Training irregular verbs online. Irregular verbs: online trainer

This brochure (included in the paid kit) contains almost all the most necessary Irregular Verbs in English up to advanced level. They are divided into 3 lists of increasing difficulty. Additionally, list No. 4 contains Irregular Verbs which are often confused. There are a total of 161 verbs in the brochure. three forms with transcription. Download for free (3Mb)>

For correct use in English tenses, including the simple past tense, perfects, passives, various designs, you just need to know all three forms of irregular verbs. But remembering “mechanically” is not enough. We need to understand the essence of the verb, different variants its application. Feel the subtleties and differences similar words. For example, what are the similarities and differences between the verbs go - come (to go, walk, arrive, leave), through - sling(throw, throw) or spring-fling(jump up) Seems to be close in meaning. However, there are fundamental differences.

These issues create difficulties in learning English for students around the world. If you want to significantly shorten and speed up the process of mastering irregular verbs in English, take advantage of the experience of other people. The path that someone has traveled over decades of language learning, you can follow in a few hours of work with these video lessons and educational materials. They use the principle of “dictionary + activator + simulator”.
To more effectively memorize so many new words, I add sound effects, humor, music and excerpts from songs to the video lessons (perhaps your associative memory will come into play).

The second list turned out to be much longer than the first, more than 1.5 hours of video.
This is explained by the fact that the verbs in this list are more complex and have more meaning. And in order to understand the features of application and translation, I used more video and audio examples from films, audio books, cartoons and songs. Therefore, the video lesson is divided into 3 parts:

Download video trainer "All irregular verbs." More than 3 hours of video training + 3 audio files for synchronous repetition. All files are compatible with iPad, iPhone, iPhone! *

In the ZIP archive: 7 video files in MP4 format, duration 3 hours 20 minutes, 3 audio files (m4a) and a brochure " Irregular Verbs" (PDF). Total (331.42 Mb) - 12 USD (or the equivalent of your currency)

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* On iPad, after downloading you will need to unzip the ZIP file. How to do this on iPad, see
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Sutormina Irina: Albert, good afternoon!
Thank you very much for sending the link so quickly! I downloaded everything, unzipped it, everything works, it’s great that there is not only video, but also audio!!! All the material is very useful for me!!! Thank you very much again! Good luck to you!

Razor 1: Hello! the list is very well made convenient option and PDF format, thank you very much!

jenyabahai: Thank you so much! To you Nobel Prize you have to give for what you do!

Sarah: Albert, where is the information on how to buy a lesson? I looked, but didn't find it. Sorry, I’m sure it’s somewhere nearby, but...)))

Albert Kakhnovsky: Sarah, look after the words “Download for a fee” at the green field. Enter your email. address – click “Buy”, and then follow the instructions.

jenyabahai: We bought it! We'll be waiting for parts 2 and 3 of the verbs in the video lesson!

iverhyck: Albert, why are there non-standard transcription symbols in the book?

Albert Kakhnovsky: This question is answered in the video lesson Transcription.
What is considered a “standard”? The Longman, Webster or “Russian-language” dictionaries? The brochure uses Phonetic font icons.

Galya: Albert, thank you for the lesson. Bought 1. Now I'm waiting for 2 and 3. I hope they will be out soon.

adamov-n: Thank you, Albert! For a purely symbolic price you offer an excellent (effective) set educational materials For self-study irregular verbs. I bought it and started studying. I recommend to all! I wish you successful development of this segment of the site!

Elena: Thank you very much! Very intelligible! With humor and songs! You are super! Gift from God!

Dolores: I understand that only the brochure can be downloaded for free?

Albert Kakhnovsky: Dolores, right. Video files on Irregular verbs are paid.

Maxim: Hello! I downloaded it via DropBox with the help of Albert onto my iPad, it’s very convenient to use, so the iPad is always at hand. I recommend this wonderful site to everyone! If there were still such simulators for words from Fry’s list (1000, 2000, 3000), then the price would not be there!

1. Find the irregular verbs in the following list and give all three forms of these verbs.

come – want – use – give – eat – read – finish – take – try – ask – begin – help – let – play – leave – know – seem – work – think – swim – move – live – run – bring

2. Find the 2nd and 3rd forms of irregular verbs in the text and distribute them into the appropriate columns.

II form III form

Chris is a professional artist. He fell in love with drawing when he was 3 years old. He spent all days long in the garden with a box of crayons and a drawing-pad. Now he has already sold more than 200 of his paintings. He has taken part in the International exhibition of modern artists this year and has won praise as the youngest artist there. Two years ago Chris met a nice girl, Anna. So last Saturday they got married and today they have flown to the Maldives.

3. Put the verbs from brackets into form II and translate the sentences.

1. He... (drive) his grandfather to the doctor.

2. Jack... (wear) a strange red tie.

3. Little Greg… (blow) out 5 candles on his birthday cake.

4. They… (hold) an opera festival in August.

5. We accidentally… (break) the umbrella.

6. My daughter… (lose) her way in a new city.

7. My mother… (make) vanilla pancakes in the morning.

9. Our cat... (catch) three mice in the garden.

10. I... (go) to the ballet school in my childhood.

4. Put the verbs from brackets into III form and translate the sentences.

1. My brother has… (take) his girlfriend to a Mexican restaurant.

2. Sam has… (fly) to Iceland

3. Susan has… (find) two interesting jobs at the agency this week.

4. I have already… (send) you about ten messages.

5. We have just… (meet) Mr. Jackson at the airport.

6. Where has your teacher... (go)?

7. Which wedding hat have you… (choose)?

8. Has Rachel ever … (be) abroad?

9. The train has just… (leave) the station.

10. I haven’t … (tell) her anything.


come – came – come

give – gave – given

eat – ate – eaten

read – read – read

take – took – taken

begin – began – begun

let – let – let

leave – left – left

know – knew – known

think – thought – thought

swim – swam – swum

run - run - run

bring – brought – brought

II form III form

1. drove (He took grandfather to the doctor.)
2. wore (Jack wore a strange red tie.)
3. blew (Little Greg blew out 5 candles on the birthday cake.)
4. held (They held an opera festival in August.)
5. broke (We accidentally broke the umbrella.)
6. lost (My daughter got lost in a new city.)
7. made (My mother prepared vanilla pancakes in the morning.)
8. wrote (Mary wrote a long note in her diary.)
9. caught (Our cat caught three mice in the garden.)
10. went (I went to ballet school as a child.)

1. taken (My brother took his girlfriend to a Mexican restaurant.)
2. flown (Sam flew to Iceland today.)
3. found (Susan found two interesting works at the agency this week.)
4. sent (I have already sent you about 10 messages.)
5. met (We just met Mr. Jackson at the airport.)
6. gone (Where did your teacher go?)
7. chosen (Which wedding hat did you choose?)
8. been (Has Rachel ever been abroad?)
9. left (The train has just left the station.)
10. told (I didn't tell her anything.)

Material prepared via Skype

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Where do irregular verbs in English come from?

The very name “irregular verbs” is incorrect from a historical point of view. It is those verbs that we now call irregular that came to us from the Old English language (VI-XI centuries), which even then had a strict grammatical system and was much more complex than modern English. In particular, all verbs in Old English were conjugated, i.e. their forms changed according to certain rules. Moreover, there were several types of conjugations. One verb had to be conjugated in one way, the other in another. There was also a so-called “root type of conjugation”, where when the form of the verb changed, the vowel sound in the root of the word changed, which may well be reminiscent of the differences between the 3 forms of the verb in modern English.

Thus, irregular verbs in modern English are precisely the remnants of the conjugation system of Old English verbs: a system that existed until 1066, when the Normans came to British soil. For the 300 years following the Norman Conquest, the Norman kings and nobility spoke only a language called Anglo-Norman (a variety of French). English remained the language ordinary people. During all this time, the development of the English language followed the path of simplification. Endings disappeared, replaced by numerous options to indicate the past tense in different cases and the faces came with one single ending - ed. Verbs that followed the new rules began to be called regular (regular), in Russian we call them “correct”. Absolutely all new borrowings appearing in English were subject to these new rules; however, many verbs from Old English ceased to obey the previous grammatical system.

The system gradually collapsed and only the most ancient and most frequently used verbs survived and retained their ancient grammar. They began to be called irregular (irregular), and in Russian incorrect. Although, for example, in the USA some of these verbs have also become regular, while in England they still remain on the list of irregular verbs:

  • learnt, burnt, spelt, knelt - used in Great Britain
  • learned, burned, spelled, knelted - in the USA

The processes of language simplification proceeded naturally, easily and painlessly, until in the 17th-18th centuries linguists intervened in the natural course of language development, consolidating the current situation in the grammars of that time. Moreover, they believed that the processes of language simplification that were taking place were a sign of degradation, not progress. It can be assumed that without their intervention there would be much fewer irregular verbs in modern English. However, the almost universal spread of education in England at that time cemented in the minds of people the language system described by linguists of that time and did not allow the language to be simplified further, at least at the same rate as in the period following the Norman Conquest.

The developer of the irregular verb trainer wrote it when he couldn’t find anything like it in the App Store. Unlike other English learning apps, Irregular verbs trainer only serves to memorize irregular verbs, but it does an excellent job of this task. The program works as follows.

There are three learning modes available: Simple Test, Mixed Test and Place Words. IN simple test The user is shown the first form of the verb and asked to enter the second and third.

In a mixed test, the third form is shown, and the second and first forms must be remembered by yourself. In the Place Words mode, three forms of the verb are presented on the screen. The user needs to correctly determine which form is which. Although the tasks are similar, they use different approaches, which helps memorize verbs.

In each test, statistics of correct answers are kept. If you answer incorrectly, the training ends. Also Irregular verbs trainer remembers the number of correct answers in a row and shows your record, which motivates you to answer correctly.

The application is quite simple and does the job. The only thing I can complain about is the somewhat unintuitive choice of matching verbs to forms in the “Rank Words” mode. Otherwise, the Irregular verbs trainer really helps.

Draw results

As promised, we gave away nine promotional codes for the application, choosing the winners using They became:

  1. Hedgehog in Panama
  2. Artem
  3. Sangul
  4. Dmitriy84
  5. Rinat
  6. Novel
  7. Sangul
  8. Andrey
  9. Iryna

We congratulate the guys and ask them to check their email, and we thank everyone else for participating!