Technology for digging a well for drinking water. What is the easiest way to dig a well: a comparative review of digging methods

You can dig a well without hiring outside workers, with your own hands. You just need to study the step-by-step instructions.

Before construction, it is determined by what digging methods the work will be carried out: by alternately installing the upper rings or by finding the level of the aquifer. The method is chosen based on the depth of the water.

The method of sequential installation of rings is as follows. The ring is placed on the surface of the earth and they begin to select the soil inside. Over time, it itself sinks into the depths. To dig a level well, it is necessary to ensure strict verticality, otherwise, if there is a strong slope, the concrete sediment will stop. You can adjust this yourself by tying a plumb line and setting a level on top of the ring.

After the top edge is level with the soil, a second one is installed on the ring. The next ones are installed as necessary until the lower one drops to the aquifer. You can immediately install gaskets to seal the seams.

This method allows you to control the height and number of rings and not be afraid of soil shedding, since the digger is inside.

When performing this option, it must be taken into account that it is inconvenient for one person to dig and remove soil. It will be necessary to involve one more employee. In addition, you will need additional help when installing rings from above.

The second method is to initially excavate the well shaft and then install concrete once the aquifer is reached. This method is easier when digging, a person is not cramped inside the ring. It is possible to make deeper shafts. The rings are installed when the walls begin to crumble. Several rings are sealed against the ingress of flood and groundwater.

The disadvantages of this method are the following:

  • It is possible to miss the beginning of soil collapse, then the mine will suffer.
  • It is difficult to control the tightness of the structure; insulation is only possible from the outside.
  • The amount of earth to be filled between the shaft and the ring is uncontrollable, as is its density. Therefore, flood and rainwater may enter.

All work on the construction and operation of wells is carried out with mandatory compliance with safety regulations. It assumes:

Today it is easy to find a company that provides services for arranging a water source in summer cottage. Let's find out how much it costs to dig a well in a country house and how to carry out this operation.

Companies offer concrete rings along with digging. The price of work, including materials, is approximately 4,200 rubles. for each ring from the first to the tenth. The next ones will cost more, since they must be additionally strengthened to withstand soil pressure.

If the materials are yours, then you will pay about 2000 rubles. for each ring. It is also necessary to include the costs of related materials, which will amount to approximately 1000 rubles.

Additional installation of a well head (well house) will cost about 5,000 rubles.

Before you start organizing a source, you need to choose its location correctly, since the quality of the water depends on this, as well as the duration of operation of the well.

Let's figure out where to dig a well in the country.

  • Water passing under the top layers of soil tends to become polluted. Therefore, you cannot install a source near a drain. Wastewater, garbage and compost heaps.
  • When constructing a well, it is important to take into account the hydrogeological situation. For example, water in a swampy area is not suitable for drinking, since high water will penetrate into the well, along with which everything that comes in its way will enter the water.
  • It is advisable to locate the source near places of water consumption. This will reduce the cost of water supply. However, you should not make a well near the house; it should be at least five meters away from the home.

Now you need to decide when is the best time to dig a well in your dacha. The ideal period for organizing a water source is autumn - early winter, since at this time the lowest water level is observed.

In spring it is difficult to choose the appropriate depth, since due to snow melting the water level fluctuates within 1-2 meters.

After the location of the future source has been chosen, the main steps begin. To make work easier, it is recommended to use special devices and tools.

You will need a winch to lift the buckets, and you will also need to install a tripod through which a rope or rope will be thrown.

  1. Markings are made on the site intended for digging a well. It is taken into account that the diameter of the shaft should be 10 cm larger than the ring being installed.

It is difficult to immediately determine the required depth. Of course, you can focus on the well located nearby. But on average it takes about 8-12 rings.

  1. Next, they begin digging, and the rings are immersed one at a time, as the shaft is opened, to the appropriate depth, so that the ring rises 10-20 cm above the ground. The next ring is delivered to the work site on a cart that has a height corresponding to the protruding part of the ring. This will reduce the presence of a massive ring in weight to a minimum. The operation can be seen in the photo.
  1. After the first ring is immersed, the next ring is installed, whose weight forces the structure to sink down. The rings are fastened together with staples in the amount of at least three pieces. After installation, remove soil from the walls.
  1. When considering the question of how to dig a well at your dacha yourself, it is worth noting the methods for removing soil. There are two methods, the choice of which depends on the density of the earth. If it is soft, then it can be cut through and removed from the middle without any problems.

It will be difficult to manually dig a well with clay rock with your own hands; this will require the use of special tools.

  1. After installing two rings, the hole is deepened by 0.8 m, and the rings are dug in a circle so that they go deeper under their own weight. By laying hemp rope and applying a cement composition, the joints between the rings are sealed.
  1. The column is built up until water appears at the bottom. The liquid along with the sand is removed, and the well itself is left for twelve hours to allow it to fill with water.
  1. The next day I cleanse the source again. Carry out the procedure until the formation of sufficient quantity relatively clean water. Cover the well with a lid and leave it for a day.
  2. Next, a filter is laid, consisting of a 10-centimeter layer of fine gravel and a thirty-centimeter layer of coarse gravel.

In order to know how to properly dig a well in a country house, you must not only be able to position the rings evenly, but also ensure their protection and reliable fastening.

The rings are connected with metal brackets, which are attached to bolts passing through the wall.

To prevent penetration of perched water into the source, the seam between the rings must be sealed with linen rope and cement mixture. Additionally with outside After digging in the rings, a layer of waterproofing is applied along the seams or even along the entire wall.

Many are convinced that such activities worsen water quality, but these words should not be believed. Water can become worse only if the water penetrates through the seams, which after some time will still become unusable.

The space dug around the well is filled with blue clay, and foam plastic is laid to prevent it from freezing (photo).

Related articles:

  • How to dig a well

Heading – wooden house above the well, not only performs a decorative function, but also prevents water pollution, preventing wind-blown debris from getting inside.

  1. First, a frame is built from beams or boards. First, four racks are installed, which are connected by the upper and lower trim.
  1. To arrange the roof you will need to organize roof trusses, on which the sheathing will then be mounted.
  1. The rafters cut at an angle are connected to each other with self-tapping screws.
  1. Then cutouts are made on the rafters where they will be connected by strapping.
  1. Installing jibs allows you to strengthen the structure. The rafters are fastened together with two boards, which are then lathed.
  1. After this, installation begins roofing material, which can be used as roofing material.
  1. The final stage is the installation of slate, which is attached to the roofing felt with special fasteners. Corner connections covered with wind boards.

After the main work on the construction of the house is completed, the installation of the door begins. It is a plank shield, the manufacture of which will not be difficult.

Cutting boards required sizes and connect them together wooden blocks with a cross section of 2.5x3 cm. For this, two bars on top and bottom of the door will be enough.

To ensure the rigidity of the structure, another bar is attached diagonally. After covering, the handle and latch are attached, the hinges are cut in and the door is installed on the house.

  1. As already stated, work on creating a well on your site begins with calculations and determining the location for digging.
  2. If you have already collected everything necessary information, you should start marking.
  3. After this, you need to start digging holes.
  4. It is necessary to dig to such a depth that the first ring, regardless of the type of installation (open or closed), does not go completely into the ground.
  5. As you already understand, the works are described according to closed method installation, due to the fact that it is much more common.
  6. After installing the first ring, there should be a protrusion of 10 centimeters. You can transport the ring into the dug hole using a cart. It should be the same height as the ledge. That is 10 centimeters. You must understand that even the installation of the first ring determines the quality of the future well. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully check its verticality. If the first ring is slightly distorted, further work may not go according to plan.
  7. Then the second concrete ring is installed. It is connected using special brackets.
  8. For two rings you will need at least three staples. Considering that the operating principle of the closed well installation method is to immerse the rings under their own pressure, it is necessary to dig a hole in the center of the rings.
  9. After installing the first two products, the structure should be deepened by 80 centimeters.
  10. After this, the rings are dug in a circle.
  11. If you are forced to work with soft soil, it must be removed from the middle of the ring. If we are talking about hard ground, then first you need to remove the soil under the rings. This will allow you to get rid of obstacles that may interfere with the immersion of the structure.
  12. After eliminating unnecessary soil and interference, you can work in standard mode, removing soil from the middle.
  13. To connect rings on soft ground, experts recommend using staples. Despite the existence of more modern designs– rings with locks, the above option is considered more optimal. This is due to the fact that rings with locks are not able to protect the rings from deformation in soft ground in winter time. They start to move. The brackets provide for this process and do not allow the structure to move.
  14. As you dig a hole, it is necessary to process the joints of the strung rings. To do this, a special sealant is used and a tarred hemp rope is installed. Additionally, it can be sealed using cement mortar. The walls of the shaft should be built up until water is visible.
  15. After sealing the rings and sealing the cracks, the sides must be compacted with clay. Additionally, you can sprinkle with earth. This will protect the well from rainwater, pollutants and other unnecessary elements.

To achieve comfortable living conditions in a country house or in a private house, every home craftsman must take care of the availability of water supply. At the same time, everything more people Today they rely on their own sources. These include wells and wells. The first option is definitely more effective, but in order to dig a well yourself, you need to have an accurate understanding of all stages of the work. There are stereotypes that digging a well yourself personal plot impossible. In reality, this task is achievable if everything is done correctly and consistently.

When can you dig a well?

If you decide to build a well on your site yourself, you should choose the right time to complete this task. If specialized companies having good equipment can carry out this procedure at any time, then it is definitely not possible to dig a well in winter with the means at hand.

You should wait for optimal weather conditions, that is, drought. While it's raining, you can get everything ready necessary equipment and materials. The groundwater level is at its lowest, usually from late summer to early autumn. Therefore, it is best to plan to dig a well in August-September.

The first video is about how you can dig a well yourself, without relying on friends and acquaintances.

In this case, you do not need to hire a team of professionals.

How deep should a well be dug?

The depth of the future well depends on the chosen place for digging. For example, if you need a well near a river, then it will be easier to get to the water. At the same time, it is almost impossible to independently determine where to start work so that the waters are closer without special equipment. Specialists with experience working with soil can help you with this. You can also consult your neighbors. If they have a well on the property, they will be able to tell you what depth is optimal.

A well for a summer residence should be located at least thirty meters away from toilets, sewers, and other groundwater pollutants. The optimal depth of the well is considered to be 5-10 meters. Although in rare cases it can even reach 30-40 meters. Typically, the appearance of black clay indicates that you are approaching a water vein.

How to determine whether the water in a well is suitable for drinking

In order to understand what kind of water is available on your site, you should do geological exploration of the area. If there are already communication networks in the yard, then such data probably already exists. If not, you can again ask neighbors who have a well. They will be able to tell you where the waters suitable for drinking are concentrated.

You can check your water quality by contacting your local SES. As for more professional methods, these include electrical-vertical sensing. This technology allows you to correctly determine what water accumulates underground. But, as practice shows, one method is not enough for a 100% result. Maximum correct result can only be obtained in combination with other methods.

Safety precautions

A few words about safety precautions. Our health is everything - we can’t dig a well without it))

It should be understood that digging a well is difficult process, which requires the performer to be attentive. For this reason, due attention should be paid to safety precautions. To avoid risks, just follow a few simple rules:

  1. First of all, you need to wear a helmet when working. After all, at any moment a handful of earth or a stone can fall on a person’s head.
  2. While digging a hole, you should periodically check the integrity of the rope.
  3. It is recommended to periodically inspect fastening systems and containers designed for raising soil.
  4. You can stay in the mine for a limited amount of time.
  5. It should be borne in mind that dampness and cold have a negative impact on health.

Choosing a location for a well

Great value in self-construction well plays right choice places to dig it. If the area is contaminated or there is a source of any waste nearby, obtain good water from the well it will not be possible. For this reason, you must accurately study the geological condition of the soil.

It should be taken into account that many sources of pollution easily penetrate not only into the surface layer, but also into groundwater. Also, you should not focus on areas of land where rocky soil is observed. Many home craftsmen are looking for a source drinking water focus on ancient methods. In particular, they are trying to detect veins by the presence of vegetation. However, this method is not reliable. It is also problematic to dig a well on slopes. The best option clean flat terrain.

What technologies can you use to dig a well?

If there is dense soil on your site, then the installation of structures such as a well is carried out using the open method. This is due to the fact that the walls of the mine will not collapse, since the soil includes clay deposits. The open method of constructing a well means the following work plan:

  • Digging a mine;
  • Installation of hardware concrete rings;
  • Fastening the rings;
  • Elimination of cracks;

We will talk in detail about each stage from the above scheme of work later. Thus, open method Digging a hole is effective in cases where nothing affects the deformation of the walls of the shaft.
The closed method of constructing a well for a summer residence is typical for loose soil.

  1. When working with sandy soil, usually the walls of the shaft constantly crumble and shift. For this reason, work will have to be interrupted, which can lead to lengthy installation of the well rings. To obtain good result in this case, it is necessary to start digging the hole correctly. This method involves the sliding of rings along the walls of the shaft using their own weight.
  2. In other words, the rings will begin to fall down on their own. And we need to dig out from under them. Before you start digging a hole, you must mark the exact location of the future rings. The mark must strictly correspond to the outer diameter of the structures. After this it is removed upper layer soil. As a rule, for the first ring a hole is dug up to two meters deep.
  3. Then the ring is mounted inside, and all further work is carried out inside the product. Under its own weight, it should sink lower on its own. After each meter dug, a second one is installed on top of one ring. The last ring is installed after the aquifer appears.

There is no need to completely bury the last element of the structure. Also, to achieve a full result, you will need to use sealed products. The process of insulating seams in this case is no different from the above. But we’ll talk about the details of this stage of work later.

Well design

Regardless of the chosen digging method, all wells have the same design features. The lower part of any well should be equipped with a bottom filter, which is designed to purify drinking water. This structural component consists of three layers of gravel and crushed stone. The first layers, as a rule, are represented by a fine fraction. The middle layer is five times larger.

The last layer is the fraction large size. In some cases, the filter can be supplemented with a plank floor. Such measures are taken when the soil at the bottom of the well is too viscous. There are rings on top of the filter. Using them is the easiest way to create a mine. It can also be made of brick, concrete and stone.

The upper part of the structure is represented by the head. The upper part of the well can be made in the form of a house, a mill or any other object. This will give the well an aesthetic appearance. You should ensure that the storehouse is equipped with a special lid. Safety precautions require that the well be closed at all times. Otherwise, foreign objects, pollutants, rainwater, and also someone may get hurt due to their carelessness.

Necessary materials and tools for digging a well

Before you start building a well, you can estimate in advance how much this task will cost you. To do this you need to calculate the price of all necessary materials and tools. For work you will need the following building materials:

  • Crushed stone;
  • Gravel;
  • Concrete rings;
  • Wooden boards;
  • Bars;
  • Nails,
  • Bolts;
  • Sealant;
  • Cement;
  • Sand;
  • Staples;
  • Seam putty;

The amount of resources required for work depends directly on the location and depth of the well. As for the tools that will be useful for the job, it also all depends on the placement of the well and its depth. But in any case, to work you will have to use:

  • Tripod;
  • Shovels;
  • Ladder or ropes;
  • Buckets;
  • Drill;
  • Durable chains;
  • Cart.

Beginning of work

It should be noted that to make a well you will need the help of several comrades. This is due to the fact that concrete rings are difficult to install independently, even with special equipment. This is directly related to their heavy weight. But in any case, the help of friends will cost much less than the services of companies that provide drilling and construction services.

Advice from professionals on proper well digging, a large number of important nuances that should be followed

  1. As already stated, work on creating a well on your site begins with calculations and determining the location for digging.
  2. If you have already collected all the necessary information, you should start marking.
  3. marking the future well - the beginning of the beginning

  4. After this, you need to start digging holes.
  5. It is necessary to dig to such a depth that the first ring, regardless of the type of installation (open or closed), does not go completely into the ground.
  6. As you already understand, the work is described using a closed installation method, due to the fact that it is much more common.
  7. After installing the first ring, there should be a protrusion of 10 centimeters. You can transport the ring into the dug hole using a cart. It should be the same height as the ledge. That is 10 centimeters. You must understand that even the installation of the first ring determines the quality of the future well. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully check its verticality. If the first ring is slightly distorted, further work may not go according to plan.
  8. Then the second concrete ring is installed. It is connected using special brackets.
  9. For two rings you will need at least three staples. Considering that the operating principle of the closed well installation method is to immerse the rings under their own pressure, it is necessary to dig a hole in the center of the rings.
  10. After installing the first two products, the structure should be deepened by 80 centimeters.
  11. After this, the rings are dug in a circle.
  12. If you are forced to work with soft soil, it must be removed from the middle of the ring. If we are talking about hard ground, then first you need to remove the soil under the rings. This will allow you to get rid of obstacles that may interfere with the immersion of the structure.
  13. After eliminating unnecessary soil and interference, you can work in standard mode, removing soil from the middle.
  14. To connect rings on soft ground, experts recommend using staples. Despite the existence of more modern designs - rings with locks, the above option is considered more optimal. This is due to the fact that rings with locks are not able to protect the rings from deformation in soft ground in winter. They start to move. The brackets provide for this process and do not allow the structure to move.
  15. As you dig a hole, it is necessary to process the joints of the strung rings. To do this, a special sealant is used and a tarred hemp rope is installed. Additionally, it can be sealed using cement mortar. The walls of the shaft should be built up until water is visible.
  16. After sealing the rings and sealing the cracks, the sides must be compacted with clay. Additionally, you can sprinkle with earth. This will protect the well from rainwater, pollutants and other unnecessary elements.

On last stage work is carried out on the upper part of the well. Traditionally, wood is used to make it. The ground part can be made in the form of a house. In some cases, home craftsmen choose concrete or brick. In this case top part rings can be complemented with flowerpots or some architectural elements. You should also create a cover made of concrete or wood. This is necessary for safety reasons.

Cleaning a well from dirty water

Even if your well is well protected, it needs to be cleaned periodically (preferably once every six months - regarding the filter itself).

The final video about digging a well is a reliably informative way

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For permanent residence V country house you will need a water source. Moreover, its year-round operation is important. One of the most ancient and available sources water supply is considered to be a well. Using a minimum of equipment and materials, it is quite possible to dig it out by hand.

Of course ideal place for a well there will be an area located next to the house: few people will want to walk a long distance to fetch water every day. But, on the other hand, experts do not advise digging a well very close to the house. Therefore, you need to determine the ideal distance and the following tips will help you:

  • maintain a distance between the location of the future well and sources of pollution;
  • Make sure that there are no overflowing waters at the work site. They often appear in swampy places.

Where does water come from in wells?

The water collected on the surface of the earth, gradually cleared, seeps down. This happens until the water hits the clay layer. Waterproof clay layers, depending on their location, can be divided into 4 types.

  1. Horse water (depth no more than five meters).
  2. The soil water is already located a little lower (from 5 to 10 meters).
  3. Groundwater – up to 40 meters.
  4. Water located at a depth of more than 40 meters is called artesian.

How much water is needed for home ownership? If we talk about watering small garden or a vegetable garden, then for one day you need about 1-2 cubic meters of water.

When is the best time to start construction?

Depending on the time of year, groundwater can change its height (fluctuation range is 2 meters). To prevent troubles associated with lack of water, work should begin in late autumn or winter. At this time, the groundwater level will be minimal.

Digging in winter is a very difficult job, so it is better to start work in late autumn. Then it won’t be so cold, and the ground will be soft.

Where does water come from in a well?

After the well is formed, water will begin to accumulate at the bottom. It is taken from a certain aquifer, the area of ​​which can reach up to 4 square kilometers. In most cases, such a layer is located at a depth of no more than twenty meters.

If you have dug to a depth of 20 meters, and there is still no layer, then there is no point in continuing to work manually. It will be much easier and cheaper to drill a deep well.

Interesting article for summer residents:

How to dig a well by hand: getting started

You cannot find the sequence of working steps when creating a well in any standards or instructions. The process carries with it thousands of years of experience passed down from generation to generation.

Many years of practice were able to form the structure of a classic well. To achieve this goal you will need the following tools:

  • bayonet shovel;
  • shovel;
  • tripod ( robust design for attaching the winch);
  • winch;
  • ladder;
  • reinforced concrete rings;

By selecting appropriate place, and having collected the necessary equipment, you can start digging. The work must be carried out by a team (at least two people).

  1. One person begins to dig the ground in the indicated place. The diameter of the pit must correspond to the diameter of the concrete rings. Stones and hard ground Anything that comes across must be broken using a crowbar.
  2. Another is engaged in standing at the top of the resulting shaft and lifting up the excavated earth and stones.
  3. If possible, invite a third person to the team - he will periodically replace the first or second. This way the work will go much faster, and no one will get too tired.
  4. To create more or less acceptable working conditions in the mine, it is necessary to provide ventilation. Usually a special one is used for this pumping device. If this is not available, you can use a regular umbrella.

Initially, a reinforced concrete ring is placed on the ground (in place of a potential well). As the mine deepens, excavations are made under the ring, causing it to gradually sink deeper. After complete immersion, a second ring is placed on top. Next, everything is done by analogy. It is worth noting that the average weight of such a ring can exceed half a ton.

If you do not have a crane at your disposal, then two people may be enough to move the rings. But if you do end up with it, use it. Using a tap, you can easily and without problems put this or that ring in a specific location.

If you are lucky and there is solid soil in the chosen place, you can first dig a more or less deep hole, and then put several rings there. Of course, this is done using a crane.

After this, the work is done according to the above principle (the lower ring is dug up).

Dredging work must be carried out until you reach the aquifer. On average, 3 reinforced concrete rings can be laid in one working day.

As you approach the water, the temperature in the mine will begin to gradually decrease, and small streams of water may appear from the walls.

How to protect a well from surface water

In order for the water in your well to always be clean, it must be protected from surface waters(due to the low degree of purification, such water is of poor quality). Water must enter the well exclusively from below, having passed through certain “natural filters”.

High-quality water protection is ensured by insulating the shaft walls from the ground. For this purpose, heavy concrete rings are now used, securely fixed to each other.

Connections between rings can be made using several methods.

  1. Using a crowbar, twist the rings together with strong wire. Each ring must have special eyes for transportation: use a wire to hook onto them.
  2. The method is more complex, but quite effective. Drill holes in the walls of the rings and, using metal staples, connect the rings to each other.

Do not forget also about waterproofing the seams between the rings. Use special material (which does not allow water to pass through and does not affect taste qualities water).

When strengthening seams, take into account the following tips:

  1. Fill the gaps between the rings with linen rope.
  2. Apply a special solution on top ( liquid glass, cement and sand). This will give a waterproofing effect.
  3. Dig a meter-long pit above the top ring.
  4. Apply a waterproofing layer to the outside of the ring.
  5. Fill this pit with clay.

When springs begin to emerge from the walls of the mine, go another 2 meters into the aquifer.

At the very bottom you need to make a special filter cushion from quartzite sand and river stones.

After the well shaft is completely formed, you need to pump it using a drainage pump. This is done so that in the future the well can provide a sufficient amount of water.

Well arrangement

Creating a mine and strengthening the walls will not be enough to obtain a full-fledged source of drinking water. It is also necessary to arrange its upper part.

A small concrete platform is laid around the upper ring (sometimes crushed stone is used for this). It is necessary to erect a blind area after a certain time, when the poured soil is compacted and settles.

In order to avoid various debris from falling into the mine, you need to build a canopy over the well. If a pump is used to lift water, then in this case it is recommended to close the shaft altogether, leaving only holes for the hose and wire.

How to protect a well from the cold

When the aquifer is located at a relatively shallow level, there is a possibility of water freezing.

To avoid such situations, you will need to additionally build a “house”. As insulation materials It is advisable to use polymer or mineral wool.

In the diagram above, 2 wells are used at once. The first acts as the main one (deliveries water from the ground to an additional container), and the second plays the role of “organizer” of water supply throughout the house.

If you take your work seriously and responsibly, then the question of how to manually dig a well will no longer be so frightening and difficult. In addition, you will have excessive pride and joy from the fact of personal participation in the work process.

Having your own source of water at your favorite summer cottage will significantly increase the level of comfort. It will eliminate the need to carry buckets of water to care for carefully grown plants or to fill containers in a bathhouse or shower.

The construction of a water intake structure can be entrusted to a team of workers specializing in this field. But it is better to dig and equip a well at your dacha with your own hands, investing a minimum of money in it. We will tell you how to choose a place for a water source, how to drill and equip a working.

Any enterprise requires the future performer to carefully preliminary preparation. Especially something as labor-intensive as digging a well.

Errors in planning, distribution of forces and work stages will certainly affect the result. IN best case scenario construction will last for a long, but unknown period, and at worst, it will end with the construction of a useless tunnel “to nowhere.”

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Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Building your own well is not an easy, but completely doable task, which House master can easily be solved without hiring hired workers. True, he will need at least two assistants to extract soil to the surface and to monitor the condition of the worker at the bottom of the mine.

In case of dizziness, it is necessary to immediately raise it to the surface, and before work, regularly check the gas content with a burning candle or gas analyzer.

Would you like to tell us how you installed a well on your own summer cottage? Do you have any questions about the topic of the article, or have you found any controversial points in the information? Please comment in the block below, leave posts with your opinion and photos on the topic.

In areas where there is no centralized water supply, you have to build wells or boreholes. The type of source depends on the hydrogeological conditions of the area, the needs and personal preferences of the owner.

Digging wells is a labor-intensive and expensive process, but it can be made cheaper by doing it yourself. Therefore, we invite you to figure out how to make a well with your own hands and what you will need for this.

Aquifers can occur at several levels. The topmost one is usually located close to the surface of the earth. This layer is called perchal water. It may be contaminated with chemicals used to Agriculture, fecal bacteria from wastewater, etc.

Verkhodka is not suitable for feeding a well, unless the water is planned to be used exclusively for technical purposes or for irrigation garden plants. It should also be taken into account that during seasonal changes the amount of water may decrease or increase significantly.

Wells are dug into the groundwater horizon. This aquifer lies below the perched water. The water in it is often free-flowing, so its level in the well is the same as in the aquifer. During construction hydraulic structures groundwater is cut off from the perched water layers to protect it from contamination.

An aesthetically designed well will not only provide the site with water, but will also decorate the local area

Artesian waters lie below groundwater. Wells are not dug to this horizon, and the construction of wells is very expensive. In addition, you have to obtain a permit to use water resources.

Artesian waters are pressure waters, so the water level in the well is higher than in the horizon, and even gushing is possible.

Another advantage of the shaft structure over the tubular one is the ease of construction. You can find out how to dig a mine well with your own hands by reading specialized literature and articles.

If desired, everyone can take their advice and dig and arrange a quality water source on their own.

A column, or tube well, is a shallow well, the walls of which are lined with a pipe, and the water is raised using a manual or electric pump

A tube well is built if the aquifer is located shallow, and the owner can use drilling equipment. The advantage of a tubular structure is faster construction. Due to their small diameter, tubular structures are less polluted. They can be built next to residential and commercial buildings.

Both types of wells have their own advantages and disadvantages. When choosing suitable design all nuances should be taken into account. Since it is easier to build a mine well without the use of special equipment, in the future we will consider the issues of digging just such a source.

The best time to start construction

When is the best time to dig a well? If you start work in the spring, after floods, you can make a mistake with the depth of the mine. Groundwater rise, and until their level decreases, it is undesirable to dig. Otherwise, there may be a need to deepen the structure, because There will not be enough water in summer and winter.

The autumn rainy season is also not the most favorable time for building a well. But in summer heat or in winter it is quite possible to start work. During these periods, the water drains away. If you can build a working well, it is guaranteed to maintain productivity in other seasons.

Winter construction is complicated due to soil freezing, but in summer or early autumn nothing prevents you from starting excavation. However, there is one exception. If the well is built on quicksand, it is better to dig it in winter.

The first frost is not an obstacle to building a well. You can start work even if the first snow has fallen. The main thing is that the soil does not freeze too much

Two main ways to dig a mine

Before digging a well at home or in the country, you should decide on the type of soil and choose suitable way mine construction. There are only two methods - open and closed. They differ significantly, each of them has its own characteristics.

Open well digging technology is applicable to clayey and loamy soils. For sandy and sandy loam soils, the closed method is more suitable

Method #1 – open digging technique

The open method of digging a well is convenient and simple. Its essence is that you first need to dig a mine at desired depth, and then install concrete rings. This method is suitable for areas with dense soil that is not prone to crumbling.

The mine is dug down to the aquifer. If necessary, the walls are strengthened as they go deeper into the ground. The diameter of the hole should be slightly larger than the calculated dimensions finished design. When the shaft is dug, its walls and bottom are constructed, and the remaining gap is filled with a layer of sand or crushed stone.

To ensure that the joints between the rings are airtight, they are installed on cement mortar. Good option– the use of locking rings, the design of which immediately provides for the possibility of connection. The well made from them will be stronger and more reliable

Method #2 – features of the closed method

If the soil on the site is sandy, then the open digging method is not suitable, because... the risk of the mine walls collapsing is too great. This makes work difficult and can be potentially dangerous for construction workers. Then they use the “ring” method of digging a well. The technology itself is more complex open method, but safer.

Having chosen a place for the well, you should dig a shallow hole for the first ring. The recess can be from 20 cm to 2 m. The diameter must correspond to the size of the rings. Having installed the first ring, they begin to select soil from inside the structure. A heavy concrete ring will sink under its own weight.

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