Do-it-yourself hedge in the country house. We decorate and protect the site with a thorny fence: how and what shrubs to use

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Prickly shrub up to 3 m high, strongly branched. Distributed in the forest-steppe in the south, up to the Crimea and the Caucasus inclusive.

Prickly shrub, densely branched, with wide-spread shoots, pressed to the ground. The flowers are large, up to 5 cm in diameter, with large yellow anthers, located on short legs along the shoots, appear from 3 to 4 years. Fruits - apples, ripen in October. They are lemon yellow, fragrant, on a short stem.

A thorny shrub with edible fruits grown as a hedge.

Prickly shrub or plum tree The slope of the mountain was densely covered with thickets of prickly thorns.

Ornamental fruit thorny shrubs suitable for hedges. The wood is hard as bone (ud. However, many species are distributors of Puccinia gra-minis bread rust. The least affected species are Japanese barberry - V. III - VIII; Turkestan barberry, black - V.

This is a thorny shrub of medium size, up to 2 m high, with a dense wide crown and thin arcuate drooping shoots, with light gray bark. A very delicate, graceful appearance of princepia gives light green foliage. The leaves are oblong, narrow (5-8 cm long), on thin short petioles, pale yellow in autumn.

Prickly bush seedlings (for example, hawthorn) are planted along the frame at a distance of 20–30 cm from each other. As soon as the seedlings are strengthened, their upper part is cut off almost to the base. The lateral shoots that have grown from the base are intertwined and guided along the frame, tying them. After a few years, the need for a frame disappears, and care consists in periodic pruning of the shrub.

Rvach-003 is used for picking berries from thorny bushes and is a Rvach-002 with a cut off neck, where instead of a pole the hand of a berry picker is inserted. Complete protection from thorns allows the hand to show special zeal whenever you want, but it pricks.

Euphorbia brilliant - Euphorbia splendens Bojer - xerophytic thorny shrub up to 2 m tall, from the island of Madagascar. The stem is profusely branched, twisted, with dark purple spines. The flowers are small, yellow, in corymbose inflorescences, with bright scarlet covering leaves, giving the plant a high decorative effect. Of the features of the culture, you need to know that the cut cuttings before rooting are placed for half an hour in warm water to allow the milky juice to drain. Recommended for compositions winter garden, flower girls and as a tapeworm, however, this plant should not be used for landscaping schools and kindergartens, since the milky juice of all spurges is poisonous.

Double row hedge.

This hedge is created from tree species or thorny shrubs. It is recommended to apply hardly; blowing tree species: honey locust, maclura, common and small-leaved elm, birch bark, hornbeam, Ussuri pear, Siberian apple tree, cherry plum, Magaleb cherry, sandy acacia. The range of thorny shrub species is selected according to local conditions.

The creation of a protective structure is carried out not only from artificial materials. Planting from shrubs, trees or grasses will be an excellent solution to the question of what to build a fence from. If the owner of the territory doubts the protective properties of the fence of the plantations, then you should pay attention to the thorny varieties of shrubs.

How to choose the right thorny shrub for a hedge

Before proceeding with the calculations for the erection of a green fence, it is necessary to determine the height of the future fence. When the owner of the land allotment cannot choose any one level of the fence, he can plant a multi-tiered fence.

There are three groups of shrubs in accordance with their growth:

  1. Tall bushes. They grow over 2 meters and are used to make real living walls.
  2. Medium shrubs. Reach a length of 50 centimeters to 2 meters. Used to make a green fence.
  3. Undersized varieties. Their growth does not exceed 50 centimeters, they are used to decorate flower beds, flower beds, framing paths, paths.

Spiny vegetation species can be deciduous or coniferous, deciduous or evergreen.

Preference should be given to such varieties when the owner of the territory wants to increase the level of protection of the space from the intrusion of animals or unauthorized persons.

Planting material should be purchased only in specialized nurseries or gardening stores. Purchasing raw materials from unverified sellers will increase the risk of replacing one subspecies with another or selling too young seedlings.

By itself, seedlings of thorny bushes are a fairly economical choice for erection. protective structure. But one or another variety of vegetation should be selected based on the type and composition of the soil on the site.

Almost all subspecies of thorny shrubs are undemanding to care, they survive winter and dry times very well.

Popular shrubs for planting hedges

Green spaces with thorns create an impenetrable protection of the allotment from the penetration of uninvited guests.

Gooseberry It has a long fruiting period, which, with proper care, reaches 20 years. A light-loving plant in a shady place will bear less fruit, and the berries themselves will be noticeably smaller. Does not like excess moisture, as when in large numbers water in the soil contributes to the beginning of the process of decay of the root system. This only means that the bush will die. You can plant seedlings in spring or autumn. Experienced gardeners prefer autumn planting, because it is difficult to have time to place the young after thawing the soil, but before budding. When planting, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 1 to 2 meters between the bushes, in accordance with the size of an adult plant. Loves loose soil, grows better, bears fruit on it. It is required to fertilize the plant abundantly every year.

Turn grows no more than 2 meters, is a species with an abundance of thorns that do not reduce the decorative qualities of the plantation. seedlings this plant you can just take it in the forest. Blackthorn is planted to a depth of 60-80 centimeters, and the width of the dig corresponds to the size of the root system. fertilize the bush better with a mixture manure compost. It is necessary to systematically machine, thin out the roots. It has such a high growth rate that already after 2 years on land plot a real hedge is formed. Fruits with edible berries. Can grow up to 4 meters, tolerates frost well. The bush is malleable to a haircut, but does not lose its appearance when it grows freely.

It is distinguished by its endurance, reaches a length of 6 to 8 meters. The spines are located on the trunk and grow up to 5 centimeters. The fruits are tied about 7 years after planting in a new place. Hawthorn berries are edible and used medicinally. It is quite unpretentious to care, but should be watered monthly, and during the drought period, watering is carried out twice a month. The shrub is easy to cut, it keeps well the shape that was given to it. But even without pruning, it will not lose its decorative characteristics. For planting, seedlings are purchased, aged from 3 to 6 years, because they take root better. The first two years of growth on the new soil, the bushes are not sheared, and shaping pruning is done only when the trunk roots reach a diameter of 1.5-2 centimeters.

Rosa artisanal is a very decorative vegetation, loves well-lit parts of the territory. If there is not enough light, then the shoots of the rose will stretch unattractively, and flowering will become very rare. In shady areas, it absorbs rainwater for a long time, as a result of which moisture stagnation forms. This increases the risk of bush disease. located under the straight lines sunbeams the plant can burn out from excess lighting. Grows best in loamy soil. It is recommended to drain the soil from sand, fertilize regularly. You can immerse inside the earth in spring or autumn. Planting material must reach the age of 3 years and have a developed root system. Do not plant diseased plants, seedlings with mold, growths or pests.

Rose hip - very decorative vegetation, which takes root very quickly under new conditions. Prefers sunny places. It is planted inside a trench, no more than 60 centimeters deep. The bush grows quickly, so it is recommended to plant one side by side, maintaining a distance of 50 centimeters between seedlings. It is required to limit the growth of the root system, otherwise the young shoots will fill a significant part of the soil on the allotment. Planting unpretentious to the ground is required regularly, abundantly watered twice a month. Every year it is necessary to feed the land with a specialized mixture for rose bushes. It blooms magnificently, bears fruit abundantly, regardless of whether fertilizers were applied or not.

otherwise called prickly cherry. Grows up to 2 meters tall. The decorative qualities of the princepia are enhanced by long curved rods. It resembles a vine, can move to other plants on the land. The berries ripen in the form of a spherical drupe of a bright red hue. The fruits are edible, used for making jams, preserves, compotes, dried fruits. The disadvantage of cherry berries is a large bone with a relatively small amount of pulp. The flowering period is accompanied by medium-sized yellow flowers that have a pleasant aroma. Flowers are collected by axils of foliage in an amount of 1 to 4 pieces. Vegetation is included in the list of plantations included in the Red Book.

reaches a length of no more than 100 centimeters. Handles winter well. The crown grows from the end of April, and sheds foliage in mid-October. It begins to bloom at the end of the first decade of May and lasts 2.5 weeks. It bears fruit with beans closed inside the pods from mid-August. Undemanding to the composition of the soil, the level of its acidity. Grows best in well-lit areas. Powerful roots help to strengthen the ground under the plant. Excellent resistance to mechanical processing. Can be planted singly or in groups.

- representative, growing about 1 meter high and 1.5 meters wide. Grows under any conditions, grows rapidly. The crown consists of leaves of rich green color with light bronze, which is replaced by winter time red or purple color. The period of flowering and setting of berries occurs somewhat late. Magonia blooms with yellow flowers that look like large heads. The shrub begins to bloom and bear fruit only after 3 years. However, in order to get a crop, you will need to plant two bushes at once: male and female, since the plant needs pollination. Unpretentious to the type of soil, requires soil drainage equipment. Differs in low growth rate, a pleasant smell of flowers, durability. It is better to plant sunny side land allotment or in partial shade.

is a tall variety of plants, reaches a height of up to 6 meters. The foliage has a pleasing silvery-green color, and the berries ripen a bright orange color. Does not require careful care, grows quickly enough. The first fruits ripen after 3 years from the date of planting. For better growth, regularly loosen the soil, water moderately. In order for the trunk to grow with a large number of trunks, after planting a seedling with one stem, it is shortened. The first three years of engraftment, the plant is not sheared, but upon reaching this age, moderate pruning is carried out. Fruit-bearing bushes must be provided with additional sanitary mechanical treatment. After 6-8 years, the bush is rejuvenated, and over 10 years old, it will be necessary to lower the crown.

grows rapidly, gives edible berries, which are used to make jam, compotes, and is also part of cold medicines. Shoot growth is very difficult to control, therefore, if raspberries are planted on the border of two plots, it should be fenced off with a fence made of artificial materials. To increase the protective characteristics of the hedge, the bushes are planted in a checkerboard pattern, keeping 30-35 centimeters between them. Planting of seedlings is carried out inside separate holes of small depth. Mechanical processing of green fencing is carried out twice a year: in spring and autumn. The decorative qualities of raspberry plantations can be improved by cutting at the same level. Get the most even surface possible with a stretched rope.

Rules and nuances of planting a barbed fence

The first step in creating a protective structure is always a plan. The scheme takes into account the location of the future fence, the number planting material, depth and width of the dig.

Prickly, depending on the species, they are planted either inside the trench, or they dig separate holes. Be sure to lay a layer of drainage at the bottom of the excavated space, fertilize. Drainage can be made from sand, it will also help regulate the level of soil fertility.

Seedlings need to carefully straighten the root system. They fill up the free space between the bush and the edge of the dig with local soil or buy enriched soil in specialized stores. At the end of the process, the soil must be well tamped and watered abundantly.

Despite the unpretentiousness of thorny plants, almost all of them love plentiful, regular watering without stagnant water. To avoid moisture retention under the bushes, soil drainage must be done even at the planting stage. If you skip this stage of planting, then from excess moisture, the plants will often get sick, they root system will begin to rot and as a result, the shrubs will soon die.

Bushes should not be planted near paths or paths on the site, as there is a high risk of injury, damage to clothes, shoes.

The average waiting time for the growth of a real green fence is 3-4 years. The denser the planting of plant seedlings will be, the denser and impassable the fence will be.

The first two years of engraftment, the bushes are not cut off, but you can cut them so much that only 10 centimeters remain, but this manipulation will stimulate branching.

In the third year of growth, it is allowed to attach the young to the trellises, which will make the lower part of the plantings more dense.

Only after 4 years of growth in a new place is it allowed to give the plantings the desired shape. To maintain it, you will need to regularly machine the plantings. This frequency is directly related to the high growth rate of the bush, the rapid growth of the rhizome and shoots.

Many varieties do not lose their protective, decorative qualities during free growth. Mechanical treatment of thorny plantations is required to maintain sanitary conditions of growth, as well as to control the growth of shoots.

Video instruction for planting a hedge of thorns:

With the help of a hedge, you can revive and hide unsightly places.

Shrub fencing can separate property from prying eyes like a solid fence, while remaining a great decorative element.

Thorny shrubs for hedges are ideal, as they are able to brilliantly perform both functions - aesthetic and protective.

In addition to the fact that the hedge is extremely picturesque, it can be used to successfully disguise inexpressive household hedges.

Absorbing dust and noise, it makes living on the estate more comfortable.

Lush evergreen living wall is the perfect backdrop for exquisite garden arrangements.

Fences feel good even in harsh Russian conditions.

If the wall of plants is of sufficient height and grown from thorny bushes, then it becomes an insurmountable obstacle for people and animals throughout the year.

The older the plantations, the denser and more impregnable they become, surpassing in strength such popular materials as profiled metal sheets. Hedges perfectly withstand wind, since their structure, despite the external density, is still quite transparent.

The walls of plants strengthen the soil with their root system. Hedges are grown not only in the alleys of parks, but also in gardens, in close proximity to perennial flower and berry crops.

Performing the function of snow retention, they contribute to the preservation of delicate shoots of roses and hydrangeas. Adding even low-growing hedges along paths in the garden leads to an improvement in the overall microclimate.

Abundantly flowering shrubs, such as wild rose and acacia, attract bees to the site, helping to increase the yield of fruit, berry crops and vegetables. It is preferable to choose honey plants with an early or medium flowering period.

Most rocks are incredibly prickly, so no animal larger than a mouse will pass through them. Hedges have been arranged for several centuries due to their excellent barrier and decorative qualities.

hedge height

The height of barrier landings is determined by the owners in advance, and based on this, they are already selected desired views plants. The highest hedges are obtained with trellis cultivation.

Crops such as white locust good lighting grow up to 4 meters, but at the same time they remain quite loose and cannot fully serve as an obstacle.

Shrubs planted in quality can, if not eliminate, then significantly reduce the intensity of drafts. It is known that undersized fruit and berry crops, which do not grow above 2 meters, feel very good next to a hedge. It is important that the tree is not shaded.

The height of the hedge depends on its purpose. When making a fence around the site, it is necessary to choose tall species that can reach 2 meters or more.

Almost all shrubs that are used in modern landscape design can reach this size. They choose thorny shrubs for hedges according to the photo and description, they clearly show the dimensions.

When forming bushes, you need to understand that almost every breed of plant is able to grow high, but not every one can form a thick and dense fence. For example, hawthorn in single or wild landings able to reach a height of 5 - 7 meters, but at the same time it takes shape.

With regular pruning, which is required to grow dense hedges, this plant will not reach this size.

For the formation of hedges of small height, hawthorn, wild rose and juniper are perfect, subject to timely pruning.

The hawthorn has a strong root system. This hardy long-lived plant is able to withstand dry summers and frosty winters with little snow.

It does not take root only in permafrost conditions, all the rest climatic zones fit him. Elastic branches intertwine and form an impenetrable wall, which even small animals cannot overcome.

Hawthorn reproduces mainly by root cuttings, which, under favorable conditions and in the absence of restrictions, can grow throughout the estate. From the moment of planting to reaching 1.5 meters, an average of 3 to 5 years passes. It grows for a long time, in the old gardens of Europe there are hedges from it up to 200 years old.

yellow acacia

Karagana or yellow acacia is a shrub that is very common throughout Russia.

It has long flexible branches, which, under the weight of rich foliage, hang down, forming three-dimensional compositions.

Perfectly tolerates a haircut, easily molded.

On the branches of the acacia are rare spines.

This plant loves sunny places, so in dense plantings with a lack of light, some of the shoots die off.

Because of this, acacia hedges are not dense, but their excellent decorative qualities compensate for this shortcoming.

Karagana reproduces well by root layers and cuttings, grows rapidly. For 2 - 3 seasons, you can get tall hedges that bloom profusely from April to June.

Acacia is a wonderful honey plant that attracts pollinating insects during the flowering period of fruit trees.

It is well acclimatized, therefore it has strong immunity and is practically not affected by diseases. Likes abundant watering, but does not grow well in shaded areas.

Rose hip

A low-growing shrub, distinguished, like all rosaceae, by tree-like strong branches, dotted with short and needle-sharp spines. Rosehip rarely grows to a height of more than one and a half meters, especially with regular haircuts.

In single plantings it can reach 2 - 3 meters, but then it looks more like a tree than a bush.

The wild rose is resistant to frost and other vagaries of the climate, characteristic of Middle Band. It tolerates well, after which it gives many young branches.

After 3 - 4 years of regular molding, it forms a very dense barrier. The hedge looks curly and light, but in fact neither the cats nor the neighborhood dogs can overcome it.

Rosehip blooms in late June - July, spreading a very pleasant unobtrusive aroma. You can create hedges from plants with the same color of petals, or you can plant different varieties interspersed, then you get a bright and stylish element landscape design. In autumn, rose hips produce fruits - bright red berries that can be used as food as a rich source of vitamins.


Prickly plum is a shrub of medium height, which, when growing, forms impenetrable thickets. Thorns are rare and very sharp, almost invisible among small leaves.

The branches are dark gray in color and covered with bark. small, oval, their number is not large, therefore decorative effect this shrub is rated as mediocre.

The main advantage of blackthorn is its ability to form impenetrable thickets.

Prickly plum lends itself perfectly to pruning, grows quickly, actively gives root cuttings sometimes this process is out of control. It is not recommended to plant it near cultivated stone fruit plants.

Crowded planting attracts pests that can fly to plum, peaches, cherries or apple trees.

Sea buckthorn

A thorny shrub that bears bright orange small fruits in early autumn. In rare plantings and in the absence of pruning, the plant acquires a tree-like form, but if it is formed, it can form impenetrable thickets.

The small leaves of sea buckthorn have a bluish-greenish color, in the bright sun they seem almost white. Long thorns and stiff branches form a serious obstacle that neither people nor animals can overcome.

Sea buckthorn actively grows from the roots, tolerates pruning well and grows quickly in sunny places. Berries have a sour taste and pronounced aroma, they are used in food in any form, being a rich source of potassium and vitamin C.

Fruits that cannot be harvested remain on the bushes all winter and serve as food for birds. Coniferous plants are not suitable for thorny hedges, as their branches are too soft, they take a very long time to grow, and only a few species tolerate pruning.

Formation of bushes, pruning

Despite the fact that different types of plants are used to form a hedge, the principles of planting and pruning are common to all. Planting is done in late autumn or spring at a distance of 15 - 20 cm from each other in one or more rows.

Those plants that could take root are pruned a year later according to the standard scheme.

In order to create dense growth and prevent the plants from turning into trees, the main trunk is removed completely, this happens in early spring when viable kidneys have already woken up.

The lowest of them will form the branches of the future bush. Two or three lower kidneys are preserved, and everything above is mercilessly cut off.

This year, pruning is not repeated, giving the plants the opportunity to grow maximum amount branches. Next spring, the overgrown branches are also pruned, leaving 3-4 buds on them and letting them grow again.

By the third year, the bush is enough, and the first growth is already appearing from the roots. From now on, pruning can be done twice a year.

The hedge is fully formed by the age of 4 - 5, the wild rose grows a little faster, the hawthorn and sea buckthorn form more slowly. The finished living fence should be pruned twice a year. The first is produced in early spring, when the branches are open and dead ones can be removed and new ones can be started to grow.

The second time the bushes are ennobled in late autumn for sanitary purposes. An intermediate haircut in the summer months has a rather decorative function; it is resorted to to give the hedge clear geometric shapes.

Rosehip grows well on supports or trellises. For this, a frame of metal rods is mounted, on which the branches of plants will rely in the future.

With this method of growing, wild rose requires minimal pruning, and the formation process will consist in the timely fixing of the branches and giving them the desired. Trellis planting is good because the hedge is higher, and the plants get more light.

Obviously, without human participation, even the most best plant will not form a hedge of the desired shape, so pruning - milestone work. How to form a green fence - on the video:

Landscape design: principles of building a harmonious composition

A barbed fence is not only decorative, but also a protective object. The sharp thorns of some shrubs are a serious danger, so it is unwise to place them near a playground or near gazebos.

The hedge should not obscure other plants, so it is wise to keep a distance of 2 meters from permanent plantings.

For such a fence of shrubs is a real field for creativity. Hedges can have a strict look and a clear geometric shape, or they can give the impression of a wild overgrown garden.

Reddish small hawthorn leaves look perfect in combination with coniferous plantations. Delicate acacia is beautiful in itself and can transform any landscape.

The decision on how the future hedge will look like is made even before the choice of seedlings, because the appearance depends more on the plant and its characteristics.

For centuries, fences, alleys and labyrinths have been formed from shrubs. They are not only amazingly beautiful, but also of great benefit to the site, forming a favorable microclimate.


Tern (prickly plum) is a shrub up to 4 m high. It belongs to the Rosaceae family. The leaves of the shrub are alternate, serrated along the edge, oblong. Its flowers open before the leaves appear, white color, solitary. The fruit of the prickly shrub is a rounded black drupe. The blackthorn blossoms in April - May, and its fruits ripen in July - August.

Where does the turn grow?

The thorn bush is common in Ukraine, the Caucasus and the European part of Russia. It grows among shrubs, on forest edges and glades, on mountain slopes, in ravines, in river valleys. Turn - home plant, so it can be found in many gardens around the perimeter of the plots.

Turn photo.

The turn and its preparation in the proc.

For medicinal purposes, fruits, flowers, branches, roots of the thorn bush are used. Blackthorn flowers are stored during the period of full flowering of the shrub. Its leaves are harvested immediately after flowering. The bark is stored during the period of sap flow, in the spring, and the roots - in the fall, at the end of the growing season.
The fruits of the blackthorn are harvested in the autumn completely ripe, and dried in dryers at a temperature of 45-50 ° C or in the sun.

The chemical composition of the turn.

The fruits of prickly thorns contain vitamins C, E and P, steroids, tannins, flavonoids, coumarins, pectins, sugars, fiber, malic acid.

Useful properties of the turn.

The fruits of the blackthorn increase intestinal motility, have an astringent property, the flowers of the blackthorn have a laxative and diuretic effect. The bark and roots of the blackthorn have an antipyretic and diaphoretic effect on the human body.


The medicinal properties of the blackthorn are used by folk medicine in the preparation of its preparations. Preparations from thorn flowers help with cystitis, kidney and liver diseases, boils, to purify the blood with purulent rashes on the skin and as a diuretic. The flowers are used for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the esophagus, mouth and throat. They lower blood pressure and improve metabolism.

A decoction of the bark and roots is used for douching in female diseases.

A decoction of blackthorn leaves is used for nephrolithiasis, chronic constipation, prostate adenoma, cystitis. Blackthorn leaf tea improves metabolism and has laxative properties.

The fruits of the thorn bush are used for dysentery, nonspecific candidiasis and colitis, and for food poisoning.

It is advisable to drink fresh juice from the fruits of the thorn bush for jaundice.

Turn in treatment.

Decoction of blackthorn fruits.

Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped raw materials with 1/2 liter of boiled hot water, boil for 10 minutes on low heat, wait until the broth cools down, and then filter. Drink half a cup before meals 4 times a day.

A decoction of thorn leaves.

2 tbsp. pour 1/4 liter of hot water over 1/4 liter of crushed leaves, boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes, wait until the broth cools down, filter, and squeeze out the raw materials. Drink in small portions throughout the day.

An infusion of thorn leaves.

1 st. pour a spoonful of leaves over 1/4 liter of boiling water, leave the mixture for 5 minutes, filter. Drink like tea: three times a day, 1 glass.

Infusion for urolithiasis.

2 teaspoons of flowers pour 1/4 liter of boiled cold water, insist for 8 hours, filter. Drink throughout the day in small portions.

Infusion of bark and roots of blackthorn.

Brew 1 teaspoon with 1 cup of boiling water. Insist until cool, and then filter. Drink throughout the day.

A decoction of the bark or roots of the blackthorn at a high temperature.

1 teaspoon of the roots or bark of a shrub pour 1/4 liter of boiled hot water. Boil over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then leave for 50-60 minutes, and then filter. Drink 1/4 cup three times a day.

A decoction of the bark or roots for external use.

5 g of roots or bark of a prickly bush, brew 1/4 liter of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes over low heat. Wait until the broth has cooled, and then filter through cheesecloth. Use for douching.

Turn: contraindications.

Thorn prickly is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to the components of the plant.

Features of the formation of a hedge from thorny shrubs

The best protection of the site from uninvited guests is a hedge of thorny bushes. Most of the thorny plants that are suitable for arranging living fences are also decorative. Beautiful foliage, flowers and a picture with bright berries that replace them delight the eye throughout the warm season.

Prickly shrubs are unpretentious in care and, as a rule, are frost and drought resistant. It is only important to correctly form a hedge from them so that it performs all its functions.

A finished prickly hedge will last about 4 years. On the initial stage shrubs are planted in a row at a distance of 20 centimeters from each other. Rooted plants after a year should be cut so that the shoots rise no more than 10 centimeters above the ground. Throughout this season, weak shoots must be removed in order to next year 3-4 strong branches remained. Where the branches intertwine with each other, they can be tied together to strengthen the hedge more and make it as impenetrable as possible.

In the third year, you can form the lower part of a living fence, fixing the regrown shoots on the trellis. In the fourth year, it is already possible to cut the bushes, creating the desired shape of the crown.

Most often, thorny plants such as wild rose, barberry, and hawthorn are used to equip hedges. But there are many other shrubs that are undeservedly forgotten.

thorny bushes in a hedge

Most thorny shrubs tolerate shearing well. Growth control must be constant, as shoots appear a lot during the warm season. To maintain a beautiful shape of the hedge, you need to carry out regular thorough pruning.

What are the most popular thorny plants for gardening and green fences? Let's start the review with the most popular shrubs.


There are many varieties of this plant suitable for creating a hedge. When choosing a variety, you should check with the seller how high it can reach. If the hawthorn is not cut, then as a result you can get just impenetrable thickets. The length of the spines of this plant in different varieties can vary from 5 to 12 centimeters.

Hawthorn berries also have healing properties. Pleasant in taste, they will help to cope with problems such as hypertension, insomnia, stress, and also cleanse the body of toxins.


Like hawthorn, barberry is very popular among gardeners. This plant has many varieties that can be combined with each other and with other types of shrubs. They are distinguished by their frost resistance, as well as a powerful root system. Therefore, with the help of barberry, one more task can be performed on the site: to strengthen the existing slopes.

All varieties of barberry lend themselves perfectly to a haircut. But it should be remembered that popular variety Thunberg has a height of no more than 1 meter, so it is not suitable for creating high hedges. With its help frame paths and flower beds. Good barberry and in single plantings.

Rose or wild rosehip

On the household plots You can find different varieties of this thorny shrub. They are distinguished by abundant flowering. During this period, the bushes are unusually transformed.

If you decide to create a prickly fence of roses, then you should know that the bushes can reach a height of 2-3 meters, and a powerful root system grows rapidly and gives many shoots that need to be regularly removed or special limits placed.


It is distinguished by the presence of prickly leaves of a rich green color. And small yellow flowers appear on the bushes at the end of winter. If the shrubs are planted very often, then during the flowering period you will admire the chic yellow hedge cap. Magonia grows well near water bodies and in the shade. Dense soils are also not afraid of her.

princepia chinensis

Decorative plant gives unusual foliage and beautiful flowers. Semicircular crowns give a lush shape to the bushes, and free-growing branches create some spreading.

This plant has very unusual flowers, in the place of which berries subsequently appear. They are used as a tonic. Prinsepia is unpretentious and frost-resistant.


A highly branched shrub that can reach a height of four meters. The plant does not require special care. With it, you can create an impenetrable fence that will reliably protect the site from gusts of wind, dust and prying eyes. Blackthorn is great for external fencing of the entire site.

White flowers appear even before the first leaves. Berries ripen in autumn and can be eaten.

Sea buckthorn

This is one of the most undemanding shrubs. Sea buckthorn can be easily propagated from seeds. Sea buckthorn hedges planted in two rows look especially good. Decorative shrubs give berries in combination with foliage. Sea buckthorn berries can be eaten, they have a number of healing properties. Fruiting is reduced if the bushes are cut regularly. But in this case, such trimming is necessary in order to maintain the boundaries of the fence.


Unpretentious. Caring for her is not difficult. When disembarking, it is better to immediately put some kind of limiter in order to prevent uncontrolled growth into neighboring areas.

For the density of the living fence, raspberries can be planted in two rows. And in order to make the fence impenetrable, the bushes must be staggered. Pruning is done in spring and autumn. The tops of the bushes are trimmed at the same level. Raspberries should be tied up in order to protect the branches from breaking off during strong gusts of wind.

Fragrant and tasty berries will please children and adults. And in order to have as many of them as possible, the raspberry hedge should be watered regularly.

Caragana treelike

Most often referred to as the yellow acacia. This plant has received its distribution from the territory of Siberia, therefore it is distinguished by its extreme endurance. From it you can make an excellent wind protection in the form of a living fence. For this, shrub caragana is used.

Karagana, or acacia, blooms profusely. During flowering, a pleasant aroma spreads in the area. The branches are covered with a few thorns.

Don't be afraid to use thorny shrubs to organize hedges. With their freshness and beauty, they are many times superior to artificial fences.

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Shrubs for hedges

Morphological analysis of the word online

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initial form : STICK
Part of speech: participle
Grammar: active, singular, nominative, masculine, inanimate, transitive, imperfective, present tense, animate
Forms: prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick, prick pricking, pricking, pricking, pricking, pricking, pricking, pricking, pricking, pricking, pricking, pricking, pricking, pricking

initial form: SHRUBS
Part of speech: noun
Grammar: singular, nominative, masculine, inanimate
Forms: bush, bush, bush, bush, bush, bush, bush, bush, bush, bush


Apricot ordinary (Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.) has short twigs-thorns Japanese quince high (Chaenomeles japonica) has spiky twigs

White acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia L.); branches, and in young plants and stems are densely covered with sharp spikes, which are stipules that have turned into spikes.

Acacia New Mexican (Robinia neome-xicana Gray); the branches are covered with numerous sharp thorns.

Acacia (caragana) prickly (Caragana spinosa D. C); stipules and petioles are spiny.

Acacia knife-shaped (Acacia cultriformis Cunn.) (evergreen, true acacia); with very long (up to 8-10 cm) strong and very sharp spines.

Aralia prickly (Aralia spinosa L.); stems and branches are densely covered with strong spines. Aralia Manchurian (Aralia mandshurica Rupr. et Max.); the trunk and branches are covered with woody thorns.

Barberry ordinary (Berberis vulgaris L.); shoots and branches are covered with tripartite spines up to 2 cm, sitting at the base of the petioles of the leaves.

Barberry Vicha (Berberis Veitchii S with h n e i d.) - evergreen shrub with three-parted spines 2-5 long cm.

hawthorns (Crataegus)(all types); in an ordinary or prickly hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacanika L.) spines are up to 1.5 cm, in hawthorn single-petal (S. tnonoguna Jacq.)-up to 2 cm. Particularly large spines american species: scarlet hawthorn (C. coccinea L.) - up to 3-4 cm and hawthorn (C. crus-galli L.) - up to 10 cm.

grapes of david (Vitis Davidii Loex.) has straight or slightly curved spines.

Gledichia three-thorned (Gleditschia tria-canthos L.) heavily armed with spines; on the branches (and shoots of young plants) the spines are tripartite (with the average longest) up to 10 cm, on trunks - many times branched, reaching a length of up to 50 cm.

Garnet (Punica granatum L.); branches are prickly (short shoots).

Pear (Pyrus)(almost all types); the ends of shortened shoots on young branches are pointed in the form of thorns.

Dzelkova Chinese (Zelkowa Davidiana Bean); branches with spines up to 10 cm.

Dereza vulgaris (Lucium halimifolium Mill.); branches are long, thin prickly.

hold the tree (Paliurus spina christi Mill.) - a very prickly shrub; at the base of the petiole of each leaf there are (on a branch) two stipules, which have turned into spines, of which one is straight and the other is curved.

Whiplash tree plier (Celastrus flagellaris Rupr.).

thorny shrubs for hedges

Branches with stipules that have turned into spines.

Blackberry (Rubus under the genus Eubatus Focke) (all types); the stems are planted with numerous thorns bent down. Leaf petioles also have spines.

Collection cruciform ( Collecia cruciata Gill.) is a very thorny leafless shrub (green branches perform the function of leaves) with pointed spines flat at the end crosswise.

prickly collection (Collecia splnosa Lam.) - a leafless shrub, densely covered with shortened, round, very sharp shoots-thorns -

Buckthorn laxative (Rhamnus cathartica L); most of twigs end in thorns.

Three-leaf lemon (Poncirus trifoliata Raf.) is a deciduous shrub heavily armed with thorns.

Goof prickly (Elaeagnus pungens Thunb.) - evergreen shrub with thorny branches.

Goof narrow-leaved (Elaeagnus angustifolia M - deciduous shrub with thorns (short shoots); sometimes without them.

Maclura (Madura pomifera Schneid.); branches and shoots with short straight spines.

medlar (Mespilus germanica L.) is a shrub with sparse thorns.

slinky (Hippophae rhamnoides L.); branches and shoots are prickly (thorns are short pointed shoots).

Common holly and its forms (Ilex aquifoliutn L.); leaves are prickly.

Pyracantha red (Pyracantha coccinea Rom.); branches (short shoots) are prickly.

Roses and wild roses (Rosa); in all types of wild roses (rose hips) and in most cultivated shoots and branches with straight or curved very sharp thorns.

Smilax (sarsaparilla) tall (Smilax excelsa L.) is a deciduous high-growing shrub with very strong and sharp curved thorns on the branches and smaller ones on the petioles of the leaves. In the Caucasus, it forms impenetrable thickets.

Turn (Prunus splnosa L.); branches with thorns (short shoots).

Gorse (Ulex europeus L.) is a branched, very thorny shrub.

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Fast growing shrubs - a quick solution for hedges

No. 1 Morning found us near the sea. The fact that a nine-point storm was raging at night was only reminiscent of floating algae thrown onto the coastal crystalline rocks. There are so many of them that it seems as if the ocean deliberately laid this green carpet here. Near the ground itself, a fine cold hoarfrost still shimmers wetly, but above the sky is already crystal clear. Suddenly, the first rays of the sun splashed, and millions of diamonds shone everywhere: on the juniper bushes, in the thickets of reeds growing near the nearest river, and on the mother-of-pearl shell that had been thrown on fire. It seems that no human foot has set foot here, but here you can see a fresh trace of a three-ton truck that drove along the sandy shore, and there is someone's dilapidated plank. However, look: is this the footprint of a bear cub? We need to hurry up, and therefore, having hastily refreshed ourselves with pork stew and chocolate, we set off. Our shoes have not dried up yet and, contrary to assurances, get very wet. Everything is shining after a recent downpour: both blue chicory flowers and some bushes with red berries. My friend follows them into the very thicket, despite the fact that the bushes prickle and sting. Look: here the chicks open their beaks wide. How low are the nests! Here, probably, there is no one to ruin them. So we continue to move forward, taking this unexpected tribute from nature. But since our rear guard is too stretched, the head of the expedition gives the order to trim. And we keep going, forgetting about all the sorrows and shortcomings of our expedition. It is not necessary to underestimate the difficulty of such trips, but I do not want to underestimate the pleasure they provide. We walk through a forest sprinkled with a myriad of drops that hang even on the needleless branches of old Christmas trees. No matter how heavy our backpacks are, we all later recalled our trip with pleasure.

Ornamental shrubs for hedges

Drought tolerant shrubs, including flowering and evergreen shrubs, are an ideal choice for gardens in areas with dry climates and lack of irrigation or where water resources extremely little. Despite the fact that the plants receive little moisture, there are many types of drought-resistant shrubs that are very attractive for decorating the garden.

A variety of colors of flowering bushes, abundant flowering, delicacy of the aroma of flowers and high functionality make them popular among gardeners. So which drought tolerant shrubs will be beneficial for your garden to use as a hedge? What shrubs require minimum care and at the same time bloom profusely for a long time?


Flowering lilac bushes are an elegant decoration of any garden. It is a slow growing shrub with blue-green or grey-green leaves, purple, white or pink flowers. Lilac brushes bloom in April-May. beautiful shrub in the spring it decorates the garden with abundant flowering, and in the rest of the season it turns into a beautiful privacy fence. Lilac can grow from 3 to 5 meters in height and 2 to 4 meters in width. Being a drought tolerant shrub, lilac easily survives in many types of soil and does not require close attention from the gardener, except for pruning when it needs to be made into a compact shrub.


Barberry (Berberis) is an evergreen shrub with thorns and yellow or orange flowers that turn into red berries are included in many recipes. Barberry bushes can create thickets for safety from prying eyes. Through the thorny thickets of barberry it is impossible for an uninvited guest to enter your garden. Growing between 1.5-2.0 meters in height and about the same size in width, drought-resistant shrubs are ideal for their protective function. In addition, after flowering, the evergreen shrub can be trimmed to look neater and more compact. Barberry grows so easily that it can be grown on its own. These drought tolerant shrubs require ample sun and dry soil. They are less susceptible to various diseases, pollution environment. Exists different kinds barberry like Rosa silver barberry, Crimson dwarf barberry, golden barberry and others.


Yucca evergreen shrub, also called Adam's needles, is quite recognized as a drought-resistant shrub. Widely used as ornamental plant in the gardens. Yuccas are definitely colorful and picturesque plants because of their rosette of tough sword-like thorny leaves that bloom in an upright column with numerous creamy white flowers. Some types of Yucca have cream or yellow threads in green leaves, which decorates them very much. Yucca shrubs are brightly colored all year round. They are considered drought-resistant shrubs because they feel better in dry and hot climates, although they also withstand short-term frosts of up to 18-20 degrees.

Spirea shrub

Spiraea is a drought tolerant shrub that can be used for hedges, garden divisions and mass plantings for many years. They are usually grown in the middle and northern strip. There are more than 70 types of spireas. There are Billard's spireas with inflorescences in the form of ears of raspberry color, Grandiflora willowy spireas with pink delicate ears of flowers. Look nice Japanese spireas Gold flame with bright pink-red inflorescences. Very decorative spireas with yellow leaves Spiraea japonica Golden Princess

Spireas require well-drained soil and are considered hardy shrubs because they can grow quite well in poor soils, such as in urban areas. Most spirea are photophilous. In the sun, the flowers bloom well and bloom regularly.

Dwarf Burning Bush or dwarf euonymus

This is simply a stunningly beautiful bush because of its attractive color. It is also called the flaming bush. Emerald green in summer, with orange and red berries, turning into an intense fiery red bush in autumn. Euonymus bush can be used to create low borders and individual thickets against the background of the lawn. The brightness of the leaves depends on the illumination. The dwarf euonymus loves fertile soils, is frost-resistant, resistant to diseases and drought.
As you can see, drought tolerant shrubs shouldn't look unsightly due to lack of irrigation. Nature has taken care of the beauty and resistance to various hardships of plants growing in arid regions.