Ria rating. From the Volga to the Yenisei: a barometer of the standard of living in the regions of the Russian Federation Rating of the regions of the Russian Federation by standard of living

The problem of improving the quality of life in the country as a whole and in the regions of Russia is the most important strategic task at the present stage of social development. To quantify the imbalances in this area, the RIA Rating agency of the media group MIA Rossiya Segodnya prepared a rating of Russian regions by quality of life for the Russian Investment Forum.

The rating was based on a comprehensive accounting of various indicators that record the actual state of certain aspects of living conditions and the situation in the socio-economic sphere. When calculating the rating, an analysis was carried out of 72 indicators, which were combined into 11 groups characterizing the main aspects of the quality of life in the region: the level of income of the population; employment and labor market; living conditions of the population; safety of residence; demographic situation; environmental and climatic conditions; population health and level of education; provision of social infrastructure facilities; level of economic development; level of small business development; development of the territory and development of transport infrastructure.

The positions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the final rating were determined on the basis of the integral rating score, which was calculated by aggregating the rating points of the regions of the Russian Federation for all analyzed groups. The rating score of a group was determined by aggregating the rating scores of the indicators included in the group.

Our main centers of labor force attraction again became the leaders of the rating: Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region. This trio has been leading the rating for many years, having high rating scores that are still unattainable for other regions. Most likely, this situation will not change in the coming years. The development of infrastructure, a high level of economic and social development, coupled with a high potential for further development, allows these regions to gain a permanent foothold at the top of the ranking. The Republic of Tyva and the Republic of Ingushetia close the ranking.

RIA Rating is a universal rating agency of the media group MIA "Russia Today", specializing in assessing the socio-economic situation of regions of the Russian Federation, the economic condition of companies, banks, economic sectors, countries. The main activities of the agency are: creating ratings of regions of the Russian Federation, banks, enterprises, municipalities, insurance companies, securities, and other economic entities; comprehensive economic research in the financial, corporate and government sectors.

MIA "Russia Today" - an international media group whose mission is prompt, balanced and objective coverage of world events, informing the audience about different views on key events. RIA Rating, as part of MIA Rossiya Segodnya, is part of the agency’s line of information resources, which also includes:

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow region - these three territories took first place in the 2017 rating of regions for quality of life, prepared by RIA Rating. To determine where it is best to live, 72 indicators were used, including income level, employment, housing conditions, and the provision of kindergartens.

The rating was not unexpected, the capitals are traditional leaders,” Vladimir Klimanov, director of the Institute for Public Finance Reform, commented on the results of the study to RG. - Tatarstan’s fourth position is also completely justified, since the cities and villages of the republic have very high indicators both in terms of population income and the quality of infrastructure. Three territories of the Black Earth Region (Belgorod, Voronezh and Lipetsk regions) were included in the top leading regions, where the standard of living of people will always be higher than in Siberia or the Far East.

According to the expert, the Krasnodar Territory has always been a magnet for visitors, therefore in recent years it has occupied a leading position among Russian regions in terms of construction volumes.

The Kaliningrad region, which has noticeably improved its position, closes the top ten leading regions in terms of quality of life. In terms of the share of modern retail space, the region moved from 48th to 12th place. This is largely due to the arrival of a construction retailer in the region. New catering establishments are also opening in the region - according to this indicator, the region jumped from 17th place in the ranking to 13th.

Many experts have long called the Kaliningrad region “the country of small businesses.” However, in practice, this does not mean that the “kids” in the region live at ease. They also face the unique problem of exclave - the need to transport their goods to other Russian regions across several borders.

The sharpest jump at the end of last year was shown by Crimea, which moved from 66th to 55th place. Experts explain this, among other things, by a decrease in unemployment. And the salaries of state employees have increased noticeably. According to Crimean Statistics, teachers receive an average of 24,153 rubles per month.

Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region took first place in the ranking

Director of the regional IISP program Natalya Zubarevich explains this with solid gratuitous injections last year. For comparison, Crimea received 80 billion rubles through transfers in 10 months of 2017, and the entire Far East received 176 billion rubles.

The last lines of the ranking are occupied by the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Ingushetia and Tyva. “Tuva has always had extremely modest budget expenditures on social services,” says Vladimir Klimanov. And he added that the territories of the North Caucasus are highly subsidized, hence such low quality of life indicators. “I wouldn’t be surprised if next year in this ranking of outsider regions Dagestan will also be there, the expert believes.

The biggest problem in Ingushetia is the shortage of kindergartens. Most preschool children are forced to stay at home.

We ask many people to help in the construction of kindergartens and schools; we do not hesitate to contact large structures,” said the head of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Evkurov.

For the fifth year in a row, the RIA Novosti agency has published a rating of the best regions of the Russian Federation in terms of quality of life. This concept is understood as a set of indicators that demonstrate how easy it is in a particular region to find a job, earn money, get education and medical care, live in normal housing, go to the movies and theaters and not suffer from environmental problems. A total of 72 such criteria were selected. The position of the region was determined based on the totality of the collected indicators - the higher the number, the more favorable the place for living.

10. Tyumen region – 55.13 rating points

At the end of 2016, the Tyumen region entered the top ten leaders. If in 2015 it took eleventh place, then last year it took a step forward. And the region’s population has increased - in terms of migration growth, the region is in sixth place, and in terms of changes in numbers in a positive sense - in third place.

9. Lipetsk region – 57.41 points

The unemployment rate in the Lipetsk region is one of the lowest among the regions (seventh place), and people do not spend a long time looking for work there (fourth place). And in general, the enterprises are profitable, because the region ranks seventh in the number of successful organizations.

8. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – 57.82 points

In addition to the Tyumen region, in the top 10 quality of life in the regions of Russia there is another representative of the Ural Federal District - Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. Although its position has weakened compared to 2015 and it has dropped down a notch, living there is still not bad. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is in the top ten for several indicators, including the ratio of money/goods and services (fourth place) and the volume of deposits per person (ninth place). Separately, it is worth mentioning medical care - the infant mortality rate there is the lowest in the country.

7. Voronezh region – 58.87 points

Compared to 2015, life has become better in the Voronezh region; it has risen from eighth place to seventh. In terms of indicators, it is rather a strong average, since most of them are in the second and third ten.

6. Belgorod region – 61.82 points

The Belgorod region can rightfully be considered the most sports region in Russia - the number of sports facilities per person there is the highest in the country. The population itself also strives to stay in shape - in terms of the number of workers, students and pupils involved in sports, it is in third and fourth place, respectively.

5. Krasnodar region – 61.97 points

The leader of the southern regions of Russia was included in the top 10 best places to live. And it is not surprising - according to the assessment of the favorable climate, the Krasnodar Territory occupies one of the first places (along with Sevastopol, the Republic of Crimea and the Stavropol Territory). Krasnodar is also good for motorists, because the region is in the top three in terms of road quality.

4. Republic of Tatarstan – 63.12 points

Tatarstan has the least number of people in need - the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence level is the lowest in Russia. In addition, residents of Tatarstan are among the most physically developed in the country. In terms of the number of people systematically involved in physical education, Tatarstan ranks third. Kazan leads in 2017.

3. Moscow region – 68.55 points

The Moscow region accounts for the largest number of square meters per capita. In terms of migration growth, it is even ahead of Moscow itself. And workers are always needed there - the unemployment rate in the Moscow region is one of the lowest in the country (fourth place). Although it takes a long time to find a job, the region ranks 24th in terms of job search duration.

2. St. Petersburg – 76.49 points

In terms of salary/expenses, St. Petersburg is second only to Moscow. Moreover, the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence level is even lower there than in the capital. If Moscow is in seventh place in this indicator, then St. Petersburg is in second. In St. Petersburg there is a job for everyone - the unemployment rate there is the lowest of all regions and it is the fastest to find one (both indicators are in first place). In terms of housing, although St. Petersburg suffers from overpopulation (58th place), the share of dilapidated housing there is the lowest of all regions. And the apartments are the most comfortable in Russia.

1. Moscow – 76.54 points

The capital of Russia continues to hold its position as the most convenient place to live for many years now, although the northern capital is already beginning to step on its heels. The ratio of wages/consumer set of goods and services among other regions in Moscow is still the most profitable (first place). And the population prefers to store excess money in banks, which is why Moscow is in third place in terms of the volume of deposits per individual. Moscow also has the most modern educational institutions (first place). Muscovites suffer only from the housing problem - in terms of square meters per person, the capital has one of the lowest indicators (78). Although the existing housing has been renovated (third place) and improved (second place).

The 2020 regional ratings are compiled based on data from RIA Rating. The ranking of Russian regions by standard of living in 2020 is based on a set of different factors that record certain aspects and events in different spheres of life.


We have cities
shore Houses
beauty regions

Moscow rightfully ranks first in the ranking table of Russian regions 2020. It is the largest city in our country. The standard of living here is significantly higher than in other regions. The main part of the economy develops here, the largest companies are located. Moscow is the most important educational center of the Russian Federation. Moscow also occupies a leading position in terms of the standard of living of families.

St. Petersburg is considered the cultural center of the Russian Federation. Most of the monuments included in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites are located here. The second largest financial market is located in the cultural capital of Russia.

The Moscow region is on the 3rd level in the ranking of Russian regions in terms of living standards for 2020. There is a constant increase in population here, the region is famous for its industrial areas and large enterprises. A big advantage for this area is that it borders the capital. Thanks to Moscow, it becomes even more attractive for migrants.

The Republic of Tatarstan is the leader in the ranking among regions for the highest standard of living in Russia (Volga region) 2020. Oil is extracted here, the educational and scientific level of Tatarstan also occupies a high position - it is considered the scientific center of Eastern Europe. Don't miss it either.

The Krasnodar Territory ranks 5th in the top five rankings of Russian regions in 2020 - it is the third largest region in the Russian Federation. Tourism is very developed here. The Black Sea coast provides most of the region's infrastructure. Thanks to the seaport, there is access to the international foreign trade route.

Top 5 regions of the Russian Federation where investors want to invest money

  1. The Republic of Tatarstan is in first place, has a good reputation, and is a very developed region. Foreign investors want to invest money here and make a profit from it. Turkish and Korean investors have already outlined an action plan. Korea has paid attention to the agricultural industry of Tatarstan and plans to increase the level of seafood on the market in the Russian Federation.
  2. The Kaluga region was also included in the investment rating of Russian regions in 2020. The region is developing rapidly. Investors are attracted by the Kaluga International Airport and Nairmedic Pharma, which opened quite recently. This area has a very good location and great resource potential. Kaluga has the best conditions for business and the economy, and comfortable living conditions.
  3. The Belgorod region takes pride of place in the 2020 ranking of investment attractiveness of Russian regions according to RBC. The region has favorable conditions for investment; it is a border region that reveals potential for international relations. The socio-cultural sphere is progressing, which attracts many businessmen.
  4. The Tambov region is famous for its developed transport infrastructure. The territory has highly fertile chernozem soils, which attract investors. Mineral and recreational resources are also at a high level; sand, phosphorus, and sapropel are mined.
  5. The Ulyanovsk region closes the top five in the rating of investment attractiveness of Russian regions 2020. The advantage of this region is the operation of modern and liberal investment legislation. Investors are attracted by the region's tax incentives. I invest in wholesale and retail trade, vehicles, and agriculture. One of the highest priority areas of the Ulyanovsk region is the aerospace industry.

Top 5 heads of regions of the Russian Federation

Thanks to the Information Communications Center, data on the ranking of regional heads in Russia for 2020 was obtained. The main indications were taken according to the opinion of regional and federal experts:

  1. Sergei Mikhailovich Sobyanin is the mayor of Moscow in a well-deserved first place. The center of the capital is the largest among financial and international centers. The educational level of Moscow is at the highest level, with the largest number of higher education institutions and medical institutions, to which the mayor pays great attention.
  2. Kadyrov Ramzan Akhmatovich (Chechen Republic). The head of the region has gained a large percentage in popularity in recent years. The priority direction of its activities is the fight against terrorism. The republic is developing in socio-economic terms - houses are being built, tourism is developing (mountaineering is especially developed).
  3. Vorobyov Andrey Yurievich - head of the Moscow region. The large population of this area indicates a good geographical position. Foreigners constantly come here, industrial areas are developed. In the 2020 environmental rating for Russian regions, the Moscow region is far from a leader, since there is a high level of pollution due to enterprises that emit household and industrial waste into the atmosphere. It is among the dirtiest regions of Russia.
  4. Minnikhanov Rustam Nurgalievich is the head of Tatarstan. It is Tatarstan that ranks first in terms of living standards in the Volga region. Large oil fields, good geographical location, powerful scientific potential - all this allows the republic to develop in the right direction.
  5. Poltavchenko Georgy Sergeevich - mayor of St. Petersburg. It is considered the historical center of the Russian Federation. The large population allows the city to be the first in terms of population. Currency exchanges are very developed. The mayor is actively boosting the city's economy.

Top 5 poorest regions of Russia

  1. The city of Togliatti was recognized as the very first in the ranking of poor regions of Russia in 2020. The poverty index causes young men to remain unemployed and social problems arise. Despite the fact that the city is an automotive manufacturing center, the standard of living there is very low. Many industrial enterprises do not work, and the cars that are produced there are not in demand in the car market.
  2. City of Astrakhan. There is a shortage of funds here. The infrastructure has uneven development: restaurants, hotels, offices have been built, but they do not provide enough profit for Astrakhan to develop in that direction.
  3. Penza. Unemployment is the city's main problem. Enterprises operate, but more in the region they are engaged in private entrepreneurship. The salary level is very low, only enough to pay for utilities and food.
  4. Volgograd. The welfare of the citizens of this city leaves much to be desired. It is considered a tourist center, but in terms of income it does not reach the rating of Russian regions for quality of life 2020. Almost half of the population is considered low-income.
  5. The last city on the list is Saratov. Its disadvantages are the lack of modern medical centers, poor ecology, and a high mortality rate among the city's population. There are many landfills around the city that pollute the city's ecology.

RIA Rating is a universal rating agency of the media group MIA "Russia Today", specializing in assessing the socio-economic situation of regions of the Russian Federation, the economic condition of companies, banks, economic sectors, countries. The main activities of the agency are: creating ratings of regions of the Russian Federation, banks, enterprises, municipalities, insurance companies, securities, and other economic entities; comprehensive economic research in the financial, corporate and government sectors.

MIA "Russia Today" - an international media group whose mission is prompt, balanced and objective coverage of world events, informing the audience about different views on key events. RIA Rating, as part of MIA Rossiya Segodnya, is part of the agency’s line of information resources, which also includes: RIA News , R-Sport , RIA Real Estate , Prime , InoSMI. MIA "Russia Today" is the leader in citation among Russian media and is increasing the citation of its brands abroad. The agency also occupies a leading position in terms of citations in Russian social networks and the blogosphere.