Repairing bathroom floor tiles. Repairing floor tiles: how to glue them, how to restore them without removing them

You can quickly and easily update your interior using tile restoration Tiled flooring sometimes requires repair. Even considering that the quality tile material is very dense, any careless handling can damage it, break it or deprive it of its former attractiveness. In this case, restoration will help out. ceramic tiles, so popular now due to the fact that it is often difficult to find a replacement for a damaged composition of tiles.

Floor tile repair: how to repair damage

If you find one or more damaged tiles on the floor, you should not resort to major repairs. You can replace cracked areas with your own hands without the help of specialists. Damage to floor tiles may include chips, cracks, or dull grout

Repair work begins by assessing the degree of damage flooring: if a third of the tiles are damaged, it is wiser to choose complete replacement floor.

Partial replacement of the canvas involves selecting suitable tiles if they were not prepared in advance.

If you notice damage to the tiles, you can fix them yourself

Damaged areas can be removed:

  • Sawing through the seams with a grinder and water;
  • Cutting the seams with a drill having a thin drill bit;
  • Removing tiles using a hammer drill;
  • Combining options.

Afterwards the previous layer of glue is removed. Small chips are filled with cement paste. If there are significant cracks, the tiles are replaced. After removing the tiles, it is necessary to clear away the debris, prepare the base, lay a new covering and grout the seams.

If no obvious damage is found on the tiles, and only the seams are worn out, you can update them in different ways:

  • Completely remove the old grout and re-grout the seams;
  • Renew the coating using impregnation;
  • Paint the seams with a special composition for masking seams;
  • Use a marker.

If with partial cosmetic repairs do not pay attention to the condition of the seams between the tiles; over time, fungus or mold may appear between the tiles, which will ultimately ruin appearance floor covering.

Shallow cracks: restoration of floor tiles

Floor tiles are often subject to damage and breakage. When operating it, it is worth preventing situations with heavy objects falling, and if this happens, repairs are necessary as soon as possible to avoid the spread of the defect further.

When putting a rotary hammer or drill into operation, you should be aware that injury may occur. It is necessary to use the funds personal protection or contact specialists for repairs.

Cement mortar removes all defects well. The crack is filled with it, then grouting is carried out. Over the next three days, you need to moisten the surface for setting to occur. The place where the processing takes place should be covered with film.

You can repair a shallow crack in floor tiles by using special glue.

If glue is used, you must:

  • Remove dirt from each cracked tile with a damp cloth;
  • Mix the tile adhesive by placing in it a portion of pigment with the same color as the shade of the surface;
  • Fill the crack with the resulting composition;
  • Cover the area to be treated with dry sawdust and leave for a day.

It should be remembered that for use in the kitchen or bathroom it is worth purchasing grout, glue and other components with a moisture-resistant structure.

How to repair a chip on a floor tile

Ceramic tiles have many advantages; they are very popular finishing material for bathroom, toilet, kitchen and other places. If the tiles are damaged due to careless handling, there is no need to be upset. With the help of special technologies, you can get rid of chips on the tiles yourself, using a corrective composition.

In order to repair a chip in a tile, you will need to correctly remove a separate fragment of the tile.

The problem can be solved:

  • Removing the damaged fragment;
  • In the absence of withdrawal.

Removal is used if the tile is cracked due to mechanical stress. If there is a chip without cracks on the floor surface, dismantling is not required.

When dismantling, first the damaged fragment is carefully removed. In order not to spoil the adjacent tile, it is necessary to clean each seam down to the base using a sharp object, then knock on the tile, lift the broken part with a spatula and remove it. In case of failure, you should wet the tiles soap solution. Water will get under the tile, be absorbed into the glue and the tile will be easier to remove.

When restoring a damaged fragment, you should take into account that you need to clean its back surface from the adhesive base with a wet rag or spatula.

Next, the fracture site is cleaned with sandpaper, pieces tiles glued together. When it dries, the back surface is covered with glue again. Afterwards, the place for the tile is prepared, cleaned of dust, glue is applied to the surface and the tile, and it is glued. The seam must be covered with grout.

Not an easy job: restoration of porcelain tiles

Chips on ceramic and porcelain tiles may occur due to impact. Damaged tiles can be replaced or there is an option to disguise the chip.

To restore porcelain tiles, it is better to seek help from professional craftsmen.

The work is carried out as follows:

  1. The chip is cleaned and degreased with acetone.
  2. To tint the glue, add a little dye and mix.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to the part that has broken off; no hardener is added.
  4. If the glue is close in color to the tile, it must be removed from the broken part, the chip is cleaned with acetone and dried.
  5. Hardener is added to the glue and mixed. The adhesive must be applied immediately before hardening occurs.
  6. The glue is smoothed over the surface of the chipped part, and the excess is removed.

If the polyester adhesive has a matte finish, it will require polishing after it has cured. manually by using thick fabric or felt.

When matching the color of the adhesive to the color of the tile, you should not expect a complete match. Good result the damaged area will be invisible.

Hard wax is also actively used for the restoration of ceramic tiles. It helps to cover up any chips that appear without any problems.

Replacing tiles with your own hands (video)

Holes in the tiles, chips and cracks do not decorate the coating in any way. That’s why, when you see something like this at home, you want to immediately repair the defect. Filling tile cracks is a creative process that anyone can master. Tiles on the wall, floor and other places will look like new if you give them a little attention and effort, and then you won't need to spend a lot of money and completely replace them.

A tiled floor looks expensive, but without proper care it loses its aesthetic qualities. Repairing floor tiles from scratch is costly and time-consuming, so many people prefer to cosmetic procedure. Repairing ceramic tiles on the floor can be done on your own, the main thing is to observe the subtleties of the work. Let's talk about ways to improve the appearance of your floor.

Which method is more profitable?

There are several ways to clean up a ceramic tile floor. But first it’s worth assessing the scope of work. Inspect the floor to see which tiles need to be replaced and where you just need to freshen up the grout. The tile could crack for several reasons:

  • The screed is broken;
  • The glue is applied unevenly;
  • From strong mechanical impact on the surface.

Depending on the damage, calculate how much material you need to purchase (take with a small margin). If the store doesn’t have the tiles you need, you can use your imagination and combine materials that are similar in texture and color.

It is important to use high-quality glue. Don't save money, choose: Plitonite B, B+, C (price from 370 rubles); Ceresita CM 11 (from 410 rub.); CM11 plus (from 265 RUR). Imported glue, especially German glue, is more effective and of better quality. The price is lower, but it depends on the quantity you need. Typically, glue is sold in bags of 5, 10, 15, 25 kg.

It is more profitable to replace individual mosaic links, but if upon opening you see that the screed is cracked, you will have to replace a large area.
Photos are enlarged, click!

Installation - subtleties and main stages

To replace and repair a tiled floor you will need following materials and tools:

  • Hammer.
  • Tile adhesive.
  • Level.
  • Grout for seams.
  • Cement-sand mixture or ready-made dry screed composition
  • Construction mixer.
  • Container for mixing glue and screed.
  • Spatulas (rubber, plain, serrated).
Repairing tiles on the floor requires care, so if your hands “grow out of nowhere” and you don’t have enough patience, save your nerves and use the services of professionals. Price repair work starts from 350 rubles/m2 and depends on the complexity and volume.

You can carry out repairs yourself in the following steps:

Carefully remove the cracked link using a hammer drill. We also remove the screed underneath it by 1 cm to further level the tiles.

1. Mix a new screed of sand and cement (ratio ½).

You can take a ready-made self-leveling mixture, for example: Forward Tsemopol (price from 170 rubles). It is easier to work with a ready-made screed and it hardens faster.

Pour the composition into the hole formed so that there is a gap. Lightly brush the top of the self-leveling screed to remove any air bubbles. Left it to dry.

Using a spatula, make a cushion of glue. The composition must be leveled from above using wavy movements. Waves are necessary for better adhesion to the material.

Using a notched trowel, apply the adhesive composition to the technical side of the tile.

Important! We insert the link into place and level it using a level. If the tile is of high quality, you can tap it with a rubber mallet. For fragile material, such treatment is unacceptable. Let the glue dry for a day.

2. Let's start grouting the joints.

Take a rubber spatula and apply grout into the formed seams. At this stage, you can refresh the adjacent seams by slightly removing the old layer and applying a new one.

After a few minutes, you can remove excess grout with a dish sponge or a special one. To do this, moisten it with water and rub the seam until there are no streaks left.

Important! If the tiles simply move away from the floor, then you need to act radically. We remove the loose links and remove them old glue along with part of the screed. Most likely, the previous installation was done incorrectly and the technology was not followed, or the glue was used of the lowest quality. Next, we do exactly the same as in the first case.

You can carry out minor cosmetic repairs to the tiles in the bathroom or sauna yourself. But if you use low-quality material for work, then you will have to repeat the procedure at least once every six months. Therefore, use high-quality compounds for repairs. The house is our fortress and it’s not worth saving on its renovation!

April 10, 2017 No comments

Tiled flooring is gaining more and more popularity every year. Modern manufacturers delight their consumers with a wide range of tiles, which are characterized by increased durability, various patterns and a wide range of shades. Today it is not difficult to purchase tiled floor products that imitate parquet or laminated flooring, marble or granite flooring, etc. But, unfortunately, sometimes a beautiful floor can be distorted by a flaw in the form of a deep scratch or chip. How to repair tile floors? Do I need to involve specialists in this or can I deal with the problem myself? We will talk about this in the article.

The parquet flooring in the house is certainly considered one of the elite, and reflects the status and taste of its owners. But is parquet flooring appropriate, for example, in the kitchen or on the balcony? Most likely not. But in order to endure general style at home, manufacturers recommend us the most beautiful porcelain stoneware product - parquet tiles.

Unlike its “big brother”, which is laid in rooms and subject to careful care, tiles in the kitchen, balcony or hallway sometimes cannot be protected from the accidental fall of heavy or sharp objects, which can leave a mark in the form of scratches or chips . As painful as it may be, the floor covering has to be replaced partially, and sometimes completely.

In order to properly eliminate such deficiencies, it is important to know not only the basic repair rules, but also the reasons that can provoke unwanted problems. Let's look at the most common factors that can cause damage:

Spot strikes of the coating,
mobile base,
load on the tile
changes in temperature and humidity,
microcracks in the coating,
incorrect installation.

The most common cause of cracks or chips in the floor covering is the fall of a heavy or sharp object or a heavy piece of furniture. Point loading is especially dangerous.

Low class of product and quality of installation increases the risk of surface damage. For example, if voids form in the mortar or the tile is laid on an uneven surface, then further load on such a fragment will lead to its fracture.
Repair work begins with assessing the extent of damage.

Important! If more than 30% of the tile covering is damaged, it will be cheaper to replace the entire floor covering.

If several fragments of the coating are damaged, then the owners are faced with the question of whether they will be able to select exactly the same shade and type of tile. But if the tile is already outdated or discontinued, then finding similar material will be a real problem. A thrifty owner always buys an “extra square” in a timely manner, which will allow him to get rid of this kind of problem. He won't have to run around hardware stores looking for the required material. It is always at hand, which first of all allows you to promptly replace a damaged piece of flooring.

The question of how to repair floor tiles without removing the entire covering is one that most often interests consumers. As mentioned above, when starting to repair the tile covering, you need to first evaluate general state floor and level of damage.

Sometimes, an unfortunate drop of a sharp object can scratch the surface. Fortunately, if the scratch is minor, it is hardly noticeable to the naked eye. But what if there is a deeper or wider scratch?

It can be puttied with a special putty, which can be purchased at any hardware store. Let's prepare the tools:

Rubber spatula,
Metal spatula,
Sponge or lint-free soft material,

Stages of work to eliminate a deep scratch on a tile

1. Clean damage from dust and dirt.
2. Apply putty rubber spatula and level it evenly.
3. Remove excess putty with a metal spatula.
4. After drying, wipe the surface with a sponge or lint-free material.

Attention! This method of repairing deep scratches is suitable for tiles with a matte surface!

If during restoration work If you have to remove the entire fragment of the floor covering, then, first of all, the question arises: “How to remove one element without affecting the neighboring ones.” This is perhaps the main task that needs to be handled perfectly. It can be solved simply if the seams between the covering elements are wide enough. There are several methods:

I cut through the seams with a grinder,
cutting seams with a drill with a thin drill bit,
removing an element manually with a chisel,
a combination of the above methods.

Once the fragment is removed, it is necessary to remove the entire layer of old glue. If the cause of damage was a violation of the underlying concrete screed, then it must be restored cement-sand mortar. After it has completely dried, lay the new tiles using special glue.

Important! Restoring the screed using a self-leveling screed, the level should be slightly lower than the old one. This will allow the height of the new tiles to be correctly aligned with the base covering.

Knowing how to repair tiles on the floor, everyone can cope with this task on their own. So, we remove the damaged element with our own hands.

1. Using a drill, make holes diagonally in increments of no more than 2 cm.
2. Wear safety glasses and gloves.
3. Using a chisel and hammer, carefully break the damaged element into pieces, starting from the center of the tile and slowly moving to the edges.
4. Remove debris and dust from the concrete base.
5. Level the base of the screed and let it harden well.
6. Apply a “pillow” of tile adhesive to the screed.
7. Using a notched trowel, apply special tile adhesive to reverse side new tiles.
8. Lay the tile, pressing it slightly with your fist.
9. Level the surface of the new element in height using a rubber hammer.

Prices for putty

That's all. New tile neatly laid, and all that remains is to apply “cosmetic makeup” so that it does not stand out from the rest of the coating - grout the seams with a special grout. You can start this process only after a day.

1. Prepare grout according to the instructions on the package.
2. Clean the seams from debris and dust using a screwdriver.
3. Apply grout to the seams with a spatula.
4. Remove excess grout from the tiles 15 minutes after application with a regular kitchen sponge.
5. Allow the grout to harden completely and wipe the tiles with a damp sponge.


Having carefully read the recommendations of specialists, now everyone can independently repair the tiles on the floor or replace one fragment with their own hands. If your work is done efficiently, then you will not soon be faced with the need for repeated repairs.

Video: How to repair tiles on the floor:

Tiled flooring sometimes requires repair. Even considering that high-quality tile material is very dense, any careless handling can damage it, break it, or deprive it of its former attractiveness. In this case, restoration of ceramic tiles will help out, so popular now due to the fact that it is often difficult to find a replacement for a damaged composition of tiles.

If you find one or more damaged tiles on the floor, you should not resort to major repairs. You can replace cracked areas with your own hands without the help of specialists. Damage to floor tiles may include chips, cracks, or dull grout

Repair work begins with assessing the degree of destruction of the floor covering: if a third of the tiles are damaged, it is wiser to choose a complete replacement of the floor.

Partial replacement of the canvas involves selecting suitable tiles if they were not prepared in advance.

Damaged areas can be removed:

  • Sawing through the seams with a grinder and water;
  • Cutting the seams with a drill having a thin drill bit;
  • Removing tiles using a hammer drill;
  • Combining options.

Afterwards the previous layer of glue is removed. Small chips are filled with cement paste. If there are significant cracks, the tiles are replaced. After removing the tiles, it is necessary to clear away the debris, prepare the base, lay a new covering and grout the seams.

If no obvious damage is found on the tiles, and only the seams are worn out, you can update them in different ways:

  • Completely remove the old grout and re-grout the seams;
  • Renew the coating using impregnation;
  • Paint the seams with a special composition for masking seams;
  • Use a marker.

If during partial cosmetic repairs you do not pay attention to the condition of the joints between the tiles, over time fungus or mold may appear between the tiles, which will completely ruin the appearance of the floor covering.

Shallow cracks: restoration of floor tiles

Floor tiles are often subject to damage and breakage. When operating it, it is worth preventing situations with heavy objects falling, and if this happens, repairs are necessary as soon as possible to avoid the spread of the defect further.

When putting a rotary hammer or drill into operation, you should be aware that injury may occur. It is necessary to use personal protective equipment or contact specialists for repairs.

Cement mortar removes all defects well. The crack is filled with it, then grouting is carried out. Over the next three days, you need to moisten the surface for setting to occur. The place where the processing takes place should be covered with film.

If glue is used, you must:

  • Remove dirt from each cracked tile with a damp cloth;
  • Mix the tile adhesive by placing in it a portion of pigment with the same color as the shade of the surface;
  • Fill the crack with the resulting composition;
  • Cover the area to be treated with dry sawdust and leave for a day.

It should be remembered that for use in the kitchen or bathroom it is worth purchasing grout, glue and other components with a moisture-resistant structure.

How to repair a chip on a floor tile

Ceramic tiles have many advantages; they are a very popular finishing material for the bathroom, toilet, kitchen and other places. If the tiles are damaged due to careless handling, there is no need to be upset. With the help of special technologies, you can get rid of chips on the tiles yourself, using a corrective composition.

The problem can be solved:

  • Removing the damaged fragment;
  • In the absence of withdrawal.

Removal is used if the tile is cracked due to mechanical stress. If there is a chip without cracks on the floor surface, dismantling is not required.

When dismantling, first the damaged fragment is carefully removed. In order not to spoil the adjacent tile, it is necessary to clean each seam down to the base using a sharp object, then knock on the tile, lift the broken part with a spatula and remove it. If unsuccessful, you should moisten the tiles with soapy water. Water will get under the tile, be absorbed into the glue and the tile will be easier to remove.

When restoring a damaged fragment, you should take into account that you need to clean its back surface from the adhesive base with a wet rag or spatula.

Next, the fracture site is cleaned with sandpaper, and the pieces of tile are glued together with glue. When it dries, the back surface is covered with glue again. Afterwards, the place for the tile is prepared, cleaned of dust, glue is applied to the surface and the tile, and it is glued. The seam must be covered with grout.

Not an easy job: restoration of porcelain tiles

Chips on ceramic and porcelain tiles may occur due to impact. Damaged tiles can be replaced or there is an option to disguise the chip.

The work is carried out as follows:

  1. The chip is cleaned and degreased with acetone.
  2. To tint the glue, add a little dye and mix.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to the part that has broken off; no hardener is added.
  4. If the glue is close in color to the tile, it must be removed from the broken part, the chip is cleaned with acetone and dried.
  5. Hardener is added to the glue and mixed. The adhesive must be applied immediately before hardening occurs.
  6. The glue is smoothed over the surface of the chipped part, and the excess is removed.

If the polyester adhesive has a matte finish, it will need to be polished by hand using a thick cloth or felt after it has cured.

When matching the color of the adhesive to the color of the tile, you should not expect a complete match. A good result will be that the damaged area will not be visible.

Hard wax is also actively used for the restoration of ceramic tiles. It helps to cover up any chips that appear without any problems.

Replacing tiles with your own hands (video)

Holes in the tiles, chips and cracks do not decorate the coating in any way. That’s why, when you see something like this at home, you want to immediately repair the defect. Filling tile cracks is a creative process that anyone can master. Tiles on the wall, floor and other places will look like new if you give them a little attention and effort, and then you won't need to spend a lot of money and completely replace them.

Smooth surfaces of pavements and squares in cities, glossy walls of bathrooms, durable floors and a traditional “apron” in the kitchen - all this would be impossible without tiles, reliable and practical building material. It withstands atmospheric street disasters well, and serves as a traditional decorative element in the house. We are accustomed to the fact that ceramic, paving and tile products last for decades, however, even they are subject to wear and various types of damage.

Working with tiles requires a certain skill, experience and skill; a professional can easily lay and repair them. Are construction tricks available to the average person who wants to replace or partially repair the tile flooring in their home with their own hands? At a minimum, such opportunities will save a considerable amount, and a positive result will also bring moral satisfaction.

Problems with tiles: can they be avoided?

Just recently we were admiring the result of a bathroom renovation, but today some of the tiles have fallen off and several more have cracked - a picture familiar to many. Let's try to figure out what mistakes the workers or the apartment owners themselves made, and for example, let's take a wall covered with tiles and subject to repair.

Most of the reasons are hidden during the installation process, let’s name the main ones:

  • insufficient initial treatment of walls;
  • violation of laying technology, resulting in the gradual formation of cracks and chips;
  • improperly prepared tile adhesive;
  • non-compliance with the tightness of the tile covering (poor quality of seams), as a result of which the adhesive base is destroyed.

There are other unfavorable reasons that influence the rapid wear of the material. For example, paving slabs It is constantly exposed to changes in temperature, exposure to moisture, and experiences increased loads - it is not surprising that some of its elements become unusable over time and must be replaced.

Repair can be avoided only when a number of rules for installation, operation and careful care are followed.

Types of tile and ceramic repairs

What kind of metamorphoses do not occur with a beautiful glossy or matte finish during the service. It's covered greasy spots and streaks, a network of cracks appears, tiles split in the corners, or even fly off completely. Sometimes black gaps appear in the place of once beautifully designed seams, and hidden holes for fastenings are located under removed cabinets. Let's look at several types of repair work that you can do yourself using available tools.

Masking cracks and chips

It happens that one large crack or scratch spoils the entire picture, this is especially noticeable on a matte, plain surface. The easiest way is to dismantle the damaged element and replace it with a new, spare one. But what to do if there are no tiles left after laying, and the store has run out of the product from the required series? We will try to do without drastic changes, but simply make the crack unnoticeable.

We act according to plan:

1) We prepare a simple material - cement and water - and make a solution from it, but not thick, more familiar, but quite liquid. No other components need to be added.
2) If the scratch is shallow, cover it with the resulting liquid and try to rub the solution into the crack (you can use a piece of cloth). After drying, add the next portion of the solution and rub in again - until the indentation disappears.
3) If the treated area stands out from the rest of the surface, select paint the desired shade and carefully apply it to it, trying not to go beyond the borders. In construction stores there is a useful service - the ability to select and manufacture paint of the required color.

Gluing fallen tiles

It often happens that one element falls off, but quite often a violation of the tightness of the coating leads to total peeling off according to the “domino principle” - the tiles begin to separate from the wall one after another, individually or in entire layers. If the surface is not damaged and the product has retained its integrity, there is a chance to put it back in place without any problems.

Before laying work, it is necessary to dismantle unstable elements, that is, carefully separate all tiles that partially move away from the wall or sway when pressed.

An important stage is preparing the wall and base for installation. Pieces of old adhesive solution must be completely removed and the surface cleaned as thoroughly as possible. Dust, grains of cement, and any contaminants will interfere with adhesion. After cleaning, moisten the surface of the base with water.

What types of mortar or adhesive are used to attach tiles to the wall?

  • Special tile adhesive: dry mixtures are sold in a large assortment in the store.
  • Cement mortar is not enough effective remedy, we use it as a last resort.
  • Silicone based sealant. Suitable properties has a white substance.
  • Liquid glass (or liquid nails).
  • Zinc white. They are applied to a base pre-treated with drying oil.

Please remember that due to the thick layer adhesive composition the newly laid tile will protrude above the rest of the surface. To prevent this from happening, the place where the glue is applied must be deepened a few millimeters. A notched trowel, the tiler's main tool, is necessary to evenly level the adhesive mortar.

Laying new tiles

Suppose the old tile has finally become unusable, but it is possible to replace it with a similar one. In this case, there is only one way out - carefully remove the damaged elements and glue new ones in their place.

In order not to spoil the neighboring ones, good tiles, first, take a spatula or a thin drill and clean the seams. Then in required element we drill holes, as a result it splits into several pieces, which are much easier to remove with a chisel. We do not make strong efforts to prevent flying fragments from touching neighboring elements.

We carefully clean the place where the old tiles were located, treat the base with a primer - for better adhesion. We look at how much glue is needed so that the new element aligns with the rest and does not protrude forward. Apply glue with a spatula and try to install the tile into the prepared nest as evenly as possible. While the glue has not dried, there is time to correct its position if it is laid unevenly. We wait until the glue has completely dried, and only then we process the seams.

When using low-quality grout, it breaks down over time, falls off, and unsightly gaps appear between the tiles. In addition, in a room with high humidity levels, for example, in a bathroom, black mold often appears in the area of ​​tile joints. You can act in different ways: either completely replace the grout, or partially repair only the affected areas.

We use the first method when it is necessary to renovate a fairly large area. The new grout will create a uniform finish and there will be no areas that differ in color. At partial renovation it is quite possible that the part treated with the new material will differ from the rest of the surface.

The operating procedure is as follows: first remove the old grout, trying not to damage the tile, then apply new one. When removing, use a sharp object that is convenient for cleaning the seams. A tile-safe tool is any pointed object made of wood.

Returning shine to tiles

The surface of ceramic and tiles is quite resistant to dirt and chemical attack, so it literally looks brilliant for a long time. To improve its appearance and restore its shine, just wipe it with a damp cloth and a special detergent.

But sometimes you want to radically change the interior, for example, change the color of the walls. To do this, we use the usual method - painting. The glossy surface of each color is sanded with fine sand before painting. sandpaper, degrease special means(acetone based) and primer so that the paint sticks better. Only after a row preparatory work take the paint and apply it carefully using a roller.

In this way, you can paint not the entire wall, but selective elements, and also create patterns and ornaments directly on old tiles. The result is completely new walls without construction intervention.

Before calling in a professional or planning a complete tile replacement, take a look: With a little effort, you may be able to fix some of the damage yourself, and overhaul not required.