Types of baths inside. Bathhouse interior design: arrangement options

The main rule when laying the coating is to ensure the outflow of water from the bathhouse. Modern builders prefer wood or tiles. The work is not difficult; you can do it yourself. You can use several tips from professionals:

  • Before laying, the wood must be treated with an antiseptic, which will protect against the formation of mold and mildew;
  • when installing tiles, choose a grout with moisture-resistant properties;
  • You can lay wooden grates on the floor, which should be dried after bath procedures. This will prevent slipping on wet surfaces.

Methods for installing heated floors in a bathhouse

Modern construction involves maximum comfort for humans, including when constructing bath complexes. After all, this is not only an opportunity to take a steam bath, but also to relax. The need for the device arose when they began to be made of concrete, due to the fact that the service life is 3 times higher than that of wooden ones.

You can install both water and. Water ones require preliminary and connection to heating equipment. This is not always possible. Therefore, more often the choice is made in favor of the second system.

Electric floors are safe in the bath complex. The system is mounted in a screed. You should first prepare concrete base. It is important to avoid mistakes during installation that will later be impossible to correct. Therefore, the work needs to be transferred to specialists.

You can do it yourself by laying additional thermal insulation from the following materials:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded clay;
  • felt;
  • polystyrene foam

To do this, you will need to pour 2 layers of concrete, between which thermal insulation should be laid.

Insulation and waterproofing of walls in a bathhouse

Steam rooms are a must. This will help retain useful heat. You can use mineral wool, which is laid on the sheathing. But this is not recommended for stone or concrete walls, since an additional device will be required. The insulation needs to be cut with an allowance of about 5 mm. After installation, the joints must be secured with mounting tape. Used as aluminum foil or plastic film.

The video below shows the process interior decoration baths

The nuances of interior decoration with your own hands, clapboard baths

Lining is a favorite and often used material for the interior decoration of baths. Many people love the pine smell in a steam room, but the use of such species is not recommended. The maximum that is possible is to finish the dressing room with pine.

The following tree species are also suitable for lining:

  • cedar;
  • larch;
  • aspen;
  • Linden.

You can lay the boards vertically, horizontally, or make patterns from slats. It is important to lay a foil layer of vapor barrier before work. If desired, the interior decoration of the bathhouse with clapboard can be done with your own hands using a herringbone pattern or, similar to parquet, using clamps. The gaps at the joints are covered with plinths.

Advice! For a steam room, you cannot use material with knots. Their density is higher than that of the array. When exposed to high temperatures they will fall out.

Interior and interior decoration of the bathhouse: photo gallery

Modern baths are a whole complex, the layout of which includes not only a steam room and a dressing room with a wash room, but also a font, a swimming pool, a relaxation room with a billiard room, and sleeping places. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the owners and personal preferences. Each of them is subject to special conditions when choosing finishing and filling with furniture:

  • The dressing room is intended for changing clothes, so keeping warm in it is especially important. In addition, the conditions must be comfortable; for this purpose, furniture and clothes hangers should be considered;
  • The steam room is a place for relaxation and enjoyment. The main requirement for materials is environmental friendliness and safety;
  • for finishing the washing room choose practical, resistant to high humidity materials.

Let's take a closer look at their selection with a photo selection of the interior decoration of each bathhouse room.

Design of a steam room in a bathhouse

The steam room is the main room of the bathhouse. As a rule, she small size, which causes certain difficulties during registration. The filling should be stylish, inexpensive and simple, leaving an area for steam to circulate.

For walls and floors, it is optimal to use linings as finishing materials. These are the most environmentally friendly clean materials In addition, they have natural thermal insulation. The ideal option is linden; it is not exposed to high temperatures and retains its pristine purity for a long time. You can combine stone finishing with wood or. For finishing the oven perfect option– natural or fake diamond, brick.

Advice! For the steam room conifers not suitable due to increased resin content. You cannot use chipboard, fiberboard, linoleum as they are toxic when exposed to high temperatures.

Furniture for the steam room should be strong and well polished. Spot lighting should be installed on the ceiling. We suggest you take a look beautiful photos finishing of the sauna inside.

Interior of a wash room in a bathhouse

The wash room can be a separate room in the house or combined with a steam room. In this case, wood finishing is acceptable. High temperatures kill mold. If the washing station is provided in separate room, should be considered exhaust system. With good air circulation, you can choose coniferous species for finishing that are resistant to high humidity.

Advice! Cannot be used for washing synthetic materials that release toxic substances.

Tile is an excellent material for finishing in conditions of high humidity. It is durable, practical, easy to care for. In addition, a wide variety of textures and patterns allows you to choose interesting solutions. In the washing room it is necessary to provide for the installation of shelves, benches or sun loungers. You can put a wooden grate on the floor.

If you want to create some cozy recreation area on the territory of a private house where you can spend time with friends, then most choose the classic, time-tested option - building a bathhouse. This is where a person can relax, feel relaxed, and chat with friends. In addition, the bathhouse is a place for hygiene procedures, an opportunity to relieve oneself of psychological and moral stress. Relaxing in a bathhouse will improve sleep, normalize blood pressure and remove toxins, which a bathtub or jacuzzi cannot do.

Bathhouse interior: design choice

When designing a bath complex, you must remember that it must include several rooms. In general, their number directly depends on the interior design and financial capabilities of the homeowner.

In the classic version, the bathhouse includes three rooms, namely: a dressing room (dressing room), a shower or washing room and a steam room. In some cases, for example, a Russian bath, steam room and washing room are combined into a single space.

In order to increase the functionality and level of comfort, you can use other rooms, including: a swimming pool, a relaxation room, a games room (console or billiards), a toilet, a kitchen or a smoking room. All of them are intended for convenience, have their own functional load, but whether to use them is decided only by the owner of the territory and his wallet.

However, despite all the options and delights, the classic Russian bathhouse, which combines practicality, conciseness and restraint, is still the most popular. To decorate the interior, you need to use wooden benches and couches, a large oak table and various antique decorative items. The only modern items you can use are Russian billiards and a plasma TV.

When decorating the interior of an antique bathhouse, it is advisable to place items with embroidery elements, forged parts (candlesticks, etc.), as well as hand-carved wooden items in the relaxation room. For wall decoration, oak or birch brooms and bundles of aromatic herbs are used.

When decorating the inside of a bathhouse with your own hands, an option such as a bathhouse-house is often used. In this case, the building can be used as a guest house, while the recreation room is equipped with a bed and converted into a bedroom. Thanks to this, guests will feel comfortable and free, and the owner of the house will not be disturbed by creating discomfort from their presence. It is best to use not a bed, but folding sofa, as this will increase the functionality of the space.

The choice of materials for the interior decoration of the bath

When choosing building materials It is important that they meet the following requirements:

  • Resistant to high temperatures and their sudden changes.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Safety - a person should not have an allergic reaction or burns upon contact with the material.
  • Environmental safety – absence of toxic substances.
  • Hygienic - the material should be easy to maintain and clean.
  • Long service life.
  • High strength and reliability.
  • Attractive appearance.

Steam room finishing

The best material for cladding a steam room is wood, but it is better to give preference to hardwood. The thing is that these types of wood do not heat up, you won’t get burned on them, there is no release of resins, and when ventilated, the material dries quickly, making the formation of fungus impossible.

Types of wood for finishing the steam room:

  • Aspen – classic version for the northern regions of Russia, since the material is low cost, due to high strength It is difficult to split; in addition, the wood has bactericidal properties.
  • Linden is an attractive material with a stable color and low heat capacity. Due to this, the tree quickly gains temperature and is safe to touch. Linden also creates a pleasant atmosphere due to its special aroma and has a low price.
  • Abash is a material that is just becoming popular, since it is wood from the African tropics and we still don’t know enough about it. It is best to make shelves from abasha that are resistant to steam, high temperatures, since they hardly heat up.
  • Alder – attractive in appearance and tactility wood material, resistant to steam room conditions. Easy to maintain and clean, low cost.

It must be remembered that wood should never be painted or varnished, since under the influence of high temperatures the coating will release harmful chemicals and odors. When finishing, nails and screws must be carefully hidden, as they heat up and can cause burns. Experts also recommend filling the lining vertically, because the water drains much faster this way.

Waterproof skirting boards will help protect the joint between the walls and the floor. For finishing the floor, it is best to use larch or tiles - the latter option is more preferable, as it is resistant to fungus and is easy to clean. If the tile seems cold, a wooden grate is placed on it, which can be easily removed if necessary.

Finishing the dressing room and sink

It is better not to use wood for lining the sink; preference is given to tiles, since in the shower there is constant contact with water. Tile does not rot, is easy to care for, and for an attractive appearance You can choose special stylish tiles with imitation of natural wood.

As for the dressing room, it is warm and cozy place, but there are no high temperatures here, so it is allowed to use coniferous wood with a pleasant and healthy aroma.

Among the popular types of wood for finishing the dressing room are:

  • Pine – attractive and durable material, having a long service life and the greatest popularity. During use, the wood may change color, becoming a little redder. Also popular is Scandinavian pine, which has a pink tint and annual rings that create a decorative pattern on the walls.
  • Spruce has a homogeneous structure; when dried, it remains solid and does not crack. The color scheme is slightly lighter than pine.
  • Fir is a tree that has properties similar to spruce, but practically does not emit resin.

Soft sofas for a relaxation room in this style, to put it mildly, are not very appropriate. And here is antique-made bath furniture in the form of , with backs on which you can put colored, painted pillows, bolsters - very good.

From textiles For baths will do chintz, linen, other natural fabrics made of cotton or linen, plain or with a floral pattern. Use them for curtains, tablecloths, napkins, tea warmers, towels. Don't forget colorful rugs or woven runners.

Ethnic design steam room in a Russian bath means exclusively wooden walls, or clapboard, with shelves not in the form of ladders sewn at the bottom, but in the form of wide ones, usually two-level, so that the steamer can comfortably hover while lying down, standing on the lower level. A very simple steam room, nothing extra. covered with wooden lampshades, nothing reminds of modernity :)

More modern would be something like a hybrid of a Russian bath with alpine house. This makes it possible to modernize the interior, into which both the skins on the floor and soft sofas in the recreation room, and beams not sewn into the ceiling. It will be easier to imagine if instead of “alpine” you imagine a “hunting lodge”.

In this case, the interior of a Russian steam bath can also be modernized by using either or interesting ones from the Himalayan salt. The stove may not be brick, but surrounded by stone. (Others, unfortunately, will not provide the conditions of a Russian bath.)


The main material in a Russian bathhouse is, whatever one may say, but still tree. But you have at your disposal many ways to “present” it - which can either completely hide or reveal beautiful wood patterns, and the color scheme can make the interior either more mysterious due to darker shades, or add light and optimism due to light tones.

Metal in a Russian bathhouse, if it participates in the design, it will only be in the form of some elements that imitate antiquity - the same door awnings, rims on dishes, copper ladles, by the way, etc.

Glass… Of course, some glass objects can complement the interior of a Russian bathhouse, but these are just accents, nothing more. And, of course, they should not deviate from the general style.

Stone– will fit quite well into the interior of the bathhouse. It can be used as a fireplace surround, for example, or as a cutting wall behind the stove. The walls made of embedded round stones look nice.


Sauna- another widespread type of bathhouse in Russia, and its popularity is facilitated by the fact that creation of conditions Finnish sauna much simpler and cheaper than a Russian bath. Any metal stove is suitable for this. And if you have it set up correctly, then you can enjoy the heat of a sauna much faster than the warmth of a Russian bath, which, as you know, takes several hours to heat.

So, Finnish sauna – high temperature, low humidity. People come not to steam, but to sweat. Finns prefer to do this while sitting, but their shelves are arranged in such a way that you can lie down if desired. However, a lot of space is not wasted; the shelves are usually made of three tiers, so they are relatively narrow - 60 centimeters wide.

INTERESTING! Finns do not soar each other with brooms, so the space between the tiers is usually covered with clapboard - there is no need to leave space for the soaring person’s legs.


So, the design of a steam bath-sauna is usually quite simple and ascetic - Finns prefer natural materials, modern processing and the same modern design.

Tree in a sauna is as familiar as in a Russian bath. However, it is not stylized; on the contrary, it is more likely to be timber, lining, a neat block house than a log house. And the likelihood of painting with opaque (hiding the texture) paint is just as high as for varnish.

Metalmetal stoves They have a modern design, sparkle with mirrored stainless steel surfaces and have long been preferred in. Apart from stoves, metal is not used systematically in the sauna; it has nothing special to do in the steam room. But details from stainless metal They may well be used as fastenings, for example.

Glass. But they love it in saunas. Transparent and matte are made from heat-resistant material, which can be decorated with a variety of patterns. No one will forbid you to do the same with windows. In addition, the very focus on modernity suggests the possibility of using glass in the form of shelves, for example.

Stone– its use in a sauna may be limited to a pile of stones in an open heater, or it may become stylish element wall decoration.


We would say that the current sauna is in itself a fusion of tradition with new technologies, so there is no gap, no retreat into the archaic and no desire (among the Finns) to abandon traditional wood. Therefore, a rather nice unified style arises, in which The Finns set the tone. And those who buy Finnish items to equip their sauna automatically borrow and reproduce it.

To understand the basic parameters, so to speak, of the style, you just need to look through stove catalogs– by the way, you can also find ready-made saunas for sale there.

And if we talk about trends, then, as usual in Europe, they are aimed at maximum environmental friendliness, maximum comfort for modern man, who has no time for anything, well maximum minimalism, if we talk about detailing - everything is simple, aesthetically pleasing, devoid of decor and does not even need bright color accents.


Despite the fact that the reproduction of Turkish hammam Much more expensive for the average Russian than the same sauna, this type of national baths is still gaining popularity.

BY THE WAY! Calling this type of baths “Turkish” is not entirely legitimate, because it is widespread throughout the East - from Arabia to Central Asia, and the source for them was... Roman baths. But we are already used to it.

The problem is that for Turkish bath you need a very specific room with a ceiling that has either the shape of a dome or a vault.

And if you do everything according to the rules, then you won’t be limited to one room. The layout of a classic hammam is similar to a palm, where there is a central room with an exit to several smaller ones. In the smaller ones they take procedures, in the central one they communicate. In other words, classic hammam is a public bath, not a private one.

But today this issue can be easily resolved - an individual hammam requires the same room with domed or vaulted ceiling so that condensation flows along it onto the walls, and does not drip on people - such a room can be one with a lounger and a traditional washbasin.

And second required condition- This room for generating water vapor, where the bathhouse equipment is located.


Due to the fact that the humidity in a Turkish bath reaches a record 100%, the main requirement for the materials used in it will be waterproof.

And this requirement is met stone And glass. Metals- only stainless steel, but they have no special use there. Tree absolutely should not be used as the main or finishing material this type of baths.

But most often it is used to decorate a Turkish bath. tile. Of course, there are very expensive baths where massive pieces of stone are used as sun loungers, where the walls are literally decorated with stone panels. But more common a budget option regular finishing ceramic tiles. It could be small mosaic tiles, and a larger one - at the request of the owner.


The choice of tiles is not accidental. After all, it not only meets the requirements of water resistance, but is also the basis of ornaments, for which he is famous East style. In fact, both baths and mosques of the Muslim world were decorated with tiles.

So the owner of the hammam will only have to decide on the choice eastern country, ornamentation style which one he likes the most. It is not for nothing that we mentioned above that this bathhouse is widespread throughout the Muslim East - this significantly expands the possibilities of its decoration. Each country has its own unique style, its own peculiarity that can be emphasized.

Hammam, tiled. Photo

On the other hand, if there is no desire to somehow emphasize the Eastern origin, you can take as a basis abstractions And chaotic patterns, fortunately, the tiles are produced by the most different colors and patterns.

So, to exaggerate completely, you can either choose ethno, or abstraction.

It’s probably worth getting a little away from the specifics of styles and giving a few tips that apply to any styles in the bathhouse, because they affect general color solutions.

Light And dark. Most people already know that light colors create the illusion of a larger room than it actually is, and dark colors create the illusion of a smaller room. But visually increasing the volume, we must fill it so that it doesn't look empty. Various are suitable for this color accents, distributed in space.

If you choose dark, then even a reduction in volume can be played correctly - as creating intimacy, comfort in your bathhouse . To do this, the number of objects in the room should be small, and they themselves should be proportional to the size of the room.

ADVICE! If we are talking about a small steam room in a bathhouse, hanging loungers will visually occupy less space than a stepped “pyramid” sewn on all sides.

In a dark room bright colors acquire even greater brightness and saturation.

The monotony of space painted in one, neutral color, you don’t have to be afraid if you interest the eye with furniture details and color spots. Look on the Internet for examples Scandinavian style – plain walls, simple furniture, but bright objects make it not boring and very attractive.

It is also worth remembering that the human eye is constantly looking for correspondence, patterns, and we catch harmony where there is visual "rhyme"– the color of the lampshade and the color of textiles, for example. Or playing with some form - round or linear - in the decoration of the walls and the shape of the bathhouse furniture.

However, there are no unshakable rules of composition - everything is always decided by the sense of proportion and the taste of a particular person.

Photos inside: gallery

In order for your inspiration to feed, we decided to compile a small gallery of examples with photos of the steam room design inside (clicking on the photos will open in full size):

For a modern person, a bathhouse is a place of rest, communication with friends, relaxation, and only then, although this is no less important, a place for hygiene procedures. Bathhouse is great way psychological relief, it improves sleep, normalizes blood pressure, and removes toxins. Neither shower combination cabins nor jacuzzi and other plumbing delights with all the technical progress are unable to shake the wide popularity of the bathhouse.

Interior design options for a bathhouse

The classic version of the bathhouse consists of only three rooms: a locker room (dressing room), shower room (washing room) and steam room, although in a traditional Russian bathhouse the washing room and steam room can be combined. Everything else - swimming pool (font), relaxation room, toilet, game rooms(billiards), smoking room, kitchen - this is a matter of personal preferences and financial capabilities of the owners. Interior modern bathhouse– this is a flight of imagination of the designer, adjusted for the specifics and features of the bathhouse.

But still, the most popular decoration remains in the traditional Russian style - laconic, restrained, without pomp, even a little puritanical, antique utensils, a massive table, couches and benches. Add a little modernity TV or billiards.

When decorating a bathhouse in an antique style, in the dressing room (rest room) you can emphasize embroidery, forged elements, decorate wooden household items and utensils with carvings, decorate the walls with various brooms - birch, oak, and bunches of aromatic herbs.

When finishing a bathhouse with your own hands, you can consider such an option as bath house. More precisely, the use of a bathhouse as a guest house, when the rest room (dressing room) turns into a bedroom. At the same time, guests receive their own, albeit temporary, living space, without embarrassing the owners and at the same time feeling more relaxed and comfortable. And the owners do not have to sacrifice their own habits and comfortable accommodation. To do this, it is worth considering the installation of a sofa that can be transformed into a full-fledged sleeping place.

Finishing the bathhouse inside: selecting materials

For interior decoration, materials must meet the following conditions:

  • resistance to temperature changes, immunity to high temperatures, high humidity and water ingress
  • safety – do not cause allergies or burns upon contact with human skin, absence of toxins released from materials during heat
  • hygiene - the material should be easy to wash without reacting with household chemicals
  • durability and strength
  • aesthetics and decorativeness, the finish should be non-irritating and pleasing to the eye.

In this regard, a tree that meets all the specified requirements, is absolutely environmentally friendly, and has aromatherapy properties is almost ideal (especially for a Russian bath). The main thing is to choose the right type of wood for each room.

Steam room

Only hardwood is suitable for finishing the steam room. Such wood does not heat up (you cannot get burned), does not emit resins, and also, which is very important, even with a little ventilation it dries quickly, preventing fungus from developing:

  • linden is attractive in appearance, does not darken over time, it is characterized by low heat capacity and density: it warms up quickly, but you cannot get burned when touched. When heated, it releases an unobtrusive, gentle pleasant aroma Quite common, so it has affordable price, especially in the southern regions
  • aspen – traditional material for steam room in northern regions. Durable wood, difficult to split or splinter, has bactericidal properties
  • alder is aesthetically attractive, pleasant to the touch, resistant to hot and cold water, steam and condensate, washing solutions (acidic, alkaline), easy to process
  • abash is just beginning to gain popularity, a tree native to the African tropics. This kind of wood is especially good for making shelves - even in very hot weather it practically does not heat up, maintaining a temperature close to human body. Does not darken under the influence of steam, water and temperatures

Wood cannot be painted or varnished, no matter how high quality they are - when heated, they will give off an unpleasant chemical smell. When installing, the screws (nails) must be deeply recessed and closed at the top - otherwise, when they heat up, they can cause burns. The lining should be filled vertically - drops of water formed during condensation will drain faster. To protect the joint gender and the walls are installed with high plinths made of waterproof material.

Wood, as a material, is beautiful in itself, which makes it number one on the list for finishing a steam room