DIY drilling machine from a small motor. How to assemble homemade tabletop drilling machines? Guide vertical post

Handmade drilling machine allows you to drill holes in different materials at a sufficient quality level at home.

  1. Homemade drilling machine – who needs it and why?
  2. How to make a drill press from a drill?
  3. Do-it-yourself drilling machine on the base asynchronous motor

1 Homemade drilling machine - who needs it and why?

Drilling in the extensive list of all kinds of plumbing operations is considered among specialists to be the most accessible and truly simple procedure. It is usually performed on special drilling units, which can have different functionality and some design features. The modern machine tool industry produces many types of drilling machines, ranging from very simple ones (for example, the 2A135 machine) to CNC units that have several spindles.

It is clear that in most cases the home craftsman simply does not need such machines, since they are intended for performing serial operations. And in everyday life it is usually necessary to carry out some single procedure.

It is for this reason that many home craftsmen decide to make a basic drilling machine with their own hands, using those parts and available materials that are available in any private garage.

As a rule, radio amateurs, as well as people who themselves perform simple household tasks, are excited about the idea of ​​​​making a homemade mini-rig for drilling. renovation work. In some cases, a simple electric drill is sufficient for this. But, if we are talking about more serious procedures, the drill, of course, is not able to guarantee normal quality and accuracy of drilling. That’s when it makes sense to start making your own mini-machine on which you can install different types drills

2 How to make a drilling machine from a drill?

In home workshops, such drilling equipment is most often found due to its simplicity. self-made. You don't need materials high strength and any special devices. The mini hole drilling machine includes just four key components:

  • a bed that serves as the base of the machine;
  • rotation mechanism (in our case, its role is played by an electric drill);
  • feeder;
  • vertical stand.

The stand is usually made of ordinary chipboard or boards, since the small weight of the drill does not require the use of more durable materials. But it is better to make the bed as massive as possible. This will ensure the absence of vibrations during the drilling process, and therefore more comfortable work.

Craftsmen advise using a relatively thick (from 2 centimeters) furniture board for the base of the unit. The ideal option is to use an old photographic enlarger for the manufacture of the frame and stand. It will only need to be modified a little to really get reliable design mini-machine for household use.

Drilling quality and accuracy homemade unit depends on the correct connection of the frame and the vertical post. Therefore, this part of the work must be approached as responsibly as possible. It is recommended to cut two guides from steel strips, which are then connected to the stand with screws. The block with the drill will move along the indicated guides.

The block itself must be made so that it holds securely electric drill. This is easy to achieve using small steel clamps. It is also advisable to place a small rubber spacer between the block and the drill. It will significantly reduce vibration and make the installation process more comfortable.

The feed mechanism of a drilling machine from a drill is a simple lever that will move the block with the tool in the vertical direction. This mechanism It is advisable to provide a spring with relatively high elasticity and power. One end of the spring should rest against a stationary device mounted on the stand. wooden beam, the other - into the block.

If you want to achieve maximum convenience in working with a home-made machine and do not plan to periodically remove the electric drill, it is recommended that you simply disassemble its switch and mount a separate button on the frame, with which you will start and turn off your drilling unit. As you can see, everything is quite simple. Any more or less handy man can make himself a small and convenient machine from a drill.

3 DIY drilling machine based on an asynchronous motor

Any owner in the garage, basement or somewhere on the balcony of the apartment stores many electric motors from electrical units that have served their useful life. From these, it is quite possible to choose a motor that will become the propulsion device for a mini-drilling machine. Ideal option in this case, an asynchronous type motor mounted on drum washing units is recognized.

The work of creating a home drilling rig based on an old electric motor is much more difficult than using a drill. But they can also be accomplished, armed with a certain amount of patience and perseverance. It is important to realize here that the motor from the washing machine has more serious weight. And the power of such a “motor” is much higher than that of an electric drill. This means that you will have to take care of preparing a “mighty” rack and base for the machine being created.

Experts say that the vibration level of a unit based on an asynchronous motor can be reduced by installing it on a powerful base, as well as by placing it closer to a vertical stand. But it is necessary to remember that the close location of the rack and the motor can complicate the design homemade machine, which is caused by the need to install belt pulleys.

To make a drilling rig using an electric motor from a washing machine, among other things, you will need the following parts:

  • gear;
  • bearings in the amount of two pieces;
  • hexagon;
  • two tubes of small thickness (one of them must have an internal thread);
  • clamping ring (preferably made of durable material, such as tool steel).

A hexagon is required to make the moving part of the machine transmission device. A pulley will be put on it. You also need to attach a metal tube with a bearing and a steel ring to the hexagon. It is important to achieve a very tight connection of these components with each other, since otherwise they will completely collapse during vibration (not immediately, but quite quickly).

The adjustment complex of the unit is made of a gear and a tube on which cuts need to be made. They contain gear teeth. The specified tube is made of such a height that the drill chuck rises by a given amount. An axle with a hexagon is then pressed into the same tube.

From the described diagram it is clear that it is quite difficult to manufacture a machine with an asynchronous motor. Therefore, we can advise doing it by analogy with the previous process, when an electric drill was used. But be prepared for the fact that the resulting machine, unfortunately, will not be characterized by particularly accurate drilling.

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In this article, we will look at various mechanical pipe benders that can be used by hand, using only muscle.

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Band saw machine (band saws)

Non-ferrous metals and alloys

Structural steels and alloys

  • Do-it-yourself desktop drilling machine: diagrams and drawings

    You don't have to spend money on a benchtop drill press because it's not that difficult to make your own. To do this, you will need to purchase, manufacture or use used parts. We will tell you about creating several designs, and you can choose your model for assembly.

    Almost every owner who is building or renovating his house or apartment, repairing household and gardening equipment, various crafts made of metal and wood. But for some operations, a drill is not enough: you need special precision, you want to drill a hole at a right angle in a thick board, or you just want to make your work easier. To do this, you will need a machine that can be made on the basis of various drives, machine parts or household appliances, other available material.

    The type of drive is a fundamental difference in the designs of homemade drilling machines. Some of them are made using a drill, mostly electric, others using motors, most often from unnecessary household appliances.

    Tabletop drilling machine made from drill

    The most common design can be considered a machine made from a hand or electric drill, which can be made removable, so that it can be used outside the machine, or stationary. In the latter case, the switching device can be moved to the frame for greater convenience.

    Main elements of the machine

    The main elements of the machine are:

    The base or frame can be made from a solid cut hardwood, furniture board or chipboard. Some people prefer a metal plate, channel or tee as a base. The bed must be massive to ensure structural stability and compensate for vibrations during drilling to produce neat and accurate holes. The size of the frame made of wood is at least 600x600x30 mm, of sheet steel - 500x500x15 mm. For greater stability, the base can be made with eyes or holes for bolts and attached to the workbench.

    The stand can be made of timber, round or square in cross-section steel pipe. Some craftsmen use the frame of an old photographic enlarger, a substandard school microscope, and other parts that have a suitable configuration, strength and weight as a base and stand.

    The drill is secured using clamps or brackets with a hole in the center. The bracket is more reliable and provides greater accuracy when drilling.

    Design features of the drill feed mechanism

    The feed mechanism is needed to move the drill vertically along the stand and can be:

    • spring;
    • articulated;
    • screw jack type design.

    Depending on the type of mechanism adopted, the type and structure of the rack will also differ.

    The drawings and photos show the basic designs of tabletop drilling machines, which can be made from electrical and hand drill.

    With a spring mechanism: 1 - stand; 2 - metal or wood profile; 3 - slider; 4 - hand drill; 5 - drill fastening clamp; 6 - screws for fastening the clamp; 7 - spring; 8 - square for securing the stand 2 pcs.; 9 - screws; 10 - stop for the spring; 11 - wing bolt for fastening the stop; 12 - machine base

    With spring-lever mechanism

    With a spring-hinged mechanism: 1 - bed; 2 - washer; 3 - M16 nut; 4 - shock-absorbing struts 4 pcs.; 5 - plate; 6 - bolt M6x16; 7 - power supply; 8 - thrust; 9 - spring; 10 - M8x20 bolt with nut and washers; 11 - drill chuck; 12 - shaft; 13 - cover; 14 - handle; 15 - bolt M8x20; 16 - holder; 17 - stand; 18 - cup with bearing; 19 - engine

    With hinged springless mechanism

    A stand operating on the principle of a screw jack: 1 - frame; 2 - guide groove; 3 - M16 thread; 4 - bushing; 5 - nut welded to the bushing; 6 - drill; 7 - handle, when rotated, the drill moves up or down

    Drilling and milling machine: 1 - base of the machine; 2 - supports for the table lifting plate 2 pcs.; 3 - lifting plate; 4 - handle for lifting the table; 5 - movable drill holder; 6 - additional rack; 7 - screw for fixing the drill holder; 8 - drill fastening clamp; 9 - main stand; 10 - lead screw; 11 - drum with Vernier scale

    Machine made from a car jack and drill

    The carriage is made of furniture guides

    Mini-machine from a decommissioned microscope

    Base and stand from an old photographic enlarger

    Machine made from a hand drill: 1 - bed; 2 - steel clamps; 3 - grooves for attaching a drill; 4 - drill fastening nut; 5 - drill; 6 - slider; 7 - guide tubes

    Video 1. Step by step guide for an inexpensive machine. The bed and stand are wooden, the basis of the mechanism is a furniture guide

    Video 2. Drilling machine - jack from Zhiguli and drill

    Video 3. Spring-lever stand for drill

    Video 4. Step by step creation steel stand for drill

    Machine based on the steering rack of a passenger car

    A steering rack for a car and a drill are quite massive products, so the frame should also be massive and, preferably, with the ability to attach the machine to a workbench. All elements are welded, since connections with bolts and screws may not be sufficient.

    Stanin and support post welded from channels or other suitable rolled products, about 5 mm thick. The steering rack is secured to a stand, which should be 70–80 mm longer than the rack, through the eyes of the steering column.

    To make the machine more convenient to use, the drill control is placed in a separate block.

    Video 5. Drilling machine based on a steering rack from Moskvich

    Assembly procedure for tabletop drilling machines:

    • preparation of all elements;
    • attaching the stand to the frame (check verticality!);
    • assembly of the movement mechanism;
    • fastening the mechanism to the rack;
    • fastening the drill (check verticality!).

    All fastenings must be made as securely as possible. It is advisable to join one-piece steel structures by welding. When using any kind of guides, you need to make sure that there is no lateral play during movement.

    Advice! To fix the part in which the hole is drilled, the machine can be equipped with a vice.

    You can also find ready-made stands for drills on sale. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the weight of the structure and the size of the working surface. Lightweight (up to 3 kg) and inexpensive (up to 1.5 thousand rubles) racks are suitable for making holes in a thin plywood sheet.

    Drilling machine using asynchronous motor

    If there is no drill on the farm or it is not desirable to use it in the machine, you can make a design based on an asynchronous motor, for example, from an old washing machine. The design and manufacturing process of such a machine are quite complex, so it is best to make it by a craftsman with sufficient experience in turning and milling work, and assembling electrical circuits.

    The device of a drilling machine with a motor from household appliances

    To familiarize yourself with the design, we provide assembly drawings and detailing, as well as the characteristics of assembly units in the specifications.

    Drawing of a drilling machine with motor

    Parts and materials for manufacturing the machine are shown in the table:

    End adapter sleeve

    Drilling head assembled

    Drilling machine assembled

    The electrical circuit depends on the type of engine.

    A simple electrical circuit for a factory machine 2M112

    Homemade machines for drilling printed circuit boards

    Mini-machines for drilling circuit boards by radio amateurs also borrow the drive from various low-power devices. In this case, cutters for cutting photographs are used as levers, soldering irons, and collet pencils instead of a chuck. The drilling site is illuminated with LED flashlights - there are plenty of opportunities for technical creativity.

    A simple electrical circuit for controlling an electric motor

    Video 7. Mini machine for drilling circuit boards

    How to make a homemade drilling machine

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    Making your own drilling machine

    In a household, a home craftsman must have a set of all the tools, and therefore a do-it-yourself drilling machine is the unit that will help him further expand his functionality.

    Many for drilling various holes in everyday life they can be satisfied with a conventional drill, however, the capabilities and tasks of even the simplest drilling equipment are more global.

    A desktop drilling machine, in addition to drilling, countersinking and reaming, can also mill (there is a milling unit), as well as grind various surfaces, as well as perform a number of other tasks.

    Such equipment is especially relevant for radio amateurs, who can use it to solve a number of their narrowly focused tasks.

    Such a unit for a home workshop can be bought at any specialized store, but it costs a lot, and not every master will find the extra money to purchase a professional drilling machine, which is shown in the photo below.

    Meanwhile, if you want to assemble a homemade drilling machine for drilling wood and metal, you can do it yourself from conventional drill.

    Of course, you will have to spend personal time making the machine, but the result is worth it.

    Tabletop homemade drilling machine in a mini version for wood and metal, if all are available necessary materials everyone can do it House master.

    The main purpose

    Drilling the most different holes in everyday life it is carried out, as a rule, with the help of a hand drill, which every skilled owner has in his home workshop.

    Meanwhile, even at home it is not always possible to achieve the desired result by using an ordinary drill.

    In this case, the question arises of making a mini vertical-horizontal drilling machine for wood and metal with your own hands.

    Such a universal unit is simply necessary for those who work in radio electronics for drilling small holes in printed circuit boards, which cannot be done with a hand drill.

    In addition, a homemade drilling machine will not hurt, and if necessary, drill through and blind holes in various types materials.

    Using it, it is very easy to perform drilling and countersinking, as well as, if necessary, cut threads.

    If you additionally install a milling unit on it, the capabilities of the unit will expand even further.

    The milling unit will make it possible to perform a variety of simple operations for vertical-horizontal milling of the most different materials.

    An additive mini drilling unit for drilling printed circuit boards can be made from the most ordinary drill, but to solve more complex tasks you will need a more complex device in terms of design, the same milling unit.

    Any professional drilling unit consists of several required elements, which include a drill, a countersink, a tap, and a reamer.

    A mini additive machine, assembled with your own hands, must also contain all these components.

    If a drilling machine is assembled with your own hands according to all the rules, then a home craftsman can easily, using a milling unit, in addition to drilling printed circuit boards, cut and bore a hole with the required diameter, grind it in accurately, and also perform a number of other specific tasks.

    Before you begin assembling the unit, it is recommended to carefully study the existing types of drilling machines and understand the basic principle of its operation.

    The video posted above shows a homemade drilling unit in action, which can also be used for drilling printed circuit boards.

    Species and types

    Currently on industrial enterprises and used in everyday life great amount a variety of modifications of drilling equipment.

    Many of them are designed to solve exclusively professional problems, and for home use They just don't fit for a variety of reasons.

    In the photo below you can see an industrial drilling machine.

    Today you can find spindle machines, semi-automatic machines, vertical drilling machines, as well as many other types of units.

    For domestic use, a mini additive unit capable of solving simple problems is suitable.

    For example, if a machine is needed primarily for drilling printed circuit boards, then it can be assembled from the most ordinary drill.

    Like any other equipment, industrial drilling units have their own special designations and markings, which can be used to determine their type and main purpose.

    The most popular devices that are most often found are spindle devices, as well as units for radial and horizontal drilling.

    A very popular coordinate unit is designed for boring workpieces.

    All drilling equipment can be safely classified as a universal type. For a home workshop, make a mini additive unit with your own hands universal type won't be a big deal.

    If desired, a homemade coordinate unit can be automated and supplemented as much as possible various devices, which will only add to its overall functionality.

    Depending on the functional purpose Each drilling machine, including a coordinate drill, consists of a certain number of elements.

    Any unit of this type, including homemade ones, necessarily consists of a frame, a steering rack, and an engine. The photo below shows a homemade mini drilling unit.

    Design features

    The drilling machine is a type industrial equipment, designed to solve narrowly focused problems.

    It must include a transmission mechanism, control and working elements, as well as a sufficiently powerful electric motor.

    Each mechanism included in this equipment has its own purpose, which determines its functional tasks.

    Thus, the transmission mechanism is designed mainly to transmit the necessary movement to the working bodies, directly from the installed engine.

    In this case, the working body is a drill, which is attached to a chuck, which in turn is connected to a spindle and a rotating shaft.

    In a machine of this type, rotation from the engine to the working parts is transmitted through a belt drive. In order for the drill to be in a given position, a rack and pinion gear is used, connected to a special handle.

    It is imperative that such a machine, even if it is assembled from a drill, must have accessible location buttons responsible for turning it on and off.

    Machines of this type have a fairly simple design, despite the fact that they can perform a huge number of different functions and solve many narrowly focused tasks.

    When assembling such a machine with your own hands, for higher accuracy of work, it is recommended to place a special scale directly on its moving part.

    It will help control the depth of blind holes. It is also best to make a machine where you can change the rotation speed of the chuck depending on the tasks being performed.

    The desktop should be made exclusively from a solid metal plate, rigidly fixed to the base.

    The video below shows a homemade drilling unit, with which you can drill printed circuit boards and more.

    Principle of operation

    A drilling machine assembled according to all the rules will be able to successfully drill holes of various diameters, including micro ones, with great accuracy, which is especially important for printed circuit boards.

    Despite its apparent simplicity, it must be operated in compliance with generally accepted rules.

    So, immediately before starting work, you need to check the presence of power in the network, the integrity of all equipment, and also clear the desktop of all unnecessary things.

    There must be a vice on the table itself, with which you can conveniently fix the workpiece.

    Before starting work on the part, it is necessary to mark the future hole in accordance with the drawing, then place it in a vice on the table and clamp it firmly.

    Next, a drill is fixed into the chuck and a test run is made. A homemade vice for a drilling machine, which is used during work, must have certain dimensions, including in order to work with micro holes.

    When testing the machine, it is necessary to check the rotation of the drill and make sure that it rotates without describing a circle.

    This is especially true when drilling micro holes. At the time of drilling, the handle should be operated with smooth movements, and the drill must be periodically cooled.

    Drilling micro holes should be done with extreme precision, for which use coordinate indicators.

    Upon completion of work, the drilling machine should be turned off, unclench the vice and remove the finished workpiece. The video above shows the principle of operation of the machine.

    How to assemble?

    The easiest option to assemble an additive drilling machine without a steering rack is to use an ordinary drill.

    In this case, it is necessary to make the table massive in order to minimize vibration of the machine during operation. The stand for the drill can be made from either chipboard or metal corners.

    First, you need to connect the stand and table to each other at right angles, and the drill should be secured with clamps. A driving mechanism should also be provided.

    A vise must be attached directly to the table; in addition, the on and off button must be in a visible place. In the video below you can see the manufacture of a machine from a drill without a steering rack.

    You can assemble a more complex and functional machine with a steering rack for drilling using an engine from a washing machine. This device will also allow you to verify micro holes with great accuracy.

    In this case, the desktop should be even more massive, since the vibration during operation will be quite strong.

    Particular attention should be paid to the moving part of the unit, and for these purposes it is better to use ready-made drawings. It is recommended to connect the motor to the cartridge using a belt drive.

    If all the steps are performed correctly, then such a machine will be able to drill even micro holes with great accuracy.

    The video below shows a homemade machine powered by an engine washing machine, which will be very useful in your workshop.

    How to make a drilling machine with your own hands

    It is advisable to make a drilling machine with your own hands in situations where in a home workshop or garage there is a need to drill holes in parts of various configurations, as well as those made of different materials. It should be noted that such a device makes it possible to obtain holes with sufficient high level quality.

    One of the options for a homemade drilling machine

    When you need a homemade drilling machine

    In production or repair enterprises, where the drilling operation is considered the most common, it is used to perform it. special device, models of which may have different functionality. So, it can be a compact tabletop drilling machine, distinguished simplest design, or equipment equipped with several working spindles and numerical control.

    Basic design elements of a homemade machine

    For drilling holes in various materials, which is performed in a home workshop or garage, you can use home-made equipment. Naturally, for use at home you need a simple device that can be made from components and materials found in almost any garage or home workshop.

    And in this article we will not leave unanswered the question of how to make a drilling machine at home, while spending a minimum of money. The drawings and experience of many craftsmen who have already walked this path will help us with this.

    The need for such mini drilling equipment for metal, wood or plastic most often arises among those who are used to independently performing various repair work in their house or apartment. Also, quite often radio amateurs are puzzled by the construction of miniature drilling machines.

    It would seem that a conventional drill can be used to perform such an operation, but such a tool is not always able to provide the required quality and accuracy of drilling operations. Homemade drilling machine. in addition to its compactness, it has another important quality: It can accommodate different types of drills.

    Simple mini drilling machine for small jobs

    Drilling machine from a conventional drill

    To make a small but functional drilling machine for your home workshop, you do not need to purchase special materials and components. The design of such a convenient and useful desktop device contains the following components:

    • the base, which is also called the bed;
    • a mechanism that ensures rotation of the working tool (a conventional drill can be used as such a mechanism);
    • device for providing supply;
    • a vertical stand on which the rotation mechanism is fixed.

    Diagram of a homemade machine from a drill

    The stand on which the drill will be mounted can be made from a sheet of chipboard. This material quite capable of supporting the weight of such a device. The bed of such a mini-machine should be more massive, since it protects the entire structure from vibrations, which can negatively affect both the quality and accuracy of the resulting hole, and the comfort of work.

    As the material for the frame of such a drilling and adding machine, you can use a regular furniture board, the thickness of which is more than 2 cm. It is most convenient to use the base of an old photographic enlarger for this, slightly modifying its design. Sometimes an old microscope is used, but this is a rather rare option, since such a unit will not be large enough and its use will be limited.

    Drilling machine from a school microscope

    The quality and accuracy that a homemade drilling machine will provide depends primarily on how correctly and reliably the connection of its base and vertical stand is made. Important elements Such a micro machine consists of two guides along which the block with the drill attached to it will move. Such guides are best made from two strips of steel, which must be securely screwed to the rack using screws.

    When making the block, it is advisable to use steel clamps that will securely fix the drill on it. In addition, in order to avoid unwanted vibration processes when drilling, a thick rubber gasket must be installed at the junction of the block and the drill.

    After this, you need to make a feed mechanism for such a mini machine, which should ensure the movement of the electric drill in the vertical direction. The manufacturing schemes for such a mechanism may be different, but it traditionally contains in its design a lever and a spring, which is attached at one end to the stand, and at the other to the block with the drill. This spring gives the feed mechanism greater rigidity.

    A drilling machine from a drill, which is not planned to be removed from it, can be made more convenient to use if you disassemble the original switch of the drill and mount a separate button on the frame of the mini equipment. This button will always be at your fingertips and will allow you to quickly turn the device on and off. As you can see, it’s not at all difficult to make a drilling machine from a drill; all you need to do is read these instructions carefully or watch the training videos in this article.

    An example of a drill machine in more detail

    As an example, let's look in more detail at one of the options for a homemade drilling machine made from a drill. collected at home.

    Do-it-yourself drilling machine from a drill

    Manufacturing a machine using an asynchronous motor

    The absence of an extra electric drill in the household is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​​​making a drilling machine with your own hands. Any electric motor can be used to drive the rotation mechanism of such equipment. Such engines, which were previously installed on various techniques, will probably be found in the garage or workshop of any home craftsman.

    Asynchronous motors, which are equipped with washing machines, are best suited for making a mini drilling machine. If you have such a motor, you can confidently use it to make home drilling equipment. Making drilling equipment with such an engine at home is somewhat more difficult than using a drill, but the power of such a machine will be much higher.

    Given the fact that an induction motor weighs more than a conventional drill, you will need a stronger base and stand to accommodate the feed mechanism.

    In order for such a mini drilling and attachment machine to vibrate less during operation, it is necessary to install the motor on a powerful base and place it as close to the stand as possible. But here it is important to maintain the correct distance, since the convenience of installing the belt drive depends on it, due to which the rotation from the motor will be transmitted to the drilling head.

    In order for you to make such a machine at home, you will need the following structural elements:

    • gear;
    • a hexagon on which the pulley will be placed;
    • two bearings;
    • two tubes, one of which must have an internal thread;
    • clamping ring, which must be made of durable steel.

    The hexagon also connects to a metal tube, bearing and clamping ring. Such a connection must be very reliable so that the resulting assembly does not collapse during operation.

    Drilling machine with asynchronous motor

    The mechanism necessary to ensure the feed of the tool in such a mini machine must consist of a tube on which cuts are first made, and a gear. The tube will move due to the connection of its teeth with these cuts. An axle with a hexagon is then pressed into this tube, the height of which must correspond to the amount of the required tool feed.

    Example of a drilling machine with an asynchronous motor

    Let's consider one of the very serious options for a homemade drilling machine with an asynchronous motor, which was clearly not made by a beginner. Few home craftsmen would dare to take on such a project, but if, as they say, the urge comes, then nothing is impossible.

    Difficult to manufacture homemade machine with an asynchronous motor

    It is quite obvious that it is quite difficult to manufacture such a machine, and then it is even more difficult to ensure the accuracy of its operation. That's why the best option is to use an electric drill to make a home drilling machine.

    Finally, we suggest watching a couple more videos in which craftsmen demonstrate their homemade drilling machines. These videos once again prove that collecting with my own hands the necessary equipment is always possible, although sometimes not easy.

  • It does not always make sense or expediency to buy a factory-made drilling machine. You can make a vertical drilling machine from a drill with your own hands. To do this you will need a drill and materials to make a stand. Such equipment is recommended for use in home workshops or garages, when drilling is not the main operation or is performed quite rarely and the accuracy of the hole can be neglected.

    To speed up the process, just buy a specialized stand for a drill at a tool store. The result is something like a household level vertical drilling machine, which is not inferior in drilling accuracy to machines for home workshops.

    The photo shows factory-made drill stands. They can be purchased at any online tool store at prices starting from $200.

    The article is intended to give you ideas on how to make a drilling machine yourself from a drill, so we do not give a clear algorithm for its manufacture, because it is made from scrap materials: some craftsmen will have it, others will not. Therefore, we give basic ideas, and everyone will apply their own constructive solutions and make your own vertical homemade drilling machine.

    If you are not looking for easy ways, then we will make a homemade stand. The stand can be made of wood or metal. Wood will be cheaper and easier to manufacture, but durability will suffer.

    Metal ones are more complex, but have an incomparably longer service life and strength characteristics. The choice of stand material also depends on the workpieces being processed: when constantly drilling metal, it is better to make a metal one.

    Machine assembly

    The metal stands are assembled from angles for the carriage, 50x50 square pipe for the stand and 10x10 for the drill bracket, strip for the base and eyes. The base and bracket are welded, after which all elements are assembled and bolted together. It is recommended to make several brackets with different adapters (clamping rings) for different types drills. The carriage moves along the rod using a steel cable wound around the handle drum. To ensure that the carriage does not have any play and does not fall down under its own weight, it is drilled, threaded and a bolt (or several bolts) is tightened. This selects the backlash between the carriage and the stand of the future drilling machine. The handle for moving the carriage is made from rolled products with a diameter of 6 - 8 mm.

    Having several brackets with different clamping rings allows you to flexibly select drills and process almost any material.

    In future homemade equipment you can modernize and modify it, for example, mark or install a scale that will indicate the length of movement of the carriage. This helps when drilling blind holes.

    There are several mounting methods:

    • several clamps;
    • on a metal bracket in the hole under the neck of the drill.

    Video of a design version of a drill on a wooden stand.

    The easiest way to make a homemade drilling structure at home

    A homemade drilling machine made from a drill will never replace a factory one and will always be inferior in build quality and drilling accuracy. The main advantage of homemade is low price, the ability to drill holes when a factory machine is not available for one reason or another.

    You can assemble many things yourself, including a drilling machine. At the same time, you can make a high-quality item, saving a lot of money. It will take time and diligence to create a product, but nothing is impossible! A high-quality drilling machine is very useful thing In workshop.

    Homemade drilling machines with your own hands can not only in their functionality and other characteristics, but also in appearance in no way inferior to industrial analogues. Moreover, when creative approach they can look much more stylish and exciting.

    Functions of a homemade machine

    What could such a homemade product be capable of? A machine can have a lot of functions. For example, it is possible to have the following abilities:

    • deployment;
    • reaming;
    • grinding;
    • countersinking;
    • milling.

    Moreover, these are not all the tasks that he is capable of performing! Who will need such a machine first? Yes, to anyone... However, it can be noted that radio amateurs will definitely be delighted with it, because it can perform many of the tasks necessary for them.

    The photo shows the process of drilling the board so that the legs of the radio components can be placed in the holes. Assembling such a machine will not be difficult.

    A very serious reason for assembling the machine yourself is financial side question. Factory-made machines may not be affordable for many.

    Yes, such a machine probably looks more elegant, but you can make a tool that is even more aesthetically pleasing in its own way. When the design, on the one hand, is of high quality and thoughtful, and on the other hand, its non-industrial origin is not only noticeable, but also emphasized, then it looks simply gorgeous!

    There can be quite a lot of options for choosing parts...

    Drill machines

    An ordinary drill mounted on the base can be used as a machine tool. This is a fairly practical option that will require less manufacturing time than many other machines. However, it can hardly lay claim to aesthetics...

    Perhaps this is the crudest and most primitive machine of all that can be created. However, this is not its drawback. Rather, it is simply a feature that will be an advantage for many, because such a machine will most likely be cheaper and easier to assemble than moldboard ones. At the same time, it will perform its main functions perfectly.

    Metal machine

    Such a product can be made from an ordinary drill. However, in addition to the above option, others are possible. It will be necessary to take into account that metal will provide greater resistance to the drill than wood, so calculations must be made accordingly. Great demands on strength must be placed on the machine.

    In appearance, such a machine may not differ from a machine exclusively for wood. However, it should have increased reliability.

    As for the accuracy of homemade machines, you can use a motor from a washing machine. The latter is not only quite productive, but also allows you to drill micro holes with fairly high accuracy.

    Drilling machine light

    Backlight working area can be very important! In the end, the safety of the machine in use may depend on it.

    A high-quality drilling machine can last for many years. Of course, it will be necessary to periodically inspect it for potential malfunctions, because, like any other tool, it may wear out sooner or later. Making your own drilling machine is simple and does not require the same money as the industrial version.

    Construction stores offer us a huge range of different drilling machines in all price categories.

    However, the cost is really quality model It hits your pocket hard, and there is no point in purchasing a cheap drilling machine from consumer Chinese manufacturers, whose service life is ridiculous.

    It is much easier to buy a good electric drill and use it to make a hand-held desktop homemade drilling machine that will fully meet all your requirements.

    The cost of a high-quality drill is much less than that of full-fledged drilling machines.

    In addition, you can use an electric drill that is already on the farm, since the design of the machine allows for its quick dismantling, which allows you to use one drill both in stationary and manual mode.

    1 Required tools and materials

    A tabletop drilling machine from a drill can be made based on metal pipes, or based on wooden parts. We recommend that you give preference to the second option, since it is much less labor-intensive and does not require the use of either an angle grinder or a welding machine.

    Wood a homemade machine is durable, which is more than enough for normal household use.

    You can make such a machine yourself, based on a drill, by following all the recommendations described below, with your own hands within two hours, and it will serve you for many years.

    In order to make a tabletop drilling machine with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

    • wooden boards 2-2.5 centimeters thick;
    • guides metal slats– 2 pieces (such slats are used for feeding drawers in tables and chests of drawers, they can be purchased at any furniture supermarket);
    • wooden beam measuring 20*30 mm - about two meters;
    • wood screws 20 and 30 millimeters long;
    • wood glue;
    • electric drill;
    • metal rod with M8 thread;
    • metal tube with M6 class thread;
    • screws and nuts.

    The actual work is carried out using the following tools:

    • screwdriver (Phillips or regular, depending on what screws you will use);
    • drill;
    • sandpaper;
    • jigsaw and hacksaw;
    • corner;
    • pencil, ruler;
    • level
    • roulette
    • carpentry clamps for fixing boards.

    1.1 Creating a base for the frame

    To create a basic base for a homemade drilling machine, use a hacksaw to cut a 20*30 wooden beam into four pieces, two of which are 17 centimeters long, and two more are 20 centimeters long.

    If you want to create a homemade machine based on a massive electric drill, then it would be better to make a larger base, since increasing its size will give the structure greater stability.

    Next, prepare a board with dimensions of 200*220*20 millimeters (dimensions are based on the above dimensions of the timber). Using self-tapping screws, connect the beam sections into one frame. To connect at each end of the beam, you need to use two self-tapping screws; if you are using a thicker beam, you can screw in a self-tapping screw at each end corner.

    Place a board on top of the resulting frame. Screw it with self-tapping screws around the perimeter of the beam; 2-3 bolts on one side will be more than enough.

    To make your work easier, it is recommended Drill preliminary holes in the boards, into which it is much easier to screw self-tapping screws than into a solid board. To avoid protrusions of screw heads above wooden surface possible with a drill larger diameter chamfer under their heads.

    1.2 Creating a column for guides

    The width of the board for the column must correspond to the width of the created base, the thickness is 20 mm, and the height is determined depending on the size of the drill used, as a rule, a height of 40-50 centimeters will be more than enough. An excessively high column can negatively affect the stability of the entire structure.

    Once you have cut the board to the appropriate size, immediately attach it to the base using self-tapping screws. Next, you need to arrange the free space between the column itself and the electric drill; to do this, attach two pieces of timber, measuring 25*35*17 millimeters, parallel to each other, in the center of the upper part of the column.

    To avoid making a mistake with the installation location, make preliminary markings. Draw a straight line from the center point of the top of the column down, then step back 50 mm on each side and draw two lines parallel to each other. The distance between the lines should be 100 mm.

    Pay close attention to so that the lines are strictly parallel to each other, so even the slightest angle of inclination of the trajectory along which the guides move is fraught with the fact that the drill will not enter the work surface at a right angle, which is why when drilling hard metal surfaces thin drills will break very quickly.

    1.3 Installation of guides

    Installing guides is perhaps the most difficult part of creating a drilling machine with your own hands. It is extremely important that the guides run exactly perpendicular to the base of the machine and parallel to each other.

    Prepare two boards measuring 100*250*20 mm, and mark on them the places where the retractable slats will be attached. Retractable slats sold in furniture stores are already equipped with holes for self-tapping screws, so All you have to do is screw them to the guides with your own hands. After the slats are attached, we mount the guides on the column.

    1.4 Creating mounts for a drill

    We suggest you make a universal mount with your own hands, which is suitable for installing not only a mini-drill, but also a full-fledged electric drill. To do this, prepare a board with dimensions 60*100*20 for the upper holder, and 100*100*20 for the lower one.

    Use a jigsaw to cut a hole in the center of the bottom board, the diameter of which is suitable for securely fixing your drill. Secure it to the guide using a furniture corner and self-tapping screws.

    We also cut out the top holder using jigsaws. Its size and shape are individual and depend on what shape of drill you will use. We make holes around the perimeter of both clamps and screw in screws that will clamp and firmly fix the drill in the holder.

    2 Making a height limiter

    A height limiter is necessary so that a homemade drilling machine can make multiple holes of identical depth. Perfect for creating a limiter metal rod with M8 thread.

    Drill a hole in the base in which the rod will be installed (it should be tightly fixed in the base, but at the same time rotate freely).

    Next, we cut out a small piece of timber, drill a hole in it and install a threaded sleeve on one side, and a piece of rod that will limit the amplitude of movement of the guides on the other. We screw the beam onto the main rod.

    For manual tabletop drilling the machine was more convenient to use, You need to make a handle on the restrictive rod.

    It could be ordinary homemade stop made of plywood, which is fixedly fixed between two nuts.

    2.1 Making a homemade drilling machine (video)

    In order to save time, you can buy a ready-made inexpensive stand and vice for a drill in the OBI.RU store, which allows you to fix the drill in a vertical position and use it as a drilling machine, thereby increasing the accuracy and speed of work.


    • height: 400 mm;
    • clamping hole diameter: 43 mm;
    • drilling depth: 60 mm;
    • The set includes a vice for fixing workpieces.

    A self-made drilling machine allows you to drill holes in different materials at a sufficient quality level at home.

    1 Homemade drilling machine - who needs it and why?

    Drilling in the extensive list of all kinds of plumbing operations is considered among specialists to be the most accessible and truly simple procedure. It is usually performed on special drilling units, which may have different functionality and some design features. The modern machine tool industry produces many types of drilling machines, ranging from very simple ones (for example) to CNC units that have several spindles.

    It is clear that in most cases the home craftsman simply does not need such machines, since they are intended for performing serial operations. And in everyday life it is usually necessary to carry out some single procedure.

    It is for this reason that many home craftsmen decide to make a basic drilling machine with their own hands, using those parts and available materials that are available in any private garage.

    As a rule, radio amateurs, as well as people who themselves carry out simple household repair work, are inspired by the idea of ​​​​making a homemade mini-rig for drilling. In some cases, a simple electric drill is sufficient for this. But, if we are talking about more serious procedures, the drill, of course, is not able to guarantee normal quality and accuracy of drilling. That’s when it makes sense to start making your own mini-machine, on which you can install different ones.

    2 How to make a drilling machine from a drill?

    In home workshops, such drilling equipment is most often found, due to the ease of its self-production. You do not need high-strength materials or any special devices. The mini hole drilling machine includes just four key components:

    • a bed that serves as the base of the machine;
    • rotation mechanism (in our case, its role is played by an electric drill);
    • feeder;
    • vertical stand.

    The stand is usually made of ordinary chipboard or boards, since the small weight of the drill does not require the use of more durable materials. But it is better to make the bed as massive as possible. This will ensure the absence of vibrations during the drilling process, and therefore more comfortable work.

    Craftsmen advise using a relatively thick (from 2 centimeters) furniture board for the base of the unit. The ideal option is to use an old photographic enlarger for the manufacture of the frame and stand. It will only need to be slightly modified to obtain a truly reliable mini-machine design for home use.

    The quality and accuracy of drilling on a homemade unit depends on the correct connection of the frame and the vertical stand. Therefore, this part of the work must be approached as responsibly as possible. It is recommended to cut two guides from steel strips, which are then connected to the stand with screws. The block with the drill will move along the indicated guides.

    The block itself must be made so that it securely holds the electric drill. This is easy to achieve using small steel clamps. It is also advisable to place a small rubber spacer between the block and the drill. It will significantly reduce vibration and make the installation process more comfortable.

    The feed mechanism of a drilling machine from a drill is a simple lever that will move the block with the tool in the vertical direction. It is advisable to equip this mechanism with a spring of relatively high elasticity and power. One end of the spring should rest against a stationary wooden beam mounted on the stand, the other - against the block.

    If you want to achieve maximum convenience in working with a home-made machine and do not plan to periodically remove the electric drill, it is recommended that you simply disassemble its switch and mount a separate button on the frame, with which you will start and turn off your drilling unit. As you can see, everything is quite simple. Any more or less handy man can make himself a small and convenient machine from a drill.

    3 DIY drilling machine based on an asynchronous motor

    Any owner in the garage, basement or somewhere on the balcony of the apartment stores many electric motors from electrical units that have served their useful life. From these, it is quite possible to choose a motor that will become the propulsion device for a mini-drilling machine. The ideal option in this case is an asynchronous motor mounted on drum washing units.

    The work of creating a home drilling rig based on an old electric motor is much more difficult than using a drill. But they can also be accomplished, armed with a certain amount of patience and perseverance. It is important to realize here that the motor from the washing machine has more serious weight. And the power of such a “motor” is much higher than that of an electric drill. This means that you will have to take care of preparing a “mighty” stand and base for the machine being created.

    Experts say that the vibration level of a unit based on an asynchronous motor can be reduced by installing it on a powerful base, as well as by placing it closer to a vertical stand. But it is necessary to remember that the close location of the rack and the motor is fraught with complications in the design of a homemade machine, which is caused by the need to install belt pulleys.

    To make a drilling rig using an electric motor from a washing machine, among other things, you will need the following parts:

    • gear;
    • bearings in the amount of two pieces;
    • hexagon;
    • two tubes of small thickness (one of them must have an internal thread);
    • clamping ring (preferably made of durable material, such as tool steel).

    A hexagon is required to make the moving part of the machine transmission device. A pulley will be put on it. You also need to attach a metal tube with a bearing and a steel ring to the hexagon. It is important to achieve a very tight connection of these components with each other, since otherwise they will completely collapse during vibration (not immediately, but quite quickly).

    The adjustment complex of the unit is made of a gear and a tube on which cuts need to be made. They contain gear teeth. The specified tube is made of such a height that the drill chuck rises by a given amount. An axle with a hexagon is then pressed into the same tube.

    From the described diagram it is clear that it is quite difficult to manufacture a machine with an asynchronous motor. Therefore, we can advise doing it by analogy with the previous process, when an electric drill was used. But be prepared for the fact that the resulting machine, unfortunately, will not be characterized by particularly accurate drilling.