Crescent is an excellent remedy for improving potency. Common cress: description, application and meaning

There are many natural remedies to eliminate erectile dysfunction. One of them is rape (zhelatnitsa, barvarka), which is found on Russian, European territory and even on other continents. The plant can be found in forested, swampy areas, along roads, and near ponds. Medicinal properties rapeseeds restore the functions of the male reproductive system, have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, support the immune system and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Substances in the plant

The herb is recommended to be taken as medicine, blocking sexual disorders and improving sperm production. The plant alleviates prostatitis and cures erectile dysfunction. Urologists associate the effects of rapeseed with the components that make up its composition:

  • Omega-3 acids, as well as erucic acid.
    They regulate the amount of cholesterol in the blood and are responsible for rejuvenating the body;
  • Flavonoids and fiber.
    Strengthen vascular system, improve blood flow to the penis and restore erection;
  • Vitamins B and C.
    They prevent inflammation in the body, including the genitourinary system;
  • Sinigrin and essential oils.
    The first enzyme is found only in mustard seeds and rapeseed. Produces hemoglobin, blocks stress. The second component eliminates depression and increases sexual libido.

Crescent is taken mainly as a tincture. Herbalists collect leaves, seeds, inflorescences and roots of cress. In addition to restoring erection, the plant reduces the risk of infertility and prostate cancer. Folk preparations based on rapeseed should be taken for 2 weeks - 3 months.

Reception features

To eliminate erectile dysfunction, traditional medicine recommends following methods plant intake:

Compositions that increase potency and improve spermatogenesis

Use the entire above-ground part of the plant (stem, seeds, inflorescences, leaves) or only flowers with seeds. To do this, pour 1-1.5 tablespoons of dry plant into 200 ml of boiling water. The infusion is kept for 3-4 hours and filtered.

There are two ways to take the decoction. If it was made from the ground part, then you need to drink 50 or before meals 4 times a day. When only flowers and seeds were used for preparation, take 1-2 teaspoons 5 times a day. The course of treatment is about a month.

Powder to restore erection

The root part is used, preferably dried. Use a coffee grinder or blender to grind it to a powder. Eat 1.5 g of the composition with water every 3 days. Therapy takes about 21 days.

Herbal mixture for chronic prostatitis and unstable erection

Crescent seeds (2 tablespoons) are combined into equal parts with carrots, coriander, parsley, chives and plantain. Everything is crushed into powder, poured into 500 ml hot water and boils. Infuse for about 8 hours, strain. Take 100 ml before breakfast and before bed.

Tincture to increase libido

20 g of colza is crushed, 200 ml of boiling water is poured. You need to infuse the composition for about 3 hours, in a dark place. It is best to take it before meals (breakfast, lunch, lunch and dinner). You need to drink 2 cups of broth.

Tincture for low sperm activity

30 g of rapeseed is poured with 500 ml of vodka. The composition is infused for 2 weeks, in a dark place, shaken daily. The tincture is filtered. Take 2 teaspoons three times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

If you don’t have time to prepare tinctures and decoctions, try adding the plant to your dishes. Its aphrodisiac properties increase potency and eliminate erectile dysfunction.

Cooking Casanova

Thanks to a composition similar to mustard, rapeseed can be used to prepare your favorite dishes. They use stems, leaves, root systems, flowers and shoots. To restore full erectile function, prepare:

Vitamin salad

Wash and chop the leaves young plant. Add green onions, parsley and 1 boiled egg to them. It is recommended to season the dish vegetable oil and eat as a side dish.

Healthy soup

100 g of potatoes are added to the meat or fish broth. After it is half cooked, add 10 g of parsley root, 50 g of carrots, 30 g of onions and 100 g of chopped rape leaves to the soup. Cook for about 10 minutes.

Delicious puree

Scald the rape leaves with boiling water and cut into pieces. Chop the onions and carrots and add them to the rapeseed. Simmer for a few minutes and serve as a side dish.

Dishes and tinctures made from rapeseed are a godsend for the male body. They restore erection, increase sperm production, and save from prostatitis and impotence. But people suffering from kidney disease should be careful when using the plant. Before taking the plant into medicinal purposes Be sure to consult a urologist.

Common cress belongs to the Brassica family and is a biennial herbaceous plant. It is also commonly called pea or spring rape.

Crescent is found everywhere in fields and meadows


This plant is characterized by a taproot system. The stem is erect and bare, and branched at the top. The plant reaches a height of 35 to 70 cm. The cress has mostly lyre-pinnate leaves, with the exception of the basal and lower leaves. They belong to the petiolate leaves (several lateral oblong and large heart-shaped). The leaves at the top of the stem are sessile, entire and serrated at the edges.

Crescent flowers are yellow in color and are four-membered in the form of a double perianth. The flowers are collected in a raceme and have five stamens. The fruit is presented in the form of a tetrahedral pod, which consists of many brown seeds.

Crescent flowers bright yellow color


Today, science knows up to 20 types of colza, which are found in all corners of the world. In Russia, colza is presented in three types:

  • arcuate cress (Barbarea arcuata);
  • common cress (Barbarea vilgaris);
  • pressed or straight colza (Barbarea stricta).

Where does it grow?

Common cress can be found in fields, meadows or near roads, because it grows like a weed. It usually grows in moist soils, although it is not picky. The plant is distributed on many continents of the world in temperate zone. In Russia, rapeseed can be found in Western Siberia and in the European part of the country.

Since ancient times, the plant has been cultivated in China, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Pakistan and Iran.

Crepes can be found in any forest clearing

Method of making spices

  • the plant is harvested during the flowering period;
  • dry well by spreading it on paper in a room with good ventilation;
  • Store up to one year in cotton bags.

As a spice, rapeseed has a unique taste, with a slight bitterness. Therefore, it should not be abused. It must be added to the salad according to individual taste preferences. No spice strong odor, it smells like ordinary grass.

Dry colza herb can be purchased in pharmacies


  • the plant is an excellent honey plant, because its productivity is up to 50 kg per 1 hectare;
  • not picky;
  • blooms from May to July;
  • the fruits ripen only in August and September;
  • the leaves of the plant taste like mustard;
  • greens scalded with boiling water are soft and tasty.

Crescent honey has a greenish-yellow color and a pleasant taste. It is used to feed bee colonies.

Crescent honey has floral aroma and pleasant taste

Chemical composition

Unfortunately, today the full composition of the plant has not been studied, but it has already been proven that common cress consists of:

  • fatty oil contained in the seeds (36%);
  • flavonoids in aerial parts (5.4%);
  • mustard oil;
  • glycosides different types;
  • saponins;
  • thioglycosides;
  • organic acids in leaves;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • B vitamins.

Thioglycosides may cause intestinal upset or enteritis. The most toxic are the seeds, because they accumulate a huge amount of toxins. Animals usually suffer from colza. If you give them a lot of fresh grass, the result may be poisoning.


The composition of colza fatty oil includes the following acids:

  • linolenic;
  • linoleic;
  • oleic;
  • stearic;
  • palmitic.

Rapeseed oil is rich in essential fatty acids Omega-3, but unrefined oil contains little-studied erucic acid. Therefore, only refined oil is used in cooking, in which the content of erucic acid is strictly regulated. Rapeseed oil is very useful for people suffering from atherosclerosis, it helps fight “bad” cholesterol.

Crescent oil is used in industrial production and cooking

Beneficial features

  • the roots have a diuretic effect;
  • seeds are used for laxative effect;
  • leaves have wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • the plant has a mild effect on blood composition and protective functions the whole body.

You can find out more information about rapeseed from the video of the TV show “1000 and One Spice of Scheherazade.”


  • rapeseed seeds are poisonous to animals, so they should not be used to feed pets and birds;
  • the plant should be used for food with caution, because huge quantities rapeseed can lead to poisoning of the body.


  • with increased bleeding;
  • if there are stones in bladder or kidneys;
  • with inflammatory processes of the intestine;
  • for stomach ulcers.

Crescent can be consumed by everyone, even children. People who have the above problems can also take the plant for health, but only in reasonable measures.

The medicinal collection of cress has a number of contraindications


IN folk medicine It is customary to use colza juice to treat paralysis, kidney disease, apoplexy and epilepsy. Freshly squeezed juice helps men with insufficient sperm production.

The juice is used for healing, regeneration of skin cells, and also disinfects tissues and resists infection. A solution of juice and water is used to wash wounds, including purulent ones, because cress accelerates their healing.

Juice from fresh grass can be obtained using a meat grinder. The crushed mass should be squeezed through medical gauze. You can also use a juicer to obtain juice.

The juice can be taken 4 times a day, 30 ml each, to treat many diseases.

Crescent is called “male herb”, as its juice helps in the treatment of prostatitis and azoospermia


In cooking

  • Side dishes, purees and soups are prepared from rape greens;
  • young leaves are used as a spice or used in salads;
  • yellow oil, which is obtained from the seeds, is used to make butter dough in bakery and confectionery products;
  • Young colza leaves can be used boiled or raw.

For culinary purposes, unopened inflorescences and young leaves of the plant are mainly used. After heat treatment, the plant loses its bitterness, and its taste is similar to cabbage, so it is widely used in making soups. It is worth paying attention that you need to cook the colza no more than three minutes so that it does not lose its taste. Flowers can be baked in batter.

The plant is especially popular in cooking in Canada and America.

Crepes will highlight the taste of salmon in this light salad.

Rolls made from zucchini, cottage cheese, nuts and young colza greens - a light and healthy snack

Stewed rapeseed - a light side dish

Recipe for spring salad from crepes

You need to take equal proportions of green onions and colza leaves, chop finely and add an egg. Then add salt to taste and season the salad with mayonnaise or sour cream. Salad ready.

Spring salad with colza - will help cope with spring vitamin deficiency

In medicine

  • tones up the activity of everything human body;
  • has a diuretic effect on the body;
  • helps heal wounds;
  • increases appetite;
  • fights chronic constipation;
  • with paralysis or dropsy;
  • increases oxygen saturation of brain tissue;
  • used as an antiscorbutic;
  • increases sexual activity a decoction of the seeds or roots of the plant;
  • for general weakness of the body and fatigue, tea is prepared from the herb;
  • for nervous disorders;
  • restores the body after a stroke or heart attack;
  • improves sleep.

For medicinal purposes, only the ground part of the colza is used, because its leaves contain a lot of ascorbic acid, and the seeds contain a lot of thioglycosides.

Crescent decoction is a general tonic

Recipes for tincture of dry colza

First option:

  • 20 grams of plant;
  • 200 grams of water.

It is necessary to bring water to a boil and pour it over the herb, then wait three hours and strain the tincture through a strainer. You should consume 400 grams 4 times a day to forget about swelling, strengthen the body and improve your health.

Second option:

  • 40 grams of grass;
  • 200 grams of water.

Need to fill the grass hot water, wait three hours and strain the tincture before drinking. It is recommended to take 50 ml of tincture 4 times a day after meals to get rid of swelling. This recipe is suitable for the treatment of hypovitaminosis and paralysis.

At home

In everyday life it is used:

  • for decorative purposes, because the plant has beautiful view;
  • The fatty oil of the plant is used in soap production;
  • A natural dye is made from yellow colza flowers, which is used to dye fabrics, for example, silk.

A bouquet of rapeseed will decorate your home and fill the meadows with aromas


In floriculture they are used for decoration. different shapes common rapeseed:

  • Barbarea vulgaris arcuata;
  • Barbarea vulgaris "Flore Pleno";
  • Barbarea vulgaris var. hirsuta (Herb-Barbaras);
  • Barbarea vulgaris "Variegata";
  • Barbarea vulgaris "Variegated Winter";
  • Barbarea vulgaris "Variegated Winter Cream".


Crescent is a weed, so special costs does not require when growing. It grows well in moist soils, fields and meadows, near water bodies. It can be found in open areas with sparse vegetation.

Creas should be harvested during the flowering period. The stems, flowers, leaves and young pods are collected.

Common cress is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Brassica family. Grows all over the globe, preferring places with temperate climate. Crescent is found along roads, in fields, meadows and vegetable gardens as a weed. Crescent is used as a spice or salad greens in cooking, and also as a healing agent in folk and official medicine. The plant is considered conditionally poisonous, but poses a great danger to insects and birds: if consumed in moderation, colza is not harmful to humans.


All parts of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials - roots, seeds, stems, leaves, flowers and young pods. Crescent grass is harvested during flowering. Dry the collected grass in the shade or well-ventilated areas, spreading out thin layer. It is recommended to store dried raw materials in fabric or paper bags for no longer than one year. Crescent roots are harvested in the fall - dug up, washed and dried well in ventilated areas or special dryers.

Composition and scope

Common rapeseed contains: glycosides, mustard oil, vitamins C and B, saponins, linolenic, oleic, stearic and other acids, fatty oils, fiber. Thanks to its composition, the plant has a diuretic, decongestant, laxative, and anticonvulsant effect on the human body.
Treatment with colza is recommended for:

  • hypovitaminosis C;
  • chronic fatigue, weakness;
  • diseases nervous system(including paralysis, epilepsy);
  • anorexia (stimulates appetite);
  • decreased sexual activity;
  • male infertility;
  • chronic constipation;
  • edema of cardiac and renal origin;
  • urolithiasis in the initial stage.


Infusion for swelling and cramps:

  • 1 tbsp. colza herbs;
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water

Pour boiling water over the colza and leave to steep for three hours. Then strain the infusion and add boiled water to the original volume. Drink 1/4 glass three times a day 20 minutes before meals.
Decoction for swelling:

  • 4 tbsp. colza leaf;
  • 1 liter of boiling water.

Add the colza to boiling water and leave to simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Then strain the broth, add boiled water to the original volume and leave to infuse for 8 hours. Take 50 ml 4 times a day half an hour before meals. The recommended course of treatment is two weeks.

Strengthening tea:

  • 1 tsp colza herbs;
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water

Pour boiling water over the colza and let it brew for 5-7 minutes. Drink no more than three glasses of tea per day. The course of treatment is up to 30 days. Collea tea is especially useful in spring and autumn.

Cleansing collection:

  • common cress;
  • plantain;
  • St. John's wort;
  • sage;
  • nettle.

Prepare a collection from the indicated plants, taking them in equal quantities. To prepare a medicinal infusion, pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 40 minutes. Strain and drink 1/2 glass twice a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 21 days. At the same time as taking the cleansing infusion, it is recommended to follow a diet: do not consume fried, spicy, fatty foods, alcoholic drinks, etc.

Crepes for men

Infusion for male weakness and infertility:

  • 1 tbsp. colza herbs;
  • 300 ml boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the colza, close the lid and let it brew for 1.5-2 hours. Drink 1/4 glass four times a day 15 minutes before meals. Recommended course of treatment: three weeks, then two weeks off and again three weeks on (optional).

Decoction for impotence:

  • 1 tbsp. cress roots;
  • 300 ml cold water.

Chop the roots, add water and cook over low heat. Bring the mixture to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and let sit for 2 hours. Strain the broth and drink 1/3 cup three times a day.
Also, for sexual weakness, you can take 1.5 grams colza root powder Once every 3-4 days, washed down with water, for 2-3 weeks.

Tincture to increase sperm motility:

  • 30 g colza herb;
  • 500 ml vodka.

Grind the herb, add vodka and put it in a dark place to infuse for two weeks. Shake the container with tincture every day. Then strain the resulting mixture. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Juice for spermatogenesis: To increase the sperm count, you can drink 30 ml of fresh colza grass juice 2-3 times a day for 1-2 months.
Collection for male infertility:

  • rapeseed seeds;
  • carrot seeds;
  • parsley seeds;
  • plantain seeds;
  • coriander seeds;
  • nigella onion seeds;
  • 500 ml boiling water per 2 tbsp. seeds

Mix the seeds in equal proportions. Take two tablespoons of the resulting mixture, grind it into powder, add boiling water and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Remove the resulting broth from the heat and leave to steep for 8 hours. Then strain the medicine. Take half a glass in the morning and evening half an hour before meals.


Cress should be used with great caution when:

  • pregnancy;
  • stomach ulcers and inflammatory bowel processes;
  • increased fragility of blood vessels and bleeding;
  • the presence of stones in the kidneys and bladder.

Sphere of Protection cultivated plants involves the use of quarantine, physical, biological and chemical methods. A complex approach to get rid of weeds gives a good effect, allowing you to significantly save the crop on the field. A preliminary analysis of the economic threshold of harmfulness of using one or another is carried out. protective agent. If a weed crop appears on crops, treatment with herbicides is practiced in compliance with the established doses and timing. Effective innovative drugs are developed and marketed by the biomedical company Bayer. They are widely used in agriculture to combat such a weed as common cress (Barbarea vulgaris).

Photo and description of common cress

A root-sucking herb called common rape, as seen in the photo, has a branched, bare and in most cases straight stem that can grow up to 80 cm.

Distinctive features of the weed:

  • Common cress has root system rod type, cotyledon leaves broadly elliptical, alternate - with long petioles, basal and lower located on the stem.
  • The upper (sessile) leaves on the stem are elongated or obovate.
  • When the common cress blooms, you can see lush pyramidal panicles of yellow color.
  • During the first year of life, the common weed does not bloom, but only forms a root that overwinters.

From spring (April-May), the weed produces strong shoots from a shallow soil depth (1-4 cm) at a temperature of 8 degrees Celsius and, thus, begins to bloom and then bear fruit in mid-summer, from the second year of the growing season. When describing the common cress, you can pay attention to the characteristic leguminous fruits of a round-tetrahedral, oblong-linear shape with seeds.

At maximum fertility, the weed produces up to 10 thousand oval-flattened, grayish-brown seeds. Reproduction of harmful herbaceous plant on cultivated crops occurs both by seeds and root shoots (from the neck of the root). Common cress can be seen mainly where there are sufficiently loose and fertile, as well as moist soils. She blooms on the crops perennial herbs, on pastures and fallow lands, fallows. Due to its early and rapid growth in height, the common colza significantly inhibits the development of spring and winter grain crops.

How to deal with common cress

Among the measures to combat common rape is mowing the flowering panicles of the plant during flowering, when the grass reaches a height of 40 cm. In the autumn, after harvesting the crops, shallow plowing with pre-sowing harrowing and cultivation is used. Effective method destruction - application of highly selective herbicides offered by Bayer in the early stages of grassy weed development. These are Secateurs Turbo, Sapsan, Musket, Estet and others. For example, the innovative formulation, along with a wide spectrum of action and selectivity to the main crop, allows the use of the herbicide Secateur Turbo against common cress, as well as on crops throughout the entire agricultural season.

The drug is an oil dispersion containing iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium (25 g/l), amidosulfuron (100 g/l) and the antidote mefenpyr-diethyl (250 g/l). When treating weeds (at a consumption rate of 0.1 l/ha), it is quickly absorbed through the surface of the leaves and accumulates at growth points. By disrupting the process of amino acid synthesis, the drug leads to yellowing of the leaves of the common colza, which occurs a week after its use. After the second week, chlorotic spots can be seen on the weed. The final death of the plant that infests the crops occurs after about a month.

It is important to choose right time for processing - it is usually carried out in the early phases of plant development and in the phase of inflorescence formation. To provide effective protection It is enough to apply the herbicide once to the crops. If necessary, Secateur Turbo is used as part of a tank mixture with 2,4-D or with the pesticide MCPA (2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid).

Bayer is one of the largest developers and suppliers of fungicides, herbicides, disinfectants and other innovative chemicals systemic and selective action. The company offers to purchase effective means protection of fruit, grain, winter and spring crops, vegetables and grapes. Pre-emergence and post-emergence graminicides, herbicides and other preparations are sold in packages of various sizes.

Prostatitis ranks high on the list of the most common male ailments. If previously it was considered a disease of mature men, now prostatitis has become much younger. The first manifestations of this insidious urological disease, which causes inflammation in the prostate gland, occur today in men after 25-30 years of age. First of all, the disease does not spare those representatives of the stronger sex who lead a sedentary lifestyle (office workers, drivers, programmers). By the age of 50, prostatitis occurs in every second Russian.

Not all men, having discovered symptoms of the disease, go to the urologist, thereby aggravating the course of the disease. For such an irresponsible attitude towards their health, they then pay with problems with potency, infertility, the development of renal failure, adenoma and prostate cancer. But all these unpleasant consequences can be avoided if you do not delay. Moreover, this disease can be combated not only with the help of the achievements of modern medicine, but also by using medicinal plants.

The benefits of cress for the male body

Common colza is extremely beneficial for men's health. This grass is familiar to every resident middle zone Russia, owning his own vegetable garden or orchard. It is a plant reaching 60 cm in height. It blooms with golden-yellow flowers collected in racemes. The flowering period of the plant begins in May and lasts until the end of July. It is at this time that colza should be collected and prepared for medicinal purposes. In the production of medicinal raw materials, leaves, flowers, roots, young shoots, pods and stems of the plant are used. Drying colza should be done in a room with good ventilation, open veranda or attic. Dried grass is placed in paper bags or cardboard boxes and stored in dry rooms for no more than one year.

Today, rapeseed is treated like a weed; it is mercilessly pulled out and thrown away, without realizing its healing properties. However, this plant is very useful; it was used as a medicine back in Ancient Greece. Modern herbalists advise using colza for the treatment of prostatitis, adenoma, male infertility and impotence. On this beneficial features Herbs do not run out, it helps restore the body after a heart attack, fights chronic constipation, improves immunity and supports the nervous system.

Since ancient times, rapeseed has been used in the treatment of prostatitis. It helps reduce the inflammatory process in the prostate gland, improves spermatogenesis and has a beneficial effect on the condition male potency. There are many ways to combat prostatitis using common cress. This plant is equally effective both dry and fresh.

Healing infusions of colza

To treat inflammation in the prostate gland, it is useful to take an infusion, which will require 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped fresh or dry colza herb (it is recommended to take all parts of the plant) and 1 cup of boiling water. The herb is placed at the bottom of an enamel container, filled with water, covered tightly with a lid, wrapped in a blanket and left for 3 hours.

The infusion is filtered through a strainer and taken 1/4 cup (50 ml) 4 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment should last up to 3 months, after which it is recommended to take a two-week break and drink the colza infusion for another 3 months.

For the next recipe you will only need colza roots. Dried or fresh plant roots are washed, crushed and poured cold water based on 1 tbsp. spoon of grass roots per 300 ml of liquid. The roots are boiled over low heat for 5 minutes, then removed from the stove and left for another 2 hours. When the specified time has passed, filter the broth and take 1/3 of a glass three times a day 20 minutes before meals. The healing decoction is drunk until the unpleasant symptoms disappear completely.

You can use a collection of medicinal herbs, which includes cress seeds. To prepare it, you need to take equal parts of the seeds:

  • carrots;
  • coriander;
  • onions;
  • parsley;
  • lanceolate plantain;
  • rapeseeds.

The prepared components are mixed, ground in a coffee grinder or ground in a mortar. The resulting powder will become the basis for preparing a decoction for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. This medicine is best prepared in the evening. 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed seeds are placed in an enamel pan, pour 500 ml of boiling water, cover the container with a lid and set to simmer for 30 minutes on low heat. After half an hour, remove the pan from the heat and carefully wrap it warm blanket and leave overnight. In the morning, filter the infusion and drink 100 ml half an hour before breakfast and 200 ml before bed. Take the medicine for a month, then take a two-week break and drink the infusion for another 30 days.

Other folk recipes from rapeseed

In the treatment of prostatitis, you can use juice squeezed from the stems and leaves of the common colza. In order to forget about this disease, it is enough to drink 2 full tablespoons 4 times a day after eating. spoons of this juice. Traditional healers To get rid of inflammatory processes in the prostate, men are advised to drink cress juice for 2 months. In addition to prostatitis, this method will help the stronger sex get rid of prostate adenoma.

Even if a man does not complain about his health, it would not hurt for him to eat a vitamin salad, which includes fresh leaves of rapeseed, celery, dandelion, beets and green onions. All components are taken in equal proportions, finely chopped and seasoned with vegetable oil. This salad can be prepared throughout the entire flowering period of the cress. In addition, it will saturate the male body with vitamins and support the immune system.

When treating with rapeseed, it is necessary to take into account that this herb should not be taken by people who:

  • there are problems with blood clotting;
  • urolithiasis or cholelithiasis is diagnosed.

Before starting treatment for prostatitis with colza, the patient must consult a urologist.