Fresh flowers in the interior. Indoor plants in the interior - rules for choosing plants and using them in interior design (102 photos)

The most popular decoration for the living room interior was and remains fresh flowers in vases and indoor plants in pots. With their help, you can make a room nobler, more comfortable and much more lively. Flowers are combined with all stylish trends in interior design. They are appropriate to use both in a simple country living room and in classical and palace settings. This decor matches any finishing materials and other accessories. But when decorating the interior, it’s worth knowing which flowers are best suited to a particular style. We've collected a few for you useful tips who will help you choose a living decoration for your home.

The bright blooming Decembrist is the most unpretentious and beautiful indoor plant

Plants in the living room interior: design solutions with an original approach

If you have flowers in your house, and you probably 100% have them, be sure to pay attention to what kind of plants you have. Previously, violets were found in many houses. Today it is last century. Now it has become fashionable to decorate your home:

  • monsters;
  • azaleas;
  • palm trees;
  • ficus;
  • dracaenas;
  • anthuriums;
  • orchids;
  • hippeastrum.

Remain at the peak of popularity tropical plants. If your living room has a lot of free space, be sure to decorate it with bocarney. Modern trends are such that so-called “flowers” ​​are not used in apartments. Now flowers are found only in beds and flower beds, and green plants are used at home, for example, it can be bonsai. Such plants are increasingly used to decorate living rooms in the Scandinavian or minimalist style.

You can decorate entire walls in the living room interior with flowers.

Recently, there has been a trend that attention is paid not to colors, but to the harmonious arrangement of colors in the apartment. It has become fashionable to use dried flowers in modern interiors. For originality, they can be placed in an original vessel, for example, a clay jug or a small watering can.

Living indoor plants look harmonious against the background natural materials, for example, it could be a stone

Feel free to experiment with flowers and plants. Their unusual presentation can completely change your idea of indoor flora. Increasingly, classic vases are being replaced by rare jars, gravy boats and other various containers.

Use plants in your living room that can purify the air, such as myrtle.

As for the arrangement of flowers, they can stand not only on window sills. Place them on the balcony, shelves, racks or just leave them on the floor. But everything must be done in moderation. This way you can oversaturate the interior with flowers, which will affect the style of the interior.

Tabletop flower stands are available in stores. You can place small flower pots on them

Plants in the design of a modern living room

The living room is the largest and most welcoming room in the house. Most often located here large plants with carved leaves. Be sure to consider a place to place living accessories. Place plants that you like near the window. sunlight. Place shade-loving flowers in the dark corners of the room. If your living room isn't like this big size as you would like, it is better to use small plants in hanging baskets or pay attention to climbing specimens.

Houseplants can be placed anywhere: on the floor, on a table or fireplace

To decorate the interior of the living room, you can use freshly cut flowers, which are placed in vases. You can also use small plants in compact pots.

Tall plants with large and wide leaves look beautiful and impressive

The interior of the living room should be airy and light. To arrange flowers, use small, soft floral arrangements. You can also use suspended structures. Transparent flasks, small aquariums or glass balls are suitable as ordinary pots. Each of these options will make the interior light.

For planting indoor plants, you can use tall pots made of wicker material.

Tips and tricks for decorating your living room with flowers and plants

Let's look at a few important advice who will help in arranging the hall. With their help you will learn all the nuances.

Tip 1. Buy the right dishes or make them yourself

A flower in an interior is perceived primarily from the shape, size and shade of the pot. If such dishes are correct, they will help decorate the interior. Don't buy a pot that looks nice on the store display. Based on the interior preferences of the room. It should be harmoniously combined with decor and finishing materials. You can use metal tea packaging or other iron cans as an original plant pot. To bring them to a beautiful appearance paint the dishes. You can reveal all the charms of antiquity by thoroughly washing the jars.

There can be a lot of plants in a room, but the main thing is not to overdo it with them.

Tip 2. Give plants their own specific personal space.

Don't hide flowers on windowsills behind curtains. Plants should decorate the room. Buy special flower stands for them or build hanging shelves for them. Such a decorative element will never be out of place in the living room interior. If you arrange plants and furniture for them correctly, the room will not be overloaded.

With the help of plants you can create a corner for relaxing and reading books

Tip 3. Don’t create floral combinations from “grandma’s” flowers and fashionable plants

Do not use violets to decorate your home. Replace them with stylish bamboo or cacti. If you have old begonias in your house, then say goodbye to them. Succulents can easily take their place. With the help of modern and fashionable plants you will make the interior:

  • pleasant;
  • saturated;
  • attractive.

Professional designers have announced a new trend in living room interior design - creating terrariums at home. Today, not a single flower can compare in beauty and popularity with such original compositions. The terrarium can be safely placed in any corner of the room. In each case, it will look original and advantageous. Plants in a terrarium do not grow very quickly, so you will have time to create a beautiful composition and enjoy it. If you have everything in order with your imagination, create entire settlements in a plant terrarium.

If there is little space in the living room, use hanging planters that are attached to the wall

Tip 5. Use unpretentious indoor plants in your living room decor

The most popular and unpretentious indoor flower is zamioculcas. It can do well in sun, shade or without much watering. It has become very popular to use zamioculcas in the interior design of a room. You can also consider the Crassula, which is popularly called the “money tree.” Such plants remain attractive and beautiful at any time.

In spacious living rooms, use large clay pots for indoor plants.

Tip 6. Create a garden of bulbous flowers in your living room interior

If you are a creative person, then don't be afraid to experiment with plants. Therefore, traditional pots are increasingly being replaced with kitchen utensils, and instead of classic plants, plant flowers in the living room that were previously found only in the garden. Bulbous flowers will help you enjoy the bright colors and scents of flowers in the winter. This way you will succeed own garden from flowers.

The mantelpiece can be decorated with fresh indoor flowers of different shapes and colors.

Tip 7. You can decorate your living room using artificial flowers

Modern progress has reached the point where artificial plants are no different from real specimens. The only thing that distinguishes them is that they do not need to be looked after. Such plants are chosen when you do not have time to care.

The living room can be decorated with freshly cut flowers, which are placed in beautiful vases.

A few years ago, bright pots with polka dots, flowers, or stripes were in fashion. The fashion for such dishes has passed. Nowadays it is better to use plain pots that match modern or vintage furniture. They should not be conspicuous and should be neutral elements in the room. All attention should be focused on the plants, but not be the central focus.

Classic vases can be replaced with bottles and other vessels of original shape

Tip 9. Using plants you can create an area for rest and relaxation

The most popular area for creating relaxation in the living room is the balcony. Make a beautiful exit from the living room to a relaxation area. Remove old things from the balcony. Place a folding table, chair and shelves with plants. Let this place remain spacious and cozy.

In modern interiors, it is fashionable to decorate the living room with vertical gardens

Photo gallery: flowers in the living room interior

Indoor flowers add color to our lives, create mood and home comfort. They can bring great benefit their owners. Therefore, you need to choose them correctly, since certain types not only enliven the room, but also improve well-being, warm you up in the cold and are simply pleasing to the eye.

Beneficial properties of house plants

Here are the main ones:

  • Accumulates in poorly ventilated rooms carbon dioxide. Flowers absorb it and saturate the air with oxygen.
  • Medicinal plant species treat cuts, burns, colds and other ailments.
  • In winter, indoor air becomes dry due to the heating system, which affects the condition of the skin and well-being. Flowers help humidify the air.
  • We are surrounded by objects that can release toxic substances. City air contains a lot of dust, exhaust gases, and heavy metals from emissions from factories and enterprises. Plants purify the air, kill microbes with the help of their phytoncides and absorb harmful impurities.
  • Popular beliefs give indoor flowers the properties of bringing happiness, harmony, tranquility, etc. We included in our review some plants that, according to signs, are useful for their owners.

Indoor plants: choose for yourself and your loved ones


This is a well-known home healer. It will help with colds, inflammation, can stop bleeding and heal wounds. Its juice is used to treat throat, heartburn, gastritis, gum inflammation and other diseases. It is often used for cosmetic purposes.


It is also very useful to keep in the house. This is a bushy plant with thin and bendable leaves that have light stripes. It will help get rid of moldy fungi and pathogenic bacteria, cleanse the air of those present in it harmful substances. Chlorophytum will bring peace and comfort to your home.


Great for growing in a pot on a windowsill. It improves appetite and stimulates the digestive process. Its leaves are good to use as a seasoning for various dishes and to brew tea with them.


By many favorite plant fits perfectly into the kitchen interior and does not take up much space. Violet will clean and humidify the air from carbon monoxide. This flower is a symbol of peace and tranquility in family relationships. It is believed that white flowers help get rid of sadness, fatigue and depression. Blue violets are suitable for creative people. They give peace of mind and stimulate spiritual growth and strengthen character. Flowers of red and pink colors lift the spirits and can protect their owner from diseases.


It does an excellent job of collecting dust that settles on its leathery leaves. They are very easy to wash or wipe with a damp cloth. Ficus will saturate the room with oxygen, purify the air from unpleasant odors. It improves family relationships, calms and relieves anxious thoughts.


A beautiful vine, for example, scindapsus, looks good in a hanging pot. It has green, heart-shaped leaves with yellowish spots. It is unpretentious and perfectly purifies the air. Scindapsus transforms lazy energy into activity. It can be placed in the kitchen.

Wax ivy

This climbing flower with hard leaves oval shape. It has white, pink or red umbrella inflorescences. The plant neutralizes negative energy in the house, protects the owner from troubles and cleanses the air of germs.


Lush curly geranium has many healing properties. It repels moths and evil spirits, relieves irritability, normalizes sleep and fights pathogenic bacteria. Her mere presence in the house attracts good luck and fulfillment of desires. The aroma of these flowers relaxes and relieves headaches. If the plant withers, they believe that one of the household members may get sick.


This plant can be squat or tall, with a thick trunk. It is often called the money tree. Crassula has small dark green leaves that are arranged symmetrically on the branches. They look like little coins. Therefore, it is believed that the fat woman is capable of attracting material wealth into the house.

Sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue)

Quite a tall plant with massive elongated leaves. They come in one color and are dark green in color. They also have light stripes in the middle or white spots. The flower improves family relationships and brings harmony. Its leaves are antiseptic, which is why they are widely used in folk medicine. Sansevieria juice is used to heal wounds, and the plant can also stop bleeding.


This bushy plant has a purple color. Its leaves resemble a flock of butterflies. During flowering, small white umbrella flowers appear on it. The branches of the flower can intertwine with each other. Oxalis leaves can be used in cooking, for example, added to salads. They taste like sorrel. The plant improves intuition and sharpens the senses. It can be held by those who want to meet their soulmate and attract attention.

Cactus (Echinopsis)

It has a spherical, slightly elongated shape. Its ribbed body is covered with small needles. If you take good care of the cactus, it will bloom towards the end of spring. And every year a shaggy soft arrow will appear on it, from which a bud with a wonderful aroma will then open. It will bloom for up to 3 days. The cactus is placed near the TV or computer and in other places with dangerous radiation.


All citrus fruits are calming nervous system and relieve stress. A tree can be grown from a lemon or tangerine seed. The leaves, just like the fruits, can have beneficial effects. Plants emit essential oils, which help calm, relieve stress and fatigue, and ensure healthy and sound sleep.

Myrtle or eucalyptus

These plants are perfect for the bedroom. Their leaves secrete substances that make breathing easier and relieve bronchospasms. It is very useful for people suffering from asthma and respiratory diseases.

It is customary to give myrtle to newlyweds as it is a symbol of long and happy times. family relations. It needs to be carefully looked after so that the plant does not die and take away its well-being.


Thanks to her, the room will be filled with the freshness of a coniferous forest. It is a miniature pyramidal shaped tree with soft needles. The plant perfectly purifies the air.


Many flowers, according to signs, bring harmony and love to the house. For example, spathiphyllum is a symbol of female happiness. He helps the girl in search of her soul mate and saves the relationship of the married woman.


This is a small 30-centimeter plant with heart-shaped leaves that will make its owner happy and bring her good luck in love.

Dwarf pomegranate

It is believed that its fruits can strengthen marital relationships if husband and wife try them together.


It is recommended to place red flowers in the bedroom. They bring harmony and mutual feelings into the life of a married couple. Anthurium has glossy, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. According to legend, this flower will bring good luck to its male owner. Anthurium is a symbol of courage, masculine strength, passion, desire for freedom and love.


It has long leaves and single flowers of a curled form. It protects the home and generates joy and goodness, and also transforms negative energy into positive.


Red camellia will help refresh your relationship. Its inflorescences look like peonies. The plant brings success in creativity and career.


It has small inflorescences of different colors. This is a real home healer. The flower heals cuts, treats colds, regenerates skin, relieves stomach ulcers and even varicose veins.


An indoor plant with dark matte leaves with white inclusions. Cyclamen inflorescences resemble butterflies; their shade can vary. Most often, one shade smoothly transitions into another. Flowers have strong energy. They help get rid of fears, depression, bad dreams.


This is a flower with large oval leaves on which a grooved pattern is applied. During flowering small white or yellow flowers. The flower purifies the air well and absorbs negative energy. Signs suggest that calathea creates a peaceful atmosphere in the family.

Plant and grow plants and flowers at home, and the atmosphere around you will be filled with positive energy and pleasant aromas!

Flowers in the apartment are wonderful! Agree, their presence creates a unique feeling of comfort and coziness. The interior of any living space benefits from the presence of greenery. I am sure that there are many flower growers among the site’s visitors, but, unfortunately, many of them do not have the largest living space, to put it mildly. Hope this article helps you solve the problem placing flowers in a small room .

So, if you are the owner of a modest apartment, then it is better to avoid large flowers with large leaves the following reasons:

  1. - such plants, like everything large and bulky, will visually greatly conceal the space;
  2. - large leaves can make it difficult for light to enter the room; again, a dark room seems smaller than it actually is;
  3. - if a small plant can be placed on a hanging shelf, then a large flower can only be placed on the floor, which will also reduce the amount of already precious square meters;
  4. - in a small room, a large flower will become another dust collector;
  5. - if the room is small, then you will always be in close proximity to your favorite flower, and let’s not forget that at night plants emit not oxygen, but carbon dioxide, such proximity can negatively affect your health.

And vice versa - the larger the room, the larger the indoor plants should be . In a spacious room, you can also increase the total number of flowers.

If you still want to have a tree-like plant in your interior (dracaena, philodendron or ficus bengal), then you will have to reduce the amount of furniture, striving for minimalism.

No matter how much of a lover of indoor plants you are, if the area of ​​the room is small, reduce their number – pots placed everywhere will definitely create a feeling of clutter. You don’t always have the energy and time to care for all flowers equally carefully. It’s better if there are fewer of them, but they will all be pleasing to the eye, as they say, small is the spool, but precious. I repeat, at night plants produce CARBON DIOXIDE! If there are a lot of them in a small room, so much the worse, if you sleep in it, then you are seriously risking your health. Sooner or later, you will notice that you wake up in the morning not at all rested; your body will be characterized by a general loss of strength.

Conclusion: in a small room, flowers should be small in size and their number should not exceed ten to fifteen pieces. If you still gravitate towards large plants, then you will have to make do with two, maximum three, representatives of such flora.

Now let's talk about ways to place them. The first one, which suggests itself, is, of course, windowsill . Well, this one is the one traditional version has a right to life. The only thing I would advise you to think about is how you will open the window if necessary. If the option of constantly removing flowers to another place suits you, then you may well use it. For window sills, there are special spacers and stands made of metal and plastic of different colors, on which you can place flowers at the height of the window. By the way, I will say that professional flower growers advise keeping flowers on such stands, especially in the winter season.

If the room has access to a glazed balcony, then you have another wonderful place for growing flowers; if desired, this place can even be turned into a winter garden. Special spacers from floor to ceiling will help you with this.

The option with hanging planters . However, if you have low ceilings, then hanging flower pots from them is highly not recommended. Otherwise, you will constantly “bang” your head on the pots, and the room will visually lose a significant amount of size. Hanging planters you can hang it along the walls on brackets, again, I repeat, there should not be many of them.

Along the wall At different levels you can hang several shelves on which your “favorites” will fit perfectly. Give preference to light, openwork designs so as not to “weight down” the already small room. I like these shelves best, made of metal; chipboard and wood are less suitable for small rooms. The combination of metal and glass looks advantageous.

As you have probably already noticed, in the article I do not give advice on how best to care for your pets or how best to position them relative to lighting - after all, these are questions of a floriculture rather than a furniture nature. You can look for answers to these questions on other thematic sites. One thing is obvious, that all design ideas for home improvement must be correlated with the optimal living conditions of a particular plant: some need shade, others need bright light, some need warmth, others need cold, etc....

Indoor plants in the interior make the room more comfortable; with their help, you can create a stylish modern interior. They improve the microclimate of the home, moisturize and purify the air, and absorb harmful vapors and carbon dioxide.

The choice of plants depends entirely on your taste. But, knowing certain recommendations for placing and caring for them, you will ensure that representatives of the evergreen flora of the subtropics and tropics will delight with lush greenery, and African and South American beauties with gorgeous flowers.

Maximum create ideal conditions for plants is possible only in a greenhouse with sufficient quantity large high windows, maintaining temperature balance and maintaining the necessary humidity.

But different plants may require different comfortable conditions depending on light, heat-loving and humidity conditions.

  • place plants as far as possible from radiators;
  • do not create strong drafts (especially in winter), but ventilate the premises;
  • Place plants near windows depending on the brightness of the light.

In addition, do not forget that plants are living organisms that need care. Timely watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, wiping (and possibly washing) the leaves from dust require an accessible location of the plants.

Large flowers can be placed on low floor stands. Curly ones require location on vertical supports, walls or hanging on windows.

Interior decor with plants


Everything in the bedroom should contribute to a restful sleep.

Do not place plants in the bedroom next to the bed:

  • they absorb carbon dioxide only during daylight hours;
  • The smell of flowers can become very intrusive if you inhale these aromas for too long.

Opt for low-flowering and long-growing plants.

Suitable plants for the bedroom include chlorophytum, spathiphyllum, aloe, kalanchoe, begonia, geranium (pelargonium), sansevieria, myrtle, lavender and indoor jasmine.

Children's room

There are special requirements for premises for children.

Plants in the nursery should be arranged in such a way that the child cannot be injured by dropping or injuring a pot of flowers.

Children are inquisitive - they can touch or even taste everything they can reach.

Under no circumstances should you place plants (or their parts) that have poisonous sap (ivy, schefflera, fatsia, aglaonema changeable, spurge, monstera, dieffenbachia, oleander, poinsettia, spathiphyllum, ficus, cyclamen).

The same applies to plants with thorns or needles (cacti, roses).

Do not place scented or flowering plants in nurseries. Flower pollen is an allergen.

You should not provoke a child’s body that has not yet formed protection against external influences, constant additional stress on the immune system.

It is preferable to place Sansevieria in the nursery, lemon Tree(produces phytoncides), Kalanchoe, chlorophytum, violet, cypress (has antibactericidal properties), begonia, Decembrist, hibiscus, tradescantia, peperomia.

But flowers are still needed for the nursery. Caring for plants instills hard work in children. Plants improve the aesthetics of a home, which also affects psychological condition and develops taste.


Plants can play different roles in the kitchen. This includes introducing curved lines into the geometry of the kitchen, purifying the air, and green color spots that are pleasing to the eye.

But not all indoor flowers are able to withstand excess heat and absorb fatty substances released during cooking.

Unpretentious plants include tradescantia, ivy, asparagus, cissus (all of them will look great on walls, top shelves kitchen furniture, on the refrigerator).

Place the orchid, violet, and chlorophytum on a window facing north, northwest or northeast to avoid direct sunlight.

Dieffenbachia, cacti, Ficus Benjamin, Zamioculcas are enough large sizes can be placed in an elegant floor vase or a large beautiful tub on a floor stand, which will make it easier to move plants if necessary.

Decorative peppers placed on the windowsill can add a successful accent to the kitchen. Their bright fruits, when ripe, can be eaten as a spice.

Living room

Almost any plant can be placed in the living room. The environment should be cozy and become a relaxation area. Guests are received here and family members themselves gather here every day.

For a large living room, you can choose ficus, palm, hibiscus, large dracaena and oleander.

Also acquire plants whose light aroma can improve your mood - in large rooms they won't be so intrusive.

For small living rooms, you can choose hoya, aeschynanthus, saxifrage or any other plants of a more compact size.

To purify the air, it is good to place plants that have antimicrobial properties. These are oleander, pelargonium, spotted begonia, lemon tree and ficus.

Flowering plants relieve visual fatigue. Choose cyclamens, azaleas, graceful orchids, miniature roses or huge monsteras.

Lush plants with rich greenery will also be an excellent solution for decorating the living room.


It seems that flowers and the bathroom are incompatible concepts. But in fact, the bathroom creates ideal conditions for some types of plants due to its high humidity.

It's good when the bathroom has natural light.

Heart-shaped philodendron loves water and looks beautiful in hanging baskets or planters.
For the peace lily, the best way to water it is by drenching the leaves.

Aloe vera grows well in sunlight, but can also live in artificial light.

Orchids are finicky, but they are tropical plants and the humidity in the bathroom will be ideal for them. They grow best in bright, indirect light, so they will produce fewer flowers in a windowless bathroom.

Lucky bamboo will do well in the bathroom; the plant does not like direct sunlight. It doesn't even require soil. It can be kept in a container with pebbles and water, which will add its own nuance to the bathroom interior.

Chlorophytum easily adapts to any growing conditions.

Sansevieria purifies the air and is not picky about placement conditions.

Ferns like regular watering and don't like bright light, so keeping them in the bathroom is a great idea.

You can also opt for shade-tolerant plants such as stromantha, arrowroot, cyperus, guzmania or aglaonema.

How to place flowers on the windowsill?

No one will be happy with an assortment of indistinct plants among a pile of pots on the windowsill. Plant placement requires certain rules and some ideas.

If you have multiple plants, choose pots, containers or planters of the same style and color. Moreover, throughout the interior of the room, and not just on the windowsill.

The rhythm of plants placed at equal distances from each other will have a calming effect on the psyche.

Beautifully flowering or plants with lush green It is better to place the hat alone.

For small, numerous flowerpots, you can consider decorative vertical ladders along window openings or horizontal lines when hanging (climbing and trailing plants).

If you have small plants, the care conditions for which are the same in terms of watering and lighting, you can place them in a single flower box along the entire width of the window sill.

Plants look especially impressive (as if they are growing from a window sill) if such a flowerpot is “recessed” along its entire height into the recess of the window sill.

A mini-garden of succulents and other miniature plants is an excellent solution for small window sills.

A composition of such plants can be placed in glass flasks or an aquarium.

If you have plants of different shapes, it is better to organize several levels by placing a flower table in front of the window below the level of the window sill.

Placing flowers on the floor

Sufficiently tall and large plants can be placed on the floor. The container for such plants should be heavy to avoid tipping over. A low floor stand can be used for cleaning purposes.

A couple of plants on either side of the door will look interesting. For example, flowering standard trees or vines such as Philodendron and Monstera can be used as free-standing specimens. This will add symmetry to the large room near the patio door and bring a bit of the garden into the room.

Placing plants on a stand

Plants with beautiful elongated stems and openwork weaves look better in the interior on stands made of various materials. Now there are a lot of stylish floor designs suitable for any interior.

Placing flowers on the walls

Against the background of pastel shades of the walls, vines, ivy, cissus, and various tradescantia look good.

You can also achieve the opposite effect: place plants with light or contrasting leaves, or bright flowers against the background of dark wall surfaces.

Spreading plants will enliven the monotony of walls with vertical stripes.

How to choose indoor plants

The choice should be made on those representatives of the flora that will go well with general style dwellings with sufficient lighting.


Of course, most flowering indoor plants are light-loving. They will only be comfortable near sources of natural light. These are the windows winter gardens, greenhouses. Bromeliads or arrowroots, begonias, gardenias, other flowers - the choice of plants is limitless.


No plant can grow without light, in complete shade. Shade-tolerant plants can be placed a maximum of 2 m from north-facing windows and no more than 3 m from windows facing other directions. In other cases, it is necessary to use artificial lighting.

Shade-tolerant plants include chlorophytum crested, aspidistra, aglaonema variable, ivy, rhombic rhombicus, green-leaved syngonium, peperomia, epipremnum, creeping callisia, tradescantia, scindapsus, cissus.


When creating the proper conditions and knowing the nuances of care, some exotic plants are no more difficult to grow than any other indoor plants.

Such plants include desert rose, banana bush, brownish magnolia, climbing boviea, club moss, a coffee tree, Guernia, Titanopsis, Mimosa pudica, Takka.

In interior design, living plants give individuality and a unique finished look to the home.

It is perhaps difficult to find an apartment in which at least one flower does not grow in a pot. And for many, decorative interior landscaping is not just a way to decorate a room, but also to collect an interesting floral collection. Proper use ornamental plants There is a whole science in the interior of residential premises, and you can familiarize yourself with its basics in this article.

Rules for placing plants in an apartment when landscaping the interior

When starting to garden the interior of an apartment, you need to remember the rules based on knowledge of the characteristics of each type of plant and the laws of design. When choosing a place for a purchased flower, you should know well what conditions will suit it. Thus, many flowering plants prefer bright, sunny places, while others, on the contrary, like partial shade.

The most favorable rooms for placing plants are those with windows facing south, east and west.

On the southern windows, illuminated by bright sunlight almost all day long, the following grow beautifully: bougainvillea, jasmine, cyperus, heliotrope, callistemon, oleander, rose, succulents, cacti and many other plants.

On the western windows, where there is always a lot of light and quite warm, such indoor plants in the interior as citrus fruits, hoya, beloperone, poinsettia, tradescantia, coffee, tea and other plants feel good.

On eastern windows, where the sun does not heat so much, you should place: azalea, dieffenbachia, bromeliads, anthurium, ivy, fuchsias, cyclamen and forcing bulbs (the latter must be removed after flowering).

Well, the northern windows will most comfortably accommodate: climbing philodendron, aspidistra, bay laurel, boxwood, dracaena, ivies, fatsia, cycads, begonias, impatiens, chamedorea graceana, ficus, howea, ferns and others. The decoration for landscaping the interior of a room can be one plant or, conversely, group plantings, varied in character and size - from a tabletop miniature to a winter garden.

As you can see in the photo, indoor plants in the interior look very harmonious:

Interior decoration with ornamental plants: choosing a background

The general rule for choosing a background when decorating an interior with indoor plants is this: the background and the plant should complement each other as much as possible, and not argue with each other. A monochromatic light background can be considered ideal - all plants look most advantageous on it.

A bright (light or dark) monochromatic background will favorably emphasize all variegated forms of plants, but leaf variegation is contraindicated for a dim monochromatic background - many plants with spectacular green foliage will be appropriate here.

A small background pattern will be balanced by plants with large leaves and flowers. A large, bright pattern is the worst background for placing plants in the interior. Flowers with small leaves against such a background they get lost, with large leaves - they argue with the background pattern. In this case, you can use plants with a minimum of foliage, such as nolins and pachyras.

Dark background, especially in combination with dark furniture, must be added bright colors. Bright variegated plants with white, yellow, red stripes and spots will pleasantly enliven the interior. Variegated dracaenas, dieffenbachias and plants with large white flowers or inflorescences - gardenias and jasmine - look very attractive. It is not recommended to use indoor plants with dark green leaves in such an interior.

Vertical stripes of the background will harmonize well with the wide leaves of the plants. Plants with narrow, ribbon-like leaves, such as Sansevieria, chlorophytum, and many lilies, are strictly unsuitable.

The horizontal lines of the background contrast well with the vertical lines of the plants, so in a wide room with low ceilings, against the background of wallpaper with horizontal stripes, plants with narrow upward-pointing leaves, for example sansevieria, yucca, will look great.

In the design of interior landscaping, use a contrast of textures and colors: for example, plants with smooth leaves look advantageous against the background of velor curtains, and ivy and tradescantia with dark leaves look advantageous against the background of light furniture.

Features of interior landscaping: color combinations

Color in the interior is one of the most expressive means and has a psychological, emotional, artistic and aesthetic impact on a person.

One of the features of interior landscaping is that when decorating the premises, the color scheme of not only plants, but also flowerpots is very important. When creating a composition of indoor plants, place bright, saturated colors in the center of the group, pale and delicate colors at its edges.

The use of monochrome plants with varying degrees of color saturation adds style to the interior.

An interior with bright color details will be balanced by plants with solid green leaves. Plants in the residential interior of a monochromatic room should be variegated, in bright, eye-catching pots.

Plants in a modern interior: compositional groups

The exceptional variety of plants makes it possible to create compositional groups of contrasting shapes in a modern interior. Thus, upward-growing dracaena goes well with bushy, broad-leaved young hibiscus and small ground cover dwarf ficus.

Plants successfully grouped in rooms can create bright and unexpected effects. The most suitable for this are hibiscus, hydrangea, palm trees, citrus fruits, cherry laurel, coffee and a number of other highly ornamental crops. An excellent addition to them would be creeping or hanging plants, such as passionflower, chlorophytum, monstera, gloriosa and others.

When selecting indoor plants for the interior of an apartment, it is necessary to take into account the size of the premises. Large plants mostly overwhelm the space of small rooms, visually making them even smaller. For small spaces, standard compositions consisting of small plants are good.

Large, single-standing plants, such as palm trees, indoor maple, boxwood, figs, bay laurel, orange and others, look good in large rooms or offices. In such rooms, an interesting type of composition is where large plants stand in the background: palm trees, pomegranates, citrus fruits, and in front there are interesting flower crops on the podiums in pots.

When placing indoor plants in flower arrangements Canopy crops are of significant interest - with their greenery and flowers they decorate windows and walls, balconies and verandas, and fill empty vertical space. It is preferable to place large plants separately, while small ones look better in a group.

Plants with an unusual trunk shape (jatropha, nolina, pachira), as well as miniature trees - bonsai - are best placed separately from other flowers. Place them on small tables or special illuminated shelves and they will become the centerpiece decorative element your room.

Interior landscaping design: the rule of the “golden ratio”

When selecting flowers and pots, when arranging indoor plants in the interior of a residential building and creating compositional groups, you must remember the rule of the “golden ratio” - the most harmonious ratio of elements.

The rule of the “golden ratio” can be formulated as follows: the ratio of the whole to the larger part must be equal to the ratio of the larger part to the smaller.

In numbers this rule looks like this: 5:3=3:2

  • (for example, the height of the plant should be 2/3 of the total height of the composition, i.e. for a vase - 1/3, for a flower - 2/3), or: 8:5 = 5:3
  • (for example, the total height of the composition is 8 parts, there should be 3 parts for a vase or container, 5 parts for flowers).

Each compositional group must have a central point to which the eye is drawn first. Spectacular plants, the brightest and most saturated colors or elements with an unusual shape are placed here. A composition is considered harmonious if one element clearly predominates (is dominant). This applies not only to color and texture, but also to size, such as plants and planters.

Landscaping can be done according to the principles of symmetry or asymmetry.

When placing indoor plants in the interior of rooms with chaotically arranged furniture and mismatched household items, symmetrically located crops will bring a sense of order. In rooms with many repeating objects (columns, mirrors, chairs, paintings), asymmetrically located plants will add a touch of naturalness and liveliness, and symmetry in the landscaping will emphasize the regularity of the interior.

Placing indoor ornamental plants in the interior of different rooms

When choosing decorative plants for the interior, it is important to remember that each room - residential or office - has its own purpose, and indoor plants should not interfere with its functionality.

Living room.

When placing indoor plants in the interior of this room, do not forget that the living room is the face of the entire apartment and is often the most spacious room. Therefore, a single large-sized plant will look great here. beautiful flowerpot- dracaena, araucaria, philodendron, ficus, various palm trees, laurel and others.

Smaller decorative leafy and beautiful flowering plants- poinsettias, tuberous begonias, hippeastrums, balsams, fuchsias, myrtles, gardenias, -

The main rule: in the interior of a bedroom, plants with a strong aroma of flowers and leaves have no place in the bedroom!

You can’t go wrong if you place one or two large plants (elegant dieffenbachia, unpretentious monstera or dracaena fringe) in the corner near the mirror. On the dressing table, place a delicate adiantum, blooming violet, low-growing agave or haworthia, that is, any rosette plant, the beauty of which is especially advantageous when viewed from above. The finishing touch Nephrolepis or blooming vriesia placed on the windowsill will become part of your bedroom interior design.

Children are most interested in fast-growing and beautifully flowering plants. When landscaping a children's room, adults need to remember that children not only sleep in it, but also run and play. Therefore, when decorating a children’s interior with decorative plants, you need to give preference to compositions that use techniques vertical gardening to leave maximum free space for active recreation.

Please pay Special attention on the stability of the pots, do not place them on shelves from which the pots could fall and injure children.

When choosing plants, give preference to those with dense, leathery leaves.

Plants for landscaping the interior of a children's room should not be poisonous, have thorns and a strong odor of leaves and flowers.

Decorating the interior of the kitchen and bathroom with living plants

When placing plants in your apartment, do not forget about the kitchen and bathroom.

The kitchen is the best place for plants that require high humidity. These plants include cissus and asparagus.

A coffee tree in the kitchen is unlikely to bear fruit, but it will create coziness. When decorating the kitchen interior with live plants, laurel can be used not only for decoration - it grows quickly, and it also needs to be trimmed periodically to make it bushy. After trimming, the leaves can be used in cooking.

Citrus fruits also do well in the kitchen.

And if bright fruits appear after flowering, the plant will attract attention.

When decorating your kitchen interior with plants, it is not recommended to:

  • choose plants for the kitchen whose flowers have a strong or unpleasant odor, such as ginura or hyacinth.
  • place plants above the stove or on shelves next to it, as warm air from the stove can kill them;
  • use too spreading and fast-growing plants for the kitchen.


Even if the bathroom has windows, this is not the best place for flowers.

If the bathroom is cool, the plants in it will suffer from the cold, which, combined with high air humidity, will very quickly lead to their death. Therefore, if you haven’t given up on the idea of ​​transforming your bathroom, choose hardy, unpretentious plants for it that are easy to care for.

The exception is bathrooms large area With regulated system heating. Plants that require high air humidity can be placed in such a bathroom. A couple of spreading palm trees, a few small flowering plants - and the bathroom will become unusually cozy.

House plants on a windowsill in an apartment interior

Traditionally it is believed that the window sill is best place(and in small rooms this is often the only thing) for placing house plants in the interior of the apartment. There the plants receive enough light, air and heat, so in many apartments flowers are placed primarily on the window sills in the living room, bedroom, dining room or kitchen.

The size and location of the window sill is an important factor for growing flowers. Narrow window sills are the worst option. It is impossible to place lush plants on them or create a composition; the shapes of flower pots are also limited. There is a way out - expand the window sill or select for landscaping small plants with a shallow root system that do well in small pots.

You can use narrow flower racks, hang pots from the ceiling or in window openings.

In many apartments there is a battery central heating is located right under the windowsill. If the window sills are wide, this does not create any problems; it is much worse if the window sills are narrow. Warm dry air from the battery rises up to the window where the plants are located. As a result, air humidity, which is already low in winter, decreases.

Using this method of plant placement, select crops that can withstand the dry air of apartments and spray them more often.

Most plants cannot tolerate cold drafts, so carefully seal any cracks in window frames.

If there is only one window in the room, it is better to purchase lightweight structures with shelves that are mounted in the window opening. It looks modern, does not overload the window, and allows light to freely enter the room.

To accommodate tropical, heat-loving plants, you can purchase or build a windowed closed flower garden or a mini-greenhouse with heating and automatic feeding water.

When placing plants on the window, remember:

  • light-loving plants are placed closer to the glass (make sure that the leaves do not touch the glass), and more unpretentious ones - a little further away;
  • climbing plants are best placed on the sides of the window, using various supports around which they will curl;
  • tall plants are well interspersed with short ones;
  • decorative-leaved and beautifully flowering plants can be combined into original compositions by adding flowering bulbous plants to them in winter: tulips, daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths, muscari.

The use of large ornamental plants in the interior of residential premises (with photos)

Plants can be beautifully placed not only on the windowsill. A free-standing large decorative leaf plant or a well-composed composition of several plants pleases the eye and turns a room, hall or office into an oasis where beauty and comfort reign.

We are accustomed to the fact that tapeworms are large, tall plants. Palms, yuccas, monsteras, dracaenas and dieffenbachias look great as a separate element of landscaping. But in the absence of such, they can be replaced, for example, by an echinocactus placed on a spectacular strong stand 70-100 cm high. Many hanging plants and vines can act as tapeworms. Secure large shoots to a thick support covered with palm fiber and you will have a magnificent specimen of a soloist plant.

Using this method of placing indoor plants, the recommended tapeworms are: araucaria, dieffenbachia, dracaena, cypress, spurge, monstera, nolina, palm, fatsia, ficus, philodendron, cereus, cycas, cyperus, cissus, chefflera, epipremnum, echinocactus, yucca and others.

For single-standing plants, appearance is extremely important - even one leaf with spotting can minimize the entire decorative effect. Therefore, carefully monitor the appearance of the flower - wash its leaves more often, and adult leaves unpretentious plants(monstera, philodendron, rubber and lyre-shaped ficus) can even be rubbed with special wax for plants.

When caring for a tapeworm plant, do not forget some rules:

  • do not place large flowers in the middle of the room or in places where they will interfere with the free movement of people. Place them in free corners, making sure there is enough light;
  • For large plants, purchase ceramic pots with wide, deep trays to prevent excess water from spilling onto the floor.
  • replanting large plants is extremely difficult, so instead of replanting, you can change them twice a year upper layer land onto fresh nutrient soil.

Look at photos of large indoor plants in the interior of residential premises:

Interior decoration using bonsai plants (with video)

Bonsai is native to Japan and China, where it has been grown for more than 1000 years. "Bonsai" translated from Japanese means "tree in a low bowl." Bonsai is grown in a flat container with a small amount of special substrate. Using professional techniques, gardeners create copies of mature trees that are dozens of times smaller.

Bonsai can live in room conditions decades. It cannot be called a cheap pleasure: its cost is higher, the older the plant is and the more bizarre its shape.

In order to grow a miniature copy of a plant, you need not only knowledge of biology and special agrotechnical techniques for growing and forming a plant, but also a certain flair and artistic taste. The art of creating bonsai is learned over many years, gradually improving and honing skills. Hobbyists with little experience are advised to buy ready-made bonsai in specialized stores.

Recommended plants for indoor bonsai: ardisia, euonymus, brachychiton, bougainvillea, gardenia, eugenia, ixora, fig, camellia, cypress, coffee, Crassula (crassula), croton (codiaum), kufeya, laurel, cherry laurel, lemon, myrtle, juniper, euphorbia, podocarpus (podocarpus), nolina (bocarnea), pittosporum, ivy (chedera), serissa, trachelospermum, ficus Benjamin, ficus dwarf, ficus obtuse, fuchsia, citrofortunella, schefflera.

It is better to place the bonsai on a separate table, shelf or flower stand, as it will get lost in the thick of green plants. Bonsai is often used to reproduce a certain landscape, placing a bowl with a plant in a large container along with moss, pebbles, fountains and figurines.

Remember a few rules:

  • Bonsai culture needs light, warmth and humidity in the same way as large trees;
  • when planting and feeding bonsai, use a special substrate and Bonsai fertilizers;
  • in summer bonsai are taken out to open air, and in winter they are installed in warm and humid rooms;
  • coniferous plants need rest, so in winter they need high humidity air and temperature 2-10 °C;
  • due to the small volume of the substrate, instead of traditional watering, the plant is often immersed for 40-60 seconds in water at room temperature so that the soil ball is evenly moistened;
  • Every 3-4 years, partially replace the earthen substrate. It can be composed of universal soil, peat and coarse sand (3:1:1) or you can purchase a special substrate for bonsai in flower shops;
  • To maintain a harmonious appearance, the crown of the plant is formed throughout its life, otherwise, over time, the bonsai will lose its miniature size.

This video shows bonsai plants in the interior of a living space:

Ideas for decorative interior landscaping: plants in a florarium (with photos)

Vessels for florariums can be of different shapes and sizes: large rectangular and round aquariums, glass glasses, jars, vases and even bottles. Moreover, plants can be grown both in closed vessels (bottles with stoppers, closed aquariums) and in open ones (vases and glasses).

Plants grown in open containers will need to be watered and sprayed periodically - with whatever bigger hole vessel, the more often you will have to do this. The most sensitive plants can be grown in closed containers; they are hardly watered or sprayed.

Do not place the garden in glass on a sunny windowsill - on hot days the temperature inside the vessel can rise significantly. It is also impossible to place the vessel far from the light, because glass already blocks some of the sun’s rays. The best place for a florarium - a well-lit place, protected from direct sunlight. And using fluorescent lamps, you can place your florarium even in a dimly lit place.

Caring for a glass garden:

  • spray and water the plants as needed;
  • for fertilizing, use a very weak solution of universal fertilizer;
  • to avoid one-sided growth of plants, periodically rotate the vessel;
  • remove faded flowers immediately, trim overgrown plants or replace them with younger ones;
  • Periodically clean the walls of the vessel from plaque using a sponge attached to a long stick.

Recommended plants for growing in closed glass containers: adiantum, cryptanthus, pellea, peperomia, pilea, pteris, selaginella, soleirolia, tiny ficus, fittonia, calathea, arrowroot, common ivy, columnea and others.

Attention! Plants planted together must have the same requirements for living conditions.

These photos show ideas for placing indoor plants in the interior of an apartment:

Decorative landscaping of the interior with beautiful hanging plants

When decorating the interiors of rooms, halls, offices, as well as terraces, balconies or loggias, ampelous plants are often used.

Ivy-leaved begonia, zerbina, tradescantia, hoya, asparagus, columnea, fuchsia, saxifrage, chlorophytum, ivy, ivy-leaved pelargonium, aporocactus, zygocactus and other plants with long flexible shoots not only decorate the interior with their greenery and flowers, but also fill empty vertical space .

Beautiful hanging plants in the interior can be placed in hanging baskets, flowerpots, wall vases, or can be used to build a “green wall” - a partition that divides the room into functional zones.

To do this, you need to place a narrow, long flower bowl on the floor and attach a decorative mesh, screen or trellis to it. They must be strong enough to support the weight of long plant shoots. To do this, you can make additional fasteners on the ceiling.

A flower girl covered with metal sheets or painted in silver color. Having secured the structure securely, pour a layer of expanded clay and soil into the flower bed and plant several plants with flexible long shoots.

To create “green walls”, use the recommended plants - they are unpretentious, grow quickly and reproduce easily. In the spring, lightly trim the shoots, root the cuttings and plant in a flower bed. With such regular replanting, the wall will be evenly greened over the entire area. Recommended plants for creating “green walls”: common and canary plush, plectranthus, roicissus, scindapsus, tradescantia, climbing philodendron, cissus, epipremnum, signonium, hoya.

With the help of climbing plants, you can not only divide the room into zones, but also create a “living carpet” on the wall. To do this, you will not need trellises, but decorative hooks fixed in the wall that support flexible shoots. The pots are placed on the floor, decorated or covered with furniture. It is important to assess in advance the degree of illumination in the room and, if necessary, take care of additional lighting for plants. Such a “carpet” requires minimal care, and the decorative effect is very great.

Using hanging plants necessary:

  • take into account how much light, heat and moisture the plant needs;
  • choose the right dishes on which water will not leak;
  • securely fasten the pots;
  • think over a way to water the plant at height;
  • between the pot with the plant and the flowerpot, pour granular clay, which will absorb excess water when watering.