Succinic acid for orchids is a precious food for the royal flower. How is succinic acid useful when growing orchids and how to use it correctly

This stimulator is especially useful for roots. Thanks to it, the system is restored even after severe stress V as soon as possible. And if the roots are strong and healthy, then the plant itself feels much better. The leaves become elastic and rigid, and the petals become stable. And this increases the flowering period of the orchid.

Succinic acid for orchids is real “living water”

The culture is treated with succinic acid in several ways. Methods of using the drug:

  • To improve the condition of the roots, place them in a stimulator solution for a period of 30 minutes to 2-2.5 hours. The weaker the flower, the longer it takes to process.
  • To improve the condition of your pet's leaves, dip a napkin in the drug solution and wipe the plant well with it. Remove excess fluid from your sinuses. Also, do not leave droplets of the drug on the leaves.
  • For improvement general condition flower, spray the orchid with a solution of the product 1-2 times a month. This will stimulate the growth of side shoots. The remaining acid should not be thrown away, because it can be used to water the roots of the crop.

In order for the drug to bring maximum benefit, you need to follow the correct dosage of the drug. Remember that the prepared solution is stored for no longer than 3 days. In the future, the product loses its beneficial properties.

How to dilute succinic acid for orchids

The drug is available in the form of tablets or powder. Therefore, the dosage depends on the form of release of the stimulant. But in any case, succinic acid should be diluted in large quantities warm water and after complete dissolution, add cold liquid to the required volume. Dosage rates:

  • If you bought tableted succinic acid, then dissolve the tablet in 1 liter of water. To speed up the process, crush it first.
  • If you have acid in powder form, then dilute 1 g of the drug in a liter of water.

The stimulant practically does not cause an overdose. But still, you shouldn’t use it more than once a month. After all, the plant will not be able to absorb more useful substances.

Succinic acid - best helper gardener, it improves the growth and condition of orchids. But for the product to be beneficial, it is necessary to use the drug correctly.

Improving orchids? Is it possible to surpass absolute perfection? Orchids are unique flowers that beckon with their beauty, fascinate with the tenderness of their petals and give us a unique fragrance. And in order for them to please the eye with impeccable flowering for a longer period of time, they need care. Succinic acid for orchids is a panacea for many phytodiseases.

Stimulating the growth of orchids

Treatment of orchids with succinic acid is no longer considered an innovation. This product is a growth stimulant and is found in almost every home medicine cabinet. Yes, for growing flowers you also need to purchase special means, even antibiotics and antifungal drugs.

Why do you grow orchids? The smallest percentage of amateur gardeners breeds these beautiful exotic plants for the sake of hobby and collecting. Most housewives purchase orchids solely for their magnificent flowering. Only bad luck: my neighbor’s orchids are blooming all year round, and your plant has been sitting in one place for several months. To save our exotic guests, use succinic acid in orchid tablets.

Mysterious properties of succinic acid

Feeding orchids with succinic acid will help give a second life to your flower. Don’t rush to replant it or kick it out of your saucer. Perhaps the flower’s immunity is weakened and it needs powerful support. Succinic acid is sold in a regular pharmacy. This drug cannot be considered a herbal remedy, since people use it as a dietary supplement.

The acid helps the orchids to quickly adapt to the new pot. With its help, the rhizome is strengthened and growth is accelerated. It's never too late to nourish your exotic plants with succinic acid. Even if you overdo it with liquid, you don’t need to worry. The plant will not die from an overdose, because the root system, stems and leaves will take exactly as much as they need for full development.

Impact succinic acid the orchid lies in its beneficial properties. Experienced gardeners identified a number of beneficial factors, such as:

  • acceleration of growth;
  • protection from external irritants;
  • formation of stable immunity;
  • improved fertilizer perception;
  • protection against overheating and excess moisture;
  • treatment of diseased leaves and shoots.

The composition of succinic acid includes the well-known vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is the first ally of orchids. With this natural fertilizer you can protect the flower from pests and various ailments. This succinic acid for orchids is simply not an additive, but a real panacea. The described remedy must be used immediately as soon as you notice that the beauty no longer pleases you with its blooms, the leaves have faded, and the orchid no longer stretches upward.

Experienced gardeners will be happy to share their secrets. Study quickly and take note of their advice. First, let's find out what the amber-colored acid is used for and how it will help defenseless orchids:

  • strengthens the rhizome;
  • stimulates growth;
  • improves seed quality;
  • will heal the damage.

Depending on the chosen purpose, you will either spray or water the orchid with the prepared solution.

Now let's calculate the proportions correctly. An overdose, as already mentioned, will not kill the orchid, but it is better to do everything correctly. Our goal is to prepare a solution of succinic acid with a concentration of 0.1%. To do this we need 500 ml of water and 2 amber acid tablets.

If you only have powder available, then you need to take it literally at the tip of a knife. Of course, we grind the tablets. To obtain a healing solution, perform the following steps:

  1. We post it in the required capacity succinic acid and add a little water.
  2. This product does not dissolve well, so we will have to work hard stirring it.
  3. Only after the acid has completely dissolved can the remaining portion of water be added.

Secret laboratory: rules for processing orchids

Succinic acid - unique remedy. This solution can be used to treat any part of the orchid:

  • seeds;
  • rhizome;
  • leaves;
  • cuttings.

If you are a professional breeder of orchids, then the seeds can be soaked in an amber solution. This is done 1-2 days before disembarkation. Little secret: After such a bath, the seeds need to be dried.

When the time has come for the orchid to settle in a new pot, treat the rhizome with the solution. It is better to place it in a very weak solution for 5 hours root system. Minimum solution concentration - required condition. Otherwise, you risk burning the source of life of an exotic plant.

The leaves can be sprayed. The interval between manipulations is 7 days. You can also arrange water procedures. To do this, soak a cotton pad in a solution of succinic acid and wipe each leaf in the direction of growth.

There is no mention of the shelf life of the amber solution in any source. However experienced flower growers Still, they insist on one-time use of the prepared product. You can store it for a maximum of 2 weeks.

If you do everything correctly, then after 2-3 weeks you will be pleasantly surprised by the result and appearance exotic plant.

Let's get some instructions

As such, succinic acid is not hazardous to human health. But still, if it gets on the mucous membrane, irritation may occur. If this occurs, immediately rinse your eyes or skin area. Quite rarely, inhaling succinic acid can cause irritation. respiratory tract. Then it is better to trust the doctors. If your four-legged pet swallows a tablet of precious acid, do not worry, because it will benefit him.

Succinic acid, also called butanedioic or ethane dicarboxylic acid, is a product of the processing of natural amber. The substance is safe and has many beneficial properties. It is a colorless crystalline powder with a taste similar to citric acid and highly soluble in alcohol or water. It is found naturally in small quantities in almost all plants.

Beneficial features

  • Increases stress resistance of plants to external factors environment.
  • It is a biostimulant that accelerates the growth of the plant and its parts.
  • Prevents excessive accumulation of nitrogen and toxic substances.
  • Normalizes soil microflora.
  • Reanimates sick and damaged plants.
  • Helps to absorb better nutrients and fertilizers.

Important! Succinic acid is not able to replace applied fertilizers; it promotes their absorption by plants and prevents excessive accumulation of nitrogenous substances.

Find out how to feed a flower, and also see a review the best means You can fertilize orchids, but in we told you which ready-made fertilizers are better, and how to make them yourself.

We invite you to watch a video about the benefits of succinic acid for orchids:

What effect does it produce?

Using a solution of succinic acid on an orchid will have a very positive effect. If you water a plant with it, part of the drug will settle on the bark and even after excess liquid will flow into the pan and nourish the orchid roots, stimulating their growth and promoting the formation of new shoots. In cases where the goal is to restore the plant after transplantation, injury or illness, it is recommended to water once a week.

Why fertilize?

The substances that make up succinic acid are stimulants. They increase the plant’s immunity to diseases and pests and activate its growth. Succinic acid can be used for:

  • Glaze.
  • Spraying.
  • Soaking the seeds.

In what cases should it be used?

  1. If the plant is damaged after a disease or as a result improper care, overmoistened or overdried, this is a reason to use succinic acid.
  2. If the stems and leaves are drooping and limp, and flowering is delayed, then the use of “amber” is simply necessary.
  3. The drug can also be applied to the soil to help microorganisms concentrated in the soil quickly destroy toxic organic substances.
  4. If the plant is healthy, additional treatment with succinic acid will increase the flower’s resistance to negative influences environment, will accelerate growth, strengthen the roots and above-ground parts.

When should you not fertilize?

There are no contraindications for feeding orchids with succinic acid. The main attractive feature of the drug is its absolute safety; it is only important to follow the dosage and treatment regimen.

  1. Watering an orchid with succinic acid can only be done in spring or summer, during the period of active growth. In autumn and winter, the plant rests, all processes slow down and there is no need to stimulate them.
  2. During the period of formation of ovaries in an orchid, it is better not to process it, since at this time stimulation can harm the flower.

Methods for plant resuscitation

Wiping the leaves protects the plant from stagnation, especially in the leaf axils. When watering, a solution of succinic acid penetrates the soil and saturates the roots. These two procedures can be performed simultaneously. First, wipe the leaves and moisten the soil with the remaining solution.

Correct dosage

The solution for orchids must be prepared immediately before use, since the active substance disintegrates very quickly and loses its properties. To achieve a pronounced effect, it is necessary to follow the correct dosage. For an orchid, one gram of the substance should be diluted in one liter of water.

To do this, pour a little warm water into the container, add the drug and then add the rest of the liquid. There is no need to be afraid of high concentrations of succinic acid, since its toxicity is zero.

How often to feed?

Despite the fact that succinic acid is a harmless drug, its intensive use is often not recommended. Being a stimulant, it will bring a positive effect with infrequent use - once every one to two weeks. During the feeding period, it is important to monitor the condition and reaction of the plant.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing fertilizer

Succinic acid is available in the form of powder and tablets. The method of preparing the solution depends on the form of the drug.

From tablets

  1. You will need one tablet and one liter of water at room temperature.
  2. The tablet is dissolved in 200 ml of water.
  3. Add the remaining liquid.

From powder

  1. You will need 1 gram of powder (if there are no special scales, you can take the powder with the tip of a knife) and half a liter of warm water.
  2. The drug is thoroughly mixed with water until completely dissolved.

How to use?

In watering

How to fertilize a flower growing in a flask? If an orchid grows in a container without drainage holes, for example, in glass flask, watering has its own characteristics. The same watering can is used, but after watering, after about twenty minutes, the excess solution must be drained by tilting the flowerpot and holding the root system and drainage with the palm of your hand. It is important to wait until the liquid drains completely.

Important! If the orchid is protected from drafts and temperature changes, watering can be done at any time of the day. If not, then it is better to carry out the procedure in the morning.

In leaf processing

  1. A napkin or cotton pad is moistened in the prepared solution.
  2. Wipe the sheet plate.
  3. It is important to prevent acid from getting into the base of the leaves.
  4. Two days after applying the drug, wipe the leaves with a clean cloth soaked in warm water.

Consequences of improper use

Succinic acid can harm the orchid when used during flowering.(read more about the rules for feeding an orchid during flowering). The plant will devote all its strength to active growth, the formation of roots and leaves, and the flowers will simply fall off.

It is difficult to get an overdose of succinic acid. If you add it in large quantities, the flower simply will not absorb the excess doses. An overdose in the case of succinic acid can be considered to be that with frequent use the soil becomes acidified.

Substances included in the composition succinic acid, are a kind of stimulants. They significantly increase the orchid’s resistance to various diseases and pests.

What is it used for?

  1. glaze;
  2. thorough spraying;
  3. soaking seeds.

In order to receive excellent result, a small concentration of succinic acid (0.002-0.003 percent) will be required. In this case, the concentration of the substance can be increased. Since a slight overdose does not pose a danger to the color.

The fact is that a flower can only absorb a certain amount active ingredients. It is recommended to use standard dosages. Because the maximum positive effect is achieved when using standard dosages, which are indicated on the packaging.


  1. obtaining a harvest without the use of various fertilizers;
  2. in the orchid the content increases significantly various substances that have a positive impact on growth;
  3. sustainability indicators are significantly improved;
  4. protects against excessive accumulation of various nitrogenous substances;
  5. chlorophyll content increases ( good yield and intensive growth);
  6. growth rates are significantly improved;
  7. the drug is absolutely non-toxic, therefore it does not affect the structure of the soil;
  8. promotes active growth of green mass;
  9. the incidence of disease is significantly reduced due to double watering during the period of flower growth;
  10. restores soil microflora;
  11. resistance to various factors (humidity, wind, frost) is significantly increased;
  12. prevents significant accumulation of various toxins;
  13. promotes increased root formation.

How to make a solution correctly?

Today, succinic acid is presented in stores in the following forms:

  • powder;
  • pills.

If the drug is in tablet form, then you need to dissolve one tablet in 500-1000 ml of water.

If the drug is in crumbly form, then it is necessary to measure using a knife required amount(at the tip of the knife).

Step-by-step instruction


  1. We hit the tablet with a hammer on both sides (to grind it into powder).
  2. Pour the crushed tablet into a glass.
  3. We dilute the drug with warm water.
  4. Stir with a spoon until completely dissolved.
  5. After complete dissolution, add cold water.
  6. Wait a few minutes.
  7. Dip and wring out the tampon.


There are 3 ways to process flowers: watering, spraying, and soaking the seeds. As a rule, a special sprayer is used for processing, which can be purchased at the store.

Plant resuscitation

Acid is often used to resuscitate orchids. Instructions:

  • dilute 1 tablet in 1 liter of warm water;
  • stir thoroughly;
  • after this you need to add more water (up to 1 liter);
  • the resulting liquid must be poured into a special sprayer;
  • spray.


Many people use this acid to soak seeds. Typically, the seeds are soaked for 12-24 hours. Instructions:

  • prepare a suitable container of water;
  • dissolve the acid in clean water;
  • place the seeds in a container;
  • wait 12-24 hours;
  • After complete drying, the seeds are sown in a special substrate.


You can also treat seedlings with acid. You can use a special sprayer for this. Instructions:

  • purchase the drug in a specialized store or pharmacy;
  • prepare a suitable container and warm water;
  • dilute the drug in warm water(it is important to maintain the correct concentration);
  • fill the sprayer with water;
  • perform thorough processing.


To treat the roots, the plant is dipped into a container with a solution.

As a rule, orchid roots are soaked for 0.5-4 hours. But, experts recommend to achieve maximum effect soak the roots for 1-2 hours.

The root system can also be sprayed. Instructions:

  1. prepare the drug, water and container;
  2. dissolve the drug in water;
  3. place the root in a container;
  4. wait 1-2 hours;
  5. ready!


Spraying plants is very simple. To do this, you need to use a special sprayer, which can be purchased at a specialized store.

What can you spray?

  1. roots;
  2. stems;
  3. leaves.

Advantages of spraying:

  • stimulates rapid leaf growth;
  • increases stability;
  • stimulates the growth of all shoots.


  • Prepare a sprayer, preparation and clean water.
  • dilute 1 tablet in 1 liter of water;
  • stir thoroughly;
  • increase the volume to 1 liter;
  • We carry out spraying.

Basic spraying rules:

  • the orchid is sprayed 3 times before flowering;
  • the most favorable time for spraying is evening and morning;
  • The first treatment is carried out before the flowering process (after which the procedure must be repeated regularly).

Precautionary measures

Certified succinic acid, which is sold in specialized stores, does not pose a danger to humans, animals and plants. Since it is made only from natural raw materials (materials obtained from amber processing). You shouldn't have any problems with disposal either.

Despite all this, you need to adhere to some safety rules:

  • when processing the plant, children should not be in the room;
  • During treatment, it is prohibited to eat or drink;
  • for your personal safety, it is recommended to use a headband, goggles and special gloves;
  • If the drug gets into your eyes, rinse thoroughly clean water(if inflammation occurs, you must contact a medical facility).

Succinic acid is an indispensable tool for regular treatment of orchids. This procedure must be carried out regularly. In this case, a long-term effect is achieved.

Low cost and high efficiency make succinic acid very popular. It is also completely harmless. Therefore, even an untrained person can use it.

Succinic acid has a complex positive impact for an orchid (improving growth rates, increasing the content of various nutrients, reducing morbidity, increasing resistance, etc.).

My acquaintance with this drug began from afar. My husband read on the Internet that succinic acid improves memory, and on the same day he bought several packs. My mother-in-law, running in to visit, saw them and immediately waved her hands at me: what are you saying, a few tablets a month are enough for your phalaenopsis, why so many? It turned out that she also buys this substance, only as a growth stimulant for her luxury orchids. What can I say - that same evening I also fed my pet this pill. The flower liked it!

They are pharmaceutical. Interestingly, they are bought both for people and for chickens or vegetables.

The benefits of succinic (or in medical parlance - dicarboxylic) acid were also appreciated by amateurs decorative flowers, in particular orchids.

Essentially these are translucent crystals that can be dissolved in alcohol, ether or water. For convenience, pharmacists compress them into tablets (not in pure form, but often with the addition of glucose, ascorbic acid, talc), and less often into capsules with powder. Before purchasing, always read the composition of the tablets - not every additive will be to the taste of your flower! The same talc will only harm him. And even better - take the medicine not from a pharmacy for people, but from a florist's store- such tablets are definitely suitable for the plant.

People who have tried succinic acid say that it is a bit like regular citric acid. By the way, the name of the drug does not lie - the medicine is really made from amber.

It costs mere pennies - about 15 rubles per package.

The shelf life of the drug is 3 years.

Are they only useful, or can they do harm?

Advantages the drug has many:

  • natural composition;
  • getting into the soil, succinic acid (hereinafter referred to as AA) stimulates an increase in the amount of “good” microflora, which has a positive effect on the development of the plant;
  • it protects the roots and stimulates their growth;
  • accelerates the process of photosynthesis, increases the amount of chlorophyll in the leaves, due to which they grow faster;
  • extends the flowering period, more buds are formed;
  • helps cuttings take root better;
  • helps the plant recover from hypothermia, burns, illness;
  • strengthens the immune system, as well as resistance to stress (including unsuccessful watering and replanting);
  • helps the flower to better absorb fertilizers;
  • prevents hazardous components from collecting in the soil.

But besides that, there is also flaws.

  • Although acid is not harmful to you, as well as your pets (including tailed and feathered animals), it is better to work with it with gloves, and after work you should not rub your eyes or touch fresh scratches. After all, it is an acid, so it can cause irritation of mucous membranes or wounds. But if your eyes are already stinging, immediately rinse them with clean running water. It is also advisable to go to the hospital - you never know!
  • Some people complain that when they inhale this substance, a tingling sensation appears in the nasopharynx. Of course, you won’t get poisoned, but everyone’s body is different - some won’t notice anything, while others will feel discomfort. In this case, it is better to visit a doctor.

A curious cat stole the pill and swallowed it? Your pet is lucky - nothing will happen to her. The poor thing doesn't need to rinse her stomach.

Were there any cases overdose drug? In general, this substance will not harm, even if you give more than what other gardeners recommend (it is believed that the orchid will “take” exactly as much as it needs).

However, remember: even excess water (and what could be more harmless for orchids?) often ruined this capricious flower. Therefore, I would still advise you to adhere to the norms and not “stuff” your orchid with excess acid.

How to properly fertilize orchids

The easiest way is to prepare a solution.

Remember: it is not stored, since the active components disintegrate in light. So don't cook ahead of time. Once stirred, use immediately.

Acid dilution

For 1 g of substance (powder) or 1 tablet, take a liter of water. It is better to take warm water, so the orchid will absorb the solution more obediently.

If you are working with a tablet, first you need to crush it, mix it with a glass of liquid, and when all the crystals have dissolved, add more water.

Do you have YAK powder but don't have a scale? 1 gram is the amount that will fit on the tip of a knife.

Methods of fertilizing

  • Watering the soil. Use a watering can, it will help the solution get into the soil, but not onto the leaves. Pour in a little at a time until you see the bottom of the pan begin to fill. By the way, don’t leave the solution here - drain it without leaving any residue. It is best to water your orchid in the morning. If it is not on a hot windowsill, but in a protected corner, you can add succinic acid at any time of the day.
  • Wiping leaves. Prepare “amber water”, soak a handkerchief or cotton pad in it, wipe each leaf blade. You can even penetrate into the sinuses (this will protect them from stagnant moisture), but under no circumstances leave droplets of the solution there. In addition, always wring out the handkerchief well; it should not leak - excess liquid can injure the plant.
  • Spraying. This procedure is especially recommended for severely ill or young flowers, as it stimulates the growth of new shoots. By the way, if there is still water in the spray bottle and the roots are transparent, pour the remaining solution into the substrate.

  • Soaking the roots. This procedure is carried out during transplantation. You can keep the roots in the YAK solution for a couple of minutes or several hours. After this, you should not immediately plant the flower in nutritious soil - first, dry it in a sterile (for example, oven-fried) substrate. This procedure will help the flower take root faster.
  • Soaking the seeds. Almost everyone buys orchids ready-made, in pots and blooming, but if you have the time and desire, you can grow a flower with your own hands. For better germination of seeds, soak them for 24 hours in a solution of succinic acid. After that, put them on a handkerchief to dry, and you can sow them in the ground. By the way, the seeds will draw out all the benefits from the solution, so it is no longer suitable for watering or spraying adult plants.

How often can you pamper a flower with this delicacy?

It all depends on the method of application.

  • You can water your pet with “amber water” 1-2 times a month. But! Only during the period of activity, that is, in spring and summer. From the beginning of autumn, your flower will go into hibernation; you shouldn’t disturb it again even plain water, not to mention various stimulants and supplements.
  • It is worth wiping the leaves once a week, in the morning. Although there are people who do this every day (the orchid is sick) and are very happy with the results.
  • You can spray the plant once every 2 weeks.

Remember: using UC is not a reason to cancel other care(feeding, treatment). Acid is just a biostimulant that will push the orchid to grow and bloom.

And one more thing: after the first and several subsequent uses, monitor the reaction of your green pet. Flowers are like people, they also have individual incompatibility of the drug, or, more simply, their own personal tastes. If you think your orchid doesn't like succinic acid, don't give it any more.

Combination with other drugs

These tablets are good on their own, but if you are a perfectionist, you can use the drug to create even more complex cocktails for your favorite flower.

  • Tonic for flowering and growing roots of a plant that bloomed 2 months ago. 1 liter of water, 2 tablets of UC, 1 tablet of glucose, 1 ampoule each of pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, ascorbic acid and nicotinic acid (these are all B vitamins, as well as C and PP). Mix and immediately wipe the leaves, spray or water the flower. Important: this should be done not during the day, but in the evening or morning.
  • Cocktail for resuscitation of a sick orchid. A liter of water, 2 tablets of YAK, 1/5 tablet of nicotinic acid, ½ tablet of pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin, the smallest pinch (on the tip of a knife) of “Kornevin”. Apply in the same way: you can wipe the leaves, you can spray the whole plant, but it’s best to water the soil.
  • Cocktail to maintain beauty. Squeeze 3 medium cloves of garlic into 0.25 liters of heated water. Let it brew for 24 hours, strain. Crush 1.5 tablets of succinic acid, mix with hot and then garlic water. Dilute to make 4 liters. Use for watering once every 1-2 months.

First aid: reviving a flower without roots

How does an orchid lose roots? From frequent overwatering, they simply rot. Of course, she cannot live without them. But if the plant has not completely withered, it can still be saved.

Remove all rot (some gardeners advise dusting the cut areas with crushed activated carbon).

Fill a container with amber liquid and place the orchid so that it touches only the place where the roots will grow. Something like this:

The liquid must be prepared concentrated: 1 tablet per 250 ml of water.

You don’t need to keep the flower in it for long - about 15 minutes. But repeat the procedure daily (most best time- morning), watching to see if the roots begin to “peck”. In this case, you can spray the leaves with a standard solution of YAK, and before that wipe each leaf blade with a wet handkerchief - this will make them more receptive to the nutritional procedure. If the plant has already grown several young shoots, be sure to treat them.

Do you want to not only read about the experience of using this acid, but also see the application with your own eyes? I offer this video: a girl revives an orchid by rubbing it, and also shares her comments and advice. At the end you will see the result of regular procedures: