Berry trees. Fruit trees for the garden

Planting fruit trees is an interesting and exciting activity for any owner of a summer cottage. Thanks to successful work breeders have developed a huge number of different varieties that give a good and stable harvest even in unfavorable conditions. Fruit and berry trees and shrubs will not only decorate the garden with their amazing blooms, but will also generously provide gardeners with healthy and tasty fruits.

Types of fruit trees - 5 popular crops

When planting an orchard, the owner of a summer cottage determines the design of the area adjacent to the house for many years to come. Each region of the country has its own popular crops, but there are some species that gardeners will always find a place on their site.

The harvest from many fruit trees will have to wait several years after planting. But in the future, the fruiting period will last for decades.

Apple tree

The most popular tree in garden plots with sweet and sour aromatic fruits. The height of the apple tree can reach 15 m. The flowers are of various shades from white to bright crimson.

The root system, vertical and horizontal, goes 4.5 meters deep. Fruiting begins at 5–7 years. You must immediately select for the tree permanent place, the apple tree does not like transplants.

Popular varieties:

  • White filling;
  • michurinka;
  • Antonovka;
  • pear;
  • boletus;
  • Chinese;
  • fetch;
  • aelita.

You can plant a tree in the spring, but you must do it before the buds open, otherwise the seedling will die. When planted in autumn, the young tree takes root better. Many varieties of this perennial are grown for decorative design areas of parks and squares.


Shrub or tree up to 10 m high. Leaves are dark green and elliptical in shape. The flowers are white or pink. Blooms in April–May depending on the variety. The stone fruit is spherical in shape, in the mature stage from light red to dark brown in color.

Cherry is one of the most common and beloved fruit crops. Abundant fruiting, ease of care and good frost resistance have made it popular among gardeners.

There are more than 150 varieties, some of which have come to be considered as separate crops. Popular types cherries:

  • glandular;
  • Japanese;
  • Sakhalin;
  • columnar;
  • frost-resistant;
  • warty;
  • robin;
  • carmine;
  • Lyubskaya;
  • Turgenevka.

Abundant fruiting of the bush can only be expected as a result of careful care. It is also important to avoid mistakes when landing. Useful tips for successful cultivation cherries:

  1. 1. Before planting, it is necessary to carefully inspect the seedlings. The seedlings must be healthy, strong, with a developed root system.
  2. 2. It is important to choose only those varieties that are suitable for cultivation in a specific climate zone.
  3. 3. Some types of cherries are self-sterile. If you don’t plant a pollinating variety next to them, you won’t get a harvest from them.
  4. 4. Plant a tree better in spring, over the summer it will have time to take root well in its new place. Autumn planting is acceptable, but it should be done 4 weeks before expected night frosts.
  5. 5. For cherries, you should choose a sunny area in your dacha, preferably on a hill.

Thanks to beautiful flowering used not only as a fruit tree, but also used for landscaping garden plot.


A perennial shrub, depending on the variety it can be compact or creeping. The leaves are dark green, pubescent. The root system is powerful, going 2 m deep, so currants can withstand dry periods well. The inflorescences are light pink or lavender. The fruit is a fragrant berry. The most popular are black, red and white currants.

Black currant is one of the most favorite berries among gardeners. It is rich in vitamins and completely unpretentious in care. A shrub with red and white fruits is difficult to take root in a new place. It is recommended to strictly observe all planting conditions.

Autumn planting of shrubs is preferable. It is recommended to choose two-year-old seedlings; they take root better. Every year, young shoots appear from dormant buds. Along the edges sheet plate There are special glands that emit a familiar pleasant aroma to everyone.

Fruiting begins after 2 years from the start of planting the bush. Every spring, dead branches are removed and the soil around the bush is loosened. Pruning currants is very important for a good harvest. All branches that are more than 6 years old must be removed.

Popular currant varieties:

  • dessert;
  • darnitsa;
  • prestige;
  • curiosity;
  • spherical;
  • Semchinskaya;
  • Konstantinovskaya;
  • Ural beauty.


Subshrub with erect stems covered with thorns. Height from 1 m to 2.5 m. The shoots of the first year are green and herbaceous. In the second year they become woody and brown. After fruiting they dry out, and the next year new stems grow from the roots.

For raspberries you need to choose a place protected from the winds. It grows best in the garden next to a fence or tall trees. It is advisable that the bush is on the south side.

Raspberries grow well in areas where perennial grasses grow. The area is carefully dug up and large roots are removed. Important has quality planting material. Seedlings must be purchased from specialized nurseries.

The productivity of shrubs largely depends on the application of fertilizers. It is necessary to apply 3–4 kg of organic fertilizer annually. It can be scattered thin layer in the tree trunk circle. It simultaneously feeds and mulches the soil. Popular raspberry varieties:

  • Hercules;
  • Eurasia;
  • polka;
  • ruby necklace;
  • Bryansk anniversary;
  • Golden domes;
  • yellow giant;
  • diamond.


Deciduous tree with a pyramidal or rounded crown. It can reach a height of 25 m. The leaves are dark green, the flowers are white, umbrella-shaped. The fruits are elongated with a widened lower part. Popular pear varieties:

  • Duchess;
  • Williams;
  • bergamot;
  • nectar;
  • conference;
  • Muscovite;
  • Rogneda.

To plant pears in the garden, you need to set aside an area with loose soil and a small amount of clay. The root system of this tree loves moisture. The place should be sunny. Best time for planting - autumn. When placing a pear, do not add fresh manure to the hole.

Growing and care

A caring owner knows what more attention he will devote to the plantings, the better they will grow and bear fruit. Plant care must be competent and timely. General rules fruit tree care:

  1. 1. In spring, remove old, diseased and frost-damaged branches. The procedure is carried out in early spring until sap flow begins. After pruning, the branches are disinfected copper sulfate and treated with garden varnish. The same applies to trees damaged by rodents. As soon as the buds begin to appear on the bushes, they must be whitened and sprayed with a disinfectant solution against pests (purchased at the store depending on the type of garden crop).
  2. 2. In summer, it is necessary to water the bushes in a timely manner during the period when there is no rain. Produce foliar feeding microelements with the obligatory addition of nitrogen. If pests appear on the leaves, you must remove them manually. If there is a large concentration of insects, the bushes are treated with insecticides. The only condition: processing should be completed before fruit set. After harvesting, it is necessary to clear the tree trunk circle of fallen leaves and fruit residues. There should be no debris or rot near the tree, this will avoid various diseases.
  3. 3. In the fall, apply another fertilizing with complex fertilizers (without nitrogen). The trees should then be whitewashed to kill insects hidden in the bark. The trunks of heat-loving crops (cherries, pears) must be wrapped with roofing felt or covered with sheets of roofing felt. You can lay burlap between the insulation and the trunk. This will effectively protect the trunk from frost. In areas with strong winds, it is recommended to cover the tree trunk circle with snow and compact it. This will save the root system from freezing.

Every garden owner can create a garden that will provide a generous harvest. It is necessary to take the issue of planting and caring for trees seriously. The intensity of growth and fruiting depends on this.

If you are the owner of a summer house or a large private house, then you probably have been faced with the question of what trees to plant in your garden plot. Then this article is just for you. Today we will provide you with an overview of the most popular garden trees and shrubs, and also give you tips on caring for them. So, let's start with the most popular representatives of the flora.

Classification of garden trees and shrubs

Before planting an area with certain garden plants, it is worth identifying their purpose. Traditionally there are two types:

  1. Garden fruit trees and shrubs.
  2. Garden ornamental trees and shrubs.

If you plan to use the plot for harvesting, then you should choose the first type. And the second type is suitable for those for whom the garden is a place to relax and admire nature. In the following sections we will take a closer look at each type of garden plant.

Fruit trees and shrubs

So, you have decided to use all the resources of the site to obtain a rich and tasty harvest. Then this section is just for you. Let's start with a list of the most popular garden trees:

  • Apple tree. On almost every site you can find at least a couple of such fruit trees. And in order to enjoy the fruits almost all year round, plant 3 varieties of apple trees - winter, summer and autumn.
  • Pear. The juicy ripe fruits of this tree should definitely be on your site. After all, these fruits are a storehouse of essential vitamins.
  • Cherries and sweet cherries. Thanks to their short ripening period and juicy, fleshy berries, these are favorite crops in our country.
  • Peaches and apricots. Particularly favorite trees in the southern regions of our country. Incredibly tasty jam, compotes and liqueurs - all this can be made from juicy and ripe fruits.
  • Plum. Traditional culture on any site. A berry from which you can make jam or prepare it for the winter in the form of dried fruit.

Fruit bushes are just as necessary on the site as trees. Be sure to include red, black and white currants. After all, you can use not only their berries, but also their aromatic leaves, rich in vitamin C. Gooseberries, raspberries and barberries are also popular among gardeners in almost any region. Slightly less common are shrubs of serviceberry, dogwood and honeysuckle.

The combination of fruit plants with each other

Planting a garden with fruit crops should be treated with special responsibility. After all, it is important not only to choose the variety of certain trees and shrubs, but also to take into account their comfortable placement on the site. Very often, inexperienced gardeners, wanting to plant the land with a large number of crops, do not care at all about their combination with each other. But not only the quantity and quality of the harvest, but also the health of garden trees in general directly depends on the rational planting of garden trees.

A special note can be made about the walnut tree. If the climate of your region allows you to grow this plant, then be prepared for the fact that you will need to allocate a fairly large area for it. Due to the high content of tannins in its leaves, the soil 18-20 m around becomes unsuitable for growing any other trees and shrubs.

Apricots and cherries, as well as peaches and cherries, are not the best neighbors. Despite the similarity of the crops, such trees should not be planted close to each other. Also, cherries do not tolerate close proximity to pears and apples.

Raspberry bushes should be planted away from apple and pear trees. Hawthorn bushes do not tolerate proximity to cherry trees.

Quite a capricious pear. In addition to cherries, it is also not adjacent to cherry plums, barberry bushes and raspberries.

Caring for fruit trees and shrubs

Like any fruit-bearing crop, trees and shrubs require timely and proper care. One of them critical roles Pruning garden trees plays a role in this. It is thanks to her that it is possible not only to maintain proper appearance plants, but also to extend its fruiting period. By carefully removing excess branches, you can achieve the appearance of gaps that will allow the sun's rays to cover a larger number of fruiting shoots. This means that you have an increased chance of getting a rich and healthy harvest.

Removing Old Plants

Sometimes, when purchasing a plot, you can find old, dried out trees and stumps on it. In this case, it is necessary to make complete liberation plot by cutting down garden trees and uprooting stumps. Today there are many organizations that can make your work easier. But if you wish, you can clean your area yourself.

How to do it? Special requirements There is no information about clearing the area of ​​unsuitable plants. It is necessary to cut down an old tree as low as possible - this will make it easier to remove the stump. And this is simply necessary. It is necessary to remove stumps, as they are an excellent breeding ground for fungal diseases and pests.

Diseases of garden trees

Fruit trees are quite susceptible to various diseases. In this section, we will show you how to recognize these diseases and give tips on how to combat them.

  • Rust. It appears as numerous spots of brownish or brown color on the leaves and contributes to their early fall. This disease can be controlled by prompt removal of infected areas.
  • Cystospora. This disease causes small wounds to form on the tree, from which a gum-like resin oozes. This is dangerous because other diseases develop very quickly in such places. Therefore, it is necessary to promptly remove the affected branches and cover the damage with garden varnish.
  • Scab. Common fungal disease, affecting both young shoots and ripened fruits. You can recognize this disease by the greenish-brown spots that appear on the leaves and fruits. Fighting scab is quite simple: carefully dig up the soil around the tree or bush, and also burn the foliage in autumn period.
  • Powdery mildew. It is characterized by a white powdery coating on shoots, leaves and fruits. There are other signs as well. As the disease progresses, shoot growth stops, leaves dry out and fall off. To combat powdery mildew spray with boiling water or a solution of soda ash.
  • Anthracnose. Most often, the disease manifests itself at high humidity and looks like brownish sores on the stems and leaves. As the disease progresses, it causes the leaves of garden trees to curl and fall off. The main method of combating the disease is the timely detection and immediate destruction of infected parts of the plant.

Decorative trees and shrubs

To create a harmonious look for your garden area, it is best to seek help from a specialist in this matter - landscape designer. He is the one who will tell you optimal combination certain trees and shrubs that are suitable for your site. In general, planting ornamental plants comes down to emphasizing the topography of the territory and creating compositions that highlight all the advantages of the garden.

Features of planting ornamental plants

The main principle of landscape design is planting according to the principle of tiering. This means that you should not mix trees and shrubs in random order, but you need to plant them according to the height of the plants: from low to high or vice versa. The light and shade tolerance of the plant must be taken into account. Also, when creating a composition, it is necessary to pay attention to the seasonality of trees and shrubs. That is, each compositional group must perform decorative functions throughout the entire season.

Popular ornamental trees and shrubs for the garden

Every year the range of these plants is growing incredibly quickly. We will provide a list of the most popular and least demanding trees and shrubs with which you can decorate your garden plot.


Today we introduced you to the most popular fruit and ornamental garden trees and shrubs, and also told how to combine them correctly. We shared information about planting and caring for seedlings, as well as the features of removing old and unsuitable plants.

On your summer cottage no room for a garden? Then it’s time to start planting fruit bushes. These plants will provide you with your own harvest of berries. In addition to their main function, they are actively used by specialists in landscape design for decorating the garden area.

Species diversity of fruit bushes

These plants are traditional inhabitants of the summer cottages of our compatriots. They do not depend on fashion and natural disasters. Growing fruit bushes does not require much labor, knowledge or special skills. They do not take up much space; some species are able to grow and bear fruit even in ordinary flower pots.

Berries are a storehouse of vitamins

List of the best berry bushes for our country

  • Currant

Black has mixed flower buds. They form on annual shoots and after harvest they grow into ringlets. After 5 years, the branches of this plant become old. To restore productivity, they are removed, making room for young branches. A blackcurrant bush that has been growing for more than 10 years is best replaced with young ones.

The lifespan of red currants is about 18 years. This plant tolerates frost and drought well.

Red and black currant harvest

  • Gooseberry

The bush is capable of bearing fruit for 25 years. Needs additional protection from frost, does not tolerate high humidity.

Gooseberries are not only tasty, but also healthy

  • Raspberries red, black or purple

These fruit berry bushes They are self-pollinating, tolerate frost well, and are easy to care for.

Adults and children love raspberries

  • Blackberry

Very similar to raspberries, but inferior to them in frost resistance.

  • Edible honeysuckle

This plant is not afraid of even severe frost; it is perfect for forming a hedge on your site.

You can even plant exotic southern fruit bushes at your dacha. However, it is simply unrealistic to wait for their harvest in the middle zone.

Main features of a berry garden

When choosing a place to plant bushes, it is important to remember that they will grow in one place for 10-15 years. Well-lit places or small slopes are best suited for fruit trees and shrubs.

Refusing traditional way landings berry bushes in one or two lines, you can decorate your site with original edges or borders along the paths, decorate dull fences or unsightly places in your garden.

Perennial branched shrub edible honeysuckle can reach 2 m in height

All berry bushes require moderately moist, fertile soil.

At the same time, they do not like waterlogging and high water levels, so it is necessary to take care of drainage in advance. For this it is recommended:

  • introduce drainage materials into the soil;
  • lay an additional drainage layer in the planting holes;
  • For planting plants in low places, use raised grads.

It is advisable to begin preparing the site for placing the berry garden 1.5 months before planting the plants. It is worth taking care in advance to level the terrain of the site, remove all weeds and dig up the ground. If necessary, liming of the soil is carried out, gardening mixtures, mineral or organic fertilizers are applied.

Choosing a season for planting

Perfect timing For planting seedlings of shrubs and fruit trees, autumn or spring is considered.

The main advantages of autumn planting are a huge selection of planting material and optimally prepared soil.

In some climatic zones autumn planting is not acceptable due to significant freezing of the soil, which negatively affects the strengthening of the root system and adaptation of seedlings.

The advantages of spring planting are the organization of a high-quality preparatory process and the acceleration of fruiting time.

It should be noted that fruit bushes planted in spring need frequent watering.

When choosing a planting time, it is necessary to take into account climatic conditions, soil characteristics, quality of seedlings, etc.

Pruning fruit bushes

All fruit and berry bushes need pruning, during which their crown is given the shape of a bowl with open center.

For pruning you will need pruning shears and a little skill.

Thanks to this manipulation:

  • plants receive optimal access to sunlight;
  • air circulation improves;
  • productivity increases;
  • the risk of infection of shoots is reduced;
  • care is greatly facilitated.

The process of pruning fruit trees and shrubs involves removing dry and diseased branches, as well as shoots that are too low or touching the ground.

Black currants are pruned in the summer during harvest. To limit excessive growth, the tops of the branches are pinched.

The best equipment for digging up soil in berry gardens in autumn is a shovel for the lazy

On gooseberry and red currant bushes, it is enough to leave the five strongest branches. All other growth is trimmed. During the midterm summer pruning young branches are shortened to several leaves. This technique allows you to direct all the forces of the plant not to the growth of foliage, but to the ripening of fruits on old branches.

An integrated approach is the key to a good harvest

Caring for berry bushes is not limited to regular watering and timely pruning.

In the autumn they need feeding. For this purpose, you can use manure, compost or humus. Total organic fertilizers should not exceed 20 kg per currant or gooseberry bush and 8 kg per raspberry bush. It is worth noting that the annual use of organic fertilizers has a detrimental effect on the condition of plants, so it is recommended to apply them no more than once every two to three years.

Fruit bushes will respond to good care with high yields

From the Arsenal mineral fertilizers phosphorus and potassium preparations are used.

It is important!
For autumn feeding Manure and nitrogen fertilizers cannot be used, as they stimulate the growth of branches. When cold weather sets in, young shoots die before they have time to become lignified.

After applying fertilizers, dig up the soil using an ordinary shovel or garden fork. In order not to damage the root system, it is necessary to limit the digging depth near the bushes to 5-6 cm.

Overall care fruit bushes does not pose any particular difficulties even for novice summer residents. We wish you a rich harvest of large, fleshy berries!

By purchasing fruit trees and shrubs for a garden plot, its owner is laying the foundation for truly strategic plantings. They determine the appearance of the area adjacent to the house for many years to come, and with proper care they become the main source of fruit crops.

What fruit and berry crops are gardeners most often interested in? How to place the plants you like on the site and find the right neighborhood for them?

Fruit trees and shrubs: photos and names of popular crops

Due to the length of the country, spread over several natural areas, it is almost impossible to designate a single list of trees and shrubs. And yet there are species that gardeners always try to find appropriate place. Photos and names of these fruit trees and shrubs are well known even to those who are far from gardening.

Among fruit trees, the undisputed leaders are of different varieties and ripening periods. Next come pears and the most common stone fruits: cherries and plums.

TO fruit and berry bushes found almost everywhere include raspberries, different kinds currants, gooseberries. Today it is actively gaining popularity:

  • healing sea buckthorn;
  • felt cherry;
  • early

Blackberries are moving into the orchard; increasingly, chokeberry, shadberry and other crops can be found in the plots, which some time ago were perceived as secondary or planted only for landscaping.

The list of shrubs for the garden is much wider than the list of trees given above. No wonder. An orchard made entirely of trees will produce its first harvest no earlier than in 5–7 years, and shrubs are ready to please the gardener already in the second or third year after planting.

An additional advantage of shrubs is their relatively small sizes and less labor intensive care. However, no one will be able to replace pears with currants. Therefore, without trees, a garden will never be complete.

It is believed that in the northern regions gardeners are limited in their choice by the harsh climate, but the further south they go, the more diverse the population of garden plots becomes.

Indeed, starting from the Central Black Earth region, in the ranks of fruit and berry crops it is not uncommon:

  • apricot;
  • cherry plum;
  • various types of nuts;
  • cherry and its hybrid with cherry.

The list of shrubs is replenished with yoshta, dogwood and perennial fruit-bearing vines.

But if just recently gardeners middle zone and more northern regions were forced to be content with a very modest list of fruit and berry crops, today things are changing radically.

Nurseries have long and successfully offered fruit trees and shrubs for the Moscow region that were previously not available in the Non-Black Earth Region. The boundaries of the distribution of southern crops have seriously shifted to the north, not only due to climate change, but also thanks to the targeted work of breeders.

It is this bait that inexperienced gardeners fall for, wanting, at all costs, to get “ Garden of Eden" You can understand them! But it is not enough to purchase seedlings; it is important to plant and grow them correctly, taking into account all the needs of the plants and the characteristics of the territory.

Rules for placing fruit trees and shrubs in a garden plot

Young seedlings planted in the garden increase in growth year after year. After a few years, when the time for fruiting comes, the crowns grow by 1.5–2 meters. And mature trees take up even more space.

It is not enough to choose the most winter-hardy ones, productive varieties, it is necessary to accurately plan the future orchard.

It is better to do this on a sheet of paper, based on measurements of the distances from the landing zone to the nearest buildings, roads, and fences of neighboring properties. When planting fruit trees and shrubs in a garden plot, it is necessary to take into account not only the aesthetic preferences of the owner, but also mandatory standards. They regulate the distances from large plants to residential and outbuildings, transport routes, communications and the land survey line running between sections.

So, for example, from an apple or pear tree to a residential building or garage there should be at least 3.5–4 meters. This distance is explained by the safe operation of the structure and the need for constant care of large garden crops. For shrubs the distance is less and is one and a half meters, which makes it possible:

  • unhindered maintenance of walls, windows and other structures and communications;
  • do not be afraid of excessive humidity in close contact with vegetation;
  • look after fruit and berry crops, harvest, prune and replant them.

In addition to the mandatory restrictions dictated by common sense and safety, there are other rules that are worth considering when planning an orchard.

It is extremely important to adhere to the distances between seedlings in rows, and also to take into account the deadline for growing a particular crop in one place.

Useful and harmful proximity of fruit trees and shrubs in a garden plot

Knowledge of the needs is of considerable importance for the future of plantings. individual species plants and their characteristics:

  1. Some crops prefer to grow in the sun, while others easily adapt to the shade.
  2. For some fruit trees and shrubs in the garden plot, an open, windswept place is suitable, while for others you will have to find shelter.
  3. Plant requirements for fertility and watering vary.

It is unlikely that in a limited area of ​​land it will be possible to satisfy all the needs of green pets. In a small country garden, inevitably some shrubs end up under the canopy of growing trees. To ensure that such proximity does not affect the yield, the location for planting shade-loving fruit trees and shrubs in the garden is determined in advance.

Such crops include black currants, honeysuckle, low-growing berry bushes, such as cranberries, blueberries and lingonberries. If shady corner The garden is well ventilated; viburnum will thrive here. Blackberries and raspberries are grown in partial shade.

Gardeners have long noticed that even in comfortable conditions garden plants sometimes they refuse to bear fruit at full strength, look depressed and grow poorly. It turns out that the reason for this behavior is an incorrectly chosen neighborhood. As in nature, in an orchard, trees, shrubs and herbaceous crops form close communities. The given options for successful and dangerous neighborhoods of fruit trees and shrubs in the table will help create the best conditions for each species and get the maximum benefit from it.

You can arrange the plantings so that closely related plants are nearby. This solution will be extremely useful, for example, for cherries and petioles, many varieties of which are self-sterile and require a pollinator to produce a harvest. A similar picture is observed when growing sea buckthorn. True, here there must be one male bush for several female plants.

In addition, for sea buckthorn, which readily reproduces by root cuttings, blackberries and raspberries, it is better to find a place away from the rest of the garden plantings, otherwise the powerful shoots of these crops will take over half the garden within a year.

Fruit trees and berry bushes - video

Every owner of a country house wants to have an orchard on his land: apple, cherry, of different varieties and types of crops. In spring, trees and bushes bloom delightfully, smell fragrant, and fruits and berries grown with your own hands are always tastier than those purchased at the market or in a store. In addition, the products are environmentally friendly. A blooming orchard is perceived as a symbol of prosperity and abundance.

Where to locate the orchard

Growing a garden is not easy. The main mistake of novice gardeners is that they rush to develop the site without studying the planting culture. Over time, seedlings planted without taking into account their characteristics and compatibility begin to become infected with diseases and oppress each other. Proper placement of fruit trees in the garden, taking into account solar and shady areas, soil types, groundwater depth are the key to a future successful garden.

Nature itself helps determine the suitability and unsuitability of land for gardening. Maple, rowan, and wild pear grow on richer soils, alder, willow, and sedge grow in wetlands. Dense clay and rocky soil is not suitable for planting a garden. Perfect option- chernozem, but more often plants are planted on moderately acidic soils. The main thing is to do this away from conifers and birches, in an area cleared of fallen leaves.

In areas with high groundwater, plants also cannot develop well, since the roots will constantly be in water and rot from lack of oxygen and nutrients. The optimal water level for fruit trees should be no closer than 15 m from the surface. But for shrubs (gooseberries, currants and raspberries) the water can be 1 m away and not harm the plants.

There are no trifles in organizing gardening. Listen to the opinions and advice of experienced gardeners and gardeners. Decide your preferences in advance. There is no need to follow your dreams and buy twice as many seedlings as you can grow later. Below are the seating options. garden crops on small plots of land.

The best compatibility of fruit trees and shrubs

The best compatibility of fruit trees in the garden is achieved if they are arranged in homogeneous groups (apple trees with apple trees, pear trees with pears). But only owners of large plantations or production cooperatives. Therefore, you will have to study in detail the compatibility of plants and the rules for planting them in small areas.

Compatibility is affected by lighting, nutrition, soil, fertilizing, allelopathy ( negative impact). In the table, cells indicating an undesirable proximity of plants are highlighted in red, and favorable ones are highlighted in green. Empty cells indicate the neutral nature of the neighborhood.

Apple tree- the most unpretentious fruit tree. It gets along with many vegetable and garden crops and has a powerful root system. While the apple tree is young, raspberry bushes have a beneficial effect on its development (they loosen the soil). Apple trees develop faster and bear fruit abundantly if a couple of deciduous or coniferous trees are planted in the apple orchard. Ash-leaved maple secretes phytoncides and protects the apple tree from pests.

Many types pears are sterile, so they need to be planted in pairs. They do not tolerate apple trees, plums, currants, and gooseberries growing nearby, but they favor rowan, oak, and poplar. Juniper is considered the most harmful neighbor.

Cherry does not tolerate currants, raspberries, gooseberries and easily gets along with cherries and plums. Superficial roots of the cherry tree can fill the entire area.

Different varieties plums(Russian, Chinese, Amur) cannot be planted together, but they get along well with cherry and maple. And black elderberry saves plums from aphids.

Grape goes well with Chinese lemongrass, pear, and gets along well with raspberries and cherries, cherries and apple trees. Cannot stand the proximity of quince and hazel.

CherriesIt grows well in the same garden with cherries and plums, but is not happy with apple and pear trees next to each other. It has powerful roots and takes away nutrients from weaker plants.

Honeysuckle and black currants are good neighbors, but they don’t get along with red currants. But the gooseberry is friends with her.

Sea ​​buckthorn It is compatible with many shrubs and trees, but it must be planted carefully, otherwise it will clog any plant with its long roots. To limit the spread of roots, slate or iron shields are dug around the sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn is a useful medicinal plant.

Currant different varieties are not planted side by side. Red berries need more intense lighting. Plant blackcurrants next to honeysuckle, away from cherries, apples and raspberries.

Gooseberry goes well with red currants. It needs a lot of sun. The main external enemy of the bush is the gooseberry moth. Gooseberries grow well next to plums and pears.

Raspberries will sweep out many neighbors in the garden. It is light-loving, with an aggressive root system. Raspberries are usually planted in two rows and prevented from spreading into neighboring beds. Gooseberry and currant bushes will wither next to the raspberries.

In the garden between the trees it is useful to sow anise, tarragon, basil, parsley, coriander, lemon balm, and thyme. Their odorous substances, repelling pests, inhibit the spread of many diseases.

What trees and shrubs should not be planted together?

The main reasons for the suppression of one plant by another are:

  • crown shading;
  • competition for nutrients;
  • occurrence of the root system at the same depth;
  • release of unpleasant or harmful substances;
  • pathogens that are transmitted in close proximity.

Incompatible plant species in one area should be placed in opposite corners of the garden. It is not recommended to plant bird cherry, hawthorn and hazel in the garden area. They have a depressing effect on neighboring plants.

Fruit and berry crops can be affected by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and become infected with insects. Advice: carefully study the tables indicating the undesirable proximity of plants in your garden plot.

Orchard planting schemes

It is more practical to lay out the garden from the south or southeast side, lining up rows of trees from north to south. So fruit crops will be illuminated by the sun most day. To reduce shading, the outer rows are filled with low-growing crops, the inner ones with taller specimens.

Ornamental shrubs (viburnum, rose hips, rowan, hawthorn) are best placed outside the garden plot along the perimeter, since they suppress the growth of fruit crops.

Trees are planted three meters from buildings, and young trees are never planted next to old ones, so that root system the latter were not oppressed by the young shoots. Fruit species with seed rootstock take root well in elevated areas in a small group or separately standing tree. For shallow groundwater It is advisable to use crops planted on dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstocks (columnar apple trees).

With dense plantings, fruit crops begin to fight for lighting, nutrition and space. To correctly calculate the garden planting scheme, consider the following indicators: the diameter of the crown and root system of the future tree, biological features and the timing of its maturation.

When planting apple trees in a row, maintain a distance between them of at least 3 m (for plums - 2 m, for pears and cherries - 2.5 m), for circular plantings - 5-7 m from each other. This is necessary for better cross-pollination, greater fruit set and easier harvesting.

Scheme of regular placement of fruit trees:

It is best to purchase seedlings from a nursery, paying attention to the length of the roots (at least 25 cm), their branching and the absence of growths. The leaves should be carefully torn off, leaving the standard part, buds and main branches intact, and the roots should be wrapped in burlap, reducing moisture loss. Planting is carried out no later than three weeks before the onset of persistent cold weather.

Fertilizers, ash, and humus are added to planting holes with a diameter twice as large as the root system of the seedling. Then the seedlings are immersed in the holes, leaving the root collar at a level of 5 cm above the ground surface, and sprinkled on top sawdust with peat. Seedlings in a container are planted in a planting hole without deepening the seedling, without breaking the earthen ball.

When to plant fruit trees: autumn or spring?

Most trees and shrubs are planted in the ground after the completion of the growing season - in the fall, until November. The exception is the leaf fall period. As soon as the plants have shed their leaves, they are ready to be transplanted. For young seedlings, such an operation is very responsible. They must have time to take root before upper layer the soil is not frozen.

Autumn planting does not require the gardener special care, except for watering, but even that is often replaced by autumn rains. Injured seedlings easily recover on their own and begin active growth in the spring. Summer residents have more time to do other gardening work. Well tolerated autumn planting apple trees, pears, cherries, cherry plums, mulberries, Substantial part varietal plum. As a rule, such trees produce larger fruits.

Some seedlings with lower frost resistance, brought from other climatic regions and those that have not gone through the wintering stage in similar conditions are planted in the spring. These include all stone fruits (peach, cherry, apricot), chestnut and walnut. Spring planting are produced until the buds open and the moisture is gone. Planting holes are prepared in the fall or a couple of weeks before the planting procedure.

When will the orchard begin to bear fruit?

The timing of fruiting of garden crops depends on the variety of seedlings, the type of rootstock, as well as the correct and timely planting of trees and their care.

Thus, apple trees of the White Naliv and Simirenko varieties grafted onto a dwarf rootstock (M 9), and Williams and Forest Beauty pears bear fruit already in the third or fourth year, and some even in the second. Sweet cherries and Lyubskaya cherries begin to bear fruit while still in the nursery. But you can fill a bucket only after 3-4 years. Berries of black and red currants, serviceberry, gooseberries, and viburnum are first harvested in the third year of life.

An orchard is not only tasty fruits, but also a whole healing arsenal. Roots, seeds, bark, leaves, shoots and flowers - all can be useful for treatment. An infusion of apple leaves lowers blood pressure, gooseberries cleanse blood vessels, and pear buds remove salts and toxins from the body. A decoction of cherry cuttings helps fight cystitis. Apricots and plums have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and heart. Quince heals joints. Blackcurrant is a storehouse of vitamins.

If the garden is grown over a large area, it can become a business target. Apple trees, for example, using modern intensive technologies, produce a sufficient harvest already at next year. The apple orchard business brings a stable profit every year. And yet, the food issue is not the main goal of the gardener.

In winter, we look forward to the new dacha season, to return to evening tea parties at sunset, pleasant conversations, childhood memories and complete freedom of thought and deeds, the silence and fragrance of our native garden and juicy apples on the table.