Homemade brick smokehouse with your own hands step by step. How to make a smokehouse with your own hands, if you have drawings and dimensions

What could be tastier than homemade smoked meats? Many craftsmen are interested in a description of the principle of creating homemade products that are useful in the household.

The finished products are shown in the photo; cold smoked smokehouses can be made with your own hands. Products homemade is a welcome treat.

Self-made design

Cold smoking is the process of processing food using smoke at a temperature of 32 degrees. The process must be organized correctly, so the master will need to figure out how to make a cold smoked smokehouse correctly. It is important not to make a mistake with the construction scheme.

It is necessary for the hot smoke to become cold. To do this, use a tunnel that connects the firebox to the compartment where the products are placed. The length of the tunnel can vary between 2-7 m. This distance is taken into account to calculate the length of the chimney.

If the firebox is located at a distance of more than 7 m from the smokehouse, draft problems, as a rule, cannot be avoided.

How does the device work?

The operating principle of a homemade smokehouse can be presented as follows. Food processing can last from 3 days. The process may continue for several weeks.

The main thing is to ensure that the smoking process occurs evenly. Do not mix in the smoking chamber different kinds food.

You need to prepare food in one go. It is important to sort products by size.

More about the design of the smokehouse

To make a firebox, you need to dig a trench with dimensions of 50x50. These values ​​may be higher. Often the width and depth of the pit are made to be meter wide.

The bottom of the firebox can be made of brick, and then covered with a tin sheet. There is no need to prepare cement mortar. It is enough to compact the bricks close to each other. The sides are also finished with brick. Here you will need a clay mortar for masonry.

When creating a drawing of a cold smoked smokehouse, you need to take into account both the distance of individual parts of the structure and the dimensions of the materials.

A trench is specially dug under a chimney with a diameter of 25 cm. The top needs to be covered with a sheet of iron. To prevent smoke from escaping, sheet material covered with earth.

A filter is installed at the junction of the smokehouse and the chimney. The main element is a metal mesh with small cells. Dense material is placed on the mesh. The filter protects finished products from soot.

It is important to make the smokehouse durable and reliable. In this case, the structure will stand stable and will not fall if someone accidentally touches it. At the top, the smokehouse is equipped with stainless steel rods.

Their thickness varies from 8 to 10 mm. They are durable and are used to hang food prepared for smoking. Usually food is hung on special hooks. An alternative replacement is a regular grill.

The simplest scheme

A smokehouse is considered a budget option, allowing the master to save building materials and time spent on construction.

The chamber with the products is 2 m away from the firebox. The basis for the smokehouse can be a metal barrel.


Stages of work

Having determined the dimensions of the smokehouse for yourself, you can begin construction. First you will need to dig a hole under the firebox. Its bottom is covered with a tin sheet. Thanks to this, it is possible to ensure more uniform smoldering of chips and sawdust.

The next stage of work is the installation of a chimney. The dug trench needs to be covered from above. Only non-combustible materials are suitable for this purpose.

The pit can be covered with a sheet of slate. The top of the chimney is covered with soil to ensure tightness.

The smoking chamber is installed in a barrel with the bottom cut off. A metal mesh is mounted below, on which burlap is placed. By combining these materials, the task of filtering out soot particles is effectively solved.

A metal grate is bolted to the top of the barrel, 20 cm away from the edge. It is not necessary to use this option; you can limit yourself to rods with hooks.


To fully understand all the nuances, you need to watch the corresponding video clip.

When cold smoking, food loses moisture gradually. During the drying process, smoke penetrates deeper into the food. The result is meat and fish delicacies with a delicious taste.

When the carcass of an old animal is smoked, its meat will remain somewhat tough. In order not to be disappointed, you need to be guided at first by recipes that have already been tested by many. It is better to leave experiments with shades of taste for later.

The finished factory-made smokehouse has several grates and a tray. It is better to choose a product with a large capacity so that smoking is carried out more evenly.

For lovers of long hikes, you need a smokehouse made of metal with a thickness of 0.8 mm. At the dacha, you can install heavier options, where the thickness of the steel body is 2 mm.

Photo of a cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands


In this article I will tell you in detail how to do it home smokehouse hot smoked with your own hands in 5 variants. Of course, there are more models, but I chose those that I can actually make myself.

A little theory

Everyone knows that smoking can be cold or hot. It is believed that cold-cooked products have a more subtle aroma and refined taste, although to be honest, this is not an acquired taste.

The technologies differ in that with the cold cooking method the product is cooked for at least 12 - 15 hours, and hot smoking lasts a maximum of 2.5 - 3 hours, and even then, this is in the case of cooking meat or hard lard. Fish and soft lard can be smoked in 30 to 40 minutes.

In addition, the cold smoking temperature should not exceed 50ºC. While the instructions for hot smoking require keeping the temperature in the working chamber within the range from 70 to 120ºС.

As for the design of the smokehouse itself, with the hot method the working chamber is located directly above the firebox, which actually allows it to maintain a high temperature.

Of course, there are smoke generators that are installed nearby and connected to the working chamber through a pipe, but in any case, the distance does not exceed half a meter. I will talk about one of these models in this article.

In the cold method, a pipe or channel is laid from the smoking chamber to the firebox with a smoke generator, from 2 - 3 to 10 - 12 m long, this depends on the type of structure. As a result, the smoke reaches the product already cooled.

In general, all hot smoked smokehouses can be equipped in two ways:

  • More common and, by the way, more economical option A structure is considered when we have a firebox installed below in which a fire burns. A sheet is mounted above this firebox, on which sawdust and wood chips smolder. The smoke that rises from these sawdust enters the working chamber and the product is smoked;
  • In the second design option, there is no metal sheet; smoke rises into the working chamber directly from the smoldering coals of the firebox. This device is most often found in smokehouse grills. It's not that it's bad, it's just that too much fuel is wasted and you need to make sure that the coals are smoldering and not burning.

How to assemble a hot smoked smokehouse yourself

As I already said, making a smokehouse is a creative process and everyone House master brings something of its own to it, so there are many design options. I will tell you about the most common and, in my opinion, interesting models.

In this case, we do not take into account serial models and electric smokehouses. And I generally consider such things as “smoking” meat and fish using “liquid smoke” unacceptable. We will talk exclusively about how to make a smokehouse yourself.

Option No. 1: Capital brick building

If you are an avid lover of smoked meats or this is part of your business, then, of course, it is better to immediately build a major brick structure, because such a home smokehouse will last for decades.

  • The dimensions of a brick smokehouse for hot smoking are not large; we do not take industrial options into account. On average for big family A meter of cabinet is enough for a meter. There will also be enough for the neighbors;
  • Since this is a brick structure, it means that a small foundation needs to be laid under it. Personally, in such cases, I lay a strip foundation up to 30 cm deep. Everything is as usual, we dug a trench, poured a 100 mm sand and gravel cushion, installed formwork, laid reinforcement and poured;

  • I have come across recommendations when the entire structure needs to be built from solid heat-resistant bricks. If you have enough such bricks, then you can do it this way;
  • In general, you only need to build a firebox with a blower from a heat-resistant material; the working chamber can be lined with any brick. A temperature of 120ºС is not critical for block material;

  • You shouldn’t make a firebox that is too large; the maximum width is 30–40 cm. Naturally, we have grates underneath, and under them there is a chamber for ventilation, in other words, a blower;
  • The photo shows an option that does not include a sheet over the firebox for laying out wood chips. The owners chose it because the height of the structure is quite large, about 2 m, and this way it will be easier to maintain the desired temperature in the working chamber. If the structure were smaller, it would be more convenient to smoke with a sheet for wood chips;

  • Almost under the very arch of the working chamber, we installed a grid for hanging the product. The rods of such a grill should be at least 6 mm thick, ideally 8 - 10 mm;

  • In order for dense smoke to constantly envelop the product on the chimney pipe, it is advisable to make a valve; it will be convenient to regulate not only the concentration of smoke, but also the temperature in the working chamber, which is more important. If during construction you didn’t remember about the valve in time, then you can simply throw a piece of burlap over the chimney.

Option No. 2: Smokehouse from a construction bucket

It’s not for nothing that I mentioned the construction bucket. In this case, we will build a smokehouse from large metal buckets, which are often sold in paint, putty or the like.

For small dacha this option is simply fabulous.

  • For the construction we will need 2 large buckets with different diameters. The walls of the buckets should be smooth (parallel). First, we will need to measure about 100 mm from the bottom of the smaller bucket, cut off this sector with a grinder or metal scissors and punch holes in it;
  • In the remaining scrap of the bucket we will cut out a square window, this will be our improvised firebox, into which we will load firewood;

  • Now take the metal lid from the bucket larger diameter, turn it over and cover our firebox with this lid;

  • In this case, the lid serves as the metal sheet on which sawdust and wood chips will smolder. Since the temperature inside the working chamber in this model is not regulated, it is better to use large wood chips or even chopped twigs;

  • Next, we need to isolate the product from smoldering chips and at the same time ensure the unhindered flow of smoke into the working chamber. To do this, we will use a cap made earlier from the bottom of the bucket with holes filled in it;

  • But you cannot put the product directly on this cap. The metal is too thin and can get very hot, plus the fat must drain somewhere. Therefore, we place a curved grate under the product, in this case lard;

  • Now we cover this entire structure with a bucket, while the walls of the bucket fit into the grooves of the “native” lid and the smoking chamber turns out to be tightly closed. To be sure, we put an additional weight on top, then we light the fire and wait until it burns out for about 30 - 40 minutes.

There is one important point here. Since there is no ventilation at all in the working chamber, the smoke will be highly concentrated, which is not desirable for the product. Therefore, I advise you to wrap the lard in a clean cotton cloth, it will take away all the fumes.

At home, you can also make a mini-smokehouse from a regular galvanized bucket.

As you know, such buckets have a cone shape:

  • Sawdust is poured into the bottom of the bucket, then a grate is inserted onto which there will be a container for collecting fat, and not far from the top another grate is installed for the product itself;
  • After which the product is placed on the top grill, the bucket is covered with a lid and put on fire.

But in such miniature designs the temperature inside the bucket is too high and the product, in fact, is not smoked, but baked. Plus at high temperatures zinc begins to burn and actively evaporate, so your aromatic, smoked product slowly but surely absorbs the poison.

Option #3: If there is an ownerless barrel

If you have an unused 100-200 liter barrel in the “bins of the Motherland”, then you can also easily use it to make a smokehouse for hot smoking with your own hands.

As a result, it turned out even better with the sheet, it’s more convenient to place the barrel on the bricks.

  • Since the welding machine was at hand, for convenience, we cut out a window from the bottom of the barrel with a grinder and welded a hinged door with a latch to it. Through this door it is convenient to load wood chips and clean out decayed ash;

  • 3 ordinary bricks are installed at the bottom; they will serve as a support for the container into which fat drips while smoking products;

  • Anything can be used as a container for collecting fat. But it’s very difficult to wash off burnt fat, so I recommend taking an old basin that you don’t mind throwing away if something happens;

  • Of course, in the middle of our barrel you can drill several holes and embed metal pins inside, on which it will be convenient to place a grate for lard, meat and fish. But we decided to keep it simple and simply hung the product on skewers;

  • To ensure that the lid fits tightly to the edges of the barrel, we covered the top of our barrel with a bag, after which we put the lid on it and pressed it with a weight;

  • The preparatory stage is now complete; wood chips are loaded further down and a fire is built under the barrel. Since the working capacity is quite large, the product will smoke at optimal temperature. The result will be better, but this process will take more time.

Option No. 4: Smokehouse made from gas cylinders

Large household gas cylinders can also be used to make a smokehouse at home. Moreover, this design turns out to be much more technologically advanced and beautiful from an aesthetic point of view.

This smokehouse is also good because its operating principle allows you to smoothly regulate the temperature in the working chamber.

Plus, this is not just a smokehouse, but also a good grill.

  • First, we will need to cut off the valve from the gas cylinder. Technologically, this work is not difficult, but we are dealing with an old gas cylinder and it is not a fact that there is definitely no gas left inside, so it is better to play it safe;
  • For this model we need 2 cylinders. Before grabbing a hacksaw, try unscrewing the necks of the cylinders with a gas wrench. I’ll say right away that this is difficult to do and the likelihood of unscrewing is not high;
  • If you can’t unscrew the neck, take a hacksaw and slowly cut off the valve with your own hands;

Do not try to cut off the valve with a grinder or drill a closed cylinder with an electric drill. Remember that if there is gas there, any spark can cause an explosion.

  • An old gas cylinder may contain condensation that has a specific odor. Therefore, we fill the cylinders with water and leave them for a day, so that we can then wash them from the inside;

  • Next we need to cut off the bottom, but it is not necessary to drain the water, we just place the cylinder horizontally and carefully cut it off with a grinder. You should place some kind of container underneath so that you can take this out later. dirty water away, because if it spills, your yard will stink for a long time;

  • We need one cylinder to make a smoke generator, and the second will become the working chamber of the smokehouse and also a barbecue. First we will deal with the smoke generator, for this we measure 30 cm from the top edge of the cylinder (from the weld seam) and cut it;

  • Since this design does not have a blower, its role will be played by a ventilation valve. We will do it from below, so we immediately cut out the window;

  • We cut out exactly the same window in the second cylinder, the approximate dimensions of such holes are 100x100 mm;

  • Next, we weld the hinges under the smoke generator cover, and also weld 4 small corners from the inside for laying a removable grate on them;

  • The ventilation windows on both cylinders should not be completely open. In order to be able to regulate the flow of air into the tanks, we weld guides on the sides of each window. We make guides from profile pipe, as a result, ventilation becomes adjustable;

  • As I already said, the main working chamber is made from a second solid cylinder. To do this, a wide top hatch is cut into it, onto which we then weld hinges. As in the case of a smoke generator, corners for the grate are welded from inside the working tank;

There is one subtlety: the top hatch on both the smoke generator and the working chamber should be reinforced so as not to be affected by the temperature. But while you are welding the reinforcing tubes, the sheet may again lead. To prevent this from happening, I temporarily tighten the edges of the sheet with wire.

  • But the working tank is much larger than the smoke generator, in addition, we plan to use it as a classic barbecue, so the air supply system needs to be made more advanced;
  • We solved this problem simply. We took a wide corner, drilled holes in it and welded it on top of the ventilation window, thereby protecting it from ash. As a result, air will flow into such a grill along the entire length of the bottom of the tank;

Smoke generator insert - view from inside the working chamber.

  • Next, we cut holes at the bottom of the working chamber and at the top of the smoke generator, after which the two chambers are joined, and the joint is scalded;

  • On the other side of the working chamber, in the upper part we make a chimney. To do this, we cut the chimney pipe itself at an angle, cut a hole in the tank for this pipe and weld these two parts of the structure together;

  • In order not to cover the chimney with burlap later, we immediately weld it on top part pipes damper and a kind of umbrella. In our case, the damper will move to the side;

  • For convenience, so that the lid does not fall back when opening and does not create unnecessary stress on the hinges, we welded 2 stops in the hinge area on the smoke generator and on the main working tank;

There is one more little thing: the lid of the working chamber is quite wide and it is better to install 2 handles for opening on it, along the edges. The fact is that if you weld 1 handle in the center, the heat from the tank can burn your hand when opening it, but you have the opportunity to hold the lid from the edge.

  • The assembly itself is basically finished, now all that remains is to polish it up. In order to old paint burnt, both tanks will need to be heated to idle. Next, install the attachment with a metal cord brush on the grinder and clean everything down to bare metal, after which we degrease the surface;
  • For painting we used black and silver paint, but both of these compositions must be intended for high-temperature surfaces. We applied the main black paint in 2 layers; if you do one layer, it will not shine so beautifully. Silver was used only to accentuate details;

Option No. 5: Smokehouse-grill made of metal sheet

Unlike the design of two gas cylinders, smokehouse from metal sheets much easier to cook. As in the previous case, we will need a grinder and a welding machine as tools.

As for materials, in addition to the metal sheet itself, which, by the way, should be taken no thinner than 3 mm, we will also need a 35 mm corner, a pipe for arranging the chimney and a rod for hangers with a cross-section of 6 mm.

The operating principle of this version of the smokehouse-barbecue is exactly the same as that of the design consisting of 2 gas cylinders. But to be honest, there is less fuss with sheets than with cylinders.

Ventilation windows here, as a rule, are not cut out; instead, a series of holes are simply drilled in the lower part of the walls.

A hinged lid is welded on top of the grill. The photo shows a design with a semicircular lid, but this is not necessary; the lid can be even. The semicircular lid does not carry any functional load; it is simply more convenient to work with.

As in the first brick version, rods are welded near the chimney to hang the product. It is advisable to equip the chimney itself with a damper, so that later you do not have to cover it with burlap.

A few words about smoking

Whatever the design of your smokehouse, and perhaps the most important point is the choice of wood type for wood chips. So, preference should be given to fruit trees - cherry, apple, apricot and the like.

Conifers and birch cannot be used, as they will produce a bitter aftertaste. And the best option is juniper.

There are often tips online to make a smokehouse out of an old refrigerator. This option good, but only for a smokehouse oriented towards cold smoking. The walls of the refrigerator contain a heat insulator and high temperatures are not desirable for it.

And finally, a few short recipes for smoking various products.

Smoked meat and lard can be treated differently, but he loves fish, especially hot smoked mackerel most of population of our great power.

It's not difficult to prepare:

  • Choose good, dense mackerel, preferably large sizes. Naturally, if it is frozen, then defrost it, rub it with salt and spices, fortunately there are now enough spices for these purposes;
  • Then you leave the fish in a cool place for a day to soak, after which you can send it to the smokehouse; the smoking process lasts 20 - 30 minutes.

It is believed that the most best wood for fish it is alder. Plus, the fish should not just be placed on the grill, but apple tree branches and currant leaves should be placed under it.

To smoke chicken, you must first wash it well, lightly wipe it with napkins and stuff it with garlic. Just cut the carcass in different places and insert cloves of garlic into these cuts.

Next, mix salt with spices and rub the chicken with this mixture inside and out. The chicken should marinate in a cool place for a day, but it is better to marinate it in foil. After a day, remove the foil, tie the legs and wings together and send the carcass to the smokehouse. Hot smoke the chicken for no more than an hour.

The preparation of lard and meat exactly repeats the preparation of chicken. It’s only advisable to stuff the lard with garlic, but this is not an acquired taste for meat. Naturally, you buy a mixture of spices for a specific product. And don’t try to take too expensive, imported bags of spices; according to experience, they contain a preservative, which I personally don’t like.


For me, a hot smoked smokehouse is an opportunity to prepare a product not only with high quality, but also quickly. Decide for yourself which option you choose from those proposed above. The photos and videos in this article show many processes clearly, and if anything is not clear, write in the comments and we’ll talk.

Do with my own hands smokehouse, smoke fish or meat, try it and feel how tasty ordinary food can be after smoking!

Products during the smoking process will receive an amazing aroma and taste, and this taste will not be similar to the taste of smoked products purchased in a store. However, first you need to understand the intricacies, and only then decide how to make a smokehouse with your own hands for hot and cold smoking.

We study the features of the smoking process

The man began to smoke food out of necessity. It was noticed that after smoking they can be stored and not deteriorate anymore. long time. This allowed ancient man to take some of his provisions with him in smoked form, rather than relying on luck while hunting or fishing during long trips.

We smoke products at home mainly to give them a different, unique taste. To do this, you can use hot or cold smoking. And the smokehouses themselves come in two types. Their design is almost no different. It is necessary to equip a fireplace, a chamber with hooks where the products will be hung and smoked, and a device for collecting fat that will be released during the smoking process. The smoking chamber must be located in a hermetically sealed housing.

What is the difference between hot and cold smoking? After all, both processes involve the presence of products located in a limited space in smoke from smoldering sawdust or shavings. The main difference is the distance separating the chamber in which the food is smoked from the hearth. For hot smoking, the smoke temperature should be high enough, for cold smoking - 35°C. Mandatory requirement- smoking cannot be carried out over an open fire.

Cold smoking

Cold smoking takes significantly longer than hot smoking. With this method, the products retain their appearance and acquire an amazing taste and aroma. The cold smoking process takes place at a temperature of approximately 30°C and lasts several days. You should not rush, because at this temperature bacteria multiply well and, without completing the process, you risk getting severe poisoning. Typically, cold smoking lasts 5-7 days, but can last several weeks.

Important ! Particular attention should be paid to the sawdust or wood chips that you will use. We forget about sawdust from coniferous species, you should not use aspen sawdust. Best choice will be:

  • alder (you must first remove the bark, it produces bitterness);
  • juniper;
  • bird cherry and birch (should also be cleared of bark);
  • maple;
  • shavings and sawdust fruit trees(cherry, apple tree, sea buckthorn).

DIY cold smoked smokehouse

It should be remembered that the hearth must be located away from the cold smoking chamber. A good option there will be a hole dug in far corner plot, there is no natural difference in heights to be used. A fireplace is installed in the pit, which should be connected to the chamber with a chimney. There is no need to line the fireplace with bricks; it is enough to line the walls of the fireplace.

Very important ! The length of the chimney is usually 2.5-3.0 meters. To do this, it is enough to dig a trench no more than 0.5 meters wide and 0.25-0.3 meters deep, line the walls and bottom with bricks held together clay mortar, cover the top with a sheet of metal or slate, sprinkle with earth. Instead of brick chimney, you can lay a chimney pipe in the trench. Provide a damper at the top of the fireplace to regulate the flow of air, the intensity of combustion and the removal of excess smoke. The flap can be cut from sheet metal. Make the junction of the chimney and the chamber (diameter 200 mm required) airtight using available means. You can use the same clay solution. The chimney has been built.

Another solution could be to install a “potbelly stove” stove, a chimney from a chimney pipe and install a smoking chamber above the level of the chimney laying.

We make a chamber for cold smoking from a barrel

The easiest way to make a simple smokehouse with your own hands is from a barrel. You need a barrel of 100-200 liters. The top cover is cut off, the barrel must be cleaned and washed before use. A hole for the chimney is cut in the bottom of the barrel. The barrel will be mounted on bricks or blocks, so there will be no problems with their articulation. A tray is made from a cut-off lid or other available material to collect fat that will flow out of the product during smoking. The diameter of the pan must be smaller than the diameter of the barrel to ensure the passage of smoke.

We need to make at least one grate on which the food will be smoked. This is one of the options for placing products when smoking. Or secure scraps of reinforcement to the top of the barrel. We will attach hooks to the reinforcement, and products to the hooks.

We make the grate from scrap materials. It can be willow twigs that are woven into shape the right size. It is advisable to secure the cells with thin wire. You can use thin wire and weave it into a lattice, and make the rim from thicker wire. To do this, a thick wire is wrapped around the barrel to determine the desired size, slightly compressed and the rim is secured.

One grating is used or several gratings are installed at different levels. In this case, the distance between the gratings should be about 15 cm.

To install the pallet, pieces of reinforcement are welded to the walls of the barrel, which form a cross in the center of the barrel. Tip: Provide a loop on the tray so that it can be easily removed for cleaning.

To attach the grates, you can make loops and weld them to the walls of the barrel. Or screw self-tapping screws into the walls of the barrel.

The chamber cover is made from hardwood trees. It should not be massive and several small holes should be provided in it for moisture to escape. You can limit yourself to a jute bag, which is simply thrown over the barrel during smoking. Remember that the bag must be moistened with water.

We make a chamber for cold smoking from brick

The smoking chamber can be made of brick. It will be the best solution, but it makes sense to build such a chamber only when you are constantly engaged in smoking products and have achieved the necessary skill in this matter. Otherwise, a rarely used structure of unknown purpose will appear on your site.

A brick smoking chamber is equipped in the same way as a barrel. The bottom of the brick chamber can be made from the lid of a barrel or from scrap materials. Sand-clay mortar is used for laying bricks.

We make a chamber for cold smoking from sheet iron

To make a chamber, a sheet of iron is cut, bent into the shape of a cube without one side (the top), and the seams are welded.

The smoking chamber can be built from a variety of materials and items: a bucket (this is a small barrel), an old pressure cooker or a refrigerator.

Craftsmen even make it to speed up cold smoking. In such a smokehouse thermal effect the electric heater produces smoke on the chips. The heating element is periodically switched off, thereby achieving the desired temperature of the smoke upon entering the smoking chamber. The smoke rises through the holes, passes through the mesh of the explosive block and becomes positively charged. When smoke enters the chamber, it interacts with the products that are suspended on hooks. The hooks are connected to the negative pole of the BB block. Products attract positively charged smoke particles and these particles settle on them.

DIY hot smoked smokehouse

Hot smoking takes significantly less time because the process takes place at smoke temperatures ranging from 50°C for meat to 120°C for fish. Reduce the temperature - increase the smoking time.

Schematically, such a smokehouse looks like this: a container with sawdust or shavings is installed above an open fire or on a source high temperature(preheated oven). The temperature at which the sawdust will slowly smolder is important, not the fire source itself. Smoke from sawdust penetrates into the smoking chamber where the products are placed. A tray is installed under the products to collect the fat released during smoking. Excess smoke is discharged through the chimney or holes in the chamber lid.

We make a smokehouse for hot smoking from a barrel

The difference from a cold smoking chamber will be the need to equip a firebox. The firebox can be placed directly in the barrel:

  • Several holes are cut in the bottom of the barrel through which ash will be removed and which will serve as an ash pit for the firebox.
  • A piece of the wall is cut out from the bottom of the barrel, from which the firebox door is made. A piece measuring 200x300 mm will be enough. Hinges and a latch handle are welded to the door.
  • About a third of the barrel's volume is allocated for the firebox, the rest will be the smoking chamber. The firebox and chamber are separated by a sheet of metal 4 mm thick. This sheet will serve as the bottom of the chamber. It is welded to the walls.
  • A hole is cut in the bottom of the chamber for the chimney. The diameter of this pipe must match the diameter of the chimney at the top of the chamber. Do not get carried away by the length of the chimney; excessive draft in the firebox is not needed. Chimney welded to the wall of the barrel.

For more rational use the volume of the barrel, the firebox can be placed directly under it. In this case, it is better to make the firebox out of refractory bricks, with holes for inserting sawdust and removing excess smoke. The barrel is installed on the firebox, and the freed volume is used to place additional grates.

Advice . To control, attach a mechanical thermometer with a remote sensor to the wall of the barrel. Such a thermometer can save you from many mistakes while you gain experience. You can use the old-fashioned method and splash a few drops of water on the surface. If it doesn't hiss, there's nothing to worry about.

A mini-smokehouse can be easily equipped in an ordinary metal bucket. Sawdust and shavings are poured into the bottom of the bucket, and a grate is installed on top. At the very top of the bucket, holes are made in the walls for the rods. Hooks are hung on the rods. We get two options for placing products in a small volume. In the lid of such a “smoking chamber” it is necessary to provide holes for the smoke to escape. The bucket is placed on the fire. A big fire is not needed, the sawdust should only smolder. As soon as the smoldering process begins, you can lay out and hang the products for smoking and close the lid. Smoking will take from 30 minutes to an hour.

Another option for a mini-smokehouse is a metal box with a perforated lid, which can be installed on the grate over burnt coals in the grill. We fried kebabs, sat down at the table and put the smokehouse on the grill. Good option for hiking or fishing.

Having understood the principle of operation of a hot smoker and after a series of experiments with a barrel, you can think about a more presentable design. You can cook a beautiful smokehouse from of stainless steel or lay it out of brick.

An excellent option for a summer residence would be to combine a smokehouse and a barbecue on one site and in one volume.

DIY smokehouse and barbecue made of brick

The work will require time and effort, but it is worth it - the result will delight you for many years.

First select appropriate place on the site, remember fire safety. For convenience, you can bring water and sewerage to this place. Develop a sketch of your structure and be sure to draw up a drawing for laying each row of bricks. You will see, such a drawing will make your work much easier.

You can do without a concrete mixer and mix the solution manually, but a little mechanization will speed up the work several times. Prepare all necessary materials and tools.

The work begins with clearing and planning the selected site and making a foundation. A brick smokehouse with a barbecue is already considered a permanent structure and strip foundation not enough. Installed in a dug pit wooden formwork, which must be upholstered with roofing felt. A layer of rubble stone is laid, filled with crushed stone and filled with mortar.

Important ! A day later, after the first layer has dried, the next one is done and so on. The number of layers depends on the size and weight of the structure.

The last layer is checked by level, leveled, waterproofed and left for several days until completely dry.

Instead of a rubble foundation, you can build a concrete one. Such a foundation needs to be reinforced.

Use red for masonry kiln brick. Start by laying out the first row of bricks without using mortar. This will help you make markings and determine where to install the grilles.

Start laying by kneading sand-cement mortar with the addition of lime. The usual ratio is 3:1:1. Water is added in volume so that the solution looks like thick sour cream. The second and subsequent rows are laid staggered, laying bricks starting from the corners. Constantly check the horizontality of the laid out rows. The corners must be reinforced with wire.

To install the brazier, corners and fittings are installed between the walls of the oven. The firebox must be made of heat-resistant metal or cast iron.

It is easier to install the lattice if several bricks are laid protruding into the structure.

Space for firewood and various household appliances can be provided in the overall volume of the structure.

The smokehouse is made of two volumes located one above the other. This will give you a hot smoker. It can be easily converted into a smokehouse for cold smoking by placing a portable stove or hearth at the required distance and connecting it to the chamber with a chimney. So you can make a smokehouse with your own hands for hot and cold smoking.

You choose the design style of the building and its decoration according to your taste.

These are not all the ways to make a smokehouse with your own hands for hot and cold smoking. Among them there are very cheap (option with a bucket) and quite expensive (grill-smokehouse made of bricks). It's up to you to decide, but in any case, there will now always be a place for delicious smoked products on your table.

Many owners of dachas and private houses acquire smoking installations. They can be different designs and size and made from various materials. As a stationary smokehouse the best option is a brick smokehouse. You can build it with your own hands on any personal plot.

This structure has many advantages over smokehouses made of other materials:

  • brick is a durable material that ensures a device service life of tens of years;
  • such an installation will decorate any gazebo and recreation area;
  • Most brick smokers are multifunctional units that allow you to process food in a variety of ways.

However, in addition to its advantages, a brick smokehouse has disadvantages:

  • construction requires skills in bricklaying and working with concrete;
  • a brick smokehouse cannot be moved to another place;
  • most of these devices have big sizes and need free territory for comfortable operation.

Design Features

A brick smoking device can be of any model and functionality, but they all consist of the same elements:

  • the furnace in which the combustion process occurs;
  • a grate on which firewood is placed;
  • smoking chamber;
  • grates or hooks for food;
  • a chimney that removes smoke from the firebox and provides draft in it.

Depending on the design, these units are supplemented with stands for skewers, a barbecue grill, a stand for the boiler and other elements.

Information! In cold smoked smokehouses, the firebox and chimney are separate from the main structure and are located below the smoking chamber.

If you want to build a brick smokehouse with your own hands, then you need to consider the following factors:

  • Performance. Depends on the number of family members. The most simple models have a smoking chamber 1x1x1.5m.
  • Installation location. Such a building should be located at a distance from other buildings and trees.
  • Required functionality cold or hot smoking, grill, oven or drying chamber. When preparing food near the smokehouse, it is necessary to provide a water supply and a place for a cutting table.

Smokehouse design

Brick smokehouses for different types of smoking

The design of a brick smokehouse depends on the expected processing temperature of the products. You can build any of these installations yourself.

Hot smoked brick smokehouse

In these structures, the firebox is located directly under the smoking chamber. The simplest option The installation consists of a brick box with a door. It is covered with a sheet of metal on top. The walls contain guides or fastenings for installing grates with food and a tray for collecting fat.

When smoking, a saucepan or frying pan with smoldering coals is placed at the bottom of the chamber, onto which wet sawdust and wood chips are poured. They heat up, smoke is released and reaches the food.

In more complex structures, the firebox is separated from the chamber and located under it. The fire heats the bottom of the smokehouse filled with sawdust, and the smoke from the combustion of wood comes out through a separate chimney.

It is made not only of brick, but also of metal, preferably stainless steel.

Hot smoked brick smokehouse diagram

Cold smoked brick smokehouse

It is built separately from the smoke generator. The smoke, passing through the chimney, cools and enters the chamber cold. There are several options for constructing such structures:

  • a hole is made in the wall of the brick box with a door through which a chimney and a smoke generator with an ejector are connected;
  • the firebox is built separately and connected to the chamber by a horizontal brick channel;
  • the smoking chamber is built above the chimney outlet.

Smoking installations with a chimney in the ground are built at the top of the slope of a hill or ravine:

  1. below, at a distance of 10 m, a firebox with grates and a ash pit measuring 50x50x50 cm is built;
  2. a 15x15cm ditch is dug in the ground, one of the ends of which is adjacent to the firebox chimney, and the other is located under the smokehouse;
  3. the ditch is covered from above with sheets of metal, slate or boards, leaving the upper end uncovered at a distance of 15 cm;
  4. When wood burns in the firebox, the smoke passes through the ditch, cooling down, and enters the chamber with the products.

It is made not only from brick, but also from other materials, including boards and plywood.

Important! Firewood must be used only from deciduous trees, except birch.

Scheme of a cold smoked brick smokehouse

Simple and small DIY brick smokehouse

In order to quickly and easily build a smokehouse you need:

  • 400-500 pieces (depending on the height of the smoking chamber) ceramic (red) or refractory bricks;
  • clay;
  • firebox door;
  • smoking chamber door;
  • brackets for gratings and the gratings themselves;
  • valves;
  • metal sheets for the lid and for the cooking chamber;
  • roofing felt for foundation waterproofing, steel mesh, cement, crushed stone and sand.

Simple brick smokehouse

Optimal sizes

The dimensions of the smokehouse are determined by the size of the smoking chamber. In devices whose size exceeds 1x1 m, the grilles are too large, so they have to be made of thick metal, which makes the entire structure heavier.

It needs to be of such a height that the top tier of products can be easily removed from the chamber. For people of average height, the top grill should be at a height of 1.8 m from the ground, and the ceiling of the chamber itself should be at a height of 2 m. To increase the height and volume of the smokehouse, it is allowed to install a wooden platform in front of the device.

Preparatory work

Preparing for construction brick smokehouse includes the following steps:

  1. Selecting a model drawing. It depends on the required functions of the device.
  2. Determining the installation location. It should be located at a distance from buildings and trees; it is advisable to place the structure next to the gazebo and provide a water supply.
  3. Purchase necessary materials. Their number is calculated according to the project’s serial scheme.

Laying the foundation

The foundation of this structure is a concrete slab. There is no need to be a pro to build it:

  1. dig a hole 10cm deep and 10cm larger than the first row of brickwork;
  2. Concrete is mixed from crushed stone, sand and cement in an old trough;
  3. the solution is poured into the hole to half the depth;
  4. steel mesh is laid;
  5. the pit is filled with concrete;
  6. A few days after the foundation has dried, it is covered with roofing felt to waterproof the brickwork.

Laying the foundation of a brick smokehouse

Ordinal bricklaying

After the construction of the foundation is completed, the bricks are laid according to a sequential masonry pattern.

Layout of bricks for the smokehouse

The step-by-step instructions for laying bricks are as follows:

  1. Row 1 is laid twice. The first time without mortar, for marking, and the second time with clay mortar.
  2. The 2nd row is placed in the same way as the first. To bandage the seams, the bricks are placed in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. In the 3rd and 4th rows there is space left for the ash chamber. The ash pan door is inserted into the wall and secured with wire. The gaps around the door are sealed with asbestos cord soaked in clay mortar.
  4. Row 5 completes the ash chamber. The masonry above the door is reinforced with steel corners or a metal plate.
  5. A grate is installed above the ash pit. To do this, a groove is cut out in the brick along its contour, 2 cm wider than the lattice.
  6. The 6th row is laid in the same way as 5. For the strength of the masonry, the bricks are placed in a checkerboard pattern.
  7. In row 7 there remains a gap for installing the firebox door. This gap also exists in rows 8 and 9.
  8. In the 8th and subsequent rows, a chimney is formed. Its inner walls must be cleaned of solution.
  9. The 9th row is laid in the same way as the 8th row. The bricks are laid in a checkerboard pattern.
  10. The combustion chamber door is inserted. The gaps are sealed with asbestos cord and clay mortar. The firebox is covered with a steel sheet with a Ø100mm hole in the middle to allow smoke to escape into the smoking chamber. It is allowed to install a cooking pot or cast iron frying pan with sawdust and wood chips on this hole.
  11. In the 10th row, the firebox door is blocked. In the same row, the chimney is separated from the smoking chamber.
  12. 11 and subsequent rows form the smokehouse. The number of rows depends on the required height of the smoking chamber.
  13. After installation required quantity rows, the door of the smoking chamber is installed. It is also sealed with asbestos cord.
  14. The penultimate row overlaps the door. The masonry above it is reinforced with corners.
  15. The ceiling is made of metal sheets. He is pressed against the last row of bricks.

The top of the dacha stove is covered with a lid made of galvanized metal sheet or corrugated sheet. The edges of the sheet are folded to form a trough.

Examples of row laying of smokehouse bricks


After the brick smokehouse is built with your own hands, the chimney pipe is installed. It can be made of galvanized metal or asbestos-cement pipe Ø160mm. To install it to a depth of several rows, it is cut down in square chimney round hole.

The pipe ends with a spark arrestor made of galvanized steel. It also protects the firebox from rain.

Smokehouse chimney

Smoking chamber

Every 2 rows, steel brackets are placed in the walls. They are equipped with grates with food and a tray for collecting fat. For more durable fastening, the staples are driven into holes drilled in the bricks.

Brick smoking chamber


The firebox is made of ordinary, or better yet, refractory bricks with clay or fireclay mortar. The bottom of the ash pan is made with a slight outward slope to facilitate the removal of ash.

Advice! Instead of brick, it is allowed to use a cast iron firebox from an old stove.

Brick smokehouse firebox

Smoking installations of other models

Except simple devices for smoking there are models with greater functionality. They allow you not only to smoke food, but also to cook. You can build any of these installations yourself.

Brazier - brick smokehouse

In these devices, firewood and coals burn in a firebox or directly in a barbecue, under skewers with meat, and the smoke from them enters the smoking chamber. This allows you to cook food in two ways at the same time.

Advice! For more efficient smoking, it is advisable to cover the grill hole with a steel sheet.

Brick smokehouse

Barbecue with brick smokehouse

The operating principle of this installation is similar to a grill-smokehouse. The difference is that the meat is cooked not on skewers, but on a grill and covered with a lid. This makes them juicier and allows you to do without pre-marinating.

Installing a hinged lid and a removable grill in the grill-smokehouse allows you to cook in any of the ways - grill, barbecue or barbecue to choose from. Assembly is carried out after the construction of the structure. The part of the installation in which smoking is carried out remains unchanged.

Refinement of the smokehouse in the barbecue

Smokehouse - grill - barbecue with brick cauldron

For comfortable rest and food preparation, multifunctional devices are built. may with finished project or develop it individually, based on the characteristics of the territory and the needs of the home owners.

Scheme of a barbecue smokehouse with a brick cauldron

Cold-hot smoked smokehouse made of brick in the garage

A small smoking installation can be built not only on a personal plot, but also at home, in the garage. She will cook food and heat the room.

For fire safety, this structure is built near the wall so that the firebox door is on the street. The chimney is located on the side of the firebox and exits through the roof or wall of the garage. In cold mode, smoke is produced by a separate smoke generator.

Diagram of a cold and hot smoked brick smokehouse for a garage

Smoking installations made of bricks making the right choice Models and high-quality construction last for many years and are a decoration of a personal plot.

Those who want to expand their diet by delighting their household with delicious delicacies at the dacha should make a smokehouse with their own hands from brick. Specialty stores quickly sell a wide range of compact portable smokehouses, from which you can choose the appropriate option.

A stationary brick smokehouse built on the site is the key to cooking delicious dishes with smoke on your own.

How to choose a smokehouse?

Technologically, smoking is the processing and impregnation of prepared food with clouds of smoke arising from the burning of wood. This method cooking is impossible without a special smokehouse.

Structurally, the smokehouse is a metal container in which the grate is placed. Semi-finished products are laid out on it. A removable lid is used for closure. With desire, ingenuity and minimal skills, any craftsman can start making a high-quality smokehouse with his own hands. The complex being built is designed for both cold and hot smoking.

Diagram of a cold smoked smokehouse: a - diagram of the smokehouse structure, b - diagram of the smoke generator structure.

At the base of the brick smokehouse is metal carcass, overlaid brick blocks. Sometimes the frame is missing. First, a concrete foundation is laid on a flat area, on which the structure is erected. It consists of a chimney, barbecue, metal grate, smoking chamber, and blower.

By definition, smokehouse grills are:

  • coal;
  • portable;
  • electrical;
  • gas.

There are disposable bags for smoking.

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About independent projects

If it is not possible to purchase a store-bought smokehouse, then you can use improvised means to build an independent project.

Known the following types smokehouse:

  1. A home smokehouse is easily laid out from bricks or mounted from welded metal sheets. Ready brickwork hermetically coated with clay mortar. A special chamber is filled with wood or shavings. Raw materials should not burn, but smolder.
  2. A chimney pipe in which food can be smoked. This option is budget-friendly, since smoke treatment occurs in attic space. To regulate the flow of smoke, dampers are installed in the pipe body, and hooks are also attached on which chicken legs, sausages and other food are hung. If the stove operates on low heat, hardwood is used.
  3. Do-it-yourself brick smokehouse, built from a standard barrel. You need to take the barrel and remove the bottom. The unit is mounted on bricks. The latter are placed so that there is smoldering wood between the blocks. A set of hooks for food is attached to the interior space. The top of the structure is covered with a sheet of damp matting. A grate is used to make barbecue (foods cooked over smoldering coals). It will also be useful in metal barrel. Finished structures are covered with metal or wooden covers.
  4. Brick varieties are the most reliable and durable structures. Self-built projects can decorate a site. Some options are presented on the slides.

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Brick smokehouse-barbecues that you can build yourself

To build a complex you need to acquire the right tools and materials. To make a smokehouse, fire brick blocks are required. Technologically, brick smokehouses are made in the following way:

  1. First, the cement mortar is prepared ( special attention requires maintaining the required density).
  2. The future structure is erected on a site prepared in advance. The flat plateau is thoroughly cleared of debris. Wooden edges are installed around the perimeter. They are needed to build a cement foundation.
  3. The prepared area is poured cement mortar and is leveled. After this, the foundation should dry completely.
  4. Bricks are laid on the surface of the dried foundation (whose height is 70 cm). The blocks should be fixed so that there are no gaps or cracks between them. The evenness of the masonry is adjusted by the building level.
  5. The walls must be lined up neatly. The ash pit must be closed with metal doors.
  6. A recess is created into which the barbecue itself will be inserted. This is a metal box for wood, as well as an upper grill on which food is cooked.
  7. The chimney and pipes are installed so that there is good ventilation (as well as a damper that regulates the flow of smoke).

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Smokehouse-“self-built” made of brick

Such a smokehouse should be located at an accessible distance from residential buildings. Garbage is removed from the area. Then a foundation about 40 cm thick is laid there. If an impressive structure is planned, then the foundation needs to be reinforced.

To build a brick grill-smokehouse in the country, you need to stock up on:

  • refractory bricks;
  • building level, spatulas, hammer, wooden doors;
  • grille, metal lid;
  • trowel, plumb line, order.

First the chimney is made. Red clay bricks are used in the work process. It does not crack and is not afraid of high temperatures.

When creating a smoking chamber, bricks are placed on edge. The height of the container should not exceed one and a half meters mark.

The firewood container should not exceed the main chamber in size. The masonry is done using a clay mixture, which does not release toxic compounds when heated.

Chimney walls are erected using a similar method on a pre-prepared brick foundation. The height of the object is 25 cm. 2-row brickwork is performed.

Brick is used to block the channel. The ceiling cannot be flat. After assembly, the structure must dry thoroughly. A couple more days are allotted for settling. After two days, the smokehouse is covered with a 15-centimeter layer of soil so that the ground level is equal to the smoking chamber.