Holy week before Easter. What to do during Holy Week

Immediately after Palm Sunday ends the last week before Easter, which is called Passion. Each day of this week is called the Great Day - since it was on these days that events that had special significance in the world took place. Orthodox Christianity: The Last Supper, the betrayal of Judas, the crucifixion of Christ - and then his Resurrection. That’s why every day has its own special and even mystical meaning.

Let's look at what you can and cannot do these days before Easter, and what signs and traditions exist.

Do's and Don'ts during Holy Week

Great Monday. Finished everything renovation work around the house, cleaning construction garbage, they took out old, unnecessary things.

Great Tuesday. They finished repairing clothes, sewing, cutting, darning, ironing and the like. The meltwater collected this year was used to wash livestock to protect them from disease.

Great Wednesday. At night, from Tuesday to Wednesday, they took water from a river or well into a large jug or mug, and made the sign of the cross three times. At two o'clock in the morning they poured this water on themselves, leaving a little at the bottom, making the sign of the cross three times. Dressed on a wet body clean clothes, and the remaining water was poured under a tree or bush. This meant the birth of a washed body and, according to signs, protected from illness for the whole year.

Maundy Thursday - or Maundy Thursday. Maundy Thursday falls on April 17 in 2014. Maundy Thursday or Maundy Thursday is the fourth day of Holy Week, the strictest week of Lent.

Swimming on Maundy Thursday has a symbolic meaning; on this day you need to wake up before sunrise and have time to swim. It is believed that in this way, as in Epiphany bathing, a person washes away all his sins, and all illnesses and illnesses will bypass him.

IN Maundy Thursday it is necessary to go to church for confession and communion. On this day, according to customs, it is customary to do general cleaning at home before Easter. It is after going to church on Maundy Thursday that you need to clean the house.

You need to clean very thoroughly, not superficially - you should wash all objects in the house, including the ceilings. There is a sign that if you clean your house well on Maundy Thursday, then the house will be clean for the entire next year. Again, cleanliness in the house will reflect the inner purity of the soul of a Christian believer.

The custom for Maundy Thursday is the preparation of Thursday salt. Each family member should take a handful of salt with clean hands and pour all the salt into a common pot. Every time the house is cleaned, salt should be added to the water for washing floors. It is believed that this custom will help improve the situation in the home.

After the grandiose cleaning carried out on Maundy Thursday, houses are not swept or cleaned according to custom until Easter.

Maundy Thursday 2014: signs

The most famous sign on Maundy Thursday - count the money three times - in the morning before dawn, at lunch and at sunset. It is believed that money will not be transferred in this way in the house.

Another one of the signs of Maundy Thursday is related to Easter baking - if the treat turns out to be heavy and doughy, it means that the believer will have to wait the same year.

On Maundy Thursday, children's hair and the ends of women's hair are also cut - it is believed that this will make them grow better and be voluminous. Women who are unhappy in their personal lives are instructed to go waist-deep into the river on the night of April 17, 2014. Previously, it was believed that such a woman would soon meet her betrothed and her personal life will get better.

Maundy Thursday 2014: conspiracies

On Maundy Thursday you can plot for a good income. To do this, you need to throw a handful of coins into the water that you are going to wash the apartment while saying: “Money, spend money - don’t transfer, grow and multiply, don’t get to the enemy!”. On this day, they completed cleaning the house - they washed everything clean.

Washing the floors began at the threshold and ended in the farthest corner of the house; the water was taken out to the bushes or flower garden. It was considered obligatory on this day to wash with silvered water before sunset - this gave strength and beauty. To do this, they put a silver coin or a spoon, or other silver utensils in a mug or bowl of water, let it sit in the sun, and then washed themselves.

After washing the house, walking with church candle in the corners and after reading the “Our Father” three times, they began to prepare the dough for Easter cakes and paint the eggs.

Good Friday- or Good Friday. A day of sorrow and silence. Churches did not ring bells on this day, and homes were not allowed to rejoice, otherwise there would be grief for the rest of the year. It was also not customary to eat or drink before lunch - in honor of the crucified Christ and his torment on the cross.

Holy Saturday. I also planned to spend the day making final preparations to celebrate Easter. You cannot have fun or have fun on this day; you need to spend the day in prayer. Health and wealth awaited those who did not go to bed on the night from Saturday to Sunday.

Signs of Holy Week

People have long been associated with Holy Week, especially with Thursday and Friday. So, on Maundy Thursday they prepared salt in a special way: they took coarse table salt, pounded in a clean rag, then heated over a fire, pounded again and sifted. It was believed that according to signs, such salt cleanses human energy and protects against diseases. They ate colored eggs with Thursday salt at Easter.

On Maundy Thursday, money was attracted to the house. To do this, they carried out the following ritual: they put a handful of coins in the water for washing the floors and said, “Money, keep going - don’t run out, grow, multiply, don’t get it from the enemy!” After which they washed the floors with this water backwards - from the threshold to the far corner. In that far corner They put a handful of coins out of a bucket, and poured the water under a bush or tree. It was also believed that what more furniture will be moved in the room during cleaning, the richer the house will be.

Will accept on Good Friday - no less.

  • Loaf of bread baked in Good Friday, heals all diseases and never becomes moldy.
  • On Good Friday, under no circumstances should you pierce the ground with iron; whoever does this will be in trouble.
  • If washed clothes are hung out to dry on Good Friday, blood stains will appear on them.
  • If bees are transported on any day other than Good Friday, they will certainly die.
  • If you are thirsty on Good Friday, no drink will harm you for a whole year.
  • Rings blessed on Good Friday protect the wearer from all illnesses.
  • Easter bread saved from one Good Friday to the next prevents whooping cough.
  • Only parsley sown on Good Friday gives a double harvest.
  • Weaning babies on Good Friday is a sign that the baby will be strong, healthy and will live a happy life.
  • If it is cloudy on Good Friday, then the bread will be covered with weeds.
  • If it is dawn on Good Friday, then the wheat will be grainy.

And on Good Friday, twelve candles were brought into the house from the church and allowed to burn out completely: it was believed that this would bring prosperity and happiness to the house.

Before Happy Easter to be met Holy Week(we will tell you in the article what you can eat on the days before Easter). But what can you eat on a daily basis during this period?

Now we have to deal with this. For believers, this week is very important. During this period and until Easter, Christians pray and read the Bible. They remember Christ, who came to our Earth to cure us of various diseases, and left this world for our sins.

The fact is that throughout the week before Easter, not everything is allowed to be eaten. These 7 days are considered the strictest. From the first day to the seventh, every day is considered Great. During this important week, believers keep the strictest Fast.

Holy Week is a kind of memory of the last time of our savior and his terrible torment. During this week, people are rethinking their lives. Someone decides to repent, someone is simply in thought, and someone prays earnestly. This holy holiday means something different for everyone. This week the soul is cleansed of sinful thoughts. That is, abstinence occurs not only food, but also morally. During Holy Week you cannot be angry and swear - this is a great sin, just like eating meat with wine.

What not to do during Holy Week

Great Monday. We completed all repair work around the house, removed construction debris, and took out old, unnecessary things.

Great Tuesday. They finished repairing clothes, sewing, cutting, darning, ironing and the like. The meltwater collected this year was used to wash livestock to protect them from disease.

Great Wednesday. At night, from Tuesday to Wednesday, they took water from a river or well into a large jug or mug, and made the sign of the cross three times. At two o'clock in the morning they poured this water on themselves, leaving a little at the bottom, making the sign of the cross three times. Clean clothes were put on the wet body, and the remaining water was poured under a tree or bush. This meant the birth of a washed body and, according to signs, protected from illness for the whole year.

Maundy Thursday - or Maundy Thursday. Maundy Thursday falls on April 13th in 2017. Maundy Thursday or Maundy Thursday is the fourth day of Holy Week, the strictest week of Lent.

Swimming on Maundy Thursday has a symbolic meaning; on this day you need to wake up before sunrise and have time to swim.

It is believed that in this way, as in Epiphany bathing, a person washes away all his sins, and all ailments and illnesses will bypass him.

On Maundy Thursday you need to go to church for confession and communion. On this day, according to customs, it is customary to do general cleaning at home before Easter. It is after going to church on Maundy Thursday that you need to clean the house.

You need to clean very thoroughly, not superficially - you should wash all objects in the house, including the ceilings. There is a sign that if you clean your house well on Maundy Thursday, then the house will be clean for the entire next year. Again, cleanliness in the house will reflect the inner purity of the soul of a Christian believer.

In addition, it is necessary to wash all textiles and prepare traditional Easter food: Easter cakes and colored eggs.

Signs for Holy Week

It is on this day that you can get rid of many sins and improve your life. By following Easter signs and rituals, you can change your destiny for the better next year.

Here's what I know...

“If you want to be healthy all year round, be sure to take a swim before sunrise.” - Try it yourself and you will see that, indeed, this morning the water acquires wonderful healing properties. This water can wash away all the sins accumulated over the year.

Don’t indulge in laziness, but rather get up early on Maundy Thursday and wash yourself white in the shower, in the bath or in the bathhouse before dawn. If you cannot believe in the power of the magical Thursday water, then there will be no harm, cleanliness benefits everyone - both physical and mental.

There is a sure sign - if you do a spring cleaning on Maundy Thursday, you will receive a lot of joy for it.

In addition to the fact that the house will become clean, there is also such a religious element here that for six days after Maundy Thursday, religious people do not clean.

In addition, there is a popular belief that when you start a general cleaning of the house, you receive as a gift from the Lord the opportunity to find beloved and necessary items that seemed to be lost forever.

From time immemorial it was believed that if during Maundy Thursday all the money in the house was counted three times, then it would not be transferred to the family during the year. Counting money should be done early in the morning, at noon and at sunset. This must be done in secret not only from strangers, but also from all members of your household. Only then will there be any benefit from performing this ancient ritual.

And here it is money conspiracy on Maundy Thursday. If you wash your doors and windows with water containing change, then throughout the year your monetary income will grow by leaps and bounds!

The words of the conspiracy that need to be said when throwing a bucket or basin of water into a handful of coins:

“Money, keep it, don’t transfer it, grow it, multiply it, don’t get it from the enemy!”

and any other prayer that you know well. After all the doors and windows in your house have been washed, remove the change from the water and place it in a distant, but pre-washed, corner of your house or apartment for a week. Pour the water under any tree.

Place any silver item in a container of water overnight. And in the morning, on Good Friday, wash your face with this water, and for a year no evil spirits will be afraid of you.

If there is a baby in your house under the age of one year, then this procedure is especially indicated for him, since he cannot yet protect himself with the help of holy prayer. Therefore, we should take care of its protection.

Quarter salt can be prepared in two ways:

The first way: go to three neighbors or friends and ask them for a handful of salt, then mix it, preferably in a clay bowl, and use it as needed. They say that when added to the food and drink of a seriously and even terminally ill person, Thursday salt can help heal him.

The second way to prepare Thursday salt is this: pour a pack of salt into a frying pan and fry it, stirring constantly, while reading the “Our Father.” You will feel the readiness of the salt yourself.

Right after Palm Sunday, before Great Easter, the strictest six days of fasting begin, called Holy Week, Holy Week, Holy Week. In 2018, Holy Week begins on April 2. Often even those who did not hold strict fasting all days, these days they join fasting, the great sacrament of cleansing the soul, mind and body, in order to unite in a common impulse of gratitude and get closer to great secret Faith.

This week carries with it even greater strength and desire to share the hardships that the Lord endured before his Resurrection. This strict time requires even greater abstinence and even stricter behavior.

First of all, these days we should complete our spiritual cleansing, from everything that torments the heart, that torments the soul, through prayers, communion and confession we work through, let go and prepare for Happy Day Resurrection of Christ.

For believers, all the rules have long become a truism; for people who are a little far from the faith and the church and want to join, let’s talk about this topic.

Holy Week: what to do

IN Holy Week one should especially refrain from unrighteous deeds, bad deeds and thoughts, and avoid envy, callousness and malice. At this time, it is not advisable to organize noisy entertainment, holidays, laugh loudly, rejoice - this is a period of great sorrow. Helping those in need, caring for the sick, time for good deeds.

Continuing to cleanse the soul, this week they prepare their home for the holiday, renewing and transforming it.

We prepare food for the festive table in advance, eggs for dyeing, and carefully think through the details of the festive decoration.

During Lent, foods that contain meat, fish, poultry, and eggs are strictly prohibited. You should not consume dairy products, as well as chocolate, pasta, White bread, pickles, spices and alcohol.

Holy Monday

Holy Week begins on Holy Monday. Previously, on this day they usually put their yard in order, shallowed, cleaned, and repaired the outside. The weather does not always allow this, and there are fewer and fewer yards, so we immediately begin preparing for the holiday right from the home.

On this day, a lot of tidying begins. The house is cleared of old, bulky things.

On Monday you can eat raw vegetables and fruits, as well as bread, honey and nuts. It is recommended to eat once a day - in the evening.

Holy Tuesday

Groceries are being purchased for Easter. Women prepare medicinal infusions. Men should not even touch herbs, tinctures, powders.

Just like the previous day, raw fruits and vegetables, honey, nuts and bread are allowed. It is advisable to eat only in the evening.

Holy Wednesday

This is the day of washing and all sorts of wiping. On Wednesday, it is advisable to thoroughly wash, scrub the floors, and beat out the carpets. On Wednesday of Holy Week, a special ritual against all bodily infirmities was remembered. It was necessary to scoop up water with a mug from a well or from a barrel on the street, or draw water from a river. Having crossed themselves three times, they covered the mug with a clean or new towel, and at 2 a.m., having crossed themselves again three times, they doused themselves with this water, leaving a little in the mug. Afterwards, clothes were put on the wet body without drying, and the water that remained in the mug was poured onto a bush or flowers for up to 3 hours. They say that a body washed in this way is reborn.

You can also eat bread, vegetables and fruits, cold raw food without oil.

Maundy Thursday

The special day of this week is Thursday, called Maundy Thursday.

From early morning it is important for everyone to take a shower and a bath, this morning water has a special gift of cleansing, gives health and brings good luck for the whole year. We put on clean clothes.

We are finishing cleaning our house. After Maundy Thursday we don’t clean the house until next week.

It is also important to remember: starting from Thursday, nothing is given from home, from small things like salt to borrowed money.

It is believed that water on this day has special properties, is capable of healing, makes lotions and can be used in spells and rituals. It can be collected in a container and used throughout the year when you or someone in your household gets sick. For healing, Thursday water can be drunk or applied to the sore spot as a compress.

Cooking Thursday salt, is useful for those who perform rituals and spells: all family members throw a pinch of salt into a common bag, mix it and put it away. This salt stores the special energy of this day and the whole family. It is advisable to consecrate this salt in the Temple.

With pure thoughts and a tidy house, the sacred action begins on this day - baking Easter cakes and coloring eggs.

Thursday - on Maundy Thursday it was advised to cut your hair for the first time one year old child(before one year of age, cutting your hair was considered a sin), and girls were given the ends of their braids so that they would grow longer and thicker. All livestock were also advised to have their hair clipped for health and well-being.

There are many traditions associated with this day. On Maundy Thursday they cleaned the houses, washed and cleaned everything. It was customary to collect and burn juniper branches to fumigate homes and stables. It is believed that healing juniper smoke protects humans and animals from evil spirits and diseases.

There was also a belief that those demolished in Holy Thursday eggs eaten at Easter protect against illness, and egg shells buried in the ground in a pasture reliably protect livestock from the evil eye.

Starting from Maundy Thursday we prepared for festive table, painted and painted eggs. By ancient tradition Painted eggs were placed on sprouted green oats and wheat.

On Thursday morning they began baking Easter cakes, babas, small products made from wheat flour with images of crosses, lambs, doves, larks, as well as honey gingerbread. In the evening they prepared Easter.

Everyone in the family should take a handful of salt and pour it into one bag. This salt is removed and stored, and it is called “Thursday salt”, i.e. Maundy Thursday. You can use it to treat yourself, as well as your family and friends. This salt is used to make amulets for the family, livestock, garden, home, etc.

On Holy Wednesday and Maundy Thursday, it was customary to wash all domestic animals with water melted from snow - from cows to chickens - and burn the salt in the oven, which, according to folk beliefs, acquired healing properties from this. In some villages, at midnight on Maundy Thursday, women were also ordered to douse themselves with water to protect themselves from illness.

If you wash your face before dawn on Maundy (Clean) Thursday, you need to say: “I wash away what they put on me, what is toiling my soul and body, everything is removed on Maundy Thursday.”

On Easter morning they wash themselves with water left over from Maundy Thursday. It’s good to put a silver thing or a spoon in it, or maybe a coin. Wash for beauty and wealth. If a girl cannot get married, she needs to give the towel with which she dried herself on Maundy Thursday to people on Easter, to those who ask for alms, along with dyes and Easter cake. After this, they soon get married.

There was also a custom of burning crosses on doors and ceilings with a candle to protect the house from invasion. evil spirits. Passion candles were given into the hands of seriously ill people or those suffering from difficult childbirth; they have healing power. From Maundy Thursday it was forbidden to sweep the floor in the house until Easter.

On this day, you are allowed to eat hot vegetable food with vegetable oil twice a day.

Good Friday

Good Friday is a special day of compassion, on this day Jesus Christ was betrayed and crucified on the cross at Mount Golgotha. The Savior of the human race accepted martyrdom, thereby atonement for human sins. This is a day of special sorrow; it is not customary to work; the day should be dedicated to prayer.

There is a sign that any illness that happens on this day will be quickly cured.

Any problem that arises on this day will soon be well resolved.

Cooking on this day is going well. We continued to bake and prepare for Easter. “Angels help,” say pious people. On Friday they will sweep the corners with a rag; this rag will help get rid of lower back pain if you tie it around yourself. The same rag is used to wipe your feet in the bathhouse after washing so that your feet don’t hurt. Ash taken on the Friday before Easter will help cure alcoholism, black shaking, the evil eye and mortal melancholy.

On Good Friday, refrain from eating at all.

Holy Saturday

The last (quiet) tidy. You can also paint eggs. On this day, common holiday dishes are prepared. On Saturday they brought colored eggs, Easter cakes, Easter cakes and other items to church to be blessed. And before going to the service on Easter night, they left a treat on the table so that later they could break their fast. True, they ate little by little - only symbolically, after which they went to bed. But late on Sunday morning the real feast began, which lasted all week.

Of course, everything preparatory work: cooking and painting of eggs must be completed before Easter.

On Saturday you can eat hot vegetable food once a day, but without oil.

Preparations for the Easter holiday end on Saturday. We paint eggs, bake Easter cakes, if this could not be done on Maundy Thursday.

Holy Week 2018 began on April 2 and will last until Easter. Read what you can’t do on these days, what you can eat, signs and traditions of Holy Week.

Holy Week is the last few days before Easter. The Orthodox also call it Holy Week. She completes Lent. In 2018, Holy Week runs from Monday 2 April to Saturday 7 April. Each of these days has a special meaning and rules of behavior. You need to know what you can do during Holy Week and what you cannot do.

During Holy Week, day after day we remember the last days of the earthly life of Jesus Christ, we have the opportunity to be witnesses of these Gospel events, follow Christ.

During Holy Week, believers remember the suffering and martyrdom of Jesus Christ. Each of the six days of this time has its own meaning.

Holy Week 2018: what not to do, signs and traditions

Although Holy Week does not formally relate to Lent. But these days, entertainment, even the most innocent, is inappropriate. It is not advisable for believers to celebrate birthdays and weddings next week. During Holy Week, you need to show humility and purity of thoughts.

Many folk traditions of Holy Week have little in common with Orthodox canons, it's more likely folk customs. But they are also interesting.

Great Monday. Usually on this day they put things in order in the house: something can be painted, something can be repaired. It was believed that the bright sun on this day would bring a good, fruitful summer. People in Rus' washed themselves with water in which they placed gold and silver jewelry. This helped, according to beliefs, to preserve youth and financial well-being.

Maundy Tuesday. Festive clothes for Easter Sunday were prepared on Holy Tuesday. On the same day they continued to tidy up the house and could organize laundry.

Great Wednesday. The general cleaning began on Holy Wednesday and could continue on Maundy Thursday.

Maundy Thursday. On Thursday of Holy Week, a passionate candle was brought from church, which helped in the treatment of illnesses. On the same day you can prepare the so-called Thursday salt, having healing properties both for the person and for the relationship. To do this, ordinary salt is placed in a stove or oven for 10 minutes, and then blessed. Also on Maundy Thursday, housewives painted and painted eggs and prepared Easter cottage cheese.

Good Friday. On Good Friday, they bought candles in the church and burned them throughout the day in all rooms of the house. Easter cakes are baked on the same day. Before cooking, you need to read the “Our Father”.

Holy Saturday. On Holy Saturday, all believers mourn for the Savior. This day you should especially refrain from fun, intimate relationships, and alcohol. Easter cakes and Easter are blessed in churches. Finally, on Saturday night everyone gathers at church for Easter procession, Easter service and Liturgy.

If it is not possible to defend the All-Night Vigil, then it is still better not to go to bed. It is believed that this can attract good luck.

  • See also: 3

Holy Week 2018: what you can eat by day

During Holy Week 2018, all fasting restrictions apply. Moreover, during Holy Week the Orthodox try to fast more strictly than they fasted throughout Lent. For example, on Good Friday adults healthy people They don’t eat at all until the evening service.

Naturally, during the entire week you cannot eat food of animal origin: meat, milk and dairy products, eggs and dishes made from these components. Alcohol is strictly prohibited. Chocolate is undesirable - it may contain animal products. Baking - only lean and without the use of vegetable oil.

April 2, 2018, Great Monday - Monastic charter: dry eating (bread, vegetables, fruits);

April 3, 2018, Great Tuesday - Monastic charter: dry eating (bread, vegetables, fruits);

April 4, 2018, Great Wednesday - Monastic charter: dry eating (bread, vegetables, fruits);

April 5, 2018, Great Thursday. Remembrance of the Last Supper - Monastic Rules: dry eating (bread, vegetables, fruits);

April 6, 2018, Great Heel. Remembrance of the Holy Saving Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ - According to the monastic charter - complete abstinence from food;

April 7, 2018, Holy Saturday. Annunciation Holy Mother of God. — Wine is allowed at meals (fish and oil are not allowed);

And yet fasting and all kinds of restrictions during Holy Week are not an end in itself. Orthodox priests they say that all this is done in order to try to feel and understand that Christ is somewhere very close. That His suffering and resurrection are something completely modern and relevant. This is not about ancient history, this is about us. When you manage to feel this at least a little, then all the questions about what you can do and what you cannot do during Holy Week disappear.

This holiday will begin on April 10. It is believed that the holiday is dedicated to last days life of Jesus Christ. Each day has its own permitted and prohibited foods, this must be taken into account, otherwise Holy Week will not be observed.

Description of the church holiday

There are many ways to celebrate Holy Week; this article will discuss the main activities of a believer during this period. Of course, one cannot talk about the church charter in such a dry manner - after all, Holy Week is a predecessor Happy Easter which foreshadows new round your life, you can’t treat it so dryly.

Good Monday, for example, requires adherence to the principle of “dry food”, which neglects various fruits, and one cannot eat processed foods. But you can also play sports and carry out your usual activities, of course, remembering that a believer needs to observe great amount rules

You need to eat exclusively as predicted. That is, you cannot determine your diet at your own will, you are a believer! You need to understand and be aware of your place in this ever-changing society. Otherwise, you can lose yourself in this way, drive yourself into depression. completely forget how to live correctly. And this is very bad, because everyone needs God in their heart, but you cannot anger him - you can send a terrible curse on yourself.

Yes, by not observing Holy Week according to all the rules, you can also incur the wrath of Jesus, and you may then very, very many times regret your rash decision, which is detrimental not only to physical but also to moral health, which cost you such punishment, You should not be too confident in yourself regarding this decision, otherwise you may completely forget about your situation. A believer must be aware of his place.

Until April 16, it will be possible to enjoy this holiday, which brings the highest enlightenment to all believing families, does not bring anything bad and is one of the holiest weeks in the whole world.

Description by day of the week

You only need to drink water; for Great Monday, water is the most important thing. Together with moisture, you must pull out all the violence from yourself, it is very well used in various places, but you may not notice how everything was immediately resolved - you need to understand that you can’t sin on Holy Monday either. We must understand everything that exists in the world.

  • On Wednesday you don’t have to bother at all - just eat what you already had. The environment is not different at all, that is, the “hunger strike” has not yet set in here. You do not need to atone for your sins, you are literally sanctified by God himself, if, of course, you understand your faith.
  • On Maundy Thursday, plant foods are needed, this is where people’s “weight loss” begins. Must be consumed vegetable oil in food, so as not to gain much weight, but also to feel that you, too, can live in the same free way as you lived before.

  • Friday is the most mournful day; on this day you can’t even drink Cahors. It’s absolutely impossible, you could anger God, who is already displeased with the fact that Friday is coming during this Holy Week. What to do? Definitely give up Cahors, so that you don’t have to do such a thing, you need to come to this on your own, not just “Anyhow,” but to do what needs to be done.
  • Saturday is a great day on which the complete cleansing of the soul and victory over evil begins. You should not neglect this, since it is victory over evil that can give you a new, divine appearance. It’s not like Friday, on Friday you may not have any insight at all, but if you can normally sacrifice yourself to Christ, then you too will have divine repentance, don’t forget about the rituals!
  • You should forget about gambling and from various kinds of events there will only be problems, otherwise the holiday will be extremely useless for you, you will forget about your divine affiliation and will become only unnecessary sinners in the person of divine forces, who will be disappointed in you and will no longer patronize your undertakings, and this is extremely terrible, you should not neglect this matter.