Refrigerated shelf life. Period and storage conditions of chilled and frozen pork

Storage conditions for meat and meat products- every housewife should know, because if it is stored incorrectly, both the taste and beneficial properties can deteriorate.

Conditions and periods of meat storage

According to thermal state, meat is divided into:

1) steam room - immediately after slaughter;

2) cooled - cooled after cutting to a temperature of 12°C, for poultry and rabbits - not higher than 25°C;

3) frozen - temperature in the thigh, at a depth of 1 cm, from - 3 to - 5 ° C; in the thickness of the thigh muscles - from 0 to - 2°C;

4) frozen - which has been frozen to a temperature in the thickness of the muscles - no higher than - 8°C.

Storage conditions for chilled meat

Temperature -1*;
Relative humidity 80-90%;
Air circulation 4-6 volumes per hour;
Within 7-10 to 20 days.

Storage conditions for frozen meat

Shelf life of frozen meat depends on the type of meat and meat storage temperature.

Chilled meat and minced meat are kept fresh at a temperature of 0 – +2°C for about a day. It is best to defrost meat at this temperature to ensure it remains juicy.

Large chopped pieces of meat can be stored for about a day at a temperature of +2 to +6°C, while frozen meat and minced meat should be stored at -18°C.

Storage conditions for pork and beef

Pork lasts at this temperature for about 8 months, lamb - about 10, beef - 12 months. If you store meat at a temperature of -25°C, then pork and lamb will last 12 months, and beef – as much as 18.

Poultry meat storage conditions

Poultry meat can be stored at temperatures up to +8°C for a day, and at temperatures from 0 to -4°C – up to three days. Frozen poultry - chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese are stored at a temperature of -12 to -15°C. At the same time, chickens and turkeys are kept fresh for up to ten days, and ducks and geese for up to seven days. Geese and ducks can be stored for a year, and turkeys and chickens even 14 months at temperatures of -25°C or lower.
Frozen rabbits are stored at -9°C for up to six months.

Storage conditions for meat products

Baked pork, ham, uncut meatloaf, boiled, stuffed and blood sausage, liver, sausages, sausages can be stored for up to three days at a temperature of 0 to +8°C.

Semi-smoked and cooked-smoked sausage can be stored at room temperature for three days, but in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to +8°C it can be stored much longer - up to ten days.

Sausages can be frozen: at -9°C, half-smoked sausage is stored for 3 months, boiled smoked sausage is stored for 4 months, and raw smoked sausage is stored for 9 months.

Lard is stored at a temperature not exceeding +1°C.

Opened canned meat can be stored at temperatures from 0 to +8°C for up to two days.

Meat by-products can be stored at temperatures up to 8°C for 12 hours, at temperatures from 0 to +6°C for two days, at 0°C for up to three days, and at -18°C for up to four months.

Meat broths and soups, jellied meats, jellies, jellied meat, brawn can be stored at a temperature of +4 to +6°C for no more than 72 hours. The pate can be stored at a temperature of 0-6°C for up to two days, and frozen to -9°C for six months.

Storage conditions for frozen meat

Product t air, °C Shelf life
Frozen lamb -3 4 days
-12 3 months
-18 10 months
Frozen beef -3 4 days
-12 8 months
-18 12 months
Cooked-smoked sausages from +12 to +15 15 days
from 0 to -4 1 month
from -7 to -9 up to 4 months
Frozen chickens, turkeys from 0 to +6 3 days
-3 5 days
-12 5 months
Frozen geese, ducks -3 5 days
-12 4 months
Canned meat from +8 to +15 30 days
about 0 1-3 years
Semi-smoked sausages from +12 to +15 10 days
from +2 to +6 15 days
from -7 to -9 up to 3 months
Frozen chopped meat products, dumplings -5 48 hours
-10 1 month
Frozen pork -3 4 days
-12 3 months
-18 6 months
Frozen by-products -3 3 days
-12 2 months
Raw smoked sausages from +12 to +15 up to 4 months
-2 to -4 up to 6 months
from -7 to -9 up to 9 months
Raw smoked ham products (legs, briskets, loins, etc.) +15 10 days
from +5 to +8 15 days
from -7 to -9 up to 4 months

Meat shrinkage standards

It should be remembered that during the process of freezing, cooling and subsequent meat storage in carcasses, moisture from its surface evaporates, as a result of which the weight of the carcass decreases slightly. This process is called drying. With such cooling, meat actually loses in the first two days: pork - 0.2%, beef - up to 0.03%. And then the daily losses are 0.01%. To reduce shrinkage, the humidity in refrigeration chambers should be close to one hundred percent. At storing frozen meat In the blocks, moisture is practically not lost. With prolonged storing frozen meat, as the top layers dry out, the meat loses its natural color.

Now you know the storage conditions for meat, temperature and shelf life, and you will be able to maintain its freshness, preserve the taste and benefits of meat and meat products.

Meat is stored at an air temperature of 0 + −1 ° C, its moderate circulation (0.1-0.2 m/s) and 85-90%. Chilled half-carcasses are placed in storage chambers on overhead tracks at a distance of 3-5 cm from one another.

During storage, an equilibrium state of heat exchange between the meat and the external environment must be ensured, but this is difficult to achieve, since at the surface a psychometric temperature difference arises, which determines the heat transfer from the external environment to the product and the continuous heat and moisture exchange. Therefore, in storage rooms, air circulation should be minimal, but sufficient to avoid air stagnation, which contributes to the development of mold.

It is recommended to store different types of meat separately. chilled meat depend on the time of year, duration of rest and condition of the animal before slaughter, fatness, degree of bleeding and sanitary and hygienic condition of the carcass, refrigeration and storage chambers, etc.

Supercooled meat with a temperature throughout the entire volume of carcasses and half-carcasses from −1 to −2°C is also stored suspended. Acceptable shelf life of chilled meat in air at a temperature from 0 to −1.5 ° C is 7-12 days, depending on the type and condition of the meat, supercooled - up to 17 days.

You can extend the shelf life of meat:

  • using extremely low storage temperatures (down to −2°C);
  • using a modified atmosphere (with nitrogen gas);
  • using a combined gas environment (nitrogen and carbon dioxide);
  • vacuum packaging, which reduces the rate of oxidative processes and eliminates shrinkage;
  • using preservatives and antioxidants in packaged and packaged meat;
  • applying coatings to the surface of meat (by irrigation) with special film-forming compounds (acetylated monoglycerides). Thus, food coatings used abroad (“Derma-tex”, etc.) are an oily liquid obtained from vegetable oil. This coating in combination with vacuum packaging guarantees the preservation of color and freshness of meat for a long time (beef - up to 50 days, pork - up to 24, lamb - up to 70 days).
It is quite effective to store meat in sealed packaging in a carbon dioxide atmosphere with low excess pressure (up to 0.5 bar) at a temperature of 1°C. Low oxygen content (up to 1%) virtually eliminates the change in color of meat, which is observed when stored in carbon dioxide environments with a relatively high residual oxygen pressure. At the same time, the high consumer properties of meat are preserved for several weeks. The modified gas atmosphere can significantly increase the shelf life of sausages, offal and other highly perishable products.

Chilled poultry is stored in boxes, which are placed in stacks at intervals of 10 cm. Air temperature - 0 + −2 ° C, relative humidity - 80-85%, shelf life - no more than 5 days from the date of production. The duration of storage of poultry meat is determined by the activity of the development of microorganisms that cause mucus and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Changes in protein and lipid components occur much later and have virtually no effect on the storage stability of chilled poultry. Packaging in polymer films can reduce shrinkage (10 times), improve the sanitary condition of the product and improve the trading culture. The shelf life of such poultry without additional funds is 5-6 days. The use of snow-like carbon dioxide, a modified and combined atmosphere, allows you to increase the shelf life of chilled poultry while maintaining the high quality of the product.

Sausages (cooked-smoked, half-smoked and raw-smoked) are stored hanging or packed in wooden, plastic or cardboard containers.

Semi-smoked sausages are stored hanging at an air temperature of 12-15°C and a relative air humidity of 75-78% for no more than 10 days, in boxes at a temperature not higher than 6°C - no more than 15 days.

Cooked-smoked sausages - suspended at an air temperature of 12-15°C and a relative humidity of 75-78% can be stored for no more than 15 days, in boxes at a temperature of 0 + −4°C and a humidity of 75-78% - no more than 1 months; raw smoked - at a temperature of 12-15°C and a humidity of 75-78% - no more than 4 months, and at −2+ −4°C - up to 6 months.

Large-piece ham products are stored in refrigerated rooms at a temperature of 0-8°C; boiled and boiled-smoked - in a suspended form so that they do not come into contact with each other, smoked - in packaging.

Acceptable shelf life of products: boiled, boiled-smoked, smoked-baked, baked, fried at a temperature of 0-8°C - 5 days; raw smoked at a temperature of 12°C - up to 15 days; at 0-4°C - no more than 30 days; raw smoked, cut into slices, packaged and packed in films under vacuum at 5-8°C - 15 days, at 15°C - 10 days.

Sterilized canned meat is stored at air temperatures from 0 to 15°C and relative humidity not higher than 75% (optimal temperature is about 0°C). Shelf life, depending on the type of canned food, is from 1 to 3 years.

Canned food for baby and diet food in varnished jars can be stored at a temperature of 0-15°C for up to 18 months, in unvarnished tinplate jars - up to 12 months; other canned food in glass and varnished containers - up to 2 years; pasteurized canned food at 0-5°C - no more than 6 months.

Cheeses are stored in refrigerators with radiator or air cooling systems. In the first case, air circulation is natural; in chambers with an air cooling system, maintain an air speed of no more than 0.4 m/s. Cheeses, excluding brined ones without ripening, are stored at a temperature of −4 h - 0 ° C and a relative air humidity of 85-90%.

The International Institute of Refrigeration recommends storing hard rennet cheeses at a temperature of 2°C, for Dutch type cheeses - 0-5°C at a relative humidity of 90%. However, a more optimal storage temperature is close to cryoscopic (-3°C), at which microbiological and biochemical processes slow down and the structure of the cheese is well preserved. At the same time, weight loss is reduced by 2-3 times, and the shelf life increases to 5-6 months.

Cheeses in containers (boxes, drums) are stacked in batches, with slats laid between the rows or stacked using pallets. A passage 0.5 m wide is left between two stacks of boxes or drums.

Swiss cheese is stored in stacks up to five circles high, depending on the weight. Each stack is placed on a wooden circle or pallet; brined cheeses and feta cheese - in barrels with brine, which are placed on grates or slats in three tiers in height. It is not recommended to store pickled cheeses in containers in the same chamber with other types of cheeses.

To control temperature, relative humidity and air speed in cheese storage rooms, remote automatic devices are used.

During storage, refrigerator commodity experts (technologists) constantly monitor the temperature and humidity conditions: the air temperature in the chamber is checked at least 2 times a day, and the relative humidity - once a day.

Temperature fluctuations are allowed only during loading and unloading of cheeses - when the chamber load is from 20 to 50% inclusive - by 1°C; over 50% - 2°C.

When storing Swiss cheese in stacks, the heads are turned over at a temperature of 0-4°C - after 8-10 days, and at −4-0°C - once a month.

Cheeses on which, during periodic inspection, surface mold, mold under the paraffin coating, pre-heating of the rind, damage to the coating, etc. were discovered, are subjected to commodity processing (wiping, stripping, waxing), and, if necessary, washing and drying.

Relative air humidity during storage of processed and rennet cheeses: at a temperature of 0-4°C - 80-85%, at 0-3°C - 85-90%.

Eggs arrive for refrigerated storage chilled, sorted, and without defects. It is not recommended to load uncooled eggs into storage, since this changes the temperature in the chamber, which leads to moisture condensation on the surface of the cooled eggs, followed by the rapid development of microorganisms.

Eggs are stored in cardboard boxes or wooden boxes. The optimal storage temperature is −11 −2°C at a relative air humidity of 85-88%. The boxes are stacked, ensuring sufficient air circulation. The shelf life under these conditions is up to 6 months. Lowering the storage temperature to −2+ −2.5°C promotes better preservation of eggs, and their shelf life during hypothermia is extended to 12 months.

During storage, control ovoscopy of eggs is carried out at least once every 2 months. In this case, shrinkage is determined by the increase in the air chamber inside the egg. Based on the control, the period for further storage of eggs is established.

Meat is one of the most common food products. In addition to the variety of prepared dishes and excellent taste, it contains minerals and a high percentage of protein. This makes its consumption not only tasty, but also healthy, and certain climatic conditions make the consumption of meat products necessary. To preserve all the necessary qualities of meat, its culinary properties and the possibility of consumption over time, it is necessary to carefully study the terms and conditions of storage. The most popular types are pork, beef and chicken carcasses.

Types of meat based on heat treatment

According to the type of heat treatment, meat can be:

  1. Fresh meat is present for 1.5 hours after the slaughter of the animal, the temperature inside the pork muscles of such meat is within +35 - +36 degrees, and for beef +36 - +38 degrees. It is not recommended to eat fresh meat right away; for better digestion, it needs to sit for a couple of days.
  2. Chilled meat, which, after cutting using refrigeration units, becomes inside the muscles from 0 to +4 degrees, while the muscle tissue is elastic and there is a dried crust.
  3. Frozen, when the carcass is not completely frozen, but only the layer on top, no more than 25% of the entire carcass.
  4. Frozen. The thickness of the muscles has a temperature of no more than -8 degrees. Proper freezing prevents spoilage of meat.

The most reliable and common methods of storing fresh meat are refrigeration and freezing. However, these processes have certain features, such as temperature and shelf life, without which the meat will deteriorate and lose its nutritional qualities.

Storing chilled meat

Chilled meat is meat that has not been quickly frozen. It has more nutritional value and better taste than frozen. It is obtained after cutting the carcasses and cooled in refrigeration chambers to the required temperature. Its distinctive features are the drying crust and elastic muscles of the carcass. Due to the fact that the cooling process does not greatly affect the quality properties of meat, during production priority is given to this method of canning. However, chilled meat has a relatively short shelf life (several hours).

Cold storage

Shelf life at temperatures from +2 to 0 degrees:

  • Pork no more than 24 hours;
  • Beef no more than 24 hours;
  • Chickens for a maximum of 5 days. If the constant temperature of the refrigerator is 0 degrees, then the shelf life is no more than 15 days.

It is not recommended to store meat in a plastic bag; it is better to use enamel, plastic or glass containers. It is also not advisable to use wooden bowls, as they will absorb meat juice. There is no need to close the lid tightly; it would be better to cover it with a napkin or towel. It is important to know that meat without bones has a longer shelf life than meat with bones, and a whole piece is better stored than finely chopped parts. Storing it separately from other products will extend its life.

Shelf life at temperatures from 0 to -2 degrees:

  • Pork for a maximum of 12 days;
  • Beef no more than 16 days;
  • Chicken no more than 3-4 days.

In a frozen state at a temperature of -2 to -3 degrees, the shelf life of pork and beef is a maximum of 20 days, and of a chicken carcass up to 14 days.

Storage in freezers

If it is necessary to increase the storage period of meat, it is frozen. However, the conditions of this method reduce the nutritional and taste value and have a number of other disadvantages, such as weight loss due to moisture evaporation, dehydration and porosity of the product. But despite this, freezing allows you to eat and preserve the taste of meat for a longer period.

The shelf life and conditions of frozen meat also depend on temperature and specific types:

  • At a temperature of -12 degrees:
  • Pork up to 3 months;
  • Beef up to 8 months;
  • Chicken 4-5 months.

At a temperature of -18 degrees:

  • Pork up to 6 months;
  • Beef up to 13 months;
  • Chicken no more than 7-9 months.

At a temperature of -30 degrees:

  • Pork no more than 15 months;
  • Beef no more than 2 years old;
  • Chicken up to 12 months.

Shelf life in store refrigerators:

  • At a temperature of 0 degrees - no more than 5 days;
  • At temperatures from 0 to +6 maximum 3 days;
  • At temperatures from +6 to +8 maximum 2 days.

In addition to maintaining temperature conditions during storage, it is also necessary to monitor other indicators, such as:

  1. Relative humidity, its norm should be at least 85%. Humidity is affected by air temperature;
  2. Movement of air flows (circulation), the correct value is 4-6 air volumes per hour.
  • Frozen meat cannot be re-frozen; this negatively affects its shelf life, nutritional properties, and can lead to spoilage and harm human health. Therefore, following simple rules will allow you to properly store meat for a long time.
  • You cannot wash meat before freezing, it may spoil; it will be enough to wipe it thoroughly;
  • For ease of preparation, divide the meat into portions so that you can defrost as much as you need, and not the entire piece;
  • You can wrap the cut pieces of meat in foil or paper and place them together in a plastic bag, trying to get all the air out;
  • If you attach a note with the date of freezing to the same package, this will allow you to control the shelf life;
  • Fold everything into the freezing chamber and set the desired temperature conditions;
  • When the meat has become hard, you can take it out of the freezer and immerse it completely in cool water, then place it back in the freezer. This forms a crust of ice, which will retain more moisture and the meat will remain juicy, no matter how long it is stored.
  • When freezing, it is better to immediately set the coldest temperature for the entire period of storage in the freezer, to speed up the process. Because during gradual freezing, ice crystals spoil the meat fibers and this later, during cooking, interferes with the absorption of liquids, which worsens the taste properties of meat dishes.

It is highly undesirable to defrost meat using a microwave or hot water, this makes it tougher and spoils the taste. To maintain juiciness, it is better to defrost meat in air at room temperature, although this process will take longer. If it’s hot at home, so as not to leave the meat all day, you can transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator for gradual thawing.

This makes its consumption not only tasty, but also healthy, and certain climatic conditions make the consumption of meat products necessary. To preserve all the necessary qualities of meat, its culinary properties and the possibility of consumption over time, it is necessary to carefully study the terms and conditions of storage. The most popular types are pork, beef and chicken carcasses.

Types of meat based on heat treatment

According to the type of heat treatment, meat can be:

  1. Fresh meat is present for 1.5 hours after the slaughter of the animal, the temperature inside the pork muscles of such meat is within +35 - +36 degrees, and for beef +36 - +38 degrees. It is not recommended to eat fresh meat right away; for better digestion, it needs to sit for a couple of days.
  2. Chilled meat, which, after cutting using refrigeration units, becomes inside the muscles from 0 to +4 degrees, while the muscle tissue is elastic and there is a dried crust.
  3. Frozen, when the carcass is not completely frozen, but only the layer on top, no more than 25% of the entire carcass.
  4. Frozen. The thickness of the muscles has a temperature of no more than -8 degrees. Proper freezing prevents spoilage of meat.

The most reliable and common methods of storing fresh meat are refrigeration and freezing. However, these processes have certain features, such as temperature and shelf life, without which the meat will deteriorate and lose its nutritional qualities.

Storing chilled meat

Chilled meat is meat that has not been quickly frozen. It has more nutritional value and better taste than frozen. It is obtained after cutting the carcasses and cooled in refrigeration chambers to the required temperature. Its distinctive features are the drying crust and elastic muscles of the carcass. Due to the fact that the cooling process does not greatly affect the quality properties of meat, during production priority is given to this method of canning. However, chilled meat has a relatively short shelf life (several hours).

Cold storage

Shelf life at temperatures from +2 to 0 degrees:

  • Pork no more than 24 hours;
  • Beef no more than 24 hours;
  • Chickens for a maximum of 5 days. If the constant temperature of the refrigerator is 0 degrees, then the shelf life is no more than 15 days.

It is not recommended to store meat in a plastic bag; it is better to use enamel, plastic or glass containers. It is also not advisable to use wooden bowls, as they will absorb meat juice. There is no need to close the lid tightly; it would be better to cover it with a napkin or towel. It is important to know that meat without bones has a longer shelf life than meat with bones, and a whole piece is better stored than finely chopped parts. Storing it separately from other products will extend its life.

Shelf life at temperatures from 0 to -2 degrees:

  • Pork for a maximum of 12 days;
  • Beef no more than 16 days;
  • Chicken no more than 3-4 days.

In a frozen state at a temperature of -2 to -3 degrees, the shelf life of pork and beef is a maximum of 20 days, and of a chicken carcass up to 14 days.

Storage in freezers

If it is necessary to increase the storage period of meat, it is frozen. However, the conditions of this method reduce the nutritional and taste value and have a number of other disadvantages, such as weight loss due to moisture evaporation, dehydration and porosity of the product. But despite this, freezing allows you to eat and preserve the taste of meat for a longer period.

The shelf life and conditions of frozen meat also depend on temperature and specific types:

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  • At a temperature of -12 degrees:
  • Pork up to 3 months;
  • Beef up to 8 months;
  • Chicken 4-5 months.

At a temperature of -18 degrees:

  • Pork up to 6 months;
  • Beef up to 13 months;
  • Chicken no more than 7-9 months.

At a temperature of -30 degrees:

  • Pork no more than 15 months;
  • Beef no more than 2 years old;
  • Chicken up to 12 months.

Shelf life in store refrigerators:

  • At a temperature of 0 degrees - no more than 5 days;
  • At temperatures from 0 to +6 maximum 3 days;
  • At temperatures from +6 to +8 maximum 2 days.

In addition to maintaining temperature conditions during storage, it is also necessary to monitor other indicators, such as:

  1. Relative humidity, its norm should be at least 85%. Humidity is affected by air temperature;
  2. Movement of air flows (circulation), the correct value is 4-6 air volumes per hour.
  • Frozen meat cannot be re-frozen; this negatively affects its shelf life, nutritional properties, and can lead to spoilage and harm human health. Therefore, following simple rules will allow you to properly store meat for a long time.
  • You cannot wash meat before freezing, it may spoil; it will be enough to wipe it thoroughly;
  • For ease of preparation, divide the meat into portions so that you can defrost as much as you need, and not the entire piece;
  • You can wrap the cut pieces of meat in foil or paper and place them together in a plastic bag, trying to get all the air out;
  • If you attach a note with the date of freezing to the same package, this will allow you to control the shelf life;
  • Fold everything into the freezing chamber and set the desired temperature conditions;
  • When the meat has become hard, you can take it out of the freezer and immerse it completely in cool water, then place it back in the freezer. This forms a crust of ice, which will retain more moisture and the meat will remain juicy, no matter how long it is stored.
  • When freezing, it is better to immediately set the coldest temperature for the entire period of storage in the freezer, to speed up the process. Because during gradual freezing, ice crystals spoil the meat fibers and this later, during cooking, interferes with the absorption of liquids, which worsens the taste properties of meat dishes.

It is highly undesirable to defrost meat using a microwave or hot water, this makes it tougher and spoils the taste. To maintain juiciness, it is better to defrost meat in air at room temperature, although this process will take longer. If it’s hot at home, so as not to leave the meat all day, you can transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator for gradual thawing.

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Storage of chilled meat: norms, terms and GOSTs

The most common and effective method of preserving meat is refrigeration. At the same time, the products retain their aesthetic appearance, natural smell and taste. Thanks to refrigeration, natural physical and chemical processes and the development of microflora are slowed down, and the activity of enzyme systems is suppressed.

Norms and shelf life of chilled meat

    • Properly cooled meat looks elastic, has a dried crust, does not contain liquid on the surface, springs when pressed and does not release juice.
    • The temperature in the thickness of the muscles ranges from 0 to +4 °C. In this temperature range from -1 to +4 °C and relative humidity of 85%, storage is allowed for 7 - 12 days.
    • In order for the meat to remain fresh and of high quality longer, it is stored frozen in the range from -3 to -2 ° C, relative humidity - 80-90%.
    • Only the top layers are frozen, while the inner layers remain chilled. In this form, the deadlines are extended to 20 days.
    • Storage time also depends on the quality of the meat itself, the conditions of cutting carcasses, the degree of fatness of the animal before slaughter, fluctuations in temperature and humidity, and the time of year.
    • The shelf life for each meat product is different. The most perishable are offal products. Their storage time at a temperature of -1 to +4 °C and a relative humidity of 85% does not exceed 3 days.
    • Lamb and pork are stored under these conditions for 7-14 days, beef a little longer – a day.
    • On supermarket shelves, chilled meat is usually displayed in special meat packaging, wrapped in plastic wrap.
    • Moreover, for chicken meat, it has its own requirements and special packaging for poultry.
    • The temperature in this zone does not exceed 3 °C. The duration of storage under such conditions is 3-4 days. Vacuum packaging increases the processing time to 15 days.

GOST standards for meat storage

According to GOST, store counters and supermarket shelves must be equipped with thermometers and psychrometers to constantly monitor temperature and humidity, since sharp fluctuations reduce the quality of goods. Proper ventilation must be provided in the premises.

To extend the shelf life of chilled meat, additional methods and means of preservation have been developed: increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, using ultraviolet rays; treatment with antibiotics and food acids, use of penetrating radiation.

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But these methods are costly and lead to higher prices for products, so they have not received mass industrial application.

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How and for how long can you store frozen meat in the freezer?

Meat is a high-calorie and nutritious food product that contains many useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

But, like any product, meat must be stored correctly. Shelf life depends on many factors: type, storage conditions and preparation method. We’ll tell you in this article how long you can store meat in the freezer.

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What do GOSTs say?

Conditions, standards and periods of storage of meat, depending on the type, are determined in accordance with GOSTs: 4;2;2;4 and others.

The shelf life is affected by the method and conditions of storage, packaging and processing of this food product.

How to choose fresh?

The freshness and quality of meat can be determined by factors such as cut, texture, color and smell.

  1. The most important sign indicating the freshness of a product is color. The color of the meat should be uniform, without any extraneous shades or spots: beef - red; lamb - dark red; poultry meat - light pink; veal and pork - pink. Veins and inclusions of fat are allowed.
  2. Fresh meat has a slightly perceptible, pleasant aroma. There should be no sharp, sour or musty smell.
  3. Fat on meat can tell a lot about the freshness of the product. “Marbling” on the cut indicates the high quality of the product. Good meat has white fat.

The exception is lamb fat; it can be milky or cream-colored.

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  • Benign meat has a dense, elastic consistency. It should spring back when pressed. The hole left by the finger is instantly smoothed out.
  • There can be no mucus or mold on the fresh product.
  • You can learn how consumers can recognize fresh meat from the video:

    How long can you store jam in the cellar? Find out about this from our article.

    Optimal temperature

    At what temperature should it be stored?

    Meat products, depending on the type and method of preparation, can be stored both at room temperature and in the refrigerator or freezer.

    Storage temperature ranges from +5 to -30°C.

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    Terms, conditions and storage rules

    In order for meat to retain its taste, nutritional and healthy qualities, it is important to store it correctly. Each method of storing meat has its own conditions, norms and characteristics.

    The shelf life of fresh fresh meat is 2-4 days at temperatures from 0 to +5°C. It is not recommended to pack the product in a plastic bag or cling film - fresh meat may “suffocate”.

    To prevent the meat from rotting, it should be stored in an enamel or ceramic container covered with a lid. It is allowed to immerse the product in cold water and put it in the refrigerator.

    Chilled meat is a product that has not been frozen. Stored at temperatures from 0 to +2°C. The shelf life of chilled raw pork and beef is from 1 to 3 days, chicken - up to 5 days. At a constant temperature of 0°C and below, shelf life varies up to 15 days.

    Freezing meat reduces its nutritional value and taste, but significantly increases the shelf life of the product.

    At a temperature of 12-18°C, the shelf life of a frozen product is:

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    Deep-frozen meat - storage at temperatures below -30°C extends the shelf life of meat by more than 2 times:

    It is recommended to store defrosted (thawed) meat in the refrigerator for no more than a day, since the product was stored for a certain time before defrosting.

    Thawed meat is practically no different in quality from chilled meat.

    The shelf life of boiled meat depends on its type.

    1. Jellied meat can stay in the refrigerator for a week.
    2. The more salt used during cooking, the longer the dish can be stored.
    3. Fatty meat spoils much faster than lean meat.
    4. Frozen cooked meat can be stored for a month.

    Shelf life of smoked meat:

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    • in the refrigerator - up to 10 days;
    • at room temperature for 24 hours.

    Vacuum packed meat. The shelf life of vacuum-packed meat is 7 days.

    You can learn about the shelf life of frozen meat from this video:


    Read about how to properly store churchkhela here.

    How long can you keep in the refrigerator?

    It is better not to delay the preparation of the defrosted product.

    After all, it had been in the freezer for some time. It is advisable to start heat treatment of the product within 24 hours.

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    The shelf life of boiled meat largely depends on the cooking method. But it is better not to keep it for more than 1-2 days.

    How long to store finished marinated meat depends on the sauce used and spices used for its preparation:

    1. The safe shelf life for meat marinated in lactic acid products is 24 hours.
    2. Meat marinated in mayonnaise can be stored for no more than 5 days.
    3. Pepper, vodka, wine, and vinegar in the marinade help preserve the product for a week.
    4. Garlic and onions in the marinade significantly increase the shelf life - up to 5 days.
    5. In order to increase the shelf life of marinated meat, the product can be frozen by first removing it from the sauce.

    Frozen meat, in comparison with fresh meat, loses a little in taste and nutritional properties. But it benefits from shelf life, which is much longer than the shelf life of fresh or chilled meat.

    1. Frozen lamb, pork, and beef can be stored for 3-12 months.
    2. Frozen poultry can be stored for 8-12 months.
    3. It is advisable not to keep boiled and smoked meat in the freezer for more than 1 month.

    What happens to the product over time?

    Fresh meat has a delicate juicy texture, a pleasant smell and good taste.

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    During long-term storage, irreversible processes occur in meat that radically change these indicators.

    Putrefactive microflora develops, under the influence of which the product becomes flabby, acquires a brown color and a musty smell.

    As a result, the meat spoils.

    How can you tell if it has gone bad?

    It is quite easy to understand that meat has expired. A spoiled product has a strong unpleasant odor, loses its elasticity and natural color.

    Brown or green spots, mold on the meat, as well as a musty or sour smell indicate that the product is unsuitable for food.

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    What are the dangers of eating expired food?

    Staphylococcal intoxication, salmonellosis, dysentery, infectious botulism are diseases that can be caused by consuming expired products. Eating spoiled meat is fraught with many serious consequences, including death.

    Meat is a tasty and healthy product, rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. But in order to preserve all its beneficial properties and taste, it is necessary to correctly observe the conditions, standards and shelf life.

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    Storage of meat in refrigerated warehouses, shops, catering establishments

    Meat is a specific raw material. The characteristic features of meat are that it is a complete source of protein, has a multicomponent composition, heterogeneous structure, high biological activity and can change its characteristics when exposed to external factors.

    In this regard, the production of high-quality meat products and the efficient use of raw materials are achieved through professionalism and compliance with the basic principles of production and meat storage technology.

    Using refrigeration processing of meat, it can be divided into:

    • Fresh meat, which is considered as such for 1.5 hours after the slaughter of the animal. The temperature in the depths of the muscle mass of such meat ranges from +25°C or more, differing slightly depending on the type of meat and part of the carcass. So, in the area of ​​the hip part of the pork inside the muscles, the temperature of fresh meat should be at +35°C...+36°C, and for beef in the same part of the carcass (at a depth of at least 6 cm) the temperature is +36°C...+ 38°C.
    • Chilled, obtained after cutting the carcass and brought using refrigeration units to a state where the temperature in the middle of the muscles is from 0 to + 4 ° C. Its surface has a small dried crust, and the muscle tissue itself is quite elastic.
    • Frozen, which is subject to incomplete freezing: only the top layer is subject to it, no more than 25% of the total volume of the carcass. During transportation and storage of meat, frozen products, unlike chilled ones, are more stable and less susceptible to changes during heat treatment compared to frozen meat.
    • Frozen meat is a product that has undergone freezing, as a result of which the temperature in the thickness of the muscles should not exceed -8°C. In addition to single types of mold, the development and growth of microorganisms in frozen meat is maximally inhibited, and therefore spoilage of frozen meat is eliminated.

    In order to accumulate raw materials and short-term storage of meat with its simultaneous maturation, the meat is cooled, and for long-term storage of meat, it is frozen. Cooling and freezing of meat is carried out in blast freezing chambers, refrigeration chambers, and low-temperature warehouses.

    Preparing meat for storage

    A decrease in the quality of meat, the emergence of difficulties in the technological processing of carcasses, as well as a decrease in the level of stability of meat during storage of chilled meat or frozen meat products largely depends on the primary processing of livestock, this is:

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    • method of slaughtering animals;
    • bleeding process;
    • whitening and skinning;
    • scalding and hitting the bristles;
    • sawing;
    • wet and dry toilet.

    Thus, for cattle, the mechanical stunning method is preferable to avoid internal hemorrhages and bone fractures. Compared to electrical stunning, such meat has significantly higher organoleptic (color, taste, smell) and technological (elasticity, water-binding capacity) parameters.

    At the same time, it is better to stun pigs using a carbon dioxide gas mixture, the effect of which causes anesthesia in the animal, general immobility and relaxation of all muscles. This ensures productive bleeding and reduces the risk of internal hemorrhages.

    Incomplete bleeding gives the meat a darker shade, as well as the likelihood of microbiological spoilage, both when storing fresh meat and chilled meat. Poor-quality whitening and skinning not only causes poor presentation due to cuts and snatches, but also allows mold and putrefactive microorganisms to penetrate into the meat, causing spoilage of the meat.

    Meat cooling methods

    Even if the temperature decreases during post-mortem storage of meat, processes associated with fermentation, physical and chemical transformations in tissues continue to develop, which leads to changes in the water-binding capacity of meat, as well as its taste, smell, juiciness and consistency.

    Cooling is the most common way to process fresh meat. To do this, after the initial processing, carcasses, half-carcasses or quarters are cooled hanging in freezers, for which meat hangers are used. Moreover, not only the temperature, but also the amount of air movement in different places of the chamber must be equal. To ensure that the load on the hanging tracks in the chamber does not exceed the norm, the most acceptable distance between carcasses should be from 3 to 5 cm.

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    Cooling of meat products in accordance with the rules for storing meat is carried out in several ways:

    • In the refrigerating chamber while maintaining a constant temperature throughout the entire cooling period (temperature in the chamber is 0°C, air humidity is from 87% to 97%). The cooling time lasts from 30 to 36 hours, until the temperature inside the femur reaches +2°C ... +4°C).
    • In a chamber with intensive cooling, where the process occurs faster due to lower air temperature (-8°C...-12°C), as well as increased air speed to 1-2m/s. This method allows you to cool the product several times faster: if the specified requirements are met, the temperature inside the thigh +3°C...+4°C is achieved in 6-8 hours. Since during intensive cooling there is a certain difference in the temperatures of the surface and internal layers of meat, it is sent for storage in a chamber maintaining a temperature of +2°C.

    Based on the cooling time and level of meat drying, the following methods can be distinguished:

    • Slow cooling, when this process occurs in refrigeration chambers at temperatures from 0°C to +3°C and air speed from 0.1 m/s to 0.3 m/s. The duration of cooling with this method takes from 24 to 36 hours, until the temperature in the thickness of the muscles drops to +3°C...+4°C. Moreover, shrinkage during wet cutting is 1.2% - 2.3%, and during dry cutting - 0.8% - 1.6%.
    • Accelerated, which occurs at a temperature of about 0°C and an air speed of 0.5 m/s. With this method, the cooling time is reduced to 24 hours, and shrinkage is reduced to 1.5%.
    • Rapid cooling is carried out in tunnel refrigeration chambers maintaining a temperature of -3°C and an air movement of 0.8 m/s. Cooling of meat to the required level is achieved in 13 hours (pork) and 16 hours (beef), and shrinkage is about 1.3%.

    A slow decrease in temperature leads to the appearance of a characteristic dried crust on the carcass, which causes weight loss and reduces the functional and technological properties of the meat. Low intensity of cooling inside the muscle mass with inadequate sanitary treatment during the primary processing of pigs and livestock leads to an increase in the growth of putrefactive bacteria in the inner layers of meat, as well as to the appearance of a “tan” accompanied by an unpleasant pungent odor and unusual color.

    Methods for freezing meat and their features

    Meat, like meat products, can be frozen by various methods: in air, salt solutions, boiling refrigerants, or in direct contact with metal plates of freezing units.

    The most common method of freezing meat in air comes in the form of two methods:

    • Single-phase, in which fresh meat is immediately frozen.
    • Two-phase, when fresh meat is first cooled to a temperature of approximately +4°C, and then frozen at -8°C and below.

    The most commonly used in industry is a two-phase method for freezing cattle, pork or lamb meat. Based on the freezing speed, they are divided into:

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    • Slow freezing, carried out at a temperature of -18°C...-23°C, air movement at a speed of 0.1m/s - 0.2m/s and humidity of about 90%-95%. This freezing lasts for about an hour.
    • Intensive, carried out at a temperature of -23°С...-30°С, air speed 0.5 m/s - 0.8 m/s and humidity 90%-95% for 28 hours.
    • Fast, at which the air temperature is -30°C...-35°C, the air flow speed is from 1 to 4 m/s. Freezing meat using this method lasts about 18 hours.

    Freezing of meat in production is carried out in a suspended state on overhead tracks, while the most voluminous parts (thighs) are placed on top, where air flow is maximum. The distance between carcasses, half-carcasses and quarters should be within 3 - 5 cm. Contact freezing, which is performed when interacting with a surface at low temperatures, can reduce the freezing time of meat by 1.5 - 2 times. With this method, meat blocks are placed between frozen metal plates located in special freezing equipment. In this case, boneless meat weighing 25 kg is frozen for 4-5 hours (at a temperature of -35°C, brought to -8°C inside the muscles).

    Types of cooking meat

    To preserve meat and meat products, thermal processing methods can also be used:

    • hot and cold smoking;
    • baking, steaming, boiling and frying meat;
    • drying (dehydration) of meat.

    In this case, additional methods can be used to increase the preservative properties of products, such as:

    • ambassador of raw materials;
    • double cooking;
    • high-temperature heating at increased osmotic pressure;
    • a shift towards increased acidity of the pH indicator.

    The shelf life of smoked meat is 72 hours, fried and boiled meat is 48 hours. It should be taken into account that additional cooling of meat that has undergone heat treatment to +3°C...+5°C increases several times.

    Heat treatment of meat can be used both for intermediate short-term storage in the absence of refrigeration equipment, and for subsequent sale as finished products.

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    Meat shelf life

    The production of chilled meat, which is in the ripening stage and has the highest nutritional properties in comparison with frozen meat, although it is economically profitable, has its drawback - a rather short shelf life.

    The maximum shelf life of chilled meat in refrigerators and freezer cases, at temperatures from 0°C to -2°C, humidity from 85% to 90% and slight air circulation (about 0.1 m/s) are:

    • beef – no more than 16 days;
    • pork and lamb – no more than 12 days.

    Frozen meat (temperature -2°С…-3°С) can be stored for up to 20 days.

    When selling meat in the form of carcasses in retail outlets at a temperature of about 0°C, meat can be stored for up to 3 days.

    Freezing meat is the most commonly used method for storage because it provides a high level of preservation and a long shelf life. Despite the disadvantages of this storage method (reduction in weight and quality, high material costs), it is the most effective way for long-term storage of meat and preservation of its taste and nutritional characteristics.

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    At a storage temperature of frozen meat within -12°C and humidity from 95% to 98%, its shelf life is:

    When maintaining a temperature of -18°C in the chamber, frozen meat is stored for at least:

    In chambers providing a temperature of -30°C, frozen meat can be stored:

    Rabbit carcasses frozen to a temperature of -9°C and below are stored for up to 6 months.

    In refrigerators, meat is stored in dense stacks or in pallets in several rows.

    The shelf life of meat in stores where the temperature in refrigeration equipment is about 0°C is no more than 5 days, at temperatures from 0°C to +6°C - up to 3 days, at temperatures from +6°C to +8° C – up to 2 days.

    Meat storage conditions

    In addition to the temperature regime when storing meat, the following parameters must be observed:

    • relative humidity, the value of which depends on the air temperature, but should not be lower than 85%;
    • air flow circulation (must correspond to 4 to 6 air volumes per hour).

    Also, when determining the terms and conditions for storing meat, one should take into account the presence or absence of packaging (vacuum, PVC film, paper, etc.), as well as the composition of the gas mixture or the use of inert gases.

    When storing chilled meat, free air access must be provided to it, so it should be suspended, without touching each other or the walls of the chamber.

    Storing meat in a freezer at a strong temperature drop (down to -30°C...-50°C) can cause significant weight loss in the product, so in such cases an active air humidification system in the chamber is used.

    Increasing the shelf life of meat

    To increase the shelf life of chilled meat, the following methods are used:

    • storage in a carbon dioxide atmosphere;
    • using nitrogen, ozone;
    • substances are used that form a film on the surface of the meat;
    • the use of antibiotics, ultraviolet radiation and radiation exposure.

    The listed methods for increasing the shelf life of meat are not widely used in practice.

    In addition, to extend the shelf life of meat, some food acids can be used, which, in addition to bactericidal properties, improve the color of meat, its digestibility, and loosen the protein structure.

    Vacuum packaging of meat extends the storage period by 2 times. Vacuum packaging is most widespread when storing chilled meat.

    In conclusion, it should be noted some features that affect the quality and nutritional value of meat depending on the methods and conditions of its storage.

    1. Unlike frozen meat (especially that which has been quickly frozen), chilled meat has significantly greater nutritional value and increased taste. This is due to the fact that frozen meat is frozen at the stage of rigor mortis of the animal, without going through the maturation stage. Because of this, quickly frozen meat turns out to be tougher and less juicy during cooking.
    2. When storing frozen meat, a process of salting out a certain part of the protein occurs, which increases the concentration of salts in the muscles due to freezing of water, and the solubility of proteins is lost.
    3. By extending the shelf life of frozen meat, protein hydration decreases, which causes loss of meat juice during defrosting of meat.
    4. Meat stored at a temperature of -18°C for 2 years loses 2.5 times more juice during defrosting than meat stored for 4 months.

    Among all types of animal meat, pork is considered the most popular in our country. This juicy meat has excellent taste characteristics, and in addition, you can make any dish from it: from dumplings to kebab. Housewives often buy large quantities of this product. Therefore, the question of how to store pork is quite relevant for many.

    How to choose

    • When choosing pork, you need to immediately look at its color. Meat that has been sitting for too long is darker in color. This color can also be an indicator of the animal’s advanced age – it will not be possible to make a juicy kebab from it.
    • Quality fresh pork should be uniformly pink in color and have a slightly shiny surface.
    • The fat layers should be white (yellow color of fat is an indicator that the animal is already old).
    • Fresh meat has a delicate, pleasant aroma and good elasticity. A sharp sour smell indicates that the product is stale. If you press a little, the meat will quickly return to its original shape. And a product that has expired will have a dent.
    • There should not be a lot of moisture or mucus on the surface of high-quality pork. And the piece itself should not be flabby and torn.

    If the product has been on the counter for longer than expected, bacteria begin to develop in it, which will not die even after heat treatment. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to buy and use stale meat.

    Shelf life

    1. You can store pork in the freezer at -18°C and below, in a relative humidity of 95 - 98%.
    2. Pork with skin can be stored for about 8 months, and without it - only 6.
    3. At temperatures below -25°C, the shelf life of pork is 12 – 14 months.

    Storing fresh meat

    Steamed pork should cool naturally, without the use of a refrigerator or packaging. Pork pieces will remain fresh in a dry place at a low temperature without a refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Under such conditions, the pork will “ripen” (become more juicy). Such meat is more easily absorbed by the body (during this time protein synthesis occurs in it).

    Usually meat is bought in large quantities at once, and only a small part of it is cooked. If the storage of chilled pork follows certain rules, it will not lose its taste and beneficial qualities for several days.

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    Meat from young piglets and minced pork should be stored for no more than 1 day without refrigeration in a cool, dark place.

    Adult animals should be kept in plastic food containers or plastic bags with holes for air access, in the bottom of the refrigerator for 2 - 3 days or frozen.

    Frozen storage

    Usually meat is stocked up in advance and stored in the freezer. If it is intended for daily use, it is divided into portions sufficient to prepare one dish. They do this so as not to re-freeze the meat.

    Before storing pork in the freezer, do not wash it, otherwise it will quickly spoil. And if they do wash everything, wipe it dry with napkins before freezing.

    Storing pork in the freezer is possible:

    • in vacuum bags (about 3 months);
    • using an ice crust (the meat is doused with water and frozen several times until a dense crust of ice forms on its surface). In this condition, in plastic bags, the meat will last up to six months.

    Meat frozen using quick (shock) freezing can be kept in foil for up to 6 months. But if the method of freezing the purchased product is unknown, it is better to eat it immediately.

    General storage table

    Storing Cooked Pork

    Boiled or fried pork can be stored for no more than 2 - 3 days at a temperature of +2°C -+4°C. To do this, place it on the coldest shelf. If the temperature in the refrigerator is higher than +4°C, the shelf life will be reduced to 1 day.

    To ensure that meat can be stored for as long as possible, it is bought only fresh and frozen immediately, without leaving it on the refrigerator shelf for some time and, especially, at room temperature.