Influence of planets on the fifth house of the horoscope. Fifth house in Vedic astrology

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The fifth house is traditionally considered the house of children (putra bhava). It denotes our ability to bear children and the relationship that the owner of the horoscope will develop with his children. When defeated, it indicates either childlessness or grief. which children will bring us (for women, the more important indicator of children is often the fifth house from the Moon, and not from the ascendant).

In addition, the fifth house is the house of creativity in the broad sense of the word. At a high level, it symbolizes the creative mind and our capacity for original thinking. It can be used to determine how capable a person is of giving others good advice. In this regard, the favorable fifth house is important for lawyers and politicians. In general, the fifth house is the most important indicator the level of development of our intellect (buddhi). When defeated, it indicates that a person’s judgment is often erroneous, and thinking is distorted by emotions.

On the spiritual level, the fifth house is the house of Ishta Devata, that is, the form of God that we have chosen to worship in this life. It characterizes the object of our religious worship and the truth that serves as our guiding star. Like the ninth. it is the home of piety and good karma. By the fifth house we can judge the spiritual resources and merits that we brought with us from past incarnations, the karma accumulated in past incarnations. It is also the house of mantras: it shows how skillfully we are able to use our words and thoughts for spiritual purposes.

The fifth house is the house of love, both in its highest and lowest forms. It symbolizes romantic love and our lovers (not necessarily those who are married to us). This is the house of pleasure and entertainment, relaxation and our favorite activities. It is also the house of health and vitality.

The fifth house is one of the corners of wealth and property. It characterizes our ability to make a profit from speculation and trading on the stock exchange, and also shows the benefits that the fruits of our labor, the creations of our hands, our entertainment and fantasies bring us.

Material from the book Astrology of Seers. David Frawley

FIFTH HOUSE: Putra bhava - house of children

The 5th house corresponds to the fire sign and is therefore called the house of dharma (duty or purpose in life).

Children, mental abilities, intelligence, purvapunya (loan from previous life), speculation, risk, sports, art of painting or drawing, moral standards, dignity, mercy, religious direction of mind (religiosity), romance, love affairs, pleasures, prayers, spiritual practices, wisdom, higher education, leadership, good deeds - all these are indicators of the 5th house.

The 5th house, being a trikona (house of triad), is considered benefic. Therefore, the lord of the 5th house brings benefit to any house, wherever it is located. In addition to its main leadership over children, mind, investments, the 5th house is considered the main indicator of purvapunya. Purvapunya is a loan from a previous life (or lack thereof) that will manifest in the current life. Almost all of the most famous individuals have a strong 5th house. This suggests that they have worked quite hard in the past and are now being rewarded for their work. Purvapunya also gives a sense of predestination, so a person with strong purvapunya often feels or knows his destiny from an early age.

Since the 5th house is the house of morality and dignity, when it is strong, it indicates a person who is gifted, honest, modest and has other excellent qualities.

The 5th house plays a leading role in the lives of great spiritual ascetics and religious leaders, as it rules religiosity, moral standards, prayers and spiritual practices.

In India, marriages take place at an early age, so there the 5th house speaks of the love received from the spouse. In the West, the 5th house speaks of love affairs both before marriage and during marriage.

Karaka or indicator of the 5th house is Jupiter.

The ruler of the 5th house is

In the 1st house. The lord of a dharma house in another dharma house is very auspicious as it gives a strong destiny.

The person is respected or famous, intelligent, rich, handsome, kind, powerful, happy with children, religious, successful in speculation, loves sports, well educated, wise. His destiny follows the same direction as in his previous life, he does good deeds, is merciful, trained in ancient scriptures, prayers and spiritual practices.

Love affairs are successful, a happy childhood, a good start in life.

In the 2nd house. Significant mental ability, scholarship, deep knowledge, career in education, good oratory, may be an astrologer or mathematician, happy family life, large or prosperous family, wealth, good imagination, good nutrition, can earn money from temples or teach others religious practices .

In the 3rd house. Happiness from relatives, wishes come true, exciting adventures, courage. Gifted in music, dance or drama. Literary ability.

In the 4th house. Happiness comes from the mother, the mother will live long. Predestination to own land, houses or means of transportation. A lot of comfort and luxury in life, great happiness, favorable completion of affairs, peaceful end of life, reasonableness, achieving a high position.

In the 5th house. Planet in swakshetra ( own home). Happiness from children, successful children, brilliant mental abilities, religiosity, doing good deeds, love of sports, successful investments, passion for speculation, happy love affairs, knowledge of prayers or scriptures, absolute honesty and dignity, a person can head a religious or spiritual organization, very strong purvapunya, strong dharma, interest in politics, can be a manager, help from rich people or philanthropists.

In the 6th house. Difficulty with children, poor intelligence, unstable mind, difficulty in passing exams, troubles in love affairs, help from maternal uncle, getting a good job, good health, knowledge of medicine or healing practices brought from previous lives.

In the 7th house. Happy marriage. A handsome, intelligent and devoted husband. A good mind, successful children, happiness from children, a child can live abroad, strong passions. This is a very favorable position for health, name and fame as the lord of the 5th house from the 7th house aspects the ascendant.

In the 8th house. No happiness from children, possible abortion or death of a child, hostile relationship with children, few children, losses due to bad investments, difficulties in love affairs, unreasonableness, difficult exams, injustice, immorality, previous life was useless, and no loan for current.

In the 9th house. The lord of a dharma house in another dharma house is very auspicious. The owner of a trikona in another trikona is perhaps one of the best positions. Luck, fortune, wealth, supreme blessing, fame, happiness from children, spiritual or successful children, happiness in love affairs, supreme spirituality or religiosity, inclination towards philosophy, knowledge of spiritual scriptures and prayers, help from father, elders and Guru, spiritual guidance teachers, success in acquiring knowledge. The father is rich, famous and will live a long time. The father may be religious.

Strong dharma. A person can become a spiritual teacher or head a religious organization. This position is most common in the horoscopes of spiritual ascetics, Gurus and spiritual leaders.

In the 10th house. Distinguished career, fame, career may be related to speculation or sports, outstanding children, happiness from children, doing good deeds, visiting holy places, help from prominent people or government, career in government.

In the 11th house. Help from children, many children, significant friends, great wealth, many favorable opportunities, success in all enterprises, fulfillment of desires. Excellent mental ability as the lord of the 5th house in the 11th is aspecting the 5th house. Benefits from older relatives.

In the 12th house. There is no happiness from children, abortion or early death child, few children, bad relationship with them. The child may become an ascetic who practices meditation or moksha. Unhappiness in love affairs, loss due to speculation, unreasonableness, unstable mind, difficulty in passing exams, immorality, injustice to others, previous life was spent uselessly and there is no credit for the current one, peace after death, a person can retire from earthly pursuits and practice meditation and moksha, good sex life, beautiful bedrooms with decorations.

The 5th house is the house of dharma and corresponds to the purpose of life.

Children, intelligence, mental abilities, meaning (meaning) of fate, speculation, adventurism, investment, love affairs, romanticism, love of a spouse, religious mindset, pleasure, entertainment, sports, painting, drawing, purvapurnya (reward or loan from a previous incarnation) , morality, good deeds, charity, leadership, government, managers, politicians, spiritual practices, religious rituals, prayers, dignity, honesty, modesty, giftedness.

Material from the book Ancient Indian astrology for modern astrologers. James Braha


Lord of the 5th house in the 1st house

This person will give advice important people; he may have a child who will become a famous, respected person. Such people will teach others, will be educated in methods of calculation, will be interested in mantras, will be widely known; will have a romantic nature.

Lord of the 5th house in the 2nd house

They symbolize the presence of a large number of children, interest in astrology; the ability to make correct predictions and prophecies. This person becomes proud due to the acquisition of wealth through the favor of government service.

Lord of the 5th house in the 3rd house

They can have many children; their brothers rise to positions of influence. A talent for research, as well as a penchant for deception.

Lord of the 5th house in the 4th house

Characterized by a small number of children, income related to land or agriculture, good educational opportunities, possession of a good home and educated friends.

Lord of the 5th house in the 5th house

Good goals; worries from your own child; good intelligence, but unstable mind; this person will be the senior priest or counselor; it has certain capabilities in the field of accounting, along the lines of entertainment, and investment in industry.

Lord of the 5th house in the 6th house

These people may have children who are unfriendly towards them; they can adopt a child. The uncle of such a person may be wealthy or famous. Such people do not perceive spiritual knowledge well or neglect their religious duties.

Lord of the 5th house in the 7th house

This will be a truthful person, devoted to his teacher, and virtuous in his actions. He may have a child who will achieve fame in distant lands. They are interested in commercial investments and like to have their opinions heard.

Lord of the 5th house in the 8th house

This person will have debts, diseases of the respiratory system; he must be satisfied with a small number of children. His guru or employer will be unfortunate; such people are irritable and easily lose faith.

Lord of the 5th house in the 9th house

This is a superlative position, indicating one who is righteous, who has much to teach other people, and one who has a child with religious inclinations. In his life it is assumed: authorship in any field, good opportunities to travel, successful investments.

Lord of the 5th house in the 10th house

Ownership of property; charitable work such as the restoration of temples; advice given to important people - this is how classical texts characterize this position. The child of such a person can become famous.

Lord of the 5th house in the 11th house

This is an educated, gentle person, not prone to violence, useful to other people; his career is successful. This situation may promise wealth for his child.

Lord of the 5th house in the 12th house

One can assume the loss of a child and a great interest in self-awareness. This person has few attachments; loves to travel.

Material from the book Vedic astrology. Tom Hopke

Fifth house in Vedic astrology


V house. And in general, about children.

Of course, one of the most important issues of the 5th house is our children, their presence, number, gender, and our relationship with them.

You cannot determine the sex of a child by looking at the 5th house; you can roughly estimate the number. The 5th house represents already born children. The circumstances of conception and gender must be looked at by the IV house and the Moon - in what signs (female or male) the Moon and the cusp of the IV house are located, what planets (female or male) are in the IV house, in what sign (female or male) the ruler is located; then it all comes together and the probability of conceiving a boy or girl is determined. For example, on the cusp of the IV house there is Leo (male sign), the Sun (ruler of the IV field) in Cancer (female sign), the Moon in Gemini (male sign), in the IV house Venus (female planet) and Jupiter (male planet). This results in 2 female and 3 male instructions. Thus, if a person has five children, they will be two girls and three boys. It is the circumstances of conception that determine the sex of the child. When a person is already born, it is too late to determine gender; this is laid down earlier, at conception.

For reference. Masculine signs are all related to the elements of fire and air. Female signs - related to the elements of water and earth. Male planets - Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto. Female planets - Moon, Venus, Neptune. Planets with unexpressed sexual characteristics are Mercury and Uranus (if they are related to the IV house, they can not be taken into account). Saturn is nominally a masculine planet, but it, figuratively speaking, “dislikes” children so much that it can be excluded from consideration of the probability of gender.

But I’ll make a reservation: this way you can only calculate the probability of having girls and boys; this will not mean that the first child will necessarily be of a certain gender. There is no guarantee.

If you are approached with the question: “How can we give birth to a son?” - here there is a technique that allows you to determine the sex of the child at the time of conception. This is determined by the position of the Moon at the moment of conception - what sign it was in, masculine or feminine. Those. if the Moon was in a female sign at the moment of conception, then the sex of the unborn child is female. If the Moon was in a male sign at the time of conception, then the sex of the child is male.

Unfortunately, not everything is in order here either, if the Moon is at the end of a sign, then before the fusion of cells occurs, the Moon may move to the next sign and, thereby, the gender will change. Therefore, for greater guarantee, the position of the Moon in the 1st half of the sign should be taken into account. There is more guarantee that the desired gender will be born - the Moon is in the 1st half of the sign. The Moon in the 2nd half of the sign can move into the next sign before fertilization and thereby disrupt our plans. For a greater guarantee, you need to look for the Moon in the 1st half of the sign, but, unfortunately, there is another problem here, which is connected with the fact that conceiving a child does not happen according to our desire, there is a certain cycle, there is a certain moment of ovulation, which depends on A woman’s hormonal cycle requires that ovulation coincide with the desired position of the Moon. Here, unfortunately, problems arise.

But on the other hand, if you give a person a certain rhythm, then let him decide what to do, let him figure it out himself, you say: “On this day a boy will be conceived, on this day a girl, and work”, as they will order there, this depends on the individual cycle of the woman.

True, I heard from one obstetrician that sperm can remain in a woman’s body for up to three days until the moment of conception, in some cases, and then conception occurs, and the Moon, as you know, is in one sign for about 2.5 days - in short, you can’t guess , apparently, whatever God pleases, you can’t get away with it. But, of course, you can try.

So, the IV house and the Moon are related to the conception of children. If the Moon or IC (cusp of the IV house) are located in fertile signs (fertile signs are Water and Taurus), then the ability to conceive is high, but there may be few children (miscarriages, abortions); if the Moon or IC are located in barren signs (Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Virgo, and especially Capricorn), then there are difficulties with conception. Moreover, these rules work for both women and men. I have plenty of cases where a woman has all indicators indicating fertility, but her husband, on the contrary, has the Moon in Capricorn and IC in Virgo. They can’t conceive, but why? The woman’s body is ready for reproduction, everything works as it should, but the husband has problems, sperm are produced “frail” and in small quantities, conception is very difficult. Or the opposite situation. The man has the Moon in Cancer, and the IC is in Taurus, but there is no way to give birth; his wife has the Moon in Aquarius, and the IC is in Capricorn. By the way, the Moon or IC is in Scorpio - there are many conceptions, but pregnancies proceed unfavorably, it rarely comes to the birth of a full-fledged child (however, modern medicine copes with this problem quite successfully).

Well, we’ll talk about infertility as a disease in the Medical Astrology course.

The desire to have (or not have) children is determined by the 5th house natal chart. Those. the ability to conceive may be high, but there may not be children at all (preventive measures, abortions, etc.). How is this determined? If there are infertile signs on the cusp of the V house (Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Virgo, and especially Capricorn), there may be no children at all (God willing, one will be tortured). If there are fertile signs (Water and Taurus) on the cusp of the V house, then there will be many children. What does "a lot" mean? A hundred years ago, five children was the norm, but now a family with three children is officially considered a large family, i.e. our “many” is three (more is rare). The same goes for planets in the 5th house. If Venus, Moon or Jupiter are there, then this is “many”, if Saturn is there, then there is none or one and late. In other cases - “average”, i.e. in the context of modernity - two.

But this rule cannot be applied in isolation from the entire natal chart. Five minutes ago I gave an example, a woman has problems with conception (Moon in Aquarius, IC in Capricorn), but this Moon is in the 5th house! Formally, she is a mother of many children, but she cannot conceive. What conclusion should we give in this case? That's right: a person wants to have many children, but cannot.

Planets that increase the number of children: the Moon, but the Moon, of course, generally gives a predisposition towards children, especially small children, a love for children. The Moon, Venus, Jupiter, being in the V house, can talk about an increase in the number of children. Their aspects, especially the aspects of Jupiter to the planets of the 5th house, can also increase the number of children, especially the aspects of Jupiter, Jupiter may even have tense aspects. Tense aspects of Jupiter: there may be a mother with many children, Venus in the 5th house, damaged by Jupiter, she has five children there, a mother with many children, that is, Jupiter, through intense aspects, can increase, even excessively, with excess, Jupiter is generally associated with excess, he gives everything a lot of.

Now the planets located in the 5th house and reducing the number of children: the Sun and Saturn. The sun in the 5th house gives love for children, but you can have one child, but in general, you have a very good attitude towards children, this is an excellent indication for a teacher. This love of his for children is realized through his profession, and he does not seek to increase the number of his own children. Saturn reduces the number of children, usually giving one.

Early or late children? Fire signs in the 5th house or the lord of the 5th house in a fire sign tend towards early children. Capricorn in the 5th house, Saturn in the 5th house tends to have late children, but there may be contradictory situations, for example, Saturn in Aries in the 5th house, early or late children? How do you think? One child and early, so in this case the sign turns out to be stronger than the planet. In this case, I’m talking about intact Saturn, when Saturn in the 5th house is damaged, this is a completely different situation. When Saturn damages a planet or the ruler of the 5th house, this is an obstacle to having children at all. This is not associated with the inability to have children, it does not mean infertility, the 5th house means attitude towards children: whether a person wants to have children, whether he wants a lot or not at all.

When we analyze the 5th house, we analyze the attitude towards children and hence the number of children. If we consider the elements of the 5th house and their aspects, then we can draw a conclusion about how children will grow up. Why? The 5th house is also the quality of upbringing. When we analyze the 5th house, we see whether a person knows how to raise children, how he raises them, what he invests in them and, accordingly, how they turn out. We will talk about this in more detail, considering the planets in the 5th house.

So, the children have already been born. Obviously, they are all different in character (sometimes opposite) and have different fates. The question is, are they really all going to the same fifth house? No. Each child has, as it were, his own home in our natal chart. The 5th house determines our general attitude towards children and one of the children goes. Which?

Astrological literature says that the 11th house is also responsible for children. Why? Let's get acquainted with the system of relative houses, that is, when we are talking about circumstances not related to the subject, but we are talking about circumstances related to his environment: with parents, children, marriage partner, then we take the house responsible for this person and assign his number is I. Well, for example, if we are talking about the father, and we organize the circumstances associated with the father: the IV house of the horoscope, assign it the first number and then count all the houses - these will be the houses of the father. If we are talking about a marriage partner: we number the VII house with the number I and then we count and get that the XI house is V from VII, that is, the children of the marriage partner go through the XI house. Generally speaking, spouses have common children and therefore it turns out that the 5th and 11th houses are responsible for children. Although, of course, the XI house can indicate the children of a marriage partner if this is not the first marriage for him and he already has children, and therefore the XI house can be responsible for the children of a marriage partner, but the V and XI houses are responsible for children All in all. At the same time, if there are several children, then they can be separated, some can go along the V house, and others mainly along the XI, but I want to tell you that it is so strict to divide that this child goes only along the V, and this one only through the XI it turns out. Still, it turns out that one child, more instructions for him, is in the V house, and for the other in the XI. Still, somehow the instructions remain in both houses. Naturally, if the spouses have common children, then, of course, there will be instructions for one child, maybe both, but there may be more of them in one of these houses.

It is often said that the first child is the V house, the 2nd child is the XI house, the 3rd is again V and so on... This, as a rule, depends on the gender of the child, the first boy is in the mother’s V house, 2 -th son - according to XI, and daughters, on the contrary, the first daughter of the mother according to XI, and the 2nd - according to V. In this case, we are talking about children of the same sex, that is, we do not count children of a different sex, well, for example, a woman has a boy and a girl - a son and a daughter, the son will be V, the daughter will be her first, she will be XI, the other gender is ignored, we consider children of the same sex. If twins were born, they, of course, can go through the same house, because they have similar horoscopes and many circumstances will be similar, they will go through the same house.

For the father, it’s the other way around: the 1st daughter is V, the 2nd is XI. The first son is XI, the second is V. As for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, the methodology has not yet been worked out, there are few families with three children of the same sex, and empirical patterns in this matter have not yet been developed. I hope that you, my listeners, will someday understand this problem.

By the way, the very existence of the principle of relative houses allows you to extract a lot of useful information without even looking at the horoscope. For example, remember the song “I asked the ash tree”? What did your friend say? “You were beloved, but she became my wife.” Absolutely accurate astrological formulation; my beloved goes through the Vth house, and my friend goes through the XIth, but if we renumber the houses from the XIth, then my Vth house turns out to be the VIIth house of my friend. Like this! It turns out that the woman I love is destined to be my friend’s wife. Here, I remembered another example, the film “Officers” - there is the same situation, similar things often happen in life.

And if we’re talking about children, then even without a map you can learn a lot. Let's say you are a woman and you have a girl (your first child), then she walks through the 11th house, your friend walks through the same house - everything, the indicators are the same (ruler, co-ruler, planets in the house, their aspects), those. look at your friend - your daughter will be the same when she grows up. Your friend's husband is walking through your Vth house, this is the seventh from the eleventh (by the way, women often fall in love with their friends' husbands), and you have a son (first son), he will walk through your Vth house, the same thing again, look at your friend’s husband - this is how your son will grow up (character, level of education, career, income level - everything will be approximately the same, adjusted, of course, for the general development of humanity in a few decades).

If we are talking about children, then similar judgments can be applied to the corresponding positions of planets in the 11th house.

Sun (Leo) in the 5th house.

Great artistic abilities, a desire to demonstrate oneself, a person is drawn to the stage, or, in the worst case, to the blackboard, teaching children. He is looking for a holiday, amorous, passionate.

There are few children (more like one). She loves children, but more than strangers. Pampers and rules them. If the Sun is in good aspects, the child is healthy, pleases the person with his successes, receiving a comprehensive and correct education (physical, intellectual, cultural). If the Sun is damaged - a sick child (if damage is from Saturn - a very sick child, chronic, or no children at all); damaged by Mars - there may be an accident with the child, premature death of the child.

In sports, people are attracted to sports that have elements of theatricality that place the athlete in the center of attention: figure skating, for example.

Moon (Cancer) in the 5th house.

Motherly attitude towards lovers. Loves quiet home entertainment, family holidays, and enjoys cooking.

Fertility, many children, love and affection for children, good relationships with children, everything is wonderful, a person raises his children well. A damaged Moon still gives birth to many children, but a person does not know how to raise children, he is weak-willed, indulges children, follows their lead, as a result, the child grows up weak-willed, infantile, and not adapted to life. Affections from the Sun, Mars or Saturn mean serious illnesses in children.

In sports, activities such as swimming, diving, etc. can be attractive.

Lilith in the 5th house.

Exhibitionism, obscene entertainment, "dirty love." The sexual sphere of a person is very strong and original, often with a tendency towards perversion and bestiality.

He does not like children, sometimes he experiences intense hostility or unmotivated anger towards them. Mothers with this position of Lilith are constantly “tossed” from side to side: from painful attachment to the child to his rejection. Such mothers often leave their children in the maternity hospital or give them to strangers (“cuckoos”).

In sports, a person can be attracted to such activities as orienteering, cockroach racing, dog and cock fighting, etc.

Mercury (Gemini, Virgo) in the 5th house.

Creativity associated with mental activity, writing, speech. When having fun, a person strives to combine the useful with the pleasant (therefore he often plays Mind games, chess, checkers), find a rational grain in entertainment, can combine leisure with intellectual work (a writer is writing a book at a resort). Almost not receptive to external information, does not listen to what is said to him. While caring for a loved one, she writes letters, notes, and makes phone calls. Romantic acquaintances in transport, during trips, at exhibitions and fairs. In love, one rather relies on reason.

Weak emotional contact with children. Does not have many children (unless there are aspects from Jupiter). If Mercury is in good aspects, he is a good teacher, gives great importance mental development child, does a lot with him, takes him to exhibitions, libraries, etc. With damaged Mercury, a person is not always honest with the child, uses lies for educational purposes, and the child quickly adopts this manner of being cunning and disingenuous, and begins to lead the parent around his little finger, causing a lot of trouble and trouble. The child grows up to be cunning, deceitful, thieving, and sometimes a real swindler.

Team sports played with hands (Mercury is the hands): volleyball, basketball, handball, and athletics. If Virgo is on the cusp, then tourism. If Gemini is on the cusp, then doubles sports are tennis, badminton, billiards, etc.

Venus (Taurus, Libra) in the 5th house.

Expresses himself in the arts: painting, dancing, theater, fashion shows, design, decoration.

She loves children and wants to have several. A good relationship with kids, mutual sympathy. He pays a lot of attention to the aesthetic development of the child (music school, drawing club, etc.), who grows up beautiful, talented, sophisticated, tactful and well-mannered. If Venus is damaged, a person is overly inclined to luxury and entertainment, children are the same, they just want to have fun and indulge, they grow up capricious, with big pretensions, the person follows the child’s lead and he quickly sits on his neck.

A person may be attracted to sports related to art or purely feminine: synchronized swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, women's figure skating, ballroom dancing (in the form of a sports competition), acrobatic rock and roll. If Taurus is on the cusp - again tourism, weightlifting, kettlebell lifting.

Mars (Scorpio) in the 5th house.

He is passionate, passionate, loves active recreation and adventure. Adventurer. Sports games, especially risky ones (firefighting all-around, for example), as well as all types of wrestling and team competitions (hockey, football), some types of athletics (javelin throwing, for example). Loves hunting.

Struggling in relationships with children. There is a struggle for primacy between him and the child; the child is disobedient, rude and pugnacious. With good aspects of Mars, attention is paid to it physical development, the child is heading to sports section, military-patriotic club, etc. The child grows up intelligent, active, strong, and courageous. Damaged Mars means the danger of an accident and the death of a child. In the horoscope of women there are premarital and illegitimate children.

Jupiter (Sagittarius) in the 5th house.

A man of large scale in terms of entertainment - extravaganzas, mysteries, grandiose performances, large forms art. Insatiable in love, a lot of lovers. For men - Don Juanism (if the rest of the card does not give contradictory instructions).

Many children, including illegitimate ones. Relationships with children are strong and protective. In good aspects, a person has wonderful children who give him support in old age. Lesions of Jupiter are not very bad; in the worst case, the child is wasteful or has a diseased liver (especially if there are bad aspects from Mars or Saturn).

He can be attracted to sport by archery and equestrian sports (horses, polo, etc.). He may not leave the hippodrome (at the same time he can play on the betting table). Loves hunting large animals (deer, elk, etc.) Saturn (Capricorn) in the 5th house.

In entertainment, he satisfies personal ambitions, rests only on prescribed calendar holidays, his motto is “time for business, time for fun”; love experiences are related to career, maybe an office romance. In his creativity he prefers traditional and classical directions and forms. Shows responsibility and thoroughness in performing creative work.

Doesn't like children. Has one, if the second, then as a rule in another marriage and it’s too late. If Saturn is damaged, there are no children or the child is very seriously ill, disabled since childhood (cerebral palsy, for example).

Sports hobbies - weightlifting, triathlon, marathon, classical wrestling (in short, sports where you need to lift weights or demonstrate great endurance over long time intervals).

Uranus (Aquarius) in the 5th house.

Love at first sight, and repeatedly. And in general, his life is a series of vivid love experiences, unexpected and strange. He adheres to the philosophy of “free” love, no conventions can keep him from betrayal and change, there are many premarital and extramarital affairs.

Reckless and passionate. In games, he is not interested in a small win - “all or nothing” (super game, super lottery, super jackpot, etc.) With children, too, eccentricities - a very early child or he abandons his child (often both together), the child is illegitimate, women with this position of Uranus have practically no maternal instinct, she does not understand what it means to “love” a child, she can only be friends with him or abandon him (they often abandon children and are deprived of parental rights). If Uranusonlyin good aspects, then children are gifted, child prodigies, even geniuses, they mature early, accelerators.

In art and creativity, such a person prefers avant-garde and ultra-modern trends, often inventing new genres, methods of expression, creative approaches (for example, a new drawing technique).

If you are interested in sports, then this is parachuting, hang gliding, technical types sports (for example, racing on radio-controlled boats, sports aircraft modeling), extreme sports (big slalom, etc.) Neptune (Pisces) in the V field.

Fertility is high, a person establishes a deep subconscious, almost mystical connection with children. A person can intuitively, without words, understand what is going on in a child’s soul. Education takes place on folk tales and examples from religious scriptures ( various myths, folk epic, biblical stories, etc.), much attention is paid to the musical and aesthetic development of the child (music school, art school, literary circle - poetry). With this position of Neptune (or Pisces on the cusp), children are often adopted; a person is inclined, in a fit of compassion, to shelter other people’s homeless children and adopt them (adopt a child from a home, etc.). If Neptune is damaged - secret grief, secret problems in raising a child who may be mentally ill or may fall into bad company (and become a thief, drug addict, etc.).

In love, such a person behaves like a hedgehog in a fog, mistaking bizarre visions for reality, he is often deceived in love, or he himself deceives (sometimes unwittingly) others. In the romantic relationships of such a person there is always a secret, understatement, and uncertainty.

Likes to relax at seaside resorts, on sea cruises and fishing. In sports, he gravitates towards marine activities - scuba diving, underwater orienteering, sailing regattas, catching sea animals and fish for sport.

In art and creativity, he is interested in music, painting (especially marine painters), cinema, and cooking (he especially likes to cook seafood).

I.V. Kiryushin, Analysis and synthesis of the horoscope,

In order to find out the location of planets in houses, you need to draw up a natal chart. To compile a natal chart, use the side widget (on mobile devices the widget is at the bottom of the page) - enter the date, time and place of birth and click the “Natal Horoscope” button. Detailed meanings of planets in houses are described on the pages of this section.

Fifth house

Conscious man

deliberate presentation of the ego, life as theater, personal charm

Following the acquisition of true, deep self-centeredness, which manifests itself in the safety of home and family, after comprehensive development of the personal sphere (4th house), we turn our attention to the vast world around us. Having learned the meaning of acceptance, we rush to realize the opposite: we explore the risk of rejection. We overcome this fear by developing social skills that include the use of conscientious personality traits.

The 1st House symbolized the natural and spontaneous manifestation of the self, the 5th House symbolizes the conscious and intentional presentation through the fully formed ego. The first house symbolized the experience of kinetic radiation, the revelation of self-awareness through action in environment; The 5th house symbolizes the next stage of self-expression, the creation of a conscious image that is formally displayed to the world. “The whole world is a stage and all people are actors.”

The fifth house is the area of ​​life experience where we become aware of the theatricality of life. Each of us is a “star” in our own “film”. We “get on stage” every time we interact with someone, giving a performance in the spirit of our own carefully chosen roles. And like the Hollywood stars of the 1940s - Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne, Bogart. Tracy and Hepburn - we strive to portray ourselves as extraordinarily unique, regardless of the various roles we are called upon to play. We consider the person with whom we come into contact as a spectator or a critic; we strive to entertain him, to win him over, to convince him that our performance is creative.

The fifth house reveals the experience of creating a performance; the state of the house indicates the natural "script" used in developing a conscious image, on psychological moments, which we will use to create our character.

Romance, giving love

experience of active courtship; characteristic way in which love is offered

The fifth house and its opposite 11th house form the axis of romantic love. In the 5th house we are lovers, in the 11th house we are lovers. The 5th house experience is active, conscious courtship. As with all levels of 5th house experience, romantic courtship requires putting on a great show, otherwise you may be rejected by the object of your affections. You stand in the courtyard with a Spanish guitar in your hands and sing songs of love in the hope that a girl will appear on the balcony, smile and throw you a rose - a symbol of acceptance of your love. The experience of consciously giving love, opening the heart, despite the risk of rejection - this is the essence of personal creativity.

The fifth house shows which character elements are involved in the lover's condition: it reveals what we feel when the most conscious impulses of love fill us, and it also demonstrates how we offer our love to other people.

Sexy performance

love as exaltation of one's own ego; performance for a loved one

The fifth house is the second house among the three spheres of sexuality; the first is the 2nd house (pure, closed sensuality), and the third is the 8th house (the union of two people becoming one). Here in the 5th house, the emphasis is on creating love for another person. IN
highly emotional, this action is similar to a theatrical performance, where a person plays the role of a lover, seeks ways to bring pleasure to the loved one, with the help of the conscious ego, and to confirm the social abilities of the ego. This is the realm of pleasure; By satisfying the partner, the “I” strengthens confidence in its own talents.

The confirmation we so need here is material, not abstract, and since the most tangible confirmation of the fertility of the individual is children, the level of experience of the 5th house becomes the birth of children, especially this applies to the first pregnancy.

The state of the 5th house reveals characteristic methods the creation of love, the emotional style of stimulation of the people we love, and the difficulties or paradoxes we are likely to encounter in the self-centered but other-oriented expression of sexuality.

Personal creativity

all types of ego-centered self-expression, both artistic and non-artistic

All types of personal creativity are levels of 5th house experience. Creative impulses arise from the depths of the self, often even from outside the self, and the conscious ego gives them an original form.

This is the realm of traditional artistic creativity: painting, sculpting, acting and all artistic forms that glorify the creativity of the individual.

But this house also reveals a more general tone of creativity, less formally structured, which is presented to other people every day.

The state of the 5th house indicates the characteristic importance for any person of creative efforts and the creative process as a whole, as well as the tonality of the natural consonance of these processes with the motives of the individual.


risk in any competition involving personal skill

The fifth house is also the area of ​​competition, representing a sense of challenge, a deliberate test of the ego's skills. This area includes traditional sports, especially doubles sports such as tennis or boxing, where a person relies only on himself and risks failure in an attempt to prove to himself that he is more skilled than his opponent. This also includes gambling and risky activities, but not the simple entertainment of Las Vegas, but all speculative investments, such as the stock exchange, real estate transactions or the search for oil. This area includes both sports and business, because in all cases your ego competes with the ego of other people.

The 5th house state reveals both the characteristic importance and natural attitude towards any kind of competition that requires risky action from your ego.

Sun in the fifth house


Moon in the fifth house


Conscious person.

The fifth house is the sphere of active radiation of the personality outward and conscious behavior - life as a theater and the ego as a “star”.
The psychological function of the Moon involves responsive caring and habit-based behavior. How can you be a star if - by definition - you are in a support role? How can you be both conscious and unconscious? Often you play a role that comes from childhood imprints, especially those related to protection. The trap is too selfish education - the perception of other people as being in need and in need of your help, when in fact you are in real need - the need to give, to feel necessary and important. The goal is to fill these emotions with consciousness as much as possible and help other people only with what they really need. Help boldly, but only when help is requested from you.

Romance, giving love.

You strive for courtship like a moth flying to the flame of a candle. Courtship is one of the basic needs of life, similar to the need for shelter. Your love is more automatic than conscious: it is the product of habit rather than a deliberate pattern of action. Even desire is to some extent automatic. Typically, your romance is based on the safety of you, your loved one, or, more likely, both of you. If there's one pitfall to watch out for, it's the syndrome mentioned above: the need for an artificial sense of dependence on your strong, powerful shoulders. The goal is to cherish the person you love, but to do it in a way that helps raise a healthy, independent adult.

Sexy performance.

This position corresponds to the state of “mother-as-lover” (or vice versa) and reflects all the difficulties that arise with such a merging of roles. Sexual activity is seen as food to satisfy internal sources of hunger. But since your sexuality is responsive by nature, you often must manipulate your loved one to initiate contact. The tone of sexual relations here is emotional, resonating more with feelings than with physical body, and this feature gives you greater happiness and pleasure compared to the sexual process. You judge the quality of your performance by the “fullness” of your partner’s feelings. In this case, fertility in the literal sense of the word is emphasized; it is expressed here most clearly in comparison with the symbolism of the position of other planets in this house. The goal is to respond to sexual requests in an appropriate way without creating a trap of codependency, and to satisfy your need for security through gentle and heartfelt sexual expression.

Personal creativity.

Creativity is your second nature. However, it is in some ways more synthetic than original, because it is based on all the accumulations that you made earlier. This does not mean that your creation is defective in any way; what is emphasized here is that the act of creativity is supported by processes occurring below the level of your consciousness. If you have children then most of your creative process will probably be aimed at nurturing them; This situation is most pronounced if you are a woman and a mother, but, however, it is no less strong if you are a man.


You need competition, although the holistic concept of risk conflicts with the basic lunar functions of safety and self-defense. Paradoxically, you can only protect yourself by putting your ego at risk. The Moon indicates a person's method of maintaining softness, pliability and nourishment. but here this method transcends the usual boundaries of the “I”, enters the world, the arena of battle or game. However, your care can obscure and complicate the natural atmosphere of competition. As a result, by challenging people to a competition, you often provide them with support and, as a result, the competition will either work out or not.

Mercury in the fifth house


Conscious person.

The placement of Mercury in the 5th house shows that you are a mental actor, a person given to mental pyrotechnics or verbal gymnastics. In your mind, every message is presented to the listeners as at a press conference; you realize that words are the most creative part of your action. The pitfalls are mental vanity and pedantic humiliation, while the challenge is to develop a charismatic and conscious perception of the mind and its presentation.

Romance, giving love.

When it comes to love, you are a poet, a magician of words. The courtship process is between minds and what is said is much more important than that what is being done. Love flares up extremely quickly, because the nervous system instantly responds to the ringing call of romance. However, on levels other than the mental, love can be cold, and this is a persistent trap. The key concepts here are stimuli and images; the flirtation of the mind is transformed into art. The challenge, of course, is deep penetration in the thoughts of a loved one, comprehending your thoughts about him. and his thoughts about everything. To win the heart, you must charm the mind.

Sexy performance.

The act of love is something you think about - before, during and after. Great importance has a performance technique, and your brain is constantly busy developing scenarios, sexual performances. Communication is as important as touch, and often even more so, for for you the creation of love is like a “dance of the mind.” Relationships have a mercurial vitality; it is an atmosphere of slight detachment from the act itself, as if you were a photographer recording the event. And like a photographer, you move from image to image, capturing the ideal pose, and then continue your search again. Mercury does not look at, does not savor details, but creates a quickly changing collection of images, so the trap is subtle sexual perversions. The goal is to first satisfy your nervous system's need for stimulation by beautiful images, and then direct this beauty to your loved one.

Personal creativity.

Your mind is involved in any creative process. However, the position of Mercury in this house is small, which indicates the comprehensive use of your mind. Instead, the emphasis here is on speed of perception, ease of use of words and wit. The sign the planet is in and its aspects are especially important when analyzing your motivation and creative style. For example, you can be frivolous and humorous, presenting pleasure as the main product of your creativity; or you can be serious and focused, working on creative projects that require complex diagrams and strategies. The task is to create new ways of communicating with emotional spaces.


Competition excites you nervous system. Mental competition stimulates you and you enjoy mental gymnastics. This is where you are most exposed to verbal risks, which often arise in difficult situations. logic games and in games with intricate strategy. The trap is “pouring from empty to empty”, without being able to do the real thing; You can talk about how confident and decisive you are in taking on risky activities, but in reality it will only be a play on words. The task is to win people over not with external brilliance, but to guide them in all aspects of life so that the games can continue.

Venus in the fifth house


Conscious person.

The position of Venus in the 5th house indicates life role, formed around images of personal beauty and grace.
Do you want to look loving person. From a psychological point of view, you are more similar to a dancer or fashion model than to an actor. The presentation of the conscious ego is socially tactful, emphasizing magnetic receptivity. The trap is the confusion and confusion that arises between subject and object, between entertaining others and entertaining yourself, when the challenge is to make your personal beauty shine for everyone to see and enjoy.

Romance, giving love.

You are capable of falling in love with love. This position is simple and similar to the position of the other receptive planets. Moon and Neptune, in this case there is an inversion of the usual modes of operation of the 5th house. You give love by receiving it. In other words, you attract people to you through a presentation of your own “attractiveness” that is magnetic and receptive rather than pushy. Seduction and insincerity are possible pitfalls, along with confusion in giving and receiving love. The challenge is to love in a balanced way as well as beautifully; turn the risk of courtship into a smooth dance where the loved one feels enchanted rather than coerced. In the case of Venus, the creation of beautiful images is extremely important, in comparison with the symbolism of the position of the other planets in this house.

Sexy performance.

Love relationships are an aesthetic art, a reflection of grace and beauty. You are characterized by strong “feminine” energy, regardless of your biological structure; centripetal charisma is your natural form of self-expression—bringing your loved one ever deeper into the flow of your personal beauty. As with the position of the Moon in this house, this position indicates the active expression of the self, which is reactive in form, but unlike the Moon, here we are dealing with receptivity rather than responsiveness. The gracefulness of your perception fascinates people. Sometimes you fall victim to the trap of vanity - “come on, mirror, tell me ...” - but Venus is so calm and even that even such an insult rarely causes a protest from the people you love, at least the first time. The challenge for you is to become beauty itself, personified in the act of love; create heaven on earth.

Personal creativity.

Of course, artistic creativity is emphasized here, but it merges with the general background, and does not stand out from it. You embrace a wide variety of aesthetics, and your body and personality are often the canvases on which you paint your favorite pictures. The trap is narcissism in relation to one’s own ego, falling in love with one’s mirror image. The goal is to make every creative process a natural extension of the self: let the graceful acceptance of applause become truly sincere.


By nature, Venus wants to minimize any dissonance, so competition does not attract you, except when it is competing in the name of beauty. The usual interpretation of this level of experience changes: here competition turns into an opportunity to achieve harmonious interaction before the egg of conflict. You will fight within yourself to maintain a balanced presentation of self in a social setting. This is not “winning over other people,” but “pulling them over” to your side is winning their love, friendship and support. The trap is giving up any competition, while the goal is to make every risky situation turn into a smooth, effortless dance.

Mars in the fifth house


Conscious person.

The placement of Mars in the 5th house suggests that your conscious personality is spontaneous, spontaneous and very masculine in tone. Projection is so autonomous and assertive that often the main motive for your action may be the desire to influence other people (spectators). You are like a heat-seeking missile: you throw yourself onto the stage, into the spotlight. The desire for personal recognition and the ability to improvise in a crisis are your hallmarks. Your ego likes to be on top of the situation. The trap is an imperious intrusion, while the task is to concentrate like a laser beam in order to carry out brilliant active activity.

Romance, giving love.

Your romance is full of passion. It is characterized by a powerful impulse, a feeling of conscious desire. This feeling is tinged with competition, it literally challenges, it is an outburst of aggression. You are an arrow flying into the bull's eye. Love relationships here are more direct in comparison with the symbolism of the position of other planets in this house: they are more physical and hot-tempered. Often in romantic relationships, you don't say "no" in response, and this is a serious pitfall for you. You believe that you are accepted, although in reality this may not be the case: a special task for you is to successfully create a love relationship, regardless of the influence of the adrenaline of personal fire. Desire is everything to you.

Sexy performance.

Mars complements Venus and imparts the masculine aspect of sexuality to the 5th house. This “masculinity” in sexual communication exists regardless of the biological structure of the body. It indicates an incentive for a love affair, as if you were a warrior who was thrown into a breakthrough to storm a mountain. To say that this position indicates a passionate nature is to express it very restrainedly. Sexual relationships can be described in the most physical terms, such as “the merging of bodies through the heart.” The trap is a very quick loss of yourself in the desire to fulfill your plan and leave, while the task is to reveal all the facets of the desire inherent in the interaction in which you are, let this desire manifest itself in full force.

Personal creativity.

Creativity is not just an event for you. This is the cutting edge of your life. When you create, you are doing more than just expressing yourself. You express yourself in every creative event. And as a result, your ego becomes more and more involved in the creative process, and you become more and more vulnerable to failure. But fortunately, despite the devastating impact of rejection or failure, you rise from the ashes every time a new adventure comes into your sight. The challenge is to use creativity for self-renewal.


You are a strong competitor and a noble opponent. This position points to youthful boasting, where all the challenges - "cross this line if you have the courage" - are both personal and territorial. You like to throw yourself into new areas, because any situation that exudes the aroma of risk provides an opportunity to prove not only your skill, but mainly the legitimacy of your existence. Adventure is often an irresistible lure, like a red flag waving in front of a bull's face. However, just before the moment of action, you may experience insurmountable fear. The military metaphor is especially apt here: rewards are not given for trifles, rewards are given for bravery—for acting in the presence of fear. The higher the mountain, the more you want to climb it.

Jupiter in the fifth house


Conscious person.

The placement of Jupiter in the 5th house suggests that you strive to project outward an aura of cheerful generosity, good-natured optimism, social aplomb, etc. most of all, from the nature of the wise mind. As in the case of Mercury, thinking is emphasized here, but it is less pedantic, less verbal, and more generalized, focused on figurative understanding. As with Venus, there is social grace and natural tact, but these qualities are less peaceful and more enthusiastically expressive. You have a keen sense of what appropriate social behavior should be; you also enjoy grand social rituals. The pitfall is to be overconfident - not to study your style of action in detail, but to rely on your talent to carry you through. The task is to fully use your charisma, which, it seems, was given to you from birth.

Romance, giving love.

Your courtship rituals are more even and smooth than those of other people. You don’t feel the risk of rejection very clearly, as if your confidence is as strong as a concrete wall. Your love is extravagant, you simply swim in a sea of ​​romance. Love is the experience of many, the experience of “we”. The trap is the separation of performance and reality; Although outwardly love relationships are easy, sometimes you promise more than you actually deliver. The task is to allow love to flow out of you, let it blossom in the outer world of personal relationships.

Sexy performance.

The creation of love is a natural, free act of self-expression, an opportunity to express oneself outside. A love game makes you happy, you look forward to it and anticipate the physical sensations it gives you. You are somewhat indiscriminate in choosing partners, because you are more interested in the pleasure you get from courtship than in the reaction of your loved one. The pitfall of such good-natured relationships is that much of the way your love is supposed to be accepted may be taken for granted, while the task is to fully “exploit” every opportunity to express your sexual creativity, to create a fun performance, to expand, and here it symbolizes expanded expression, increasing in size and increasingly dramatizing each creative action. You're probably not very satisfied with just one or two creative endeavors. The options for synthesizing old forms into something original in this case are so numerous that you may find yourself skimming, at an amateur level, superficially interested in a variety of areas of creativity, picking up this from here, and that from there, sometimes creating a completely new category of artistic expression. The trap is futile extravagance, while the challenge is deliberate, purposeful drama.


You are a natural team player: someone who is able to fully embrace a group and eventually become its captain. You appreciate all socially accepted aesthetic forms, but in the art world you are more of a commentator than a participant. A powerful premonition of good fortune permeates the symbolism of this position. You are confident of victory, and this belief, thanks to subtle intuitive factors, often bears fruit - you find yourself in the right place at the right time. However, it can lead to your downfall if you rely on Lady Luck too often without paying attention to or working with the details. The goal is to use your natural talents to win with grace, describing to others how amazing life's thrills can be, and strengthening your self-belief and social standing in the process.

Saturn in the fifth house


Conscious person.

The imperative of a conscious person is your “pain point”. You are so sensitive that stage fright becomes a bottomless trap. You want to overcome the fear of audience criticism, which at worst seems openly antagonistic to you, and at best - you are simply discussed on the sidelines and while critical remarks are hidden. When you are young, your “play style” is rough and overly cheeky, but over the course of your life it becomes refined, conservative, calm and authoritative. Less is more; deliberate restraint is often interpreted by others as calm depth. The goal is to turn vulnerability into strength by slowly abandoning mute and minor roles and ultimately achieving a strong position as a “star.” Carefully study your playing style and realize that a strong character is the key to your safety.

Romance, giving love.

The risks associated with courtship are very serious problem. Romance draws you irresistibly, but the possibility of rejection provokes a powerful and never-ending anxiety. Before you take active action, you imagine all the possible forms of rejection so that you are not caught off guard by the pain of rejection. Of course, such a position leads to the goal in very rare cases, because romantic relationships are difficult to blossom in the presence of such powerful pessimism. On the other hand, you may not notice the very real danger and throw yourself at your loved one with such brute force that he will turn away from you, and the result of all this is the very refusal that you are so afraid of. To achieve success in love, you should treat your loved one with caution, without losing ground under your feet. The challenge is to realize that success in romance comes from patience and maturity. Gentle persistence leads you to your goal.

Sexy performance.

You feel the burden of performing the entire love show. An increased sensitivity to risk and failure is accompanied by a deep desire to overcome fears and ultimately prove to yourself that you are a brilliant lover. Too much failure or prolonged frustration can cause rejection of oneself or others, or both. However, it is curious that quick sexual success creates exactly the same result. You need to go towards the goal slowly, gradually. Sex here is understood in its most physical forms, love relationships are abundant, sometimes even too much for your partner. The pitfalls are impatience and frustration, and the task is, with the help of gentle attention, to become confident and skillful in sexual communication, to turn brute force into a refined product.

Personal creativity.

Whenever the opportunity arises, give your creativity physical form. Saturn is a symbol of mundane reality, the comprehension of matter, so your natural arena is the sphere of solid structures. Of course, thinking is involved in the creative process, emotions are also a natural component of creativity, but structures are emphasized here. This can be understood literally as sculpting or urban planning, or in a completely different way - as the management of resources, the combination of necessary components into the final product. The goal is to make your work creative and equally make creativity your work.


Competition lives within you, but you may consider yourself a person with little luck, so you need to win the very chance of success. You feel ashamed of your own fear and therefore you risk everything, you dare everything. Avoid the trap of inconsistency, either by completely refusing to win a chance for success or by participating, from time to time, in reckless adventures. The goal is to appreciate every small victory along the way to improve your skills. Don't worry about the rules of any game putting you at a disadvantage, learn the rules from cover to cover and don't bet when the odds are against you. Safety and success are achieved only through moderate risk.

Uranus in the fifth house


Conscious person.

Eccentricity is key concept in the form of a conscious personality. You like to surprise and even shock viewers by not meeting their expectations. The conscious expression of your ego is passive, almost cold-blooded, but as soon as you take center stage, there is an explosion of energy, a hurricane of electricity. Your divine gift is the unexpected demonstration of an inflexible will combined with a revolutionary sensibility. The trap is capricious inattention to the public, when the goal is to demonstrate your ability to perform any number of unusual roles in the most incredible situations.

Romance, giving love.

In courtship you show true individuality. You often exude a detached composure, an almost passive solitude, and other people perceive you as uninterested in love affairs. But at some point in time, you inevitably switch to an exuberant romantic feeling. Rules of the usual social behavior thrown out the window; love here is not just a ritual, it is a hurricane fueled by your ego. Your focus on your loved one, mentally and emotionally, is like a laser beam, it is manic. The pitfalls are inconsistency and insane demands: “give it, or else...”. Remember, love cannot survive if you willfully demand freedom for yourself and deny the same freedom to others. The challenge is to let the shock of romance shatter previous expectations and change your focus.

Sexy performance.

Your approach to the game of love is revolutionary, experimental, and impossible to describe logically. Extremism reigns here. Disconnection and inclusion in love games change each other, and often these states are mutually exclusive. Willfulness, which exists outside the boundaries of the conscious personality, can rage, pushing you either towards or away from your loved one. Sexual style changes from situation to situation, from moment to moment. What is always present is the susceptibility to the electric shock of change, coupled with the need to appear completely unique, different from others. The pitfalls are the confusing cycle of insatiable lust and repellent love relationships. The goal is to make sexual relationships become a means of transformation, lifting you above the ordinary.

Personal creativity.

lives inside you desire, almost a compulsion, break the rules, go beyond your limits in one magnificent act of creative impulse and mental radiance, and often you achieve spectacular success. By never performing the same song twice, you rush to new creative achievements, rarely looking back. The trap is to take your ego for yourself, and the challenge is to fill what you create with true originality.


You are not particularly competitive, although you are capable of demonstrating iron will to victory if you "revolt". Neither a successful game nor a warning about danger plays any role here; will reigns here. The feeling of rejection that so often haunts the Saturnian personality only enhances the Uranian's reputation: "I don't care what they say about me, as long as they spell my name correctly." The pitfalls lie in unpredictability—when it comes to risk, nothing can be predicted. The challenge is to remember that adventures are a natural part of your development process. Success or failure means little. New consciousness is the final result.

Neptune in the fifth house


Conscious person.

The position of Neptune in the 5th house indicates that the conscious personality is marked by the stamp of otherworldliness and mysticism. The image you create is characterized by the magic of grace and the empathy of gentle receptivity. You are not narcissistic, because you are more interested in the feeling of unity, community between the performer and the audience. However, you can become a “star”, because the intangible poetic flow of charisma overshadows many other shortcomings, such as the lack of obvious strength of character. Your expression may be solid and down to earth, but the mask itself creates a feeling of almost complete transparency. The trap is deceiving the audience, as well as oneself, while the task is to develop the quality of universal empathy, empathy with each viewer.

Romance, giving love.

If Mars is a romantic warrior, Mercury is a romantic poet, Venus is a romantic beauty, then Neptune symbolizes a romantic mystic. The courtship is transcendent, an almost majestic holiness permeates the love. When it comes to love, you are transported to the Olympian heights of spiritual aspiration and from there you carry out courtship; the physical aspect of romance is not very important to you. But there are also pitfalls - Universal and personal love are mixed with each other, and very often romance carries suffering and sacrifice - you hurt someone. You need “true love” and may swear to yourself and others that you are causing pain. You need “true love”, and you may swear to yourself and others that you have finally found it, but in fact... The task is to successfully combine the transcendental desire for spiritual Unity with the more pragmatic demands of earthly life.

Sexy performance.

For you, the sexual act is an interlude of liberation from worldly concerns; it is more like fantasy than reality: it is more emotional than physical: it is a fabulous mixture of Hollywood and Paradise. Outwardly, sexual relations proceed smoothly and gently; it is a fluid dance of empathy with your partner, as if your body is fused into the body of a loved one. Trap - passivity or self-absorption; your boundaries dissolve very easily, and you flow into the Land of Tra-la-la. leaving your partner to do all the work. The task is to make sure that a love relationship opens the way for you to the Cosmic Center. Sex should be like a flight of inspiration, not a sweatshop; baptize yourself in its calm waters - just don’t drown.

Personal creativity.

Your creativity is more spiritual than material; more intangible than real. Whatever direction you choose to pursue your creative efforts, the process of creativity itself will likely be a little mysterious - less about the literal urge to create something new and more about the awakening of sublime energies. You are the master of the divine wand, a rainmaker, a medium in trance, connecting to another world. You are also capable of being an illusionist, a prestidigitator, a fraudster. Just make sure you know the differences between these creative states.


The symbolism of Neptune is not consistent with the raw energies of competition. Refinement of sensations is the basis of your skills. Something inside you senses what the most natural decisions should be made in any competition. However, when you win, your ego moves away. You do not need recognition, do not strive for applause, for pocketing winnings. However, the concept of rules is only just beginning to dawn on you. You may cheat without knowing it or naively assuming that such behavior is part of the fun. But such a trap can ultimately only lead to the final destruction of your reputation. The task is to develop an ideal sense of the game of life, to play softly, tenderly, without forcing anyone, including yourself.

Pluto in the fifth house


Conscious person.

The placement of Pluto in the 5th house indicates that the ordinary conscious person, with his heightened sensitivity to spectators, is here unconscious and unaware of the presence of an audience. This is the Method at its highest; you don't "perform" a role, you "become" that role, completely immersing yourself in it. You don't so much get into character as you become your natural self, but on a deeper level than usual. Each characteristic is intensified and emphasized so that the “I” comes onto the scene, capable of deep and powerful impact. It's interesting that the audience sees your performance, but not you. The “game” here is a direct reflection of what is happening in your subconscious. The trap is a complete loss of control over the personal ego, while the task is to transform both yourself and the audience with the power of your ego, respecting the dignity of every person.

Romance, giving love.

The urge to courtship comes from the emotional depths of the subconscious. Romance is a powerful explosion of the need for love, scorching you and your loved one with the heat of passion. It hardly matters to you how this process is accomplished, and the main pitfall lies in the abuse of power - in dominance or submission. Total romantic love uproots you, and the experience can be tormenting and tormenting. Love and hate are often intertwined with each other. The task is to allow love to arise in its own time and in. place, and then expel all negative emotions, disharmony or hatred, purifying them in the fire of love. Don't try to transform love. Let love transform you.

Sexy performance.

The physical act of love is paradoxical. At times it is like a kiss you give to your sister. You wonder where the passion has gone. But be careful. Suddenly, an insatiable wave of feelings can surge, coming from God knows where. In any case, the role of your consciousness in control sexual relations not too big. A majestic charismatic state and painful insensibility follow each other in an endless cycle. It is the power of your emotional radiation that brings you sexual success, not your skillful technique. The trap is emotional blindness, while the challenge is to bring about fundamental change. But if only your lover is transformed, then everything will end in failure: you also must go through the “death and rebirth” provoked by your powerful sexuality. Otherwise, everything will come down to an unconscious desire for power and control.

Personal creativity.

Despite your great potential, at times you are unable to “pay the bills.” This is due in large part to the unconscious nature of creative impulses. At times you may not feel them at all, believing that you are not capable of creating, and at other times the creative process completely subjugates you. The pitfall is extremes in response: you may be plagued by a sudden block in the creative process, or, equally, when the creative flow permeates your ego, you may not consider at all the variety of options in the creation you create. The goal is to create something that touches every person.


You fail to appreciate the power of your desire to compete. You recklessly put yourself at risk or sit on the sidelines with a gloomy look, not understanding the essence of the game. But there are no rules or road maps here. However, the “peaks” you reach surprise even you - explosive exploration of unknown areas, ingenuity, wit and the fiery fire of competition. If you really decide to get involved in a competition, then do not hold yourself back from anything at such moments. The task is to let your radiance manifest itself in its own time and in the way it sees fit, without your ego claiming to control it. Create something from nothing and share recognition with the Gods.

The fifth house of the horoscope is responsible for creative self-expression, love and children. Analysis of a house makes it clear what brings joy to a person and inspires him. By doing something with pleasure, people reveal their creative potential. They are not afraid to express themselves and demonstrate their talents in public. The noise of applause and cheers from the audience is only confirmation that a person is on the right path.

The fifth house will tell you how the native attracts attention to himself. However, a favorite hobby is not the only outlet for creative, creative energy. Children are also a source of joy, because you can leave your mark in life not only by expressing yourself in some activity. For most people, children are the greatest contribution to life, an extension of themselves, a powerful energy that has expression in the future.

5th house and its characteristics

The zodiac signs and planets located in the 5th field will indicate the style and manner in which each of us expresses ourselves. The handwriting of every creative person is unique. Some people like to demonstrate their intellectual talents and oratory, others sing, paint, dance, sculpture, etc. The main thing is to understand what exactly is the source of joy and inspiration for each person. Analysis of the 5th house of the horoscope can help a lot in this regard.

The 5th house is also responsible for various competitions, competitions and competitions. People with a strong 5th field are not averse to playing the lottery, and they are indeed often lucky. They see pleasure not in money, but in excitement and the opportunity to win, to feel like a favorite of fate.

Another meaning of this house is love. A person who opens his heart to another and gives all the riches of his soul does not require anything in return. Flame true love pure, sublime and spiritual. A person who knows how to love is himself very attractive to others. He seems to attract others with his positive energy, goodwill, generosity and openness.

The 5th field symbolizes children. Their behavior and attitude will give a detailed description of this field. As a child, we feel the constant attention and love of our parents and consider ourselves the center of everything that happens. The child has liveliness, inner radiance, spontaneity, and the ability to enjoy the simplest things in life. He feels unique and inimitable. Every child wants to be loved for who he is, and he has the right to this.

The signs in the 5th field will indicate how an adult treats children. Fertile signs (for example, Cancer, Pisces) on the cusp of this house indicate the native’s desire to leave behind rich offspring. Infertile signs influencing the 5th field (for example, Gemini) indicate an easy attitude towards children's themes. Such a person will not strive for a large number children. The native with the cusp of the 5th house in Gemini will see an interesting interlocutor in the child.

The meaning of house in compatibility analysis

If a good and strong planet (Jupiter, Sun or Venus) of one partner falls into the 5th field of the other partner, then they may be united by a common interesting hobby. Whatever people do together, they feel enthusiastic and inspired. One person transmits a powerful creative impulse to another. If we are talking about a marriage partnership, then children decorate such a union and give it meaning.

A strong and harmonious Moon in the partner’s 5th field will bring joy from spending time together and relaxing. The relationship will have a lot of care, warmth and mutual understanding. Such partners will strive for a quiet, calm and prosperous life, full of simple earthly joys.

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Usually these are indicators of childlessness, or difficult relationships with one’s own children, or poor health of children. This is a sign that children will become a source of problems and trials. The relationship of Saturn or Uranus to the 5th house looks in the birth horoscope as a location in the 5th house, rulership of the 5th house, or a conjunction, square, opposition, semi- or sesquiquadrate with the ruler of the 5th house, or a square with its cusp.

An immediate reluctance to have children, an open reluctance to educate, is indicated by the direct phase of Saturn or, accordingly, the retrograde of Uranus. Irresponsibility in matters of birth and upbringing, the desire to withdraw from oneself is indicated by the retrograde phase of Saturn or the direct phase of Uranus, respectively. The body's ability to reproduce is determined by the degree of fertility of the sign on the cusp of the 5th house, as well as the signs and planets determined to the 5th house.

According to the degree of fertility, the signs are divided:

  • Fertile: Cancer Scorpio Pisces
  • Semi-fertile: Taurus Libra
  • Low-fertility: Leo Sagittarius Capricorn
  • Childless: Aries Gemini Virgo Aquarius

Mercury, located in the 5th house, in all signs except Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, prevents the birth of children. Indicates childlessness or sick children. Mercury in conjunction, square, opposition, semi- or sesquiquadrate with Saturn, when Mercury or Saturn is determined or rules the 5th house, warns of the danger of incest or the birth of sick children. Mercury warns about this when it is in square or opposition with the element of the 3rd house of the horoscope, being determined in the 5th house or ruling it.

Moon, Venus and Jupiter in the 5th house contribute to the birth of children. In childless signs they mean one child; in fertile ones - the opportunity to acquire numerous offspring. The Sun and Mars promote the birth of children when they are located in fertile signs, and hinder them when in childless signs.

Tense configurations (especially squares and oppositions) in the elements of the 5th house warn of problems in raising children and difficult relationships with children, conflicts, discord and separation from them.

In addition, the 5th house of the horoscope also contains information:

1. The presence or absence of educational abilities. Presence or absence of interest in coaching and teaching activities. Providing patronage and protection.

2. Relationships with young people in general. Respect or neglect in the eyes of young people.

3. Sports or physically passive lifestyle. Independent physical education and sports activities. Types and directions of training (in accordance with the essential nature of the planet determined in this field and the sign of its constellation). Sports training. Visiting sports facilities; membership in sports clubs.

4. Interest in sporting events and professional sports. Interested sports as a direct participant or fan.

5. Preferred types of entertainment.

6. Hobbies, interests, life interests (in accordance with the essential nature of the planet, determined in this field and the sign of its constellation).

7. Attitude to gambling, playing on the stock exchange. Activity, interest or indifference. Gifts of fortune.

8. Game. Playfulness of nature. What images does a person like to play with, who does he imagine himself to be (a businessman, a diplomat, a hero-lover) and how this game helps him in life: in various life situations and in solving problems.

9. Sexual life. Activity and regularity of sexual activity. Number of sexual partners and frequency of their changes. Approximate age of onset of sexual activity. Favorite person. A very close friend. Amorousness.

10. The inheritance that a person will leave after his death. Creative heritage.

The 5th house of the horoscope corresponds to the sign of Leo and the Sun itself, the central figure of the zodiac, and the star itself, the center solar system. And the 5th house contains precisely the essence of a person’s life: his sex life. Sex is a central link in the psyche of any person. It builds the backbone of his existence, the foundation of his life. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction in personal and sexual life directly predetermines activity in other areas and aspects of life.

Cosmobiologically, the Sun is one of the foundations for the possibility of life on Earth. And the beginning of a new life, procreation is the 5th house: this is sex - the basis of human existence: the central link of life. The Sun and the 5th house, through the favorable and unfavorable positions of its elements and their configurations, determine personal success, personal and creative self-realization.