Sample reprimand to the teacher. On early removal of a disciplinary sanction

A reprimand for failure to fulfill duties is an effective measure of influence on violators labor discipline. In order to establish the procedure for the employee to perform job functions, the employer has in its arsenal such documents as an employment contract, job description, internal rules labor regulations and other local regulations. In fact, for one reason or another, an employee often violates the provisions approved by the organization. Depending on the nature, severity and frequency of violations, the manager has the right to apply appropriate disciplinary action. The article will discuss the procedure and also provide a sample order to issue a reprimand.

Procedure for applying penalties

Rules for using this or that disciplinary action described in Art. 193 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which any punitive measure is accompanied by the issuance of a corresponding order. By law, before classifying an action as a misdemeanor, the employer must request an explanation from the employee who committed it. The refusal to give an explanation is recorded by drawing up an act and, according to Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, cannot interfere with the application of disciplinary measures. The period for providing an explanatory note does not exceed two working days. In addition, the Labor Code provides for other terms for the application of penalties:

  • no more than one month after discovery of the violation;
  • no more than six months after the violation was committed;
  • no more than two years after the discovery of the misconduct based on the results of an inspection by an auditor or auditor.

It is important to remember that, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, only one punishment can be imposed for one specific violation (Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Reprimand as a disciplinary sanction

In Art. 192 Labor Code of the Russian Federation this concept is mentioned as one of the types of punishment along with reprimand and dismissal on appropriate grounds. However, the legislative act does not clearly define this term and does not explain its difference from a remark. In practice, it is generally accepted that a reprimand is given for a violation of moderate severity. Sometimes heads of organizations or personnel department employees operate with such a concept as severe reprimand. This is probably done to enhance the effect of punishment on a psychological level, because this term has no relation to the Labor Code and is officially applied, for example, to employees in the armed forces Russian Federation.

The application of punitive measures, according to the law, is formalized by an order, which is presented to the employee for signature within three working days (Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Below is an example of a reprimand for improper performance. job responsibilities.

Sample order

Consequences for the employee

When discussing violations of discipline and types of punishment, the question inevitably arises: does a reprimand received at work have consequences? Contrary to popular belief, information about censure is not subject to recording work book, which means it does not become known to another employer. This is evidenced by Art. 66 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. A reprimand entered into a personal file at the document level implies, as mentioned above, the issuance of an order. In addition, responsible for personnel records management the employee may (but is not obligated) to record this fact in the violator’s personal card. In fact, the presence of such a penalty may be a factor in subsequent dismissal. P. 5 Art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the employer has the right to terminate labor Relations with the employee if there is a fact of “repeated failure by the employee to fulfill his duties if he has a disciplinary sanction.” In this case, an entry is made in the work book with a link to the above article of the Labor Code.

Workers budgetary organization are obliged to comply General requirements labor legislation and local acts. This is approximately what Article 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation sounds like.

Internal work rules are the main local act regulating the behavior of personnel. If it is approved, then a sample order on compliance with labor discipline will not be needed.

They also distinguish technological and production disciplines, which are also relevant to the topic of the article, because thanks to them, order is ensured in production and technological requirements are met.

Is it possible to replace a reprimand with a fine?

The concept of a fine is absent in labor legislation, so be careful and do not use such terms in local acts enterprises, especially do not use such measures as a disciplinary sanction. An order to impose fines for violation of labor discipline will be illegal and can easily be canceled in court.

Financial penalties may affect the amount of the premium. But even here you need to be extremely careful in choosing wording. Under no circumstances should you write that a reduction in bonus is a disciplinary measure. Typically, the Bonus Regulations state that if there is a “remark” or “reprimand” in the reporting month, no bonus will be awarded. That is, for an offense you will apply a legal penalty, but you will punish financially indirectly. It is legal.

Each measure must be properly formalized and have reasons for its application.

Since they are listed in accordance with the measure of severity, they are used in the following cases:

  • a remark is the mildest impact, when it is necessary to indicate in writing any violations of production or labor discipline;
  • reprimand - a more severe punishment for the same or more serious offenses;
  • - a last resort for violators.

Each penalty must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the law.

How to declare a remark

It must be remembered that an oral reprimand cannot be considered a disciplinary sanction. Such an action cannot lead to any consequences for the employee, because it is impossible to prove it. For example, he can challenge the deprivation of a bonus part of his salary in court and win it. Therefore, we observe:

  1. We collect evidence of misconduct (acts, memos, emails, etc.).
  2. We request an explanatory note from the employee. It is better to do this in writing, giving 2 working days. If it is not there, we draw up an act of refusal to provide explanations.
  3. We issue an order.
  4. We introduce the employee to the order and sign it. In case of refusal, we draw up an act of refusal to familiarize ourselves and read it aloud in front of witnesses.

Example of a disciplinary sanction order (remark)

The absence of an explanatory note does not prevent the employee from being punished. But you need to remember that penalties can only be applied within 1 month from the discovery of an offense or violation.

Information about disciplinary offenses is not included in the work book. Of the punishments, only an order of dismissal can be reflected there.

We draw up an order for disciplinary action

For convenience, you can draw up a sample order - a disciplinary sanction in the form of a remark - and use it in the future for any punishment. The document must contain information about the offense and the grounds for punishment - official notes, acts. If the incident resulted in the deprivation of the bonus or its reduction, this is also included in the order.

The easiest way is to take the sample order for imposing a disciplinary sanction (remark) that we have prepared and make your own edits to it.

Since the reprimand is evidence of a violation on the part of the employee, the employer’s next step in the event of repeated violations may be dismissal.

At any enterprise, situations arise in which one or another employee is noticed for not fulfilling his direct duties or for poor-quality work. At the same time, the main task of the employer is to ensure that this precedent is not repeated in the future. Sometimes this requires holding the employee to some responsibility. You must act consistently. Before carrying out a series of completely legal actions, it is necessary to draw up a special document - an order on violation of official duties. A sample of its preparation can be easily found on the Internet.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legal sources do not regulate how this document should be drawn up. Each organization may have its own. However, there is general recommendations on this matter. In order for a document to have legal force, it must contain certain information. Let's consider when and according to what rules it is created, as well as what consequences it entails.

Each executive is obliged to perform at his/her workplace. When an employee does not complete the task assigned to him due to some objective circumstances, he cannot be found guilty. This applies to situations that are associated with an accident, emergency, accidents that did not occur through the fault of the employee, etc. In all other cases, an article of labor legislation applies, which requires the adoption of certain measures for violation of official duties. It also provides for the issuance of warnings, payment of fines, etc.

If it happens once, the employee is usually given a reprimand. A sample order for issuing a comment can be downloaded on the Internet and applied in practice.

After the order is issued, the employee must write an explanatory note, setting out his explanations about what happened. If he refuses to do this, the employee can independently draw up a report and describe in detail everything that happened. It is better not to refuse to write an explanatory note, because refusal most often entails a reprimand for violating official duties.

Kinds disciplinary penalties may be different:

  1. Rebuke. Usually follows in situations where a violation Labor Code insignificantly, but oral and written warnings to the employee are not enough. During the reprimand, the essence of the problem is explained to the offender, the goal is to prevent similar incidents in the future.
  2. Penalties. There is no direct indication in labor legislation that an employee can be fined and deprived of part of his wages. But today, almost every organization has a certain bonus system. An employer may well deprive a negligent employee of all or part of the bonus payment, and sometimes several bonuses at once.
  3. . It is used in situations where all other punitive measures are ineffective. Typically, this penalty follows the most significant violations of the Labor Code.

Reasons for filing a collection order

As practice shows, most often modern employers limit themselves to verbal warnings to negligent employees. But there are situations in which violations are particularly complex nature or are repeated systematically. In such cases, a document is needed that will serve as a legal basis for further strict punishment from the employee who was negligent in his work.

The order for violation of official duties is issued by the employer himself. The most common reasons for issuing orders at enterprises today are:

  • systematic absenteeism, tardiness
  • violation of the central provisions of technological and job descriptions that must be followed in a specific production
  • violation of disciplinary rules, for example, showing up at work under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • poor performance of duties

In case of all the above violations, the employee is responsible for his actions. But this applies only to those cases where the employee’s guilt is fully proven. If he violated his official duties due to lack of materials, malfunction technical equipment or other reasons beyond his control, the employer is found guilty.

It is important to understand that any recovery must involve a preliminary verification of the information received. If the employee’s guilt is proven, the employer has every right to punish him and reprimand him.

At the same time, he has no direct responsibility to do this. That is, the announcement of punishment occurs in the following order:

  1. Information about violations reaches the manager. The relevant official draws up a document that describes the essence of the entire situation.
  2. Information is being verified. In this case, it is necessary to obtain explanations from the violator himself and those persons who can report something on this incident.
  3. If the information is confirmed, the employer issues an order for violation of official duties.

If all these points are strictly observed, the employer receives a guarantee that his decision will not be appealed and declared illegal in the future.

How to issue a disciplinary order

It is important that the order for violation of duties and disciplinary action be legally formalized. Any omission or defect may become a reason for declaring the document illegal and canceling the punishment. When drawing up an order, it is necessary to comply with its regulatory structure:

  • Introduction. Here you must indicate the details of the employee to whom the penalty is directed. You also need to provide the details of the company. The order can be made on letterhead with the organization’s logo.
  • It is important to indicate in the document the date and place of drawing up the act of violation.
  • Descriptive part. A statement of all the circumstances of the precedent. It is necessary to describe what the violation of official duties is.
  • Indication of this/those points employment contract or job description that were violated.
  • . Its necessity is enshrined in Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • It is necessary to provide the composition of the commission and affix the signatures of each of its members. The commission must have at least three people.
  • Rationale. The punishment should be justified by one or another norm of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The administrative act must provide a reference to the legislative provision giving the employer grounds for punishing the employee in a particular case.

After drawing up the document, you need to familiarize the offender with it. The order must indicate the date of review. The act of punishment is provided to its addressee immediately after drawing up and endorsement. The employee is officially given 3 days to sign the order. If he is temporarily away from work, then this period is extended for another 3 or more days.

When an employee refuses to read and sign a document, it must be sent to him by registered mail with mandatory notification. In this case, the signatures of the commission members will be quite sufficient for the order to have full legal force.

Once a year has passed since the breach of duty order was issued, it may be dismissed due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. This occurs provided that during this time no other claims have arisen against the employee.

In some cases, the imposed penalty can be lifted ahead of schedule, at any time. To do this, the employer must issue another order to remove the imposed liability. It must indicate the reasons for making such a decision and other circumstances related in one way or another to the incident. After graduation, responsibility from the employee is completely removed.

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Discussion: there is 1 comment

    In order to avoid penalties and dismissal, you still need to be responsible in fulfilling your duties. Nowadays it is not so difficult to find a more responsible and hardworking employee for this position.


An order for disciplinary action in the form of a reprimand is one of the methods of personnel management if any errors were made in the work. Find out how to issue an order, download a sample document

Read our article:

How to draw up an order for disciplinary action in the form of a reprimand

There are three options for disciplinary action: reprimand, reprimand and dismissal. In practice, the first two are most often used. Labor legislation does not make a difference in this case between budget and commercial organizations, the employer does not have the right to “invent” his own punishments and apply penalties without a serious reason. In addition, the employee can always challenge the punishment.

A reprimand is applied if the employee has committed violations such as:

  • Immoral act.
  • Theft of material assets.
  • Failure to comply with the labor regulations recorded in the enterprise's LNA.

The reprimand order is drawn up in free form, since there is no single form for this order.

If the enterprise has a letterhead, it is convenient to use it, or draw up an order in accordance with the document flow adopted in the institution.

It is important to remember that the order must record:

  • Organizational data and information about the order: number, date of issue.
  • Information about the “at fault” employee: position and full name, supplemented with information about the violation - short description and date of commission (or discovery).
  • The type of penalty (in this case, a reprimand) and the basis for issuing it are also indicated. This could be a memo from the manager, an explanatory note from the employee himself.

The document must include a place for a signature confirming that the employee has read it. The order to reprimand is delivered no later than three days from the date of issue of the order. Moreover, if an employee is absent from his place, this is not a valid reason.

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An employee may refuse to sign an order: in this case, it is enough to read the document to him orally in the presence of at least two witnesses and draw up a corresponding act about this refusal.

When required

When a violation is identified, an oral “proceeding” is not enough to impose a penalty. The order must be issued, but to do this you must first collect certain documents. This could be an explanatory note from the guilty employee, reports or memos from immediate supervisor etc.

There are certain dates that must be met when drawing up an order: these are month period from the moment the violation is discovered.

However, some circumstances may lead to an extension of this period, or rather, to a suspension of its countdown. This is illness or leave (any kind) of the employee against whom the reprimand is issued, as well as the delay necessary to obtain the opinion of the trade union.

Who signs

The order for collection is endorsed by management (or its authorized representative). But the seal is placed only if it is provided for by the personnel traditions of the enterprise and is included in the details of orders for personnel(Article 8 of the Labor Code, also Art. 7.9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ).

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Shelf life

Like other personnel documents, a reprimand order is stored for 5 years if the personnel service places them separately from the personal files. Otherwise, the shelf life is at least 75 years.

However, please note: if a document was created after 2003, then it must be stored for at least 50 years. This does not apply to those components of personal files that were recorded during the period of state non-civilian service: they are stored for 75 years, regardless of the date of registration.