A message about my yard. Essay about my hometown Murmansk "my yard"

Nearby businesses and other facilities:

Outside the immediate vicinity there is only JSC " NAPO im. Chkalova» 4 hazard classes.

According to the direction of the winds, East End city, and the eastern part of the Dzerzhinsky district is strongly influenced by the influence of polluted air masses from industrial enterprises district.

In the immediate vicinity is the Kamenka reservoir and the Dzerzhinsky recreation center. The condition of the Kamenka reservoir is assessed as quality class 2, in contrast to the Kamenka River with quality class 5. The Dzerzhinsky PKiO is in a dilapidated state. The park is not functioning. The buildings are destroyed. The area is not cleaned.

Characteristics of the territory of the yard, estate

The house was built at the beginning of the 20th century. The size of the estate is 600 sq. meters. There are plants on the territory: spruce, currants, raspberries and others. The soils are natural and moist. The fertilizers used are nitrogen-containing, mainly nitrate. The area has not been trampled down and is not used for car parking or dog walking.

Building characteristics

The building is built of larch and has an area of ​​125 sq. m. m. and one floor of construction. There are no organizations in the house. 4 people live in the house, all rooms are decorated with eurolining, 3 decorative palm trees grow in the house and 3 cats live.

The house is connected to centralized water supply, average water consumption per person ?????? , no water meters are installed. Water is used for household needs and for irrigation in the summer. The wastewater is removed to a storage facility and subsequently removed. Water is paid in the amount of 150 rubles in winter, and in the amount of 500 rubles in summer. There are no faulty plumbing fixtures.

Electricity usage:

The average electricity consumption is 500 kilowatts, at a monthly price of 1,500 rubles. In the house from electrical appliances available: PC, LCD TV, microwave oven, 2 irons, 2 kettles, refrigerator, 3 tablet PCs, food processor, blender, steamer, sewing machine, coffee maker, 2 oil heaters, 2 laptops, netbook, storage water heaters, total number of lamps with incandescent lamps 16. Electricity is saved.

There is no gas supply.


Main heat source: solid fuel (pellets). Heating type: boiler, electric. The room is well insulated for the winter. The room temperature is controlled manually. There is no metering of thermal energy. Behind winter time About 40,000 rubles are spent on heating.

Waste - my family's "garbage bin":

1 bucket of waste is thrown away per day, 2 in the summer. Food waste predominates in total number, waste is transported to city landfills by government services. IN household waste is not used.

Chemical substances:

Used in the house household chemicals, expired medications and chemicals. Funds are disposed of in accordance with state regulations. norms. With rules for using chemicals. I always familiarize myself with the products before use. The most hazardous substances acids and chlorine-containing products in the household.

  • Category: Essays on the Russian language

My home yard is a yard multi-storey building. It is medium in size and quite cozy. Our house has nine floors and four front floors. That is, hundreds of people live in it.

There are benches in the courtyard where you can sit and breathe fresh air. The cars of the residents of the house are also parked on the asphalt area.

In the part of the yard that is not covered with asphalt, trees and bushes are planted. It's nice to relax here in the shade and shade from the hot summer. Also, the janitor, with the help of elderly women from our house, created several flower beds with garden flowers. There, depending on the time of year, petunias, asters, peonies and other flowers bloom.

There is a nut growing in our yard, and in the fall children run under this tree and collect nuts. Rowan also grows, where birds feed in winter.

There is a small play area for children. There is a slide, swings and a sandbox installed. Kids play on them. Mothers and grandmothers are watching them on benches nearby. There is also a table in the courtyard where pensioners play dominoes, and late in the evening young people chat and gnaw on sunflower seeds.

I like my yard. It is cozy not only for people, but even for people. There are a couple of stray cats living in it. Their grandmothers feed them. And so they fawn on everyone who lives in the house and passes by the yard.

I really love our school yard. This is not just a platform, it is the central place of all events school life. After all, think about it: where do schoolchildren run in warm weather to discuss their affairs during breaks? Into the school yard - it's extraordinary interesting place for observations. Let's get a look. Then the bell rings from the second lesson - everyone goes into the yard. And it begins: some will jump in rubber bands, some will water the flowers in the flower beds, some will discuss whether he was given a fair grade, and some of the high school students will... smoke. Everyone is busy, because the yard is large, there is enough space for everyone. Leaving the school, we see two blooming flower beds who are constantly looked after. If a student wants to spend fifteen minutes of his rest among the greenery, without leaving the school yard, he can go behind the school, into the garden. They grow there fruit trees, bushes are blooming, a lot of lilacs! You run around among this beauty and the fatigue disappears, you can start your lessons again.

Our schoolyard is beautiful: it is cozy, bright and spacious. I would never trade it for thousands of other schools

Our schoolyard (description of the area)

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Iskandirov Pavel

Educational research work "Ecological characteristics of place of residence, housing and lifestyle"



Environmental characteristics

place of residence, home and lifestyle

Iskandirov Pavel

Municipal educational institution secondary school in the village of Nyrya, grade 10

Scientific supervisor, biology teacher Sergeev N.A.

Relevance of the topic and task

Purpose of the study.

This year, in the circle, we decided to draw up an environmental characteristic of the house: assess the state of nature, give a sanitary and hygienic assessment of the condition of the home and the conformity of the features of our family’s life healthy image life.


1. Find the necessary literature.

2. Give an environmental description of the place of residence, home and lifestyle.

3. Offer possible ways solutions to identified environmental problems.

Research methods.

According to local conditions and capabilities, and also taking into account that the circle has only been operating for the first year, the most accessible method for us was chosen.

1. Described the location of the village and the house.

2. We studied the vegetation of the area and its role for the ecosystem and humans.

3. We studied the presence of stationary and mobile sources of air, soil and water pollution.

4. They gave a sanitary and hygienic assessment of the condition of the home.

5. We studied the diet, forms of sports and social conditions in the family.


As a result of the work done environmental monitoring place of residence, home and lifestyle, I came to the conclusion:

1. The village is located in an ecologically clean area.

2. The house is located and built according to everything sanitary standards and rules.

3. Features of family life contribute to a healthy lifestyle.


My name is Iskandirov Pavel Yurievich. I am 15 years old, I study in the 10th grade at Nyrinskaya secondary school. secondary school which is 3 km from our house. I live in the village of Verkhniy Kuzmes, Kukmorsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

IN Lately Environmental problems are on everyone's lips. Environmental programs of regions and individual areas provide for quality control atmospheric air, water and soil, increasing green spaces, flower beds, etc. But each of us would like to be away from environmental problems. Therefore, when choosing a home to live in, among other factors, attention is paid to the environmental situation in the area. Clean air, a lot of greenery - I think this is enough for a healthy and prosperous life. However, few people know how important the environmental situation in the house or apartment itself is.

After all, by placing ourselves in a closed space, we replace the harmful influence of nature coming from outside - solar radiation, exposure to wind, others - created artificially, but no less dangerous.

This year, in the circle, we decided to draw up an environmental profile of the house: assess the state of nature and give a brief assessment of compliance with sanitary standards and rules and the compliance of the features of our family’s life with a healthy lifestyle.

Characteristics of the place of residence.

In the village where I live, there are 81 households. The houses here are mostly wooden, some with brick extensions, one-story. In the village, houses are located in two rows. There is one main unpaved street between them. My house is located on the western side of the village. The village is gasified.

Along the village, on both sides, there are large ravines through which small nameless rivers flow. Approximately in the middle of the village they merge into one, which is a tributary of the Burets River. Although the rivers are small, small fish and other inhabitants of fresh water bodies live there. In the summer we make a dam on the river. The water there is clean, spring water. In the warm season, many geese and ducks swim, which are kept by the villagers, so we don’t swim there.

Our yard is large and spacious. There is an asphalt path with green grass on the sides in summer. There is a linden tree growing in front of the house. When it blooms, the entire yard is filled with the delicate, fragrant aroma of numerous soft white flowers. We collect these flowers to make a healthy decoction from them in winter. Not far from the tree there is a well, the water from which we use for drinking. There is also a water stand which we use mainly for agricultural needs.

At the end of the yard there is a gazebo, swing and horizontal bar that my dad made. In the summer, in the evenings, our yard can be very fun and noisy.

Near the houses of all residents there are vegetable gardens that provide organic vegetables and fruits. Our soil is gray forest, structural. We use organic fertilizers and crop rotation.

We collect household waste in special bags. Then, once a month, we take them to a specially designated place outside the village. We bury the corpses of domestic animals in the ground.

There are no stationary sources of air pollution in our area, with the exception of one dairy farm located 2 km from my house. Due to the lack of high-quality fuel for heating water, all kinds of waste are used (for example: sleepers, slabs, etc.), which, when burned, release substances harmful to breathing into the air.

From our house to the main street is 50 meters. There are no other roads in the village. When counting cars on the street, the following results were obtained. During the study, from 8.00 to 21.00, 7 cars passed over three days. These are mainly cars and motorcycles of the residents of our village. This number of cars emits 5 kg of exhaust gases per day. There are no traffic lights in the village.

There are no major transport routes near the village, which has a positive effect on the atmosphere of the area. To the nearest paved road highway from the village in the direction to the south 5 km, to the east - 4 km. A mixed forest is located 5 km west of the village. Considering the prevailing western air movement, we can say that this has a very beneficial effect on the microclimate of the area.

There is one in the village Primary School, club, library and two shops. These enterprises are approximately 1.5 km from my house. Every other day, a car shop comes to the village, so residents of our part of the village rarely go to the shops that are in the village.

Trees grow along the street: birch, linden, maple, bird cherry, lilac, poplar, rowan, etc. Many people, including us, have a flower garden in front of their house. Behind the house, in the gardens, there are apple trees, bird cherry trees, cherries, plums, raspberries, currants, and gooseberries. With so many plants, the whole village is surrounded by greenery in the summer.

The relief in our area is ravine-gully. Which requires special measures to combat erosion. The climate is characterized by relatively cold winters and moderately warm summers. The amount of precipitation is more than 450 mm per year, which, with moderate evaporation, creates conditions for sufficient moisture.

Behind the village, on the slope of a ravine, there is a spruce forest, the width of which is 100 meters, the length is slightly less than one kilometer. In addition to spruce trees, small quantities of birch, juniper, fir, pine, aspen, oak, and raspberry grow there. The soil under the spruce forest is podzolic, which was formed due to insufficient supply organic matter into the upper layers of the soil, their decomposition and leaching. The grass cover is poorly developed, so the process of accumulation of organic matter and the formation of soil structure is slow and weak. Due to fallen pine needles, organic acids enter the soil, which contribute to the decomposition and leaching of mineral and organic particles from the upper soil horizons by water.

In our spruce forest you can find a lot of mushrooms, for example, milk mushrooms, black milk mushrooms, saffron milk mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, trumpets, russula, honey mushrooms and rarely White mushroom. Animals include foxes, hares, and birds.

From all of the above, we can conclude that there are no particularly serious environmental problems in our area, with the exception of some points.

Firstly, the boiler room of our farm has a very bad effect on the air in the area, due to the combustion of low-quality fuel in it, which causes the appearance of harmful chemicals in the air. The expected way to solve this problem is to carry out the farm boiler room natural gas, since it is relatively safe in terms of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Secondly, this is the use mineral fertilizers and pesticides by a local agricultural enterprise. Part of the applied mineral fertilizers is washed away by melt and rainwater. Thus, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus compounds enter water bodies in excess quantities, which can lead to undesirable consequences. The picture is similar with the use of pesticides. According to the UN, annual global crop losses from pests, diseases and weeds amount to more than 30%.

The increase in the scale of production and use of pesticides and herbicides, the expansion of their range leads to the fact that these substances are increasingly involved in the cycle of substances in nature, are found in varying quantities in organisms living in different natural areas(for example, pesticides have even been found in the bodies of penguins living in Antarctica).

Organochlorine compounds are also introduced into the fields near our village, which are used to combat pests of grain, leguminous, industrial, and vegetable crops.

The solution to the problem, in my opinion, is the need to widely use organic fertilizers and introduce a biological method of pest control.

Characteristics of home and lifestyle.

I live alone standing house, which has 8 rooms and one basement. total area the dwelling is 94 sq. m. The ceiling height in the premises is 2.8 meters. The house has a total of 10 windows, 90 cm wide and 120 cm high. The duration of insolation in all residential premises is at least 2.5 hours a day from March 22 to September 22.

Paul in living rooms wooden painted. In the kitchen there is concrete, covered with tiles, in the hallway there is Lenolium; in the living room there is a carpet made of natural material.

The walls inside the premises are plastered and covered with lime mortar white. There is a room where the walls are lined wood paneling and covered natural drying oil. In the living room there is a large rug hanging on the wall. natural wool. The rooms contain furniture and other products made of chipboard and fiberboard, which over time begin to emit gases harmful to the body.

The rooms in the house are adjacent, with an average area of ​​12 square meters. m. The kitchen has gas stove, where we cook food and sometimes bake bread, but usually in the oven. There is a gas boiler in the basement that heats our house.

The average temperature in our house in winter is +23...+25 C, and in summer +24...+26 C. Air humidity in the kitchen is usually 65-78%, and in living rooms 45-50%.

Ventilation is carried out by air flow through the vents and through special ventilation ducts. We do it at home once a week wet cleaning premises.

The window sills in the rooms are occupied by indoor plants. They can be called natural air purifiers. We regularly wash off dust from plants.

There are 11 people in our family. Average age family members - 29.2 years. There are 7 children in our family, mom and dad, grandmother and Aunt Lyuba. Our family is large and friendly. It's never sad or quiet in our house.

The house has a TV, DVD player, and stereo system. Average work time per day does not exceed 5 hours. On TV we mainly watch news, educational and sports programs. We listen to popular and dance music.

In the evening, when the whole family gets together, we discuss the news of the past day: who happened, what happened, how the day went, is everything okay. On weekdays, the whole family gathers at the table only for breakfast and dinner, because during the day everyone is busy: some study and some work. But on weekends we all get together. Meat and dairy products and vegetables predominate in the dishes. Sometimes we buy fish. We greatly respect the traditions of our grandparents, I hope that they will not be forgotten. Our family celebrates birthdays 11 times a year. Let's celebrate with the whole family too New Year, Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, Peter's Day and other holidays.

On weekends we go out and go skiing. Our ski track runs along the landing behind the village for 3 km. These walks are very important for the health of the little members of our family, so dad tries to organize such events as regularly as possible.


The sanitary and hygienic assessment of the condition of the house allows us to conclude that it largely complies with the standards of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises” dated July 1, 2001. It should be mentioned that there is a discrepancy between the norms of area per person. It is much smaller in our house.

In order to fight for fresh air I propose to replace furniture made of chipboard and fiberboard with solid wood products.

Pick up houseplants taking into account the recommendations of specialists. Try to use high-quality vacuum cleaning.

Try to do more sports and exercise, do daily morning exercises.

I think that eliminating these small issues will greatly improve the health of our family members.


1. Methods of environmental research.

2. N. A. Zhigarev, O. N. Ponomareva, N. M. Chernova “Fundamentals of ecology. Collection of problems, exercises and practical work” Moscow. "Bustard" 2002

3. B. M. Mirkin, L. G. Naumova “Ecology of Russia” Moscow. A.O. MDS. 1996

4. SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises” dated July 1, 2001.

5. A. S. Taisin “Geography of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic” Kazan. 1990

Yard description. Hello. Help me please. You can write "Essay

Description essay on the topic “our yard”


My home courtyard is the courtyard of a multi-story building. It is medium in size and quite cozy. Our house has nine floors and four front floors. As you can see, many people live in it. Therefore, the courtyard has everything so that you can leave the apartment on the street and comfortably breathe fresh air. And for the children to play. There are benches in the courtyard where you can sit. Cars are also parked on the paved area. But there are not many cars in our yard, because there are no garages in it, like in some other yards. In the part of the yard that is not covered with asphalt, trees and bushes are planted. It's nice to relax here in the shade in the hot summer. Also, the janitor, with the help of elderly women from our house, laid out flower beds with garden flowers. There, depending on the time of year, petunias, clematis, asters, peonies and other flowers bloom. There is a nut growing in our yard, and in the fall, under this tree, everyone who is not too lazy collects nuts. There is also a rowan tree where birds feed in winter. In the courtyard there is a small children's playground with a slide, swings and a sandbox. Little kids are playing around here. Our yard is cozy, everyone finds a place in it. There are always a couple of stray cats living in the bushes. They are fed by their grandmothers, and therefore they fawn on everyone who lives in our yard.

I was walking in our yard. there were a lot of guys, mothers, and children were running near the sand. and there was a girl there, she was sitting alone. I went up to her and told her, let's go, you're sitting, she says to him, I'm bored, how can it be boring in our yard, the girl says, well, the girl says, no one is playing with her sleep. the boy thought and said okay, I’ll play with you, the girl was delighted. and they started playing, the girl got so excited that she didn’t notice that there was no one on the playground, oh the girl sighed and said our yard is so fun.

Hello. Help me please. You can write...

Description essay “Our yard” or “My yard”

Option 1

My home courtyard is the courtyard of a multi-story building. It is medium in size and quite cozy. Our house has nine floors and four front floors. As you can see, many people live in it. Therefore, the courtyard has everything so that you can leave the apartment on the street and comfortably breathe fresh air. And for the children to play.

There are benches in the courtyard where you can sit. Cars are also parked on the paved area. But there are not many cars in our yard, because there are no garages in it, like in some other yards.

In the part of the yard that is not covered with asphalt, trees and bushes are planted. It's nice to relax here in the shade in the hot summer. Also, the janitor, with the help of elderly women from our house, laid out flower beds with garden flowers. There, depending on the time of year, petunias, clematis, asters, peonies and other flowers bloom.

There is a nut growing in our yard, and in the fall, under this tree, everyone who is not too lazy collects nuts. There is also a rowan tree where birds feed in winter.

In the courtyard there is a small children's playground with a slide, swings and a sandbox. Little kids are playing around here. Mothers and grandmothers are watching them on benches nearby. There is also a table in the courtyard where pensioners play dominoes, and late in the evening young people nibble on sunflower seeds. Well, the carpet beater is another detail of our yard.

Our yard is cozy, everyone finds a place in it. There are always a couple of stray cats living in the bushes. They are fed by their grandmothers, and therefore they fawn on everyone who lives in our yard.

Rate the answer

How to decorate your yard with your own hands. Description and photo

What a blessing to have a private house! But it requires a lot of worries and troubles, as well as investments. Most of Of these, as a rule, it is convenient and functional design namely the yard and the plot. Where else, if not here, can you use your design talent to the fullest and realize the most daring and creative ideas! Of course, you can not solve these problems yourself, but invite an experienced professional - a designer. But now fashion trends dictate the demand for individuality and unusual solutions, so after all, only you yourself can fully realize your ideas and desires in your own yard. And let all the neighbors be jealous! Find out in this article how to decorate the yard of a private house. We hope that this article will be useful to you in arranging your site.

First of all, we distribute functional zones

When planning your yard, you first need to decide on its purpose and try to take everything into account - will there be flower beds, gazebos, artificial ponds, or will you build a skating rink there in winter (now this is also possible). Don't forget about lighting! So weigh the pros and cons, and systematically distribute the yard area to suit your desires. Correct design comes first!

First, you need to determine what exactly will be there, and what can be done or not, depending on whether there is room left there. The same area can be functionally changed, for example, there can be folding furniture on the lawn, which, if necessary, can be easily folded and put away if your grandchildren come to visit you and you urgently need a lawn for playing blind man's buff or football. And by putting the same furniture in the barn for the winter, you can fill the same skating rink in this place without any problems. It is necessary, if possible, to use the entire territory of your yard, for example, in front of the house there will be flower beds, a gazebo, a fence with a hedge, and behind the house there will already be a corner for barbecue or barbecue, and an artificial pond with carp and a corner for relaxation.

If our grandparents primarily used their plot of land for a garden or a vegetable garden (or even combined both), now the trend is in the design of, so to speak, free-use planning. Nowadays, the most difficult choice is choosing decorative elements (given the wide choice) that will decorate your yard.

  • First of all, you need to decide where the house itself will be located.
  • Next, find a place for outbuildings, this can be either a barn or a bathhouse, or a building for keeping animals.
  • A garage is also a necessary building.
  • Don't forget about the summer shower.
  • Simply necessary summer cuisine, which can be made in the form of a gazebo with a barbecue.
  • If you are planning to get a dog, then it needs an aviary.
  • A pool or small pond would also be nice.
  • If you have children or grandchildren, you need a playground, at least a very small one.
  • Set aside a place for a garden or vegetable garden, because everyone likes healthy food straight from their garden beds, and it is especially useful for children or grandchildren.
  • Paths (can be very interesting and varied).
  • Green spaces (do not forget about the beauty and practicality of hedges).

After everything has been decided, we take paper and draw the approximate location of everything that we considered necessary to place on our site. You can think through several options; it is better to experiment first on paper and take into account all the little things, rather than lament later about the effort and money spent on an inconveniently planned site (especially if the site is small in size, and you want to place a lot of things there).

Of course, if you are an avid fisherman or gardener, this will certainly be reflected in the design and size of the areas allocated for your hobby. You can also adapt the entire territory for playing football or golf; your imagination has no limits. It was written above about interchangeable zones (when the furniture is removed, and then the purpose of the territory instantly changes).

Fences, arches, screens will help you with zoning your yard

Don't know how to apply private yard? Then you can look at the photos that will allow you to find the right ideas. There are also options when one territory is visually divided into several different zones. A variety of hedges, presented as simply creeping greenery, can help with this. beautiful arches, as well as more monumental turf sculptures, created either from turf crops, or from beautifully and figuredly trimmed shrubs, for example, Spanish species. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, they also have practical benefits - it will be very pleasant to take a break from the midday heat in their shade and coolness.

Don't forget about the good old picket fence. It is very useful when marking boundaries, for example, a sports field, it will prevent the ball from rolling far from the field. The main thing is that it fits harmoniously into the surrounding environment and does not stand out too much. It will be very well complemented by arches and pergolas, entwined with representatives of the liana family, or climbing roses, and properly organized evening lighting will add comfort and charm to this corner.

Dense thickets will help you hide from the prying eyes of neighbors, but they will not grow anyhow, but a cleverly created green wall from Spanish cultures, at the foot of which flower beds with shade-loving plants. This will add privacy to your property's patio.

You also need to remember the possibilities of trellises and garden trellises, which, in addition to beauty, will help protect your territory from gusts of wind, as well as trap dust. Trellis and trellises made from wicker, rattan, and bamboo will look especially interesting. Screens and protective screens They also won’t hurt, you can use them


Help!! ! Description Help me write a mini-essay, text type description write about your yard)

Let's say: My yard, surrounded wooden fence, located in quite beautiful place. In spring, green flowers bloom on the ground beautiful grass, and the oak trees next to the playground add beauty to my yard (?). Also nearby you can see a flower bed with multi-colored flowers, like stained glass. Children are constantly playing, swinging on swings, sliding down a slide, playing in the sandbox with wooden roof. The yard where I live is looked after by a janitor, which is why it is always clean. I love my beautiful, well-kept yard. P.S. Something like this?

No yard, no essay.

My yard is typical of Moscow new buildings of the 80s. Directly opposite the entrance is a transformer substation, the area in front of which has turned into a parking lot. Behind it is the child's house. When children are taken out for a walk, my heart aches with pity for them. On the left is the children's room and playground, on the right is the heating station. Behind it is a kindergarten. But behind the house, 50 meters away, there is a large sports complex with a swimming pool and next to it there is a simple and musical school. If you write, knock on the door, I WILL HELP.

I have the most beautiful yard in the city! There are trees, flowers, green green grass all around, everything is so beautiful! In the summer I ride my bike and play with my friends. etc. further on by herself

my yard is a yard


Our schoolyard (description essay). Literature and poetry

Free topic - "N". Essays on a free topic - Our schoolyard (description essay)

Our schoolyard (description essay)

nash-shkolnyj-dvor our school yard (essay-description)

I dream of summer... In the morning a bugle wakes me up, just like in a camp. This is already reality. I wake up, ready to jump out of the tent onto the grass, and I see above me high ceiling, left and right - beautiful wallpaper. Through open door the piano is visible. It was for him that I came here from a small village near Donetsk.

Exercise, breakfast - and go to the yard: at least breathe a little before a long day. But what is the air like here? Through the low fence all the gasoline aromas of buses, cars and trucks penetrate to us. On the left is the entrance to the school, on the right is the wall of the dermatovenous dispensary. The closed rectangle seemed to be cut in half by a volleyball net. Another hour will pass, and a volleyball ball will fly over her, and the yard will be filled with the whistle of the physical education teacher and the exclamations of the players and fans. In the meantime, huge window-like eyes silently look at each other: the boarding school looks at the school, and the school looks at the boarding school. The school seems even a little condescending. Still would! Firstly, there are 250 more students in it, they are urban and arrive only at the bell, or even a little later. And secondly, the windows of our Great (two floors high!) hall overlook the courtyard. Now he, like me, has his last moments of rest. The lamps are about to light up and some lucky person from those preparing for the Vladimir Krainev Competition will open the lid of the piano.

High school students said that Krainev, now a world-famous pianist and organizer of the International Piano Competition, also walked in this courtyard and practiced in this hall. Now he comes to us from Germany and again walks across the yard to the school to head the jury of the competition that bears his name.

It's March. Soon it will get warmer, it will be possible to sit on a bench, look at the first tiny leaves, listen to the birds singing... While I was thinking about this, the yard began to fill with our boarding school children. Everyone wants to have time to practice solfeggio and their specialty before classes. The courtyard is filled with the sounds of piano, violin, and cello. The low sounds of the tuba and the cocky voice of the trumpet compete with them. And during the short intermission the recorder broke through. It was one of the kids learning their first scales in their lives. All our former students started with them, and now worldwide famous musicians.

Call. I cross the yard where they once walked. This will now be my daily route.


Our schoolyard (essay-description) - collected essays

I dream of summer... In the morning a bugle wakes me up, just like in a camp. This is already reality. I wake up, ready to jump out of the tent onto the grass, and I see a high ceiling above me, beautiful wallpaper to the left and right. A piano is visible through the open door. It was for him that I came here from a small village near Donetsk.

Exercise, breakfast - and go to the yard: at least breathe a little before a long day. But what is the air like here? Through the low fence all the gasoline aromas of buses, cars and trucks penetrate to us. On the left is the entrance to the school, on the right is the wall of the dermatovenous dispensary. The closed rectangle seemed to be cut in half by a volleyball net. Another hour will pass, and a volleyball ball will fly over her, and the yard will be filled with the whistle of the physical education teacher and the exclamations of the players and fans. In the meantime, huge window-like eyes silently look at each other: the boarding school looks at the school, and the school looks at the boarding school. The school seems even a little condescending. Still would! Firstly, there are 250 more students in it, they are urban and arrive only at the bell, or even a little later. And secondly, the windows of our Great (two floors high!) hall overlook the courtyard. Now he, like me, has his last moments of rest. The lamps are about to light up and some lucky person from those preparing for the Vladimir Krainev Competition will open the lid of the piano.

High school students said that Krainev, now a world-famous pianist and organizer of the International Piano Competition, also walked in this courtyard and practiced in this hall. Now he comes to us from Germany and again walks across the yard to the school to head the jury of the competition that bears his name.

It's March. Soon it will get warmer, it will be possible to sit on a bench, look at the first tiny leaves, listen to the birds singing... While I was thinking about this, the yard began to fill with our boarding school children. Everyone wants to have time to practice solfeggio and their specialty before classes. The courtyard is filled with the sounds of piano, violin, and cello. The low sounds of the tuba and the cocky voice of the trumpet compete with them. And during the short intermission the recorder broke through. It was one of the kids learning their first scales in their lives. All our former students, now world-famous musicians, started with them.

Call. I cross the yard where they once walked. This will now be my daily route.