The largest population in Eurasia. Population in Eurasia

Racial characteristics of people of ancient eras of Eurasia

Three great races determined the appearance of the ancient people of steppe Eurasia and, ultimately, Europe and Western Asia. Two Caucasoid - one southern, Mediterranean, the other northern, Cro-Magnon-like (proto-Caucasian). And one mixed, uraloid. It would be fair to note the influence of another one, namely Veddoid. Their descriptionorigin, history below.

Mediterranean race . Or Mediterraneans. They have a complex of characteristics that sharply distinguish them from northern Caucasians. Their faces are unique, one might say graceful. Their relatives, the Caucasians of the north, especially those who live in the distance, seem to have a similar set of characteristics, but lack sophistication.

Representatives of the Mediterranean race. On the left is our contemporary. On the right is an image from the Fayum Oasis. Egypt, ancient times.

Their genetic line leads to the Natufians, the ancient population of Western Asia (from the name of the Wadi en-Natuf valley to the west of Jerusalem), and their appearance, despite their African origin, does not find a match on the “dark continent”, but has much in common with the appearance of the people Papua and distantly with the archanthropes from the Petralona grotto (400 thousand years ago).

Archanthrope from the Petralona Grotto. Greece. (400 thousand years ago). A convex bridge of the nose, a wedge-shaped (profiled) face, a triangular transverse profile of the upper lip, a lowered base of the nose and a relief pattern of the nostrils - all these signs appear prominently among representatives of the Mediterranean races

The same typological features: a sharply profiled face, a large nose with a convex back, the base of which is lowered, deep eye sockets and a wedge-shaped profile of the upper lip.

Papua people. Wedge-shaped (profiled in a horizontal plane) bearded faces, large noses with a convex back, deep-set eyes. By all indications, they are closer to Caucasians than to Africans. Genetically, there are many carriers of the haplogroup among them K

They had the Veddoids as their neighbors to the east. Today their descendants occupy the south of Hindustan and constitute the untouchable caste. But in the past they were distributed much more widely, and probably dominated numerically. Then they occupied the lands of Mesopotamia, Central Asia (from where they came to Eastern Europe, Western Siberia and Eastern Turkestan), as well as Hindustan. Their appearance is unique, sharply different from the Mediterranean. Their descendants (or remnants) are the modern inhabitants of South. India, who are called Veddoids.

Veddoid. India. Wide nose, curly hair, chocolate skin, protruding jaw (so-called alveolar prognathism) and almond-shaped eyes

In the process of settling to the east, the Mediterranean pushed the Veddoids to the periphery and occupied their indigenous lands as far as Northern Hindustan and Central Asia. And a small part of it, mostly women, were assimilated. Since that time, Eastern Mediterranean people have been distinguished by their dark complexion. In the scientific literature the name Indo-Afghan race was assigned to them. Its variants are the Caspian and Pamir-Fergana races. They, like the Indo-Afghans, are distinguished by their increased dark complexion. Outside this region, people with increased dark complexion are found among some groups of Tatars and Western Asians and Turks.

In ancient times, the Veddoids continued to occupy the coastal strip of Western Eurasia, but now they are not there. It was here that the soldiers found them Alexander the Great upon retreat from India. Inquisitive Greeks could not help but notice their racial uniqueness, comparing them with Indian Ethiopians

Mediterranean people vary in appearance. Some of them have tall faces, others short. This difference is noticeably manifested in the population of the Caucasus. Northern Caucasians (the so-called Pontids) are high-faced, while their Azerbaijani neighbors are short-faced.

N settlement of northern Mesopotamia in ancient times. On the left is a fragment of the head of a statue from Sumerian times, on the right is from the era of Ancient Assyria. Apparently, the Sumerians had narrow faces, large eyes, thick beards, curly hair and long straight noses. The appearance, in all respects, is similar to the modern Caucasian, but more narrow-faced.

High-faced types gravitate towards the Iranian plateau. It is there that to this day one can meet people with extremely narrow, tall and sharply profiled faces. Racially, the name Iranids was assigned to them, but it would be more correct to call them by the ethnonym Sumerian Sumerids. Their historical center was located approximately in the same place, in Northern Mesopotamia. It is believed that the Pontic racial type and the Nordic from Northern Europe are its variants, but influenced by other races.

Mediterraneans. North India. Pontid on the far right

D the dominance of the carriers of the Mediterranean race clearly manifested itself in the Neolithic era. They were the first to master agriculture and cattle breeding and, taking advantage of the advantages in production that could fully meet the needs of a rapidly growing population, began to move to new regions. They were probably seen as a prestigious reference group in the eyes of the Aborigines. They took their example and imitated them.

In principle, they gave rise to the modern world, spurred progress and laid the foundation of modern civilization. The origins of a unique European civilization in the Neolithic Balkans, where steppe Indo-European and West Asian cultures converged. And both are newcomers. It is known that the Sumerians laid the foundations of modern sciences, but their achievements remained in the shadows. In any case, the brilliant Greeks did not directly contact them when creating their own scientific school, and did not use their knowledge. On the basis of the ancient Mesopotamian school, a unique Khorezmian school emerged, which managed to overcome almost five hundred years of trampling of ancient science, but their achievements did not receive adequate support in their homeland. Their significance was appreciated by scientists in Western Europe. From this time, in fact, the dominance of a unique European civilization began, the development of which went hand in hand with the achievements of science.

In genetic terms, the creators of the proneolithic cultures of northern Mesopotamia were unlikely to differ from other peoples of Western Asia and, very likely, had a haplogroup J 2 (J 2 a and J2b), which was distributed to all significant corners of the Old World. The narrow-faced and tall-faced racial type, which is still noticeably visible in the Balkans and Europe, in the North Caucasus and Central Asia, in Iran, Afghanistan and India, perhaps comes from them. In Eastern Europe there is a lot of it among the Tatars, but there are also Chuvash and Russians. It is possible that they are all descendants of the Sumerians. According to one sample, an extremely high-faced and narrow-faced type, Mediterranean in all respects, similar to the Iranians, has haplogroup J2b2. Apparently, there is a coincidence of genotype and phenotype here. The geography of haplogroup J2b is extensive. There is a lot of it among the population of the Balkans (Albanians up to 18%, others in a smaller proportion), in the east among the population of Pakistan (8%), India (4%), in the Caucasus among the Balkars (6.3%) and other peoples.

Of course, not all Mediterraneans were related to the clan J . In North Africa, Anatolia and the Caucasus there are many carriers of other haplogroups G, K, and E , but they have little relevance to the topic of this book.

Cro-Magnons and their descendants. By all indications, Europe was inhabited in ancient times by Cro-Magnons (named after the Cro-Magnon grotto in France). Their appearance was studied from numerous remains and reconstructed. He is unique, in some ways close to modern people. In addition to Europe, it is found in North Africa and Western Asia.

TO Romagnonians. On the left from the Cro-Magnon cave, on the right from the Czech Republic (28 thousand years ago). Their faces are rough compared to modern people. The dental part, like in Negroids, is noticeably visible. The angle of the nose is significant. A trait that would later appear in Srubniks and their other descendants.

Their Eastern European relatives from Kostenki (Voronezh) are older. They are at least 23 thousand years old. Anthropologists have restored their appearance. They're downstairs. On the left is a representative of the equatorial race. His dental part is noticeably visible (alveolar prognathism), the brow ridges hang over the gases, but they do not merge into a continuous supraorbital ridge. Among other racial features, we note the sharp horizontal profile of the face. This trait is not characteristic of Veddoids, but typical of “Caucasians”. On right -Cro-Magnon The latter differed little from modern people, but in comparison with us they had low melon-shaped skulls, wide and low faces, the frontal part of which was “decorated” with brow ridges merging into a continuous supraorbital ridge. Among other generic characteristics, we note a strongly protruding narrow nose with a low bridge (a feature unusual for modern Caucasians) and a dental section that protrudes forward due to slanted teeth.

Ancient people from Kostenki. 40 thousand years ago On the left is the equatorial, with right - Cro-Magnon.

According to anthropologists, Cro-Magnons clearly exhibit Negroid (Australoid) features, clearly indicating African origin. In the distant past, Cro-Magnons inhabited lands in North Africa and the Middle East, and then settled throughout Europe. It is believed that during the Ice Age (23 thousand years ago) they returned back to Africa, and then after its end (13.5 thousand years ago) they repopulated it.

It is generally accepted that, anthropologically, Mediterraneans and Cro-Magnons are close. But, nevertheless, outwardly they are strikingly different from each other. Without going into all the details, we can assume that the Mediterraneans show noticeable features of the equatorials, but of a “Caucasian” appearance.

A bright representative of the Mediterranean race. Famous Indian film actor Shah Rukh Khan. In his appearance, Caucasian characteristics found their utmost expression. A strongly profiled face, a large nose with a convex back, the base of which is lowered, a high bridge of the nose, a wedge-shaped profile of the upper lip, low orbits. But the protruding dental section indicates inherited characteristics of the equatorial races.

From the name Shakrukh Khan one can guess his origin. Most likely, it has connections with the ancient Iranian-speaking tribes of the steppe th Eurasia. Their appearance in the north-west of Hindustan is connected with the Great Migration of Peoples. The first were the Sakas of the western part of the Tarim basin, who at the beginning II thousand BC expelled the Yuezhi from their vengeance. Following them, other Iranian-speaking nomads took part in the conquest of India. Gurjars (from them the name Gujarat), then the Great Kushans (Yuezhi), Hephthalites, Tocharians, Chionites. In the Middle Ages, the Turks appeared, but in their ranks there were many descendants of Iranian-speaking tribes who “stayed” in the steppe. This series of invasions caused the movement of the descendants of the Aryans deeper into the continent. Hence the difference between today's inhabitants of the west and east of Hindustan. The steppe haplogroup unconditionally dominates in the gene pool of the latter R 1 a . In the gene pool of the descendants of Iranian-speaking nomads, the share of haplos R 1 a occupies a significant place locally, but is not the only one.

It is believed that the ancient Caucasians of Eastern Europe, who are usually classified as paleo-Caucasians (another name p orto-Europeans,their heirsAfanasyevtsy - descendants of the Repinians, Yamniki, Andronovtsy, partly Catacombs and Srubniki), descendants of the Cro-Magnons. All their main features have been preserved: low, wide faces with low orbits, an elongated head shape, and brow ridges. But at the same time, we note that their faces acquired a more perfect appearance: roughness and alveolar prognathism disappeared, the cranial vault rose, and the bridge of the nose became higher. Perhaps this is due to connections with the Mediterranean. Although the opposite picture cannot be ruled out. They originally had a Caucasian appearance, which in the north was modified under the influence of the Cro-Magnons. There is no special evidence, but what is striking is the closeness of the Andronovo people, on the one hand, to the Cro-Magnons (low and wide faces), and on the other, to the Caucasians (sharp profile, convex bridge of the nose). The same can be said about modern Caucasians. Their Caucasian appearance is matched not so much by the Cro-Magnons as by the Papuans. It is possible that this fact is a manifestation of the racial traits of the progenitor father, the carrier of haplogroup F, whose descendants are almost all European and West Asian peoples, including the ancient peoples of the South. and Western Siberia, the Central Chinese Plain and the American Indians. Below for comparison are images of Andronovo, Borrebi and Papuans with a Russian girl

Reconstruction of the external appearance of the Andronovites. Kazakhstan. II thousand BC Their faces are wide, but low, strongly protruding noses, a sharp facial profile like Caucasians, a powerful and strong eyebrow (a characteristic feature of paleo-Europeans). By all appearances, they are blonde. In the appearance of the man on the right, Caucasian features clearly appear. The nose is “hooked” with a convex back and a lowered base, like the Mediterranean

Borrebibrunns are two anthropological types “inherited” from the Cro-Magnons. People with pronounced anthropological characteristics of the Paleolithic population of Europe.


On the left is a Russian girl, on the right is one of the representatives of the Papua people. Despite the differences, common features are visible: low eye sockets, profiled faces, elongated oval faces, nose shapes. Photo from personal blog Anna Zinovieva and Dmitry Saparov

Uraloids.During the Neolithic era in the territory of the East. Europe was inhabited by hunters and fishermen of the Pit-Comb Ware culture. Its population was not anthropologically homogeneous. Some had a Caucasian appearance, others were laponoid (another name is uraloid). It is believed that they spoke the same language: Finno-Ugric and gave rise to the modern population of the Russian plain. Subsequently, people of other cultures and appearances came, but, nevertheless, the appearance of the ancient inhabitants clearly shines through in the faces of modern people.

Girl from the Russian Plain. Caucasoid with pronounced laponoid characteristics.

The origin of uraloids is unclear. Some believe that they are of Eastern European origin, and among their descendants leading an isolated lifestyle are the Sami. Racially they are Laponoids.

Others, noting in them a bizarre mixture of racial traits of Caucasoids, Laponoids, Australoids and West Siberian Mongoloids, speak of a complex origin that goes back thousands of years (the Late Paleolithic era), while referring to the Sungir finds. Indeed, the Sungir boy has pronounced equatorial features. In modern times, this kind of people can be found among the population of South India, but in the past they were settled more widely, also occupying Central Asia, Western Siberia and Eastern Europe (at least its eastern and central part)

Sungir, Vladimir. Upper Paleolithic era. 28-23 thousand l. back. The burials of children were discovered in the first burial ground. Racially, the girl was related to Cro-Magnons, while the boy clearly showed features of the equatorial race. In others, the remains of adults were found; the appearance of one of them was reconstructed by G. Lebedinsky. The woman had a Cro-Magnon-like appearance: a low but high-cheekboned face and high orbits (Cro-Magnons had low eye sockets, and high cheekbones were also not characteristic of them). Traits of the equatorial races appeared in the population of northern Russia almost until the Middle Ages. In particular, Soviet anthropologists noted them in the population of the Moscow region, which naturally caused and continues to cause irritation among the nationalistically oriented intelligentsia.

Anthropological finds of the Neolithic era of the Southern Urals allow us to conclude that in the Shigir man for the first time those features appeared that later became dominant in the appearance of a significant part of the population of the East. Europe, which gave them the originality that distinguishes them from others and makes them recognizable. And if you ask the question, what is the determining factor, then you should probably call gracefulness - small facial features. A trait not shared by other Caucasians. Of others, some flattening of the face and snub nose. Apparently, large eyes, often of a Caucasoid structure, are a legacy of the equatorials.

Neolithic woman. Latvia (V-III millennium BC) (right) and 3rd millennium (Russia). The common features are low, somewhat flattened (very strongly on the left) faces and gracile features.

But nevertheless, the ancient population of the Volga and Urals regions was not racially homogeneous. Some (Melliatamak burial, Muslyumovsky district of Tatarstan, Neolithic V - IV millennium BC) had, like the ancient inhabitants of the Baltic states, low, wide, strongly flattened faces. Others, on the contrary, were distinguished by a combination of directly opposite characteristics: sharply profiled faces, but slightly protruding noses. Interestingly, people of a similar appearance can still be found among the Tatars, Chuvash and Jews, although they are not necessarily related by origin to them. As a rule, such a combination of characteristics is formed in the process of cross-breeding between Mediterraneans and Mongoloids. The presence of Mediterranean admixture among them can be judged by one find from the Southern Urals (the so-called “Davletkanovsky man”, reconstruction by Gerasimov).

In addition to them, people with signs of an equatorial race, similar to the one that the Sungir boy had, lived there. In the past, the “equatorials” were more widely settled, and contributed to the formation of not only the Eastern European, but also the Western-South Siberian population. According to anthropological materials, far to the east in the Pavlodar region (Kazakhstan, Shiderty burial ground, IV-III millennium BC) there lived people of unusual appearance for the modern population. They have Caucasoid features, namely: a strongly protruding nose and a Caucasoid structure of the eye sockets, combined with equatorial features - flattened faces and alveolar prognathism.

The South Ural steppe population apparently maintained contacts with them.Judging by the burial grounds, these people were among the population of the Samara and Khvalynsk cultures. Against the general Caucasoid background, they stand out sharply with low and flattened facial skeletons. So, it can be reasonably argued that they are among those who took part in shaping the appearance of the ancient Indo-Europeans.

Outside the Urals, their presence is found among the population of the Botai pastoral culture. Racially, the Botai people were mestizos. They were formed as a result of the mixing of Caucasoids and Uraloids (is this where the genetic connections of North African Berbers with the Sami come from?). In addition to them, people of Mediterranean appearance were found there.

From a genetic point of view, the male population of Eastern European Uraloids is young. They appeared about 4 thousand years ago as a result of a large migration from beyond the Urals. They brought with them a Mongoloid appearance, but low-faced, characteristic of the population of the Trans-Urals and Cis-Urals (see Appendix 1). How they “replaced” the local men remains a mystery. It is possible that they deliberately killed them as their competitors. However, other options cannot be ruled out, namely: the marriage customs of northern people. Following them, they gave up their wives for “use” in the wrong hands; as a result of such crossing, the genetic line of the aliens (health, survival, creativity) turned out to be stronger and supplanted the local one. That is, they exchanged the competition of “fathers” for the competition of “children”.

Outwardly, this Mongoloid differs from the classical Mongoloids of Northern China, but they are united by a common feature: flattened face. As a rule, taiga Mongoloids are low-faced, and classic Mongoloids have high faces, orbits (eyebrows) located high above the eyes, and their cheekbones are not so clearly expressed. They, as a rule, have black straight hair, dark eyes and a dark skin color. In the description of this Mongoloid there is no information about hair color, but it is likely that, like the Arctic Mongoloids, Chukotkion had lighter shades of hair, eyes and skin in comparison with the classical type. Anthropologists have found that fair hair and light eyes of northeastern Europeans are closely combined with Mongoloid characteristics, that is, the more pronounced the flattening of the face, the higher the likelihood of light pigmentation.

The gene pool of the ancient Finnish male population consisted of haplogroupsI andN. According to A. Klesov, the male haplogroupI is Caucasoid and the oldest in Europe, but originally from Western Asia (or Northern Caucasus), and subsequently migrated in small numbers beyond the Urals. It was typical for Volosovites. Carriers of the Mongoloid (more precisely Uraloid) haplogroup N arrived from the Urals in the Middle Bronze Age, but settled the taiga part of Eastern Europe, pushing aside the Sami. The Sami are believed to be one of the oldest population groups in Europe. Stinkers once dominated the territory of Europe, but then their habitat shrank under pressure from neighbors and their numbers decreased. Their descendants are sublaponoids: they are snub-nosed, high-cheeked and low-faced. There are many of them in the Baltic states, Russians, Finns. There are also other nations. In the Chuvash, Tatars, Ukrainians...

Modern and ancient population of the Russian Plain (Pyanobor culture). They are separated by thousands of years, but, nevertheless, they have a lot in common in appearance. High cheekbones, slanted eyes, swollen drooping upper eyelids, snub nose.

Annex 1.

Haplogroup N is believed to be native to Southeast Asia.

They played a big role in the development of all humanity, left us the foundations of scientific knowledge, and still influence the development of modern spiritual culture in a number of countries.

In terms of numbers, the peoples of the continent make up 3/4 of the world's inhabitants, more than 3.5 billion people. It must be clarified, however, that in many countries of the Asian part of the continent, accurate population censuses are difficult, and in some places they are practically impossible.

The distribution of the population is mosaic and extremely uneven. In the delta of the Ganges and Brahmaputra, Java, coastal China, on the coasts of the islands, the population density reaches 700-100 people per km2. The territory of Western Europe is densely populated. But there are also almost deserted areas in Eurasia (Gobi, Tibet, Arabia, highlands of the Alpine belt). Clusters of large cities, long-term cultivation of land, development of transport routes and other phenomena associated with large-scale human economic activities have led to irreversible changes in natural conditions in many regions and entire natural zones of Europe and Asia.

The mainland's population is racially diverse. The main part consists of peoples of the Caucasian race, both its northern and southern branches. Southern Caucasians with dark eyes and hair (an older branch) inhabit Southern Europe and are represented in the South. As people move northward from settlement centers, people's skin, eyes, and hair become lighter. The most pronounced features of northern Caucasians are expressed in Norwegians - tall blonds with light eyes.

The peoples are usually short, with yellowish-dark skin, dark narrow eyes, black straight hair, and inhabit mainly Central and East Asia. Their racial characteristics were formed in accordance with the natural conditions of the center of the formation of the race - dry and hot, windy and dusty continental regions of Asia.

In the south of Asia live representatives of a special branch of the equatorial race - some peoples of the island. , south, Malay Archipelago.

The languages ​​of some peoples of Eurasia have much in common and form several language groups.

The Slavic group of peoples includes the southern (,), western (Czechs,) and eastern Slavs (, Belarusians and Russians). Russians, for example, understand speech well. The most numerous Slavic people are Russians.

The peoples of the Germanic group occupy Northern and part of Western Europe: Germans, English, Dutch, and others. The Romanesque group of peoples consists of the Italians, the French, and also. Romance languages ​​arose from the Latin language spoken by the peoples of Ancient Rome (“Roma” in Latin).

In the Asian part of the mainland, the most numerous groups are Indian and Sino-Tibetan peoples. About 600 million people speak Indian languages. The Sino-Tibetan peoples include the Chinese, Tibetans, Burmese, Lao and many others. Peoples live on the Malay Archipelago. Persians, Afghans and peoples of the Iranian linguistic group live in Western Asia. A special group is formed by the Japanese - a large people in number and unique in language.

The peoples of Eurasia live within more than six dozen large and small states. Among them there are giants in area and population, such as the People's Republic of China, and dwarf states (and many others).

The first capitalist states were formed on the territory of Eurasia. Capitalism as a system began its development in: , . And now these are developed capitalist states. The country experienced rapid economic development in the post-war years. In the modern world it is one of the seven largest and economically powerful capitalist powers.

1917-1992 - a period of repeated restructuring of the state system in a number of countries, on the territory of the former USSR, and in a number of countries in Foreign Asia. More and more socialist states were created through revolutionary rather than evolutionary economic means. After the collapse of the USSR in 1992, there was both a territorial disintegration of multinational states (SFRY), and a change in their political and economic status (the Baltic republics, countries, etc.). The process of formation of a number of states should be considered in dynamics. Thus, the Korean people after 1945 are still fighting for the reunification of their homeland.

In the Asian part of the mainland, in the past there were a number of colonies of capitalist European states. Now almost all the colonies have won political independence and developing states have formed on their territories. The largest of them is India, with a population of about 850 million people. The level of economic development of these countries is different. Along with the weak (, and others), there are countries experiencing economic growth and following the path of Japan (, and others).


Eurasia, like , is considered the ancestral homeland of man.
About 4.7 billion people live in Eurasia, which is 75% of the population of the entire Earth.
The mainland is huge. It has a variety of natural conditions, so the distribution of people across its territory is very uneven. Densely populated areas are located where favorable and fertile soils are combined. Such conditions in Eurasia are observed in the lower reaches of large rivers in Asia. Almost all of Europe is densely populated. The most populous country in the world is Monaco. There are more than 17 thousand people per 1 km2.

However, there are also sparsely populated areas on the mainland. These are mostly mountains and deserts.
The lowest population density is in Mongolia. 2 people live here per 1 sq. km.

At the same time, there are also almost deserted areas - these are Tibet, the Gobi Desert, numerous mountain systems and the Arabian Peninsula.

Speaking about the distribution of the population of Eurasia, one cannot help but recall giant cities such as Rome, London, Paris, Moscow, Shanghai, and Beijing.
Also on the mainland is the second largest city in the world - Tokyo - the capital of Japan, its population exceeds 20 million people.
The population of Eurasia differs significantly in racial and ethnic composition, nature of location, and types of economic activity.
The racial composition is dominated by representatives of the Caucasian and Mongoloid races. Europe, South-West and South Asia are inhabited by Caucasoids, and Central and East Asia by Mongoloids.

Let's remember the distinctive features of representatives of each race. The northern branch of the Caucasian race is characterized by light skin color, soft hair, a narrow nose, and blue or gray eyes.
And representatives of the southern branch have dark skin, dark hair and brown eyes.
Representatives of the Mongoloid race usually have yellowish skin, coarse black hair, and black eyes. The face is wide with prominent cheekbones, narrow eyes.

There are 94 states on the political map of Eurasia.
The uniqueness of the Eurasian continent lies in the fact that the largest and smallest states in terms of population and size are located here.
China ranks first in the world in terms of population, India second. More than a billion people live in these countries.
And in Vatican City, the smallest state in the world, only 836 people live.
The largest country in the world by area is Russia. Its area is 17,098,242 km², which is 2 times larger than the area of ​​the mainland Australia.
But the smallest state in terms of area is the Vatican. The area of ​​the state is only 0.44 sq. km. The Vatican City is a dwarf enclave state (a state surrounded by another country) located in the northwestern part of Rome. The Vatican is surrounded on all sides by Italian territory. The total length of the state border is 3.2 kilometers.
Dwarf states include San Marino, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Malta, Singapore, etc.

By form of government, most countries in Eurasia are republics.
There are also monarchies on the mainland. There are 14 monarchical states in Asia, and 12 such monarchies in Europe.
The largest monarchies in Europe are Great Britain and Spain.
Most European countries are characterized by a high level of economic development, characterized by high levels of income and quality of life of the population. These include the UK, Germany, France, Japan and many others. Manufacturing industries are concentrated in these countries.
At the same time, on the mainland you can also find extremely poor countries such as Nepal, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, etc.

If we characterize the ratio of urban and rural populations, then Europe is a more urbanized part of the world than Asia. In Europe, the urban population accounts for 80% of the population.
Most Asian countries have a predominantly rural population. The urban population is only 34%. However, in countries such as Japan, Singapore, South Korea, the main population is represented by urban residents.

Africa and Eurasia are territories that are considered the ancestral homeland of man. If we take into account the data from 2016, then about 5175 million people lived in this part of the world, 739 million of them were from Europe, and 4436 million were from Asia. In general, 2/3 of the world's population is located on this continent. Since the natural conditions of Eurasia are uneven, the population is also unevenly distributed.

Most people live on those lands where there are fertile soils and comfortable climatic conditions. Such territories include the lower reaches of Asian rivers and the Mediterranean.

The density of Eurasia is 95 people per 1 sq. km. The most populated areas of the world are located here. For example, the Indo-Gangetic lowland is characterized by a population density of 1,000 people per sq. km. More than one billion people live here. Such densely populated areas include: the island of Java, the Sichuan basin, the Great Chinese Plain and the Tokaido region of Japan.

The most populous countries: Macau - 21,352 people per sq. km, Monaco - 19,010 people per sq. km, Singapore - 7,697 people per sq. km. Cities in Eurasia are characterized by rapidly increasing population densities. Population of mainland countries: Shanghai - 24,200,000 people, Karachi - 23,500,000 people, Mumbai - 22,000,000 people, Beijing - 21,500,000 people and Delhi 18,600,000 people.

In this part of the planet there are also areas that are characterized by low density and population. Such lands include desert and highland areas: Gobi, Tibet, and the Arabian Peninsula. Mongolia should also be noted, because in such a state the population density is only 2 people per sq. km. In Iceland - 3 people per 1 sq km. There are also countries on the Eurasian continent that are characterized by a population density of only one person per 1 sq. km.

Racial and ethnic composition

The mainland's population is diverse, with many different ethnic groups and races. Most of all there are representatives of the Mongoloid and Caucasian races. The latter live in South, South-West Asia, Europe, and the former live in Central and East Asia. There is also a population of the Negroid race, which is located in the southern part of the Hindustan Peninsula and in Sri Lanka.

It should also be said about the multi-ethnicity of Eurasia. The mainland is home to completely diverse peoples who form their own language groups and families.

The European population almost entirely belongs to the Indo-European language family, which includes Slavic, Germanic and Romance groups. If we talk about Asia, then people form the Sino-Tibetan language family, which consists of the Tibeto-Burman and Chinese groups.

The largest peoples of Eurasia are considered to be the Chinese, Bengalis, Japanese, Hindustanis, and Biharis. Almost all states of the mainland are multinational. Indonesia and India include about 150 nations, the Philippines - 100, Vietnam and China - 50, Iran and Thailand - 30 nations. Monoethnic countries are practically an exception for this part of the planet. Japan can be included here, because it consists of 98.5% of the titular nation, and Iceland - 98.99%. The diversity of ethnic groups is increasing along with the division of peoples along state borders. For example, the Kurds are located in Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Iran. Afghans live in Pakistan and Afghanistan, while Bengalis live in Pakistan and India.

Religious composition of the population

Heterogeneity is a characteristic feature of the religious composition of Eurasia. For example, almost all world religions are practiced in Foreign Asia. Islam is the leader in Western and South-West Asia. Hinduism is also widespread - India, Buddhism - Mongolia, China, Japan, Korea, Judaism - Israel. The European population professes Christianity.