Construction of a valley truss system diagram. Roof valley: diagram and technology for connecting roof slopes

Endova- this is the junction of the planes of two roof slopes with the resulting internal angle (gutter or groove).

Applicable names: valley, valley, valley, valley.

The valley is considered a complex and most vulnerable element of the roof structure, which is subject to high external and structural loads during the operation of the roof. Valleys are the most vulnerable place for leaks when snow and ice accumulate on the roof. Particular attention is paid to waterproofing all joints and seams in the valleys.

Endova what is this?

Endova on the roof- This is a gutter formed at the intersection of the roof of two roof slopes, forming an internal corner. Any roof covering includes special components that are personally responsible for the valley (valley carpets, valleys, valley strips, etc.) For each type of roof, valleys and their structure must be considered separately, since this is a particularly important element in any roof. More details in the links at the bottom of the material.

This wooden beam embedded in the design of the rafter system at the intersection of adjacent roof slopes at an internal angle. As a rule, on large valleys, reinforced timber is used (larger cross-section than for rafter legs). The best solution for valleys in the rafter part are two rafters “knocked down” together. This design solution makes it possible to more successfully deal with deflection and external loads. As you know, two bars are much stronger than one bar of similar sizes and respond much more effectively to deflection due to the different structure of the tree. So, for example, two “knocked down” beams measuring 40×200 mm are stronger than one solid beam measuring 100×200 mm.

Caring for a roof with valleys

The presence of valleys on the roof leads to the need to monitor the condition of the roof: periodically inspect and clean any debris that may have accumulated in them.

A special case needs to be considered valleys covered with cashers(metal tiles) and proximity to the roof of trees. Fallen leaves, needles and cones often clog valleys, creating stagnation for dampness and water, thereby causing rotting of metal valley elements.

The roof of a private house is one of the most important elements of the building, which ensures its protection from exposure external factors in the form of rain, wind or snow, as well as ultraviolet rays sun. The entire external load is placed on the roofing covering of the roof, since it is it that has direct contact with the above factors and influences. If a mistake is made when assembling the roof structure, installing it or installing the roof, this can lead to irreparable consequences; moisture can penetrate into the house, which will destroy the rafter system. If rafters made of wood begin to succumb to water, the roof will quickly become unusable, and winds can deform its structure.

In this regard, when creating a house you need to pay attention Special attention roof, its design and selection of roofing materials. Absolutely all elements of the roof must form a sealed layer, reliably protecting the interior of the house from external influences. Many people want the roof to be as attractive as possible, complementing the exterior of a private house, but we must remember that this should not interfere with the main functional purpose of the structure - protecting the building and its inhabitants.

Roof coverings can be divided into two categories:

  • The material used for the roof is corrugated sheeting, metal tiles, ondulin, etc.
  • Additions are elements that form all joints, transitions, gutters, etc.

It is worth noting that special attention should be paid to the extensions, because it is they that bear the main load, and it is here that the outflow of water and melted snow occurs. In order for all elements to perform their role efficiently, it is necessary to carry out installation, while observing all the rules and technologies. Endova is one of these elements that requires proper handling.

The concept of “endow”

A roof valley is a place on the roof where two planes meet to form a depression. However, this is only general concept to understand the meaning of this detail ordinary people. If they touch on the construction area, then the workers have their own idea of ​​such an element as the valley. According to the wording of specialists, a valley is a type of additional element made to form the junction of two or more planes.

Types of valley:

  • Open - the junction of two slopes or planes does not have a tight seam, but is simply covered with a small strip.
  • Closed - in this case the joint is quite tight and straight.
  • Intertwined - represents a joint closely so that the pattern of the planes coincides with each other.

You need to understand that the difference between these types is only external; they all have the same functional task. The last two options are less popular in use, since they can only be built by professionals with extensive experience and special skills, who are quite difficult to find, especially since everyone roofing material will have its own specifics.

Depending on the installation method, valleys are:

  • Bottom. In this case, the additional element is installed before installing the roof, thereby placing the valley under the general roofing layer. The role of this part is difficult to overestimate, since it serves as a drainage gutter, but if the joint of the planes is without a lower valley, then it will be a continuous gap into which moisture will begin to penetrate.
  • Upper. Based on the name, it is not difficult to guess that such a valley is installed on roofing material and acts as decorative role, and creates a complete image of creating a roof. The external valley will make the connection of the two planes more accurate, will not allow debris to penetrate into the recess of the roof, and therefore guarantees the natural outflow of water, prolonging the life of the roof.

Materials used to create a valley

In order for the roof to have an attractive appearance, and all its elements to be in harmony with each other, the valley is made of different materials, so everyone can choose the best option for their roof and their roofing covering. If the main covering is made of slate, then asbestos cement is used for the valley, but if the roof is covered with metal tiles or corrugated sheets, then a galvanized steel valley is used.

As you know, almost all metal roofing materials have special protective coatings made of polymers, thus protecting them from corrosion and extending the service life of the roof. The valley for metal roofs is no exception, so it is also equipped with a special protective layer so that the materials fully match each other, creating a pleasant appearance and a holistic picture. However, the valley material may not always match the roofing material. If a lower valley is used, then it is hidden under the roof, which means there is no difference what material it is made of.

Installing the valley correctly

As mentioned earlier, extras need high-quality installation, because not only the integrity and safety of the roof, but also the safety of the house and its household depends on this. In this regard, it is recommended to engage specialists who can quickly and efficiently install the necessary elements and provide the customer with reliable design with an attractive appearance.

For familiarization and the ability to control the work, we give an example of the classic procedure for installing a valley:

  • Initially, you need to check that the substrate is created correctly and accurately. It is necessary to make sure that there are no bends or deformations, and the strength of the structure is carefully examined and checked. The load on the valley is much greater than on the plane of the slopes, because this is where snow accumulates, which creates pressure on the additional element.
  • All wooden elements The roof structures must be treated with special antiseptics and impregnations, after which waterproofing must be carried out specifically under the valley.
  • Installation of the internal valley. Installation is carried out from the bottom up, laying the individual elements overlapping by ten centimeters, after which the connection points are treated with sealant.
  • Roof installation. The places where the roof meets the bottom strip also need to be sealed.
  • Installation of the upper valley using roofing screws with special rubber gaskets.

The roof is the “crown” of the building. Owners of private houses strive to make it functional and practical, without forgetting its visual appeal. Classical gable roof with the skate is gradually becoming a thing of the past. They are being replaced by complex architectural varieties consisting of roofing material and connecting elements- additional One of them is the valley.

What is a valley

The term "endova" is used in two meanings. In common parlance, this is an internal negative angle formed at the junction of two roof planes. He is one of the responsible nodes roofing. The importance is explained by the increased load on the site. Snow layers accumulate here, the mass of which is several times greater than the weight of the snowdrifts on the rest of the roof area. If snow load on the slope it is 200–240 kg/m2, then in the corners it can reach 500 kg/m2.

The more complex the roof shape, the more additions are required

The building element is named after a low bowl with a spout used for pouring liquids.

In construction practice, a narrow interpretation of the concept is used, according to which a valley is a plank bent inward to form the joint of slopes. Its second name is groove. For production, materials similar to the main coating are used. The slate is supplemented with asbestos-cement strips, and the corrugated sheets and metal tiles are supplemented with galvanized steel sheets with a polymer coating. The shade of the valley matches the color of the roof. This allows you to create the visual integrity of the roof, a harmonious combination of all elements of the device. In rare cases, you can find aluminum or copper products. All materials must have high mechanical strength, long term operation and ability to withstand moisture.

The valley strip is coated with an anti-corrosion compound

Before they came up with a separate element, builders used cuttings of roofing materials and improvised means to protect negative angles between slopes.

The configuration of roofs requiring the installation of such extensions may be different. Valleys are mounted on multi-gable roofs and their particular varieties: T-shaped, L-shaped and cross-shaped. The element allows you to make roof bends formed by the projections of attic or dormer windows. How more complex design, the more grooves will be required.

Photo gallery: valley roofs

Poor quality installation grooves increases the risk of leaks The valley should fit snugly to the edges of the slope For cross-shaped roofs, the installation of planks is carried out from the eaves overhang to the ridge The outer valley is classified as decorative elements roofs The more valleys, the more expensive their maintenance It is advisable to select the same color solutions valleys and roofs

Design functions

Improper design or installation of the valley can lead to dire consequences, the most dangerous of which is roof collapse. This is possible if snow accumulates in the corners, creating a load greater than the maximum permissible.

A well-designed valley performs the following functions:

  • connects adjacent inclined planes that form an internal angle at the junction;
  • quickly transports and removes rainwater flowing into the drainage system through a gutter;
  • protects the roof from leaks and contamination;
  • prevents debris (fallen leaves, tree branches) and insects from entering the under-roof space;
  • gives an aesthetic, finished look to the roof.

Endova is the most vulnerable zone for precipitation

Types and arrangement of valleys

Structurally, the roof valley consists of several parts: a waterproofing layer, lower and upper planks. Each of these parts has its own purpose. The planks are available in various designs and geometric sizes. The parameters are determined depending on the slope of the slope, the type of roofing, wind and snow loads.

The valley strips are in direct contact with the atmosphere, so they must be made from high-quality materials

There are 3 varieties:

  1. Open valley. It is used where the joint of intersecting parts of the roof has a small gap. A gutter for water drainage is placed in this space. Suitable for roofs with a slight slope.
  2. Closed valley. Distinctive feature- the slopes are adjacent to each other end-to-end, without open areas. Common among structures with a large angle of inclination. There is no top bar.
  3. Jointed or intertwined variation. It is characterized by the interweaving of two roofing sheets with each other at their intersection. It is mounted on steep slopes and requires a waterproofing layer.

The disadvantage of closed and intertwined types of valleys is additional waterproofing

Table: comparison of different valleys

ViewInstallation featuresFunctionalityAesthetics
OpenEasy installation, no third-party specialists requiredWater drains quickly and practically does not linger on the roofDoes not have decorative value or presentable appearance
ClosedAverage complexity of work performedWater removal is characterized by an average speedHigh aesthetics, corner design does not affect the perception of the roof
IntertwinedLabor-intensive installation with low process productivitySediment is discharged at the same rate as in a closed valleyBeautiful appearance, the roof of intersecting slopes forms a single composition

Photo gallery: varieties of valleys

In an intertwined valley, roofing sheets are woven into a “pigtail” The most common construction solution is an open valley with a decorative strip The roofing on the slopes of the closed valley is tightly fitted to each other The open valley option is characterized by a high water flow rate

Bottom valley: purpose and characteristics

The lower, or false, strip is a wide strip or plate with a bend angle, equal to the angle connections roof slopes. Along the edges of the shelves there are additional folds in the form of borders. The purpose of the lower element is to effectively remove moisture collecting in the corners of the roof and prevent liquids from entering the roof. It is this pad that takes the entire load. Installed before work begins.

To fix the valley, roofing screws or clamps are used, attached to the sheathing and sides. For effective sealing, a valley carpet is laid under the plank.

Since the bottom strip of the valley is hidden, it is allowed to use galvanized sheets without powder coating

Companies involved in the production of corrugated sheets and metal tiles offer to purchase metal gutters with shelves 100–600 mm wide. Often there are elements with bends of 298x298 mm. The smaller the width, the worse the valley copes with the large volume of discharged sediment. A narrow gutter should be used when the total length of the valley is no more than 4 m. Ideally, the overlap of the roofing sheet on the strip should be at least 250 mm.

Sheet thickness varies from 0.4 to 1.2 mm. If there is a non-continuous sheathing under the valley, then the optimal thickness of the bottom strip is 0.5–0.7 mm. Behind standard length The accepted size is 2000 mm. The density of the zinc coating, which can resist corrosion, is not less than 275 g/m2.

The internal corner is adjusted to the customer’s dimensions: for this purpose, the angle formed by the joint of the roof is measured.

Trying to save money, many private homeowners use cheap, thin sheet metal, arguing that the bottom strip is hidden. Despite the fact that the internal valley does not participate in the aesthetics of the structure, the strength and rigidity of the roof depends on it. Therefore, saving is inappropriate here.

Manufacturers offer a wide selection of valley sizes to suit specific customer needs.

Features of mounting the bottom strip

Laying the bottom metal trim does not require special engineering or construction knowledge. Even a beginner can handle the process. Of course, before starting work it is necessary to study several technical nuances.

For installation you will need a set of cutting, fastening, measuring and auxiliary tools:

  1. Installation and fastening of additional valley sheathing. The special feature of the flooring is the continuous, gap-free joining of timber or boards. Produced after the main roof frame has been created. The material is an edged board with a width greater than the width of the bottom strip, and a thickness equal to the dimensions of the remaining bars of the roof sheathing. Nailed on top of the rafters. Wood must be treated with antiseptic agents.

    Continuous valley sheathing allows you to evenly distribute the load over the entire area of ​​the plank

  2. Waterproofing. There must be a waterproofing layer along the valley gutter. It is used as a rolled valley carpet laid on top of the cushioning material. It consists of non-woven polyester fibers, bitumen impregnation and coating. This additional waterproofing guarantees 100% protection against moisture. The width of the covering should be 100–150 mm greater than the width of the plank. So, for a bottom strip with a shelf width of 200x200 mm, a waterproofing pad of 300x300 mm will be required. There are 2 methods of installing carpet:
  3. Installation of the bottom strip. Starts from the eaves and up to the ridge. It is carried out using self-tapping screws located at a distance of 300 mm. Screwing is done directly into the sheathing. Another method of fastening is with clamps that cling to the side of the plank. If the false beam consists of several parts, then each one is laid with an overlap of 300 mm in relation to the previous one. In this case, the section mounted below is placed under the one located above. Each joint is coated with sealant or bitumen mastic. A self-adhesive seal is installed on the fixed metal strip along its length to prevent clogging of the under-roof area. It reliably presses the roofing sheet to the strip.

    In terms of sealing, The best way fastenings for the bottom bar - clamps

  4. Laying material on top of the bottom strip. Metal tiles or corrugated sheets are cut along the edge, maintaining a size of 60–100 mm up to the valley bend. The roof is fixed in a standard way: for profiled materials, the lower wave serves as the fastening point. The recommended distance from the screws to the center of the strip is 250 mm. After installing the roof, the valley is ready and can be used openly. But to improve the attractiveness of the joint, the top strip is used to hide installation defects.

    The roofing material is fastened with self-tapping screws

Upper valley: purpose and characteristics

The top strip is made in the form of a bent profile with a flange along the long side. A small depression is formed in the center to drain water. At the same time, the drain gutter plays the role of a stiffener. In principle, the external valley is not a mandatory element. Purpose of the bar - additional protection joint from leakage, extending the service life of the bottom strip and decorative design valleys. Unlike the internal one, it is attached on top of the roofing sheets.

The installation of the upper valley strip can be refused in several justified cases:

  • open bottom bar provides greater throughput for water drainage, which is important for regions with frequent rainfall;
  • the removal of melted snow containing branches and other debris is facilitated by installing only the lower bar;
  • for roofs with a small slope angle.

The color of the valley is selected to match the roof tone according to the international RAL catalog

The top bar is made from rolled sheets with a thickness of 0.4–0.6 mm. The surface is covered with several protective layers made of aluminum and zinc. They protect the metal from the occurrence of corrosion spots even in drilling areas or strip cuts. The aesthetics of the product is imparted using polyester-based polymer enamel. The coating is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, mechanical scratches, chips and moisture. During the entire service life, the planks do not fade in the sun.

The size of the outer pad is not as critical as the bottom one. The main thing is that the dimensions overlap the sections of corrugated sheets or metal tiles. The width of the shelves varies in the range of 50–500 mm. The optimal flanging height is 20 mm. For the purpose of unification, manufacturers have adopted a standard length size of 2000 mm.

The dimensions of the valley are shown for informational purposes; custom production is possible

Features of installing the top bar

The final stage of valley installation is the installation of the top strip. The sequence of work resembles the installation of a lower valley.

Main stages:

  1. Installation of the top lining on the roof. It must be done from the bottom up, from the overhang to the ridge of the roof. The prefabricated valley planks should be joined together with an overlap of at least 100 mm. It is convenient to measure the required distance using a tape measure, and make the mark with a marker or chalk. The top bar should protrude above the bottom by a distance of 15–20 cm.

    The top strip extends onto the roof on both sides

  2. Fastening the cover. The outer part is screwed with self-tapping screws to the upper ridges of the profiled roofing sheet. It is very important to prevent screws from getting into the middle of the bottom bar. If the hardware breaks through the false roof, then the waterproofing in this place will be damaged. When carrying out work, you must remember that laying self-expanding seals between the decorative strip and the roof is not required. To seal overlaps, sealants are used, which are applied with a special gun or their tape analogues.

    The tape is easy to use, just cut the required size and stick to the required part

Video: valley installation

Caring for the valley

In order for the valley to serve for a long time and perform its tasks efficiently, it must be carefully looked after. Roof maintenance should become a habit for every homeowner.

  1. During the summer and autumn seasons, the valley slats and the water intake funnel should be thoroughly cleaned of accumulated debris, dirt, leaves and foreign objects. To do this, you can use a broom or a brush with soft bristles. Cleaning begins with the slopes, the valley is serviced last.
  2. Periodically, several times a year, inspect the condition of the slats and the tightness of their fit to the roofing material. If necessary, restore sealing tapes and sealing gaskets.
  3. In winter, it is important to promptly remove snow cover when it accumulates excessively. This will protect the valley strips from deformation, which results in leaks. Serves as a tool wooden shovel or a scraper with a rubberized working edge. The longer the handle of the roofing scraper, the more convenient it is to work with.

The work is carried out in accordance with safety regulations

Video: attaching rafters to the valley

Installation of valleys is the final point in completing the construction of a house or other structure. The structure is installed at the junctions of slopes with negative angles. Only the correct selection of materials, high-quality waterproofing and constant maintenance of the finished element will ensure reliable protection from precipitation.

Roof valleys, as one of the structural elements, due attention is given during construction and repairs. They are attached to the joints between the tiles. There are 2 types of galvanized steel roofing products that are used under the bottom of the tiles and on top of the tiles one on top of the other.

Types of plates when finishing roofing with endovs

There are three main types of valleys: open, closed and intertwined. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Closed options have earned their popularity due to their aesthetic qualities, as well as ease and speed of installation; do not require the use of a large number of different materials and additional stages of work, which is typical for the installation of open valleys. Installation of such products involves placing the tiles across the joint so that the planes intersect. Every new leaf roofing tiles placed on top of the valley.

Despite all the advantages of such a system, it is, at the same time, prone to the accumulation of precipitation, since due to the relief surface, snow and water melt and flow rather slowly. During periods of heavy rainfall and prolonged winter, this leads to the destruction of individual structural elements. And, although for some homeowners the aesthetic beauty that a closed product gives comes first, it is still worth considering that unreliable protection can lead to damage to roofing components. This, in turn, will require their restoration, for which a fairly impressive amount will have to be spent.

The open version is a metal sheet (steel, less often copper) that is attached to the roof. Such metal is usually treated with an additional protective coating, as well as dye in order to optimally combine with the overall color scheme roofing material. After installation, the tile sheets at the intersection points are overlapped and sealed with a metal sheet of the valley.

If all the work is done correctly, then the open product system proves to be as reliable and durable as possible. Due to the fact that flat metal is used in its creation, water drains faster and does not accumulate on the surface. This in turn minimizes the risk of leaks and damage. Professionally installed roof elements give the entire structure a unique aesthetic, especially when painted or copper sheets are used. Even if after some time problems with roof leaks or other damage are discovered, the system open view allows you to replace elements, as well as renovation work easier and faster.

As for intertwined protection, it has significant similarities in its advantages and disadvantages with closed system. With this arrangement, the roofing panels of the slopes at the points of contact are connected by binding.

Water protection device

The design of a product is largely determined by its type, so we will consider each of them separately.

Open type installed so that its base remains open in front of the main layer of the roof. Open solutions are created from a combination of metal and protective coatings that prevent rain and melt water from entering.

In the standard open version:

  • 1 row of water shield (valley carpet) is located in the center;
  • a metal plate bent in the shape of a “W” or “V” is installed on top of the protective covering (carpet);
  • the second row of carpet is cut in half and used on both sides of the metal;
  • the part of the tile along the line created by the second layer of moisture protection and metal remains open for the passage of water from the roof;
  • the resulting open gutter should gradually expand towards the bottom for the free flow of the increased volume of water approaching the edge.

Two main forms of bending of the metal structure of the product involve:

  • “V” shaped bend, adjusted to the angle of the inclined slopes;
  • "W" shaped bend with a rib in the center. This design detail prevents water from getting under the tiles in places adjacent to the slope.

Many roofers use to create open solutions galvanized metal or aluminum, excluding the presence of a protective carpet. However, high-quality work requires the use of more reliable material. One of them is heavy profiled galvanized metal sheets, calibrated in a "W" shape. The heavy calibrated metal element strip helps keep the slab line straight and the "W" shape provides better control of water passage and access. It is also mandatory to lay a protective valley carpet.

The standard closed version is covered on top with tiles or other basic roofing materials. An internal valley is created, which consists of:

  • 1 layer of protective carpet, which is located in the center of the structure;
  • the main roofing material installed on top.

The location of the tiles in a closed room is arranged according to one of two basic principles:

  • overlapped structures in which tiles overlap on alternative slopes;
  • closed structures in which the shingles are first installed on the lower adjacent wing sloped along a line and then on a higher slope across the line roofing structure. After which the ceiling on the higher slope is cut in a straight line, lengthwise.

Many craftsmen prefer a closed solution, justifying this by the fact that it requires a minimum of materials and relatively little labor. At the same time, you need to understand the features, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of such systems, in order to make an informed and informed decision about installing the system. If you are looking for an opportunity to save money, then such products will be the optimal solution here. However, to create a design that suits most roofing systems, and will also serve as long and reliably as possible, it is better to use open option.

The optimal arrangement option

The optimal solution for arranging the product is the use open system from heavy metal curved in a "W" shape. It is supplemented with 2 layers of valley carpet, which protects the entire structure from the penetration of precipitation. Although closed structural elements help save money, the metal (open version) is a solution that has been proven over the years and has the longest service life, extending the life of the ceiling made of any material.

Closed roofing elements, despite their affordability, are often the first section of the roof to be destroyed when a large volume of water passes through. Following them, other roofing building materials also succumb to the harmful effects of a humid environment.

Installation (installation) of panels

Installation of the product, like any other work, requires certain qualified knowledge and experience. Here it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements, without which the structure cannot last long. So one of the main rules concerns the location fastening elements. They are located at least 152 mm further from the center of the product. This condition must be observed for the installation of any materials, including those used to create rolled roofing and roofing made of bituminous shingles.

Open protection made of heavy metal with anti-corrosion coating is the most durable and expensive design option. It is recommended that a metal sunroof with an open valley be constructed from 26mm thick steel or non-corrosive metal.

The nails that grip the edges should go every 30-45 cm, this will help secure the material to the lid as firmly as possible.

The open valley lining has a width of 60 to 90 centimeters and no more than 250-300 centimeters in length to prevent the formation of bends from longitudinal expansion.

With the installation method, which involves installing the bottom layer of the structure, be it bitumen or metal, you need to start with a 15 centimeter layer (7.5 centimeters on the sides of the central part of the valley) and gradually increase the expansion by every 3 mm to install the next step. This approach will help ensure free passage of the increasing flow of water down the slope.

A product 4.5 meters long will have 15 centimeters on the outside and 20 centimeters at the bottom.

At the intersection of two roofing element strips, the top should overlap the bottom plate with a margin of 15 centimeters. This will help effectively seal the top of the valley.

In cases where the roof slopes are uneven or one part is larger than the other, you can use a crimp screw with a diameter of 2.5 to 4 cm. It is fixed in the center. Using this technique, craftsmen prevent uneven flow of water from one side of the slope.

The crimp also strengthens the structure. Additionally, it is necessary to place a substrate here, which will help retain overflow water without interfering with the sliding effect, and provide opportunities for secure fastening of nails.

Clamps and nails are selected from the same metal as the valley. This will prevent galvanic corrosion.

The encircling layer must overlap the cladding by at least 15 centimeters. In this roofing element, the nails should go at a 15-centimeter distance from the center line.

Closed products combine some of the advantages of other types: their partially open design improves roof drainage compared to interlocking panels, and they are also quite tough-resisting.

Roof with closed design consists of at least four layers: one layer of felt lining, the second - roll roofing with mineral coating, the other two are tiles.

For two-layer tiles minimum slope the valley should be 12-30 centimeters. The closed one cannot be used when fixing single-layer tiles, since in this case there will not be enough space to accommodate additional fasteners.

First stage The closed version is laid in the same way. The first step of the shingles passes from both roof planes through the element, with sequential placement of fasteners from the larger or steeper plane to the shorter part.

Then you should move to a roofing surface with a lower slope, laying each row at least 30 centimeters higher from the center.

Position the shingles against the valley and drive a nail where fasteners are missing within 6 inches of the center of the valley, adding an additional nail at the end of each shingle that crosses the valley.

Then draw a chalk line 5 cm from the center on the opposite slope and hammer the other side, placing nails 15 cm further than the center.

Closed solutions are quick to install and provide aesthetically pleasing Beautiful design(standard, laminated tiles). If parts of the roof at a negative angle are tightly closed, this will guarantee adequate protection of the entire structure.

The interlocking panels should be placed with an overlap of 10-30 centimeters or more above the mineral granule roofing layer. However, they have some disadvantages, the main one being the high likelihood of moss forming in the areas between the pebbles, which can significantly impede roof drainage.

In the first stage, tiles approaching the roof element from a larger or steeper roof plane overlap tiles from a smaller or less steep plane.

Pull the edge of each tile at least 30 centimeters behind center line and do not place any butt joints near its center.

Press the shingles tightly against the roofing element when driving nails and do not place fasteners within 6 inches of the center. Add an extra nail at the end of each shingle that crosses the valley.

Continue similar actions to the top of the valley. Properly executed binding is extremely weather resistant and is better suited for high wind areas, but installation is quite slow.

Cost of products

To determine the total cost of products, it is necessary to look at several aspects. First of all, you should calculate total length products. The standard useful length of one strip of the product is about 85 centimeters. Accordingly, the total figure should be divided by the size of one bar and multiplied by the cost of the product.

In order for the roof to meet all the architectural features of modern buildings, it is often made in the form of structures from many multi-pitched roofs. Geometrically complex frames of the rafter system have a large number of junctions of pitched surfaces forming the internal corner of the roof. Such areas in a wooden roof structure are called valleys. Another name for this element is a valley or valley gutter. Having a v-shape, the roof valley actually plays the role of a gutter through which water flows are directed and removed. Proper installation of this element is of great importance, since installation errors can lead to leaks, damage to the insulation and additional expenses for repairs.

Valley design diagram

The valley is one of the most important and complex elements of the roof structure. The interface between adjacent slopes is subject to severe climatic loads during operation. When it rains, water flows down it from neighboring slopes, and in winter snow accumulates here.

A properly installed valley not only protects the house from bad weather and precipitation, but also extends the life of the roof.

Typically, the valley consists of a decorative upper strip that covers the junction of two slopes, and a lower gutter, which is located under the roofing.

The number of valleys depends on design features roof, as well as the presence of additional roof windows.

Depending on the design features of the roof, the number of valleys installed will vary.

The design of the valley involves the construction of a base in the form of a continuous sheathing, on which a layer of waterproofing is laid, as well as the presence of a lower and upper element. The lower valley strip serves as a gutter, and the upper element serves as a decorative detail covering the joints of the slope. Most often, these roofing elements are made of metal. The most quality material for the manufacture of valleys are steel sheets with applied polymer coatings and special sprayings. In some design options top part valley is not used.

To improve the waterproofing properties of the lower valley, its upper flanges can be sealed with self-expanding porous material

Depending on the angle formed at the junction of the roof joints, there are three types of valleys:

The design of the rafter system, which serves as the basis for installing the valley strips, depends on the intended type of roofing. In this regard, there are several types of lathing for laying valley planks:

  1. Continuous sheathing is used during installation soft roof. In this case, the valley is made in the form of a continuous coating of waterproofing layers. Installing a valley in this way is the easiest.
  2. If used as a roof covering for gable roof slate, profiled sheets or tiles will be used, the sheathing will have a completely different look. For its device use 2 or 3 edged boards, which are mounted along the joints of the roofing covering in increments of 10 cm.
  3. Lathing with additional elements. When using metal tiles, intermediate strips can be installed to the main battens of the sheathing.
  4. The wooden base for the ondulin is made of two boards 10 cm wide, which are mounted in increments of 15–20 cm. Such a base will prevent the valley from sagging.

Video: arrangement of valley and junctions

Valley installation sequence

Installation of the valley is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Before installation begins, a drip line is installed along the entire length of the eaves overhang to drain condensate from the under-roof waterproofing.

    The drip cap is made of the same material as the main roofing covering

  2. On both sides on the bone rafter leg With a gap of 5 cm from its edges, horizontal counter-lattice bars are nailed. The lower ends of the bars must be sawed flush with the eaves overhang.
  3. There are increased requirements for waterproofing in the valley area. Three layers of diffusion membrane are laid here. Its task is to protect the underlying structures and thermal insulation materials from moisture, but not to prevent the escape of water vapor. The first layer of membrane is laid out along the valley on top of the horizontal counter-lattice. The film inside the counter-lattice forms a kind of groove that protects the wood from getting wet on the side in the event of under-roof condensation. The membrane is attached using staples to the top and side edges of the planks. Then the membrane is cut along the edge of the drip and counter-lattice.

    The waterproofing material protects the counter-lattice strips from getting wet on the side and is attached to them with a construction stapler.

  4. Next, the diffusion membrane is laid out along the slopes onto the rafters according to pre-made markings. Laying waterproofing on slopes is done in a pigtail, that is, alternately on both sides of the valley. In this case, the membrane is transferred through both horizontal counter-battens and cut off behind its opposite edge. The membrane is also secured from the slopes using a stapler on the side and top edges of both horizontal counter-battens. The joints of this waterproofing barrier can be sealed using double-sided tape.

    When gluing the membrane, it is necessary to make an overlap of at least 10 cm and glue it double-sided tape

  5. To prevent the membrane from flapping against the drip tray from the wind and from fraying over time, it is necessary to glue it to the edge of the drip tray with double-sided tape.
  6. On top of the waterproofing, valley board bars are packed, which form an air gap for ventilation of the under-roof space and removal of condensate from the film.

    A gap is left between the bottom valley strip and the waterproofing film to drain condensate

  7. Laying the membrane from the opposite slope, as well as fastening it with brackets to the horizontal counter-lattice and gluing it with double-sided tape occurs in the same way.
  8. After both adjacent slopes and the valley are covered with a membrane, the filling of the counter-lattice is completed on them and the installation of the sheathing bars begins. Installation of the lower sheathing along the eaves overhang is carried out flush with the ends of the counter-lattice.

    Wooden sheathing laid on counter-lattice bars is necessary for ventilating the under-roof space and for attaching the finishing coating

  9. In the valley area, markings are made on the lower planks of the sheathing at an angle for precise joining with each other. A ventilation strip is installed along the entire eaves to protect against bird penetration.

    The bottom battens of the sheathing in the valley area are trimmed to form an even joint

  10. The ends of the sheathing on the side of the gable overhang are covered with a flap of membrane folded up, which is fixed to the bars with a stapler. A frontal board is placed on top of it. If this is provided for in the project, brackets for attaching gutters are installed along the entire eaves overhang.
  11. In the valley area, in the middle between the rows of sheathing slats, additional bars are packed, which support the gutter, preventing it from deforming under the weight of snow. At the same time, thanks to the increased sheathing, the space under the valley groove is well ventilated. In the presence of drainage system a plastic overhang apron is installed. Its task is to prevent water and snow from getting into the ventilation gap between the tiles and the waterproofing.

    To counteract snow loads, a thick sheathing is installed under the lower valley strip

If there is no drainage system, installing an eaves apron is not necessary.

Video: installation of a valley on a metal roof

Connection of two valleys on a slope

The installation process at the junction of two valleys is carried out as follows:

  1. If the design provides for a junction of valleys below the ridge, then the gutters on both sides are trimmed for a tight fit and secured with self-tapping screws. The junction of the gutters is carefully sealed with sealing tape along the entire length, profiled along the edges and rolled with a roller.
  2. The valley strip in the upper part is attached to the sheathing with brackets. Top corner The joint is formed by hand, and the flange is pressed against the surface of the grooves.

    To prevent moisture from penetrating into the under-roof space, bends are made along the edges of the valley planks.

  3. The flange is completely bent inward along its entire length, while force can only be applied in places above the sheathing. Along the entire length of the valley groove, foam rubber strips are glued on both sides. They protect the under-roof space from precipitation and dust. The lower edge of the foam strip should be on the overhang aerial element. If foam strips were not used for some reason, water, snow and dust will constantly get under the roofing, thereby reducing the life of the structure.

    Foam strips must be installed to protect the space under the valley strip from water, snow and dust

  4. Roofing material is laid on both adjacent slopes in the direction from the gable overhang or valley ridge, covering the groove as much as possible. To ensure unhindered drainage of rainwater and snow removal along the valley gutter, the covering on both sides is trimmed at the same level. The overlap of the trimmed tiles on the valley groove should be from 13 to 15 cm or 8–10 cm from the center of the bottom strip.

    Sheets of metal tiles are cut so that they extend onto the bottom bar of the valley by 13–15 cm

A smaller overlap will lead to the foam strip being destroyed due to exposure to solar radiation, and a larger overlap will complicate the installation of the tiles.

The cutting line is applied with a dye cord along the marks located at the top and bottom of the valley, and is marked on both sides of the groove.

Video: valley with access to a slope on a metal roof

Features of fastening elements of the valley assembly

The valley node looks like a concave angle between two roof slopes. To fasten this roof element, roofing screws are used, which are equipped with a rubber or plastic washer. The washer performs several functions:

  • protects the surface of the roofing material from scratches and damage;
  • serves as a waterproofing layer between the self-tapping screw and the hole in the roof, hermetically closing all cracks.

The rubber washer provides soft pressure on the screw and waterproofing of the hole

When installing the valley strip, an overlap of at least 10 cm must be made.

To better seal these roofing elements, it is necessary to use sealing tape.

The lower valley strips are mounted directly to wooden sheathing using clamps fixed with nails or self-tapping screws. The upper element of the valley must be screwed with self-tapping screws to the metal tile. It should be noted that the screws for fastening the upper valley should not rest against the lower gutter. The gaps between the roofing and the gutter sheets must be filled with foam rubber sealant.

Clamps secure the bottom strip of the valley without damaging its edges

When installing valley units, you should pay special attention to the quality of the sheathing. It is recommended to install the lower gutter on a continuous sheathing, the width of which should be no less than the width of the valley itself.

Installation of valley nodes is carried out as follows:

The brackets should be attached not to the regular sheathing, but to the thickened sheathing, otherwise they will interfere with the even laying of the tiles.

The upper groove is laid on the underlying one with an overlap of at least 10 centimeters. When laying, it is necessary to align the transverse ribs of the gutters and secure subsequent grooves in the same way as the first.

When installing a valley from several planks, it is necessary to make an overlap of 10 cm

Installation of overhang aero element

An overhang aerial element is installed to provide additional support for the bottom row of metal tiles, as well as to prevent birds from entering under the roof.

If the discharge is larger, it will hold debris and fallen leaves in the gutter, and also prevent snow and rainwater from sliding.

Strengthening the valley

The functionality of the valley is directly related to the quality of its foundation. To strengthen the valley, it is better to use continuous sheathing.

  1. A waterproofing layer is installed along the entire length of the base. The best option for strengthening gutter nodes is to use a valley carpet. This protective covering is made of non-woven polyester material impregnated concrete mixtures with the addition of modifiers. A coating of basalt crumbs is applied to the upper side of the valley carpet, and its lower part is covered with sand granules.
  2. The waterproofing material is fixed using special stickers or nails. If the carpet is nailed, the distance between them should be about 20 cm.
  3. The lower valley elements, roofing, seals and decorative parts are installed.

To strengthen the valley nodes, instead of standard waterproofing, non-woven polyester materials can be used

Installing polyester fabric with bitumen impregnation allows you to solve a number of problems:

  • provide reliable protection for internal kinks of the structure and other places most vulnerable to moisture penetration;
  • create a shock-absorbing layer that will soften the load from snow;
  • improve the aesthetic qualities of the roof;
  • completely eliminate leaks.

Trimming tiles when arranging a valley

If the valley is installed on a tile roof, trimming of the roofing material elements is often required:

  1. First, a rough fit is performed, and then the final marking and cutting of the tiles is carried out exactly along the line marked on the valley groove.

    Trimming the tiles must be done on a machine with a circular saw.

  2. A tile spike that hits the valley is knocked off or cut off so that it does not crack at the groove.
  3. The foam strip under the tiles should be trimmed - this allows you to immediately lay the roofing evenly, without waiting for it to push the strip under its own weight and fall into place.
  4. A hole for the self-tapping screw is first drilled in the trimmed tile so that it does not fall into the groove.
  5. The prepared roofing element is installed in place and secured with a self-tapping screw.

    All laid elements must form a straight line parallel to the axis of the groove

  6. Sometimes when marking, it is clear that after cutting off some elements, a small triangular fragment remains, which is difficult to secure. This happens if the cut line falls on the right edge of the tile, then the cut line is shifted by 5 cm, and half-tiles are used nearby. It is installed instead of the usual row one column from the trimmed one. The consumption of half roofing elements is one piece per two rows on each side of the valley.

    Half tiles add the missing fragment of the roof if in this row the valley falls under trimming most of surfaces of the last coating element

  7. The prepared trimmed tiles are laid in place and fixed with a self-tapping screw. The tile from the top row moves down and presses the trimmed element.
  8. The rest of the roofing material in the valley is laid in the same way. When laying on a ridge, the outermost ridge tiles that extend to the junction of the valleys are cut along the same line as the tiles located in rows on the slope.
  9. The upper cut of the outermost ridge tile is covered with a special tape for junctions. The valley installation is complete.

    Corrugated tape is a convenient and effective material for sealing protruding parts of the roof

You cannot fasten tiles through the valley groove, as precipitation will flow under the roof where the self-tapping screw passes.

Video: installation of ceramic tiles - valley formation

Errors when installing the valley

Installing a valley gutter requires care and skill. Since this roofing element carries a large amount of rainwater, the slightest mistake during its installation can lead to serious problems and additional costs. The most common mistakes when installing a valley are:

  1. Trying to cut tiles directly at the valley using a grinder. This often leads to damage to the already secured groove. In addition, it is very difficult to achieve an even cut line along the entire length of the valley, so the valley and the entire roof will look sloppy, and water drainage and snow removal will be difficult.

    If the tiles are cut unevenly, the roof will have a sloppy appearance, and water and snow will flow off it intermittently

  2. Fastening the groove with nails along the entire length.
  3. Installing valley strips from the ridge to the bottom edge. In this case, the lower bar will cover the upper one. At the junctions of these elements, moisture will get inside the roof rather than flow down.
  4. Narrow sheathing or lack of additional slats. This mistake will cause the weight of the snow to deform the valley. As a result, cracks and gaps are formed through which moisture can penetrate.
  5. Twisted or insufficiently tightened screws. In the first case, the roof covering is damaged, in the second, moisture will penetrate under the screw.

    If the screws are not tightened correctly, water will flow into the under-roof space, contributing to the destruction of the rafter system.

The process of installing a valley requires special knowledge and construction skills. Therefore, it is better to entrust the installation of this roofing element to experienced specialists. In this case, errors that lead to serious problems will be eliminated.