Improving your figure at home. Exercises for every day for an ideal figure

Especially for Cosmopolitan, fitness bloggers and nutrition experts gave their “golden advice” that will help in the struggle for an ideal body. Study and find out what you have been doing wrong so far.

Eat sweets in the morning

Remember that there are no “forbidden” foods! The mistake of many people is to strictly and sharply limit their desires. Of course, if you eat fried potatoes every night and treat yourself to dessert, you won’t see health and a toned body. But you won’t last long with a severe restriction either. I discovered for myself Golden Rule: 1-2 times a week, in the morning until 12 noon, I allow myself a small piece of “nasty.” This is especially true for girls, since we all need moral relief and the appearance that we are not on a diet. This rule will not harm your figure, but it only works if you follow proper, balanced nutrition every day and with regular training!

Exercise to sleep well

fitness blogger, nutrition specialist

Properly selected loads have a positive effect on the quality of sleep, because during training, hormones are released that help normalize the internal processes of the body. In fact, it doesn't really matter how many hours you spend in bed, it's important that you wake up rested. The dependence here is direct: the more you move, the better your sleep.

Drink cold water

blogger, fitness model, nutrition and fitness specialist

We all want to “lose a little weight” for the summer and look perfect in our favorite bikini, and therefore we want to burn as many calories as possible. I’m sharing a secret: every time, throughout the day, drink ice water, and not room temperature, as we are usually taught. In order to warm it up to body temperature and absorb it, the body will spend additional energy, which means that the total calorie consumption during the day will be much higher! Good luck with your weight loss!

Don't starve or diet

blogger, nutrition specialist

There is a widespread belief that for fast weight loss you need to fast. I’m telling you, don’t go hungry under any circumstances! Yes, psychologically it’s hard to believe in this; at the beginning of my journey I myself couldn’t feel comfortable about it, but after a week of systemic nutrition I saw the result - minus 4 kilograms. Let's look at fasting: you decide to lose weight, you choose fasting, they say, I'm calm about food, the main thing is that I want to be slim, I have to survive. BUT the stronger the hunger, the less motivation - soon you will stop seeing yourself as slim. When severe hunger sets in, it is very natural for thoughts to appear, such as: “Ay! I only live once! I’ll go eat a piece of cake!” So what's going on? You break down and gain even more excess weight than before you started losing weight. Don't starve and get out of this vicious circle of diets. Diets don't work. And period.

Wake up with the mood

There are people who, as soon as they open their eyes, are ready to conquer the world, and there are those who, in the first minutes after waking up, barely remember their name. We all develop our own morning habits, we are all different, and that's great! How about adding something new to your morning routine? For example, get up early and do morning exercises? I would recommend starting your morning not with a cup of invigorating coffee, but with yoga - do at least a few simple asanas!

Don't forget to have breakfast

Try never to skip breakfast - this is the most important meal of the day, the first after sleep, and its task is to restore our strength and fill us with energy for the whole day. Like any meal, breakfast should consist of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fiber. Products ideal for breakfast: whole grain toast with cheese, fruits, cereals, dairy products, eggs. By combining them wisely, you can prepare delicious dish. For those who adhere to a training regime, I recommend drinking a quick protein before breakfast - a casein shake, for example.

Exercise outdoors

blogger, vice world champion, winner of international fitness bikini tournaments

In the summer, gyms are usually empty, but, alas, not all of their visitors go to exercise outside. Don't let yourself just lie lazily in the sun! Believe me, from sports to fresh air you will get much more benefit and pleasure. Buy a mat, a body bar, dumbbells and start doing at least simple exercises in the park. The result will be reflected in your figure very soon!

Eat often and in small portions

Trainer of the ideal body school #sekta

The biggest mistake girls make when losing weight is trying to eat as little and as rarely as possible. In fact, in this mode you will only slow down your metabolism and the weight will “rise”. Golden Rule healthy eating- eat often, at intervals of 2-4 hours, but in small portions of 200-250 ml. Of course, this should not be a piece of chocolate cake, but a balanced meal.

You can ensure a slim body and create ideal shapes at home, and for this it is recommended to perform effective exercises for a slim figure, not only regularly, but also qualitatively. A properly selected training complex removes subcutaneous fat, forms a muscle corset, supports general state health. By doing exercises for a beautiful figure, you will be able to notice positive results after just a couple of weeks of regular exercise.

How to make a beautiful figure

It is important not only to lose weight, but also to pump up separate groups muscles, keep them in good shape. A person who is losing weight needs to increase physical activity, choose proper nutrition, don't forget about morning exercises, control the body’s water balance, leave bad habits forever. This way it is quite possible to make a once problematic figure beautiful. If you wish, you can join a gym or attend group fitness classes. However, exercises for every day for perfect figure in a home environment they are no less effective.

Morning work-out

To maintain muscle tone, the morning should begin with daily exercise. It is better to start with a cardio load, for example, by taking steps in one place with your knees raised high for a minute. You can replace this approach and the specified time interval by jumping rope. Subsequent exercises include the following training complex, during which it is important to control breathing, gradually increase the pace, and increase the number of repetitions:

  1. Deep rotations of the head clockwise and counterclockwise for a minute.
  2. Rotation of the arms with the point of fixation of the hands at the shoulders 20 times in one and the other direction.
  3. Swing your arms back and forth 20 times in each direction.
  4. The classic “Mill”, which requires 30 seconds.
  5. Turn the body to the right - left, 20 repetitions for each side.
  6. Bends with a straight back: reach to the toes on your right foot, then to the floor and to your left.
  7. “Lock” with deep bending of the back up to 20 repetitions.
  8. Deep squats with a straight back, 30 repetitions.
  9. Jump on one leg 20 times, then on the other the same amount.
  10. Take deep breaths and exhalations to restore breathing.

Exercises for an ideal figure at home

As physical activity increases, it is necessary to monitor your general health. When choosing effective exercises for a good figure, it is recommended to contact a professional instructor and individually draw up a home workout plan. If such a specialist is not around, use time-tested approaches that can pump up all muscle groups and give a slender figure a sculpted silhouette.

For beautiful hands

Sagging skin on the forearms becomes global problem both for young girls and women over 35 years old. It is quite possible to solve it if you choose the right complex for slimness, perform it regularly in a comfortable environment, and avoid bad habits. Below are proven options that will relieve sagging and muscle weakness:

  1. To pump up your biceps, you need to take dumbbells weighing 3-5 kg ​​each, depending on the capabilities of the novice athlete. Starting position – sitting. One hand is free and is placed on the knee as a support, the second grips a dumbbell and lies on the floor. On “one” raise the weight to the chest area, on “two” – return to the start. The body should lean forward slightly. It is recommended to do 20-25 approaches.
  2. To pump up the triceps, it is important to take a lying position, while stretching your arm with one dumbbell in front of you and holding it in weight. Bend it at the elbow for “one”, form a 90-degree angle in front of your face and hold, for “two” – straighten it again. 20 repetitions are shown for each arm, and alternating them is allowed only after completing the approach.

For breast lift

For many women, the main problem is breasts that sag with age or after lactation. If the once seductive décolleté area has long ceased to be a source of inspiration, you need to perform a simple exercise for a slender figure, while not forgetting about the need for tightening pectoral muscles. To increase the load, it is recommended to prepare 3-5 kg ​​dumbbells in advance. Here are effective options:

  1. Take a lying position, while holding a dumbbell weighing 3-5 kg ​​in each hand. Place your straight arms in opposite directions and place them on a horizontal surface. As you exhale, close the dumbbells in front of you, holding the dumbbells at chest level for a few seconds; while inhaling, return them to the starting position. It is shown to perform 25 times, up to 3-4 passes.
  2. The starting position is a half-squat, with the arms with dumbbells hanging freely along the body. When you exhale, you need to bend your elbows and pull your arms to your chest; when you inhale, you need to return to the start. The back should be straight all the time, slightly tilted forward; but leave your legs in the half-squat position for all 25 repetitions up to 3-4 approaches.

For a flat tummy

It is possible to achieve the appearance of six-pack belly fat at home, but it is much more important to preserve them for a long time. Therefore, abdominal exercises should be included in each training complex, and be characterized by intensive execution and frequent repetitions. Only in this case, the belly will no longer appear, and if you look at your before and after photos, you will notice significant changes. Here are effective activities for every day:

  1. To download upper press in a sitting position, you need to fix your legs straight (lean them on any support). Perform body lifts 90 degrees from a lying position. On initial stage hold your hands in front of you, and then in the “lock” at the back of your head. It is recommended to start with 20 repetitions, gradually increasing them to 50.
  2. To effectively pump up your lower abs, the first thing you need to do is fix your arms straight at the support. Raise your straight legs at an angle of 90 degrees one time, and return to starting position. Original quantity repetitions - at least 20, but add five more every couple of days.

For slender thighs and buttocks

If the problem area is the hips, persistent training will help you get rid of the “ears” and “orange peel” on the buttocks forever. The result is gradual, slow, and you won’t have to do it for a week or a month. But in the future you will be able to radically change your usual silhouette. What is needed for this:

  1. Starting position – standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hands at the waist. On “one”, perform a slow swing of the leg back at an angle of 45 degrees, on “two” stand on the starting line. Repeat such leisurely movements 25 times for each leg. The number of approaches is at least 4-5.
  2. The starting position is lying on your back with your arms along your body, while raising one leg 90 degrees, bending the other at the knees and resting your foot on the floor. For “one” - raise your pelvis up, for “two” - lie down on the floor again. You need 25 repetitions for each leg, perform 3-5 sets.

For beautiful legs

Every girl dreams of a graceful waist and slender legs, because a seductive gait is business card. To improve this problem area, it requires special program turn on pumping the leg muscles:

  1. Holding 3-5 kg ​​dumbbells in your hands, you need to perform lunges with your legs, while slowly lowering your torso down. You need to do 20 repetitions on each leg in two sets.
  2. Get down on all fours, taking the starting position. Perform one straight leg lift, then return to the start. Do 20 repetitions without stopping, then change legs and repeat the movement. 3 approaches are shown; they must be performed at an intense pace.

Video: lunges with dumbbells

A set of exercises for tightening the whole body

If you choose functional training, you can pump up all muscle groups, but don’t forget to do breathing exercises. Such exercises for a slim figure must be performed regularly, gradually increasing the number of approaches, increasing the endurance of the whole body. You may need a chair or bench, fitball, jump rope, dumbbells, gymnastics mat. Below are effective training complexes that guarantee a slim and beautiful body in the shortest possible time.

Varieties of plank exercise

This 4-point stance works all muscle groups and is an effective static exercise for a slim figure. The number of plank approaches is supposed to be done for a while. It is recommended to increase the time interval each workout. Below are effective variations of the classic plank that will provide the girl with a slim, toned figure, strong muscles and impeccable posture:

  • straight arm plank;
  • plank with elbows bent;
  • plank with raised leg;
  • plank with raised arm;
  • side plank for each side.


In the process of performing this exercise for a slim figure, the muscles of the abs, arms, legs and back are simultaneously pumped. This is an integral part of a complex workout, which includes up to 20 repetitions in 3 sets. This exercise for a slim figure works better than static movements. The main thing is systematic training. There are a number of modifications of burpees, and you need to choose an exercise according to the problem areas of an imperfect figure.

Lower yourself down, but don't lie on the floor. It is important to hold the body exclusively on the hands and feet. At “one”, perform a sharp jump forward and pull your feet towards your hands to form a squat. On “two” you need to jump up, while clapping above your head. On “three”, return to your squat again, and on “four”, take your starting position. Perform the exercise 25 times, up to 3-5 approaches.

Video: burpee technique

Straight and reverse crunches

Ideal abs are the basis of a slim figure, so Special attention During the training process, you should pay attention to twisting. The exercise can be direct or reverse, with the first pumping mainly the upper abs, and the second – the lower abs. Below is a technique for performing approaches that guarantee results with systematic training:

  1. For straight crunches, you need to lie on your back, bend your knees, rest your feet on the floor, and place your hands behind your head in a “lock.” It is necessary to perform body lifts, while increasing the pace. At first it will be 20 repetitions at a time, but gradually they need to be increased to 100.
  2. With reverse crunches, you lift your legs bent at the knees, rather than the body, which remains motionless on a horizontal surface. You can also start with 20 manipulations, but over time extend the duration of execution.


Special training has been developed that acts locally and helps correct the problem area of ​​the buttocks. These are classic squats with and without weights. Such simple exercises for a slim figure at home are recommended to be performed not for the speed of approaches, but for the quality of each manipulation. Below are two options for squats, after regular execution of which such slimness and grace will become a reality:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly, and clasp your hands in a “lock” and hold them in front of you at your chin. Perform deep squats with a straight back up to 30 times in 3 sets. Do not lift your heels off the floor, otherwise the load on the spine will shift.
  2. Remain in the same starting position, perform deep squats according to a similar principle, but when returning to the starting position, make a low jump. Perform 30 times, up to 3 approaches are recommended.


When exercising on sports equipment located in gym, you can pump up the muscles of the lower back, calf and gluteal muscles. To perform this, you need to place your feet behind a special roller, while lowering your body down and bending it through the simulator. As you exhale, lift your torso, and as you inhale, lower yourself down again. Start with 20 repetitions in three sets, gradually increasing total number manipulation.


Push-ups – forward and reverse

To work the muscle structures of the shoulder girdle and triceps muscles, while increasing strength, classic push-ups, called straight push-ups, are required. You can start by resting on your knees, but after a series of training, your feet should become the fulcrum. Push-ups from the floor should be deep; it is recommended to start with 20 manipulations in 3 approaches. Gradually increase the number of repetitions, building up power. Reverse push-ups are performed from a bench so that the pelvis remains suspended with the same number of movements.

Exercises for a slim body with sports equipment

Training with weights is especially productive if you design the program correctly. You will need weights or dumbbells, a fitball and a jump rope will not be superfluous. If you perform the exercises regularly, gradually increasing physical exercise and the duration of the approaches, you can significantly speed up the approach to the dream of a beautiful body.

With dumbbells

  1. Take one dumbbell in your hands, lift it above your head, bend it at a right angle and spread it in opposite directions. This is the starting position. Straighten your arms with weights one time, bend your arms two times. Start with 20 repetitions, but increase the duration of the approach.
  2. The French press involves placing bent elbows over your head with dumbbells, which you raise and lower behind your back. Start with 20 repetitions, adding five every day.

Jumping rope

It's classic children's entertainment works all muscle groups, trains breathing and increases the body's endurance. It is advisable to start training with 100 rhythmic jumps, but gradually increase specified limit. You can practice at home with a skipping rope several times a day, because there are many variations of jumping rope.

On fitball

This is another sports device that increases the effectiveness of training and helps you gain a slim body. For example, to work the lower abdominal muscles, you need to fix your feet on a fitball and your hands on the floor. For “one”, pull your legs with a fitball to your hands, for “two” - return to the start, and so on 20 times. Then, on the contrary, lie down with your shoulder blades on the fitball and leave your feet on the floor. Perform manipulations up and down, pumping the upper press.

Beautiful figure in the gym

  1. Treadmill. Running or fast walk are effective cardio exercises that you can start and finish every workout with. To warm up, run for 10-15 minutes at a speed of 7-8 km/h, for fat burning - up to 1 hour, with fast running replaced by race walking.
  2. Stepper. This is a simulator that helps to work out the muscle groups of the buttocks and legs. The speed is selected according to the physical preparation of the novice athlete. For a slim figure, the exercise time is 15-30 minutes without a break. You can change the position of the body while working on different groups muscles.
  3. Bike. Working out in the gym or riding outdoors is great for pumping up the muscles of the lower body. It is recommended to start with 10-15 minutes of intense pedaling. It is advisable to gradually increase the time interval of training, increasing the endurance of the entire body.


It is possible and necessary. There are many sets of exercises for the figure. But even if you don’t need to lose extra pounds, you want to have a beautiful and toned body. You can achieve results in a month. How? Just do 7.


The most popular and simplest exercise for a beautiful figure is the plank. You don’t need to squat until you sweat, you just need to stand up correctly. The plank strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, arms, and front thigh.

Push ups

Push ups - necessary element in a set of exercises for a beautiful figure. Thanks to push-ups, you will tidy up your arms and abs. Do not forget that during this exercise your back, pelvis and legs should create a straight line.

Exercise for hips and buttocks

Start with a knee and handstand. Then raise your right leg in a straight line and left hand. Do the same with your left leg and right hand. This exercise for a beautiful figure will make your thighs and buttocks perfect.


Place your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly lower yourself, imagining that you are sitting on a chair. Try to “plant” the tailbone as far as possible so that during this exercise for a good figure, the leg from the feet to the knees is an even line perpendicular to the floor and does not move. For convenience, pull forward.

Ab exercise

Exercise for a beautiful waist

Take a ball in your hands or interlace your palms. Spread your legs wide and squat down a little. For convenience, stand near a wall, leaning your back on it. Move your hands slowly right side all the way - you need to touch the wall. Then repeat the same on the left side.

How to do figure exercises

These 7 exercises for a beautiful figure are easy to do at home. To “create” an ideal body in a month, you need to follow a plan. In the first week, do figure exercises for six days: plank for 2 minutes, push-ups, exercises for hips, buttocks, abs and waist for 1 minute and complete the set of figure exercises with a 2-minute plank. Do the same complex in the third week. The second and fourth weeks you need to train for six days and alternate two sets of exercises for the figure. First: plank, abs, thighs and buttocks for 3 minutes. Second: waist, push-ups, abs and buttocks, also for 3 minutes.

A beautiful and slender figure is the dream of every woman. Today the Internet is full of different ways, which “guarantee” quick results with minimal labor costs. All these methods, as practice shows, give temporary results, or do not change anything at all, either with the body or with the state of health. But you really want to have a beautiful athletic figure and excellent health in order to lead an active lifestyle and love your reflection in the mirror.

The key to success: what is the secret of a beautiful body?


Holders slender figures They know very well that not a single newfangled diet and not a single super remedy will make your body fit and beautiful. Never! Most diets provide temporary effects and only work as long as they are followed. And after a person returns to his usual diet, the extra pounds don’t take long to appear either. And it’s good if the previous weight returns, but some diets (especially mono-diets) destabilize metabolic processes and the weight returns “with interest.”

So, what can you do to make your figure ideal? The answer is simple: improve your diet by basing your diet on the principles of proper nutrition and start training. But first things first.

When talking about nutrition, it is extremely important to remember the golden rule: the number of calories consumed should not exceed the number of calories expended. What should be in the diet:

  • vegetables fruits;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • cellulose;
  • lean meat, poultry;
  • lean fish;
  • dairy products;
  • dried fruits.

It is necessary to completely eliminate all fast food, carbonated drinks, confectionery products and minimize the amount of sugar consumed.

However, adjusting your diet is not enough - you need to make your life as active and mobile as possible. In order to keep your body in shape, physical activity is necessary.

So, the formula for a good, athletic figure is as follows: proper nutrition + exercise = slim body and excellent health. Moreover, it is not necessary to work out in a fitness club: today there are many quality videos, according to which you can perfectly train at home with maximum comfort and without extra financial costs.

Video training

Sports training that is carried out independently must be competent, otherwise you may not only fail to achieve the desired result, but also harm your health. We’ll talk about how to train at home in order to get the figure of your dreams as quickly as possible later in the article.

Physical exercise

So, training. Every person has an idea that physical activity helps in the fight against overweight, and also improves health and mood indicators. Let's answer main question: how to train at home?

In order for the training to be effective and safe, it is important to follow all the following stages of training:

  • Warm up. This stage takes 5-7 minutes, during which the muscles warm up and the body prepares for more intense exercise. During the warm-up, your heart rate and breathing should increase.
  • Main part. Depending on the type of training, the main part may consist of aerobic or strength exercises. To perform aerobics, you should choose on the Internet good videos group aerial fitness programs, and simply repeat the movements after the trainer. In professional videos, an aerobics lesson takes place non-stop for 30-40 minutes, due to which it is possible to maintain the heart rate at the desired level. Power training when performed at home, it requires some preparation from the trainee: the technique of performing the exercises is very important here, so it is best to use video materials in which the trainer explains the specifics of performing each exercise. Working time in power format is 30-35 minutes.
  • Stretching. After the main part, the body needs to “come to its senses.” To do this, the last exercises of the main part are performed at a slower pace, and they are replaced by stretching or stretching. Thanks to high-quality and deep stretching, it is possible to relax the muscles, as well as speed up the process of removing decay products from them. Time for stretching is 5-10 minutes.

For home workouts to be effective, it is very important not only to repeat the movements of the trainer on video, but also to strictly follow safety precautions. If you do the exercises incorrectly, firstly, you may not get the desired effect, and secondly, there is a risk of getting a sports injury, which can take you out of the training process for a long time.

What do you need for home workouts?

In order for training at home to be as effective as in a fitness club, you will need to arm yourself with some equipment. IN standard set home workouts include:

  • dumbbells (weight depending on fitness level);
  • barbell (mini-barbell, bodybar);
  • fitball (mini-ball, medicine ball);
  • rubber bands;
  • rugs

For training to be effective, its duration should be at least 40-60 minutes, and its number should be at least 2-3 times per week. During training, you should not bring yourself to the point of “dry” fainting, limiting your water intake during exercise. You can and should drink, but in small quantities.

For achievement best results worth using sports nutrition(protein, gainer, etc.) These supplements will help you recover faster and train more effectively.

Dear women, please note that during training, under no circumstances should you wrap your stomach and thighs with film, supposedly in order to “drive away fat.” Remember, you won’t lose any fat this way - water will be lost rapidly, and this can lead to disruption of the body’s water balance and overheating of internal organs!

So, in order to achieve lasting results and get the body of your dreams, you need to develop two simple and good habits: improve nutrition and introduce sports training into your life. Observing simple rules home training, you can achieve success and get a beautiful figure and excellent health.

22 secrets of an ideal figure

The right diet

Asking the question “How to lose weight?” It’s worth understanding once and for all that if you continue to eat significant quantities of buns, cakes, candies, chips, hamburgers and other foods that are unhealthy for your figure, you will not be able to achieve an ideal figure. Only a lucky few can stick to this diet and not gain weight. If you are not one of them, you need to strictly monitor your diet, its calorie content and amount of fat. If the goal is to get rid of extra pounds, the calorie content of the diet should not exceed 2000-2200 kcal, and the daily fat intake should be within 30-40 g.


Fitness + proper nutrition - here it is perfect recipe, which you need to adhere to in order not only to lose weight, but also to maintain the achieved result. Moreover, the older we get, the more important gains fitness: with age, metabolism slows down, and muscle tissue is replaced by fatty tissue, and without systematic training, the figure “sinks.” According to scientists, after 30 years, the annual loss of muscle tissue in women is 250-350 g per year, and metabolism slows down by an average of 5% every 10 years. Hence the extra pounds, even if the diet remains the same.

Sufficient amount of liquid

If you don't drink enough fluid, you won't be able to lose weight: your body will begin to accumulate water and slow down your metabolism. Eight glasses of water daily is the norm recommended by most nutritionists.

Massage and Co.

Modeling massage, wraps, cryolipolysis, ultrasound and other procedures aimed at correcting the figure, accelerating metabolism and burning fat will help you quickly achieve the desired effect. In addition, they help maintain skin elasticity and the appearance of stretch marks. But for the effect to be lasting, it is important to complete the course to the end, even if after several procedures it seems that everything is already fine.

Detox treatments

They will not only help get rid of waste, toxins and extra pounds caused by fluid retention, but will also speed up metabolism and help burn excess calories and fat. If you don’t have time for a course of detox treatments in a salon or beauty clinic, go to the bathhouse or sauna more often: this is a simple, affordable, healthy and very effective detox!

Problem areas

No matter how good the figure, everything can be ruined by cellulite, and - alas - it happens to both athletes and the slenderest. The appearance of the ill-fated “orange peel” is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the subcutaneous tissue in women. So the fight for an ideal figure usually also means the fight against cellulite. Good news: mesotherapy, ozone therapy, vacuum massage and many other modern cosmetology techniques allow you to successfully cope with it. The bad news: most likely, the course of combating cellulite will have to be repeated; the “orange peel” often returns, especially if you lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not watch your diet.