from a place, with a run, with movement forward, backward; with a turn of 90, 180, 360 ° and more.

Leap with change of legs from behind. By pushing one and swinging the other backward, a change of legs is performed (in the flight phase), and landing is carried out on the swinging leg. It is possible to perform a jump with straight, bent legs, one ring, two alternately, in place, moving forward, backward, from a place, with a run, with a turn of 90, 180, 360 °.

Crossover jump. A prerequisite for this jump is a 180 ° turn in the flight phase.

Opposite throw-over jump. It is performed by pushing the left leg and swinging the right forward, followed by turning the body in a circle and taking the left leg back. When performing a crossover jump, attention is paid to the vertical reach (upward), and not forward-upward. To do this, in the last steps of the takeoff run with a half-tilt back, the foot is placed from the toe in front of the body. Stopping movement is performed. Hands to the side. The jerk leg semi-squat is performed without relaxing the leg muscles. In the take-off phase, an active forward swing of the leg is performed through the 1st position. At the same time, hands, ahead of the swing of the leg, perform a swing, dropping down to the sides, and with an active (fast) movement rise up. During the flight phase, a precise movement of the torso is performed by exactly 180 °. Changing the position of the legs next to each other, without touching each other, the pushing leg is retracted, the swinging leg is lowered forward. Landing - on the swinging leg by soft lowering from the toe to the entire foot in a semi-squat.

Crossover split jump. The turn of the shoulders should be earlier than when performing the main form of the jump, the swing with the free leg is performed not 90 °, but 45 ° -50 ° with a short, fast movement. Due to the earlier twine of the body and a short swing with the free leg, the legs are split into a split or into a position close to a split in the second part of the flight phase.

Ring jump. The basic steps are the same. It is important to pay attention to the vertical reach, which is achieved by “stopping” work in the push phase, as well as by a clear twist of the body, making it easier to swing the leg into the “ring”.

On the basis of an opposite crossover jump, it is possible to perform a crossover jump by bending and unbending the jogging, bending and unbending the swinging leg, with a turn of 180 °, 360 °.

The throw-over jump of the same name. The turn in the flight phase is carried out towards the swing leg, that is, when swinging the right forward to the right. The technique of execution is similar to similar opposite crossover jumps. On the basis of the main form, the following varieties are performed: the same-name crossover jump "in a ring", in a split, etc.


In terms of the number of possible options, jumping from one leg to the same leg is not inferior to jumping from one leg to the other. The former can be divided into the following subgroups: jumps by pushing one leg and swinging the other in any direction; jumping with a leg slip; hitting jumps.

Open jump performed by pushing one leg and swinging the other back, landing - on the pushing leg. The jump should be performed at a high altitude, with legs spread at 150 ° -160 °. It is often used on its own in floor exercises and balance beam combinations. Depending on the location of the body links in space, the jump can take on a different shape and emotional color (for example, an open jump "in a ring", in attitudes, with a turn).

Jump with a push of one leg and a swing of the other forward (landing - on jogging). The push should be carried out vertically upward, at the same time swinging the free leg forward. Landing - on the jogging leg. Just like the previous movement, it is often a preparatory one for mastering more difficult jumps and is performed with a wide opening of the legs, with a half incline towards the jogging leg.

Jump "ring" by pushing one leg and swinging the other forward (with landing on jogging). Performing a jump requires a certain technical and physical fitness. In form, the movement in the flight phase resembles a jump with a “ring” step, however, the execution technique is significantly different. If in a jump with a "ring" step, the flight is performed forward-upward, then in this jump - upward, which is achieved by "stopping" work at the moment of push. The position of the "ring" is achieved by the maximum backward bend, deflection in the thoracic and lumbar spine, and not by swinging the leg backward, as in a "ring" step jump.

Leap by pushing one leg and swinging the other forward (backward) with a turn in a circle. The basis for mastering these jumps is a turn in a circle with a swing of the leg forward (backward). The torso turn is performed at the end of the swing motion, at the highest point of departure. Various modifications are possible: with fixing the balance at the moment of landing, touching (bending the jogging leg) in the second part of the flight, touching the “ring”, etc.

Shooting jumps. A kick jump is performed by swinging the leg forward, to the side, back. The technical basis is vertical reach, knocking is carried out by pulling the jogging leg to the swing leg. Small jumps are performed at low altitude, with a tap at an angle of 45 °, and large jumps with a tap at an angle of more than 45 °, with straight legs; with bent; one straight, the other bent; with wide leg spread after hitting; with a double blow in the flight phase.

Leap by pushing one leg, swinging the other forward and backward. On takeoff with a slight forward movement, the leg is swung forward, at the highest point of takeoff, the leg is retracted with a slight turn of the lower body towards the swing leg, the shoulders do not unfold. The work of the hands is opposite: when swinging the right hand forward, the left hand is in front, when moving the right back, the right hand is in front. In this form of execution, a jump is rarely used, however, it is preparatory for mastering more complex, effective jumps: performing the previous split exercise; "Ring", which ends the swing of the leg back; with bent legs; bending-unbending the jogging or swinging leg; with a turn in a circle, bending the jerk, jumping over the swing leg. Mastering these jumps is possible only with good physical fitness.


Struddle jump

Bent over jump, legs apart, arms forward to the sides

From a closed stance in a half-squat, half-bend forward, arms backward downward. A push with two legs and a wave of the arms forward, jump upward, bent over, legs apart (angle of position of the legs - 90 °), arms forward to the sides or upward, unbending, landing in a closed stance in a half-squat with a half-bend forward, arms forward.

Picke jump

Bent over jump, arms up

From a place, or 1–2 preparatory steps, perform a half-squat, arms back-downward, with an active push with two legs and a swing of arms forward and upward, bent over jump upward (keeping the position of a straight posture). Unbending, land in a semi-squat. The jump can be improved with a turn of 90, 180, 360 degrees both before execution, during execution, and after the execution of the jump, as well as with landing in the prone position.

When training, perform from a hill, from a bridge, on a trampoline, then on the floor, keeping the horizontal position of the torso and legs.

"Cossack" (Cossack jump)

Bending up jump, bending left leg back, arms up

From a place or 1–2 - preparatory steps to perform a half-squat, arms backward-downward, with an active push with two legs and a wave of the arms forward - upward, bent up jump, bending the left leg back, arms up, unbending, land in a half-squat. The jump can be improved with a turn of 90,180, 360 degrees both before execution, during execution, and after the execution of the jump, as well as with landing in the prone position.

When performing jumps with a turn, make sure to maintain the exact position of the body and legs in the landing phase, avoiding boards and turning the feet to their original position.


Step and push the left leg forward and swing the right hand up, the left hand forward, jump up, bending the left back, with the right hand forward. Land on your left, put your right foot.

"Pistol" in the turn

As you master the "Pistol" jump, improve it by performing a jump in a 360 ° turn, from one step or 1-2 steps of a canter.

Step and push the left leg forward and to the left and swing the right arm upward, the left arm forward, jump upward, bending the left backward, with a rotation of 360 degrees. Land on your left, put your right foot.

Side "Pistol"

Cross step to the side and push of the left leg, jump up with a swing of the right to the side, bending the left to the side (toe at the knee), left arm up, right arm to the side, Land on the left, put the right leg.


Perform a half-squat of the arms back-downward, pushing with two legs and swinging the arms forward-upward, jumping upward, bending the left backward, right backward, right arm to the side, left arm upward. During the jump, maintain the correct posture, fix the toe at the knee. Land in a semi-squat, arms forward.


Cross step with the left foot to the side and push, jump upward with a swing of the right back and bend forward. Descending to the right, swing the left backward with a rotation of 360 degrees, attach the left.

Sweep your arms from right to left in a horizontal plane.

During the execution of the jump, the head is straight, swinging the legs above the position of the level of the body.


Step left to the side and push, right to the side downward, bending forward and swinging your arms to the right, jump upward with a turn of 360 degrees (closing your legs), hands up, landing on your right leg, put your left. The jump is performed in a horizontal plane.


Step your left leg to the side and push, right to the side downward, bending forward and swinging your arms to the right, jump upward with a turn of 360 degrees, bending your legs at an angle, arms up, landing on your right leg, place your left.

The jump is performed in a horizontal plane.


Step and push your left leg to the side, swing your arms up, jump with a 360 ° turn, bending your legs, landing with alternate lowering of your legs.


For the high-quality performance of this kind of jumps, it is necessary from a closed stance in a semi-squatting arms back and down, pushing with two legs and swinging the arms forward, make a high jump upward, bending over, then extend the body with a swing backward to a horizontal position and land in an emphasis lying on bent arms ( distance from the floor 10 cm).

The landing of the arms and legs must be simultaneous.

Possible mistakes:

- alternate landing (on hands, then on legs or feet, then on hands);

- landing with a touch of the chest or hips on the floor;

- deflection in the lumbar spine;

- landing on straight arms, which can lead to injury.

Air turn push up

Air jump upward with a turn with landing in the prone position. This is a normal upward jump with a turn, at the end of which the body should be tilted towards the landing in the prone position (depending on the number of turns by 90, 180, 360, 540, 720 °.

Tuck jump push up (so jump push up)

This is one of the easiest jumps with a prone position. It is based on a jump up in a tuck, then extension of the body with a swing of the legs back to a horizontal position and landing in an emphasis lying on bent arms. The same jump can be made more difficult by an additional 180 ° or 360 ° turn. First, perform a jump with a turn, then a fall to the prone position or perform a jump, then a fall with a turn to the prone position, keeping all the requirements for landing technique.

Cossack jump push up

Leap upward, bent over, bending the left leg, right forward. It can be performed both as an independent jump, and in a fall at close range lying, as well as with a turn of 90, 180, 360 °. When performing an independent jump, observe the position of the legs both at the beginning of the jump (closed stance in a half-squat) and after landing, not allowing the feet to turn in any other direction and not allowing boards, which will entail a deduction in the assessment.

Cossack jump push up

From a closed rack in a semi-squat, arms back and down.

With a push with two legs and a wave of the arms forward, a jump upward, bending over, bending the left, right forward, then straighten the body backward, swing the legs back to a horizontal position and land in an emphasis lying on bent arms (observing all the requirements of the landing technique).

Ditto with 90, 180, 360 ° rotation. First, perform a jump with a turn, then a fall to the prone position or perform a jump, then with a turn, a fall to the prone position.

Pike jump push up

A bent leap, with a landing in the prone position. From a closed rack in a semi-squat, arms back down.

With a push with two legs and a wave of the arms forward, a jump upward, bending over, then with a quick swing of the legs backward, straighten the body to a horizontal position and land in an emphasis lying on bent arms.

A jump is performed in the same way in various versions with a turn of 90, 180 and 360 °, varying the turn before the jump, during the jump and landing with a turn to the other side.

Straddle jump push up

Leap upward, bent over, legs apart, with a landing in an upright position. From a closed stand in a semi-squatting arms back and down, pushing two legs and swinging the arms forward, bent upward jump, legs apart (the angle of the legs is 90 °), arms forward, to the sides or up.

Then, unbending the torso, with a quick swing of the legs back, connect them, land at close range lying on bent arms.

The same jump, like all the others with a prone landing, is performed with various options of turns, varying them before the jump, during the jump and during the landing with a turn to the other side.

Jumps for performing an arbitrary composition are selected according to the following criteria:

1. In accordance with the image and theme of the composition.

2. In accordance with the level of preparedness of the athlete (flexibility, jumping ability, range of motion).

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Jumping on the spot Learn from the children. See how they cheerfully jump over the rope, preparing their bodies for the future life. An excellent exercise for strengthening the muscles of the legs, tendons, maintaining general tone. Jumping provides the body with practically the same loads

Some people imagine jumping rope as purely child's play, because not everyone knows about the benefits that activities with this sports equipment bring to the body of adults. In our article, we will talk about how to properly train using a skipping rope in order to lose weight and get in shape.

The term "skipping" or "rope skipping" is of English origin and means an exercise performed by jumping rope.

Where exactly the first skipping rope appeared is unknown. According to one version, it was invented in Ancient China, according to another, it was used in pagan Russia to better prepare warriors for battles.

Did you know? The boxer Muhammad Ali made a great contribution to the popularization of the rope. During the demonstration performances, he jumped 3 rounds of 15 minutes each (with a minute break between them) at a speed of 220 jumps per minute.

There are adherents of the assertion that it was originally used by the ancient Christians, who jumped on a skipping rope at Easter (it was a symbol of the rope on which Judas hanged himself).

However, it is known for certain that the projectile was used in Italian and French fencing schools, and in the 19th century in London this sports projectile was actively used by boxers and jockeys.
With its help, they drove off excess weight and pumped up the muscles of the legs. Jumping rope came to America in the 17th century together with immigrants from Holland.

In the countries of the former USSR, in the 50s of the XX century, the jump rope was a common child's play, it was used for training and in physical education lessons. The popularity of skipping in Europe and the United States came in the 80s of the twentieth century, when it became fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Since this period, skipping has become a recognized sport, although it is not included in the Olympic program.

Until now, this sports equipment is used by coaches to train boxers and football players, using it to achieve endurance and good physical shape of the wards.

It is difficult to overestimate the positive effect of skipping on the human body. Such exercises strengthen muscles, stimulate the heart muscle, develop endurance, and help strengthen the respiratory system.

Jumping has a positive effect on the ankle and wrist joints, as they are actively involved in this process.
Skipping also reduces the amount of C-reactive protein, which helps to strengthen the immune system. Bouncing exercise also normalizes blood pressure and triglycides, which provide energy to cells.

Regular exercise helps to normalize cholesterol levels, regulate blood sugar and reduce toxins and waste products.

The main positive effect of jumping rope for those who want to lose excess weight is fat burning. Skipping speeds up the body's metabolic processes, which helps to lose weight.

With its help, you can remove the stomach and significantly reduce the volume of the hips and legs. Such activities also allow you to cope with such a woman's problem as cellulite.

Important! To achieve the desired results faster, rope exercises can be performed several times a day.

With intense jumping for a short time interval, a lack of oxygen occurs in the body, which is restored during the rapid work of the lungs during rest. When a person breathes deeply, his blood is saturated with oxygen and activates metabolic processes in the body.

Metabolism increases, toxins and toxins are removed from the body. This requires energy, which is obtained by the body during the breakdown of fatty deposits on the hips and abdomen.
Skipping is considered to be the ideal option for practicing at home. Jumping for 15 minutes burns about 150 kcal.

For comparison: the same time spent on dancing or fitness allows you to burn 100 kcal. It will be possible to lose weight in the shortest possible time if you combine skipping, rotation of the hoop and proper nutrition.

It is important to choose the right bouncing rope for the maximum benefit from your activity. Too long will interfere with controlling movements, and on a short one you will have to jump with your legs tucked in.

Its length is determined as follows: you need to stand in the middle of the cord. In a properly selected jumper, the handles will be armpit length.

In numbers, the length of the jump rope in relation to height should look like this

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Did you know? American Ashrita Furman set a record for the most jumping rope. In 24 hours (albeit with five-minute breaks every hour), he made 130 thousand jumps.

If you are determined to engage in skipping, then for a start in the first few days, train without a rope, jumping on the spot.

They need to be done by lifting off the floor a few centimeters and landing on toes. This will help the body prepare for future stress.

During the first week, the duration of training should be 5-10 minutes, in the second week - 10-15 minutes, in the third - 15-20 minutes, from the fourth week, exercises with a jumping rope can be carried out for 30 minutes.
In order for fat deposits to disappear and the body to become elastic and fit, you need to train at least 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes.

Temporary contraindications to these workouts include:

  • pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • migraines, sprains, pain syndrome.

Much more serious reasons why skipping classes are strongly discouraged:

  • vascular and heart disease;
  • hypertension and changes in blood pressure;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • obesity of the second degree and above;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • eye problems.

In the presence of such diseases, before starting training, it is imperative to consult with doctors and practice, only guided by their advice, or replace skipping with others that do not pose a danger to the body of the load.

Rope exercises

Rope exercises are of the following types:

  1. Single jumps... They are performed on both legs, with bouncing when the cord is near the feet. One jump is done with one jump of the jump rope.
  2. Double jumps... With one revolution of the rope, you need to bounce twice.
  3. Jumping to the sides. First left and right, then back and forth.
  4. Jumping with change of legs... They are carried out at a fast pace, alternately on each leg.
  5. High speed jumping... This exercise is done at a fast pace with high knees.
  6. Reverse jumping rope... The jump does not spin forward, but backward.
  7. Cross jumping... The arms are crossed and jumped over the resulting loop.
  8. Jumping with a turn around its axis... Performed on both legs with a gradual clockwise rotation of the body.
  9. Slopes... The cord is folded several times and held by the edges. Performing this exercise regularly removes excess inches from the waist and folds of fat on the sides and back.
  10. Turns... Holding the folded jump rope by the ends, the arms are extended in front of you. They make turns of the body alternately to the right and to the left. This exercise helps to reduce the volume of the abdomen.

Video: types of rope exercises

Important! Training with a skipping rope must be carried out at least one and a half hours after eating.

A set of exercises designed for 30 minutes of classes will help you to effectively lose weight. In the break between exercises, you need to take a minute break to restore breathing.

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If the amount of time you are willing to spend on training per day is 15 minutes, then the time for each exercise is halved.
The jump rope has established itself as a versatile exercise machine for adults and children. Knowing about its benefits and using it correctly during training, you can achieve remarkable results in the form of a slim and fit body and a healthy body.


The tests are carried out in the form of an acrobatic exercise, which includes three compulsory connections. Connections are made in the order shown in the program. Changing the order of connections is not allowed.

Each connection is made up of three bundles of acrobatic elements. Changing the order of performing acrobatic ligaments in the compound is punished with a deduction. 1,5 points.

If the participant changed the order of the elements in the acrobatic combination, missed one of them, or made a mistake that led to the failure to complete the element, his score is reduced by 1,0 score.

Each link includes elements that participants can replace with more complex ones specified in the program. In this case, the difficulty score is increased.

The exercise must have a clearly defined beginning and end, include connecting elements that give the combination integrity and dynamism, be performed in one piece without unjustified pauses along the tumbling track with a change in direction.

The total duration of the exercise should not exceed 1 minute 30 seconds.

The judges evaluate the quality of the exercise in comparison with the ideal execution option. The highest possible final grade is 20,0 points.

The participant is given only one attempt to complete the exercise.


Compound 1.


Equilibrium ("swallow") (hold) -. ……………………… ... ..

0.5 points


Frontal balance with a grip (heel of the raised leg at shoulder level) (hold) …………………… ..…

jump with change of bent legs ("goat") - step forward and jump with change of straight legs forward ("scissors") - step forward ………………………………………………………… . ...


A jump with a change of straight legs ("scissors") - a step forward and a repeated jump with a change of straight legs forward (in both jumps, a change in the position of the legs at shoulder level) - a step forward …………………………… ...

swing one, push the other two flips to the side ("wheels") in the stand feet apart, arms to the sides .........


Flip to the right or left ("wheel") into the leg apart - turn to the right (left) and swing the right (left), push the left (right) flip to the left or right ("wheel") into the leg apart …….

Compound 2.

Bundles of acrobatic elements


Somersault forward to the sed (designate) - sit at an angle (hold) ... ..

0.5 points

Complication :

Somersault forward in a sitting corner - sitting with a hand corner to the sides (hold) .... …………………………………….

Sitting with an inclination forward and roll back into a stance on the shoulder blades (hold) - roll forward into an emphasis squatting ...……. …………… ..

Complication :

Sed with a forward bend and roll back into a stance on the shoulder blades without the help of hands (hold) - spread the legs in the front plane (mark) - connect and roll forward into an emphasis squatting ...… .. …………… ..

to stand up - a step forward and the second step forward is the same-name turn of 360?

Complication :

- the eponymous turn at 540? ………………………….

Compound 3.

Bundles of acrobatic elements


Bridge (hold) - turn right (left) in a circle at close range, crouching ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....................

0.5 points


The bridge with the leg raised forward (hold) - turn right (left) in a circle at close range, sitting down ………… ..….

back somersault - a back somersault standing bent over, straighten up in a stance, arms out to the sides ……………………… ...

two - three steps of a run and a somersault forward by a jump - a jump upward, bending legs apart ……………………………………


Two - three steps of a run and a jump forward somersault - a jump upwards with a turn of 360 ° ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Compound 1.

Bundles of acrobatic elements


From the leg stand apart by bending forcefully the headstand and arms (hold) - bend the legs and, straightening, the handstand (mark) - …………………. ……………………….

0.5 points


From the leg stand apart by bending forcefully, the headstand and arms (hold) - bend and unbend into the handstand (designate) …………………

somersault forward into a stand, legs apart, arms to the sides - an emphasis while bent over and a somersault forward into a stand on the shoulder blades (hold) - a roll forward into a saddle - ………………… .. ………… ..


somersault forward into a stand, legs apart, arms to the sides - an emphasis standing bent over and a somersault forward into a stand on the shoulder blades without the help of hands (hold) - a roll forward into a saddle - ……………………………………………… … .. …… ..

forward bend - backward somersault in a tuck - backward roll with straight legs at close range standing, bent and straightening, stand, arms to the sides ...………………………


Bend forward and two rolls back with straight legs to the point of support while standing, bent and, straightening, standing, arms to the sides ...... …………………………… ...

Compound 2.

Bundles of acrobatic elements


Swing one, pushing the other through a handstand, somersault forward into an emphasis squatting down - stand in a handstand up ... ………………………………………………………………

0.5 points


Swing one, pushing the other 360-degree handstand? and a somersault forward at close range, squatting ... ..

stand up - step forward jump in tuck and step forward jump bend legs apart …………………… .. …….


stand up - step forward jump bending legs together and step forward jump bending legs apart ……………

with one swing, pushing the other to the right or left ("wheel") into the leg stance apart - turn to the right (left) and swing the right (left), push the left (right) flip to the left or right ("wheel") into the leg stance apart ... ………….


The same, but one of the coups at the participant's choice is done with support on one hand ....................................

Compound 3.

Bundles of acrobatic elements


Equilibrium ("swallow") (hold) ……………… ..... …………

0.5 points


Lateral balance (hold) ……………………… ..

to straighten up - with two - three steps of a run, a somersault forward by a jump - a jump upward, legs apart - ……………………….


to straighten up - with two or three steps of a run, a forward somersault by a jump - a jump upward with a turn of 360? ..

jump forward somersault - jump upward with a turn of 360° ……………………………………………………………….


1. Participant and

1.1. Girls can be dressed in swimsuits, overalls or T-shirts with short trousers ("leggings"). Separate swimwear is prohibited.

1.2. Boys can wear gymnastic shirts, the width of the straps of which should not exceed 4 cm, leotards or sports shorts that do not cover the knees.

1.3. T-shirts and tank tops should not be worn over shorts or leotards.

1.4. The exercise can be performed in socks, gymnastic slippers (gym shoes) or barefoot.

1.5. Jewelry is not allowed.

1.6. Violation of the requirements for sportswear is punishable by a deduction. 0,5 points.

2. Order of presentation

2.1. For the tests, participants are assigned to shifts, in accordance with their personal start number.

2.2. Before the start of the test, when forming each shift, the participants must present an identity document to the judge with the participants.

2.3. Before the participant starts his performance, his name and surname must be clearly announced. After the call, the participant has 20 seconds to begin the exercise. An exercise performed without a challenge is not scored.

2.4. The exercise must have a clear start and end. If this requirement is violated, a deduction of 0.5 points is made.

2.5. The exercise time should not exceed 1 minute. 30 sec. After this time, the exercise stops. In 10 sec. a warning signal is given before the end of the exercise.

2.6. Evaluation of the participant's actions begins from the moment of taking the starting position on the tumbling track and ends with fixing the main stance after it ends. The participant's readiness to start the performance is signaled by the raised right hand.

2.7. Support and overt assistance provided during the exercise will be penalized with appropriate deductions.

2.8. All participants in one shift must be in a place specially designated for them. Their behavior should not interfere with other participants.

For violations specified in clause 2.8. The chairman of the jury has the right to punish the participant with a decrease in the mark by 0.5 point, and in case of a gross violation - to remove from participation in the test.

3. Re-performance e

3.1. A participant's performance cannot be restarted, except in cases caused by unforeseen circumstances, which include: breakdown of gymnastic equipment that occurred during the performance; malfunctions in the operation of general equipment - lighting, room smoke, etc.; the appearance of foreign objects on the gymnastic equipment or in the immediate vicinity of it, creating a traumatic situation.

3.2. In the event of the above situations, the participant must immediately stop performing. If the performance is completed, it will be judged.

3.3. Only the Chair of Judges Panel has the right to authorize a repeat exercise. In this case, the participant performs his exercise first, after the performance of all participants in his shift.

3.4. If the performance is interrupted due to the fault of the participant, the repetition of the exercise is not allowed.

4. Warm up

4.1. Before the start of the performances, the participants are given a warm-up at the rate of no more than 30 seconds per person.

5. Judges

5.1. A panel of judges is appointed to guide the tests.

5.2. The jury consists of the Chairman of the Jury and two panels of judges: the “A” panel, which evaluates the difficulty, and the “B” panel, which evaluates the execution of the exercise. Each panel is headed by an arbiter.

6. The Golden Rule

6.1. The exercise should be consistent with the abilities and capabilities of the performer. When composing an exercise and choosing elements of increased difficulty, one should not sacrifice reliability, style and technical purity of performance.

7. Assessment of difficulty

7.1. The total total cost of the performed acrobatic exercises, including the cost of the elements of increased difficulty indicated in the program, is a grade for difficulty, which cannot exceed 10,0 points.

7.2. Mandatory elements and elements of increased difficulty are counted to the participant if they are performed without errors leading to their strong, beyond recognition, distortion.

8. Evaluation of performance

8.1. The judges evaluate the quality of the exercise in comparison with the ideal option, taking into account the requirements for the technique of performing individual elements.

8.2. Execution errors can be: minor - 0,1 points, average - 0,3 points, rough - 0,5 points. Failure errors – 0,8 points.

8.3. Major non-compliance errors include:

Violation of the technique of performing an element, leading to a strong, beyond recognition, its distortion;

Fixing a static element less 2 seconds;

Touching the floor with two hands, landing not on the feet, falling;

8.4. In the event of an unjustified pause for more than 5 seconds during the exercise, it stops and is not evaluated.

8.5. When scoring for the performance of a judge from 10,0 points deduct deductions for errors in technique of all elements performed by the participant: mandatory, arbitrarily added binder and increased difficulty.

9. Final assessment

9.1. The final score is derived as the difference between the sum of the marks for the difficulty and the execution of the exercise given by teams "A" and "B" and the deduction of the Chairman of the Jury for violations of the requirements for the general order of execution of exercises.

9.2. The final estimate can be maximally equal to 20,0 points.

10. Equipment

10.1. The exercise is performed on an acrobatic track at least 12 meters in length and 1,5 meters wide.

10.2. Around the tumbling track, there must be a safety zone at least 1.5 meters wide, completely free of foreign objects.