Drawings of indoor plants. Catalog of indoor plants

Helxine soleirlii syn. Soleirolia soleirolii - low-growing perennial herbaceous plant with creeping shoots from the Nettle family. Originally from the Mediterranean. The only species of the genus was found by Captain Soleurol in the 19th century. in the humid forests of the islands of Corsica and Sardinia, and a genus and species of plant were named after him. The soleirolia flower resembles a green fluffy ball...

Ruellia is a flower that, in its external characteristics, is very similar to representatives of the Gesneriev family. The buds of this plant are especially similar to the inflorescences of streptocarpus. But in fact, Ruellia belongs to the Acanthus family and this is clearly visible in caring for it, since it loves warmer conditions, while representatives of the Gesnerievs ...

Setcreasea is a plant of the Commelinaceae family. Homeland - Mexico, southern USA. The netcreasia flower lives naturally in Mexico. It is a member of the Comellinaceae family and is similar to Tradescantia. Unlike Tradescantia, it needs a little more sun, because from a lack of light the lilac-reddish leaves and stems of stunning beauty will stretch out ugly and turn green. Setcreasia, as seen in...

Euphorbia pulcherrima (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is a plant of the genus Euphorbia, family Euphorbia. The genus Euphorbia has about 2000 species that are different from each other. It includes annuals, biennials and perennials, evergreen or deciduous, as well as trees, shrubs and succulents that naturally grow in a wide variety of habitats. What they have in common is the inflorescence in...

Chrysalidocarpus - plant family: Palms. Homeland - Madagascar and Comoros. Chrysalidocarpus is a palm tree of the Arecaceae family, widespread in indoor culture. The genus got its name due to the yellowish color of the fruits. Translated from ancient Greek chryseus means golden and karpos means fruit. Sometimes palms of this group are called by the outdated name areca. The genus includes about 20 species. Local...

Tabernaemontana is a plant of the Cutraceae family. Homeland - India, Singapore. The second name is “ervatamia”. Looking at the photo of the tabernemontana flower, one can assume that it is a relative of gardenia or jasmine due to some similarities with these plants. In fact, it has nothing to do with them, unlike oleander, periwinkle and mandevilla, which belong to the same family that ...

Stromanthe belongs to the Marantaceae family. It grows naturally in the tropics of America. Stromanta is one of the most spectacular indoor plants, which surprises not only with its beauty, but also with its complex character. The tropical beauty is demanding in care, so breeding it should only be done by those who can create all the necessary conditions for it. Thanks to its unusual colors, this…

Rapis (Rhapis) is a plant from the Palm family. Homeland - China, Japan. The name of this plant comes from the word “rhapis”, which translates as “rod” or “stick”. That is why in everyday life the tree is sometimes called a stick palm. Thanks to its thin reed-tubular trunk covered with felt-mesh fibers, the rapis palm tree is distinguished by its grace and perfection of form. However, it is worth considering that all representatives of this genus...

Smithiantha belongs to the Gesneriaceae family. Homeland - the tropics of America. Smithiantha is a perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plant with shoots. Smithianta leaves are very beautiful - velvety green with red-purple veins and streaks. The bell-shaped Smithianta flowers on tall peduncles are yellow-orange or orange-red in color, collected in racemose inflorescences up to 4 cm long. A scaly rhizome spreads along the soil, from which ...

Turmeric is a highly decorative perennial herbaceous deciduous plant. The genus Turmeric (Curcuma L.) belongs to the genus perennial plants The ginger family includes about 60 species. Homeland - the tropics of Southeast Asia. Its complex root system consists of a yellowish-gray, short (3-10 cm), almost round, tuberous rhizome, up to 4 cm in diameter. Turmeric leaves are large, beautiful, basal, up to ...

The orchid of the genus Miltonia is a perennial plant. herbaceous family Orchidaceae. Its homeland is Central and South America. It got its name in honor of one of the collectors of these beautiful flowers, the English scientist Milton Adligen. Popularly, this plant has another name - “pansy”. This is due to its buds, which in their structure are very similar to...

Calamondin or tender citrus (Citrus mitis) is a member of the Rutaceae family. The birthplace of the culture is South China. Calamondin is a highly ornamental plant, also known as citrofortunella or “golden orange”. It is believed to be a hybrid between kumquat and tangerine. The fruit gets its appearance and aroma from the tangerine, and from the kumquat it gets its frost resistance and sweet taste...

Ctenanthe belongs to the Marantaceae family. Its homeland is South America, namely rainforests located in the tropical zones of this continent. It is there that the crop has the opportunity to grow in natural conditions that are comfortable for it - in areas with swamps under the cover of the foliage of tropical trees. An indoor flower called ctenante is a perennial ornamental leafy herbaceous rhizomatous plant with a height of ...

Dionaea is a monotypic genus. Belongs to the sundew family (Droseraceae). Its homeland is North America: in nature, Dionaea grows in the swampy plains and pine savannas of the Atlantic coast (in Georgia, North and South Carolina). Dionaea, also known as the Venus flytrap, is a carnivorous plant. Due to its unusual appearance and way of feeding, it is popular among lovers of exotic flowers. IN …

Maranta belongs to the Marantaceae family. Homeland - the tropics of Brazil. In some countries this genus is also called "ten commandments", prayer herb or prayer plant. The indoor arrowroot flower is a beautiful decorative leaf plant, 20-25 cm high, with tuberous thickenings on the roots. The leaves, 10-15 cm long, have a bizarre pattern of dark green, red-brown, sometimes almost black velvety spots...

Calceolaria belongs to the Norichnikov family. Homeland - Central and South America. Calceolaria is a profusely flowering herbaceous plant. It has dark green, slightly pubescent soft leaves and unusual shape bright yellow-orange speckled flowers. This plant is popularly nicknamed "lady's slipper". It blooms from the second half of March to May for 3 to 5 weeks in a row. Calceolaria hybrid...

Caladium, a flower popularly known as the “heart of Christ”, “angel wings” or “elephant ears”, is famous for the shape and color of its foliage. The fruit is a panicle with berries. The root system is tuberous. Caladium is a perennial ornamental deciduous plant with beautiful arrow-shaped leaves: the color is dominated by white, carmine, purple, pink and yellow. Leaves can be monochromatic, with darker...

Epipremnum: types and varieties, care and propagation The Epipremnum flower is a representative of a small genus of vines, distinguished by its longevity. It comes in both tall climbing and small specimens. There are about 30 varieties of Epipremnum, which are distributed mainly in the tropical forests of India, as well as in Southeast Asia. Family: Araceae. Homeland - Solomon Islands, Southeast Asia. ...

Currently, “bottle trees” are becoming increasingly popular - unpretentious, rather large plants with a characteristic “bottle-shaped” stem shape. This group includes plants from various genera and families. They may differ greatly from each other in appearance, but all are characterized by the formation of specific tissue with reserves of moisture and nutrients in order to survive in arid natural conditions...

Gynura is a perennial deciduous plant of the Asteraceae family. Homeland - tropical Africa, Southeast Asia and the island of Madagascar. The stem is erect, branching, up to 1 m high, quadrangular in cross-section. Over time, the stems droop and spread along the ground. Leaves oval shape 5-8 cm long, fleecy, blue-violet on top and burgundy on the underside. Leaves …

Epiphyllum is a prominent representative of the Cactus family. Homeland - tropical forests of Central and South America. In nature, most of these cacti grow as epiphytes. The name comes from Greek and literally speaks of the presence of leaves on the plant: “eri” - “above”, “phyllum” - “leaf”. Popular names: phyllocereus, phyllocactus. The first description of culture was made by E. Haworth. Happened …

A cactus called Echinocactus is a member of the Cactus family. The plant's homeland is the southwestern regions of the United States and Northern Mexico. This is a very slow-growing succulent, which is also known in scientific circles as the hedgehog cactus, since the Greek word “echinos” means “hedgehog” in Russian. The stem of this cactus is spherical, over time turning into a barrel-shaped, dark green color. ...

Bouvardia belongs to the Rubiaceae family. Homeland - Mexico. The plant is also often found in Central America. This is a beautifully flowering evergreen plant with an average height of up to 90 cm. Depending on the species, plants with a height of about 50 cm can be found, the largest ones grow up to 1.5 m in height. Includes up to 30 subspecies, each of which has ...

Jacobinia belongs to the Acanthaceae family and is native to South America. Botanists often use other names for this plant - justitia or justice. Small shade-tolerant shrub up to 1.2-1.5 m high. For indoors, the most interesting is Jacobinia meat-red, blooming all summer and autumn. The stem shoots are distinguished by their density and smooth surface of a greenish-pink hue. Internodes in a bush...

home flower aspidistra, like asparagus, is one of the most unassuming. He can tolerate a lack of bright lighting and is undemanding temperature conditions. If the plant is happy with everything, the aspidistra will thank you by flowering, although this does not happen often when kept at home. The main advantage of the culture is the clustered lanceolate leaves on thin, tall petioles. Aspidistra belongs to the family...

Household hippeastrums, like most bulbous plants, are in dire need of a period of rest, when they cannot be watered, loosened or otherwise actively manipulated. It is better to completely “forget” about the flowers at this time, without performing any agricultural practices. Hippeastrums are also suitable for growing in hydroponic culture, that is, on substrates that do not contain soil impurities. Hippeastrum belongs to...

Amaryllis flower (Amaryllis) is one of the most beautifully flowering indoor plants. This is a perennial bulbous plant belonging to the Amaryllis family. The homeland of indoor amaryllis is South Africa, from there the flower was brought to European countries, where it immediately gained great popularity. Amaryllis leaves are long (up to 70 cm), dark green, belt-shaped. The flowers are white-pink, orange or red up to 8-10 cm in...

The Radermacher plant is not suitable for growing in rooms with too dry air. In this case, you will have to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth every day and give it a shower twice a day. But if the air in your room is humid, caring for a Radermacher flower at home will not be difficult. Familiarize yourself with the botanical characteristics of the crop and recommendations for its cultivation. ...

Allamanda belongs to the Kutrovye family. The plant's homeland is tropical America. A spectacular liana with leathery leaves up to 3 m tall. The flowers are large, tubular, golden yellow, bright yellow or orange. Some species have pink flowers. They bloom at the very tops of the shoots, quite large, funnel-shaped, up to 6 cm long. The allamanda plant blooms all summer, starting in May...

Nerine or nerina flower is classified as monocotyledonous plant, in its natural habitat it is represented by 13 species. Outwardly it resembles a lily, but its flowers are more graceful, thin-petaled, with long stamens extending far beyond the petals. Many species of nerine are valued very highly and are on the same level with orchids on the hierarchical ladder. The Nerine plant belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family. ...

The medlar plant or eriobothrya is one of the earliest fruit-bearing trees with small yellowish fruits of original taste. In warm seasons, medlar fruits, which taste like a combination of pears and cherries, ripen by the end of spring. True, this is only possible in subtropical regions. In the middle zone, growing medlar is practiced at home. Medlar, loquat (Eriobotrya) belongs to...

The name of the flower Ceropegia comes from the Greek word Ceropegia, which means “candelabra”. Indeed, the flowers of this plant with bilobed outer lobes and stamens fused into a tube have a bizarre shape and resemble ancient lamps. For successful care For ceropegia, it is recommended to grow this crop in compositions with succulent plants. Ceropegia belongs to the Kutrovye family. Homeland - ...

The howea palm, along with the chamedorea and date palm, is a frequent visitor to home greenhouses. Its coarsely feathery leaves can decorate and winter Garden, and office space, as they are able to make do with artificial light. One of the main advantages of the Howea indoor plant is its absolute undemandingness to air quality, so it can be placed even close to heating radiator. Howea or Kentia (Howea) ...

Vriesea or bromeliad is an ornamental houseplant native to Central or South America. In botanical reference books, the indoor flower vriesea is most often called frisea (not to be confused with freesia from the Iris family). To achieve flowering of Vriesia, you will have to work hard, and first of all, protect the plant from drafts and the negative effects of sunlight. How does vriesea (bromeliad) bloom? Vriesia flower...

The indoor plant Sansevieria is one of the most popular in home floriculture thanks to its ease of care. Like many cacti, this crop can not be watered, loosened or replanted for a long time without losing its decorative qualities. At home, sansevieria practically does not bloom, but the interesting coloring of the leaves fully compensates for this deficiency. What does Sansevieria look like at home...

Many, with a fleeting glance at the indoor flower Rhipsalis, cannot immediately understand that it is actually a cactus. It doesn't look like a thorny succulent at all. On the contrary, the Rhipsalis plant seems delicate, almost weightless due to its thin branches strewn with dense beads of berries or graceful yellow or orange flowers. Sometimes you can find a Rhipsalis cactus with white...

Mammillaria cactus is another type of succulent that is widely used in home floriculture when creating floral arrangements. Caring for Mammillaria at home is not difficult, so this plant, along with Gymnocalycium, is recommended for purchase by beginning cactus growers. The Mammillaria cactus usually blooms profusely; often the flowers are arranged in a circle, forming a beautiful crown on the succulent. How the Mammillaria cactus blooms...

One of the most popular commonly used ornamental plants is saxifrage. Due to the fact that in its natural habitat this plant grows in rock cracks, at the foot of mountains and in lowlands with rocky soil, it is most often used to decorate alpine slides, rockeries and retaining walls. However, it feels quite comfortable on…

Wallota flower is a deciduous bulbous plant native to the tropics and subtropics. All varieties of this beautiful plant, of which there are about 50, are known to amateur gardeners under the general name “amaryllis”. Family: Amaryllidaceae Homeland: South Africa Rhizome: bulbous, elongated ovoid or pear-shaped, pink-brown. Stem: smooth thick peduncle from 10 to 60 cm in height depending on ...

Very often, flowering plants from flower beds, borders and alpine slides can be seen on terraces, loggias and balconies. They are planted in boxes and pots of various sizes, large floor flowerpots and tubs. This is explained by the simple desire of flower growers to admire their blooms for as long as possible and inhale the aroma of summer. Among these plants that often migrate from the garden to…

Along with decorative properties, many house flowers are medicinal: for example, Kalanchoe, geranium, golden mustache, crassula and many others. With their help, you can get rid of or significantly alleviate many disturbing symptoms. Below you can see photos and names of useful home flowers and learn how to use their healing properties to treat certain diseases. What kind of home flowers are...

Orchids are one of the oldest families, appearing in the Late Cretaceous era. These flowers have no equal in their beauty. There are so many varieties and species of orchids that Sander’s List of Orchid Hybrids is updated every five years. Below you will find out what types and varieties of orchids there are, and what types of indoor orchids are grown at home. ...

Catharanthus is a small genus of annual or perennial herbs and shrubs belonging to the cucumber family (Apocynaceae). Most of the species are endemic to Madagascar, one is an inhabitant of the tropical regions of Asia, and are used in culture as beautiful flowering flower beds and indoor plants. Family: kutrovye. Homeland: Madagascar, India. Rhizome: taproot type root system. Stem: straight, ascending or decumbent, branched. Leaves: opposite,...

Everyone loves flowers, but not everyone dares to plant them at home, for fear of difficulties in caring for them. However, there are plenty of low-maintenance indoor plants that are ideal for your apartment or office. Below you will find out which indoor flowers are the most unpretentious, and you can also look at their photos and read recommendations for caring for these...

Cattleya is a genus of perennial herbs in the orchid family (Orchidaceae), native to the tropics of Central and South America. Most species are distinguished exclusively by decorative flowers and are grown as indoor and greenhouse crops. Family: orchids. Homeland: Central and South America. Rhizome: creeping aerial roots. Stem: shortened succulent, in the form of a pseudobulb. Leaves: fleshy or leathery. Fruit: capsule. Reproductive ability: reproduction by division. ...

Botanical name: Castanospermum, monotypic genus evergreen trees belonging to the legume family (Fabaceae). Includes a single species, the Australian or southern castanospermum (C. australe). It is cultivated as a houseplant; in regions with warm climates it is used for landscaping garden plots and streets. Homeland of the domestic chestnut: Australia. Lighting: light-loving. Soil: slightly acidic, nutritious, loose consistency. Watering: ...

Indoor bromeliad plants are capricious in terms of growing conditions; they are demanding on air temperature and humidity. Bromeliad plants are distinguished by their sophistication and beauty and are popular. Below on this page are the main bromeliad plants with photos. Plants of two groups of this interesting family are suitable for decorating a room. Plants of the third group, the so-called earth stars (Cryptanthus), require increased ...

Oxalis (Oxalis) is a genus of annual or perennial herbs of the sorrel family (Oxalidaceae), living mainly in the tropics and subtropics of all continents, much less often in the forests of the cold and temperate zones. Many species are grown as houseplants, some are planted in flower beds in open ground. Family: oxalis. Homeland: South and Central America, Africa, Europe. Rhizome: creeping, often in…

The genus Phalaenopsis belongs to the Orchidaceae family. IN natural conditions plants live in humid lowland and mountain forests of Southeast Asia, Northeast Australia, and the Philippines. The genus gets its name from the Greek words phalania (“night butterfly”) and opsis (“resemblance”): the flowers resemble butterflies. Phalaenopsis is an epiphytic plant, with a very short stem and a rosette of three to five double-rowed large fleshy...

The genus Cycas or Cycad belongs to the Zamiaceae family. Plants are distributed in the tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere (India, the Pacific Islands, Mascarene Islands, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Java, Sulawesi, New Guinea, the Indochina Peninsula, North-Eastern Australia). Cycas has an ovoid, hairy stem covered with scales. According to the description, the cicada resembles a palm tree - feathery dark green leaves with a thickening along the edge extend from the top of the stem. Young …

The homeland of Ardizia is mixed broad-leaved and coniferous forests of the subtropical regions of China, Korea, Japan, and India. About 400 species of plants of the Myrsinaceae family belong to the genus Ardisia. Oblong-lanceolate, leathery, smooth, shiny green leaves with wavy edges are located on long stems. Ardisia flowers are white, pink or red with a pleasant aroma. They are collected in inflorescences and located on…

The genus Pilea belongs to the Nettle family. Pileas are distributed throughout subtropical and tropical regions, as well as in temperate zones. The name of the genus comes from the Latin pileus (“hat, cap”): one of the tepals in many pili species has the shape of a hood. Types of Pilea Cadie Pilea (Pilea cadieri) is a bushy herbaceous plant with erect stems up to 40 ...

The genus Columnea belongs to the Gesnerieceae family. In nature, these subshrubs and shrubs with creeping thick shoots are found in the tropics of South and Central America. There are many garden forms Columnaea plants, which bloom profusely each year in spring and summer with yellow, orange or red tubular flowers. Types of Columnaea More than ten types of indoor Columnaea flowers are cultivated at home, ...

The genus Camellia belongs to the Tea family and unites more than 200 species of shrubs and small trees, common in the subtropical regions of Southeast Asia. The description of camellia was first given by the Jesuit missionary and naturalist G. Kamelius, and it was in his honor that the genus was named. Thanks to Camelius, this plant came from the Philippines to Europe in the 18th century. In indoor conditions, camellia blooms...

The genus name Callisia comes from the Greek words kalos (“beautiful”) and lis (“lily”). Representatives of the genus grow in moist, semi-shaded places in the subtropics and tropics, forming dense turf. In nature, the callisia plant is widespread in Mexico, North and South America, and the Antilles. Types of callisia and their photos Graceful callisia (Callisia elegans) is a perennial herbaceous plant with creeping…

Hypoestes is an evergreen plant of the Acanthaceae family, common in tropical regions of South Africa and the island of Madagascar. The genus got its name from the Greek words hypo (“under”) and estia (“house”), which is associated with the structure of the flower: the calyx of the hypoestes flower is covered with a bract. Types of hypoestes with photographs Hypoestes phyllostachys at a young age is a beautiful low bush, ...

Bacopa (Bacopa) is an unpretentious hanging plant of the Norichinaceae family, native to South Africa and the Canary Islands. The second name of the plant is sutera; this flower can spread along the ground in the form of a ground cover, taking root at each node. Bacopa flowers are also used as a screen, installing supports, directing shoots upward and fixing them. In culture since 1993. Has...

The Fittonia flower can easily be classified as an indoor shrub, since as it grows its shoots become lignified and become similar to the branches of a bush. The home flower Fittonia grows in bright rooms, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Sun rays. You can see different kinds fittonia in the photo below and read the descriptions. Fittonia plant The genus Fittonia is part of ...

The myrtle flower can be successfully grown at home if you follow some rules of plant farming. Basically, home myrtle is shade-tolerant and lacks special demands on its growing conditions. However, the success of cultivation largely depends on the correct choice of the appropriate variety. We offer you material that tells you about the rules of propagation and care of myrtle in indoor...

Clerodendrum is a genus of tropical perennials from the Lamiaceae family, among which there are various plant forms: herbs, vines, subshrubs, shrubs and trees. Some beautifully flowering species are grown as ornamental plants, including in indoor cultivation and greenhouses. Family: Lamiaceae. Homeland: tropics of Asia and Africa. Rhizome: roots are powerful but fragile. Stem: erect or climbing. Leaves: simple,...

Cyperus is a funny herbaceous plant with long narrow leaves gathered at the top of thin stems into umbrella-shaped panicles. The second name of this plant is sytov or rosemary, sometimes it is called Nile papyrus. Homemade cyperus grows quickly, perfectly purifies the air and is a favorite treat for pets. The genus includes about 400 species of plants, common in marshy areas and ...

Impatiens (Jmpatiens) is a perennial herbaceous plant with succulent erect shoots, bright leaves and numerous delicate flowers. Thanks to easy care for balsam at home, easy propagation and long flowering This plant has long been one of the most beloved by flower growers around the world. The Latin name of the genus Impatiens can be translated as “not withstanding pressure.” That is why …

The epiphytic cactus grows in tropical areas of Mexico on trees and rocks, clinging to cracks with numerous aerial roots. In indoor conditions, the whip-shaped aporocactus (Aporocactus flagelliformis) is grown, called “rat tail” for its long (up to 1 m) and thin (about 2 cm in diameter) light green shoots with vaguely defined ribs, which first grow vertically, but quite quickly acquire...

The scindapsus plant is ideal for vertical gardening in living rooms and office premises. It does not require much effort in self-care. It is characterized by rapid growth and excellent decorative qualities. We invite you to look at the scindapsus plant in the photo, read its description and become familiar with the types and rules of care at home. We hope that golden scindapsus will become your reliable companion in ...

The syngonium plant has rich colors and amazing foliage shape. This makes it attractive for growing as a landscaping crop at home, in the office or in public places. Syngonium grows and develops well at home, despite various unfavorable conditions such as dry air and excessive temperature in winter. Description of syngonium with photo Syngonium - ...

Sansevieria home flowers are a common indoor plant among gardeners that have decorative foliage properties. Most often they can be found in public places, offices and shopping centers as a kind of interior decoration. This is not surprising, since caring for sansevieria at home does not require special skills and knowledge. Description of Sansevieria and photos We offer you a description of Sansevieria. ...

Passionflower (Passiflora) is an evergreen or deciduous vine with very unusual beautiful flowers. Since this plant belongs to the genus Passionaceae, it is often called passionflower. Some types of passionflower flowers, used in indoor floriculture, can also delight you with delicious exotic fruits. In nature, there are more than 500 species of passionflower flowers, common in America, Asia, Australia and Madagascar. IN …

Ferns are one of the ancient plants on Earth, preserved in the tropical forests of both hemispheres and the subtropical regions of Japan and New Zealand. The nephrolepis fern has adapted better than many species to the dry air of apartments. It was on the basis of the domestic fern nephrolepis that various varieties were bred. Kinds indoor fern nephrolepis and their photos Nephrolepis exaltata - terrestrial ...

Dipladenia or Mandevilla (Dipladenia, Mandevilla) is an evergreen, beautifully and long-blooming vine that has not yet received worthy recognition among Russian flower growers. However, true lovers of indoor flowers use dipladenia as a colorful accent when creating various compositions. Thanks to its rapid growth and dense foliage, it is able to completely wrap around the proposed support. This allows you to create various ...

Palm tree - for most people it is a symbol of prosperity and a source of special pride. Slender and at the same time majestic, they give the interior a special “exotic” flavor. In home culture, shrubby species of indoor palms are mainly used, characterized by slow growth rates, adapted to low air humidity and warm conditions. Types of palm trees In nature, there are, according to various sources, from 2500...

Indoor ficus trees have long been used for interior landscaping. These are unpretentious plants that can withstand shading and are not particularly picky about the temperature and humidity characteristics of the surrounding air. Various varieties of indoor ficus plants are used for growing at home. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them. Ficus plant at home Ficus at home is a perennial evergreen ...

Hymnocalicyum cactus is one of the first spherical cacti in indoor floriculture. Representatives of the genus Gymnocalycium are varied in size and color: flat-spherical stems, with strong curved spines and large, with characteristic tubes, white, pink or light yellow flowers that appear from areoles located closer to the top and persist for several days. The genus name comes from the Greek words gymnos...

Hibiscus (Hibiscus) is sometimes called China rose or Chinese rose. This is an unpretentious evergreen tree or shrub, growing in cultivation up to 2 m, with shiny dark green leaves and large bright flowers. In cultivation, indoor hibiscus is a more compact plant (up to 2 m), which begins to bloom profusely at a young age. Over a long period of breeding of roses, forms were obtained...

They are usually divided into two large groups: beautifully flowering and decorative deciduous. Some delight with their bright buds, others with their size, patterned greenery and its diversity. Today we will talk about indoor flowers that bloom (photos and names below) all year round or periodically. It is not possible to list all representatives in one article, because only about violets, for example, one can talk a lot and for a long time. Let's conditionally distribute all the blooming ones into small groups.

Light-loving plants

They all prefer bright lighting. In addition, these are quite unpretentious indoor flowers. The photos and names of some of them are known to everyone.

All of the listed types of indoor plants are by no means shade-loving indoor flowers. Their photos and names are familiar to experienced flower growers, as is the fact that from proper lighting their decorativeness directly depends.

Both flowers and leaves

When the plant blooms, it is magnificent, but doubly good if it also has decorative leaves. If you want to kill two birds with one stone, then pay attention to the following types.

Plants with a dormant period

All of them are distinguished by the splendor of flowering and a pronounced resting time, when the above-ground part dies off and the tuber overwinters in the ground. Caring for them is quite simple, but you need to adapt to the biological rhythm of the plant.

Representatives of amaryllis

This is a fairly large family of predominantly bulbous plants, distributed throughout the globe, except Antarctica, but most abundantly in the tropics and subtropics. In indoor floriculture in Russia, the most popular are four species with large flowers resembling lilies. All of them have a pronounced period of winter dormancy.

  1. Clivia (pictured) - native to Africa, reaches a height of up to half a meter. The flowers are collected in a neat umbrella on a high peduncle. A bright and showy plant.
  2. Amaryllis. A plant with a large bulb, which almost half sticks out of the ground. With proper care, the peduncle rises 100-120 cm. There are 2-4 large flowers on it, the color ranges from white to dark red.
  3. Hippeastrum. This member of the family is often confused with the previous species. The main difference is in the number of peduncles; it can have several of them.
  4. Eucharis. Second name - Amazon lily. With proper care, it blooms twice a year.

Magnificent begonias

This is an indoor flower whose name many people know, but have little idea of ​​their impressive diversity. The extensive genus of plants includes about 800 species, and modern stage More than 2000 varieties have also been bred. Shrub forms are characterized by rapid growth, and tuberous forms are characterized by lush and bright flowering. All representatives are characterized by an asymmetrical leaf shape, and they can be plain or with bright veins, spots, etc. The plants are unpretentious and can easily grow in partial shade.

Usambara violets

Their second name is Saintpaulia, a name familiar to everyone. There are many beautiful indoor flowers, but this group stands apart. There are entire associations and, as they say, interest groups - people involved in the special breeding of these plants. They gained their popularity in the 20th century. Thanks to their miniature size, they do not take up much space and bloom all year round. Saintpaulias prefer bright places, but they also tolerate partial shade well. Demanding on soil and air moisture.


If you do not have the opportunity and time to care for indoor plants all the time or there is too little space in your apartment, then be sure to pay attention to succulents. The classic representatives are cacti, but more on them a little later. However, besides them, this group includes a lot different plants from more than 40 families. A characteristic feature is fleshy stems and leaves, rich in moisture. But besides this, some have unusual and bright colors. Here are just three of the most famous and widespread.

Blooming cacti

It is no coincidence that a significant group of succulent plants (5 thousand species) attracts attention. They are mostly compact, content with occasional watering, and spend the winter generally dormant. At the same time, they are spectacular, and some are distinguished by bright flowering. For example, the familiar “Decembrists” and epiphyllums (pictured below), reaching truly gigantic sizes. Or the genus Mammillaria. Small cacti are completely covered in different colors.

And in the photo below you see an indoor flower, the name of which is little known, but its appearance is familiar. It is usually called a cactus, period. Perhaps the most common representative of a large family in our homes is Echinopsis. It is distinguished by its magnificent, but, unfortunately, short flowering.

How to choose?

Of all the variety of indoor plants without clear preferences choosing something can be quite difficult. First of all, pay attention to the following aspects of the issue:

  • how much time are you willing to spend on caring for the flowers in your home;
  • how often you are away from home and for how long;
  • lighting in a house or apartment (bright with south-facing windows, partial shade or solid shadow);
  • air temperature and humidity, there are significant differences between apartments and private houses;
  • housing area.

Plants in the house are its decorations, especially if they are healthy and blooming. Success largely depends on the correct choice of species, as well as your willingness to spend your time caring for them. In front of you is only short review, including both shade-loving indoor flowers (photos and names above) and light-loving ones.

Indoor plants that require virtually no care.

Agree, nothing decorates the interior of your home better than bright flowers in cute little pots. These home plants not only delight the eye with a riot of colors, but also bring benefits by absorbing harmful substances from synthetic furniture upholstery, carpets, curtains and other parts of your interior.

Some house plants have medicinal properties and have been indispensable in many families. But sometimes caring for indoor plants takes a lot of time, requires certain knowledge, and not everyone can handle it.

If you are a beginner gardener, are often on the go, or housework takes a lot of time, we offer you a selection of the most unpretentious indoor plants that do not require special care, but can decorate your home no worse than expensive and exotic ones.

1. Aloe or agave

Perhaps the most popular indoor plant of our mothers and grandmothers, primarily due to its medicinal properties. Everyone knows its ability to cope with purulent wounds, heal cuts and burns. And aloe juice perfectly helps with a runny nose. All types of this plant are typical succulents, great lovers of sunlight. They don't like frequent watering and are great for those who have to most spend time outside the home. A sunny place in the house is selected for them, on a windowsill or on sunny verandas, and in summer aloe can be taken out into the open air. You should not try to create artificial lighting for them with fluorescent lamps in winter. This leads to the plant stretching and losing its appearance. It is better to keep it in a cool, bright place and water it once a month. Excessive watering can cause plant roots to rot. In summer, aloe is watered only after the top layer of soil in the pot has dried.

This is a fairly unpretentious indoor plant, which is not difficult to grow even for beginners who like indoor floriculture. Chlorophytum can be classified as both sun-loving and shade-tolerant plants. It feels best in a bright or slightly dark place. The bright color of the variegated forms is slightly lost in the shadows. This plant easily tolerates direct sunlight for several hours. Chlorophytum is best placed in the kitchen, as it easily cleans the room of harmful gases.

There are several types of this indoor plant. Two of them are very easy to care for. These are Dracaena marginata and Dracaena draco. They tolerate shade and do not require frequent watering and spraying. IN modern houses and offices, dracaenas serve as decorative decorations due to their exotic appearance.

If you can’t grow an orchid or an orange tree, and all your attempts end in complete failure, don’t be discouraged! Start with Sansevieria. This very beautiful indoor plant of the Agave family can be classified as “indestructible”. It tolerates shade and sun, dry air, humidity and coolness. It also protects against the accumulation of harmful substances released by linoleum and synthetics. In bright sunshine, Sansevieria can even bloom, but does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil and low temperature. It is not necessary to repot it, but when it grows too many roots, the pot itself may crack. It is better to purchase two flowers at once, because in itself this is a very beautiful and undoubtedly useful plant.

If you want prosperity and abundance to come to your home, and good luck to accompany all your endeavors, buy a home plant called Crassula, popularly known as the money tree. It does not bloom, but it grows to enormous sizes, has very beautiful leaves of a juicy green hue, and does not require special care, but does not like waterlogging and dark corners. Will decorate the interior of any home or office.

6. Abutilon (indoor maple)

Another unpretentious, but very effective indoor plant. His large flowers They are bell-shaped and come in different colors: white, pink, yellow, red, and the leaves are similar to maple. Hence the name. Abutilone tolerates dryness and heat in the apartment, and a pot with this plant can be placed on the windowsill or at some distance from it. They need to be watered a little - otherwise they will not bloom. The plant does not require special feeding: you just need to enrich the soil with liquid fertilizer for indoor plants once every three weeks. Abutilon not only creates a pleasant atmosphere in the house, but also perfectly humidifies the air.

The second name of this plant is Chinese rose. It is a bush with huge and very beautiful cup flowers. Different varieties of this plant have different flower colors. Most often these are red flowers, but there are also white, pink, and even speckled ones. Hibiscus blooms all year round, which means that in winter you will have a little summer in your apartment. This flower loves light and should be kept on the windowsill. It also needs to be watered and fed regularly in winter. But the beauty is worth it.

If there is not a lot of light in your house, and you think that the conditions for indoor plants are completely unsuitable, feel free to plant Fatsia japonica. This is a shade-tolerant and disease-resistant plant with very large and beautiful leaves, similar to chestnut leaves. It feels great even near a central heating radiator and at the same time humidifies the air in the room well and promotes healthy sleep.

These are very unusual indoor plants. In appearance, they resemble pebbles, and are accustomed to Spartan living conditions: they grow on stones, and in winter they do not require watering at all. Very different in shape and color, these “living stones” will be an excellent decoration for your room, and in the spring they will delight you with unusual flowers.

Geranium attracts attention with its bright flowering, which can also be safely classified as an unpretentious houseplant. Geranium is rightfully considered a symbol home comfort, and was brought to Europe in the middle of the 17th century. Nowadays, numerous varieties of flowers amaze the imagination with their variety of colors and shapes. And if you don’t have enough time to care for it more carefully, the geranium will still bloom, but not as profusely.

11. Kalanchoe

This houseplant, like aloe, has long been known as medicinal plant, requiring no maintenance. IN Lately Many beautiful flowering Kalanchoe hybrids have appeared. You can rarely water the plant. This is a shade-tolerant flower that can easily withstand sudden temperature changes, blooms for a long time and grows slowly, which is why it does not need frequent replanting.

12. Cactus

If you want to surprise your friends and relatives with flowering indoor plants, buy a cactus or create an entire collection. It doesn't take much time, and caring for it is quite easy. There are many types of cacti that develop well and bloom stably on windowsills every year. The most resistant species of these plants turned out to be medium-sized and spherical. Cactus flowers have a variety of shades. All of them are very bright and juicy, and will decorate any room.

The ficus family has a very wide variety of representatives. Among them there are completely unpretentious ones that do not require special care: rubber ficus, ficus lyre-shaped. They successfully neutralize harmful impurities in the air and have special energy, creating a feeling of coziness and comfort. Most of them fit perfectly into any interior style.

A very popular houseplant due to its flower, which looks like white calla. It blooms periodically without any intervention on our part. Spathiphyllum is shade-tolerant, does not require special care, and does not like excessive soil moisture (the roots may rot). In addition to its beautiful appearance, spathiphyllum perfectly moisturizes the air.

A very beautiful flowering plant, as if specially created for dark places indoors. Begonia does not like bright light. There are a huge number of varieties of this plant. They all bloom profusely and have spectacular variegated leaves. Begonia tolerates heat and coolness equally well. But they need high air humidity. You should not spray the leaves, as they love direct contact with water. To prevent the roots from drying out, the begonia needs to be watered regularly.

To decorate and freshen the air in a room, office, foyer or other space, large plants that look like shrubs or trees are often used. To place such plants, you need free space in which the flower will feel comfortable. The conditions for the beneficial growth and flowering of a plant include proper care, that is, providing lighting, watering, pruning - if necessary, and protection from pests. Large indoor plants can be grown independently or purchased from flower nurseries. When choosing such a flower, it is necessary to analyze the possibility of home conditions. A meter or larger bush is unlikely to fit on the window, so you need to decide on the placement of the container with the flower. The most optimal place It is considered a corner of the room, which is somewhat illuminated by daylight, and also protects the plant from drafts and mechanical damage. Sometimes, a favorable place for a large ornamental plant will be near the bed or soft corner, as well as in the interior of the kitchen area. It all depends on the type of plant and its living conditions. For rooms with high ceilings, large indoor plants that reach more than two meters in height and are not afraid of pruning are suitable. Some types of house flowers can adapt well to indoor conditions throughout the year, and in summer period, continue the life cycle on the street terrace. In this case, you need to take into account changes in temperature, lighting and the presence of insects.

When choosing a large ornamental plant for your home environment, it is advisable to decide on its type. It could be evergreen shrub or tree, with large, small, round or pointed leaves. The plant can bloom and also bear fruit, like a lemon or tangerine. It can be capricious or unpretentious in care, with an individual growth rate, that is, reaching the required height in a short period or over many years.

Growing the desired plant at home requires a considerable investment of time and effort. Some flowers need to be pollinated artificially, which not all lovers can do. Also, one cannot ignore the toxicity of some plants, as they can cause an allergic reaction or have a negative reaction on the health of people living in the house.

Many specialist flower growers grow plants in the bonsai style, that is, a smaller copy of a tree that, under normal natural conditions, reaches incredibly huge sizes. Any plant can be grown in this style, it just depends on time and hard work. Many plant growers note that coniferous and deciduous plants are very popular for growing at home in the bonsai style. They grow slowly, but their decorative value, as well as pleasant aroma brings pleasure. For example, pine or maple, which feel good at home, as well as outdoors, during the warm season.

In indoor conditions, in bonsai style, the following grow successfully:

  • Lilac;
  • Birch;
  • Kalina;
  • Apple and pear;
  • Almond;
  • Larch and spruce.

Bonsai can also be grown from tropical and subtropical indoor plants. It is easier to care for them, that is, to form or create conditions for winter dormancy. To do this, choose a plant with small trunks, flowers and leaves. In addition to interior decoration, fresh, oxygen-filled air, which is provided by indoor plants, is important for the home environment. One of the properties of many flowers is medicinal, that is, antibacterial, in which the surrounding climate is disinfected. This effect can be achieved by planting plants:

  • Boxwood is an evergreen honey plant that loves shade. The leaves are dark green, round and shiny. During the flowering phase, it produces small fragrant beige flowers. It needs abundant watering, but not frequent;

  • Ficus - the plant grows up to two meters. An evergreen tree with a short trunk and smooth bark. Ficus leaves are fleshy, oval and pointed. The crown usually branches out. Loves moist air, loose soil and diffused sunlight. Can live permanently in a room, without being taken outside.

  • Hibiscus is a plant from the mallow family, also called indoor rose. It blooms with large apical flowers of different shades. A favorable place for growing it will be the western or eastern side of the room. Loves abundant and frequent watering with warm water, needs spraying, pruning and fertilizing;

  • Laurel is a landscape and culinary plant. It needs a lot of light and water, and any air temperature is suitable for it, that is, even slight frosts are not scary for the laurel. A very unpretentious plant to grow;

  • Palm tree - for cultivation, the plant is unpretentious, but requires a lot of time. A very popular large indoor flower. Loves shaded places and tolerates drought well. The leaves of the palm are fan-shaped or pinnate, and the trunk is scaly at the base and smooth towards the top. Palm trees vary in size, but can be up to three meters in height.

  • Euonymus is a “glorious tree”, with jagged dark green or spotted leaves. The flowers are small with a scent that not everyone likes. It tolerates drought well, but does not like direct sunlight, so it should be placed away from the window. Due to rapid growth, it needs frequent pruning for crown formation;

  • Monstera is a plant that is most often found in apartments. big ones, carved leaves Monsteras are green in color and sit on long stalks. The more sunlight, but not direct light, that hits the plant, the larger its leaves will be. Moisturizing the plant is expressed through watering, preventing the top layer of soil from drying out. Pruning is rarely carried out, only in case of rejuvenation of a mature flower. Flowering of monstera is not often observed, but in this phase the appearance of small white flowers can be observed;

  • Lemon is a tree that, in indoor conditions, reaches more than a meter. The green leaves of the plant remain green all year round. The appearance of fruits occurs as a result of pollination. The ambient air temperature is allowed to be at least twenty-two degrees Celsius. You need to water the lemon twice a day, and also provide direct sunlight for a couple of hours a day. In spring, the tree needs pruning and fertilizing;

  • Fatsia – decorative flower(Aralia) reaches up to one and a half meters in height. The leaves are large and resemble chestnut leaves. The temperature in the room for Fatsia should not be too high; she prefers a cool room with moderate humidity. During the flowering phase, flowers may appear in the form of umbrellas of beige color and a pleasant smell;

  • Figs are an “indoor fig tree” that not only decorates the home interior, but also provides tasty and healthy fruits. Figs can adapt well to outdoor conditions during late spring and summer. It does not need abundant watering, but frequent moistening of the soil and leaves will not hurt. After five to seven years, you need to replant the plant;

  • Aucuba - "Golden or sausage tree", decorates many homes and offices. The leaves of the plant are oblong and pointed. Their basis is green, and yellow stains or spots are noted on top. The inflorescences that appear are red. The plant loves shade, moderate watering and fertilizing. To form a beautiful crown, in the spring the aucuba is pruned and the young shoot is pinched;

Feeding and treatment of house plants

When choosing a plant, you need to take into account the possibility of an allergenic environment for others. Almost all indoor plants need feeding, that is, fertilizer. In this case, you can use organic fertilizers, which are sold ready-made in flower shops. Some ways to feed your favorite plant are prepared independently at home. For this they use, onion skins, black coffee and tea leaves, egg shells, meat slops, fruit zest, sugar, yeast, etc.

To maintain the looseness of the soil in the container, used tea leaves of black tea or coffee are poured onto it.

To saturate the soil with vitamins, which plants will happily absorb, use peels from bananas, oranges and apples. In this case, the peels are crushed and infused in purified water, which is used to water indoor plants.

To increase energy and also as a quality building material biological cells in a plant, use water with the addition of regular sugar. This fertilizer can be used occasionally to avoid attracting pests from the external environment.

If you dilute one tablespoon of ash in a liter of water, you can disinfect the soil of indoor plants, as well as feed them with micro and macroelements: zinc, magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus.

Egg shells will have a good drainage effect and supply calcium.

Cocktails made from onions, vegetables and yeast, which are used only in fresh prepared form, have a beneficial effect on plant growth.

The purpose of mandatory feeding is to enhance plant growth, maintain the size, shape and color of the bark, stems, leaves, peduncles, as well as prevent disease conditions. With weak immunity, the plant slows down, loses elasticity, sheds leaves and becomes an object for pathogenic microorganisms.

Today the range of indoor flowers and plants is huge. Catalogs, online stores and magazines are full of a variety of plants, and sometimes it is difficult to focus your attention on just one thing.

In order for the plant to take root and feel good in your home, you need to know the basics of caring for it. The article is a list of indoor plants and flowers in alphabetical order and contains basic rules of care. The descriptions are brief, but give an initial idea of ​​a particular plant. We can say that this is a small encyclopedia guide with a brief description and photo.


Abutilone - evergreen non-poisonous a shrub that came to us from Brazil. Abutilone leaves appearance resemble maple leaves. The typical appearance of the flower is shown in the photo: palmate leaves, long hanging stems, flowers hanging down. Required lighting: partial shade, moderate humidity.

Aglaonema - homemade moderately poisonous a plant that attracts gardeners with the shape of its leaves. Not difficult to care for, but with some peculiarities.

It is necessary to plant in low pots. Varieties differ in leaf color. Requires spraying, reproduces by stem petioles, prefers shade.

Aglaya is an indoor tree with leathery teardrop-shaped leaves and small yellow flowers.

Requires regular pruning and crown shaping. Reproduces by seeds, prefers shade, does not tolerate dry and parched soil.

fast growing shrub with representatives of two species. The first: with long red or pink hanging inflorescences, the second with decorative leaves, non-flowering. The plant is poisonous and capricious.

Requires spraying, prefers bright, diffused light.

liana with large tubular flowers yellow color. A capricious plant with poisonous sap.

Requires moderate watering until autumn, limited in winter. It is not afraid of bright sunlight, but can live in the shade.

Aloe (agave). Homeland on the atlas is South Africa.

Hardy non-capricious plant. The juice has healing properties. sunlight can be either direct or diffuse.

Achimenes is a small flowering plant. The flowers are large, of various colors.

Needs spraying, lighting is bright but diffuse.


annual herbaceous plant with bright flowers. Balsam is unpretentious, non-toxic, and not capricious. Light - partial shade, watering - moderate, without drying out.

grassy perennial, found in the forests of Asia. Rarely used as a houseplant. Prefers bright, direct light and requires abundant watering in summer. Varieties:
  • golden bamboo;
  • graceful bamboo;
  • Simon's bamboo;
  • black bamboo.

An ornamental indoor plant with a variety of species. Some types fit into an egg cup, while others can take up an entire wall.

Begonia loves sunny places, belongs to the category of non-capricious plants, and is not poisonous.


Wallota is an indoor plant that has two types: beautiful wallota and purple wallota. Blooms with bright colorful flowers.

Required lighting: bright diffused; watering - abundant in summer, moderate in winter.

Washingtonia filamentosa - fan palm. Feels great both in diffused bright light and in partial shade.

Washingtonia capricious, does not tolerate drafts or dry soil. Needs good drainage and abundant watering.

Decorative flowering potted plant. It has long stems on which small leaves and flowers are located.

Loves coolness and good light. Does not tolerate dry soil and hard water.

home an orchid with a single peduncle and aerial roots.

Vanda looks good both in a pot and hanging.


Gardenia is a flower of the madder family, demanding care. The lighting should be bright enough, but diffused.

Gardenia is thermophilic and prefers high humidity. Jasmine gardenia is used in folk medicine.

Gasteria belongs to the Asphodel family. It has fleshy leaves growing in the shape of a fan. Requires abundant watering in summer and bright lighting. In order for the leaves of the gasteria to develop evenly, it should be regularly rotated relative to the light source.

Hemanthus. The leaves are fleshy, the inflorescences are dotted with “cilia”.

Maybe blossom white and red flowers.

Requires moderate watering, prefers diffused bright light.

Gloxinia. The shape of gloxinia flowers is similar to bells.

The flowers are quite large, of different colors. High humidity and regular spraying are required.

Watering better carry out from the pallet.

capricious plant with beautiful decorative leaves. Varieties:
  • Indian;
  • famous.

Both species prefer bright, indirect light. From spring to autumn it needs abundant watering.


Dawvalia are plants with leaves that resemble carrot leaves.

The stems look like flexible wire with small feathery leaves.

Needs to high humidity, spraying.

Didymohlena is a fern with leathery green or brown leaves.

Requires increased soil and air humidity. Needs spraying.

Decembrists - a group of forest cacti blooming in winter period.

Stems are leaf-shaped, hanging down.

The spines are short and soft.

The Decembrists are divided into three groups:

  • epiphyllum;
  • Gartner's ripsalidopsis;
  • truncated zygocactus.

Dizygotheca is a home bush with an unusual type of leaves.

It is a bush up to 1.8 meters high with thin leaves.

As for care, dizygotheca needs bright, diffused light and high humidity.


Jacaranda is a houseplant that is planted for its beautiful leaves, similar to a fern.

At home, jacaranda does not bloom.

photophilous A flowering plant, it also loves moisture.

Throughout the year, jasmine needs spraying and abundant watering.

Living stones are an unusual group of plants that consist of two leaves fused at the base.

The color of living stones is varied.

IN period If the plant is actively growing, it is advisable to take it out into the fresh air.


Zamioculcas is a giant among indoor flowers.

The glossy, fleshy leaves can grow up to 100 centimeters in length.

Requires bright, diffused lighting, moderate humidity and high temperature.

Zantedeschia (calla lily) is a plant that can be grown at home.

The flowers can be of different colors, resembling a funnel in shape. Leaves are heart-shaped, arrow-shaped. The light is bright, the humidity is moderate, but frequent spraying is required. Zephyranthes is popularly called upstarts.

During the flowering period, the peduncle literally stretches before our eyes and becomes ready for flowering.

Flowers can be of different colors. Zephyranthes are not capricious and hardy, they require moderate watering as needed and diffused lighting.


Butcher's broom acquired its name due to its rigid stems with a thorn at the end.

It has bright scarlet spherical fruits.

Feels good in the shade and in everything range room temperatures down to zero degrees.

Ixora - tall plant with large inflorescences consisting of small flowers and leathery shiny leaves.

Requires abundant watering and spraying, needs bright light.

Irezine is used both as an indoor and garden flower.

Is different unusual color of leaves and stem.

Requires regular spraying procedures and is a light-loving plant.

Ismene (hymenocallis) is a beautiful indoor plant that attracts with its flowers.

They have " crown"and a pleasant aroma.

Ismene is light-loving and heat-loving and requires abundant watering.


Caladium is a tuberous herbaceous plant.

The most beautiful part of the caladium is its large leaves, the color of which can vary.

Young caladium needs high humidity. The lighting should be bright and watering should be plentiful.

liana with heart-shaped leaves and small inflorescences of various colors.

Clerodendrum requires a lot of space because it is a fairly large plant.

Requires high humidity and diffused light.

Clivia is a plant with tall, long leaves and bright orange inflorescences.

Is pretty capricious in care. It must be kept in a cool room all year round.

Spraying is not needed, the required humidity is moderate.