Choosing the right oil to coat wood outdoors and indoors. Impregnation of wood with linseed oil

Parquet impresses with its naturalness and gives the interior a special flavor. But any surface natural materials becomes unusable without proper treatment.

One common method of protection is to coat the wood with oil. The substance penetrates deep into the fibers and saturates the surface structure over the entire area. This method is suitable for both ordinary types of wood (oak, walnut, ash) and exotic ones.

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Over time, the varnish cracks, but the oil is always in perfect condition.

The main advantage of the oil is its environmental friendliness, so interior items soaked in it can be safely placed in a child’s room. Many people believe that wood treated with this product helps treat diseases of the respiratory system, due to the fact that it “breathes” and fills the room with healing odors.

Why is oil better than varnish?

Coating wood with oil has a number of advantages compared to wood, which is also often used for impregnation.

  1. No shiny film that appears on the varnished surface. The surface looks more natural, and the oil only emphasizes the color of the material.
  2. Wood treated with this product is resistant to abrasion, high humidity and temperature changes. Over time, the surface does not crack or peel. Damage and scratches are practically invisible.
  3. or the furniture becomes soft and velvety, not like...
  4. The oil penetrates deeper into the wood, therefore its protective properties are higher.
  5. Impregnation protects against moisture, but at the same time leaves the pores of the material open, preserving its beneficial qualities.
  6. The coating is based on plant and natural components, which ensures its naturalness.
  7. If a fragment is damaged, it is not necessary to restore the entire surface.

Disadvantages of Oil Coating

This impregnation not only has advantages, it also has several disadvantages;

  • preparatory work should be carried out with special care; the floor must be sanded with a special machine;
  • the surface must be washed frequently and periodically treated with protective oil or wax;
  • furniture or floors treated with oil cannot be varnished in the future; it simply will not adhere to oiled wood;
  • greasy stains cannot be washed off or removed with a rag; they can only be removed by repeated impregnation.

Oil application technology

Oiling wood can be done in two ways: cold or hot. The first option is simpler, the second has a much higher degree of absorption. Everyone chooses the appropriate one depending on the area of ​​application, microclimatic conditions and their own preferences.

Cold technology

Finishing should begin immediately and cleaning should begin when the pores of the wood are open. This will ensure rapid absorption and more deep penetration oils:

  • if the surface is made of pine, birch or fir, it must be treated with an alkaline solution so that the material does not darken;
  • The first oil layer is applied with a spatula, and it is better to make it thin;
  • after 5–10 minutes, remove excess with a rag;
  • Next, the coating is polished with a special machine with a beige pad, after which the surface must be wiped with a cotton cloth;
  • The product is absorbed in an average of 12 hours. During this time, you need to monitor the appearance of oil drops and remove them to avoid the formation of an unattractive crust;
  • a second layer is applied and polished by machine;
  • If necessary, you can apply a third layer and polish. It all depends on the degree of absorption of the wood; the higher it is, the more stages of work.

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Wooden structures made from natural material. This is a favorable environment for the life of organisms, especially when placed outdoors. Therefore, wood products require careful treatment against destruction caused by fungi (mold), bacteria (rotting), and insects (mechanical destruction). And impregnation in the room is not superfluous. For example, in the kitchen there is quite high humidity, which destroys the wood. Oil - effective method to combat external influences on the tree.

Owners of private wooden houses They know that the main property of oil impregnation is to increase the service life of walls and give them strength. Besides, any oil is a natural antiseptic to a greater or lesser extent. It kills bacteria on the surface, making it cleaner and more elastic.

The market is observing big choice wood impregnation oils. They can be divided into two large groups– mineral and natural. Let's take a closer look at them.


They gained great popularity not so long ago due to active scientific and technological development. Then It became possible to create mineral oil with the required characteristics. About 50 years ago, transformer oil began to be used for wood processing. Of course, this is not its direct purpose. The result proved the opposite, which brought sales of transformer oil to a new level. With its help, it is possible to prevent putrefaction of the tree, maintaining its original appearance. Undoubtedly, the production of this product violates environmental standards. Therefore, more and more enterprises give preference to natural oils or at least combine them with mineral ones.


Natural oils appeared much earlier than mineral oils. It took time to realize their advantages in wood processing. Spreading natural oils constrained by the high cost of raw materials. However modern methods production is addressing this issue.

Their key advantage is vegetable origin. Natural components and the absence of harmful compounds make natural oil safe for humans. The most common types of natural oils for impregnation wooden products:

  1. Wood oil. One of the very first products that protect wood from rot, water and termites. Suitable for impregnation of floor and ceiling finishes, wooden furniture, trim and tableware.
  2. Teak oil. Universal remedy, suitable for impregnating both internal wooden surfaces (floors, ceilings, decor, stairs, railings) and external ones (facades, gazebos, furniture and garden figures). The best choice for oak, beech and other expensive tree species. Ingredients: tung and linseed oils, purified turpentine.
  3. Tar oil. Has pronounced antiseptic properties. Ingredients: stump resin, turpentine, linseed oil. Turpentine helps to better saturate the material. Flaxseed oil stops the composition inside. Widely used in the courts. It is used to treat the bottoms of boats and piers. Suitable for exterior treatments.
  4. It is deservedly considered the most inexpensive and effective means protection of wooden surfaces. Linseed oil has a high hydrophobic ability, so it fights dampness well. The particles penetrate into every pore of the material, emphasizing the structure and “preserving” it. Suitable for processing indoor and outdoor structures.
  5. Tonic oil (toning). This type of oil is produced on the basis of condensed plant lipids, which restore natural grace to the tree and protect it from destruction. It will also be possible to avoid problems such as fading, cracks, and drying out. More suitable for outdoor use, as the composition deeply penetrates the wood, literally repelling dirt.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of oils

We found out that oils are used for one purpose - to increase the service life. They have, although not very different, properties. For example, one type has better water resistance, another copes well with dust, etc. Let's list the pros and cons of each oil.

Type of oil Advantages Flaws
  • easy application;
  • tasteless, odorless and colorless;
  • dries quickly (depending on specific composition, it may be the other way around);
  • not plant based;
  • environmental damage during production.
  • rapid distribution in the pores of wood;
  • Possibility of diluting in White Spirit for better absorption.
  • if you work with the composition in a room with a low temperature (below 15 degrees), it will begin to thicken, and as a result, its consumption will increase.
  • versatility of use - suitable for any surface, gentle processing of valuable wood species;
  • environmentally friendly product.
  • cannot be diluted with anything.
  • perfectly disinfects the surface;
  • the composition holds well due to linseed oil in the composition;
  • withstands low temperatures when stored in tightly closed containers.
  • It takes a long time to dry if applied in several layers (about a week), but if applied once – a day.
  • affordable price;
  • good waterproofing properties;
  • Can be mixed with various solvents to increase drying speed.
  • hardening speed takes up to 3 weeks, but can be accelerated by adding tar, wax or turpentine;
  • may thicken on the surface due to oxidation and the glycyrides contained in the composition.
  • helps give wood a rich color;
  • safely;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • quick drying.
  • not detected.

Impregnation procedure and conditions

The most common method is rubbing into the surface. It is suitable for linseed, mineral oil. You need to rub the oil into the wood using sandpaper (P400) and a cloth napkin. The procedure should be carried out 3-4 times. After each time, the oil should be absorbed, i.e. surface is dry. This will take 3-8 days. A rag is needed for initial application, as well as for final stage– grinding. In exchange for long processing, you will get excellent results.

The second method is lubrication. It is used only when the wood will be subsequently coated with paint. The oil is applied with a regular brush. It is important that it be a drying oil, for example, linseed. Then the surface is leveled with a beige pad or cotton cloth.

The last 2 methods are boiling and soaking. By technical reasons Suitable only for small items: pens, toys. To soak, place the product in a pan and leave it covered for a couple of days. After this, sand with a cloth until shiny.

You can boil it, then the time is reduced to 1 day. Boiling is carried out over low heat at a certain temperature, depending on the oil (see table below).

Nuances of impregnation

Before starting work, you need to prepare the tree. The first thing to do is check the moisture content of the wood. It's better to keep it as dry as possible. Ideally, no more than 15-20% water.

After preparation, a color test is carried out. On small area An oil solution is applied to the surface, after which the resulting color is assessed, which depends on:

  • tree species;
  • the degree of its polishing;
  • layer density.

Some companies, specializing in the production of tinting oils, they offer samples, giving you the opportunity to find out in advance what shade the product will acquire.

Pine, birch, fir are woods that require the application of a special alkaline solution before oil treatment. This is done to prevent the wood structure from darkening in the future.

The application itself (if you have chosen the coating method) goes in the direction of the fibers. It is better to collect excess oil in different places. Next, the wood is polished and left for some time, depending on the chosen impregnation method. By the way, pre-sanded wood will require much less oil.

Impregnation of wood with oil is necessary street structures made of wood. At exterior decoration The walls of the house also cannot be done without it. It increases the declared service life of wood. Don’t make stupid mistakes, for example, by giving preference to mineral oil for impregnating furniture, given that it is not environmentally friendly. Correct selection oil depends on the placement of the product (outdoors, indoors) and material (wood species).

One of the very first building materials in the history of mankind is wood. Houses were built from it, household items and furniture were made - and all thanks to its strength, environmental friendliness and warmth. Despite all its advantages, wood also needs protection.

How to protect wooden surfaces?

Wood is a material that can absorb water in large quantities. Hydrophilicity causes drying out, cracking and deterioration of the material. Of course, small wood items are easier to replace than to protect, but in the case of various designs Only processing of wooden products can help.

For this purpose, various substances are used that not only prevent the penetration of moisture into the structure of the material, but also protect it from the harmful effects of environmental factors.

Properties of linseed oil

Wood processing linseed oil allows you to restore appearance material, increases its service life and gives it water- and dirt-repellent properties. The liquid can be tinted to any shade by adding special pigments.

For wood, it emphasizes its natural shade, highlighting its texture and relief, while protecting it from rot, mold and fungi. After treatment, the products continue to breathe, despite the resulting water-repellent properties. In addition, the oil increases the wood's resistance to drying out, peeling, loss of color and cracking.

Impregnation with linseed oil does not form a dense film on the surface of products, which is characteristic of many other protective substances. The product penetrates directly into the structure of the material, giving it certain properties. The resulting coating is absolutely safe for humans and does not cause harm to health.

Benefits of flaxseed oil

In construction stores today you can find a wide range of protective substances and liquids, but many of them can be harmful to human health. One of the best protective materials considered linseed oil. For the tree it is great option, since the product is not only safe, but also has a strong waterproofing effect. Flaxseed oil has the following benefits:

  • Clogging of the smallest pores of wood.
  • Environmental cleanliness and safety.
  • Water-repellent properties.
  • Improving the appearance of the treated surface.

The components that make up linseed oil are influenced by certain factors environment undergo a polymerization process. As a result, the hardness and viscosity of the oil increases. The protective properties and hardening ability directly depend on the amount of glycerides of acids contained - linoleic and linolenic.

After the wood is coated with a layer of oil, it is left to dry completely so that the impregnation can gain maximum properties. It takes about 2-3 weeks to dry completely. You can speed up this process using wax, tar or turpentine.

When working with turpentine, it is necessary to observe safety precautions, since it is a toxic substance and can cause an allergic reaction. Direct contact with unprotected skin may cause thermal burns.

Tar, a product of dry distillation of wood, is essentially the same as turpentine, only less toxic. The best option- take regular wax. It is dissolved in a water bath and mixed with linseed oil, which not only speeds up the drying process of the coating, but also increases its water-repellent properties.

Coating wood with linseed oil at home

To impregnate wood products, it is enough to purchase a paint and varnish material at any specialized store, in this case - linseed oil. If you plan to use varnish, then preheat it.

The mixture of oil and wax should not be brought to a boil: this can damage the surface of the wood and, if handled carelessly, cause burns. Apply the composition in several layers to the surface with your hands or a foam sponge, and then leave it to dry completely for several days.

Often they resort to complete impregnation of wood - they lower it into a container with linseed oil and leave it for several hours. The appearance of air bubbles on the surface of the liquid indicates that the impregnation process has begun.

Linseed oil for wood is perfectly absorbed. For this reason, after processing is completed, no traces remain on the surface of the products, but the material acquires increased strength and wear resistance. This composition is often coated wooden windows, since it protects them from moisture, fungus and mold, which can lead to damage to the product and its rotting.

Any wooden surface can be treated with protective agents. Flaxseed oil does not contain artificial or harmful components, so it can be applied to products such as furniture, dishes, children's toys, flooring and ceiling coverings, wooden windows.

The main condition for processing is that the surface must be dried. The moisture content of wood should not exceed 14%. Co old wood Before impregnation, be sure to remove paint and varnish, after which the surface is cleaned of debris, dirt and dust. Wipe it down wet cloth You can’t - the moisture will be absorbed immediately. Then the wood is cleaned with sandpaper and the resulting dust is swept away. The minimum air humidity in the room in which work will be carried out must be 70%. It is best to carry out the procedure outdoors in sunny, warm weather.

Linseed oil (for wood) is applied several times in a thin layer. Those products that are subject to frequent use are processed several times a year, which can significantly extend their service life. For all other wooden objects, the procedure can be carried out once every few years. It is not worth treating the surface with oil if it has already been treated with paint or varnish.

The amount of oil applied at one time depends on the surface texture and thickness of the wood. Most thin layer hardens in 24 hours. If necessary, impregnation is repeated several times.

The oil is applied using a regular brush or special foam sponges. Upon completion of work, all tools are kept in cold water. The remaining oil is stored in a cool, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 0 o C.

Better protection wooden surface guarantees oil wax. It is based on linseed oil and bean wax, which adds shine to the surface and changes its shade. It is used to impregnate light wood species, including valuable ones, from which stairs, windows, furniture, doors, and floor coverings are made.

Pure linseed oil is applied mainly to products used in outdoors, since it only in its pure and concentrated form has the necessary water- and dirt-repellent properties. For this reason, for wall treatment wooden buildings This substance is often used.

Linseed oil for wood is considered one of the most effective, inexpensive and versatile protective equipment. The impregnation process takes a long time, but the end result is worth the time spent.

There are two main ways to treat wood with linseed oil - soaking and rubbing.

Method one: rubbing

Fine-grained sandpaper soak in drying oil or oil and rub the wood along the grain with it. A similar procedure is carried out three to four times with a break of 24-48 hours, necessary for the surface to dry. IN last time sandpaper is replaced with ordinary oiled rags or soft cloth. This processing method is used mainly when impregnating large-area products.

Method two: soaking

It is used for processing small wooden objects - knife handles, children's toys, crafts. The product is completely immersed in linseed oil for several days, after which it is wiped with a soft cloth and dried. The wood is impregnated with oil for several weeks due to its extremely slow polymerization.

There are two ways to speed up the drying process:

  1. Add driers to the oil - substances that accelerate polymerization.
  2. Replace it with drying oil.

In principle, drying oil is the same as oil, only it contains metal oxides. The duration of the wood processing process is explained by the fact that natural composition The substance contains a large amount of linoleic acid, which does not allow it to harden.

Dryers, in turn, are hardeners that are added to most paints and varnishes. They are sold in regular hardware stores.

Why is wood treated with linseed oil?

  1. Impregnation protects products much better than varnishing. In the second case, all dents and scratches remain on the surface, which reduce the characteristics of the composition due to water entering the formed cracks.
  2. The oil gives the wood surface a soft shine that does not fade over time.
  3. Preserving the original texture of the object and its pleasant texture.
  4. Impregnating wood with oil allows you to protect it from rotting and moisture by clogging the smallest pores.

The process of such processing is quite long, but the end result is worth the time spent. By the way, flaxseed oil can be replaced with hemp oil - the effect is similar.

As already mentioned, it is better not to use varnish - over time, such a coating begins to crack, the wood absorbs water and begins to deteriorate and swell. Linseed oil penetrates into the structure of the material, preventing cracks and preventing moisture absorption. This coating maintains the attractive appearance of the product for a long time.

Technical oil

For wood processing, not only edible oil is used, but also technical linseed oil. The natural material forms a thin and durable, easily polymerized film on the surface that protects against pests, moisture and corrosion. For this reason, flaxseed oil is so widely distributed and used in different areas human activities, ranging from the bluing of metals to the creation of tools for artists.

Application area

IN construction industry linseed oil is used as a base for creating drying oil. In many of its characteristics, it significantly surpasses substances developed by chemical synthesis, while maintaining its safe properties.

In construction, linseed oil is used for impregnation and processing of various products and buildings made of wood - baths, saunas, log houses. The resulting coating protects the surface from moisture penetration, prevents rotting and deformation under the influence of high temperatures and the appearance of fungus and mold.

When constructing a log bathhouse before the surface of the wood is covered paint and varnish materials, it is thoroughly impregnated with technical linseed oil. This allows you to protect the log house from all sides and extend its service life several times.

Linseed oil is very widely used in art, especially when painting, as a solvent for varnishes and paints on oil based. In addition, it is used to clean brushes. The main difference between oil and turpentine and solvent used for similar purposes is its affordable price and the absence of an unpleasant odor.

Features of linseed oil

Only purified linseed oil is used to coat wood. The cleaning process allows you to obtain a composition that dries quickly and does not yellow on the surface of the products. If non-polymerizing acids are removed from the oil, it forms a stronger film on the wood. Purified manually cold-pressed, it has good properties - it dries quickly, is thicker than its analogues and practically does not turn yellow, especially if it has been kept in the sun's rays.

Flaxseed oil is sold in pharmacies, construction and hardware stores, and in the latter often with special additives. It is better not to use food grade - it polymerizes for too long and does not have necessary qualities. Its feature, which is attributed to both minuses and pluses, is the change in the shade of the wood to a darker one, which, however, furniture makers like to use.

Oil-based formulations are a universal solution suitable for decorative finishing any wood. They do not create a durable and wear-resistant coating, but have a wide range of other advantages: excellent adhesion, ease of application, antiseptic protection, and environmental friendliness. Treating wood with oil does not create a film on the surface of the product; it allows you to emphasize the natural beauty of the texture of the material and tactilely feel its texture.

Simple application technology allows you to avoid streaks, smudges, brush marks and other defects. If necessary, the finish can be easily removed and updated. As a rule, oil is used for wooden objects that are not subject to intense abrasion and moisture.

What oils are most in demand?

Linseed oil – characterized by ease of application, deep penetration into the wood structure, and high resistance to environmental influences. The main disadvantage is the long drying process (up to 3 days). Large-pore wood is treated with linseed oil in several layers.

Drying oil - This is boiled linseed oil. Due to the presence of driers in its composition - catalysts that accelerate drying, the polymerization process takes no more than a day, which makes this type finishing is much more practical.

Tung oil , obtained from the seeds of the Chinese tung tree, effectively emphasizes the texture of wood and forms a wear-resistant matte finish. The drying process takes about 24 hours. If linseed oil is more suitable for restoring old surfaces, then the use of tung oil is more appropriate when finishing new products.

Danish oil finishing composition based on natural vegetable oils with the addition of resins and absorbent substances. Treating wood with Danish oil allows you to highlight its natural texture and create a durable matte finish. Drying time: 4-12 hours depending on the composition.

teak oil – a mixture of natural oils, resins and absorbent components. Finishing wood with teak oil allows you to get a durable decorative coating with a glossy effect. The drying process takes 4-6 hours depending on the specific composition.

What is dry oil residue?

Percentage of dry oil residue – important characteristic, which determines the features of the finishing composition. The dry residue refers to the percentage of non-volatile substances in the oil - these are various strengthening additives, waxes, inclusions that improve absorption, etc. The higher the percentage of dry residue of the product, the better covering ability it has. Accordingly, oil with a high solids content requires fewer layers of application. At the same time, the drying process (polymerization) of such compositions takes longer.

How to properly prepare the surface?

Before applying the finishing composition, the surface of the wood is sanded using abrasives of various grain sizes:

  • wood with an open structure (oak, etc.) - coarse abrasives P150-P180;
  • wood with a closed structure (maple, beech, etc.) - fine-grained abrasives P180-P240.

The sanded surface is removed from dust with a damp, lint-free cloth. When applying finishing to oily wood species (iroko, teak, etc.), it is recommended to additionally wipe the surface with white spirit.

How to treat wood with oil: general principles

The oil is applied to the prepared and dried surface using a swab or brush, followed by rubbing. Having evenly distributed a generous amount of oil on a wooden surface, let it soak in (about 15 minutes), then wipe off the excess composition along the fibers using a swab. Otherwise, the surface will be shiny, sticky, with possible education spots

Distribute the oil evenly to avoid spotting. Process the edges and ends first, because... due to the capillary effect, they absorb the finishing composition more intensively. In multi-layer processing, each new layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried, with preliminary grinding with a fine-grained abrasive.

The optimal temperature for treating wood with oil is 15-25°C. At readings below 10°C and high humidity It’s better to give up work temporarily.

Professional subtleties of oil application

If stains form on the surface, increase the amount of oil applied.

To give the composition a more liquid consistency, necessary for uniform distribution over the surface, place the container with oil in hot water. Avoid contact with open flames.

The oil should not be applied under direct exposure to the sun, as... it will be absorbed too quickly, which in turn will complicate reprocessing.

Use a special dispenser to impregnate the surface - a simple and ergonomic device that promotes uniform application and economical consumption of the composition.

How does oil adhere to stain?

Oil and stain are not the best, but an acceptable combination. Any stain impairs the absorption of subsequent compositions, because partially fills the pores. In combination with oils, it is allowed to use only stains on water based. At the same time, practice shows that a more effective alternative to stain in this case is tinting pastes for tinting oils.

How long does it take for oil to dry?

  • flaxseed oil – 2-3 days;
  • linseed oil – 24 hours;
  • tung oil –24 hours;
  • polyurethane oil varnish–12 hours;
  • Danish oil –4-12 hours;
  • teak oil – 4-6 tsp.

Since oils harden (polymerize) during the oxidation process, reacting with oxygen, drying products should be done in a room with constant air circulation.

What you need to know about the risks of spontaneous combustion?

When they react with oxygen, oils oxidize. This process accompanied by heating, which can cause spontaneous combustion of cleaning cloths and other items used during work. Therefore, never leave oil-soaked rags rolled up: dry them unfolded outside and only then dispose of them. All items and materials (sanding felt, dispenser, sponges, etc.) that have come into contact with the oil should be stored in a sealed metal container.

It's no secret that any tree needs additional protection and processing before being used in everyday life. One of these wood processing methods is impregnation with linseed oil.

Impregnation with linseed oil - how does it work?

What is so special about flaxseed oil? Among all vegetable oils, flaxseed oil has the highest content of polyunsaturated acid such as linoleic acid. When hardened and oxidized, this acid turns into an excellent natural polymer. Afterwards, the oil becomes a semi-solid, elastic substance that fills all the pores of the wood, which is why such a wonderful effect is achieved when treating wood with linseed oil.

Pros, cons and scope of application of linseed oil impregnation of wood

Why is wood impregnated with linseed oil?

Flaxseed oil for impregnating wood is considered one of the best options.

The advantages of this processing include:

Improving the appearance of the product. Linseed oil penetrates into the deep layers of wood, emphasizing the natural structure of the wood, and gives a natural (natural) shade. does not raise the wood pile, the wood after processing is smooth to the touch and has a beautiful appearance

Increases the durability of wood. Impregnation for wood based on linseed oil can significantly increase the resistance of wood to environmental factors. Impregnation with linseed oil gives the wood water- and dirt-repellent properties, accordingly protects the wood from exposure to any moisture, linseed oil is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and protects the wood well from the sun, prevents drying out and cracking. Linseed oil after drying remains an elastic material, unlike paint coatings it does not crack over time and does not allow moisture to pass into the cracks formed.

Protects wood. Flaxseed oil for wood processing is the best natural antiseptic. Treating wood with linseed oil protects against processes such as rotting, mold and fungi.

Ecologically pure material. Flaxseed oil is a completely natural and absolutely safe material for humans and the environment. It does not cause allergic reactions or other troubles, and has no odor, unlike synthetic analogues. Impregnation of wood with linseed oil allows the material to breathe, since the oil penetrates deeply and does not leave a film on the surface.

Impregnation with linseed oil is suitable for processing absolutely any wood, furniture, interior items, wooden utensils, external facades house, floor, windows, window sills, doors, etc.

It can be safely used for both external and internal work.

But most often linseed oil is used for decorative finishing of small interior items. Although linseed oil is not expensive, its consumption for surface treatment is quite high and therefore the treatment of such extensive surfaces as the floor of a house or a facade will cost a decent amount; it is much cheaper to treat wood with stain or varnish. In addition, impregnation with linseed oil and drying a large surface is a rather labor-intensive process and will take a lot of time.

The difficulty of applying linseed oil impregnation large quantity wood and is perhaps the only drawback.

Very popular among hunters and weapon connoisseurs

Treatment is carried out several weeks before the start of the hunting season. Impregnation is also popular

Impregnation with linseed oil - technology

Its technology is no different from processing with any other oil or composition and consists of the following steps:

- material preparation and surface cleaning. The wood must be dry and free of old coating before processing. If you are processing new wood, just lightly sand the surface.

- oil preparation. Before applying to the surface, it is recommended to heat the oil; when warm, it penetrates more easily into the pores of the wood and, accordingly, the treatment effect will be higher. Sometimes, to speed up drying, linseed oil and wax are used to treat wood. In this case, wax is added to the oil when heated and heated until the wax dissolves.

- impregnation with linseed oil. Impregnation of wood with linseed oil can be carried out in several ways:

Waxing – applying oil to a surface with a brush;

Soaking - when an object is immersed in a container of oil;

Impregnation with linseed oil using a vacuum. For use in industry only.

Soaking is often used to impregnate small parts. This process is quite simple in capacity. required size Heat the linseed oil until white smoke appears, then immerse the objects in it, close the lid tightly and leave in this state for two to three hours. Then take it out and dry it.

When waxing, after heating, the oil is applied to the surface using a brush or foam sponge. Apply along the fibers with rubbing movements, repeat application 5-6 times. Linseed oil penetrates deep into the pores of the wood and is therefore absorbed almost completely, but still some amount of oil may remain on the surface, therefore, a few hours after applying the last layer of oil, it is necessary to wipe the surface with a dry rag to remove excess oil. After each application, you can let the surface dry and then repeat the procedure, in which case you will be able to control the resulting color, shade and appearance of the product if this is of fundamental importance, but such a process will take much longer.

Drying the product. After applying the last layer of linseed oil, the wood must be dried. This process usually takes two to three weeks, but can take longer.

After complete drying, the surface is sanded using wax, rosin or turpentine.

It is shown more clearly in the following video. Enjoy watching.

Irina Zheleznyak, Staff correspondent for the online publication "AtmWood. Wood-Industrial Bulletin"