Human influence on nature, negative impact. How people destroy the environment What actions of people destroy nature

A couple of centuries ago, man was still a part of nature and lived in harmony with it, because the main population lived in. And village residents have always perceived themselves as part of the world around them. Hunters killed animals when they needed to get meat for food and skins for clothing. Animals have never been exterminated for fun. The land was treated with respect and care, because it is the main breadwinner. There were no factories in the villages, no forests were cut down, no toxic waste was dumped into the rivers. But environmental problems on the planet did not begin suddenly and not yesterday. Remember the whales, which were almost all exterminated because Europeans needed materials to make corsets. And no self-respecting woman left home without them. And the vast majority of men had a noble posture not because of strong, trained muscles, but thanks to the same corsets. And what did gentle and brave young ladies in rainy London or hot Madrid care about some distant and unknown whales? Over the past centuries, the population has increased sharply. Cities with a population of one million grew. The volume of industrial production has increased hundreds, or even thousands of times. Forests are being destroyed, animals are being destroyed, the water in rivers and lakes is polluted; in order to breathe clean air, city residents have to travel far outside the city. This is retribution for the benefits of civilization. Who wants to grow bread today, bake in winter, walk tens of kilometers and sew clothes themselves? There are eccentrics who build eco-villages and try to maintain an almost primitive communal system. But how many are there compared to the rest of the Earth's population? People want to live in comfort, and therefore they turn a blind eye to many things. Life is already full of stress to think seriously about ozone holes. Who really cares about the extinction of some animals in the Ussuri taiga or the death of the Aral Sea? Here you need to pay off your mortgage faster and change the tires on your car. What kind of tigers or whales are there? Not up to them. And an official sitting in a huge office on the top floor of a building made of stone and concrete, and giving orders to cut down several hectares of forest, does not consider himself a criminal and a destroyer of nature. He has not seen this forest and will never see it. What difference does it make to him that several species of animals will die there, because their natural habitat will be destroyed. But a personal bank account is close and understandable. And such people are not monsters with hooves and tails. No, these are often loving fathers of the family and witty interlocutors. Most likely, they have a favorite dog with whom they like to run in the morning or an affectionate cat. And in general they love animals. But they love themselves and their comfort more. No matter how detached a person is from nature, he still remains a part of it. By destroying nature, humanity is slowly and systematically destroying itself. People suffer from diseases that few people knew about 50 years ago. Allergies, stress and phobias have become a real scourge of modern society. What will happen next? Nobody can predict. One thing is clear - we need to change our attitude towards the world around us. If it's not too late.

It's like footage from a disaster movie about the end of the world...

Everyone knows that human activities have a bad impact on the environment. But few can correctly imagine the scale of the harm we cause to nature. These photos will show you the problem as it really is.

When you see the consequences of deforestation or oil puddles in the ocean, you feel somehow uneasy. We have failed to wisely take advantage of the wealth that our planet has so generously given us. Today's deplorable state of the environment should finally bring some sense to us... After all, every person can help nature, at least by stopping harming it.

1. Melting glaciers in Norway.

2. Perhaps the Maldives will soon go under water, as the water level in the ocean is rising by leaps and bounds.

3. Parade in Germany. Looking at the crowds at such events, you realize how densely populated the world's major cities are.

4. Diamond mining site, Russia.

5. Surfer and wave of garbage, Indonesia.

6. Consequences of deforestation in Canada.

7. There are countless shipping containers in the port of Singapore.

8. An oil slick caught fire in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico.

9. Coal power stations in the UK

10. This is what a densely populated area in Mexico City, Mexico looks like. There is no trace left of nature...

Share these shocking images with your friends and remember to be mindful of your behavior towards the environment. Remember that even at the local level, a small change for the better can make a big difference! In any case, I want to believe that humanity will someday learn to live in harmony with nature...

The relationship between people and nature has always been quite complex - man sought to subjugate it, use it for his needs and change it in every possible way. Today everyone is talking about the negative consequences of global warming, but this is far from the only example of how human civilization and nature influence each other.

1. A warming climate contributes to violence.

Many scientific studies over several decades have consistently suggested that the rate of violent crime always increases as one approaches the equator, that is, as the climate becomes hotter. But none of these studies have been able to determine why this is so. There are two main theories. First, hot weather makes people uncomfortable and irritable, and therefore more violent.

Second, in warm weather people are outdoors more often and interact more actively, meaning there are more opportunities for violent conflict. But researchers from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam believe that it is not so much the heat that is to blame for this behavior, but rather a slight change in temperature in these regions.

Without having to plan for upcoming seasons, people can focus on the present without worrying so much about the future. This “living one day at a time” strategy can lead to decreased self-control and thus an increase in acts of violence.

2. Light pollution causes early spring in cities

Light pollution caused by excess artificial lighting can actually be destructive to natural ecosystems. Over time, bright lights in cities gradually “deceive” the surrounding trees and plants, which begin to “believe” that spring has come earlier.

In a 12-year study of four different tree species, British scientists found that in large cities with plenty of nighttime lighting, trees budted a week earlier than similar species in rural areas. This has a natural multiplier effect on the surrounding ecosystem, causing disruptions in pollination cycles and bird and bee populations.

3. Cigarette butts are a threat to marine life

Of the billions of cigarette butts produced each year, only a fraction are disposed of correctly. An insane amount of them end up in the ocean. In fact, cigarette butts are the most common type of litter in the world's oceans. They are made up of thousands of tiny plastic particles woven into a fiber that breaks down in the ocean environment.

One study found that the hazardous materials contained in one cigarette butt could sufficiently contaminate 1 liter of water to kill any fish in that water.

4. People and evolution

Hunting, human encroachment on animals' natural habitats, and other environmental changes have contributed to the extinction of thousands of species over the centuries. But some human behavior patterns can ultimately lead to the emergence of new species that would not have appeared otherwise. For example, in London there are underground mosquitoes whose DNA and breeding habits are different from ordinary mosquitoes.

They came from insects that escaped into artificial underground tunnels during the bombing of World War II. Since they are no longer able to reproduce with other mosquitoes, these mosquitoes are a separate species that was actually created by humans.

5. Nature improves mental health

A 2013 study by the University of Essex found that clinical rates of depression dropped significantly (by 71 percent) in people who took at least a short walk in nature every day. These results stand in stark contrast to the control group, whose participants walked once a day to the mall. Their depression levels dropped by 45 percent, while 22 percent actually felt more depressed.

In addition, adolescents living within 1 km of green spaces experienced a decrease in aggressive behavior. Either way, the study's authors came to a rather specific conclusion: increasing green space in urban areas could lead to a 12 percent reduction in violent and aggressive behavior among adolescents.

6. Increased vegetation growth

Melting glaciers and the gradual disappearance of long-standing ice shelves caused by global climate change have produced an unexpected secondary effect. In many places where the ice has retreated, greenery has appeared in its place.

This decades-long trend was noted by NASA using satellite imagery. In addition to retreating ice and rising temperatures, another factor is believed to be an increase in the amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere, which plants love.

7. Poor people in green areas get sick less often

Scientists from the University of Glasgow conducted a study that substantiated the theory that exposure to nature is beneficial for people. After excluding diseases such as lung cancer, circulatory diseases, and deliberate self-harm, the scientists decided to survey the entire working population of England to determine whether there was a pattern of health status among people who could not afford health care living near green spaces.

It turned out that people who live near greenery are actually healthier, even if they don’t visit doctors at all.

8. Mothers who live close to nature give birth to large children.

Ben Gurion University researchers noted in 2014 that mothers in greener areas tend to give birth to children with a much higher average body weight. The study also found that a much lower birth weight puts the baby at risk for a host of lifelong health problems.

It has been found that low birth weight is commonly found in economically underdeveloped areas with minimal green space.

9. Roads can have a positive impact on nature

Despite the fact that roads are vital to the infrastructure of any society, environmentalists actively protest against their construction. In fact, in 2013, Cambridge University professor Andrew Balmford suggested that building roads or improving existing roads in some areas could benefit surrounding areas.

Particularly in underdeveloped areas suitable for agriculture, roads clearly help preserve vulnerable plant and animal species because people simply “stay away from them.”

10. Animals adapt to human presence

During the Industrial Revolution and as a result of the human population explosion, there was a clear effect on the diversity of animal species. Hunting and fishing, despite changes in habitat and migration patterns, have had a negative impact on many species, but not all. Some have adapted to thrive in the presence of humans, and studying how they managed to do this may be key to mitigating the effect of future population growth.

Chipmunks and crows, for example, have completely changed their diet to adapt to city life. Many endangered birds have taken up residence on the flat roofs of shopping malls.

psychology of health and longevity

It is impossible to imagine a healthy humanity without a clean and prosperous living environment.
The psychology of health and long life is, first of all, instilling in a child in early childhood a sense of respect and love for nature.
Nature is not only forests and lakes, it is ALL living things, the entire Cosmos. This is what surrounds a person, this is the primary environment, without which his full-fledged, unburdened existence, physical and spiritual health are simply unthinkable. The idea of ​​separating man from Nature, declaring him “the crown of creation and transferring into his jurisdiction and undivided use the world of Living Nature and all its riches is a violation of the “Primordial balance”. Man is a part of nature. When he ceases to feel himself as this part, harmony is disturbed, which leads to disaster.
The destruction of nature always entails consequences, one of which is the irreversible spiritual loss of modern man, cut off from his folk roots.
It is very difficult to educate, instill love and respect for Nature, creating a huge environmental problem. The senseless mass destruction of animals, trees, and bodies of water is a threat to earthly prosperity, a harbinger of the death of the living world.
Man needs to come to his senses and understand that without nature, not only healthy offspring, but the very life of humanity is impossible! Changes in Nature will lead man to mutations. Each of us must feel responsible for everything that happens around us, for the land that belongs to everyone - who came before us and who will come after us.
The psychology of health and longevity begins with the feeling of being part of this unique beauty of Nature, with love for insects, dogs and cats... And this love should be based on such concepts as duty, memory, conscience.

How to do it?

Original taken from oleg_bubnov in Love for Nature for children and adults

How much people consider themselves nature lovers and try to spend a significant part of their free time away from the bustle of the city! After a vacation or weekend, having breathed in fresh air, bathed well and gained strength, we return home with new impressions. Love for nature ennobles a person, makes him kinder and purer, if only it is true love.

What is our love? Is it mutual? How do we feel about what we love?

Child's love for nature

The little man, developing, learns about the world. Initially, children have the potential to love all living things. And if a child, growing up, begins to destroy nature and animals, then adults are primarily to blame for this, because fostering a love for nature begins from infancy, and it is very important to instill in time a sense of responsibility for all life on earth.

We teach to love small things

It is important that the child understands: even the smallest creature is worthy of life. Let cultivating a love for nature begin with insects. One-year-old babies are actively exploring the world, and their attention is attracted by bright butterflies, bugs, and ants. The child wants to touch everything and test its strength. He does not yet understand the fragility of the creatures around him, so he needs to be taught to treat even a bug with care.

Explain to your child that when he squeezes a beetle in his hand, he hurts the insect, tell your child more about the world of insects, look at pictures in books. And your efforts will gradually begin to bear fruitful fruit. Rescue ladybugs and bugs with your child. Let the child remove the insect from the road where it could be crushed, or get the bug out of the puddle. Praise the little rescuer. After all, he did a good, good deed.

Cats and dogs are best friends

Very often, pets become children's favorites. They do an excellent job of raising young explorers of the big world. Playing with cats or dogs teaches a child to treat animals with care and to empathize. It is not uncommon to see small children talking to their “little brothers.” After all, for them such communication is more useful and better than any toys. And you can’t replace it with anything.

Don't feel afraid that something is wrong with your child when he tries to pick up a kitten by the tail or pokes a dog in the eye with his finger. This is not because the baby is cruel. It’s just how children learn about the world, they need to touch everything, conduct a little experiment. The child does not yet understand that animals experience pain just like people. And your job is to explain it. Tell them that animals are fragile and can be hurt or harmed. Do not leave your child alone with the animal; always monitor the communication process so that you can always correct the child’s actions. Your time together is another contribution to nurturing a love of nature.

Tell your child more about the habits and habits of animals, so that the child knows the characteristics of small pets and learns to love and understand them. Involve your baby in caring for your cat or dog. Of course, the child will not immediately acquire the habit of caring for or feeding a pet. But gradually your goodwill and warmth will bring results. The child will begin to develop responsibility and love.

Green friends

Along with animals, instill a love for plants. Let your baby help care for indoor flowers. This is also a part of nature, which teaches love and spiritual beauty. Let the baby water “his” flower. Let him plant a sprout or seed and watch how “his” plant gradually grows. After all, cultivating a love for nature lies in the little things that a little later will give you a kind, caring person who loves the world around him.

Adult love for nature

For example, consider a couple of situations that almost each of us has repeatedly observed. Here a group of young people with large backpacks and packages gathered, as they often say now, to “have fun” in nature. They took with them a powerful music system and enough strong drinks to feed a company of soldiers. How they will “rest” and what they will bring to their surroundings is not difficult to guess. Somewhere on the banks of a river or lake they pitched tents and made a fire. “So what's wrong with that?” - you ask. So far it seems like nothing, although... For some reason the fire was not built in a clearing, but right in the middle of the bushes and trees. It’s not even worth talking about the fact that the smoke and heat from the fire will be harmful to plants - and, what good, they will make people laugh.

What about the music? Why not listen to the splashing of water, the rustling of trees, the chirping of birds? Isn't that why we leave the city in the end? No, blaring music filled everything around, and not only the eardrums of young people (who think they are relaxing) are suffering - nature is suffering. Most of us say that nature is alive just for the sake of saying that nature is alive. But this is really so! All nature is inhabited by living, conscious entities, which we, having moved away from it over many millennia, have forgotten how to see and hear. Why, we don’t even know about their existence. For us they are just “literature”, images that come from myths and tales, and that’s at best. For such entities, such a roar is real torment, they suffer, and this affects flowers and trees, animals and birds.

And nature suffers not only from noise. It's no secret that most people smoke. Smoke poisons the human body, and for the “essentials” who live in the forests, where, thanks to the relative distance from civilization, everything is much cleaner than in the city, this disgusting thing is especially painful. Is this love?! And what kind of “gratitude” the faithful servants of the Creator and Lord, who care for nature, send us for our obvious shamelessness, is visible to the naked eye. Dry rivers and lakes, ruined trees, endangered animal species and much more over the past decades have changed even the visible world of the planet almost beyond recognition; there is nothing to say about the subtle world. What kind of “reciprocity” is there! We don't deserve it!

...And two days flew by in such a frenzy, it’s time to go back. All around were broken bushes and mountains of rubbish, withered by smoke. You should take the garbage with you and throw it in a special container, but this never occurs to anyone. For what? After all, they are not going to come back here anymore, there are plenty of other places, Russia is big. Let others take care of themselves. It's sad, if not tragic...

Another example. The men go fishing. But not with fishing rods and spinning rods, but with nets and slings. They catch fish in bags, throw away small change, without thinking about anything - neither about the fact that they are polluting the subtle world with their aspirations and actions, nor about the fact that they are seriously disturbing the ecology of the visible gross material world. What if they engage in such “fishing” during spawning, when the reproduction process is underway? Moreover, for the sake of one caviar (!), gutting and throwing away the most valuable fish, which was never able to fulfill one of its most important natural tasks - to bear offspring! What kind of love for nature is there, it rather smacks of hatred.

And almost none of us think about the fact that we will have to answer to the fullest extent for our actions - we managed, they say, to bypass the earthly law, and okay. There is no need to talk about responsibility before God, in whom many do not believe. But we ignore even our responsibility to our children, in whom each of us “oh, how we believe!”, leaving behind chaos, dirt and destruction. It's an ugly picture, but that's how it really is. True love for nature, without a doubt, would help every person change for the better.

Nowadays, the problems of protecting the natural environment and ensuring environmental safety have become very important. People have seen from their own experience that, unfortunately, no human intervention in nature goes unnoticed; very often the rash actions of people have extremely unpleasant consequences. The widespread opinion in the twentieth century that man is the conqueror of nature turned out to be erroneous.

Man is simply one of Mother Nature’s children, and, as it turned out, he is far from being her most intelligent child, because no other creatures destroy the world in which they live. In order to somehow make up for past mistakes and prevent such mistakes from being made in the future, today humanity pays a lot of attention to such issues as protecting nature, economical consumption of natural resources, caring for animals and plants...

Once upon a time, people thoughtlessly thought that such seemingly insignificant phenomena as the extermination of some type of insect, deforestation somewhere far away in the taiga, or pollution of a small river were unlikely to have any serious consequences. However, as practice has shown, even these “little things” can become fatal, because everything in the world is interconnected, so that even the disappearance of the tiniest link in the chain inevitably leads to a disruption of the general balance. As a result, we have what we have - global warming, ozone holes, hundreds of species of animals and plants that are on the verge of extinction...

The people themselves are also suffering, who today are faced with many problems unknown to them before - an increase in the number of various diseases among the population, the birth of a large number of babies with certain pathologies, and much more. Today, healthcare has become one of the main priorities of human society, since the deterioration of the environmental situation has dealt a serious blow to people's health. Excessive human activity and irresponsible attitude towards nature have turned against us, therefore, if we want to preserve natural resources for our descendants, who will live many hundreds of years after us, we must take active measures to protect the environment now.

What to do?

We need to start small - with the fight for the cleanliness of our settlement, because ecology is the key to our common prosperous future. When you go to nature to relax, you should take large garbage bags with you and clean up before and after yourself the area where you are resting or going to rest (and preferably not only after yourself). It is worth setting an example for people, conducting active campaigning everywhere (leaflets, posters, newspapers, explanations), holding mass cleanup days, teaching people to take care of the natural environment, fighting those who stubbornly do not want to change their boorish and consumerist attitude towards Nature (attracting to liability).

Everything returns to normal, everything that we have prepared for ourselves, according to the great Law of Interaction, which is sometimes called the “Law of Sowing and Harvest.” It doesn’t matter that we don’t know about the existence of universal and most perfect Laws of the Universe, our ignorance does not exempt us from responsibility. So isn’t it better for each of us, before it’s too late, to try to look at ourselves from the outside and start doing something?

Let us still love, appreciate and respect Mother Nature, because this is ours, in which we live! Let's not thoughtlessly throw trash anywhere (even travel tickets or ice cream paper)! Think! Do it! Teach yourself and others order and cleanliness! It’s clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter...

Nature is like a simple miracle,

It is impossible to understand and unravel. Then he puts on a fur coat in the cold,
It melts the asphalt to dust.

Rain in the heat is uncontrollably desired,
Fast streams tremble.
Soul impulses pacify
And cleanses thoughts from filth.

People are in a hurry to learn all the facets
Dear mother nature.
But they understand that something controls us -
Ignorance does not let you through and stands like a wall.

Dreams go on forever.
The tracks are tangled in the shadows.
Nature reveals eternity,
For those who are pure in their thoughts. ,

The AiF project “Explaining What’s Happening” is dedicated to clarifying simple and at the same time complex questions about the life of Voronezh residents in society. The project is being implemented within the framework of the program “Improving media coverage of the problems of socially oriented NPOs and social (charitable) projects of representatives of the real sector of the economy (including support for NPOs).”

From April 15 to June 5, the All-Russian Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards take place. AiF correspondent talked with Victoria Labzukova, head of the department of events in the field of ecology and environmental management of the VROO Center for Environmental Policy, and learned shocking facts. An average family generates an average of 1.5 kg of garbage per day, about 10 kg per week and 40 kg per month. Now remember the arithmetic and multiply this figure by the number of families living in your high-rise building. And then on the number of high-rise buildings in the city. And then on the number of cities on the planet...

Victoria Labzukova spoke about the Center’s project - environmental classes “Water Lesson”, “Cleanliness Lesson”, “Ecological Problems of the City” - and shared how communication with schoolchildren can help the environment in the future.

Garbage Pest

“When throwing another plastic bottle or piece of paper into the trash bin, few people think about where it ends up? When you look at photographs of huge landfills for disposal of household waste, you begin to come to a simple thought. If we do not collect waste separately, the number of landfills will increase,” says Victoria Labzukova. - Why not return the paper and plastic bottle separately? Plastic takes about 200 years to decompose, although a bottle may not decompose during this period. Who knows? Everything that can be submitted separately must be submitted. Another problem is waste batteries and mercury lamps, which many residents throw away with household garbage. But this waste is considered hazardous and causes irreparable harm to the environment when it ends up in a waste disposal site.”

When you put it away yourself, the next time you think about whether to throw the piece of paper or not. Photo: Environmental Policy Center

- How to properly handle household waste?

In our opinion, one of the most competent ways to manage waste is to collect it separately. In large cities this is easier - there are points that accept recyclable materials. You can donate glass, cardboard, waste paper, textiles, plastic bottles, and polyethylene. It is desirable that such points be within walking distance for any resident of our city and region.

- What to do if you do not live in the regional center and want to dispose of waste separately?

We are doing everything we can. We go to the districts of the Voronezh region, negotiate with the heads of municipalities to hold an action to collect secondary material resources. In advance, the participants of the action - the population, educational institutions, business entities - begin to collect waste paper and plastic bottles. On the day of the event, all separately collected waste is transferred to specialized organizations. For this purpose, such organizations specially go to the area on the day of the action. During the campaign, waste batteries - batteries, accumulators from mobile devices - are also collected.

- What happens to the batteries that we sell at promotions?

Collected used batteries are sent for disposal. The only plant in Russia that recycles used batteries is located in Chelyabinsk. Few people know that you have to pay money to neutralize batteries. Last year, the cost of this service was 110 rubles per 1 kg of batteries. In 2015, together with the environmental department, the collection of used batteries was organized. For this purpose, containers for collecting batteries were installed in all district administrations, as well as in universities, schools, and libraries. About 500 kg of batteries were collected. In carrying out the campaign, we were supported by partner organizations who paid for the transfer of batteries for neutralization.

If you think that construction near your home, dumping or cutting down trees is illegal, you can contact the Environmental Policy Center for help.

- What to do with used mercury lamps?

According to the decree of the Voronezh administration, companies managing apartment buildings must accept waste mercury lamps from residents of these buildings. You can take your used light bulb to your property management company or homeowners association. There is, however, one requirement - the light bulb must be in the package so that it does not break. And management companies must transfer spent mercury lamps to specialized organizations licensed to collect this type of waste. If your management company rejected you, you can report this to the administration of the Voronezh city district or contact us.

If you live in the private sector, the mercury lamp must be transferred directly to a specialized organization. The problem is that such organizations, as a rule, are located in an industrial zone, which is not very convenient to get to. But if you throw away a mercury bulb in your household trash, it will end up in a landfill. During the burial process, the light bulb will most likely break, thereby releasing mercury compounds into the soil and water, causing great harm to nature.

Children's lessons for adults

Schoolchildren are taught rational environmental management and waste management rules. Photo: Environmental Policy Center

- Is it possible to develop this habit in society - to think about what you throw away?

Every person must start with himself. Now each of us can, for example, stop using plastic bags and use paper ones or buy fabric bags. Paper bags can be returned along with waste paper, and fabric bags last much longer than a regular bag.

Vending machines for accepting plastic and aluminum containers have long appeared in Moscow. Perhaps they will appear here too. Solving issues in the waste management system requires an integrated approach, and this cannot be done without the support of our government. Nowadays, legislation in the field of waste management is changing greatly. Soon, I hope, we will come to a more civilized approach. For our part, our organization carries out a lot of educational work in this direction.

- How can you tell a whole city about an ecological lifestyle?

The Center for Environmental Policy organizes and conducts various environmental events and actions, both in the city and in the region. For example, dedicated to significant environmental dates - Water Day, Earth Day, Bird Day, Forest Day, etc. We invite people of all ages to participate, but most of the events are aimed at working with the younger generation. We conduct environmental lessons “Water Lesson”, “Cleanliness Lesson”, “Ecological Problems of the City”. All meetings are held in an interesting game form. The children learn rational environmental management, waste management rules, and rules of behavior in nature. We also organize excursions for school students to enterprises that collect secondary material resources.

- Why do you focus specifically on lessons for children?

It is easier to communicate with children; they perceive new information with interest and try to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life. Children tell their parents and relatives about what they learned during classes. Again, students who take part in cleanup days develop a more caring attitude towards nature. When you put it away yourself, the next time you think about whether to throw the piece of paper or not. And the relatives will have the thought: “My child cleaned up here, I won’t litter here.”

Eco-active lifestyle

It's easy to take care of the environment - you can stop using plastic bags or start making birdhouses. Photo: Environmental Policy Center

- Where to go if you want to become an environmental activist?

There are initiative groups of citizens and movements that are not indifferent to environmental issues. They create their own pages on various social networks, for example, VKontakte, and inform about their events there. The Center for Environmental Policy is ready to share its experience. We have ready-made presentations and handouts. We need volunteers who could carry out the environmental activities we have developed.

And there are people who, without waiting for help, try to do something themselves to improve the environmental situation. Thus, in Voronezh an active group of citizens appeared who purchased containers for collecting plastic bottles and installed them in the courtyards of apartment buildings. The containers have phone numbers written on them to call when they are full. This initiative has found a great response from the townspeople; calls are received several times a day. From this we can conclude that Voronezh residents are ready to collect waste separately. Such initiatives, of course, should be supported by the government of our region.

- What to do if you notice illegal dumping or cutting of trees?

You see some kind of violation. For example, it seems to you that construction near your house is illegal, or you discovered a garbage dump, or noticed that trees are being cut down. You can contact our organization, call, write by email or leave information in the VKontakte group. To do this, you need to indicate the exact address where, in your opinion, the environmental violation is occurring, leave your coordinates, it is advisable to record the fact of the violation and forward it to us. It happens that they call anonymously, report that something is happening somewhere and hang up. It is important to leave your contact information so that we have the opportunity to contact you and clarify the necessary information. In turn, we send an appeal to the executive authorities, whose competence includes resolving these issues.

Regarding the cutting down of trees in the city, you can contact the environmental department directly. There they will tell you whether there is permission to cut or not. If there is no permission, the necessary measures will be taken to suppress this fact.

Our organization cooperates with social movements, initiative groups of citizens who are not indifferent to problems related to environmental protection, and we also actively interact with authorities to solve these problems.