DIY vintage globe. Master class on making papier-mâché models of the earth and moon for Cosmonautics Day

The globe in the interior sets the atmosphere of adventure, intrigue and new discoveries. And a vintage globe is also a stylish touch that will make the room interesting.
Especially if you paint it white and mark the places of future travel on it so that the globe looks special, expressive and fits into bright interior, you can easily change its appearance to a vintage one. How can I do that? Watch it in our master class.

What you will need:
white paint;
simple pencil;
charcoal pencil;
spray sealant;
ink sponges;
1.First you need to separate the globe from the base. If you can't take it apart, then you'll need some adhesive tape to avoid getting paint on the base and frame.

2.So, take a brush, white paint and paint along the equator line.

3.After the globe has dried, take a simple pencil and trace the outlines of the continents of the world. Remember geography lessons and contour maps.

4.To make the globe look impressive, additionally outline all the lines with a charcoal pencil.

5.Now you will need an eraser. Use it to lightly blend all the drawn lines along the contour (not across). This will give the globe a more elegant vintage look.

6.To protect the lines from smudging, spray the entire area of ​​the globe. Let it dry.

7. Place the globe on the base with the frame (or remove the adhesive tape if you used it). It seems like everything, but you can make a couple of touches that will make it special...
8.The final touch in the design of the globe will be your colored mark. For example, where you dream of going. Dip your fingers into the ink sponges (choose the color you want) and leave your fingerprints wherever you want on the globe.

The result was a stylish globe that easily fit into the bright interior. If you complement the space with a vintage suitcase, wooden spools and any animal figurines, the decor in the apartment will take on an adventurous character.

Master Class. Globe "Planet of Knowledge"

Making a globe with your own hands using the “Spiderweb” technique. Master Class

The master class is designed for middle-age children school age, as well as their parents and teachers.

Every year on the first Saturday of October we celebrate such a wonderful holiday as Teacher's Day. And every year the same question arises: “What gift should I give to my favorite teacher?” Every child wants to please their teacher with something special. Children love making homemade gifts for their teachers. And it is right! Someone will write a poem, someone will draw a still life, and someone will make a postcard with tender wishes. And for those who could not decide which gift is best to make, we present our master class on making a globe with your own hands, using the “Gossamer” technique. First, let's remember what a globe is?

The ball on the stand is a miracle,

Colorful and beautiful.

You can’t count all the colors,

What is on the ball?

There are mountains and seas there,

The ball is magic, they say

Oceans and forests

Such miracles!

And there are many other miracles

I saw it on the ball.

For example, if you want,

You can spin the ball!

On the magic ball

We all have our own home,

Everyone has a route.

The ball's name is GLOBE.

So that you could imagine,

The globe is a copy of the earth!

Well, now I propose to proceed directly to making our miracle gift.

For this we will be needed : crepe paper (blue, green), velvet colored paper, threads (blue, blue, green), a cup of sour cream, a ball, “Crystal” glue, PVA glue, skewers 6 pcs., alabaster, cotton pad 2 pcs., button 2 pcs., padding polyester.

To make the “body” of our globe we will need PVA glue, inflated balloon(medium size), needle and thread of three colors. We thread a thread into a needle (first blue, then blue and green), pierce a bottle of glue, and stretching the threads through it, we begin to wrap our ball (previously lubricated with Vaseline or any other cream).

After which we need to let our “ball” dry thoroughly.

While it's drying, we'll start making the mount for our globe. To do this, we will take the wire and form it into a frame of the shape and size we need. And then wrap it tightly wool thread.

Our base is ready, which means it’s time to make an “axis” around which everything will revolve. To do this, we will need 6 skewers glued together with “Crystal” glue and wrapped with woolen thread to match our mount.

After complete drying, you can start making the “body” of our globe. The first thing we must do is to remove the ball we do not need, to do this we pierce it and carefully remove it. Next, fill the “ball” with padding polyester as tightly as possible. We glue the “continents” cut out of velvet colored paper using “Crystal” glue.

We glue the cut-out cotton pads to the places of the supposed “poles”. We also use Crystal glue.

So, all the parts are almost ready, you can start assembling. We put the “body” of the globe on the “axis”, fasten it to the base and secure it at both ends with previously prepared buttons.

Now let's start making the base in which we will subsequently secure our globe.

To do this, wrap a sour cream cup in crepe paper and decorate it with woolen thread.

Well, our wonderful globe is ready!

You can proudly give it to your favorite teacher!!!

Thank you very much for your attention!!!

Creative success to all!

It is most convenient to visually study continents and bodies of water with a model. However, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a ready-made globe. Then you can feel like a creator and make a miniature planet yourself. Moreover, it can be made in several ways. Let's look at how to make a globe with your own hands from paper.

Preparatory stage

Cover the table on which you are going to make crafts with newspapers, waste papers or special oilcloth. Get everything ready necessary materials, so as not to be distracted by searching for them in the process.

You will need:

  • pots;
  • glass containers;
  • spoon;
  • water - five glasses;
  • flour - one cup;
  • newspapers or consumer paper;
  • balloon;
  • primer;
  • tassels;
  • paints (acrylic or gouache diluted with PVA glue);
  • scissors;
  • hot glue;
  • bushing from toilet paper;
  • plastic plate (cake stand).

The globe needs a base. Therefore, you need to figure it out. Ideally, you need a round balloon. Choose the diameter with which you want to make the globe. Inflate the balloon and tie tightly. Place it on a glass or any other convenient container that can serve as a stand. If you want to make the most realistic model of the planet, then try to achieve a slightly flattened shape. If you only find a standard oval balloon, just inflate it lightly.

Cooking the paste

Before you make a globe with your own hands from paper, you need to prepare a binding solution - a paste. Pour four glasses of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, in another container, mix the flour with the remaining liquid. As soon as the water boils, gradually add the resulting mixture into it, stirring constantly.

Reduce heat to low and cook for a couple more minutes. Don't stop stirring otherwise it will burn. The finished paste can be placed in a cool place so that it cools faster.

with your own hands

Tear the newspaper into small strips or squares with your hands. Lubricate with oil or Vaseline. Place a pan with a binding solution in front of you. Dip newspaper pieces into the paste and apply to the ball. So make several layers. Don't forget to leave a small hole through which you will then remove the ball. Cover the remaining paste with a tight lid or plastic bag. Leave the workpiece to dry for a day.

Warm up the adhesive mixture and repeat the entire process. That is, wrap the ball in pieces of paper and let it dry. In principle, you can stop at this stage. But the more layers of paper, the stronger the ball will be.

We are already getting closer to how to make it. From paper we did not make a completely closed blank, but with a small hole. Puncture a balloon through it or untie the tip and deflate. Don't let go of the tail, hold it with your fingers. Remove the balloon. The result was a hollow piece of papier-mâché in the shape of a ball.

We paint and create continents

Cover the future globe with primer and let dry. Now paint the ball blue. This is how we simulate oceans and seas. Draw the continents with a pencil by hand or using stencils. Paint them with green, brown, yellow and white paints, based on the real layout. If desired, sign the names of continents, bodies of water, islands, and so on. Now all that remains is to make a stand to make a tabletop globe. But first, let's look at how else you can make a world map.

Other options for creating continents

Paint the globe blue. We cut out the finished continents from paper and glue them to the ball. The map can be left white so that during the learning process the child himself can color the continents and bodies of water. required colors. Or you can completely cover the globe with blue paper, and then apply the continents.

The easiest way is to transfer a ready-made world map. Some craftsmen process the image in a graphics editor: enlarge it, stretch it, and then print it and glue it. Or you can do it even simpler - take a ready-made paper globe model as a basis. For example, you can use the image above and change it to the right size.

Globe stand

Take a toilet paper roll, make a cut on one side and bend it over. Apply hot glue to them and attach them to the middle of the plastic plate. You can use the bottom of a round cake box instead. If necessary, widen the hole in the globe. Insert the other side of the sleeve into it, pre-lubricated with glue. The tabletop globe is ready. If the papier-mâché workpiece turns out to be quite heavy, then weight the stand with plaster or use a container with sufficient weight instead of a plate.

How else to make a base for a globe

  • Simply crumple up the newspapers and wrap the paper in several layers until you have something that looks like a ball. The method is simple and fast, but not neat.
  • Buy a ready-made foam blank.
  • Use Christmas balls if you want to make a small globe.

Take a volleyball, football, gymnastics or other ball as a basis. suitable diameter. You can immediately draw or stick continents on them. You can also use them as a form for papier-mâché. Only the paper blank will have to be cut to remove the ball. But you can attach loops to the halves and turn the model of the planet into a box.

Now you know how to make a globe with your own hands from paper. Try making it with your children, they will definitely enjoy this exciting process.

Ekaterina Dmitrieva

Before the day astronautics we were given a task - from each group layout planets to decorate the hall for the holiday. I chose Zelmlya. In general, while we were on sick leave with our child, we also made the Moon and a rocket)

My hands are itching, just give me something make)

So we will need:

Here's a ball with a rubber band (when inflated it turns out perfectly round)

PVA glue (preferably a bucket at once, because a lot of glue is wasted)


Toilet paper

Plasticine (For Moon)

We're ready to start!

First, we cut the newspapers into strips and inflate the balloon to the desired size. First, coat half of the ball with glue and glue the newspapers.

So, layer by layer until you get 5-6 layers. (you don’t need to dip each piece in glue, you just need to lubricate each subsequent layer with glue).

Then we can move on to the second half. Again we glue 5-6 layers. After the second half is ready, turn it (crosswise) and make another 2-3 layers. (In total, I got about 10 layers, and hang it by the elastic band to dry. PVA glue dries quickly enough, so everything dried out overnight .)

So, when everything is dry, you can pop the ball. We still have 2 holes left that also need to be sealed and dried.

Now we cover everything with toilet paper in 1 layer. I took the cheapest gray paper, i.e. because it is single-layer (3-layer will not work, then the planet turns out to be embossed and the seams from the newspaper are no longer visible. Let it dry.

Don't forget to make the fastening, I made 2 holes and inserted a bent pin.

We draw the contours of the continents and paint with gouache. This is such beauty!

For Moon we do the same thing, just take into account the size - the moon is smaller Earth. We make craters, I made them from plasticine. I just rolled sausages of different lengths and widths and laid them out in circles. Cover everything with toilet paper (I forgot about this, so it didn’t turn out the way I wanted) and dry it. First, I painted everything with a silver spray can, and on top with yellow gouache, except for the craters.

Well, I made a rocket from two 2.5 liters. bottles I connected it, covered it with paper, attached rocket launchers from toilet paper rolls and foil, painted it to my liking and, voila! My crafts will decorate the music room along with the crafts of my colleagues. I think the kids will like it)

Good luck! After the holiday I will post photos of the finished hall)

Making a model of the Earth from various craft materials is a very exciting activity for creative people. Not everyone can afford to purchase a ready-made globe, so let me offer you several options for making a model of the globe - using paper and using plasticine.

Be sure to involve your child in the process, he will probably be very interested in helping you, and he will also learn a lot of new things about our planet, he will easily remember what it looks like and what it consists of.

Preparation of material

To make this craft you will need:

  • round balloon;
  • newspaper or scrap paper;
  • pot;
  • water - 1200 ml;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • water-based paint;
  • gouache - 6−8 colors;
  • scissors;
  • brushes for glue and painting;
  • furniture varnish.

The method of making crafts using papier-mâché involves covering a base with several layers of paper and then painting it. The frame for the future globe will be a balloon with round shape. Its diameter can be any - at your discretion. Such a balloon needs to be inflated, tied tightly and checked to ensure that it does not allow air to pass through. Then place it on a wide and stable glass or small vase - they will be useful as a stand for subsequent work.

Now you need to prepare the glue. To do this, you can use ordinary PVA, which is diluted with a small amount of water to make it less thick, since the drying speed of the craft depends on this . Usually to two parts of medium thickness glue add one part of water and stir well.

You can also weld the glue yourself. To prepare it, you need to take a small saucepan, pour 1 liter of water into it and boil. Mix the remaining liquid with flour, make sure it is well dissolved, and then pour a thin stream into boiling water. Stirring constantly, boil the solution for 3-4 minutes over low heat. After this, remove the finished glue from the stove and place it in a cool place until it cools completely.

Stages of work

Now you can start making a model of the Earth:

  1. Take a balloon and smear it vegetable oil. This must be done so that later it can be more easily removed from ready-made template. Then take the newspaper and tear it into small pieces. It is worth keeping in mind that you do not need to cut the paper, as this will show clear lines on your ball, and this will look unsightly. Pieces with torn edges fit better on a round shape and therefore the surface of the globe will be smoother.
  2. Now dip paper strips into glue and stick them onto the ball. It is recommended to make 2-3 layers, then the model will be stronger. Be sure to leave a small hole near the base so that the popped balloon can be pulled out through it.
  3. Place the pasted ball on the stand, place it in a warm place and let it dry thoroughly for 24 hours. If the glue was very thick, or you applied too many layers of paper, then the drying time may increase to 2 or 3 days.
  4. When the papier-mâché craft becomes dry and strong, pierce the ball with a needle, release the air and pull it out paper base.
  5. Then the workpiece must be coated water-based paint, 1-2 layers will be enough. Leave until completely dry.
  6. After this, you can start painting the layout. To do this, take gouache and paint the ball blue. Then, using a simple pencil, draw continents, islands and countries. If you find it difficult to cope with this, you can use special templates. Carefully color everything with the appropriate colors. Using a felt-tip pen, sign the names of countries, continents, seas and oceans.
  7. After processing with paints, you can cover your model of the Earth with one layer of transparent furniture varnish, then your globe will not stain your hands, and if water accidentally gets on its surface, it will not spoil the drawing.

Model of the Earth made of multi-colored plasticine

Features of the craft and material used

This model will demonstrate the inner and outer surface of the Earth: core, mantle, crust and oceans with continents . For this you will need quite a large number of plasticine different color. Before starting work, it is recommended to study in detail the structure of the globe so that all its components are located correctly in your model.

For this craft you will need:

  • a lot of multi-colored plasticine;
  • stack;
  • wooden plank;
  • ball pen;
  • pictures depicting the inner and outer surface of the Earth.

Making a layout

After preparing the material You can start creating your Earth model:

  1. First you need to create a kernel. To do this, take plasticine yellow color and form it into a ball. It can be any size, but it is best that its diameter is 7-8 cm.
  2. Now let's sculpt the outer core of the Earth. Take equal-sized pieces of red, orange, yellow plasticine, soften them and mix them together. Roll out the resulting mass into a layer about 2 cm thick and wrap it around the yellow kernel so that it completely covers it.
  3. We make a mantle. To get the color that suits it, mix yellow and brown plasticine. Then roll it out so that its thickness is 3-4 cm, since the mantle is wider than the outer core. Wrap the existing ball into the resulting piece and smooth out all the irregularities well.
  4. Let's start making the earth's crust. Take brown plasticine, and if you don’t have that color, then to get it, mix equal pieces of red, black and yellow plasticine into one common mass. Then form a thin layer - it will be earth's crust in your layout. Then carefully wrap it around your globe model.
  5. Now we have to start decorating the outer layer of the globe. To create water, take plasticine blue color, roll out a layer of it 1 cm thick and wrap your craft in it.
  6. Then you need to recreate continents, islands and glaciers on the surface of the Earth model. To avoid mistakes, you can mark their location with a ballpoint pen and then begin to shape the surface of the land. Glue the corresponding colors in small pieces, carefully spreading them over the surface. To make the continental land look natural, first stick on a little green plasticine, and then add brown, yellow, beige and connect all the colors with smooth transitions.

The finished globe needs to be cut into two parts to demonstrate what layers the planet Earth is made of. This can be done with a sharp knife or ordinary strong thread. You need to cut exactly in the middle to capture the inner core of the layout. You can also cut out a triangle deepened towards the center from the side of the model - in this section the structure of the inner surface of our planet will also be clearly visible.

The basis for Earth layouts, Moon or other planets can also serve as ready-made balls, plastic balls or oranges. To do this, on a round surface, you first need to mark the areas of land and water with a felt-tip pen or pencil, and then use multi-colored plasticine to fill them with the corresponding color.


In our video, watch a master class on making a model of the globe with your own hands.

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