Outdoor hanging flowerpots: design features and rules for caring for flowers in them. Beautiful flower pots with your own hands - ideas, photos, step-by-step master class The simplest flower pots with your own hands

Often, houseplants are placed on the windowsill - closer to natural light. If the window sill is very narrow and there is not enough space to place houseplants in flower pots, you can grow flowers together on hanging devices. In this case, a way out can be hanging basket or flowerpot . A flowerpot is a hanging container in which a single pot of a flower or green plant is placed. More interesting option is a hanging basket in which several plants are planted at the same time, forming a flower arrangement.

There are a number of difficulties that can complicate the process of growing plants this way. But thanks to our advice, you can choose appropriate place, correctly arrange the composition and properly care for flowers in hanging containers:

  • Tip 1: It must be remembered that warm and dry air rises, so plants in a suspended structure will require more frequent watering.
  • Tip 2: If you overfill the water, it may flow directly onto the floor. This threatens to bloat wooden floor, hence, optimal place For hanging baskets- this is a kitchen or balcony where the floors are laid, usually from tiles.
  • Tip 3: For baskets placed indoors, polyethylene is sometimes placed inside the container to prevent water from dripping in, but this poses a risk of flooding the plants. The best decision is to place several pots of plants in a waterproof container. The container itself can be hung on a wire, rope or twine from the ceiling. The principle of this placement is similar to the flower girl, which is described in the article about a home mini-garden.
  • Tip 4: The gaps between the pots and the walls of the container are filled with wet peat. Peat is lighter than, for example, a mixture of peat and soil, and when hanging from the ceiling, unnecessary loads should be avoided.





  • Tip 5: If you choose the option of planting plants in a common container, then the rules remain the same: the plants must have the same watering regime, temperature regime and be equally sensitive to light. As for the soil, it is poured into a container on top of the drainage layer, which is also general rule for this method of growing plants.
  • Tip 6: It is better to hang the basket in such a way that you can reach it with your hand, that is, at the level of your height. If this option is not possible for some reason, then use not a simple hook, but a carabiner; this design will allow you to raise and lower the container.
  • Tip 7: One last tip: check that your green pets are getting enough light and air at the chosen height. Flowering and variegated plants should be placed closer to the light - near the window.

Examples flower arrangements in a flowerpot:



It is known that little things made by hand give a home a special charm; many can tell about the tastes, habits and hobbies of the owner. And one of these individual features of your home can be flower pots, made by you yourself.

In addition, each of your green pets has its own character, requirements for planting and care conditions, and a pot made according to “ individual project» is able to fully satisfy both your aesthetic tastes and the urgent needs of the plant.

Making your own flower pots

Clay pots

Clay is considered traditional material for the manufacture of flower pots. And, of course, you can buy a clay pot in a store without any problems.

But it's possible make it yourself, even without a pottery wheel at hand.

To make it you will need:

  • clay;
  • oven for firing the finished product.

Before starting work, knead the clay thoroughly until smooth.

Separating from the total mass is not most, form a ball and flatten it into a round disk shape. You have the base of the pot ready.

Form a rope with a diameter of about 0.5 cm and a length equal to the diameter of the bottom. Strengthen the rope on the bottom and start making the next one. This way you will form a clay pot of the size you need.

Leave the finished work to dry for a couple of days, after which the product must be fired.

Don't know how to do it correctly? We'll tell you!

Basic conditions proper reproduction hyacinths are described, do not neglect them if you want to grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

Cement pot

This product will not only be original, but also durable.

To work you will need:

  • several bricks;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • two plastic containers, different in volume;
  • In addition, you will need a hammer drill and an old basin or pan in which you will mix the solution.

Prepared Grease clean containers with oil(can be plant-based): smaller in volume - on the outside, larger - on the inside. This way you will protect them from excessive sticking of the solution.

Prepare a mixture of sand, cement and water. Place the finished solution in a larger container, and place a smaller piece inside. The greater the difference between the volumes of these vessels, the thicker the walls of your pot will be.

Place bricks or other weights inside a small container. The cement mortar must dry within 2 days. After this, cut the plastic containers and free your product from them.

In this way you can make quite large flowerpots. Small pots made in this way will look rather cumbersome, but, nevertheless, also original.

If desired, such a pot can be painted after drying. acrylic paints or decorate in another way.

Plaster pot

The procedure for making a pot from plaster is similar cement technology. Only other ingredients will be needed:

  • gypsum;
  • water;
  • two plastic containers of different sizes.

We take a larger container, lubricate the inside with oil, place a smaller container inside, lubricated with oil on the outside, set the desired level and fill in the plaster, having previously made a solution in a 2:1 ratio.

To have a more complete idea, I recommend watching the video of this process below; in addition, at the end of the video they will show how to decorate such a pot using the decoupage technique.

Wicker pot

If you are a fan of eco-style, you can try to weave a flower pot from twigs. The process is quite labor-intensive, but the result will undoubtedly please you.

You'll need:

  • twigs, preferably even;
  • a piece of burlap;
  • strong twine;
  • glue;
  • base container in the form of a cylinder.

Trim the twigs so that their length is slightly longer than the height of the base container.

Use twine to tie the twigs together to create a solid “canvas” that you could use to wrap the cylindrical base. Cover the base with a piece of burlap, and place the resulting structure of twigs on top. Secure with twine. If instead of twine you take a bright jute cord, your product will turn out more elegant.

Mosaic pot

Pots made using the mosaic technique are beautiful and original..

As a “mosaic” you can use small pebbles, shells, fragments of porcelain or dishes, or colored glass.

In this way, you can decorate both small pots and large vases.

To work, in addition to the “mosaic”, you will need:

  • tin base (this can be either an empty tin can or a tin bucket);
  • plaster;
  • mounting mesh;
  • grout for tiles.

Cover the tin with plaster, and then wrap it with mounting mesh, “sinking” it into plaster mixture. Next, lay out the entire surface of the future pot (excluding the bottom) with the prepared “mosaic”. After this, leave your product to dry completely.

Finally, treat the surface with tile grout. to make the pot smooth and eliminate cracks and the gaps between the pieces of the “mosaic”.

Remove any remaining grout from the surface with a soft cloth.

Pot made from a piece of wood

Original floor flowerpot can come from a small old stump, and from a piece of a rather thick branch you can make a smaller pot.

To make such a “house for flowers,” remove the core from the tree, clean the inside and sand it.

If desired, you can free the stump from the bark or leave it in its “natural” form. In any case, coat the top of the product with several layers of wood varnish.

After complete drying, the new pot can be used for its intended purpose.

Coconut shell planter

Coconut shells serve as an excellent container for plants that do not need frequent watering.

Hanging plants will look good in it.

Making such a design is quite simple: cut a coconut in half, extract the flesh, then drill holes in the bottom for drainage, and holes at the edges in order to thread a cord or chain through them.

Place expanded clay on the bottom, and place the substrate on top - the pot is ready!

Felt pot

Felt products are now at the height of fashion. Why not give your favorite flowers a felt “nest”?

Take pieces of felt, ready-made or felted yourself, cut out the details of the future pot and sew them together! In such an unusual pot, plants will feel very comfortable.

Mini cactus garden

Unusual containers for planting cacti and other slow-growing types of indoor plants can be made from wine corks.

To do this, the core of natural cork is removed with a knife. The mini-pot is filled with soil.

On one side, using a heat gun, a magnet is attached to it, powerful enough to hold the weight of the “pot” with the plant.

Such mini-containers can be attached to any metal surface, for example, to the refrigerator door, forming entire flower arrangements.

Other ideas for unusual homemade pots

  • If you are a fan of high-tech style and you still have unnecessary computer floppy disks, you can build original flower pots from them. By the way, they are perfect for growing violets and other small plants.
  • By gluing together 5 square mirrors of the same size or 5 ceramic tiles, you will get an easy-to-make, but stylish and original flower pot.
  • Pots can be made from old vinyl records. If a vinyl disc is heated, it becomes soft and pliable, easily taking on the most unimaginable shapes.

Using old things

Sometimes The most unexpected objects can serve as flower pots. So, porcelain, earthenware and clay dishes can turn into an excellent container for planting indoor plants. Cups, deep salad bowls, teapots with flowers planted in them will enliven a country or Provence style interior.

Enameled dishes are also suitable for planting flowers. But this is rather an option for country house.

By the way, if you couldn’t find a suitable pot for bonsai, an elegant salad bowl is perfect for this. You just need to carefully make drainage holes in the bottom using a drill.

Sometimes the most unexpected things can turn into flower pots. For example, an old cosmetic bag can also serve as a container for planting flowers.

Decorating finished flower pots. How to decorate a pot with your own hands?

To create a flower pot with unusual design, it is not necessary to make it “from scratch”. You can take ordinary standard pots as a basis and decorate it yourself and according to your own taste.

By painting a clay pot with acrylic paints and varnishing, you will get a real designer item. By the way, you can entrust such work to a child - and the image on the finished product will delight you with its sweet spontaneity.

You can decorate ordinary plastic pots by simply covering them with bright scraps of fabric. Or you can crochet “clothes” for a standard pot - such containers will add special coziness to your home.

By covering the whole or part of the pot with braid, twine, lace or simply bright threads, winding them around the container, you will get an original and stylish decoration for your home.

You can decorate an ordinary pot with buttons, shells, coffee beans, cereals or beads.

Even eggshells are used to decorate pots. It must first be treated with a soda solution and dried. The prepared shell is glued to the surface of the pot using PVA glue, gently pressing down in the process so that it cracks. Next, the surface of the pot is covered with ink, which fills the voids between the pieces of shells. After this, the surface of the pot is wiped with a cloth and varnished.

Regular plastic pot can be decorated using decoupage technique using PVA glue and a paper napkin with a design you like. The design is cut out and glued to the surface of the pot, carefully leveling it so that wrinkles do not form. After drying finished picture varnished.

Other photo ideas for flower pot design

Using the tips above, you can create a truly unique pot at home, as well as decorate and decorate it with your own hands.

Designers claim that the details make any interior, and this is true, because even a small vase can add fresh notes to the design of the room, let alone larger elements - curtains, blankets, decorative pillows. But today we will not talk about textiles at all, but about important detail any interior, which will simultaneously transform the room and also indirectly fill it with oxygen - flowerpots. Flowers should be present everywhere in the house, firstly they look aesthetically pleasing, and secondly they delight with their green color all year round, thirdly, a number of them can fill the house with a special aroma, fourthly, they perfectly purify the air, and fifthly, they control the level of humidity. And to make the plants look even more attractive, you should choose a beautiful pot for them. Nowadays, people are tired of ordinary flower pots, so they are looking with interest at unusual flower pots.

1. Fabric plant pot.

The Emsa brand offered consumers an interesting variation of a flower pot, or rather a cover for it. Its upper part is made of soft textile, the lower part is made of hard waterproof. All that remains is to install the simplest flower pot in it and admire the result.

2. Wall planter.

This planter from the WallGarden brand is designed to fill an empty wall. Its advantage is the possibility of any color arrangement, thanks to the grooves on the mounting panel.

3. Squirrel from Qualy.

Qualy brand offered great idea to maintain moisture in the plant's soil. The bottom line is this: water is poured into the double bottom of the pot, which then gradually rises up to the soil along a rope. When there is enough water in the pot, the squirrel looks out of the hollow; when the water runs out, it hides down.

4. Planter on its side.

A flower pot from the Homereligion brand is designed to ennoble climbing plants, creating fashionable Lately flower streams. Fits perfectly into Country, Indian and Moroccan interiors.

5. Lightpot.

The pot-lamp from the creators of Kfir Schwalb and Orit Magia has captivated all the inhabitants of the planet. This pot is sold closed, and its stand already contains soil with seeds. Before purchasing, the closed pot is stored in the refrigerator, and after purchase, the person presses the button in the center, the tube-footstand extends, the lid moves up to form a lampshade, the light comes on, and under its warm rays, flowers gradually begin to grow. Flowers can be watered and pruned, allowing new shoots to rise up.

6. Tetris plant pots.

Tetris fans will be delighted; this invention even received a separate prize in 2007 in Estonia.

7. Hand in the wall.

You can put a single flower in a flask or add soil and leave a tiny plant to sprout.

8. In “jeans”.

Excellent imitation of legs in jeans.

9. Aqua flower pot.

The container is divided into two parts, in the lower part water is poured and a fish swims, in the upper part soil is poured and plants are planted.

10. Eco people.

In such miniature pots it is necessary to plant similar tiny plants that will visually resemble an intricate hairstyle.

11. Flowerpot kennel.

There is a lot of space in the house, and there is also a dog, then such an unusual pot-kennel will be very useful.

12. Rainy Cloud.

The cloud pot provides periodic watering for the plant.

13. Bag.

The flowerpot in the form of a bag will be appreciated by the female half of humanity.

14. Hanging Tillandsia pots.

Designer Michael McDowell is a fan of hanging planters. this model looks like ceiling chandelier With elegant lampshades.

15. Facepod pots.

The GOOD.KZ company (Kazakhstan) came up with a very interesting flowerpots with faces. The idea is as follows: two pots are created, one white opaque, the other transparent, a suitable photograph is printed and simply placed between the two pots. Well, at the end, a suitable plant is planted, which will play the role of a stylish hairstyle.

16. Hanging Garden.

Footed pots from Tend are equipped with a semicircular top part with an open side wall in which climbing plants are planted.

17. Terrariums on legs.

The Italian Matteo Cibic offered the world unusual flowerpots with legs, their height is 28 cm, and they are all created by hand.

18. Rotating pots.

The BAG Disseny studio has developed unusual flowerpots called Voltasol. The idea is that in order not to remove the plant too far in the heat, you just need to turn the conical base of the pot in the other direction.

19. Monstera.

Designer Tim van de Weerd created a Monstera pot that imitates long roots, and they are made of epoxy resin and can bend in any way. different sides.

20. Pot egg.

Seishin produces interesting pots in the form of eggs, they already contain soil and plant seeds, all that remains is to break the shell, water the soil, and watch how the sprout rises up.

21. Planter pillow.

This planter was invented by designer Martino D’Esposito, and he made it from polyvinyl chloride. The idea was that such a “pillow” could be placed not only on window sills, but also on a table, floor or on a bed.

22. Cocoon or basket with fruits and herbs.

The design of the cocoon belongs to Mans Salomonsen, the essence of the product is to store fruits and germinate edible table herbs in one place.

23. Flowerpot drop.

Designer Jilian Tackaberry came up with such a drop-shaped hanging pot to purify the air in offices and apartments, because they can be hung literally everywhere, and the plants will fight dirty air.

24. In the shape of an egg.

Excellent imitation eggshells, the cut looks quite interesting, in the depths of which the plant is planted.

25. With stand.

Even the most ordinary-looking stand can transform an equally ordinary pot in a matter of seconds.

26. Flower pots furniture.

Javier Mariscal came up with an unusual furniture-pot, the lower one can be used as a bench, the higher one can be used as a table.

27. Flowerpot with scissor stand.

A great item for the kitchen, it both decorates and acts as a stand for scissors.

28. Origami cardboard pot.

The design of this planter was developed by Karli from Chic Steals; of course, you can’t plant real flowers in them, but you can put artificial ones.

29. Corner planter on the wall.

This design was developed by Thelermont Hupton, the pots are made of steel and equipped with invisible fastenings for a stable connection to the wall.

30. With a dropper.

This pot is equipped with a dripper, which ensures regular watering of the soil.

31. Car.

This is exactly what Joe Gibson called his creation; it is made of solid walnut and consists of three parts with highlighted blue side zones. They can be displayed in a row, in a semicircle, etc.

32. Plate dryer.

Additional watering for plants is provided if the flower pot is equipped with a stand for drying just washed dishes.

33. For balcony railings.

A great idea is a flowerpot with slots to fit the railings on the balcony.

34. Ferris wheel.

A wonderful idea, a Ferris wheel type stand with small wicker baskets in which various plants.

35. Wall plate.

This unusual flowerpot captivates with its interesting flattened appearance, as well as the fact that it is attached to the wall.

A chic pot made from a simple mayonnaise bucket:

Glamorous flower pot:

Unusual flower pots will help to significantly enhance the interior design; it is only important to choose the design of the flower pot that ideally matches the style of the interior. And remember, the more plants there are in the house, the cleaner the air in it, and that’s exactly clean air This is what the residents of megacities lack.

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With the onset of spring, I really want to transform my apartment by arranging fresh flowers on the windowsills and improving personal plot. Decorate dull pots with colorful DIY flower pots to complete the look of your surroundings.

Varieties of flowerpots

First, it’s worth understanding what a flower pot is and how it differs from ordinary planting pots. From French given word translates as “hidden pot”, and indeed, this is the name of a container intended for planting and growing plants.

The difference between it and a pot is the presence of drainage holes - a pot does not have them. There are 4 main types: floor-standing, table-top, hanging and outdoor.

The material for the future product must be selected depending on where it will be located. For example, porcelain, clay and iron vessels are more suitable for outdoor use - they are the strongest and can withstand both sudden temperature changes and weather changes.

If you want to decorate your home with a new little thing, the choice becomes much wider: wood, plastic, clay, polystyrene foam, fabric and even glass - such pots will look like classic DIY vases.

DIY hanging planter

A DIY hanging flower pot is a great solution if you have a small apartment. They allow you to plant many more flowers than the free space allows, without occupying it. A flowerpot woven using the macrame technique will refresh the interior.

While working, you will need thick threads, a pillow or a large soft tablet on which you can attach the workpiece, rings with a diameter of about 4.5 centimeters, small rubber bands, a measuring tape and a small flower pot.

  • Cut 8 thread blanks, 5 meters each. Fold the blanks in half so that one edge is 1.5 meters long and the other 3.5 meters long.
  • Pull loop 1 of the resulting blanks through the ring, bend it over the edge and pull the ends through it, securing the thread to the ring.

  • Fasten the next thread to the same ring so that the edges of different lengths go in the following sequence: 3.5 meters, 1.5 meters, 1.5 meters, 3.5 meters.
  • The excess length can be twisted and bandaged for now.

  • Use needles to secure the ring to the pillow. Next, follow the instructions in the image to weave the handle of the future flower pot with your own hands using the flat left knot technique:

During the working process, the resulting tape begins to curl. This is not scary, the main thing is not to confuse the left working side with the right, they do not change during weaving.

  • When the length of the tape reaches 50 centimeters, secure the work using a flat right knot, the execution diagram of which is shown in the photo:

  • You need to complete 3 knots: right, left and right again, then work on the handle will be completed.

In the same way, you must weave 3 more handles of the future flower pot with your own hands, after which you can start creating a basket for the pot.

  • Basket weaving is based on the same right and left knots. Remember the following sequence: left, right, left, right, left - also called a jumper.
  • Arrange the handles in the order shown in the photo - pay attention to the position of the loose threads.

  • Measure approximately 8 centimeters from the loose threads and leave them without knots.

  • Weave 3 jumpers.

  • Until the next jumpers, leave 6 knots free - now you need to weave not 3, but 2 elements.

The most difficult thing in this master class is closing the basket fabric.

  • In a row of 3 jumpers, you need to make a fourth one so as to loop the macrame. You need to weave by weight, measuring the required 8 centimeters.

  • In the same way, weave the third and fourth jumpers in the second row after 6 centimeters.
  • Temporarily tie the bottom of the flower pot with an elastic band, insert the pot into it - you will understand whether the sizes of the products fit each other.

  • Remove the elastic band and tie the loose ends tightly in this place with a thin thread.
  • Take 1 more piece of thread 50 centimeters long and attach it to the bandage with the loop facing up so that one end is 10 centimeters long and the other 40 centimeters long. Wrap the piece with a thin thread to the weave, moving from top to bottom.

  • Wrap the long end tightly around the braid 6-8 times, then thread it through the remaining loop at the top and pull tight.

Trim off the excess ends, leaving a neat and not very long tassel at the end of the braiding. Your hanging flower pot is ready!

Floor planters for indoors and outdoors

Since flower pots are suitable not only for decorating the home, but also look great in the garden, below are 2 simple master classes with which you can easily get beautiful universal flowerpots.

Fabric product

Don’t be surprised - you can also make a very durable, waterproof large one from fabric. floor vase, you just need to slightly increase its rigidity and strength. Without these qualities, the material simply will not hold its shape.

So, you will need an old unnecessary piece of fabric of any size, cement mortar and an old bucket.

  • Prepare a medium-liquid cement mortar and soak the cloth generously in it.
  • Hang the workpiece edges down on a bucket to dry.

  • When the flower pot is dry, simply paint it the color you want.

You will receive a unique indoor or outdoor flowerpot, since it is impossible to give the hardening fabric the same shape twice.

Cement vase

Another option for using cement mortar. You will also need 2 Silicone forms for baking - one should be large and with carved edges, and the other should be smaller and fit freely in the first.

Simply insert the smaller mold into the larger one and fill the space between them with solution. Don't forget to pre-lubricate the molds with something greasy, like Vaseline, so that they don't stick to the blanks. Place in a smaller mold large stone so that the cement does not distort its walls.

Leave the solution to harden for about two days. When the workpiece has hardened, separate the silicone molds from it and paint it in the desired color.

5 original ideas for flowerpots

Below are a few more flower pots that you can make yourself. They are based on using old things that you love but are sorry to throw away.

For example, such a wonderful pair of shoes, with simple flower pots hidden inside, can live in your garden.

Even ordinary ones concrete blocks easily turn into ornate garden flowerpots - just decorate them with glass mosaic using the fusing technique, if you own it, or with ordinary plastic rhinestones.

Try combining fresh flowers with pots made from natural materials - it will turn out very beautiful! Just be inspired by this photo - it seems as if the flowers are growing from an old stump.

Even an old chandelier with wide shades can become a flowerpot - decorate each container with small flowers to turn the chandelier into a flower carousel.

In addition, many people have furniture stored at home or in the garage that has long been written off, but it’s such a shame to throw it away! There is no need to throw it away: arrange the cabinet drawers in a random order on top of each other and insert flower pots into them - none of your neighbors will definitely have such an original flower pot!

Another option for an unusual flower pot, which you can make from used tetrapack, is presented in the form of a video tutorial:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Plants in pots look beautiful and unusual. They are easier to care for and create a variety of compositions. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy such a vessel in a store, because many ideas can be implemented independently.

An original flowerpot will decorate the area and attract the attention of neighbors. Now you can create beautiful products with your own hands for the new season and plan future planting. Making flowerpots is a pleasant process that will allow you to realize your creative potential. You can use a variety of items: from old buckets and cups to faded T-shirts and unwanted building materials. Our selection contains the most current ideas, which will transform your site and allow you to realize any fantasies!

But first, let’s figure out what a flower pot is, what its features are, and what types of products can be made for different purposes.

A flower pot is a decorative container without drainage hole. It serves as a shell for an ordinary pot. In a broader sense, a pot can be understood as any product in which or on which a potted plant can be placed. In this case, the flowerpot can be changed without replanting the flower. It is enough to move the pot with the plant into a new pot. This is very convenient if you like to update the design of your site or if the old pot has lost its decorative appearance.

Sometimes such a vessel is also used as a stand for draining water, although there are also flowerpots with a tray that have a hole in them. But such products, in principle, have more in common with ordinary pots. You can also plant plants entirely in pots, but in this case it is important to take care good drainage to avoid moisture stagnation.

You can make the following types of flower pots:

floor planters - for placement near a country house, in the center of a flower bed, along paths or a fence, etc.; hanging pots (hanging) – for gazebos, balconies, porches, outdoor and internal parts windows

According to their intended purpose, flowerpots are distinguished for outdoors (garden) and indoors (indoor). The latter are more compact. Flower pots are very diverse in shape and volume, and they must be selected taking into account the size of the plants that will be placed in them, as well as the future location. Large flowerpots are best placed in a recreation area or at the entrance to the house. Medium ones are along the paths, and small flowerpots are on the fence or in the gazebo.

Plants in pots can be an alternative to a flower bed if you don't have time to create one.

Among ready-made models, which can be found in summer cottages, plant pots on a leg and luminous flower pots stand out. The former look very elegant, and the latter provide additional lighting in dark time days. Also popular is a three-dimensional pot-ball, in which you can grow both flowers and ornamental shrubs.

But if you are not attracted to designer flowerpots or don’t want to spend money on them, you can easily make beautiful and practical products yourself.

Outdoor flower pots made from scrap and building materials

Unusual containers for plants can be made from almost anything you have on hand. If you have crushed stone, use it to create a planter. big size. Any capacious container is suitable as a form for a flowerpot. You can combine several of these containers to create, for example, an elegant vase. Place the crushed stone on cement mixture: Dilute 1 part cement and 3 parts sand with water to the consistency of sour cream, coat the pots with the resulting mixture and cover tightly with stones.

If you want something more unusual, try making a flowerpot from cement and fabric (burlap, etc.). Wrap a bucket or basin in a dry cloth and dip it into the cement mortar. Then cover with a wet cloth and leave for at least 12 hours, preferably a day. When the cement hardens, remove the base - the flowerpot is ready! All that remains is to paint it and place the plant inside.

A similar principle can be used to create flower pots from concrete. For the base, you can take an old pan or bucket, but the easiest way is to remove finished goods from plastic containers. Bring one of your favorite ideas to life!

By analogy, you can make a beautiful clay pot or plaster pot.

A wooden flower pot will look attractive at your dacha. This environmentally friendly and easy-to-work material allows you to create durable and no less sophisticated products than those made from concrete or clay. Wooden planters made from leftover boards will look better as a composition. If desired, they can be painted in any color. To ensure that your products can withstand bad weather, coat them with a protective varnish. It's easiest to make a rectangular or square planter, but you can experiment with the shape.

From tin cans It's easy to make metal planters. It is enough to cover them with paint or decorate them using the technique decoupage by gluing a beautiful napkin or picture to the surface.

Or you can make a large flowerpot from ordinary branches!

Unusual street planters made from unnecessary things

Stylish flowerpots that will amaze with their appearance can be made from old or out-of-fashion items. Giving objects a second life is now fashionable. Here are a few garden planters that are definitely worth your attention.

Planters for the garden from old chandelier It’s as easy as pie to make, just place pots of flowers on it. But it is important to take into account their size so that the composition does not lose balance.

A flowerpot-bicycle will look original on the site. Painting it a single color will make it decorative. And you can place pots with plants not only on the trunk or frame, but also near the wheels.

A hanging planter made from an old T-shirt is very practical and elegant. It is unlikely that anyone will guess what it is made of. Just don’t take clothes that are too old to prevent the fabric from tearing. You can cut a T-shirt into ribbons different ways. Some can be found on the Internet, and your imagination will probably tell you some!

Do you feel bad about throwing away an old leaky bucket? Turn it into a Provence style flower pot! To do this, you can apply a thematic design to the bucket, tie it with ribbons, burlap, or place lavender inside.

Do not throw away mugs with chipped or chipped handles. It’s better to make a pot-cup, decorating it with any available materials.

A flower pot woven from newspaper tubes will look impressive. Just don't put it under open air, otherwise the design will quickly lose its attractive appearance.

Decorative flowerpots for balconies

Pots for the balcony can be different sizes, depending on the type of plants you are growing. Small flower pots mounted on the railings will look nice, or hanging planters with ampelous flowers. But it’s better to avoid bulky flowerpots; they will “eat up” most of the space.

An excellent option is neat concrete pots in which succulents are planted. Making such a product is quite simple; choose as a base plastic container to make it easier to remove later. If you wish, you can also make simple figured flowerpots from clay or plaster.

Rope pots are often made using the macrame technique - weaving with knots.

A more exotic option is a coconut pot. To create it, you first need to make a frame of the desired shape from metal rods, and then line it with coconut fiber. If you want to make such a flowerpot, read our master class!

Plants in garden pots need special care. The fact is that water in containers evaporates faster than in open ground, so watering should be regular and abundant enough so that the entire lump of earth is saturated with water. If you wish, you can purchase a flowerpot with automatic watering, but if this is not possible, mulch the soil and do not place the plants in the sun.

Feeding will also have to be increased, because... in a limited amount of soil, plants quickly absorb the nutrients they need. nutrients. If placed in a flowerpot houseplants, then it is important to regularly inspect them for the presence of pests and spray them with Epin, Zircon or other drugs that increase immunity.

How to keep plants in pots in winter

For the winter, it is better to transfer heat-loving plants that do not have a rest period (ficus, ivies, dracaenas, palm trees) to warm room along with the pot, and leave the flowerpot outside. If the plant is planted in a pot and there is no way to move it, it is important to provide the roots with protection from freezing. To do this, you can transplant the plant into open ground, but only on condition that it is frost-resistant. If this is difficult to do, then after the first frost, cover the perennial with spunbond or spruce branches, place the flowerpot in a large container and fill the gaps with soil. It is better to wrap tall flower pots with foil insulation.

Now you know how to make and decorate flowerpots to give... summer cottage individuality. If you don’t want to buy a standard store product, make it yourself - and you will not only get unique thing, but also cheer yourself up!