Tangram and other puzzles. Tangram game: history of Chinese puzzle, rules, patterns, benefits for child development

Didactic puzzle game "Tangram"

Tolstopyatova Iraida Anatolyevna, teacher of the MADOU “Sorceress”, Labytnangi, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
Purpose: This game introduces children to geometric shapes, teaches them how to fold certain shapes, and is recommended for middle and older children preschool age, as well as for teachers and parents.
Didactic puzzle game "Tangram"

Target: Teach children to play puzzle games independently, to be able to lay out from a set geometric shapes, a variety of silhouettes.
Tasks: Develop children's spatial concepts, constructive thinking, logic, imagination, and intelligence.
Develop fine motor skills to prepare children for school.
Cultivate patience and perseverance.
Rules of the game: In the game you must comply following rules:
1.When composing images, the entire set of parts is used as a whole.
2.The parts of the geometric constructor are attached to each other.

Does everyone know what a tangram is? This is one of the famous puzzles. She was born in China more than 3,000 years ago. From the 7 elements into which the square is divided, you can create a set various items and animal figures.
Draw a square like this on cardboard and divide it into parts. To begin, ask your child to put these pieces back together into a square. It is better if the child completes the task without looking at the drawing of the square. But if it doesn’t work out, then, of course, you can use the sample.

These figures are used to create a variety of silhouettes. It is easier for a child to do this using samples with drawn components. Outline patterns are more difficult to reproduce.

Real drawings of those objects, the silhouette image of which is created using a puzzle game, are very useful. In this case, it will be easier for the child to imagine the depicted object and, perhaps, create his own version. Such activities are useful in preparing children for school.
A ball of fluff -
Long ear.
Jumps deftly
Loves carrots (hare).

Cunning cheat -
Red head.
Lives in the forest
In the village, a fox steals chickens.

He sleeps in a den in winter
Under a huge pine tree.
And when spring comes,
Wakes up from sleep (bear).

Not a horseman, but with spurs.
It's winged, but doesn't fly well.
On lashes and fences
The rooster sings songs.

The girl can be laid out in another way.

Christmas tree is laid out different ways.

You can create pictures by first laying them out on the table and then gluing them onto paper.

To prevent the shapes from getting confused, I glued envelopes for them, and the geometric shapes were of different colors, so that it would be easier to arrange them in the envelopes.

Olesya Tabakaeva

(an exciting game with minimal costs)

Development fine motor skills for preschoolers is the main task, as it forms correct and coherent speech. But along with fine motor skills, the child needs to develop logic, spatial and constructive thinking and intelligence.

I would like to offer to your attention exciting game-puzzle Tangram- an ancient oriental puzzle made of geometric shapes. According to one of the legends tangram appeared almost two and a half thousand years ago in Ancient China.

The player's task in an educational game « Tangram» put together figures from puzzle pieces so that, firstly, all parts of the puzzle are used, and, secondly, the parts do not overlap each other. The figures can be turned over as desired, placed with either side up. That, in fact, are all the rules.

With the game tangram You can introduce it to children as young as 3-4 years old. First, you can introduce your child to different geometric shapes. Next, the child can apply the shapes tangram on a finished sample, this will be a very difficult task for him. This is a game that develops children's combinatorial abilities, imagination, attention and the ability to act according to instructions.

For older children, the tasks can be made more complicated, for example, no longer put figures on the sample, but lay it out next to it; the sample may not coincide with the real size, or you can invite the child to independently make a figure he has invented

How to do DIY tangram

So for work we need materials:

Sheet of cardboard

Simple pencil (or any writing instrument)

I cut out a 20*20 square from a sheet of cardboard. We draw a diagonal in the square - we get 2 large triangles. We cut one of them into 2 small triangles. Mark the middle on each side of the second large triangle. Cut off the middle triangle and other shapes using these marks. (square and parallelogram).

so I started

draw a square in my case 20.5*20.5

draw a diagonal in a square

divide one of the triangles into two equal ones

find the midpoint of the sides of a large triangle and draw a line

find the middle of the side of the large triangle and draw a line to the corner of the small [


find the midpoint of the side of the small triangle and connect it to the diagonal of the large triangles

we find the middle of the next large triangle and draw a line to the corner of the square, the remaining part will be a parallelogram. tangram is ready

tangram is ready to cut

so that with tangram it was more interesting for the child to do it, you can color it, in my case the children painted it with ordinary wax crayons

we collected such a cute kitty from our tangram

as a result of folding figures tangram we get silhouettes resembling figures of animals, birds, trees, people, household items, etc. etc.

here are some diagrams

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Tangram is a famous puzzle that came to us from Ancient China. The essence of this oriental game is to construct a new figure, indicated by a contour, on a plane from 7 simple geometric shapes. These can be a variety of silhouettes: people, animals, vehicles, household items, plants, toys, and even numbers and letters. Basic rule: It is imperative to use all tangram elements and never overlap them.

Educational puzzle

Tangram for preschoolers promotes the development of:


    understanding of color, size and shape,

    abstract and spatial thinking;


    logical thinking;

    combinatorial abilities.

Tangram for preschoolers: do it yourself

A tangram puzzle for preschoolers can be purchased at the store, or you can make it at home yourself. To make tangrams, take thick cardboard and draw a square on it. Then line it so that you get the following shapes: 5 triangles (2 large, 1 medium and 2 small), a square and a parallelogram - 7 shapes in total. You can use the template provided below.

Cut the resulting square along the drawn lines. For activities with very young children (3-5 years old), it is better to color each of the 7 figures in a specific color. This will make it easier for the child to perceive shapes and make new shapes easier.

Tangram patterns for children: from simple to complex

On initial stage It is better not to give tangram games to preschoolers with complex tasks - the child needs time to understand the essence of the puzzle. And if his first experience turns out to be unsuccessful (due to the complexity of the task and misunderstanding), he will probably lose interest in the game. So take your time.

First, look at the figures together, make something basic. Start composing yourself, and then ask your child to help you: name the colors, etc. Children can come up with their own figures, including fantastic ones. The main thing is that the child clearly understands what exactly he is constructing, and uses all 7 figures.

At the second stage of training already You can start making shapes using color schemes. To some, this may seem like a very easy task, but for a three-year-old child, choosing a shape based on color and shape is not so easy. You can use the following tangram patterns for kids.

Children 5-7 years old can already be offered silhouette tangram patterns and single-color puzzle elements.

Offering tangrams to preschoolers, always start with the most simple figures, gradually increasing the difficulty. It is important to consider age and individual characteristics child.

An interesting idea to implement - magnetic tangram. It can be made from a large square refrigerator magnet by cutting it into pieces and covering them with colored paper on top.

Hang one or two sets of puzzles and a set on the refrigerator, and daily exercises for development of imagination your kids will be provided for.

Do you like to play?

    The significance and indispensability of games in our lives has long been proven by many psychologists, scientists and life itself. We have been playing since childhood, learning to communicate while playing and building relationships.
    Gathering with the whole family or with friends, chatting about different things, treating everyone to something tasty, playing a few exciting games of a board game - all this is what gives our life a special flavor.

    Today, the passion for board games is becoming total. After all, modern board games are not only “adventure” games, but also strategic, economic, detective, and logical games.

    There are already up to 10 thousand in the world board games different topics. Of course, it’s impossible to keep up with all the innovations, and some games are too expensive. But you can make the game yourself
Here are some games.


Puzzle games for recreating figurative images from geometric shapes are used to improve visual perception, analysis, visual memory, and combinatorics. Sets of shapes are parts of a shape cut in a certain way: square, rectangle, circle or oval. They are interesting to children. The children were fascinated by the result - to compose what they saw on the sample or what they had planned.

The success of children mastering the game depends on the children’s sensory development. Children named geometric figures, their properties, their features, move the pieces freely. Children develop the ability to analyze images, identify geometric shapes, modify shapes by cutting and composing them from parts.

There are various puzzle games, for recreating planar images of objects, animals, birds, houses, ships from geometric figures, such as: “Tangram”, “Pythagoras”, “Sphinx”, “Magic Circle”, “Columbus Egg”, “Leaf”, “Vietnamese Game” , "Pentamino".

But now we will consider only one of them - “Tangram”.

The appearance of this Chinese puzzle is associated with a beautiful legend. Almost two and a half thousand years ago, the middle-aged Emperor of China gave birth to a long-awaited son and heir. Years passed. The boy grew up healthy and smart beyond his years. One thing bothered the old emperor. The boy took great pleasure in playing with toys all day long. The emperor called to him three wise men, one of whom was famous as a mathematician, another famous as an artist, and the third was a famous philosopher, and ordered them to come up with a game, by playing with which his son would comprehend the principles of mathematics, learn to look at the world through the gaze of an artist, I would become patient, like a true philosopher, and would understand that complex things are often made up of simple things. Three wise men came up with "Shi-Chao-Tyu" - a square cut into seven parts.

They say that tangram was the favorite game of Napoleon, who, having lost his throne, spent long hours in exile playing this game, “exercising his patience and resourcefulness.”

The essence of the game is to create a wide variety of shapes and silhouettes of objects according to a model or design on a plane of seven parts of a square. Commercial kits usually come with task cards.

1 option: Simplest. If the child is small, ask him to make a figure by superimposing elements on a sample, divided into component parts.

Option 2: If you have figured out the first one, then you can compose the figures according to the example, that is, the picture is in front of you and you compose the elements by looking at the figures divided into parts.

Option 3: For older children, you can leave only the outlines in the figure.

Option 4: Actually creative tasks- come up with and put together the figure yourself.

Kids can also get involved in the puzzle. You can come up with very simple tasks for them. For example, fold two triangles or two rectangles into squares, or triangles into a large triangle or parallelogram. This method allows you to study basic geometric shapes.

You can make a tangram yourself. It's very simple. You will need a puzzle template. Print the Tangram or draw it yourself based on the sample. You can use multi-colored elements, if the child is small - at the same time remember the colors, and it’s more interesting to work - play with colorful


When solving the puzzle, two rules must be followed: first, you must use all seven tangram shapes, and second, the shapes must not overlap each other. By adopting the mathematical science of combinatorics, more than 5,000 possible options folded figures.

Assembly examples:


Pythagoras puzzlevery similar to the good old Tangram.Puzzlehas the shape of a square cut into 7 parts, combining which you can create a huge number of geometric shapes, silhouettes of animals, people, various objects, etc. All details different sizes, this is the difficulty, so putting together a figure from them is quite difficult.

In the instructions for puzzle15 different tasks are offered.Pythagoras puzzlecan be used in mathematics classes, at home or at school, because it perfectly promotes the development of imagination, logic, attention, spatial thinking, mathematical and creative abilities. You can make it from cardboard or cut it out of plasticPythagoras puzzleand your family is guaranteed positive emotions and good mood.


The geometric puzzle Magic Square belongs to the second level of difficulty and is suitable for children aged 4 years and older. While working with the puzzle, the child will become familiar with simple geometric shapes: triangle, trapezoid, square.

Puzzle “Mongolian game”

A type of geometric puzzle, similar to the “Tangram” or “Pythagorean Square”.

The puzzle is a square cut into 11 parts: 2 squares, one large rectangle, 4 small rectangles, 4 triangles. It is best to make such a puzzle from double-sided cardboard or plastic.

The essence of the game- assemble figures from these elements using the mosaic principle.

How to play:

Make geometric shapes according to the model. On the Internet you can find ready-made tasks with answers, or you can come up with tasks for your child yourself.
In order to draw the figures you will need a checkered sheet. You can take a regular sheet of school paper. The elements that make up the “Mongolian Game” are very simple, and it will not be difficult for you to create compositions from them.

Here, for example, are several figures composed of puzzle elements.

If the child is small, then you can make figures according to the example, that is, figures divided into component parts. For older children, you can leave only the outlines in the figure.

Kids can also get involved in the puzzle. You can come up with very simple tasks for them. For example, fold two triangles or two rectangles into squares, or triangles into a large triangle or parallelogram. This method allows you to study basic geometric shapes.

Puzzle "Sphinx"

The Sphinx puzzle consists of various geometric shapes:
4 triangles and 3 quadrilaterals with different aspect ratios. From
elements you can collect silhouettes of birds, humans, animals, developing
observation and geometric imagination.

The instructions contain
diagrams for constructing more than two dozen figures:

Puzzle games develop spatial imagination, combinatorial abilities, intelligence, ingenuity, and resourcefulness. Easy to understand, but quite difficult to solve, the puzzles walk the fine line between exciting play and intellectual development.

Puzzles from Alexey Shamshin

And another one

Archimedes' puzzle STOMACHION

The proposed puzzle Archimedes game is a unique geometric constructor that was played in ancient times. Its other name is "Stomachion".

Game elements are obtained by arbitrarily dividing a rectangle into 14 parts. From the resulting parts, various object silhouettes are constructed on a plane, for example, a sitting dog, a running person, various flowers, birds. You can also create multi-figure compositions. It is necessary to introduce the child to the game gradually.

Practice recognizing geometric shapes with your child. You can invite the child to count the sides, angles, group the shapes by shape, size, and name them. Then try to construct simple images. To make the Archimedes game easier, it is suggested that you first lay out the figures according to the attached diagrams.

Puzzle "LEAF"

Geometric mosaic puzzle Leaf is designed for children aged 4 years and above.a figurine resembling a lilac leaf. This lilac leaf is laid out from other shapes: triangles, squares, trapezoids.

Working with a puzzle develops a child's eye, shape perception, hand-eye coordination, spatial thinking and imagination.Promotes the development of arbitrariness (the ability to play by the rules and follow instructions), cognitive activity, fine motor skills, imagination, the formation of sensory standards of color, size and shape, combinatorial abilities,abstract thinking.

"Magic Circle"

The circle is cut into 10 parts. The rules of the game are the same as in other similar games: use all 10 parts to compose the silhouette, without overlapping one with the other. The cut circle should be colored equally on both sides.


The “Vietnamese Game” includes a circle divided into seven parts and a frame into which the elements are placed. All puzzle pieces are streamlined, some of them are the same size. Invite your child to construct the silhouette of an animal or bird from intricate details. At first, you can use not all elements, then gradually complicate the tasks.

You can design according to diagrams, or you can invent your own plot compositions.

By constructing simple figurative figures, children learn the perception of shape, the ability to isolate a figure from the background, and identify the main features of an object. The puzzle develops the eye, analytical and synthetic functions, imagination (reproductive and creative), hand-eye coordination, and the ability to work according to rules. The game is intended for children from 4 years old


There is a story - perhaps fictitious. The discoverer of America, Columbus, was invited to the almighty Cardinal Mendoza. At the table, at the request of the guests, he began to tell how exactly the New World was discovered by him (which, however, he considered India). Someone present, a limited but self-confident person, shrugged his shoulders and said: “Is it so simple?”

Columbus looked at him and handed him what was on the platter. egg: “Make it stand on its toe.” Of course, attempts to install the egg were unsuccessful. “This is unthinkable...” said Columbus’s discouraged interlocutor. “It's very simple!” - the navigator answered with a grin and, breaking the sock of an egg on the table, easily made him stand.

The expression “Columbus egg” has become the embodiment of a witty and unexpected way out of a difficulty, synonymous with a simple resolution of difficult issues.

Let's get acquainted with the fascinating puzzle Columbus's Egg, which will perfectly brighten up time on the road, waiting at the clinic and, of course, develop the child's logic and thinking. The principle of the game is simple. Cut the egg figurine along the lines into small parts. The child’s task is to assemble the figurine according to the model. But sometimes you can fantasize and come up with your own options, and see a familiar image in the figure.

Here are the figures with tasks


Famous logic game-puzzle. It was this game that inspired Alexey Pajitnov to create the popular computer game Tetris.

Pentamino is a very popular logic game and puzzle at the same time. Elements in the game - flat figures, each of which consists of five identical squares. There are a total of 12 pentomino elements, denoted by Latin letters, the shape of which they resemble

You can make pentominoes from cubes, but then you will need to glue and cover 60 cubes with colored film - a bit difficult. We suggest making elements from thick cardboard.

  • We draw each element on hard cardboard, cut it out, check that the element fits into the “U” element. Trim excess if necessary. We drew details from 2.5x2.5 cm squares.
  • We trace the finished cardboard element on colored paper folded in half and cut out two colored parts at once. It’s better to make colored parts smaller than cardboard ones, and they stick better, and the corners will be more even.
  • Glue with glue stick colored paper on both sides of the cardboard.
  • We find a box for storing parts, where we will also put diagrams and tasks for the game later.

To develop a child’s thinking and imagination, you can use various means and ways, one of which is the tangram game. You can start working with such a fun and useful puzzle in preschool age. Children will find it interesting to put together a house, fish or cat from simple figures, and colorful diagrams will help them avoid making mistakes.

What it is?

The puzzle itself came to us from ancient China, and the very fact that it is over a thousand years old suggests that it is fascinating and useful. The word, somewhat unusual for Russian speakers, translated from Chinese means “seven tablets of mastery.”

The essence of the game is simple: from seven geometric figures on a plane you need to build something specified by the diagram. This could be a figurine of a person or animal, plants, some household items, toys, and older preschoolers can be asked to build numbers and letters.

The composition of the set is as follows:

  • triangles (there are five of them) vary in size - two large and small, one medium;
  • parallelogram;
  • square.

Interestingly, if you add the elements in a certain sequence, you get a square. You can buy a ready-made puzzle, or even more interesting, make it yourself from thick cardboard, painted in different colors, – this will make it easier for the baby to navigate the diagrams.

Freedom of creativity is limited by two simple rules– one element cannot be superimposed on another, but all of them must be involved in the construction.

How to develop the most significant areas for a child in 20-30 minutes a day

  • Three ready-made scenarios for comprehensive developmental classes in pdf format;
  • Video recommendations on how to conduct complex games and how to create them yourself;
  • A plan for creating such activities at home

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Brief history of the technique

Legend has it that a certain Chinese emperor began to use the tangram for the first time, who was very worried that his future heir did not show due interest in the learning process. Then the monarch called for help from three wise men - a mathematician, an artist and a philosopher, who together came up with the magic square. Thanks to it, you can perform a huge number of tasks. And the capricious prince finally began to study.

It is known that even Napoleon at one time was engaged in folding tangram figures.

About the benefits

Exercises with a puzzle are certainly useful for preschool children, since in an unobtrusive form they develop useful skills:

  • teach spatial thinking;
  • form and consolidate the concepts of color and shape;
  • improve attention and imagination;
  • develop the ability to “read” an instruction diagram;
  • learn to visually divide an entire object into parts;
  • help the development of fine motor skills, since children fold the figures on the table using their fingers.

The goal of such training is to improve the child’s thinking. At the same time, the variety of schemes helps maintain interest.

Variety of tasks

Tangram for preschoolers is a fun and useful activity that can be started from the age of 4-5. First, the kids get acquainted with a new set, study its elements, find a triangle according to their parents’ instructions, and show which one is big and which one is small. Next, adults print out the diagram in full size, asking the little ones to put the elements on the drawing. These can be houses, animals, birds, fish, a Christmas tree, a man.

Gradually, the tasks become more complicated, children are offered a hint diagram, which in size may no longer correspond to the real “dimensions” of the figures, and a task to fold something, for example a bird.

Children, as a rule, also become interested in the fact that from a specific number of elements several varieties of birds can be added.

To prevent preschoolers from getting bored, you should come up with a plot - for example, write a fairy tale about animals who would like to live in a house. In order for each of them to occupy their own “room”, you need to assemble the beast from puzzle elements. Next, preschoolers are offered the following scheme:

They make a cat, a hare, a horse, a fish, a duck, a dog. We can “plant” a spruce next to the house to make it beautiful (its diagram is also presented above). Finally, a man built a dwelling for the menagerie - his figure is also on the diagram.

You shouldn’t torment your child with numerous collections of animals; for one lesson 2-3 are enough; the next day you can continue “populating”.

Cat lovers can be invited to compose these animals from puzzle elements according to the following schemes:

The setting is given something like this: today is cat day, let's try to collect as many as possible various types. Or another option: a cat came to visit us and told us a lot of new things about her relatives. Let's show her how we can collect cats.

Also very interesting are the houses, of which a huge variety can be made from tangram elements:

Together with the child, you should discuss what kind of house he would like to build, for example, for his pets, and then offer him to work. If something doesn’t work out, don’t be nervous and yell at your child, such an attitude will only destroy his desire to understand the secrets of the Chinese puzzle. It’s best to help, hold, praise for your efforts, then the result will come very soon.

When working with tangram, it is important to use a playful element, to come up with fairy tales and exciting stories. Otherwise, the baby will quickly get bored and will study through force. Therefore, it is better to tell him about the magic square, which, at the behest of the good sorceress, split into several fragments, from which literally anything can be created. But the sorceress needs an assistant, so the child is temporarily given miraculous power, and according to the magic book (drawings and diagrams) he will populate the fictional kingdom with various inhabitants, build houses, boats, Christmas trees, etc. there.

Tangram is a great mental workout that will help you have fun and reinforce useful skills. Among huge amount You can find patterns that will appeal to every preschooler.