Internal combination and external combination of professions and positions. How is part-time work different from combination?

Registration of labor relations as part-time or combination is beneficial for both the employee and the employer.

With a part-time job, you have the opportunity to receive a higher salary if you are willing to work more; with a combination job, you don’t have to recruit new employees, rationally use work time, save on labor costs and taxes.

However, it is first necessary to clarify what the difference is between part-time and combination. This will allow you to formalize labor relations and make payments in accordance with the law.

Which is correct, part-time or combination?

Despite their similar sound, part-time and combination are different.

Let's look at the differences between combination and part-time work.

The concept and differences between combination and part-time work

First, let's understand the terminology.

In practice, there is often confusion in the concepts of part-time and part-time work, although these are very different forms of labor organization.

Defining signs of part-time work:

  • the employee has except the main one, extra space work;
  • employment in additional work activities only in free time from main work;
  • systematic implementation labor responsibilities part-time workers and their payment;
  • registration of non-main employment employment contract.

According to Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part-time work can be external and internal.

  • Internal part-time job– regular implementation of mandatory and extra work, which is paid within one enterprise.
  • External part-time job– systematic performance by an employee of another paid job at another enterprise.

Defining signs of combination:

  • parallel combination of several positions or functions several specialists with one employee;

For example, a watchman at an enterprise is also a janitor, and an accountant in a small company, along with his immediate responsibilities, performs the functions of a clerk or personnel officer, which allows optimizing the staffing table.

  • doing all the workonly within main working hours;
  • cooperation with only one employer.

Types of combination:

  • combination of professions or positions when an employee, along with his main one, also works in another position or in a different profession.

The additional workload in this case consists of performing duties assigned to another full-time work unit;

  • expansion of service area, that is, ensuring work technological equipment enterprises with a smaller number of workers than provided for in staffing table, developed on the basis of industry and inter-industry standards;
  • performing the functions of temporarily absent employees in parallel with their job responsibilities.

In this case, the employee can be involved both in his main profession or position, and in a position other than it.

The main difference between combination and part-time:

  • part-time job- Job in additional from main job time;
  • combination– performance of all labor functions during main working hours- during the established duration of the working day.

To make it easier to understand how part-time work differs from combination, We invite you to look at the table.

What is the difference between part-time and combination: table

Condition of difference Combination Part-time job
Definition The work is performed in one's own organization for the main employer. The work is performed both in one’s own company and in another company.
Employer One. There may be several.
Decor Appendix of additional agreement to the main employment contract. It is also possible to issue an order. An employment contract is concluded.
Payroll Produced additional payments to main wages. There are no allowances. Produced based on points employment contract, as well as regional coefficients and allowances, bonuses.
Employment history There is no recording. The entry is made.
Providing leave There is only main leave. The only thing is that an additional payment is made to vacation pay for combining. Vacation is provided as at the main place of work, at the same time.
Number of hours per day Time is equal to the number of hours of main work. More than 4 hours a day is not allowed.
Sickness benefit Determined by the main job with a combination fee. From both jobs.
Shutdown The term of the agreement ends or the employer has completed the combination period before the deadline. They fire you on the same terms as other employees or they hire you as your main job.

Regulatory framework governing part-time and combined work

Both types of additional employment are clearly regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

The possibility of assigning additional work to employees and the specifics of payment for it are provided for by the collective enterprise agreement, regulations on remuneration, as well as other local regulations.

The procedure for hiring additional work is also specified in detail in internal documents.

It is important to remember that when applying for a part-time or part-time job, the written consent of both parties – the employer and the employee – is required.

Before starting work, the HR department familiarizes the employee with all the necessary information, against signature. labor activity rules and regulations.

There are no clear restrictions in the legislation on the number of part-time jobs– the employee has the right to independently manage the time free from the main job for part-time work.

Combination work limited by the employer, since it is difficult to efficiently perform the functions of several employees within the main working hours.

How to register a part-time job and a combination?

When hiring part-time:

  • the employer has no right to demand confirmation from the applicant having a main job, including requiring the presentation of an original or copy of a work record book, but its presentation is welcome;
  • The absence of a main place of work does not serve as an obstacle to formalizing an employment relationship on a part-time basis at the request of the employee;
  • Any document must be presented identification of the employee, if necessary special education or professional qualifications - documents confirming their availability; when applying for a job with harmful or difficult working conditions - a health certificate;
  • regardless of conditions(normal, severe, harmful or other) and character(temporary or permanent) work, a fixed-term employment contract is concluded with the applicant for its implementation,
  • the employment contract clearly indicates the fact of part-time work, position held or work performed, functional responsibilities, duration of working hours, form, size and terms of remuneration;
  • an entry in the work book about additional work is made only at the request of the employee, by an employee of the HR department at the main place of work:
  • with external part-time– after presenting a certified document confirming part-time work – a copy of the employment contract or appointment order;
  • with internal part-time– according to the employee’s statement.

When applying for a part-time job:

  • no need for confinement a separate employment contract;
  • to a previously concluded employment contract– for main employment – ​​an additional agreement signed by the employee is attached;
  • no new entries are made in the employee’s work book. If an employee requires confirmation of part-time work, then he may be issued a standard certificate of such additional employment for a certain period.

AND when part-time, and when combining, labor relations must be formalized by internal order , agreed with the personnel service of the enterprise and signed by its head.

Registration of part-time and combination jobs in personnel records

When working together:

  • The HR department creates a personal card for the employee standard form T-2;
  • the employee is assigned a new Personnel Number;
  • a labor contract is drawn up and signed contract

When combined no additional documents The HR department does not fill it out.

A copy of the order on appointment to work on a part-time basis (indicating its type) and the employee’s written consent are added to the employee’s personal file.

Length of working hours for part-time and part-time work

When combined, the work is performed in parallel with the main one. Its duration depends on the employer, the characteristics of the profession and the industry.

In case of part-time work, the duration of work is limited by law.

When planning your work schedule, take into account that:

  • per day, which is a working day at the main place of work, a part-time worker can work no more than 4 hours;
  • Full-time work is allowed on a day free from regular work and it is possible to work all hours part-time - with mutual consent of the employer and employee;
  • in total for accounting period (usually they take a month) part-time work should take no more than half the industry standard working time for this type of work.

The duration of working hours is necessarily stipulated in the employment contract.

Which employees have the right to perform part-time or part-time work?

When working together:

  • external part-time worker may take 2 or more different or identical positions;
  • Within an enterprise, part-time work involves working in 2 different positions.

The Labor Code does not impose any restrictions here and this point is agreed upon by agreement between the employee and the employer;

  • the employer does not have the right to limit the employee in the number of part-time jobs. With external part-time work, you do not have to report additional employment at your main place of work.

When combined You can perform work duties in several professions, but within one category.

Who does not have the right to work part-time or part-time?

According to the general restrictions imposed by labor legislation, it is impossible to perform part-time work:

  • citizens, under the age of majority;
  • persons who at their main place of work manage transport or perform functional duties in a place with harmful and/or difficult working conditions, in a similar position (other part-time positions are acceptable);
  • employees government, state and municipal services;
  • employees law enforcement, intelligence, security and federal courier communications agencies;
  • any leaders. For them, only external part-time work is possible with the consent of the owner of the organization or enterprise. In addition, the charter of many LLCs prohibits to CEO additionally manage another enterprise;
  • persons who are members of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank;
  • lawyers and judges.

Part-time job for workers in education, medicine, culture, and pharmacists is regulated by separate industry laws and regulations.

Combination work is possible:

  • within one industry, category or profession;
  • in the presence of necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, sufficient labor qualifications.


When working together:

  • The employee’s work is paid on time, specified in the contract;
  • payment depends on the amount of time worked.

Usually this is not a fixed payment, but piecework or piecework-bonus - in the ratio established by the contract to the volume of work performed or revenue earned.

When combined:

  • the employee is paid a salary for the main work and additional payment for additional duties, determined by agreement of the participants in the labor relationship;
  • the additional payment is not included in the tariff rate or salary for the main activity.

Most often, it is calculated as a percentage of the basic salary or revenue, depending on the complexity and volume of additional work performed. Sometimes the surcharge may be set at a fixed amount.

Leave for part-time or part-time workers

When drawing up a vacation schedule, you should definitely take into account some of the features of providing annual paid leave to employees working on a part-time or part-time basis.

For part-time workers:

  • vacation is granted for a period that coincides with vacation at the main place of employment. If the mandatory six months have not yet been worked, leave is still provided - as an advance;
  • if the duration of the vacation is at the main place more work, then in a part-time job, the missing days are added to the vacation provided, but are no longer paid.

When a part-time employee is dismissed, even if they have worked for less than 6 months, the employee is provided with monetary compensation for unused vacation.

When combining several jobs or positions, vacations are naturally also combined in time.

When calculating vacation pay, salaries and other types of payments for all combined positions are taken into account.

Termination of part-time and part-time employment relationships

Termination of an employment contract with a part-time worker is possible:

  • on normal grounds, defined by law about work;
  • upon expiration of its validity period;
  • when hiring a permanent employee to the place of work he occupies. In this case, the part-time employee must be notified no less than 2 weeks before dismissal.

When combined an employment contract is not concluded, and the agreement on additional responsibilities is temporary.

Termination of labor relations during combination is possible:

  • at the end of the term agreements;
  • ahead of schedule at the employee's initiative or employer.

Additional features of part-time labor relations

A situation often arises when one of the employees goes on vacation and his responsibilities are forcibly distributed among colleagues - without registration and additional payments for overtime work.

Management's actions in this case are unlawful.

In any controversial situations It should be taken into account that:

  • unilaterally expand the employee’s job responsibilities management has no right;
  • so that the employee begins to perform additional duties, it is necessary to obtain his written consent for such work, formalize this with an order for the enterprise and make the appropriate payment;
  • the content, volume and timing of additional work are determined by the employer, but is obliged to agree in writing on all the details with the hired employee;
  • force the employee to take on a larger additional workload or more long time than what is specified in the written agreement signed by both parties is prohibited;
  • appoint an employee to temporarily perform the duties of the position, which is vacant, the employer has no right.

Even after signing an agreement for additional work, an employee can always terminate it by submitting an application for refusal three days before the end of such work.

The employer also has the right to decide on the early termination of additional work assigned to the employee, in in writing warning him about this at least three days in advance.

Combination and part-time– common forms of labor relations in which employees enter in order to earn additional income, and employers – in order to save money.

Effectively combining several types of work is quite difficult, therefore all the subtleties of such an organization of work are prescribed in the law, knowledge of which helps in competently protecting the rights of both parties.

Today in labor legislation Combination and part-time work is allowed. It should be remembered that these concepts are not identical.

Format similar type employment varies significantly. This primarily concerns the working hours, as well as the format for concluding an employment agreement.

Typically, combination and part-time work is required when the volume of work responsibilities performed is relatively small.

Before concluding an appropriate employment contract, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the legislation in force on this matter.

What you need to know

There are a large number of different formats for conducting labor activities in the Russian Federation. In this case, violation of the law is not allowed.

It is important to remember that combination and part-time are completely two different concepts. Moreover, the format for concluding an agreement between employers in both cases differs significantly.

The differences also relate to the duration of the agreements, as well as other important points.

To avoid violation of existing legislative norms, as well as increased attention from supervisors government agencies The following issues will need to be considered:

  • basic concepts;
  • employment procedure;
  • legal regulation.

Basic Concepts

Before you begin concluding an employment contract or an agreement regarding the format of employment under consideration, you will need to carefully study the legislation.

But to understand it correctly, it is important to familiarize yourself with the terminology used in it. The most commonly used today include the following:

  • "part-time";
  • "combination";
  • "responsibilities";
  • "employment contract";
  • "deadlines";
  • "working day";
  • "wage".

What the difference is - internal part-time work and combination - can only be determined after studying the current legislation.

This issue is discussed in detail in Labor Code RF, in special articles.

The term “part-time work” means performing any job responsibilities in your free time from your main job.

In this case, a special, separate agreement is concluded. The part-time job itself can be with one employer or with several at once.

But it should be remembered that in any case it will be necessary to conclude another employment contract. This is what distinguishes part-time work from “combination”.

The second term means performing additional work simultaneously with the main work. Moreover, combining in some cases means performing two jobs at the same time.

No additional time is allocated. “Job duties” means performing various types of additional work in addition to the main one.

A complete list of such obligations must be reflected in. The employer also has obligations regarding its employee.

They are reflected in labor agreement. It should be remembered that the duration of the agreement between the employee and the employer may be limited.

In some cases it consists. It implies the finality of the agreement.

It ceases to operate when a certain time is reached. It should be remembered that the conclusion of such an agreement is inadmissible in some cases.

The Labor Code outlines the circumstances when an urgent conclusion is allowed.

“Working day” means a certain period of time during which the employee must be present at the workplace and perform his job duties.

Its duration is reflected in the contract. In some cases, working time refers to a shift, short period time. The duration of validity is also regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

“Wages” is a certain amount of money that is paid for the performance of official duties of an employee. Its size is also regulated by law.

The employer should, if possible, familiarize himself in advance with the calculation of vacation pay, as well as other social payments. When drawing up an agreement, you should pay close attention to this point.

Employment procedure

A more complex procedure is part-time employment. This procedure is regulated by law.

When working part-time, the job arrangement looks like this:

  • the employer must receive all documents necessary for employment in hand;
  • a referral for a medical examination is issued;
  • the employee familiarizes himself with all regulations and other production documents;
  • an employment contract is drawn up in the required form;
  • the document is signed by the employer and his employee;
  • the employment contract is registered in a special journal;
  • one copy remains with the employee, the second - with the employer;
  • the agreement is registered in;
  • An employment order is generated, all operations are performed in the following order:
  1. Order No. T-1 is drawn up.
  2. The document is signed by the manager.
  3. Registered in a special journal.
  4. The employee himself becomes familiar with the order;
  • appropriate amendments are made to work book.
  • certain information is entered into the Accounting Book.
  • registration procedure is in progress.
  • mandatory information is sent.

In the case of combination, everything is somewhat simpler. There is no need to draw up a new employment contract. Only the consent of the employee himself will be sufficient.

A special additional agreement is drawn up. It reflects the following points:

  • the duration of the combination itself;
  • volume of work performed, part-time position.

The main difference between a part-time job and a combination of professions and positions is set out in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is worthwhile, if possible, to familiarize yourself with the legislation in force on this matter.

Legal regulation

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation covers in sufficient detail the issue of combining positions, as well as part-time work.

The fundamental legal document in this case is precisely.

It includes the following main sections:

What are employment agreements and their parties?
This section indicates the prohibition imposed on agency labor
What exactly should be included in an employment agreement
Duration of the employment agreement
What is a fixed-term agreement between an employee and an employer?
Indicates the inadmissibility of demanding work that is not reflected in the agreement between the employee/employer
What is meant by the concept of “part-time work”
How do you combine different professions and different positions?
How does an employment contract come into force?
Reflects the need to issue documents directly related to the work performed by a specific employee

It is also important to remember the extensive list of various specialized legislative acts. Their effect extends directly to individual species positions, specialties.

The employer needs to pay close attention to studying the legislation. Otherwise, there is a high probability of conflicts with labor inspectorates.

An ordinary worker should also not neglect the study of regulations. This will allow you to avoid violation of your rights.

What is the difference between a combination of jobs and a part-time job?

The differences between part-time and part-time jobs are quite extensive. Moreover, it is not allowed to use combination in cases where part-time work is required.

If possible, the employer should consult with an experienced human resources lawyer. It is important to understand in advance all the differences between these types of employment.

Today, in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the following questions in advance:

  • main differences;
  • differences from internal;
  • Advantages and disadvantages.

Main differences (table)

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the main differences associated with these types of employment.

The easiest way to view them is in table form:

Criterion Part-time job Combination
Concept Responsibilities are performed in free time Responsibilities for combining are performed during the implementation of the main job functions
Consent of the employee himself Employer/employee consent is required
Decor It is necessary to draw up an employment contract Only the written consent of the employee is required
Duration of action Possible imprisonment for an indefinite period The deadline can only be set with the consent of the employee himself.
Positions Possible to hold different/same positions Responsibilities performed in another profession

Differences from internal

The main difference between an external part-time job and a part-time job from an internal one is the difference directly related to the procedure for applying for a job.

Video: finding the answer. Part-time and combination

In both cases, the process is associated with a large number of most different nuances, features. All procedures must be carried out in accordance with applicable legal regulations.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are advantages and disadvantages of this type of employment form (part-time/part-time).

The most significant advantages include:

  • opportunity to earn extra money;
  • the amount of pension and other contributions increases;
  • it is possible to gain additional work experience;
  • the amount of vacation pay increases.

The disadvantages include the greater amount of time required to perform work duties. But this is really only the case with a part-time job.

When combined, all work is done in free time from the main time. Nevertheless, before an ordinary employee agrees to a part-time job, he should carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

Since in some cases the combination causes a large number of different difficulties.

Today the registration procedure ordinary worker also has a very large number of the most different features, nuances.

The employer and his employee should definitely familiarize themselves with all of them in advance. This way you can avoid large quantity a variety of difficulties and problems.

Quite often, personnel officers and accountants have to deal with part-time and combination jobs, but in practice they are sometimes mixed up and confused. Let us consider in detail what the difference between them is, in order to avoid errors in calculating wages and other payments to employees.

Part-time job

This is the performance by an employee, in addition to work under his main employment contract (EA), of regular paid work under another EA in his free time. Part-time work is regulated by the norms of Art. 60.1 and Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with them, part-time work happens:

  • external (from other employers other than the main place of work);
  • internal (same employer).

Novice specialists have difficulty distinguishing between internal part-time work and combination work, since at first glance they are similar.


Combination work as one of the types of additional work assigned to an employee is regulated by Art. 60.2 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

This is the performance by an employee, in parallel with the main work, of additional work in another profession (position), as well as the performance of the duties of a temporarily absent employee for additional pay (Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is carried out without exemption from the main work within the normal working hours.

The concept of “combination of professions” refers to blue-collar professions, and “combination of positions” refers to employees and specialists.

For combination you need:

  • mandatory written consent of the employee to this;
  • an additional agreement to the employment contract, stipulating the duration, content, volume and payment of additional work;
  • issuance of an order from the employer regarding this.

Thus, part-time work and combination of professions (positions) are different modes of work, and they should be clearly distinguished, otherwise errors are inevitable in the timesheets, calculations of workers’ wages, their average earnings, vacation pay, payment for temporary disability, etc. And this is the direct path to violation of Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and punishment of the employer by the State Labor Inspectorate.

Part-time and combination: main differences in the table

Difference Internal
part-time job
Combination of professions (positions)
1. Labor
Agreement (TD)
Is concluded
independent TD
An additional agreement is concluded
to the main AP
2. The position (profession) in which it is carried out Any is possible (subject to established by law restrictions) Any (not interfering with simultaneous execution
responsibilities for the main position (profession))
3. Time
Outside regular working hours Performed simultaneously with main work
4. Working hours May not exceed 50 percent of normal working hours Not separately defined
equal to the duration of working hours for the main job
5. Payment Determined based on the salary (tariff rate) for the time actually worked on a part-time basis Supplement to salary for main job
6. Vacation Provided at the same time as vacation
for main job
For a while annual leave the employee is exempt from performing additional duties and is not registered separately
7. Vacation pay Calculated separately in two amounts One amount is accrued for the main job, calculated taking into account the additional payment for combining in the billing period
8. Temporary disability benefit One is accrued based on earnings for two positions One including additional payment for combination in the billing period
9. Saved average earnings during a business trip If an employee is posted for two positions at once, the average earnings are two separate amounts for each position.
If a business trip is for one position, the average salary is retained for this position, and leave without pay is granted for the second position
Business trip for one position: average salary for it, taking into account additional payment for combining (one amount)
10. Entering information
into labor
employee book
Carried out at the request of the employee Not provided
11. Probation Installed upon conclusion of the TD Impossible
12. Personnel Number Two are assigned: one for each position One for the main position
13. Time sheet Filled in two lines, separately for each position One line - by main position
14. Termination Carried out on the general grounds for termination of TD Comes with the expiration of the period established by the additional agreement to the TD, or ahead of schedule at the request of one party with a written warning 3 working days in advance

As you can see, combination and part-time work have little in common and should not replace each other.

"Human Resources Department commercial organization", 2013, N 12

Question: How is part-time work different from combination?

Answer: The main difference between a part-time job and a part-time job is the period during which additional work is performed. In the first case, it is performed in free time from the main job, in the second - during working hours with the employer with whom the employee is in a relationship. labor relations. In addition, part-time work requires the conclusion of a separate employment contract, which does not need to be done when combining.

Justification: By virtue of Art. 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part-time work - performing other regular paid work under the terms of an employment contract in free time from the main job. Concluding employment contracts for part-time work is allowed with an unlimited number of employers, unless otherwise provided federal law. This work can be performed both at the place of main work and with other employers. The employment contract must indicate that the job is a part-time job.

A Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation it is established that with written consent An employee may be entrusted with performing, during the established duration of the working day (shift), along with the work specified in the employment contract, additional work in a different or the same profession (position) for an additional fee in accordance with Art. 151 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Consequently, the difference between a part-time job and a combination job is that with a part-time job, other work is performed on the basis of an employment contract in the time free from the main job. To carry out the combination, there is no need to conclude a separate employment contract, since it is formalized by an additional agreement to the employment contract. If part-time work is a second job, then combination is not separate work, but only an additional duty to the main job.

Note that part-time work is possible both in the organization in which the employee already works, and with other employers, and combination work is only possible with the employer for whom the employee already works.

The next difference is the length of working hours. For part-time work, it is limited and should not exceed four hours a day (Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In the case of combination, the duration of working time is equal to the duration of working time, which is already established for the employee (Part 1 of Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when combining professions (positions), expanding service areas, increasing the volume of work, or performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee without release from work specified in the employment contract, the employee is paid additionally. And remuneration for persons working part-time is made in proportion to the time worked, depending on output or on other conditions determined by the employment contract.

Currently, given the low level of salaries, many are trying to get additional income by working part-time or combining several types of income. In this article we will try to figure out how a combination differs from a part-time job, what are the benefits of each type and what are the disadvantages. Every citizen should be savvy in such issues, and our article will help with this.

So, let's look at the main points of the topic: “Combination and part-time work: the difference.” The table below will clearly and in detail demonstrate the main differences between these types of additional employment.

Part-time job

Every country has a Labor Code that regulates the relationship between an employee and the head of an enterprise or institution, and also describes in detail the rights of both parties. Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of our country contains detailed information on the rights and responsibilities of employees who decide to work part-time.

Already here you can notice that there is a difference between combination and part-time work.

It must be taken into account that educational workers are subject not only to Articles 282 and 60.1 of the Labor Code, but also to the following acts:

  • Law on Education.
  • Federal laws relating to this industry.

It is there that it is stipulated that a teacher can carry out part-time work not only in his own educational institution, but also in another, and also try his hand at another specialty, if there is confirmation of his skills and abilities in this area.

Part-time work for healthcare workers

We looked at what internal part-time work and combination work are, what the difference is - we sorted it out, and now we’ll find out what standards exist for medical workers.

The Labor Code contains Article 350, which states that, according to the decision of the government of the Russian Federation, the duration of a part-time working day medical workers that operate in rural areas may be increased. This is because these areas tend to have severe shortages of medical personnel. In this case, both part-time and part-time jobs are possible (what the difference is is not so important, since these types of employment are found quite often in the village).


If we consider teaching, medical staff and cultural workers, then for these categories of citizens the following work will not be considered part-time work:

  1. Carrying out various examinations with a one-time payment.
  2. If the teacher conducts additional lessons on an hourly basis, but not more than 300 hours per year.
  3. Conducting consultations in their organizations in an amount of no more than 300 hours per year.
  4. Pedagogical activity in the same educational institution, if there is additional payment for it.

A specialist can perform all these types of activities during his main working hours, but there are exceptions:

  • scientific and creative activities, if there is no such staffing position;
  • organizing and conducting excursions without appointment to such a position.

But it must be clarified that performing any other work, if you are not currently engaged in your main activity, is permitted and does not require consent from the employer.

Termination of an employment contract

So, in the previous paragraphs the following issues were discussed in detail: combination and part-time work, the difference (table), wages for these types of activities. Now let’s figure out under what conditions a contract with a part-time partner can be terminated.

If the employment contract is drawn up correctly, then it states for how long the applicant will be hired. If such a situation arises, then the person working part-time must be notified in writing two weeks in advance of the termination of the contract or agreement with him.

But there is Article 288 in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which specifies additional grounds for termination of an employment contract. This basis is the hiring of a specialist who will consider this work as his main one.

The Labor Code also contains instructions on categories of persons who cannot be dismissed at the request of the employer:

  • if the employee is on legal vacation or sick leave;
  • women who are in interesting position or having children under three years of age.
  • a single mother who is raising a child under 14 years of age or a disabled child;
  • guardians who raise children in the absence of their mother.

If an employee performs a certain amount of part-time work, then it is also possible to release him from this ahead of schedule. This usually happens when the specialist he replaced is ready to go to work and fully perform his duties. Typically, the employer must provide several days' notice.

The employee himself has the right to refuse to perform part-time duties, but he must notify management about this at least three days in advance so that a replacement can be found.

The article discusses a topic that is relevant today: “Part-time work and combination.” We have explained in detail what the difference between them is. Now only the employee himself can choose which type of activity is suitable for him to improve his material well-being. Knowing all the nuances will insure the employee against unexpected and unpleasant surprises. Nowadays, every person should be legally savvy; this will definitely come in handy in life.