Improving the clarity of a photo in Photoshop. Sharpening in Adobe Camera Raw


Open the photo in Photoshop and make a copy of it using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+J. In the future, all image correction actions must be performed on copies of the layer so that the main image does not suffer from unsuccessful changes.

Duplicate upper layer, using Ctrl+J again. In the Filter menu, in the Other group, find High Pass and set the radius to 0.5 pixels so that the outline of the image is barely visible from under the gray mask. Apply the Overlay blending mode to this layer and merge the layers with Ctrl+E.

If the image quality does not satisfy you, duplicate the top layer again and repeat the sharpening operation as many times as necessary. You can increase the filter radius a little.

Adjustment layer masks will help add clarity to the image. Click on the round black and white button at the bottom of the layers panel and select the Brightness/Contrast and Levels options. Carefully move the sliders to achieve optimal photo sharpness.

Click on the eye image next to the background layer to make it invisible. Merge visible layers using Shift+Ctrl+E.

It is possible that the original color scheme of the image has changed during processing. You can try to fix this by-effect using the Photo Filter tool from the Adjustments section of the Image menu. In this case, it is more convenient to use Warming Filter(81) to add the feeling of a warm sunny day.

Of the huge number of ways to sharpen a photo in Photoshop, I recommend you try this one. A little skill with layers is required. This method preserves all the details of the photo and does not spoil the image. To simplify the process of processing your photos, you can create an Action.

Step 1.

Opening the image in Photoshop

Step 2.

Increase the sharpness of a photo using the Sharpen filter Filter - Sharpen - Unsharp Mask

Step 3.

Double the image size. Image - Size

images (Image - Image Size). In my example, these are the dimensions:

Step 4.

Create a duplicate layer by pressing CTRL+J or dragging the layer onto the corresponding icon.

Step 5.

Apply to the duplicated layer Filter - Sharpening -

Sharpness + (Filter - Sharpen - Sharpen More).

Step 6.

Set the opacity of the duplicated layer to 40–60%

(depends on the number of small or large details in the picture). My opacity is:

Step 7

Merge the layers CNTRL+E and return the image size to its original size. Image - Image size (Image -Image

Size), enter the value 50%:

Step 8

Duplicate this layer and apply Filter - Sharpening

- Contour sharpening (Filter-Sharpen-Unsharp Mask)

And finally, change the transparency of the duplicated layer to 5–30%

(depends on the amount of small or large details in the photo and the selected sharpness in step 2)

Merge the layers and save the image.

Here is the result of our work.

Most, if not all, digital images require sharpening, even if taken with a DSLR. digital camera with mega resolution and high-precision sharpening. Most cameras or scanners have settings to increase sharpness, but even greater quality can be achieved using image editing software.

Sharpening in Adobe Photoshop CS2 allows you to set the level of sharpening, as well as the areas of the image to which it is applied. As for the image on the monitor screen, here “ what you see is what you get". However, if the image is intended for printing, then the picture on the screen is just a preview of the image.

In fact, the level of sharpness required for optimal quality images are usually slightly larger than what is needed to comfortably view the image on the screen. Especially when using LCD monitors (flat panels):

The best sharpening techniques are characterized by the ability to set priority areas for their application; in this case, you need to sharpen the eye area in the portrait, but leave the skin texture intact.

The basic concept of sharpening is to send on a mission " find and process» filter « Unsharp Mask" or "Smart Sharpening". The algorithms in these filters are programmed to make the light pixels on one side of any detected transition lighter, and the dark pixels on the other side darker.

You can think of this as localized contrast control. If you overdo these techniques, your images will appear radioactive (glow), if not enough, then people will need glasses to see the details.

The best sharpening techniques are those that prioritize areas for sharpening and leave smooth areas of the image unchanged, such as sharpening around the eyes, but leaving skin texture alone. These advanced techniques are basic when sharpening images that have been scanned from film or have excessive noise levels, and none of them need to be applied " Unsharp masks" So let's get started.

Note: If your devices have their own sharpening tools, it is important to disable them or set them to either minimum or very low value ( When using a Raw camera, set the clarity level to 0). The sharpening features of most cameras are often very primitive compared to the techniques described below.

It is also not recommended to process photographs that were saved in the JPEG format, which uses high degree compression and low quality settings. The sharpening process described below must be carried out directly last stage editing, that is, before this, the color and tones of the image must be adjusted. If the sharpening level is too high, you can reduce it a little later.

Method One: Color Contrast

Step 1

Duplicate the background layer and set the blending mode to Overlay. Select "Overlay" from the Blending Modes menu in the Layers palette.

Step 2

Select. Increase the Radius values ​​in pixels until you reach the desired level of sharpness. A radius of 1.0 pixels for printing on glossy paper and 3.0 pixels for printing on matte paper will be sufficient:

Select Overlay from the blending modes menu and go to Filter - Other - Color Contrast:

In the dialog box " Colour contrast» Increase the pixel radius value until you reach the desired level of sharpness.

Note: You can later adjust the layer's opacity to adjust the level of sharpening. Color contrast"or set its blending mode to "Soft light" or "Hard light" to increase or decrease the level of sharpness.

Step 3

Click the Foreground color swatch in the Tools palette to open the Color Picker. In field " Hue/Saturation Enter 0 and 50% in the Brightness field to select gray midtones. Click "OK".

Paint over the layer " Color contrast" to remove areas where sharpening is not needed, such as skin tones, skies, etc. This method is especially useful for reducing noise or film grain:

Click the Foreground color swatch in the Tools palette to open the Color Picker:

In field " Hue/Saturation"Enter 0 and 50% - in the "Brightness" field:

This is a fragment of a portrait taken with Nikon D1x. RAW image sharpness has been increased by 15%. There is no sharpening in the first frame. On the second frame the layer " Color contrast"(radius 3 pixels) with the blending mode "Soft light". On the third frame, the layer's blending mode has been changed to Overlay.

On the fourth frame, sharpening was done using localized “ Unsharp masks"(100%) with the blending mode "Brightness". You can use the opacity setting to adjust the level of sharpness.

Step 4

Remember that the settings you use now when viewing will be used directly when printing. To complete the process, you need to print the image and then decide whether it needs further sharpening or whether the current level of sharpening is already excessive.

If this sharpening is excessive, you can reduce the opacity of the layer " Color contrast" Alternatively, you can try switching the layer's blending mode " Color contrast" to "Soft Light" to reduce sharpness, or "Hard Light" to increase.

Saturation and Sharpness

Most methods for increasing image contrast have a domino effect that results in increased color saturation. How to apply a filter " Colour contrast", and the filter " Unsharp Mask”, often cause a problem such as an increase in color saturation.

In general, you may not pay attention to this when editing images. But if you notice this after applying " Color contrast", I recommend using the following method to limit the consequences.

Pay attention to the appearance of a colored fringe after applying " Color contrast».

Method two: Unsharp Mask / Smart Sharpen

The second method is an extension of the first and is intended to solve the problem of increasing color saturation, causing effect colored edging. If you use a merged layer to increase sharpness and switch its blending mode to “Brightness”, the effect of excessive color saturation is leveled out.

This option illustrates how the benefits of localized sharpening and brightness sharpening can be combined into one method.

Step 1

Change the layer's blending mode " Color contrast" back to " Normal ". Then apply to the layer " Color contrast» “Threshold” correction: :

Select “Normal” from the layer palette blending mode menu:

Go to Image - Correction - Threshold to apply the Threshold correction.

Step 2

Drag the slider located directly below the histogram to isolate edges that need sharpening. This is done to highlight all the areas that you don't want to sharpen in white. Click "OK".

Paint over any areas that aren't shown white using the Threshold adjustment to sharpen them. For example, in the photo below, the remaining pixels around the mouth, nose, and eyes have been painted over, as opposed to other areas that are filled in with white. It's set as the foreground color:

Drag the Histogram slider to isolate edges that need sharpening:

The pixels around the mouth, nose and eyes are colored differently from other areas, which are painted white ( set as foreground color).

Step 3

Go to the “Channels” palette and Ctrl+click (Windows), Command+click (Mac OS) on the RGB thumbnail, or click on the “ icon Load channel as selection» in the Channels palette to load the color transition details as a selection. Go back to the Layers palette and drag the Background layer onto the New Layer icon to duplicate it.

Drag the duplicate Background layer on top of the other layers:

Drag the background layer onto the new layer icon to duplicate it:

Drag the duplicate background layer on top of the other layers.

Step 4

Turn off layer visibility " Color contrast" Hold down the Alt or Option key and click on the " Add a Layer Mask» in the layers palette. Make sure the layer mask is active and then go to Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur. Apply a radius of 1.5 px and a blue color for the mask:

Turn off layer visibility " Color contrast" and add a layer mask:

Apply a radius of 1.5 px and a blue color for the mask.

Step 5

Now click on the duplicate background layer icon. Make sure the image is enlarged to 100% of the original size for small photos or 50% for print resolution photos (200ppi - 300ppi). Go to Filter > Sharpness > Smart Sharpen or Unsharp Mask. Set the “Quantity” slider to a value of about 80-150%.

Good day everyone, dear friends. I am with you again, Dmitry Kostin. And today we will photoshop again. Does it ever happen to you that you took several photographs, but in the end it turned out that they were blurry and even a little blurry, and somehow they didn’t look right? I guess it did.

But thanks to our program this can be fixed. Therefore, today I will tell you how to improve the sharpness of a photo in Photoshop. And by tradition, I will show here several ways how this can be done.

Sharpen Tool

The first thing that comes to mind in this case is to use the sharpening tool. So open the image in Photoshop and we'll get started. I took this picture. She will be perfect for us.

I’ll be honest with you, I don’t use this method. I prefer the method described below.

Filter "Sharpening"

In addition to the usual tools, there is a whole group of filters, specially tailored to our today's needs. To do this, select “Filters” in the top menu and select "Sharpening". There you will see another submenu with several items. Let's look at a few of them.

Well, no matter which filter you use, the image still becomes clearly better and much more pleasant to look at.

In principle, such tricks can be used to make your image clearer and better. Which method do you prefer? Or maybe you are using something else altogether? Please write in the comments.

Well, if you want to master all the tools of Photoshop, know what for what and how to use it, learn to swim in it like a fish in water, then I recommend that you check out one great course. These video lessons are designed for absolutely any level. The main thing is that after watching you will not have a mess in your head, since everything goes from beginning to end, from simple to complex. And the presentation of the lessons is simply excellent, so be sure to check it out.

Well, this is where I end my article for today. I really hope you like it. And by the way, I recommend that you subscribe to my blog updates. Then you will always be aware of everything important and interesting. You can also look at other articles on my blog. I'm sure there will be something interesting for you there. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

It is easier to repeat a poorly produced, unclear photograph than to change it. However, at certain moments it is possible to try to polish the image a little. Our editor Photoshop equipped with the richest capabilities for this.


1. Open the image whose clarity needs to be improved in the editor. Perform an action using buttons Ctrl+O or an option OpenOpen") from the option FileFile»).

2. Convert the photo to a color profile Lab. Required in function ImageImage") select function ModeMode"). In this function select Lab.

3. Go to the list of channels. This list is located below the list LayersLayers"). To go to it, you need to press the main key of the manipulator on the page ChannelsChannels"). Only the channel remains visible LightnessBrightness"). It is necessary to press the main key of the manipulator on this channel. The photo will be in black and white.

4. Use the function " Brightness» element Unsharp MaskContour sharpness"). It's on the list SharpenSharpening") in the option FilterFilter"). In the menu we set the function to eighty-five percent AmountMagnitude"), and the function RadiusRadius") by one to three points. For 4 levels you need to set the option ThresholdThreshold»).

5. Let's see color photo by left-clicking on the channel Lab in the channel list. If necessary, use the element again.

6. Let's move the photo again to the position RGB. This operation occurs through a function familiar to us (see point 2). The photo must be transferred to this profile, then it will be saved in size JPG.

7. The modified image is saved using the function SaveSave") or Save AsSave as…") functions FileFile»).

If we enlarge the image by 100%, we get detailed information over all the changes occurring with photography.

This action is obtained by dragging the slider under the palette “ Navigator» – extreme right position. By enhancing the clarity of a large-scale image opened in the Photoshop window at 15% of its actual size, you can miss the effect of using the filter, as a result of which excessive sharpening will deteriorate the image.

That's all for now, good luck!