Slate weight: is it so important? The main dimensions of flat slate are thickness and weight, what are the differences? How much does a sheet of slate weigh?

Do you know what the weight of 8 wave slate is? But this information is very important for making calculations, for example, rafter system during the construction of buildings. As you might have guessed, our article will focus on roofing material such as slate, its types, technical characteristics and, in particular, its weight.

The word "" came to us from German language, where previously this was the name given to roofing slate tiles, mined by splitting special rocks.

With equipment modern roofs slate is practically not used, while the “name” is firmly fixed on asbestos-cement roofing materials of a wavy shape, as well as on sheets of alternative materials of a similar shape, and therefore is now quite a common occurrence.

Characteristics of asbestos-cement wave slate

Such slate is one of the most used materials in roofing, and has been for decades. And this is not surprising, since it is practical, inexpensive and very convenient to install.

Parameters of reinforced profile slate sheet

Wave slate – weight 1 sq.m. the roofing weight of which is 10-14 kg (depending on the thickness of the product), is made from a mixture consisting of asbestos, Portland cement and water.

At the same time, thin asbestos fibers, which are evenly distributed in Portland cement, act as a reinforcing mesh, significantly increasing the impact strength and strength of the material.

Produce following types modifications of wave slate:

  • With a normal profile.
  • With reinforced profile.
  • With a unified profile.

Such sheets differ from each other in their sizes: the smallest of them are slate sheets with an ordinary profile, the largest are with a reinforced profile.

As for the profile itself, there are two types of sheets: 40/150 and 54/200, with the first number indicating the height of the wave, and the second the pitch of the slate wave, indicated in mm.

According to GOST standards, the dimensions of corrugated slate are determined as follows:

  • their length is 1750 mm;
  • The width, depending on the number of sheet waves, can be:
  1. 980 mm for slate in 8 waves;
  2. 1125 mm for slate in 6 waves;
  3. 1130 mm for slate in 7 waves.
  • the thickness for a 40/150 profile should be 5.8 mm, for a 54/200 profile - 6 mm or 7.5 mm.
  • The ordinary wave of the overlapping sheet, depending on the type of slate sheet profile, is produced with a height of 40 or 54 mm, while the overlapping one is 32 or 45 mm, respectively.

If you take a standard 8-wave slate sheet, its weight, depending on the thickness, will be from 23 to 26 kg.

Regarding mechanical characteristics of this material, then they are largely determined by factors such as:

  • asbestos content;
  • uniform placement in cement;
  • grinding fineness and others.

Advice! Remember that if you choose asbestos-cement slate for your roofing, the weight of the sheet should serve as a guide for choosing elements of the rafter system of one thickness or another.

In order to improve durability as well as decorative properties, slate is painted with phosphate or silicate paints using various kinds pigments.

Often, wave asbestos-cement slate is painted blue, red-brown, brick-red, yellow and other colors. Paint applied to slate protects the material from destruction, reduces its water-absorbing properties and increases frost resistance.

At the same time, the durability of slate sheets coated with protective coating increases by 1.5-2 times.

Characteristics of flat asbestos-cement slate

Painted slates have great durability and are attractive appearance

Compared to wave slate, flat roofing sheet has somewhat similar properties, but still has some differences.

Such sheets are made in two ways: with and without pressing.

At the same time the weight flat slate produced using pressing will be significantly higher than without it, however, the technical characteristics of the pressed sheet will be significantly higher.

For example, pressed slate can withstand at least 50 freezing cycles, while an unpressed sheet is almost 2 times less.

And even after the specified number of freezing cycles, the sheets remain quite strong, losing only about 10% in reliability from the original indicator.

The rather high strength parameters of flat slate are impressive: depending on the manufacturer, the sheet can withstand a bending force of 20-50 MPa, and a compressive force of 90-130 MPa.

However, the main advantage of flat finishing material serves the versatility of its use.

Flat slate - the weight that allows the construction of a roofing base without additional reinforcing elements, is applicable not only as roofing.

It can serve as both external and internal lining buildings, as partitions between rooms, is in great demand in the agricultural sector and livestock farming.

The versatility of using flat slate is due not least to the high practicality and low cost of the material.

Flat slate is resistant to aggressive environments and can be in contact with open ground, fireproof, relatively easy to process.

If we take into account the weight, flat slate is a completely acceptable material in this regard, both for covering the roof and for use in other areas.

Characteristics of wave bitumen slate

Flat slate: the weight of the covering allows the use of a roof truss system without additional reinforcement

Wave bitumen euro slate or simply ondulin is a more modern product from a technical point of view than asbestos-cement slate sheet.

These types of coatings are completely different from each other, and the only things that remain in common between them are, perhaps, their shape, relatively low cost and purpose.

How much does slate weigh using bitumen? With a sheet area of ​​approximately 2 sq.m. its weight is only approximately 6.5 kg, which is simply phenomenal by roofing standards.

Most types of bitumen corrugated sheets are produced as follows:

  • Fiber-bitumen mass, which includes bitumen, synthetic and vegetable fibers, dyes and plasticizers, are pressed at high temperatures. In this case, the final density of the material is achieved quite low, which largely determines the low weight of the slate sheet.
  • Pressing is performed in several stages in a certain sequence, which results in a multilayer sheet structure that gives the material high strength and resistance to mechanical stress. In this mixture, bitumen serves as a waterproofing agent, while organic matter gives rigidity to the sheets.
  • Bitumen impregnation is carried out in vacuum chambers also in several stages, after which the sheets are painted.

Euroslate has many advantages, including:

Advice! With all the advantages of wave bitumen slate (ondulin), it is still not recommended for use in areas with a hot summer climate, since under significant thermal loads the bitumen softens slightly, due to which the sheet temporarily loses its declared rigidity and, accordingly, overall strength.

By painting method bitumen sheets divided into 2 types - glossy and matte. Matte sheets are painted acrylic paint, while they feel rough to the touch.

Glossy sheets look more beautiful and brighter due to the addition of silicone to the paint, which provides this same gloss and shine. Sheets with a glossy finish are more expensive and are less able to retain snow and dirt.

In addition to the above mentioned slate options, corrugated roofing sheets made from plastic (PVC) have recently appeared on the market. They are currently used mainly for covering gazebos, terraces, all kinds of canopies and greenhouses.

Plastic slate is quite lightweight, easy to process and install, and has many other advantages. However, this is a new product for the construction market, so few people yet decide to build more serious roofing structures from it.

So, we found out what slate is, learned about some of its varieties, found out why and how much a sheet of slate of one type or another weighs.

Let's hope that this information subsequently it will help you more clearly and quickly decide on the choice of slate for covering the roof of your own home.

Slate is the most common roofing material, a leader in its field of application for several decades.

The name “slate” is not entirely correct; real slate is a natural layered mineral.

Exact designation roofing material sounds like it, but the name “slate” has stuck for a long time and there is no point in changing it.

Two main types of material are available- flat and wave. Flat is used for facing work or for the construction of partitions for auxiliary and utility rooms.

Only wave fiber is used as roof covering, it is stronger and stronger than a flat one, due to the stiffening ribs created by the waves.

The long-term widespread use of slate is a consequence of high reliability, durability and ease of installation. The relatively recent appearance on the market of a variety of alternative roofing coverings made of synthetic materials, metal or bitumen, could not radically change the situation, since the traditional, time-tested approach to materials prevails among builders.

Wave slate - roofing material in the form of corrugated sheets rectangular shape. To produce slate, a plastic molding composition is used, the components of which are:

  1. Portland cement. The grades used are M300-500, the percentage of material present is 80-90%.
  2. Chrysotile asbestos. (10-20%).
  3. Water.

The roles of the components are distributed as follows: Portland cement acts as a connecting link, and chrysotile asbestos is a reinforcing element. After the mass hardens, a strong and hard sheet material is obtained.

Traditionally produced light gray natural color material, but in Lately coating samples appeared on the market made with additives of dyes to give a specific color, which significantly improved the aesthetic perception of the material.

Installation is carried out by fastening the sheets overlapping using slate nails to the rafter system. Ridges and connecting elements that make up the roof covering are also produced by industry, but often builders do not know about this and use metal elements, which worsens the appearance of the roof.

Wave slate sheet sizes (7 and 8 waves)

According to GOST, there are only two standard sizes:

  1. 40/150 — wave height 40 mm, wave length — 150 mm.
  2. 54/200 — wave height 54 mm, wave length — 200 mm.

The dimensions of 8-wave slate also vary depending on the type. By profile type, sheets are divided:


Marked with the abbreviation UV.

Dimensions according to GOST

Slate 8 wave sheet size:

  • Sheet width - 1130 mm;
  • Length - 1750 mm;

Slate size 7 wave:

  • Sheet width - 980 mm;
  • Length - 1750 mm;
  • Sheet thickness is 5.8 mm for profile 40/150 and 6-7.5 mm for profile 54/200.

Slate size 6 wave:

  • Sheet width - 1125 mm;
  • Length - 1750 mm;
  • Sheet thickness is 5.8 mm for profile 40/150 and 6-7.5 mm for profile 54/200.

Wave slate size


Denoted as VO.

  • Sheets 680 mm wide;
  • length - 1120 mm;
  • sheet thickness 5.8 mm for profile 40/150 and 6-7.5 for profile 54/200.

The size of 8 wave slate can vary within small limits.


Profile marked VU, intended for industrial facilities, has an increased thickness - 8 mm, sheet width 1000 mm, length - up to 2800 mm.

The maximum permissible dimensional deviations are ±15 mm in length and +10 and -5 mm in width.

Number of waves

The number of waves is already determined by the name - 7-wave and 8-wave.

In individual construction, a 7-wave sheet is most often used, since it is lighter and easier to lift to the installation site manually.

Wherein, his effective area less than 8-wave, since the amount of overlap for both brands is the same and the difference of one wave cannot be compensated for by anything.

However, a study of demand shows the predominant use of the 7-wave option.

How much does a slate roof weigh?

Sheet weight - important indicator on which the load on the rafter system depends. So, let's find out how much a sheet of 8-wave and 7-wave slate weighs.

The weight of the 40/150 profile sheet is:

  • 23.2 kg— weight of 7 wave slate;
  • 26.1 kg— slate weight 8 wave.

For profile 54/200, the weight is 26 and 35 kg, respectively.

The weight of 8 wave slate 1 m2 is approximately 10.41 kilograms.

It is noted that the weight of slate is greater than that of its competitors among roofing materials, which creates certain requirements for the design of the rafter system. Wind and snow loads should also be taken into account, at large area The weight of the water absorbed by the roof when it rains can play a role.

Weight of corrugated slate

Effective area

The sheets are installed with an overlap, 1 or less often 2 waves are overlapped. In this case, the useful area of ​​the sheet is reduced by the amount of overlap.

  • For a 7-wave sheet, the usable area is 1,336 sq. m.;
  • Useful area of ​​8 wave slate - 1.57 sq.m.

The dimensions are indicated with an overlap of 1 wave, which is most often used in construction. Sometimes in some places it may be tempting to lay the sheet end-to-end to save material.


It is impossible to lay sheets end-to-end, as leaks will occur at all joints.

Saving one or two sheets will result in water entering the room.

Overlap width

Advantages and disadvantages of slate covering

Wave slate has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Long service life. On average, the coating retains its quality for about 40 years or more, depending on the conditions of use. It is noted that even under the most unfavorable factors, the coating lasts at least 10 years.
  • Easy to install. The work does not require high qualifications, it is enough to have general idea about styling techniques.
  • Allows partial renovation or replacing individual sheets that have become unusable.
  • Material strength promotes safety during installation - the slate covering can easily support the weight of a person and allows walking on the covering.
  • Does not accumulate electrical charge, absolutely safe in terms of fire.
  • Much cheaper other roofing materials.
  • Relatively light weight coating allows you to do without construction lifting equipment during installation.

Advantages of coverage

It is impossible not to mention negative qualities slate. These include:

  • Fragility of the material. Slate is not plastic and does not allow any deformation.
  • Moisture absorption capacity shortens service life and causes the formation of fungus and mold; over time, moss appears that must be cleaned off. This deficiency can be neutralized by coloring.
  • The content of asbestos as a component of the material is a significant health hazard.


Asbestos is a strong carcinogen, which caused a reduction in its use in industry.

This is the main reason for the displacement of slate from the market, although there are no definite medical statistics on this matter. There are data for enterprises reflecting the percentage of morbidity among workers, but for residents of houses covered slate covering, statistical information No.

Nevertheless, the danger exists and must be taken into account. Installation work should be done using individual means respiratory protection.

Material deficiencies can be neutralized without any particular difficulties, you just need to be aware of them and take appropriate measures to prevent possible incidents. At the same time, the obvious advantages, tested and confirmed by many years of practice, convincingly speak in favor of slate as an advantageous and reliable roofing covering.

Useful video

The dimensions of the slate roof can be seen in the video:


The use of wave slate roofing is a completely justified choice, determined by high operational properties material combined with the lowest price. The coating justifies the cost of purchase and installation due to its long-term service life, which can be significantly increased with periodic maintenance or painting of the roof.

The material does not create excessive load on the rafter system; it is available and widespread everywhere. Unified dimensions, if necessary, allow the use of sheets from different manufacturers.

In contact with

Modern roofing materials are beautiful and durable, no one will argue. However, good old slate also does not sit on store shelves. After all, it is very cheap, is not afraid of fire, and has good other technical characteristics.

For roofing, only corrugated slate is used, the sheet dimensions of which allow covering almost any roof with a minimum of waste. The main thing is that the slope of its slope is at least 12 degrees. It is the sizes of 5, 6, 7, 8 wave slate that will be discussed in this article.

Slate sheet sizes 6, 7, 8 wave.

There are four main types of asbestos-cement roofing sheets:

  1. Flat;
  2. 6-wave;
  3. 7-wave;
  4. 8-wave.

Flat products are used in the construction of partitions and roofs, while wave products are used exclusively for roofing material. Their production technology and composition are the same; they differ only in the cross-sectional profile.

The GOST size of flat slate in millimeters is slabs 2500x1200, 3000x1200, 3000x1500, 3600x1200 and 3600x1500. Their typical thickness is 6, 8 and 10 mm. The weight of such asbestos-cement sheet ranges from 38 to 115 kg.

Table of sizes of 6, 7, 8 mm slate and its price:

When calculating the amount of material in question required for a roof, you should focus not on its general dimensions in the markings, but on the working ones. Each sheet of wave sheet is superimposed on the previous one with an overlapping offset. Therefore, cutting and displacement will require about 15–20% of the area of ​​the roof to be covered.

Slate 5 wave sizes 1 sheet.

5-wavy slate or Europrofile appeared on the market relatively recently; its production was launched only in Ukraine in the city of Balakleya.

With parameters identical to 8-wave slate, Europrofile has a unique sheet geometry. Instead of standard waves, this model features flat depressions, which improves performance characteristics.

The parameters of 5 wave slate are as follows:

  • length: 1750.0 (mm);
  • width: 1130.0 (mm);
  • thickness: 5.8 (mm);
  • regulated by: GOST 30340-2012.

The number of waves in slate and its practicality.

Wavy slate is produced in accordance with GOST 30340-95. According to this document, asbestos-cement corrugated sheets must have 6, 7 or 8 waves.

Sheets with 7 and 8 waves are the most practical. This is due to the small difference between their nominal and usable area. 8 wave slate has a total area (nominal) of 1.978 m2, and a useful area of ​​1.57 m2. That is, when installing such slate over overlaps (1-2 waves on both sides), a small part of the material is lost. The same can be said about 7 wave slate. Its nominal area is 1.715 m2, and its useful area is 1.3362.

The consumption of 6-wave slate when installing the roof will be slightly higher. total area standard sheet with 6 waves - 1.97 m2. At the same time, the usable area is 1.41 m2. Thus, the overlaps take up about 20% of the total material.

In addition to slate with 6, 7 and 8 waves, some factories produce material with 5 waves. However, it should be understood that such material is produced not according to GOST standards, but according to individual plant specifications.

Detailed dimensional characteristics of corrugated slate brands - table.

OptionsNominal size of profile sheetsMaximum deviations, mmSheet weight, kg
40/150 54/200
Length L, mm1750 1750 ±15
Width B, mm.
6 wave sheet1125 +10, -5 26,0 | 35,0
7 wave sheet980 +10, -5 23,2
8 wave sheet1130 +10, -5 26,1
Thickness t, mm5,8 6,0; 7,5 +1,0; -0,3
Wave height.
private h, mm40 54 +4, -3
overlapping h1, mm40 54 +4, -5
overlapped h2, mm32 45 +4, -6
Overlapping edge width b1, mm43 60 ±7
Overlapping edge width b2, mm37 65
Wave pitch S, mm150 200

How to calculate the required amount of slate.

We measure the length of the roof, and then divide this number by the width of the slate sheet. By subtracting one tenth for the overlap, we find out how many sheets we need for one row. And the distance from the base of the roof ridge to its lower overhang must be divided by the length of the slate sheet. Here we will add not 10, but 13 percent for the overlap. Let's round - that's the number of rows. Just in case, always buy a couple of sheets more than you calculated, as there is a chance that several sheets will crack during installation.

At the beginning of construction, purchasing building materials in a store or market, knowledgeable people always wonder how much the sheet of slate they are planning to purchase weighs. The inhabitants shrug their shoulders in bewilderment - what difference does it make, how much it weighs, the main thing is that the material is of high quality. Of course, and this is important, but the mass of the block may be needed when calculating the rafter system during the construction of buildings and structures.

It turns out that weight is one of the important technical characteristics of slate slabs, including when it comes to corrugated sheets. These and other properties different types We suggest discussing slate right now.

Characteristics of wave products

The installation of roofs on a private house cannot be done without wave slate, and this is not surprising, because thanks to large size The block material is easy to install, quite practical to use and is relatively inexpensive. The main thing is to be careful when transporting products, they can crack and break during delivery, even in disassembled form.

The weight of a wave slate sheet depends on the quality of the mass, which is prepared from asbestos, Portland cement and liquid. Asbestos fibers must be thin; this provides a reinforcement function that has a beneficial effect on the impact strength and strength of the finished fabric.

Wave slate is manufactured in the following designs:

  • with a regular profile;
  • with reinforced;
  • with a unified profile.

The difference between slate is that it can be different sizes. The regular profile is the smallest, the reinforced profile is characterized by large slate sheets.

Now a few words about the profile, the blocks of which are found in 2 varieties:

  • 40/150 mm – 8-wave, weighing 26.1 kg, 7-wave, weighing 23.2 kg;
  • 54/200 mm – 5 kg with a thickness of 7.5 mm, 26 kg with a thickness of 6 mm.

What do the indicators indicated through the fraction mean? The first determines the height of the wave-like shape, while the second allows you to navigate the size of the slate wave.

Like any other building material, wave slate is subject to standardization, all this is specified in GOST, according to which the size of the wave sheet varies within the following limits:

  • length reaches 1750 mm;
  • the width ranges from 980 mm, if we are talking about 8 waves, to 1130 mm, if the slate consists of 7 waves.

Modern manufacturers today are allowed to produce slate in accordance with their own specifications, developed and accepted at factories by design engineers with specialized education. Therefore, do not be surprised if the indicated weight according to GOST differs greatly from the weight of the material that you see in the store.

To prevent slate from deteriorating less, it should be coated special means, this must be done in any case along the edges and seams. The composition may contain pigment; if desired, it is time to choose a transparent coating. Houses with roofs painted in brown and red shades look very stylish. The paint will improve the frost resistance characteristics and increase the service life of the roof by 2 times, at least that’s what experienced builders say.

What is good about wave slate?

We have already written briefly about why consumers prefer wave slate. During the application process, additional advantages are also noted:

  • the sheets do not burn, so they cannot cause a fire in extreme heat;
  • perfectly tolerate sudden temperature changes and harsh climatic conditions in winter;
  • the blocks have good strength and strength, so they can withstand large snow accumulations and lumps;
  • block the noise of rain and hail.

Many consumers believe that the high weight of wave slate is a bad indicator, but in fact its quality depends entirely on other factors:

  • pay attention to the labeling and manufacturer; before purchasing, it is better to read reviews on the Internet;
  • percentage presence of asbestos and fine grain, good level grinding is the key to making wave slate last longer;
  • the uniform layer of asbestos placement can only be traced during the production cycle;
  • compliance with technology is also a matter of responsibility and cleanliness of the manufacturer, so be guided by manufacturers who are always well-known, and be wary of newcomers to the construction market.

What is wavy slate material afraid of? Point loads, so if you hit the canvas sharply, it will most likely crack. This often happens during the installation process, so be extremely careful; it is recommended to build special bridges to move from one area to another.

Features of flat asbestos-cement slate

If you need to equip a building envelope, it is better to choose flat sheet slate products. You've probably seen high fences consisting of several blocks. At the production stage flat devices can be processed by pressing, although you can do without it.

Experts note that the functionality of the roofing will depend on factors such as the characteristics of the base, the structure of the truss structure, the presence of heat and vapor barriers, and the type of roofing material. All parts described must comply with technical specifications. When designing a rafter system, the covering of which is made of asbestos-cement sheets, one should take into account such an important parameter as the weight of the slate. It is the mass of this wave roofing product that our article will be devoted to.

Why do you need to know the weight of a slate roof?

The coating is considered one of the main ones in creating roofs for household buildings, so its choice must be approached with special responsibility. With the same overall dimensions, the weight of 1 sheet of the material in question will be different. This is especially important when designing a truss structure. But there is one thing here important rule The thicker the asbestos-cement products, the stronger they are. Consequently, with increasing thickness, the weight of 7 wave slate also increases.

When choosing such materials, you can make a roof with especially durable coating, but such an option will place a significant load on the frame. In this regard, when designing truss structures, it is necessary to take into account the following indicators:

1. How much does a slate sheet weigh?

2. Maximum loads from the effects of wind and snow lying on the surface.

3. Loads during roof operation. This is where weight comes into play. building structures and people who carry out installation work.

When using a thickened wavy version for the manufacture of a rafter structure, use a thick wooden beam, as well as thick boards, the sheathing pitch is reduced. In this case, the cost of installing the roof increases, and its weight also increases. In this regard, at the design stage it is necessary to calculate the foundation so that it can withstand all the loads. One of the main values ​​that are taken into account is the mass of 8-wave slate or other materials for installing the coating.

At the roof design stage, you need to decide on the method of laying asbestos-cement products. The amount of horizontal and vertical overlaps of sheets will depend on the slope of the roof, wind and snow load. To flat roofing structures increased requirements for strength are imposed. Sheets must be laid with increased overlaps over reinforced sheathing. During the calculations, the weight of 1 m2 of slate is determined, and then the weight of the entire coating.

As for the financial costs of installing a roof, asbestos-cement products are considered one of the cheapest. When building a reinforced roof, the costs truss structure exceed the cost of coverage. In some cases, it is necessary to know the weight of flat slate, especially if such material is used for lining the ceiling in garages, sheds or other auxiliary structures.

What are they made from?

The material in question is made from raw materials such as Portland cement, non-flammable substance asbestos and water. The proportion of these components is 4 to 84 to 11. B general composition mixtures of asbestos-cement fibers perform the function of reinforcement. This feature makes the sheets resistant to tensile forces and other mechanical loads. On this moment not every manufacturer adheres to the requirements state standards, therefore, the strength indicators of a particular product will depend not only on the thickness, but also on the size of the asbestos fibers and the fraction of cement particles.

Flat slate

Asbestos-cement products are supplied to the construction market in the form of flat and wavy, and the latter can have from 5 to 8 ridges. The thickness of materials with a flat surface can range from 5 to 40 millimeters, but the most common options are sheets with a thickness of 6 and 8 mm, as well as 10 mm.

Each of the described options has its own scope of use:

1. Asbestos cement sheets, having a thickness of 6 millimeters, are intended for the construction of a subfloor and installation interior partitions, they are also used for finishing the house from the facade. Experts recommend painting the surface of flat slate. A layer of paint will give the product a waterproofing effect.

2. Moisture-proof and fire-resistant asbestos cement sheets 8 mm thickness are used for exterior finishing brick building facades, frame houses and panel buildings. The main property of the described products is considered to be an increased service life.

3. Flat slate sheets 10 millimeters thick are used for finishing building facades and roofing country houses, as well as installation of fences. Besides, similar material can be used to construct interior partitions.

As you know, the weight of flat slate will depend on its overall dimensions. Let's take a closer look at this parameter:

  • flat, unpressed, with dimensions 3 * 1.2 * 0.012 m, weighs 83 kilograms;
  • the weight of a slate sheet with dimensions 3 * 1.5 * 0.01 m is 87 kilograms;
  • unpressed - with dimensions 3 * 1.2 * 0.01 m and a mass of 78 kilograms;
  • products 3 * 1.2 * 0.035 meters have a mass of 293 kilograms;
  • a similar version with dimensions 3 * 1.5 * 0.025 m has a mass of 250 kilograms;
  • flat pressed 3*1.5*0.02 m – 180 kilograms.

Wavy slate

The materials under consideration can be divided into three types:

  • VO - sheets with dimensions of 1.12 * 0.68 meters.
  • VU - reinforced for industrial construction has dimensions of 2.8 * 1 meter.
  • HC - unified wavy for civil engineering with dimensions of 1.75 * 1.13 meters.

For roofing country houses and master buildings, mainly 7 and 8 wave are used. Such products have the same size; they are distinguished only by the distance between the tops of the ridges. In the 7th wave sheet, the crest has a height of 54 millimeters, the distance between adjacent waves is 200 millimeters. In wave 8, the height of the crest is 40 millimeters, the distance between the tops of the waves is 150 millimeters. Now let’s take a look at how much 7 wave slate weighs. The length of such a product is 1.75 meters, the width can be 0.98 or 1.13 meters, the thickness of the material is 5.2 or 5.8 millimeters. Let's look at specific examples:

  • The weight of 7 wave slate with dimensions 1.75 * 0.98 * 0.0052 meters is 18 kilograms;
  • The same version with a thickness of 0.0058 meters weighs 21.8 kilograms;
  • The weight of 1 seven-wave slate with dimensions 1.75 * 1.13 * 0.0052 meters is 18.7 kilograms;
  • A similar one is 0.0058 meters thick and weighs 23.2 kilograms.

How much does 8 wave slate weigh? The weight of the described products also depends on the overall dimensions:

  • The weight of 8 wave slate 1.75*1.13*0.0052 meters is 20.6 kilograms;
  • Similar - 0.0058 meters thick - 26.1 kilograms;
  • The same ones with a thickness of 75 millimeters weigh 35 kilograms.

The weight of a particular product must be taken into account, especially if transportation of materials to the roof is carried out manually. One person can handle products weighing between 18-20 kilograms, but if the weight exceeds 25 kilograms, an assistant must be involved in moving the product.