Standards for installing a gas water heater in an apartment. Installing a geyser with your own hands. Rules and regulations.

Geyser- this is not a refrigerator, which you just need to plug into the outlet immediately after the purchase is delivered to your home. Such devices cannot be sold without appropriate service support. A water heater will only work most efficiently when it is properly installed and adjusted. There are a lot objective reasons, which must be taken into account when installation geysers in the apartment. Otherwise, this will not only lead to problems with operation, but also call into question the safety of the user’s life.

Firstly, connecting a water heater in the house to a centralized source of gas supply should be carried out only using a metal hose, and not rubber, etc.

Secondly, it is necessary to find out the cross-sectional diameter of the chimney, since in the event of its ignition, the individual elements will be hermetically sealed general system it won't work. In addition, it is advisable to install special filters for gas and water, since both of these substances are not particularly clean.

Service companies that have a license for installation observe all these nuances. But at the same time, there is an impressive number of so-called “wandering installers” who do not burden themselves with such knowledge. Therefore, it is unwise to risk the quality of installation and operation of the speaker, pursuing the desire to save 1,500 rubles.

→ Consumables for work

Cost of services

→ Requirements for installing geysers.

Rules and regulations

→ The use of gas instantaneous water heaters is regulated by the rules and regulations regarding household appliances that use gas. Installation and Maintenance these devices can only be produced qualified specialist in accordance with current standards and regulations.

Placement of the water heater.

→ The water heater must be placed in close proximity to the pipe to remove combustion products.

→ It is forbidden to place the column above the stove or, in general, above any device that produces greasy vapors, in order to avoid disruption of the operation of the device as a result of contamination.

→ The wall and mounting must support the weight of the device.

→ It is imperative to maintain a free space around the water heater of at least 100 mm from each wall of the column.

Additional requirements.

→ The water pressure in the apparatus, taking into account the thermal expansion of water, should not exceed the maximum pressure.

→ Provide an expansion tank if necessary.

→ Avoid excessive pressure losses.

→ It is imperative to connect the device to the chimney using a pipe of the appropriate diameter made of the appropriate material (aluminum or stainless steel).

Centralized hot water supply has become a luxury, and only functions in regional centers Therefore, electric heating tanks and gas water heaters for homes and apartments are becoming popular. The latter are much more economical, and if gas is available, apartment owners try to install these devices. But you won’t be able to just buy and install a gas heater - you’ll have to coordinate it with the gas services. We advise you to first choose a model, also carefully study the rules for installing a geyser in an apartment (or in your house), and collect all the necessary documents.

Selecting a geyser model

Oddly enough, but Before submitting documents to the gas service, you will have to choose and even buy a gas water heater. Despite relative simplicity designs, devices vary in quality, reliability and ease of use. So, if you do not have a boiler, but a regular water heater, then pay attention to the following parameters:

  • automatic, manual or semi-automatic control;
  • burner ignition system - mains or battery powered, automatic or manual;
  • how combustion products are removed.

Water heaters with a closed combustion chamber, unlike gas water heaters with an open combustion chamber, use oxygen from the street to maintain the fire and do not require ventilated rooms.

The fully automatic dispenser ignites the gas itself, regulates the water temperature, etc. This best option, but quite expensive, so most people choose the more affordable semi-automatic models.

The ignition system is also an important component. Although there are currently no speakers where you need to light a fire with a match, it is still better to choose models with batteries installed. If the electricity suddenly turns off, you will not be left without hot water (as is the case with automatic models). Another option is semi-automatic ignition, then you ignite the gas using a button yourself. We advise you to pay extra and take the option where the heater is activated by turning on the hot water tap.

A useful addition to the device is the flame modulation function, which can maintain the water temperature at the same level if hot water goes to several sources at once.

The removal of combustion products in a gas column can be carried out in the following ways:

The choice of method depends on the structure of the house and some other parameters. Check with your gas service for more details.

How to obtain permission to use a gas water heater

Everything related to gas supply is regulated Federal law"On gas supply in the Russian Federation" No. 99-F3, effective from 03/31/99. Since gas is a source of increased danger, the requirements for the installation of any gas appliances special.

Important! If you are going to install a column instead of another model, then you will not have to obtain permission from the gas service again. In this case, the requirements apply to the column itself. The equipment must be approved for installation by authorities gas service and certified.

So, the sequence of your actions:

  1. First of all, you need to go to the housing office and take certified copies of diagrams and plans for water supply, gas supply and chimney systems.
  2. Next, go to the fire department for an act of technical condition chimney.
  3. Order a project to install a geyser (most often this is done by the gas service, which is a paid service).
  4. If you live in multi-storey building, then you will need permission from the city administration to refurbish the apartment.
  5. After collecting documents and purchasing a column, go with all the documents, a passport for the device and papers for housing to the gas service to submit an application for installation.

If everything is in order, then as soon as possible Gas service employees will come to you to install the water heater.

If you need to draw a separate line to install the column, then even more documents and time will be required. For details and design nuances, contact the gas service.

Installing a geyser in an apartment: requirements

When choosing a location for a water heater, you must be guided by regulatory documents:

  • SNiP 42-01-2002 "Gas distribution systems";
  • SP 42-101-2003 " General provisions on the design and construction of gas distribution systems made of metal and polyethylene pipes."

Guided by the rules presented in this diagram, you can easily select appropriate place for your geyser.

As a rule, all devices are placed in the kitchen, since only this room meets all SNiP requirements. The requirements for installing a gas water heater in a private house are similar to those in an apartment. True, some documents required when obtaining an installation permit are excluded. In order not to re-read tons of boring rules, here is an exhaustive list of requirements:

  1. The wall where the column is installed must be made of non-combustible materials.
  2. You cannot install the column above gas stove or closer to 10 centimeters to the last one.
  3. It is prohibited to install the speaker in a bathroom or toilet.
  4. Pressure in the pipeline with cold water should not be less than 0.1 atmosphere.
  5. The room must have a chimney with a diameter of at least 12 cm.
  6. The ceiling height in the room where the speaker is installed should not be less than two meters.
  7. The room must have an opening window or vent.
  8. The volume of the room cannot be less than 7.5 cubic meters.

IMPORTANT! "Dushniki" in apartments are not chimneys.

How to install a geyser

Self-installation is prohibited by Russian law, but since representatives of the gas service often remain elusive, we recommend installing the device yourself. Specialists should only be invited to connect the hose to gas pipe and checking all connections for leaks.

What you need to have with you

First of all, prepare everything necessary materials and tools. You will need:

  • new gas water heater;
  • PVC pipes for water supply and metal-plastic for gas;
  • fitting;
  • taps - gas and water (it is better to use ball taps);
  • salt and magnetic filters;
  • corrugated or galvanized pipe (if included with the column);
  • Mayevsky crane;
  • a ring to make an entrance to the chimney;
  • gas hose (its length depends on the distance between the pipe and the column);
  • water hoses (also select the length depending on the distance);
  • dowels and screws;
  • gas key;
  • pipe cutter;
  • set of wrenches;
  • drill;
  • level;
  • sealant, FUM tape and tow;
  • soldering station for pipes.

In the case of a private house, you may also need a metal (asbestos) pipe to remove smoke. Its diameter should not be less than 120 mm, and its height should be two or more meters.

We remove the old

If you already had a water heater, then the first thing you need to do is dismantle it. For this:

  1. Close all gas valves.
  2. Using a gas wrench, unscrew the fixing nut on the hose.
  3. Then remove the hose from the column. If the hose is new and undamaged, it can be used further. Otherwise, buy a new one.
  4. Now you can proceed to disconnecting the device from the water supply. Turn off the water (if there is a tap near the water pump, then just turn it off, otherwise you will have to block access to water for the entire apartment).
  5. Remove the connecting pipe located at the outlet of the column and pull it out of the chimney.
  6. Dismantle the water heater by removing it from its mountings.

Direct installation

Installation gas water heater occurs in several stages. After choosing a location, you need to prepare all communications: water supply, chimney and gas pipeline. All this should be located in close proximity to the future column, so that after installing the latter, all you have to do is connect the hoses to the pipes.

To connect gas to a gas water heater, be sure to call specialists from a special service.

  1. So, the first thing you need to do is mark the location for the water heater. I hang it on a special bar that is included with the device. That's why you will need a drill, dowels and screws. It is better to mark using a level.
  2. We drill holes, drive in dowels, attach the plank and screw it to the wall with self-tapping screws.
  3. The next thing you need to do is connect the water heater to the chimney. This is done using corrugation or metal pipe. Installing the latter is easy. The pipe needs to be put on the pipe (and the sleeve must also be tightened with a clamp) of the column. The other end is inserted into the chimney and covered with cement (asbestos can also be used). But do not forget that the horizontal section of the pipe cannot exceed 6 m and you cannot make more than 3 corrugation bends.
  4. Now you can proceed to connecting the column to the water supply. As mentioned earlier, it is better to do the installation of pipes and branches in advance. However, it is not always good option is to cut into the nearest line (if the pressure in it is weak, cut directly into the main pipe going to the apartment). Be sure to install a tap on the new branch going to the water heater so that you can repair the water heater or replace it without turning off the water in the entire apartment or house. To install the pipeline you will need metal-plastic pipes and a soldering iron, also a tap, couplings.
  5. After finishing work with the hot and cold line pipelines, all you have to do is connect the hoses to the corresponding outlet and inlet of the dispenser and to the pipes.

This is what a chimney made of corrugation looks like. The ring has a purely aesthetic value.

Your work is now complete. Connection to the gas pipe is carried out by specialists from the relevant service. A ball valve is also placed at the entrance to the column, all connections are sealed and then checked for leaks.

What's the result?

The most difficult thing in connecting a gas water heater, no matter how strange it may sound, is obtaining permission. You will have to work hard, run around to different authorities, pay for the project and various documents. The installation of the equipment itself is quite simple and can be done quickly, of course, if the pipeline has already been installed. It is better not to carry out all work related to the gas pipeline yourself. Entrust this matter to professionals. Take care of yourself and your life.

2016-09-27 Yulia Chizhikova

Everything reaches its end of life and the speaker is no exception. And then you are faced with the issue of replacing equipment, and perhaps even moving it to a new location. Before starting this matter, you need to understand all the issues in detail in order to avoid possible difficulties.

Installation gas equipment must be carried out by organizations licensed to perform the work. You should entrust this work only to professionals who have a good reputation in your city. Doing the installation yourself will, of course, be cheaper, but it is extremely dangerous, and you may be subject to a fine. IN Lately accidents related to self-installation such devices, therefore regulatory authorities have increased control in this area.

Requirements for the room where the column is installed

They are outlined in the following regulatory documents SNiP 42-01-2002 and SP 42-101-2003

Basic list of requirements:

  • The width of the room must be sufficient. Namely, the distance between the device and the wall is at least 0.9 m.
  • The ceiling height should be 2.25 m.
  • The room must have a volume of at least 7.6 m³.
  • Must be equipped ventilation window, its area is calculated using the formula.
  • The presence of a ventilation hole.
  • Installation over direct fire sources is prohibited.
  • The wall surface is plastered.
  • Availability front door not less than 0.7 m wide.
  • The place should be sufficiently lit.
  • A cold water supply is required.
  • The room must have a chimney with a diameter of 125 mm.
  • Installation of the boiler only vertically.

In accordance with the developed requirements of SNiP 41-01-2003, columns must be installed in compliance with the following conditions:

  • When installing equipment, the presence of flammable objects is unacceptable.
  • on a wall made of difficult to combustible materials, insulated with non-combustible material.

The insulation must exceed the dimensions of the equipment body by 50 cm at the top and 15 cm at the side.

Stages of replacing a geyser

To know full information on the selection, operation and maintenance of geysers (instantaneous water heaters) of all manufacturers, you can if you go.

In addition to specific information on the site, you can also study specific problems from other people on this topic who have already purchased a gas water heater or instantaneous water heater and thus avoid them. You will find a regularly updated list of such problems and their solutions.

Dismantling the column.

You can do this step yourself, as it is not prohibited by documents. Here you can save from 700 to 1000 rubles, all depending on the region. Here are several price options: in Saratov it is 890 rubles, Kazan 710 rubles, St. Petersburg 950 rubles, Kaliningrad 820 rubles.


  • Close the gas supply valve.
  • Disconnect the gas tube from the column; for this you will need an adjustable wrench. If the handset is in good condition and was not damaged during dismantling, it can be reused.
  • Disconnect the boiler from the pipe from which it is supplied cold water. When turned off, water may flow out; you need to prepare a container for it.
  • Next, disconnect the chimney.
  • When removing the column, it is necessary to dismantle the device casing, then unscrew the fasteners.

After completing these activities, contact a specialist for further work.

Next, we will look at the installation in detail.

By the way! Did you know that a geyser from any manufacturer can explode at any minute - " ".

When moving a speaker, you must meet the room requirements described above. The easiest way to coordinate a transfer is up to 1.3 meters. If the transfer is greater, this is already a replacement of the main line. In such a case, you will have to go through many government agencies to obtain documentation. It will be necessary to change the communications plan.

The following steps must be followed:

  • Contact the fire department and obtain a report on the condition of the chimney system.
  • Get a re-coordinated project from the city gas service, or you can contact a private certified organization.
  • For a council house, it is necessary to obtain permission for redevelopment from the city administration.
  • Have on hand documents confirming ownership of the apartment.
  • Technical data sheet for the boiler.

With the collected package of documents, contact Gorgaz,

company employees will carry out a number of activities to connect and install it to all necessary systems. After completion of the work, the service employee will configure and launch. Under no circumstances should you do this yourself, as an accident may occur that will entail serious consequences. He must check the tightness of all connections and joints using a foam solution. If there are no bubbles, it means the installation was done correctly. Next, he will seal the meter and issue a commissioning certificate. Upon completion of all work, you will need to submit information to the BTI about changes in the location of the equipment.

The cost will be about 30 thousand rubles. Kaliningrad region, Kazan about 27 thousand rubles, Saratov 28 thousand rubles, St. Petersburg 32 thousand rubles. The price depends on the region of the country, local fees for documentation.

Installation of a gas water heater in the bathroom

If you want to know about what geysers ( instantaneous water heaters) you shouldn’t choose, about the subtleties and nuances of their installation and connection, as well as hidden information on their proper maintenance for all manufacturers and models, then go here -.

But we also have information on this problem and more, which you will not find anywhere, first of all, because it is asked by specific people who could not get more support and advice anywhere (which they themselves tell us). And secondly, their problems are so complex that sometimes our expert Alexander Kholodov takes 10 days or more to deal with people.

And now EVERY user question and answer to it, to avoid financial costs as a result of improper operation or repair flow heater. And here it doesn’t matter which manufacturer’s device is involved in the issue. The only thing that matters is the unique situation as a result of which this issue arose, because as one good saying goes: “forewarned is forearmed.”

Article in step by step version imagines how it happens geyser replacement maintaining order and legality in the structures of the gas mountains. Cost estimates for all types of work in Ukraine and Russia are provided.

What you need to know when planning replacement of a gas water heater, which has served its purpose? main feature problems - compliance with the rules and legality in solving them on the territory of Ukraine and Russia. Helpful information such a decision guarantees safety and success.

How did the problem arise?

In our state, gas water heaters are an attribute of Khrushchev’s times. They were installed 40 - 50 years ago in low-rise buildings and private houses.

All speakers had the same design capacity for each individual building. But, over time, they were replaced by newer ones and with different parameters.

This is due to the influx of goods from China and Europe during the years of capitalization of our society. Imported water heaters were not adapted to the design parameters of the gas supply of our buildings. Therefore, their use may pose some danger to our lives.

The Gas Services Inspectorate systematically checks gas water heaters to ensure they comply with the development project and registration.

If a situation is identified that unauthorized replacement of a gas water heater carried out contrary to gas consumption standards, which causes damage gas structure, you will have to answer in judicial and administrative proceedings.

When changing the location of the speaker, gas pollution in the room may arise, leading to tragic consequences.

Administrative fines are imposed for illegal use unregistered gas appliance.

The fines can reach very unpleasant values.

This will help you avoid misunderstandings and fines. helpful information.

Planning replacing a faulty gas water heater, you should adhere to the following sequence and price category:

1.Call a gas service employee for examination geyser. When examining the column and its malfunction, the gas supply valve to the column is sealed. The data for drawing up the Act is filled in.

2.Get in the city gas Certificate of dispenser unsuitability for repair. The Act must contain the signatures of the heads of the housing and gas departments and a seal. The fee for drawing up the Act is $9.

3.Apply to the technical department of the Gas Mountains with a request to replace the dispenser with the attached Malfunction Report with a dispenser.

•The application must reflect that exhaust ventilation from a room with forced inclusion is not used. This is caused by the likely occurrence of a “backdraft” effect in the building’s smoke duct.

•Attach to the application Certificate of serviceability of smoke and ventilation ducts premises. Channels are checked once every six months. The fee for the Act is $25 – $37, plus urgency.

4.After receiving the visa on the application, pay, agree with the services on the working hours and what materials to prepare.

Cost of a gas water heater from $100 and above. Receive recommendations on brands of certified geysers, compliance of their parameters for gas and water pressure. Agree on compliance geyser performance project of your premises or plan a gas meter.

The work of removing the old gas water heater, installing a new one, connecting to a water pipe, installing a smoke pipe - with the cost of materials estimated at $50 - $63.

It must be borne in mind that all materials used during the installation of the geyser have certificates use for such work.

The final stage of installation of a gas water heater is obtaining Certificate of completed work. The fee for the Act is included in the cost of installation of the column.

5. Upon completion of the work, contact the city gas company to receive Gas start-up act.
A gas service employee checks the correct installation and tightness of all threaded connections, turns on the gas, instructs. The fee for issuing a gas start-up certificate is $10.

Special attention look for presence at the bottom smoke channel in the wall - " soot pants" It is designed to remove crumbling canal coating, runoff and precipitation. “Soottruska” has a tight door and is constantly closed. Its turnkey installation costs $15.

6. To start and set up the gas water heater, contact the department that performed the installation. Get Commissioning Act. The cost of the Commissioning Certificate is $13.

It may be required during regular inspections by gas service employees.

The total cost of work and materials can be (in $):

Act on the unsuitability of the geyser – 9
Certificate of serviceability of smoke and ventilation systems. channels -25 -37
Room gas alarm – 25 – 50
Work on replacing the gas water heater - 50 -63
Gas start-up act – 10
Installation of “soot-trucks” – 15
Commissioning certificate - 13
Total: $197

Geyser – from 100
Total: $297

Analyzing the results obtained, we come to the conclusion - replacing the gas water heater with legally, costs 2 times more than the column itself. When purchasing a geyser, it is appropriate to consider models that are more expensive and reliable, since the costs of their installation do not increase.
It is advisable to consider price category at $225.

Useful information in this article will help you legally replace the gas water heater. Your time and money budget will not be affected.