The best polyurethane foam. How to choose polyurethane foam for exterior and interior use

The modern construction market offers a large number of polyurethane foam. There are options for installing windows, doors and other work. There are professional formulations and ordinary ones. Every master wants to know which is the best. Let's try to find out.

What is polyurethane foam?

Professionals know, and for beginners in the construction business it will be very useful to know what this material is. Generally speaking, these are fluoropolymer sealants that contain isocyanate and polyol.

A propellant is used to create foam and also to create excess pressure.

Performance characteristics

The fact that this material is used in almost all areas of construction and repair work, due to his performance characteristics. The main properties and advantages of the mixture lie in its good soundproofing characteristics. The foam also withstands moisture well and has low electrical conductivity. In addition, the material is fire resistant and has excellent expansion properties. It easily fills any voids and cracks.

Types of polyurethane foam

Before you tell us which polyurethane foam is best to use, you need to know the types of these mixtures. There are several types of foam. And the first one is professional. It can only be used with a special gun, which makes it possible to exit the container. Professional products have a more uniform and dense composition, and secondary expansion is almost completely absent.

You can also select household foam, or, as it is also called, semi-professional. It can only be used one time. Besides, household option It is also characterized by a low filling density of the container. Manufacturers take advantage of the fact that household foam cylinders are often used by non-professional builders. Therefore, significantly lower requirements are imposed on these products. Often the composition can be frankly of poor quality. There is more gas in the can than necessary, or vice versa - it comes out completely, but there is still a lot of polymer left.

Foam varies in temperature conditions at which this sealant can be used. There is a summer composition designed for temperatures from +5 to +35 degrees. Winter foam is suitable for use in extreme conditions, as it can easily withstand temperatures from -20 to +30. There is also all-season foam. It has the characteristics of a summer and winter formula. The universal mixture has temperature regime from -10 to +30 degrees.

There is another type of sealant - these are special fire-fighting compounds. This product has special characteristics. The composition uses non-flammable components that retain their operational parameters even when high temperatures and open fire. Typically, such mixtures are used in construction, where the highest fire safety requirements are imposed.

The world's best brands

Among the manufacturers of polyurethane foam, there are five most famous ones, whose products sell well and deserve positive reviews. These are mainly Belgian and German companies. Let's find out which polyurethane foam is the best.

Soudal (Belgium)

The main representative office of this company is located in Belgium, and production is established all over the world - in the USA, Europe, India and many other countries. The company is a leader in the production of polyurethane sealants, aerosol foams, and various sealants. The brand has been in this market for more than 50 years. During this time, the company's products have earned enormous popularity. It is very difficult to say which polyurethane foam is the best among the entire Soudal line, because the entire range is distinguished by excellent quality and reasonable prices. The company produces both professional and household products. Everyone can find their own sealant for a specific task. Soudal specialists are constantly developing new formulas and monitoring quality. It is in these laboratories that the future is born construction technologies. Technicians create foam that differs low level expansion and increased performance characteristics.

One of the latest innovations is a special substance that simplifies and expands the options for working with these mixtures. If beginners in construction do not know which polyurethane foam is best for windows, then it is better to choose high-quality materials, for example, from this manufacturer, which is in first place in the rating.

Penosil (Estonia)

This is a young brand that was founded in 1998. Today, the company has achieved that its products are in good demand in more than 50 countries around the world. More than 10% of all foam in Europe is sold under this brand. The company constantly monitors market developments and gives customers what they really need.

The Gold series of compositions is a professional line. This foam is suitable not only for work in the construction sector, but also in various industries. The products are characterized by low expansion, high density and do not cause any damage. If you are looking for which polyurethane foam is best for doors, then you can choose this series. Although the range of work that can be done with this foam is very wide.

The Premium line includes household and professional formulations. These products are universal, high quality and offered at affordable prices. The series sells both ordinary, winter and all-season foam. Standard is not what it seems at first glance. If you choose for a long time which polyurethane foam is the best, then here the manufacturer offers not only quality, but also the maximum favorable prices. The line includes products for simple work where there will not be high loads.

Dr. Schenk (Germany)

This manufacturer has been around for over 80 years. Facilities are located all over the world, including in Russia - this plant produces high-quality foam for Europe. Regardless of where the enterprise is located, production is carried out under the strictest quality control.

As for the assortment, it is not only polyurethane foam, but also various sealants, adhesives and other repair products. If we talk only about polyurethane foam, then the buyer receives a premium product at reasonable prices.

The brand offers high-quality compositions for external and interior work, for professional and household use. We produce polyurethane foam for PVC windows. Which one is better depends on many factors, but all products receive high marks from professionals.

Domestic producers

Along with foreign brands, there are also products from domestic companies on the market, which are no worse in quality and have more affordable prices for most. Professionals know which polyurethane foam is best. Reviews best position Profflex products.


This manufacturer is located in the Tula region. Unlike Belgian and German brands, it specializes only in foam production. Reviews say that the quality of the product meets all requirements and is practically no different from European formulations. Profflex not only produces high-quality building materials, but also ensures that the cylinders have correct weight. The product line includes products for professionals and household items. There is also big choice winter products. If you choose which polyurethane foam is best for outdoor use, then professionals advise choosing the manufacturer Profflex.

The best of the best

Most specialists in repair and construction agree that there is no and cannot be any better foam than Makroflex. What causes this? There are a huge number of positive reviews about winter foam for outdoor use - this composition really works always and everywhere.

Despite the fact that this is a well-known brand, the cost of the product is relatively low and is within the range of the price at which any other product is offered. good foam. This polymer does not crumble and hardens when sub-zero temperatures and is suitable for any surface. Many people ask about what is the best polyurethane foam suitable for construction. Most professionals choose products from Makroflex.

Spray foam gun - which one is better? Price and manufacturers

In stores you can see a lot various devices for working with polyurethane foam. They all have different prices and quality, made by various manufacturers. If you need a gun for polyurethane foam, then professionals recommend choosing metal solutions with collapsible design. They cost about 500 rubles. Many people choose Kraftool pistols for and stainless steel. This is reliable and simple equipment. This device also has the ability to regulate the flow of foam. Soudal offers pistols that feature Click and Fix technology. It allows you to almost instantly prepare the cylinder for use.

So, we looked at what types of polyurethane foam there are and their properties. Now the choice is yours.

Polyurethane foam is widely used to fill voids and cracks, as well as to fix doors and windows in openings. The market today is overflowing with offers - our eyes run wild different sides from the abundance of manufacturers. In such a situation, it is very easy to take a low-quality product and throw money away.

How to choose the right polyurethane foam, photos of high-quality material, leaders among manufacturers - further in the article.

Chemical properties of polyurethane foam

There are one- and two-component ones. A more convenient and common option is a one-component foam, polyurethane-based sealant. It consists of a prepolymer from a mixture of polyol and isocyanate, a propellant, that is, a mixture of liquefied butane and propane, which creates pressure in the cylinder.

As the composition is squeezed out, it reacts with air, expanding 15-30 times. Due to volumetric expansion and semi-liquid state, foam fills even hard-to-reach voids. Thanks to the water contained in the air, the foam hardens and becomes hard after a certain time.

To speed up the drying of the foam, the walls of the niche to be filled are moistened. Within 24 hours, the polyurethane completely hardens and gains strength.

The advantage of this material is that it is not afraid of water, and due to the pores in the foam it insulates heat very well. After hardening, it is not harmful to humans or animals.

Areas of use

It is not capricious in terms of application - it can be combined with metal, brick, and wood. Thanks to these properties, it is used for insulating seams, installing windows and doors, insulation, and sound insulation.

Manufacturers of polyurethane foam

The market is full of manufacturers, and everyone claims that their product is the best. The easiest way in this case is to use proven, reliable brands. The best in the field of quality foam production are:

  • Finnish company Henkel;
  • Dutch company Bison International;
  • Belgian company Soudal;
  • Estonian manufacturers Bau Master;
  • Turkish company Soma Fix;
  • Russian company "Master Nail".

Good foam, after being applied to a vertical or inclined wall, does not move down, but remains in place and begins to expand quickly. High-quality foam is a frost-resistant material and does not begin to crumble after exposure to cold.

Quality criteria

The most important property– foam expansion coefficient. At the same time, household foam shows much worse results than professional foam: 10-60% versus 180-300%, respectively. The expansion coefficient is determined not only chemical properties material.

Weather conditions, the rate at which foam is extruded, and the use of a foam gun or the tube included with the balloon all influence. The skill of the one who uses the foam plays an important role.

Manufacturers indicate the expected expansion coefficient on the cylinder. It differs from the actual one, usually to a lesser extent due to the non-ideal conditions in which the foam is used.

When filling cavities, you should follow this rule - approximately two-thirds of the cavity is filled. Then the foam, as it expands again, will fill the cavity, but will not begin to crawl out and put pressure on the walls.

This point is especially relevant when installing doors and windows - the frame is deformed under the pressure of the foam, and it may happen that the door or window stops opening and closing.

The density of the foam after it has completely hardened should be approximately 1525 kg/m3 for professional foam, and about 2535 kg/m3 for household foam. It is definitely impossible to say what is better - denser foam or less dense foam. To insulate seams, a denser option is better, but when filling large cavities, you simply won’t have enough dense foam.

Uniformity - when cutting the foam with a knife, it should be homogeneous in its mass, without large air cushions. The pores should extend evenly in all directions.

Criterias of choice

The choice depends on the nature of the work being done and how much foam is needed to complete it. Household foam has a lower container capacity and expansion coefficient, but its final density is higher, which is very good for sealing seams.

There is no need to buy a foam gun separately, which, if it is of normal quality, costs 2-5 thousand rubles - the container is equipped with a tube for applying foam.

Professional polyurethane foam is indispensable when working with large cavities, and due to the use of a foam gun, foam consumption is significantly reduced, and it is much more convenient to work with it than with a tube.

Photo of the best polyurethane foam

From this article you will learn which polyurethane foam is best for various construction and repair tasks and what characteristics you should pay attention to when choosing it. The presented rating of polyurethane foams is based on user reviews and tests conducted on various resources on the Internet.

How to determine which polyurethane foam is better

To choose the right polyurethane foam, you need to understand what characteristics and qualities it has. For different tasks, different properties of this building material may be required.

So, the main characteristics of polyurethane foam:

  • Viscosity is a property on which the heat and sound insulation characteristics of foam depend. The lower the viscosity, the worse these qualities and the faster the material will be destroyed. The degree of viscosity directly depends on temperature and air humidity.
  • Adhesion is the ability of foam to stick to various materials to which it is applied. Typically foam High Quality has good adhesion to most building materials, with the exception of polyethylene and Teflon. The higher the adhesion, the tighter it fits, and therefore the better the insulating properties.
  • The output volume of foam is how many liters of foam you get from one can.
  • Primary expansion is a property that shows how much the volume of released foam will increase in the first minutes after leaving the cylinder. The expansion of a good polyurethane foam should not exceed 30% of the original volume.
  • Secondary expansion is the final increase in foam volume after polymerization. The lower this value, the better - foam with low secondary expansion will not lead to deformation of the structure in which it is used.
  • Uniformity of structure. This property shows how evenly air bubbles are distributed throughout the volume of foam, and how equal they are to each other. In high-quality foam there should be bubbles small size, evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the material.

Household or professional polyurethane foam

All types of polyurethane foam can be divided into two large groups– this is professional and household foam. Professional foam can only be applied using special tool- pistol.

Polyurethane foam under the pistol.

Household foam is produced with a tube (special applicators) and does not require the use of a gun.

Polyurethane foam for the tube.

Naturally, household polyurethane foam cannot be used for professional purposes - it simply will not cope with the tasks. But the reverse replacement (professional foam for household purposes) is quite acceptable.

The volume of pistol foam, as a rule, is 3 times greater than household foam, provided the weight of the cylinders is equal. This is due to the fact that household foam coming out through a tube has a high density and low yield. Also, household foam polymerizes slowly and has a high expansion.

The method of extracting foam from a container directly affects its subsequent properties. Professional installation requires the use of only gun foam. Household foam is useful only for local repairs (filling a hole, sealing a gap, etc.) at home.

Winter, summer or all-season

Polyurethane foam is divided into three types, depending on the temperatures at which it can be used:

Summer – can be used at air temperatures of +5 – +35 degrees.

Winter - used in temperatures ranging from -10 to -35 degrees.

All-season – can be used both in winter and summer, at temperatures of -10 – +35 degrees.

It is important to use mounting foam that is suitable for the air temperature. The fact is that it tends to reduce its volume when it gets colder. Therefore, summer foam in winter will not be voluminous enough. Range permissible temperatures usually indicated on the cylinder.

It should also be remembered that temperature requirements apply specifically to installation, and not to use. Cured foam has the same properties and the same characteristics at temperatures from -40 to +90 degrees.

What kind of foam is considered high quality?

How to understand that you have high-quality polyurethane foam in front of you? Not always and not everyone has the opportunity to purchase several cylinders for comparison.

Therefore, you should pay attention to the following signs indicating high quality foam:

1. Packing condition.

The absence of mechanical damage and chemical influences on the packaging indicates that the material was stored under proper conditions, therefore, it must meet the requirements.

2. Expiration date and release date.

Do not buy polyurethane foam that is nearing its expiration date. The fresher the sealant, the better performance it will have.

The expiration date may be indicated on the bottom of the container or on its top:

  1. Mixture homogeneity.

This parameter can be easily checked before purchasing without using foam. Just turn the can upside down a few times and shake it. If the contents flow smoothly, without sudden drops of substances downwards, then the material is of high quality. If impacts are felt, then the hardening process has already begun, and it is better not to buy such foam.

4. Expansion coefficient.

A high expansion coefficient will not always be in demand, since foam, increasing in volume, can deform the structure. However, if it is necessary to fill cavities for the purpose of sealing, this quality will be one of the most important.

High-quality household foam has an expansion rate of up to 60% of the original volume. This figure for professional pistol foam can reach 300%.

5. Foam color.

Unfortunately, this characteristic can only be assessed after opening and using the cylinder. High-quality foam has a light yellow color. Darkening of the sealant indicates the beginning of polymerization.

  1. Adhesion.

This is the ability of a sealant to adhere to materials, measured in mPa. Adhesion of polyurethane foam ranges from 0.4-0.48 MPa. The higher this value, the better the sealant.

What you need to know about polyurethane foam manufacturers

Polyurethane foam is produced using complex technology that requires the use of high-tech, expensive equipment. Therefore, the number of manufacturers of construction sealant in the world is limited. Moreover, only a few brands enjoy deserved popularity due to the high quality of the product.

However, so-called contract brands are entering the market, producing polyurethane foam under a contract. The label of such cylinders usually does not display information about the manufacturer. It may simply be written - made in Russia or Europe without indicating the company.

Such marking should immediately alert the buyer and, at a minimum, force him to pay attention to other signs characterizing the quality of the material.

It is not recommended to buy contract foam, because at a similar price it is of worse quality compared to the original manufacturer. The fact is that the owner of a contract company wedges himself into a well-coordinated chain of Manufacturer - Dealer - Seller - Buyer.

Naturally, he also needs to earn money, and therefore he has two options: increase the price of the product, or reduce production costs, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in quality.

The best manufacturers of polyurethane foam

The selection of products was made on the basis of reviews, opinions and ratings of users posted on various resources on the Internet. All information is taken from public sources. We do not cooperate with manufacturers and trademarks and we do not encourage you to purchase certain products. The article is for informational purposes only.

Penosil polyurethane foam

Penosil takes first place among the best polyurethane foams. Its products are distinguished by the highest quality, reasonable price, and record output volume. In addition, the foam of this manufacturer boasts the absence of shrinkage and secondary expansion.

Let's first look at Penosil household foams:

PENOSIL Premium Foam Winter. Used for filling voids, installation structural elements and isolation. It is characterized by ease of use, uniform structure, excellent adhesion to all materials and demonstration of high-quality results at any temperature.

PENOSIL Premium FireRated Foam B1. Used for installation and insulation of fire-resistant doors. This type of foam is also used for insulation and installation of pipelines and power lines in passages. The sealant has excellent filling properties and has increased resistance to open fire and high temperatures.

PENOSIL Premium Foam Winter is used for filling voids, installing structural elements and insulation. It is characterized by ease of use, uniform structure, excellent adhesion to all materials and demonstration of high-quality results at any temperature.

PENOSIL Premium FireRated Foam B1 is used for installation and insulation of fire-resistant doors. This type of foam is also used for insulation and installation of pipelines and power lines in passages. The sealant has excellent filling properties and has increased resistance to open fire and high temperatures.

PENOSIL Standard Foam All Season - foam for sealing seams, sealing cracks and holes, as well as filling voids. Can be used for compaction purposes building structures. The advantage of this sealant is its versatility - it can be used both indoors and outdoors.

PENOSIL Standard Foam is a household sealant used for sound and heat insulation, filling voids, sealing cracks and seams. It has excellent filling characteristics and can be used indoors and outdoors.

PENOSIL Standard Foam Winter - mounting foam for sealing cracks, voids, seams, as well as for installation various designs. Can be used at low air temperatures, during the cold season. Has excellent filling ability and adhesion.

PENOSIL Premium FastFoam 2K is a foam with increased speed polymerization. After use, the foam can be cut after just 15 minutes.

Now let's look at professional pistol-type mounting foams:

PENOSIL Gold Gun is a foam used in areas where high quality standards are required. It is used when installing tiles, wall panels, thermal insulation materials, windows, doors and other structures. It is characterized by a uniform composition and rapid hardening. Can be used under various external conditions.

PENOSIL Gold Gun Winter is a sealant that is used when installing roofing and wall materials, insulation, doors and windows. It is also used when installing various structures that require high quality. Main advantages: accurate dosage and consumption, high polymerization speed, uniform structure, same quality when used under different conditions.

PENOSIL Gold Gun 65 is a strong mounting foam that is used when performing large-scale work that requires increased consumption of sealant. For example, it is used when installing doors, windows, wall panels, and tiles. It has a low degree of secondary expansion and excellent adhesion.

PENOSIL Gold Gun 65 Winter is used during extensive work on the installation of doors, windows, insulation, wall panels, roofing materials and other structures. The sealant has a uniform structure and can be used under various external conditions.

PENOSIL GoldGun 65 Plus All Season is an all-season professional polyurethane foam designed to perform large-scale work requiring high standards quality. Foam can fill voids in concrete, brick, wood and plasterboard structures. Advantages: environmental friendliness, excellent adhesion, accurate dosage.

PENOSIL GoldGun Low Expansion All Season is a pistol-type polyurethane foam with slow expansion. It is used in pressure sensitive structures. The use of this sealant will not lead to destruction of the structure or damage to its individual elements, which determines the scope of application of this material.

PENOSIL Premium Gunfoam is used for sealing windows and doors and installing pipes. It has a uniform composition and good adhesion.

PENOSIL Premium Gunfoam Winter - foam for installing windows, doors, pipes and other structures, as well as for filling openings. It has a uniform structure and demonstrates high quality in different conditions.

PENOSIL Premium Gunfoam 65 is a professional foam with increased yield (15% more than regular foam) with a low degree of expansion. Used for insulation and installation of pipes, windows, doors. PENOSIL Premium Gunfoam 65 Winter - foam with similar characteristics, used for low temperatures.

PENOSIL Premium FireRated Gunfoam B1 is a fire-resistant professional mounting foam with low secondary expansion. Used to install fireproof doors.

PENOSIL Standard Gunfoam - foam for sealing seams, filling voids and openings, installing various structures. Has good adhesion to all materials.

PENOSIL Standard Gunfoam 65 Winter is a polyurethane foam that has an increased yield and can be used at temperatures down to -10 degrees.

PENOSIL Standard Gunfoam All Season is an all-season sealant for filling voids, seams and holes, demonstrating high quality, both indoors and outdoors.

Penosil Standard Gunfoam 65 foam with a yield of 15% more than standard types. Has improved heat and sound insulation.

Polyurethane foam Soudal

Soudal – largest producer polyurethane foam. The company was the first to market low-temperature, low-expansion sealants. This company also owns a patent for the Genius Gun applicator, which has many advantages over manual cylinders. Soudal produces pistol foams and cans with applicators.

Let's look at the most popular brands of Soudal foam:

Polyurethane foam Comfort with Genius Gun applicator. All-season polyurethane foam with a patented Genius Gun applicator, which allows you to conveniently apply the foam while allowing the can to be used several times without the risk of the valve jamming. Used for filling voids and cracks, thermal insulation of heating and sewerage elements, installation of doors, windows and window sills.

Winter polyurethane foam with Genius Gun applicator. The foam can be used at temperatures down to -10°C and is equipped with a convenient applicator. It is used for sealing cracks, thermal insulation of heating and sewerage elements, installation of window and door frames.

Soudal spray foam. It has low expansion, high performance and dimensional stability. Thanks to its low expansion, it is suitable for installing thin PVC profiles. Can be used for any finishing and installation work.

Winter pistol polyurethane foam Soudal. Can be used at temperatures down to -10°C, while the foam has low expansion, like its summer counterpart. Can be used for any installation work.

Polyurethane foam Windows Doors with Genius Gun applicator. Polyurethane foam with a special applicator ensuring convenient application and use of the balloon with temporary pauses, without the risk of valve jamming. The main purpose is the installation of door and window boxes, but can be used for sealing cracks and joints.

Polyurethane foam Tytan

Tytan is a Polish company that produces high-quality polyurethane foam. At a low cost, this sealant is characterized by high quality and excellent insulating properties.

Let's look at what brands of polyurethane foam this manufacturer produces:

TYTAN Professional 65 UNI has a yield of up to 65 liters with a weight of 1 kg, and has increased resistance to moisture and mold. Once hardened, it does not release harmful substances. Is used for professional installation doors and windows.

TYTAN Professional GUN is a professional foam that does not emit harmful chemicals and has excellent sound and heat insulation. Used for installation and sealing of doors and windows, as well as for insulation.

TYTAN Professional 65 is a polyurethane foam that does not deform structures during primary and secondary expansion. This property determines its scope of application - when installing door and window structures that are vulnerable to external loads.

TYTAN Professional B1 is a fire-resistant professional foam that perfectly insulates against smoke and fire. It is used when installing fireproof and fireproof structures - partitions, windows, doors.

TYTAN Professional Low Expansion is a foam with increased performance and controlled expansion. Used for sealing window frames from PVC and wood, filling voids and cracks.

TYTAN Euro-line GUN is a professional polyurethane foam with secondary expansion up to 150%. Thanks to the presence of a special valve, gas leakage and dirt from getting inside the cylinder are prevented. Used when installing windows and doors, insulating various structures.

STD polyurethane foam with the new ERGO applicator has the following advantages: precision of application, possibility of use for 60 days after opening, ergonomics, ease of use, high heat and noise insulation. Typically used for sealing, sound and heat insulation.

TYTAN Euro-line STD has a high degree of secondary expansion, amounting to 280-320% of the original volume. Used for professional installation and insulation of doors and windows.

TYTAN Professional STD is a winter polyurethane foam used at air temperatures in the range of -10 – +30 degrees. Has excellent thermal and sound insulation. Used for installation, insulation and sealing of windows and doors.

TYTAN Euro-line STD is a winter polyurethane foam equipped with a new valve that eliminates gas leakage and clogging. It has a wide range of applications - heat and sound insulation, installation of structures, filling voids and seams.

Illbruck polyurethane foam

Illbruck is a brand of professional foams that are easy enough to handle that even a beginner in construction can handle them. The cylinder has a special valve combined with a spray nozzle and a gun. The manufacturer produces a wide range of foams: winter, summer, fire-fighting, elastic and two-component.

The manufacturer produces the following brands of polyurethane foam:

FM070 SUMMER is a foam with a high volume output (65 liters) and excellent adhesive properties. In construction and repair it is used for insulation and sealing of seams in windows, doors and other structures.

FM070 is a polyurethane foam that can be used at air temperatures down to -10 degrees. The cylinder has a universal valve that is compatible with the gun and nozzle. Designed for sound and heat insulation, filling voids and seams, fixing door and window structures.

FM310 is a gun foam with a high specific gravity sealant and excellent insulating properties. It is used during the installation of windows and doors to seal and fix them, as well as fill the resulting voids.

FM330 is a polyurethane foam with increased elasticity, uniform composition and low pressure on the structure during expansion. Can be used when installing door and window blocks even at low temperatures.

FM341 is a winter polyurethane foam that can be used at temperatures from -10 to +35 degrees. The presence of a universal valve allows you to use both a spray nozzle and a gun. This foam is used for insulation, sealing and insulation of seams that arise during the installation of doors and windows.

FM710 is a professional two-component foam with increased mechanical resistance. Used when installing doors and windows that experience increased mechanical loads.

FF197 is a fire-resistant foam with fire protection up to 240 minutes, highly resistant to elevated temperatures, chemicals, and moisture. Can be used for insulation and insulation of doors, hatches and windows in rooms with increased fire hazard.

Polyurethane foam Moment

Moment polyurethane foam has a low price and quality comparable to its European counterparts. The line includes several models, differing in application conditions and foam characteristics. Moment Installation is used when installing and sealing doors, windows, roofing elements, as well as for filling seams and voids. This foam has good adhesion, is resistant to moisture and UV rays, and has increased sound and heat insulation.

The manufacturer produces the following brands of foam:

Moment Installation Standard - foam with high heat and sound insulation, resistant to humidity and aging, and has good adhesion. Used for installing windows and doors, sealing seams, filling voids and insulating structures.

Moment Installation All-season - foam, used in a wide range of temperatures, has good adhesion to almost all building materials. It is used to seal holes, joints, cavities, as well as to seal door and window blocks.

Moment Montazh 65 is a tubular one-component foam equipped with a convenient turbo nozzle that increases the yield of sealant up to 35%. Used for sealing roof structures and insulating doors and windows.

Moment Installation Professional – pistol-type foam, characterized by high precision of application and dosing. It is used for sealing seams and openings, heat and sound insulation of roofing structures and partitions.

Moment Installation Professional All-season – one-component pistol foam, used at positive and negative temperatures (up to -10 degrees). Used to create soundproofing screens and to seal seams around pipes, windows and doors.

Moment Installation 65 Professional - pistol polyurethane foam with high thermal and sound insulation, and increased yield (up to 35%). They are used when installing doors and windows, sealing and insulating various structures.

Moment Installation 65 Professional All-season – one-component foam with high precision of dosage and application, which can be used at air temperatures from -10 to +35 degrees. Used for sealing seams, insulation and sound insulation of various structures.

Moment Installation Fire-resistant - foam with excellent fire resistance (class B1) and fire safety (class B). Used for installation, compaction and insulation of structures operated in conditions of increased fire danger.

It is difficult to imagine even the smallest repair without the use of such a universal product as polyurethane foam. With its help, you can easily cope with tasks such as sealing seams, eliminating voids and gaps formed after installing new or, and many other tasks. When entering any hardware store, it is very easy to get confused, given the extensive range offered. How to navigate and which polyurethane foam is better to choose, To get the desired result, let's look at it in this article.

1. One-component and two-component polyurethane foam - what is the difference?

Polyurethane foam or polyurethane foam sealant is mixture of two chemical substances(polyol and isocyanate), which are obtained from crude oil. As a result of the reaction of these components with each other, pure polyurethane foam is formed, which is the basis of the foam after the completion of the crystallization process. To improve the properties of the material, various catalysts and adhesion enhancers, fire-resistant additives, anti-freeze components and filler gases are often added to the composition. Due to the porous structure of hardened polyurethane, foam serves as an excellent insulator. It can be applied to a variety of surfaces - stone, iron, wood, plastic. Such a wide range of compatibility allows you to solve a lot of construction issues. Depending on the chemical composition There are one- and two-component foam.

So, summarize. Use two-component compositions only makes sense professional workers in the field of construction and repairs. For one-time use at home, a container of one-component polyurethane foam is sufficient. Even a person who has never used this material before can use foam in a container with a nozzle in the form of a plastic tube.

2. Main characteristics

Like anyone construction material, polyurethane foam has a number of characteristics, the indicators of which determine the quality of the product. All the main points will be indicated on the label. So, what's it worth? Please note when purchasing:

3. Which foam is better, household or professional?

It is very easy to distinguish household polyurethane foam from professional foam. Just look at the cylinder - if it has a nozzle in the form of a thin plastic tube attached to it, then it is intended for home use. However, it is impossible to say unequivocally that only beginners use such foam, and professionals necessarily use a nozzle in the form of a pistol. Let's consider basic differences, which will help you decide and choose the appropriate type.

  • The first thing that is immediately noticeable is the size of the packaging. Household foam is sold in containers with a capacity of 300 ml and above, while professional foam - from 750 ml and above.
  • An important indicator is the foam output from the cylinder. In the case of household aerosol, not all of the composition can be completely blown out. Usually some part remains inside, and from the volume declared by the manufacturer you will get a somewhat average value. Thus, instead of the required one cylinder, two may be required, and this already affects the costs associated with repairs. In this regard, professional foam, which is blown almost completely, showed itself much better.
  • The coefficient of secondary expansion for household compositions is very high. During final hardening, they can increase in volume up to two times. The same coefficient for professional foam is practically zero. Whether this is good or bad depends on the nature of the work being performed. For example, if you are faced with the task of filling a large gap in the wall or eliminating the creaks of an old wooden floor by blowing foam under it, then a significant expansion rate in this case is a plus. If you install slopes or doors yourself, then fill the space around them better composition with the lowest expansion coefficient. Otherwise, there is a possibility of surface deformation. Only with proper skills in working with this material can you use household foam for such precise work. Typically, specialists fill only 1/3 of the gaps with foam, knowing that when it finally hardens, it will fill the entire space without changing the geometry of the adjacent surfaces.
  • The shrinkage rate of household foam is 5-7%. Professional – 0-3%.
  • Regarding the need to use an additional device in the form of a mounting gun, of course, household foam wins. Just screw the supplied tube onto the bottle, shake well, and the foam is ready for use. Professional compositions work only with the help of a gun, the cost of which is several times higher than the cost of the foam container itself. For a one-time use at home, such expenses are inappropriate. After all, in addition, you will need to purchase a special solvent that will clean the nose of the gun from foam residues.
  • The possibility of reusable use is undesirable for household cylinders, but is possible. If you are unable to use the entire container, clean the inside of the tube from any remaining foam with propellant gas and store in a cool, dark place. Professional foam can be used partially. But it is necessary to store it with a pistol attached to the cylinder. In this case, the foam inside does not harden and is suitable for further use. The gun nozzle must be cleaned with a special solvent.
  • And most main difference– the nature of the work performed. Household foam is used for one-time, rough work that does not require precise dosage. Professional compounds are distinguished by the possibility of high-precision application and are used for sealing seams or thermal insulation.

4. What is “summer”, “winter” and “all-season” polyurethane foam?

One of important parameters polyurethane foam, which I would like to talk about separately, is temperature operating conditions. Be sure to consider the temperature inside and outside the room before purchasing polyurethane foam. It’s not for nothing that this parameter is indicated on the cylinders. By following the manufacturer's recommendations, it is possible to achieve best quality obtained material at a certain time of the year. Distinguish three types assembly room foam:

Why is that it is important to comply these conditions? Because the use of, for example, summer foam at sub-zero temperatures will affect the duration of its complete hardening, the density of the resulting seam, the expansion coefficient and the volume of foam at the exit. All these indicators will differ significantly from those stated on the label, and the quality of the work performed will noticeably deteriorate. The time for complete crystallization will increase significantly. The same will happen if winter foam is used in the hot season.

Regarding all-season foam - important nuance its use is the temperature of the liquid container. Yes, the operating temperature range allows the use of foam at sub-zero temperatures, but professionals recommend heating the aerosol to a temperature of +10°C. In this case, the characteristics of the material will be much higher.

5. How to use polyurethane foam correctly

Let's consider situations when expedient, and when it’s not so good, use assembly room foam:

  • You should not use foam to seal cracks less than 1 cm wide. For these purposes, more plastic materials, for example, are better suited. In addition, these materials do not have secondary expansion.
  • If the width of the gap exceeds the 10 cm mark, before filling it with polyurethane foam, it is better to further reduce the space using wooden beams, or any other sealant. This will significantly reduce foam consumption and increase its adhesion to the surface. Otherwise, under its own weight, it can simply slide along the walls of large cracks.
  • The optimal size of gaps for filling with polyurethane foam is 2-8 cm.
  • For faster polymerization and better adhesion of the foam to the adjacent surface, many recommend slightly moistening the walls before application. And then spray installation seam with water from a spray bottle after initial hardening.
  • It is not recommended to use foam on surfaces such as Teflon, silicone, polyethylene and other greasy or dusty walls. It simply will not stick to such materials.
  • Be sure to consider the primary and secondary expansion ratios. This will help you understand how thick a seam needs to be placed in a gap of a certain width.
  • Before using the can, be sure to clean the surface according to the instructions on the package.
  • If the cylinder is too cold or you brought it from the cold, keep it in warm water(no more than 20°C).
  • To ensure better mixing of the components, turn the can upside down and shake for 1 minute.
  • Wear protective gloves. Dried foam is very difficult to wash off.
  • Do not touch freshly applied foam under any circumstances until it has hardened. You will not only get dirty, but also disrupt the structure of the material. This may result in poor cure or incomplete expansion.
  • To ensure that the full volume of foam comes out of the container, be sure to hold it vertically and upside down until complete completion work.
  • The polyurethane foam should have a pale yellow color throughout its entire service life. But you can notice that over time it may darken. This is caused by the harmful influence ultraviolet rays, which destroy the structure. If possible, it is better to paint the seams, thereby protecting them from sunlight.

Using a can of household foam is very simple. Just screw on the tube and the working nozzle is ready. But if you still decide to purchase professional foam and special gun, you need to be able to do it use correctly. The principle of its operation is very simple - the gun is screwed onto the cylinder, after which the foam enters the barrel through the supply valve. It stays there until you pull the trigger. The material is then released at a predetermined volume.
Let's consider basic moments:

  • Choose guns that are made of solid metal only.
  • To make cleaning and replacing parts easier, it is better to purchase collapsible rather than monolithic models.
  • Immediately purchase a special cleaner.
  • Before installing the gun on the cylinder, you need to unscrew the fastening screw, lubricate the socket with technical petroleum jelly and only then proceed to fasten it.
  • You must first set the adjustment unit to the minimum foam consumption rate.
  • Turn the can over and do a couple of test presses. This way you can visually assess the need to increase the flow and adjust the volume to suit your needs.
  • Make sure that the cylinder is always in an upright position during operation.
  • Upon completion of work or when replacing the cylinder, be sure to thoroughly clean the gun.

6. Briefly about the manufacturers

The key to high quality material is choice. It is no secret that the cost of a product can say a lot about its properties, because it is not possible to make a high-quality product from cheap ingredients. But also overpriced is not always associated with the use of high-quality raw materials. Often, overly promoted brands spend a lot of money on advertising a product, which automatically increases its price, and you just get brighter and more memorable packaging, not higher prices. specifications than a less expensive product. Therefore, let's consider proven brands with not inflated prices:

It is impossible to imagine any repair without polyurethane foam. This material is so indispensable in the repair and work of any craftsman. Available on the market great amount manufacturers and types. But which one is the best? How not to make a mistake? Choosing the best polyurethane foam! TOP 7 rating, characteristics, reviews, lists of the best - read our article.

TOP 7 rating of the best polyurethane foam

Choosing polyurethane foam is not the easiest task. Especially for ordinary consumers. That is why we have compiled a rating that should help you:

  • Penosil GoldGun65;

Let's move on to a description of each model.

Our rating opens with one of the most popular brands. It has long proven itself among both professionals and ordinary people. Its main advantage is adhesion to any materials. The material copes well with temperature changes. But you should be careful - there are many low-quality fakes.

Seasonality all-season
Cartridge volume 500
Purpose standard
Gross weight 0.598 kg

Price: 350 rub.

Makroflex Standart polyurethane foam

  • versatility;
  • good adhesion;
  • not susceptible to temperature changes.
  • Shrinkage is possible after drying.