Stories that everyone should read. What to read for the soul: list of the best books

11/19/2015 at 6:48 pm · Johnny · 122 970

Top 10 most read books in Russia today

If you decide to spend the evening reading an interesting book, then the proposed list of popular literature will help you in choosing an artistic creation. Famous contemporary and classic writers offer readers some of today's most captivating works.

Based on reviews from fans fiction and demand for works in stores, a list of the TOP 10 most read books in Russia today was compiled.


The top ten ranking is a novel by an English writer. The main characters do not yet know that their meeting will radically change their lives. Lou Clark has a boyfriend for whom she has no real feelings. The girl loves life and her job at the bar. And it seemed like nothing foreshadowed the emergence of problems that the girl would have to face in the near future.

Fate brings Lou together with a guy named Will Taylor. The young man received serious injuries from the motorcycle that hit him. His only goal is to find the culprit and take revenge.

But the acquaintance of Lou and Will becomes a turning point for the heroes on the path of life. They had to go through tests to find each other. The novel captivates with its eccentricity, where there is no hint of banality.


A work of fiction Dmitry Glukhovsky "Metro 2035" has become a sensational novel this year, which is a continuation of the previous parts: “Metro 2033” and “Metro 2034”.

Nuclear war has killed all life on the planet and people are forced to live in the subway.

In the final story of the trilogy, readers will find out whether humanity will be able to return to earth again, after a long imprisonment underground. The main character will still be Artyom, who is so beloved by book lovers. The fantastic dystopia rightfully ranks ninth among the most read books today.


The eighth position in the ranking is occupied by a psychological novel with elements of a detective story by a British writer. Paula Hawkins "The Girl on the Train". The young woman Rachel herself destroyed her family by becoming addicted to alcohol. She has nothing but the image of the ideal couple Jess and Jason, whose lives she watches from the train window. But one day this picture of a perfect relationship disappears. Jess disappears under strange circumstances.

Rachel, who had been drinking alcohol the day before, is trying to remember what happened and whether she has anything to do with the strange disappearance. She begins to investigate a mysterious case.

According to 2015 data, the bestseller is among the top 10 best-selling books in the country.


Donna Tart released the third part of a masterpiece of psychological prose "Goldfinch". Art is closely intertwined with the fate of teenager Theodor Trekker, under tragic circumstances. A boy loses his mother in an explosion at an art gallery. Escaping from the rubble, the main character decides to take with him a painting by the famous author Fabritius “The Goldfinch”. The boy still has no idea how a work of art will influence his future destiny.

The novel has already fallen in love with many readers in Russia and rightfully occupies 7th place in the top 10 most popular books today.


New detective story by Russian writer Alexandra Marinina "Execution without malice" entered the top 10 most read books in Russia. Anastasia Kamenskaya and her service partner Yuri Korotkov come to a Siberian town to resolve personal issues. The trip becomes another investigation for the heroes into a mysterious wave of crimes. Professionals in their field will have to figure out how the murders of environmentalists and the fur farm that litters the surrounding area are connected. The reader is treated to an exciting story about an unusual investigation.


Immortal manuscript Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"- one of the most read books in Russia today.

This classic of world literature tells the story of true, devoted love and treacherous betrayal. The master of words managed to create a book within a book, where reality intertwines with other world and another era. The executor human destinies There will be a dark world of evil, creating good and justice. Bulgakov managed to combine the incompatible, so the novel remains firmly in the TOP 10.


"Planet Water"- a new literary work by Boris Akunin, which consists of three works. The first story, “Planet Water,” tells about the amazing adventures of Erast Petrovich Fandorin, who rushes in search of a maniac hiding on the island. For this reason, he has to interrupt the underwater expedition. The second part of the book “Lonely Sail” tells about the hero’s investigation into a murder. Turns out to be a victim ex-lover Erast Petrovich. The final story, “Where Should We Go,” introduces the reader to the robbery case. Main character looking for clues that will lead him to the criminals. The book was published in 2015 and is quickly gaining popularity among today's readers.


Paulo Coelho became popular in Russia thanks to his philosophical work "Alchemist". The parable tells about the shepherd Santiago, who is in search of treasure. The hero's journey ends with the discovery of true value. The young man meets an alchemist and comprehends philosophical science. The purpose of life is not material wealth, but love and doing good deeds for all humanity. The book has remained the most read in Russia for many years.


Professor Robert Langdon has to solve the murder mystery. The code that was found next to the murdered museum employee will help the hero with this. The solution to the crime lies in the immortal creations of Leonardo da Vinci, and the code is the key to them.


Most a book to read Russia today is a dystopia George Orwell "1984". This is a story about a world where there is no place for true feelings. Absurd ideology, brought to the point of automatism, rules here. Consumer society considers the ideology of the Party to be the only correct one. But among the “dead souls” there are those who do not want to put up with the existing foundations. The main character of the novel, Winston Smith, finds a like-minded person in Julia. A man falls in love with a girl, and together they try to take steps to change the current situation. The couple is soon declassified and tortured. Smith “breaks down” and renounces his ideas and his lover. The book about the totalitarian regime of government remains popular throughout the world to this day.

What books today can be safely included in the top interesting books and how is this determined? Let's try to figure it out. Now, in a century quickly developing technologies and rapidly growing capital, the literature that was popular half a century ago is far from always relevant. Nevertheless, the unshakable classics remain as such: Shakespeare, Goethe or Dostoevsky are read with pleasure to this day. Most of their works are certainly relevant and interesting books for the modern reader. Also, let's not forget about famous masters already of the twentieth century - the era of post-modernism, which also now claims to be a classic, and not without reason, by the way. Authors such as Ray Bradbury, George Orwell, Bulgakov and Remarque remain popular today. So, if you are looking for very interesting books, do not pass by the classics of the 20th century.

What about today? And today the world and domestic literature not only is it not inferior to the past, but for the modern reader it often turns out to be even more exciting and thoughtful than the literature of the past. There are top Western authors, like King, whose books become hits with enviable speed after their release. There are also ours, such as Pelevin, who regularly write interesting books to read which, however, need to have developed intelligence and imagination. In general, both the past and the present are rich in interesting books that are worth reading, if only you have the desire.

How to find a list of the most interesting books for yourself?

A list of books is works sorted into separate lists according to certain criteria. Here you will find both the best novels most loved by readers, and a list of the worst. Based on the lists, you can find the most interesting books. Discover works you haven't read yet. Choose a list of interesting books to suit your taste, and among the already favorite novels you will definitely find something new!

This is not just a list of “recommended literature” like the one that the Ministry of Education and Science hastened to present, and not just a list of good and favorite books. This is precisely a study based on an in-depth survey, literary investigation and analysis of the mention of texts in different eras. As a result, we were able to describe the origin of the key features of the “Russian soul” and even think about the future of our culture.

How was this list compiled? People who took part in the survey asked to name 20 books that are not necessarily their favorite, but which they must read in order to be able to speak “the same language” with them. More than a hundred questionnaires were received. The age of the survey participants ranged from 18 to 72 years, geography - from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. Among the respondents are journalists, doctors, librarians, builders, engineers, businessmen, programmers, waiters, managers, teachers, etc. Almost everyone either has higher education, or study at a university. That is, the survey involved representatives of the intellectual elite, bearers of the very cultural code of Russia, if it exists.

To our surprise, it turned out that there is one. We truly speak the same language. At all Russian society turned out to be more homogeneous than we thought.

If you need more more letters, then continuation. For those who are more impatient, we immediately offer a list of books.

100 books you need to read to understand yourself and others

1. “The Master and Margarita” Mikhail Bulgakov
Textbook of Soviet and Christian history

2. “Eugene Onegin” Alexander Pushkin
A textbook of real feelings and an encyclopedia of Russian life

3. “Crime and Punishment” Fyodor Dostoevsky
Textbook of philosophy and morality

4. “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy
A textbook of real human behavior

5. “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Textbook of philosophy

6. “Hero of Our Time” Mikhail Lermontov
Psychology textbook

7. “Twelve Chairs” Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov
Textbook of satire

8. "1984" George Orwell
Social studies textbook

9. “One Hundred Years of Solitude” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Textbook of knowledge of eternity

10. Harry Potter by JK Rowling
A primer on growing up

eleven. " Dead Souls" Nikolay Gogol
Textbook of Russian character

12. “Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy
Family Life Textbook

13. “The Idiot” Fyodor Dostoevsky
Textbook of Humanity

14. “The Picture of Dorian Gray” Oscar Wilde
A textbook of decadence

15. “Woe from Wit” Alexander Griboyedov
Textbook of Russian mentality

16. “Fathers and Sons” Ivan Turgenev
Textbook of generational conflicts

17. The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien
A textbook of good and evil

18. “The Catcher in the Rye” by Jerome Salinger
A Primer on Teen Crisis

19. “Three Comrades” Erich Maria Remarque
A Primer on True Friendship

21. “Heart of a Dog” Mikhail Bulgakov

22. "Alice in Wonderland" Lewis Carroll
Textbook of Logic and Dreams

23. “The Brothers Karamazov” Fyodor Dostoevsky
Textbook of philosophy and religion

24. “Sherlock Holmes” (60 works in total) Arthur Conan Doyle
Deductive Reasoning Textbook

25. “The Three Musketeers” by Alexandre Dumas
A manual on real man behavior

26. " Captain's daughter" Alexander Pushkin
Manual of Honor

27. “We” Evgeny Zamyatin
Textbook of political science

28. “The Inspector General” Nikolai Gogol
Textbook government structure Russia

29. "Romeo and Juliet" William Shakespeare
A textbook of tragic love

30. “The Old Man and the Sea” Ernest Hemingway
Manual of Mental Strength

31. “Dark Alleys” Ivan Bunin
Relationship Tutorial

32. “Faust” by Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Textbook of ethics and will

33. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
A Primer on Anti-Degradation

34. Bible
Textbook textbooks

35. “The Trial” by Franz Kafka
A guide to surviving the world of bureaucracy

36. “Golden Calf” Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov
A textbook on a humorous attitude towards life

37. “Oh marvelous new world» Aldous Huxley
A textbook on renouncing illusions

38. " Quiet Don» Mikhail Sholokhov
Textbook of man's place in history

39. “Generation “P”” Victor Pelevin
Textbook of modern Russian history

40. Hamlet by William Shakespeare
Textbook of contradictions

41. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Textbook of relationship psychology

42. “Two Captains” Veniamin Kaverin
Personal growth textbook

43. “Over the Cuckoo's Nest” by Ken Kesey
Freedom textbook

44. Trilogy about Dunno Nikolay Nosov
Economics textbook

45. “Oblomov” Ivan Goncharov
Textbook of Russian mentality

46. ​​“Monday begins on Saturday” Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
Textbook of Idealism

47. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” Mark Twain
Childhood textbook

48. “The Gulag Archipelago” Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Survival Guide to the Wheel of History

49. The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald
A textbook of disappointments

50. “Dandelion Wine” by Ray Bradbury
A textbook of joy and fantasy

51. “The Wizard of the Emerald City” Alexander Volkov
A textbook of correct human qualities

52. “All About the Moomins” by Tove Jansson
Textbook of knowledge of the world

53. “The History of a City” Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin
Textbook of life in Russia

54. “Lolita” Vladimir Nabokov
A Textbook of Human Weaknesses

55. "On Western Front no change" Erich Maria Remarque
Manual of behavior in war

56. “For Whom the Bell Tolls” Ernest Hemingway
Textbook of Courage

57. “Arc de Triomphe” Erich Maria Remarque
A Guide to Finding Purpose in Life

58. “It’s hard to be a god” Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
Worldview Textbook

59. Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
A guide to making your dreams come true

60. “The Count of Monte Cristo” Alexandre Dumas
A Primer on Real Emotions

62. “Moscow - Cockerels” Venedikt Erofeev
Textbook of the Russian soul

63. “Belkin’s Tales” Alexander Pushkin
Russian language textbook

64. “Nausea” Jean-Paul Sartre
Textbook of philosophical attitude to life

65. Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Textbook of Humanism

66. " White Guard" Michael Bulgakov
Textbook of Human Dignity

67. “Demons” Fyodor Dostoevsky
Revolution textbook

68. " The Divine Comedy» Dante Alighieri
Textbook of Sin and Faith

69. “Fight Club” Chuck Palahniuk
A textbook on life in the modern world

70. " The Cherry Orchard" Anton Chekhov
A primer on letting go of old ideals

71. “Castle” by Franz Kafka
A Primer on the Absurdity of Life

72. “The Name of the Rose” by Umberto Eco
Textbook of erudition

73. Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Team Survival Guide

74. “The Stranger” Albert Camus
Textbook of Humanity

75. "Cathedral" Notre Dame of Paris" Victor Hugo
A textbook of beauty

76. “The Plague” by Albert Camus
A textbook on humanity in extreme situations

77. Slaughterhouse-Five or the Children's Crusade by Kurt Vonnegut
Textbook of Objectivity

78. “And the dawns here are quiet” Boris Vasiliev
Textbook of Heroism

79. “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka” Nikolai Gogol
Textbook of patriotism

80. “The golden cloud spent the night” Anatoly Pristavkin
World Peace Textbook

81. “Roadside Picnic” Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
Textbook of reflection on justice

82. “About Fedot the Sagittarius, a daring fellow” Leonid Filatov
Self-irony textbook

83. "Animal Farm" George Orwell
A Primer on Political Metaphor

84. Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
Textbook of life in turning points stories

85. " Scarlet Sails» Alexander Green
Romance Tutorial

86. “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry
Textbook of fate

87. “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha” Miguel de Cervantes
A textbook of good and smart irony

88. “Iliad” and “Odyssey” Homer
Textbook of Heroic

89. Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
A Primer on Survival and Hope

90. “Three in a Boat and a Dog” by Jerome K. Jerome
Textbook of English Humor

91. “Ward No. 6” Anton Chekhov
A textbook on the wrong side of life

92. “Winnie the Pooh and Everything” Alan Milne
Childhood textbook

93. “Twelve” Alexander Blok
A Textbook of Revolutionary Romance

94. “Kolyma Tales” Varlam Shalamov
Survival Tutorial

95. “Pit” Andrey Platonov
Textbook of the Russian soul

96. “Letters to a Roman Friend” Joseph Brodsky
Textbook of modern poetry

97. “Black Man” Sergei Yesenin
Textbook of Madness

98. “The Noise of Time” Osip Mandelstam
Textbook of the feeling of the era

99. Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift
Relativity textbook

100. “Cases” Daniil Kharms
Textbook of the Absurd

“The old man threw the line, stepped on it with his foot, raised the harpoon as high as he could, and with all the strength that he had and that he was able to muster at that moment, stabbed the harpoon into the fish’s side, just behind its huge pectoral fin , rising high above the sea to the level of a human chest. He felt the iron entering the flesh, and, leaning against the harpoon, he thrust it deeper and deeper, helping himself with the entire weight of his body.

And then the fish came to life, although it already carried death within itself - it rose high above the water, as if boasting of its enormous length and width, all its beauty and power. It seemed that she was hanging in the air above the old man and the boat. Then she crashed into the sea, flooding both the old man and his entire boat with streams of water.”

“No, guys, it’s hard to describe this thing if someone hasn’t seen it, it’s very simple in appearance, especially when you look closely and finally believe your eyes. It’s the same as describing a glass to someone or, God forbid, a glass: you just move your fingers and curse from complete impotence. Okay, let’s assume that you understand everything, and if anyone doesn’t understand, take the institute’s “Reports” - in any issue there are articles about these “dummies” with photographs...”

“The model of the rocket was assembled rather conventionally, in some places it was even simply knocked together from boards, and only the crew’s work stations exactly repeated the real ones. All this was meant for practical classes, which Mitko and I were not supposed to start soon. But despite this, we were transferred to live deep down in a spacious box with two paintings depicting windows with a panorama of Moscow under construction. There were seven beds there, and Mitko and I realized that soon we would be replenished.”

“Just as keg beer has increasingly replaced good old ale, Lately many people began to prefer standardized cats devoid of any individuality. And even though their faceless pets are bursting with health and shiny with vitamins, they are no match for real cats. The movement to protect real cats is designed to help people distinguish genuine representatives of the cat family from all sorts of tailed products of mass culture. This is precisely why our book was written - in defense of true cats and against barrel cats.”

“And then one Thursday, after the rain, almost two thousand years after one man was nailed to a tree for calling for at least sometimes, just for a change, to treat each other kindly, a certain the girl, sitting alone at the table of a small cafe in Rickmansworth, suddenly figured out what the whole problem was and how the world could still be made an abode of happiness and peace. This time it’s all in the bag, everything will certainly work out - and no nails or nailing living people to trees and other objects!”

“Today’s drawing lesson was wildly interesting. I drew a lonely guy standing on a bridge. His first love just cheated on him with his ex-best friend. Former best friend floundering in a stormy river. The guy watches him drown. My ex-best friend looks a little like Nigel, and the guy looks a little like me. Miss Fossington-Gore said my painting “has depth.” The river is also deep. Ha! Ha! Ha!"

“It hit somewhere near Barstow, at the edge of the desert. I remember saying something like: “I’m dizzy, get behind the wheel.” And suddenly a terrible roar was heard from all sides, the sky was filled with some huge the bats, screeching and diving around our convertible, which, with the roof down, was rushing to Las Vegas at a speed of one hundred and sixty kilometers per hour. There was a cry: “Oh my God! What kind of creatures are these?!”

“Poor Molly. It started with a tingling sensation in her arm while she was hailing a taxi outside the Dorchester restaurant; the feeling never went away. After a few weeks, she had difficulty remembering words. “Parliament”, “chemistry”, “propeller” she could forgive herself, but “cream”, “bed”, “mirror” - these were worse. When the acanthus and bresaola temporarily disappeared, she went to the doctor, expecting to be reassured. However, she was sent for examination, and, one might say, she never returned from there. How quickly the fighting Molly became the sick captive of her sullen possessive husband George. Molly, restaurant critic, photographer, woman of inexhaustible wit, daring gardener, lover of the Foreign Secretary, able to easily walk a wheel at forty-six years old. Everyone was talking about her rapid descent into madness and pain: the loss of control over her functions, and with it her sense of humor, and then a gradual eclipse with episodes of powerless violence and muffled screams.”

When you overcome all these Mr. Vinsons, you will begin to come closer and closer - of course, if you want, if you strive for it, wait for it - you will come closer to the knowledge that will become very, very dear to your heart. And then you will discover that you are not the first in whom people and their behavior caused confusion, fear and even disgust. You will understand that you are not the only one who feels this way, and this will make you happy and support you. Many, many people have experienced the same confusion in moral and spiritual issues that you are experiencing now. Fortunately, some of them wrote down their experiences. You will learn a lot from them - if, of course, you want to. Just as others will someday learn from you if you have something to tell them. Mutual help is wonderful. And it’s not just about knowledge. It's in poetry. She's in history.

“On the day I turned ninety, I decided to give myself a gift - a night of crazy love with a young virgin. I remembered Rosa Cabarcas, the landlady underground house dating service, which in the old days, having got its hands on a “fresh” girl, immediately notified its good clients about it. I was not tempted by her vile proposals, but she did not believe in the purity of my principles. “Morality is a matter of time,” she used to say with a malicious grin, “the time will come, you will see for yourself.”

“Time passed, and the love that arose from inclination grew stronger and stronger. White Fang himself began to feel this, albeit unconsciously. Love made itself felt by a feeling of emptiness that persistently, greedily demanded filling. Love brought with it pain and anxiety, which only subsided at the touch of the hand of the new god. At these moments, love became joy - unbridled joy, permeating the entire being of White Fang. But as soon as God left, the pain and anxiety returned and White Fang was again overcome by a feeling of emptiness, a feeling of hunger, imperiously demanding satisfaction.”

“Sighing, he looked with a quiet smile at her raised face and could not answer her when, clutching his shoulders, she begged in some kind of flying voice - not the same nasal whisper - she was completely lost in words: “Yes, tell me.” finally - do you love me? But noticing something in his face - a familiar shadow, an involuntary severity - she again remembered that she needed to charm - with sensitivity, perfume, poetry - and began again to pretend to be either a poor girl or an exquisite courtesan.

“The lightning lamp with a crooked tin lampshade burned hotly, with two horns. On the operating table, on the white, fresh-smelling oilcloth, I saw it, and the hernia faded from my memory.

Light, slightly reddish hair hung from the table in a bunch of dried tangles. The scythe was gigantic, and its end touched the floor.

The calico skirt was torn and there was blood on it different color- brown stain, greasy stain, scarlet. The light of the “lightning” seemed yellow and alive to me, and her face was papery, white, her nose was pointed.

On her white face, like a plaster, motionless, truly rare beauty faded. It’s not always, not often, that you meet such a face.”

“And on such a day Madonnina gave birth. There were four kittens, and for the first time among them there was one black - pitch black, like a raven's wing. No, not completely black: the right front leg was white. But that is not all. It was un maschio, a boy, a man, a cat. Black cat born on Friday November 17th under thunder and lightning, at noon, high noon. Oh oh. They named him Nero. Nero means "black".

“I must start with a frank confession. I practically stole these boots...

Two hundred years ago, the historian Karamzin visited France. Russian emigrants asked him:

What, in a nutshell, is happening at home?

Karamzin didn’t need two words.

“They steal,” Karamzin answered...

Indeed, they steal. And every year it’s getting bigger.”

“Remove man from the scene, and the cause of hunger and overwork will disappear forever. Man is the only creature that consumes without producing anything. He doesn't give milk, he doesn't lay eggs, he's too weak to pull a plow, he's too slow to catch rabbits. Yet he is the supreme ruler over all animals. He sends them to work, he gives them just enough to feed them so that they do not suffer from hunger - but everything else remains in his possession.”

“The conversation was, of course, about the war. They talked about the atrocities of the Prussians, about the courage of the French; and all these people, who themselves fled from the enemy, extolled the valor of others. Then they moved on to everyone’s personal affairs, and here Pyshka, with genuine excitement and with the vehemence with which such girls sometimes express their natural impulses, told why she left Rouen.

At first I thought of staying,” she said. “My house was full of all sorts of supplies, and I would prefer to feed several soldiers than to leave my native place God knows where. But as soon as I saw these Prussians, I felt: no, I can’t stand it! My blood began to boil. I cried with shame all day. Eh, if I were a man, I would show them!.. If my maid had not held my hands when I looked out the window at these fat hogs in pointed helmets, I would have thrown all my furniture at their backs... Then several people from they came to stay with me, but I grabbed the throat first. Well, isn't it just as easy to strangle a German as anyone else? I would have finished him off if they hadn’t pulled me away by my hair. Well, after that I had to hide... And as soon as the opportunity presented itself, I left.”

“In the city of Stockholm, on the most ordinary street, in the most ordinary house, lives an ordinary Swedish family named Svanteson. This family consists of a very ordinary dad, a very ordinary mother and three very ordinary children - Bosse, Bethan and Baby.”

“Philip Lombard only needed one glance to form an impression of the girl opposite: pretty, but there’s something about her like a teacher... She’s cold-blooded and probably knows how to stand up for herself - both in love and in life. And it would probably be worth doing...

He frowned. No, no, there's no time for that now. Business is business. Now we need to focus on work."

“But really: what does Time smell like? Dust, hours, man. And if you think about it, what is it like - Time, that is - to the ear? It’s like water flowing in a dark cave, like calling voices, like the rustling of earth that falls on the lid of an empty box, like rain. Let's go even further and ask, what does Time look like? It’s like snow silently flying into a black well, or an old silent film in which a hundred billion faces, like New Year’s balls, fall down, falling into nothingness. This is what Time smells like and this is what it looks and sounds like.”

“The Magi, those who brought gifts to the baby in the manger, were, as we know, wise, amazingly wise people. They started the fashion for making Christmas gifts. And since they were wise, their gifts were wise, perhaps even with a stipulated right of exchange in case of unsuitability. And here I told you an unremarkable story about two stupid kids from an eight-dollar apartment who, in the most unwise way, sacrificed their greatest treasures for each other. But let it be said for the edification of the sages of our day that of all the donors these two were the wisest. Of all those who offer and receive gifts, only those like them are truly wise. Everywhere and everywhere. They are the Magi."

“In England I had neither close friends nor relatives, and I was free as the wind, or rather, like a man who was supposed to live on eleven shillings and six pence a day. Under such circumstances, I naturally gravitated to London, to that huge dustbin where idlers and lazy people from all over the empire inevitably end up. In London I lived for some time in a hotel on the Strand and eked out an uncomfortable and meaningless existence, spending my pennies much more freely than I should have. Finally mine financial position became so threatening that I soon realized: it was necessary either to flee the capital and vegetate somewhere in the countryside, or to radically change my lifestyle. Having chosen the latter, I first decided to leave the hotel and find myself some more unassuming and less expensive accommodation.”

“He was always inclined to take things extremely lightly, admitting that things were bad only when they really got very bad, and accustomed to not doing anything in advance, even if a threat was imminent.”

“Actually, Lena has green eyes and seven freckles on her nose. She is very thin. Grandfather says that she is a maiden horse, although she looks more like a bicycle. And in arm wrestling, Lena loses to everyone, but this is simply because everyone is cheating, she says.

I myself, in my opinion, look like everyone else, I have blond hair and a dimple on my cheek. The only thing unusual about me is my name, but this is not visible from the outside. Mom and Dad named me Theobald Rodrik. And they immediately regretted it. It's not good to give a small baby such a big name. But it was too late: what's done is done. So I have already lived as Theobald Rodrik Danielsen Uttergaard for nine years. And this is a lot. This is my whole life."

“I don’t know how rumors spread around the school and why they are so often confirmed. It seems that it happened in the dining room. I do not remember exactly. Dave looked through his ridiculous glasses and said: “Michael committed suicide. His mother was playing bridge with one of the neighbors and they heard a shot.”

I don’t remember exactly what happened to me afterwards, only my older brother rushed into the director’s office and said: “Don’t lose your temper.” And then he hugged me by the shoulders and said: “Pull yourself together before your father comes home.”

No matter how unusual it may sound, in the modern world of various gadgets, applications and IT technologies, our youth still read books, many modern authors with a new style and approach to writing books speak about this.

What kind of books are these, or rather, stories that excite the modern reader?

Let's find out which ones are the most interesting modern books. Although among huge amount It will not be easy to choose interesting literature, but we will still try to do it.

E.L. James - Fifty Shades of Gray

Well, how can we remember the most sensational and scandalous book under the intriguing title “Fifty Shades of Gray”? This half-romantic and half-erotic story of the touching and hot relationship between a journalist and a successful businessman created a real sensation, and also had the effect of an exploding bomb.

For the first time in many years, someone dared to write not only about sex, but also about the capabilities and desires of a person during times of lust and passion.

Which appropriate name this love story, because it’s a problem modern world. Yes, yes, the Internet is a destructive web; it gives as many opportunities as it takes away. People meet, meet and communicate in the virtual world, forgetting about real emotions and experiences. And when, having met in the real world, they do not suit each other, they cannot understand what is the matter and why virtual love and sympathy are so different from real world, because everything was perfect on social networks...

George R.R. Martin A Song of Ice and Fire. Game of Thrones"

We couldn’t ignore the most discussed and popular novel of the 21st century. A whole series of fantasy novels captivated the minds of young people and made an entire generation fans of this trilogy. The plot of the book unfolds around the fictional continent of Westeros and its mysterious, and I would even say, slightly mystical inhabitants. A mysterious saga about the life of seven kingdoms, where love reigns, hate reigns and the war for the Iron Throne never stops. Here, as is customary in science fiction novels, there are dragons, magicians and fearless warriors. If you are no longer a child, but still love fairy tales, then this series of books about the Magic Kingdom is just for you.

Markus Zusak - "The Book Thief"

Very Touching story, about a girl who was adopted as an adult. The plot takes place during the Second World War in a small German town, where everyone is afraid of death and reprisals. But a strong girl named Liesel finds strength and a great desire to comprehend science and read books that are interesting and beyond her age. Although she gets them in a not very honest and humane way, and simply put, she steals from the library of a person respected by everyone, but the end justifies all the means, doesn’t it? This book is a must read for everyone, it's easy to read and the plot is amazing.

John Green - "The Fault in Our Stars"

Love is the most important and primary feeling in our lives and throughout the world. At the same time very romantic and sad story love between two terminally ill people. Hazel Grace and August Waters meet at a cancer support group and fall in love. They know that imminent death will separate them, but are happy that before leaving they experienced tender feelings and found happiness. An unusual love story, where pain is intertwined with tenderness and happiness, and which is a must read.

Pavel Sanaev “Bury me behind the baseboard”

A touching and very life story about how love turns into hatred and tyranny. The story is autobiographical, it is told by a little boy, whom his own mother abandoned, leaving him in the care of his grandparents. And they, in turn, are not too happy about this prospect, but are ready to fulfill this duty of conscience without unnecessary feelings and emotions. The strict grandmother is confident that she will raise the boy to be an obedient and emotionless robot. Only Sasha Savelyev doesn’t think so and has his own opinion on everything... Yes, you wouldn’t even dream of such a childhood... This story is on the list of books that are definitely worth reading.

Bernhard Schlink - "Reader"

Each of us has our own secrets and mysteries. The book "The Reader" is quite complex psychological history love, passion, hopelessness and betrayal.

A fifteen-year-old boy and a fully grown woman start an affair, they are united by an interest in books, and an educated guy reads important and interesting, in his opinion, books to his illiterate lover.

Stormy passion and unusual relationships end as unexpectedly as they begin. But fate is preparing for ex-lovers another meeting, but the circumstances will not be too pleasant for them. For those who have not read this popular story, we highly recommend reading it, because this is one of the books that will make you think and touch every note of your soul.

Mitchell David - "Cloud Atlas"

The novel is on the verge of fantasy - that’s what critics dubbed it. The plot tells the story of six different people from different time periods, namely the past, future and present, but as it turns out later, they have one soul, it is simply subject to reincarnation and wanders, visiting first one body, then another. Everything is very confusing and storylines strongly intertwined, although meaning and morality are still present here. But what they are is up to you to decide. But to do this, you first need to read the book from beginning to end.

Moyes, Jojo - "Me Before You"

We all have our own past, and throughout our lives we all meet the right and important person for us, who will once and for all change it beyond recognition.

This touching novel is about exactly that. Already in the first weeks of sales, more than half a million copies were sold, and the book itself entered the top bestsellers according to the New York Times. And this turn of events is not at all surprising, because we all love love stories that end with a happy ending.

Khaled Hosseini - The Kite Runner

The story is about the friendship that two eastern boys Amir and Hasan carried through their entire lives, despite all the differences and social inconsistency, because they are from different social strata and classes. Life has scattered them around different places and forced to be different sides barricades, but despite this they are faithful to their conscience and friendship.

A very moralizing and life story, which came from the pen of a talented writer, showed the whole world how to value friendship, and no matter what, not turn into blood enemies and protect friendly relationships with all your might.

Sebastian Barry "Tables of Fate"

An interesting story about how a poor old woman, who has already turned a hundred years old, living her old age in a mental hospital, keeps her own diary, where she writes down difficult and sad memories associated with her fate and the country in which she was born.

Ray Bradbury - "Dandelion Wine"

An ordinary life story that takes place in a small town. Every summer two boys come to the village to visit their beloved grandfather and help the old man collect dandelions for his drink. own recipe. This interesting wine contains their family history, traditions and memories, as well as all-consuming love, friendship, quarrels and tragedies.

Colm Toibin - "Brooklyn"

The best novel of the year about a young girl and a real wanderer who returns to her native land after so many years of wandering and searching for herself. Life forces her to leave her native Ireland and settle in New York's Brooklyn. Maybe this is for the better, because the chance of finding love here is much higher.

Homesickness makes her thoughts constantly return to her native land, and when Eilis gets used to a foreign city and becomes her own in it, life circumstances return her to Ireland.

What is this? Joke or simple irony of fate? What will happen next and what trials does fate have in store for her? To find out the whole truth you need to read the most interesting novel 2017.

Gillian Flynn - "Gone Girl"

The detective of the decade will tell us how you can live with a person for five years and not know him at all. Marital and, at first glance, happy couple is preparing to celebrate her wedding anniversary, but in an instant everything changes.

The thing is that the main character disappears without a trace, leaving a lot of bad evidence pointing to her death and more more questions. But we will find out the answers to them only when we read this interesting book.

Gregory David Roberts - "Shantaram"

The story of an Australian guy who chose the wrong one life path and went to prison. By chance, he manages to escape, and to get out of sight, he goes to Bombay. In India, a guy named Lindsay does not reform and again becomes a swindler and a deceiver. The moral of this novel is “people don’t change.” This is such a strange life story, but we will not reveal all the secrets and will give you a chance to read this book yourself.

Bernard Werber - "Empire of Angels"

We all ask ourselves the question: “Is there life after death and what awaits us beyond that?” A story that touches on this topic and gives us a chance to reflect and understand what evil and good are, why we were given life and how to use it correctly.

The main character of a science fiction novel named Michel Panson goes to heaven after death (that's lucky), and becomes a Guardian Angel and receives three wards.

It turns out that it’s not so easy to watch worldly life and be on the other side of the screen, and new profession He doesn't have it easy. This is the author’s imagination that brought him and his novel worldwide fame. The topic is simply very interesting and in demand. After all, we are not eternal...